Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

The battle to be top dog petsmart vs. petco

This created the popularity of the company and improved the customers trust in the benefit of the company. The structure of the company itself is a competitive strategy since it pleases the sight of the customer and the pet.

Intro to trauma studies

Types of floods Natural floods and catastrophic floods are the two classes of floods. In addition, when the intensity of water in rivers rises beyond the river banks, it eventually results to floods.


Since the company has started from the needs of the customer, then, it is more likely that the product will sell because the features preferred by the customers have already been identified in the planning and production process. Amidst the associated costs and some disadvantages of the market-oriented approach, I still believe that the business β†’

There is no set topic

This story is about a young boy named Paul who earns money for his family by predicting the winner of the horse race. The story ends with the tragic death of the poor boy that always had a strong affection to his parents.

Durkheim’s view on crime

Durkheim clarifies that it is the punishment that makes the act a crime making the society aware of the offense and developing conscience in the society. Crime has received a special attention through the work of Emilie Durkheim making in positive development in the formation of integrated society and establishing a need for healthy rate β†’

History of u.s. up to jfk

History of U.S.up to JFK The aftermath of World War II was critical to the history, growth, and development of the United States. Consequently, the growth and development of suburbs became vibrant across the U.S.

Women and honor

Women and Honor Order No: 227436 No.of pages: 2 Premium 6530 Rich wrote " Women and Honor" in an attempt to make herself more honest and outspoken and also to understand the demeaning negative power of lies, especially in relationships between women. In her piece of writing on " Women and Honor: Some Notes on β†’

The issue of homelessness in suitcase lady by christine mclaren

In addition, at the end of the essay, the broader picture is presented as the main character states that she tries to support her community and country but she depends only and solely on god because it is implied that the country, or government, has failed her. Her too long of a French name, her β†’

The story of my life, helen keller

She remembers her house as a paradise because of her description of the garden having many sorts of flowers and plants surrounding her home. She was able to complete her graduation based on her continued learning and support from Miss Sullivan.

Law 5 forming business

Emerson, being leading technology firm with global presence, is equipped with the knowledge, experience and capabilities to explore and exploit new opportunities. The increasing awareness would also create opportunities for Emerson to be innovative in its approach and production.

Definition of identity theft

An identity thief is a criminal offense that people caught in the process can be prosecuted in the court of law.a. In most cases, the person whose identity is stolen can end up being implicated in a criminal case while in actual case he may not have participated in the offense.b.

Characteristics of material handling that contribute to intrinsic hazard potential

When the task of material handling involves either movement over long distances or movement in awkward positions, the intrinsic hazards of the material are increased. Tasks involving materials that are difficult to grasp increase the hazards of material handling especially when it is manual.

Learning styles inventory

As I listen to the lecture, I form a mental picture of what is being said, and as I read, I internalize the whole concept that is being taught. What is important is that one should understand the learning style that will ensure success in their undertakings.

Video question

Racism; Video Questions The social problem in the video discussion is racism. If the source provides negative information about a particular race, one is likely to be a racist.

Pharmco national

The CEO leads the design of intranet and appointment of members for the Knowledge Management Team. The transfer, retention and access of knowledge as anticipated benefiting the company through the intranet system, lacks the common preferences that can be use and applicable to all functions and level in the organization.2.

Expressions of miami vacation

Despite this rush, it can be accessed that the people waiting in these long lines are not disappointed owing to the lovely weather and the welcoming and warm staff of the parrot island who are organizing and managing the entrance and tickets really well. Children are seen playing in the park of the island and β†’


One of the learnt lessons from the initiative is that change, however imminent it may be, requires a force to initiate it. The initiative's effects of increased international trade also has benefits such as increased variety of commodities to US consumers, reduced commodity prices, increased variety of goods, and increased employment rates due to increased β†’

Analysis/ issues and problems

My aunt in question is one of the youngest daughters in the family and she too signed over her share to her sister around 15 years ago in exchange for a financial loan that she was seeking at the time. If it were up to me, I would try to bring my elder sister into β†’


However, the question that still seems to persists is whether the dream of letting " America be America Again" is now fulfilled. The America that we look at today is the America of diversity, democracy and racial multiplicity.

Gestalt princples and perceptual processing

Statistics on the disorder This disorder is caused by a traumatic event; according to statistics, about 60% and 50% of men and women respectively experience at least one trauma in a lifetime. This counselling is to restore the patient to the normal thought process and make her recognize the event as an isolated case which β†’

Employment law

Employment Law Affiliation: Protection of employees by the civil rights law has enhanced workforce relations in and out of workplaces. Civil rights law safeguards the interests of both the employees and the employers.

News topics and current affairs written by bloggers

Bloggers might not be a part of the public eye but that does not mean that they should not be given the same rights as journalists that have been evolving and changing the face of the print media. In this case, it does not mean that the article or information is not authentic; in fact, β†’

Business- its legal, ethical, and global environment – quiz

The new Arizona statute is: a permissible regulation of commerce B permissible so long as the statute promotes the health and welfare of the states residents an impermissible regulation of interstate commerce constitutional if there is a regulatory protest means available 2. Misuse of the product is where the defense can claim that the product β†’

Article listed

Article Review: How Religion and Spirituality Impacts Views on Sex Within the article en d " Sexual Attitudes of College The Impact of Religiosity and Spirituality," the main hypothesis of the study was that students who were more religious or spiritual would have more conservative views on sexuality. The method of the study was surveys, β†’

Free writing … romance letter

For example, I knew that journey was not a was something that I had to. My boat took me back to my side, and on the way, I realized it is all still a dream.

U.s. congress: relation between the congress and the president in the 20th century

The paper will be highlighting the relationship between the US congress and the President in the 19th and 20th century along with the dual nature of the congress as an influencing factor in understanding of the relation. Relation between the congress and the president in the 19th century The era of the 19th century can β†’


MODERN ERA AS THE " ANTHROPOCENE" Modern Era as the " Anthropocene" The " Anthropocene" is a term that is always used in reference to the extent to which human activities have been of influence to the Earth's ecosystem. The mining of substances such as limestone for the manufacture of cement is also believed to β†’

Who is really in charge of platos republic

He is of the opinion that the political power of the State is in the hands of wrong individuals. Thus, Plato is convinced that the solution to the problems of the state is possible only when philosophers become rulers or rulers, philosophers.

Execitove summary for riordan manufacturing

Sales and Marketing: Riordan has 15 to 20 major, regular customers for its products, of which the U.S. Sales and customer data is available to every member of the Sales and Marketing team and the Company also maintains profit and loss statements of all the items that are sold.

Market abuse directive

The Market Abuse Directive was formulated and implemented to counter such activities and promote fairness and integrity in the European financial markets. Lack of an all-round treatment of constituent controlling units of the financial markets hinders the achievement of the directive due to conflict of interest between the Central Banks and the MAD directors.

Skate america

America Skates with Skate America Skate America sells skateboards and skating related accessories online. Enhancing its person marketing and combining with a touch of Event Marketing will give the seller a competitive edge in a niche market of hobbyist and gift products for skateboarders and skaters.

Assignment 3.3: project component 2 an ideal leader and personal leadership philosophy

Meanwhile, the philosophy of personal leadership that I try to follow can be described in the following terms: VISION, PARTICIPATION, and DATA/EVIDENCE. In summary, my ideal leader is similar to the notion of servant leadership in the literature and I consider my leadership philosophy as an improved version of a concern for data in education β†’

Body temperature and heat regulation

Task Body Temperature and Heat Regulation Homeostasis is the process through which an organism maintains a constant body temperature when there are changes in the outside environment. The first way of regulating external body temperature is through conduction, where the body conducts heat to the environment.

Is rocket internet a hub for innovation or just another copycat

It is Unethical to Copy Business Models Though history has it that copying of business models has been a phenomenon in the business arena, it is highly questionable the extent to which such business practices are ethical. Therefore, Rocket Internet's actions may be legal but in terms of business ethics, the company is compromising β†’

Marxist theory

Laws have been instituted to ensure that the proletariat works effectively in meeting the demands of the capitalist. The means of production are used to produce goods and services for the capitalists.

Diversity exercise

Hotel Rwanda is based on the 1994 war between two tribes in Rwanda; the Tutsis and the Hutus. While I watched the movie I believe that I would not bring myself to do most of the cruel things that people did in the movie.

Comparison & contrast

The two articles, Banks Go for Green by Matthew Yeomans and Big Banks' Green Goof by Fraser Sietel, focus on the discussion of the banks' newly installed policies regarding the protection of the environment. While Sietel directly and openly opposes the banks decision adhere to advocacy groups, Yeoman is more affirming as he recognizes the β†’

Modern civilization and spiritual lives

As a result, many of the ingenious religions either disappeared altogether or became morphed and incorporated several aspects of Christianity or Islam in them so they could conform. Africans, for example, have incorporated aspects of their religious traditions such as the beating of traditional drums as part of the convectional western-style Christian services.

How taoism affects relationship roles in america

Thus, being human, one should be able to adjust to the seasons of life, and should always be responsive to one's place within the scope of life. When we experience the seasonal changes, the ups and downs of life, according to the principles of TAO, we should be able to practice sincerity, spontaneity, and naturalness β†’


Erikson's theory of psychological development suggests that infancy is the first stage of development of a person's temperament. A recent research has shown that the parental attachment can also govern the development of a child's temperament.

City budget

According to the Scott a budget preparation requires a study and evaluation of previously made budgets to understand the trend and the constants that are independent of time. A combination of recurrent and fixed/investment of year's expenditure are added to find the general expenditure of the current year and a liberal approach is applied to β†’

Analysis of planning institutions

At the fall of 1969, a royal edict was issues to elect the first metropolitan board for the city of Abu Dhabi, with the responsibility of providing exhaustive services to the public and make sure appropriate planning of the growing city, with standardized road networks, sustenance services, lighting works, and sewerage. The intention of this β†’

Maslow group discussion board

The perspective of family, for instance, changed as I grew up from an infant to a teenager and further to an adult. These needs changed to the need of belongingness and love as I grew and had difficult situations to deal with.

How to eliminate stage fear

I have experienced both pleasant and unpleasant situations, initially, I used to suffer from a lot of anxiety and the same used to take a toll on my performance but I later learned to control it and everything became fine once I learned how to get hold of myself. The only advice which always works β†’

The united states should intervene in the syrian civil war to overthrow the assad regime

This is the reason why the United States is duty bound to intervene in this conflict on the side of the rebels and overthrow this regime to end it. The Assad regime has proven itself to be against the strategic interests of the United States and its allies, and this is an opportunity for the β†’

Art education reading response: problems confronting visual culture

For this reason, a new movement which focuses in Visual Cultural studies points out that art education should not be limited to studying what we often see as drawings, paintings and photographs, rather it is a field of study recognizing the predominance of visual forms of media and communication and critically evaluate its totality with β†’

Peoples republic of capitalism

People's Republic of Capitalism Introduction The video case study provides a holistic view of the developments as well as the negative aspects of China in terms of cash flow, commercial development, evolution of change, culture, consumerism and many other factors. Analysis The video named People's Republic of Capitalism is an attempt by Ted Koppel, who β†’


Politics of Knowledge Politics of Knowledge Elana Michelson describes politics of knowledge as the power struggles that exist in many countries due to the extremes in knowledge. Elana Michelson is a professor and author of the book that explains the economy of knowledge - ' Globalization, Adult Education and Training'.

We can remember it for you wholesale

The central idea is the nature of truth and reality in relation to memory. The overarching tone is one of excitement and adventure.

Research: application to life

This is the field that specifically interest me and would like to specialize in counseling domestic abuse. Experiment would also discover new and fresh approach in dealing with domestic abuse allowing me the possibility of adding to the body of knowledge in Applied Behavioral Science.

Maryland v. pringle, 540 u.s. 366 (2003)

However, Pringle's attempts to deny the confession in the trial court made the jury decide on his arrest for possessing cocaine with the aim of distributing. Reasoning Carmen & Walker warrantless seizures and arrests are allowed within Maryland law, implying that the officers had the probable cause to believe that Pringle committed owned the drugs.

Outsourcing work overseas

Outsourcing Work Overseas Outsourcing Work Overseas As the head of HR, justifying outsourcing work overseas to current home-based employees would include illuminating them on the kind, nature, cost-savings, and efficiency within the work to be outsourced would be done more effectively, than traditional employment method. The most justified rationale for outsourcing work overseas is the β†’

Cold war ideology and policies

After the war, two nations emerged as the supreme world powers: United States and the Soviet Union. The policies of United States started sparking war in the world.

Quick loan business

As the author explains, the payday loan is very easy to get quickly. Payday loans offers a useful short term credit loan that assists the borrower in coping with expenditures as well as bills that requires to be paid before the borrowers next pay check.

Why do you think it is important to manage know-who and stimulating connection between people

Managing Knowhow of the of the Concerned January 23, Managing Knowhow 21st century is the era of information society and such a society, by its very nature is oriented around specialized knowhow. The challenge before the knowhow companies is to evolve into durable organizations by managing the knowhow of human beings.

Week 7 discussion replies

You have expressed that we need to determine the length and width of the seats in the vw to estimate the number of students that can fit in it with the doors closed. You need to discuss the volume of the vw and the average volume of a student, and compare the former to the β†’

Legal terminology

Just Your Last Name Here 2 Another Wolf once falsely claimed he was a police officer and tried to handcuff and block Red's way in the forest. Worse, yet, this tortfeasor Wolf later claimed in a letter to a newspaper and to all who would listen that it was Red who impersonated a police officer β†’

Parenting styles

This is true in light of the fact that parents are spending lesser time with their children and are more occupied with their work and social activities. Authoritative parenting style is where rules are set by parents and if children fail to meet the expectations, parents discipline them.

Population, urbanization, and enironment

Sociology and the Environment The first personal issue that I will address is the usage of less water. The conservation of water includes the reduction of water usage and efficient use water.

Developing an argument (gobal warming)

Global Warming Global Warming is the systematic increase in the average temperature of the earth's near surface and oceans and it is believed to be continuing from mid twentieth century and is continuing. The argument I am going to build in this essay is that the global warming will not be a continuous phenomenon and β†’


The policy of improving nutritional education is appropriate in the implementation of other strategies because it ensures that the local communities learn the benefits of healthy eating. In the part of improving their innovative activities, this company is currently adopting improved researches to ensure that they offer new variety of GMO products through genetic engineering.


For aside from the fact that they are likewise totally immersed in a military environment that is structured to bring out the best from the innate capabilities of the students, the curriculum is designed to be challenging and exciting. The good discipline characteristics that usually exudes from students enrolled or who have studied at DoDEA β†’

Discovering the american past in world war 1

The presence of the Germans during the war highly gained recognition and feared by the Americans. Emotions of World War 1 propaganda and the Intended Elicit During the war, different emotions developed within the participating parties of the war.

Response to c. browining 6-1

However, business ethics in the US are meant to promote fair practices by business people so that they prioritise their profit goals at the expense of the interests of the people they serve. It can be seen that companies that operate in an ethical manner have a competitive advantage than a disadvantage since their business β†’

Two million minutes

Two Million Minutes: Summary and Response Among the three superpowers of the world, ly the US, China, and India, the pace of growth of China and India is currently more than that of the US. It is good that students in the US are allowed more freedom and variety to choose their profession from.

Summary of the sugar can make you dumb, scientists warn by jamaica observer

The professor noted the decline in synaptic activity with the rat group that lacked the DHA as the rats indicated trouble in recalling maze routes which they had been trained to memorize in 6 weeks. Researchers also figured that besides memory loss, resistance to insulin generated as well in the absence of DHA where such β†’

Where in the world is osama bin ladden

Task Where in the world is Osama Bin Laden of the details from the film " Where in the world is Osama Bin Laden" is an insightful documentary film produced in 2008. The act of terrorism was a key contributor to high poverty levels in various settings because it led to massive destruction of resources.

The book: adam, eve, and the serpent-by: elaine pagels

She tells the story of Christianity replacing the Roman traditions and in doing so unravels the real motivation for the persecution of early Christians. The story of Adam and Eve is central to the modern interpretation of the bible and the lost scrolls point to the fallacy of the bibles historical accuracy.

Developmental psychology biological beginnings

Developmental Psychology " biological beginnings" With the advancement of the science and technology, new and improved methods and techniques are introduced in various circles of life. Birth control methods and assisted reproductive technology and cloning are some of the terms that are associated with human reproduction.


Reid, who in his article, " Let My Teenager Drink", advocates for the lowering of the drinking age to 18 years. However, Joseph Kolofano, on the other hand, totally disagrees with the idea of lowering drinking age to 18 years arguing that it would basically mean lowering to 16 years.

Poetry analysis: facing it by yusef komuny

Poetry Analysis: Facing It by Yusef Komuny The poem " Facing It" is written by Yusef Komunyakaa and circles around the distressful and disheartening emotions of the Vietnam Veterans. WriteWork contributors." The Memories of a Veteran"

Compare two movies by the characters , transporter 3 and death race

Characters, especially the hero, in such films are known for their physique than their psychology and " broad sentimentality replaces emotional complexity or depth.' In the two action movies, Death Race 2000 and Transporter, both revolving around cars and car chases, the hero features in almost all the scenes, but he provides no peek into β†’

What is the relationship between philosophy and the good life

Thus a human being can understand the values of life only through philosophy; and therefore it becomes apparent that philosophy is the path to good life. This basic fact itself validates the theory that philosophy is path to reach the goal of a good life.

Legacy of conflict

A Book Review: The Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West" The " Legacy of Conflict", a collection of observations written by Patricia Nelson Limerick, is best viewed as a continuation of scholarship rather than a wholesale refutation of prior work by Old West scholars such as Frederick Jackson Turner. More specifically, β†’

Book analysis

The outcome of this churning is the compromised solution of a MPD, whereby, the subject swings between the original composite personality and the forced-aspiring personality. The former is the personality as it is, whereas the latter is the personality desired.3.

On love and shakespeare

Through the analysis of the writer's sonnets we are able to identify how the theme of love is idealized, the standards used to make this evaluation and the arguments arising based on the theme of love in the sonnet. In the 3rd quatrain of the sonnet, the poet compares his dear friend to a summer β†’

Professional development

Finally, the paper will explain the role of the codes and rules of conduct of engineering institutions in the UK and their effectiveness in ensuring professional standards of work. In order to be recognized as a professional engineer or an engineering technician in the UK, an independent assessment of engineering competence is carried out on β†’

Mph503 – infertility and public health module 3 – slp

Texas and the Infertility Insurance: Policies and Cost Effectiveness Texas is one of the states which mandate the provision of infertility insurance and services for the identified recipients. The existing policies regarding infertility and the provision of treatment services are covered by the Health Coverage of the Health Insurance and Other Health Coverages section of β†’

Pact organization

Our Vision Our vision is to strongly advocate for changes in individual lives and organizational systems thus promoting safer communities. Join Our Mission Since our inception in 1971, PACT has grown rapidly and now has several branches within the country.

Gilmans the yellow wallpaper

But by the end of the story, the creature feels lonely and segregated and begs Victor to create a female counterpart. The central conflict in Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper is between the narrator and her dominating husband as she wishes to socialize and write but her husband made her confined to bed.

2 discussion

Ideas are the hardest IP for an organization to protect since they are so simply copied or imitated either in full and in part and the legal owner of the idea has a reduced capacity to realize when this happens. Knowing the environmental laws is beneficial as it helps the executive to ensure that the β†’

Ethics in eastern kentucky university

They also reduced the amount of pesticide in their beverages and it was only after this that they were able to recover the lost sales and change their negative image in the country and beyond. Thus the idea of volunteerism should be replaced with a legal and policy requirement; that is to say firms should β†’

Software or hardware

In order to compare the two components and identify one important out of them is a difficult or maybe an impracticable task, as both are interdependent on each other, and the absence of a single component results in the insignificance of the other. It is an expectation that the paper will be beneficial for students, β†’

Short paper on reinventing eden by carpolyn merchant

One of the remarkable arguments she cited in her work is the concept of " wilderness" in Western Culture and its affective nature. This study is to discern specifically the shifting attitudes to the concept of " wilderness" in western culture, and some issues concerning the labeling of " wild", as well as its advantages β†’

Critical reflection journal teaching towards

Rethinking Teaching and Learning in this Historic Moment al Affiliation Rethinking Teaching and Learning in this Historic Moment It is of crucial significance to note that in this historic moment, there is need to rethink teaching as well as learning. In order to rethink teaching and learning, there is need to frame the aims, objectives β†’

Shell oil company

As many as 22, 000 employees of Shell work in the US and they have the largest Oil unit in the US, their base is also located in the US." The objectives of the Shell Group are to engage efficiently, responsibly and profitably in oil, oil products, gas, chemicals and other selected businesses and to β†’

Business information system

The following are examples of data that would be captured; date of birth, the year that the student commenced and completed their high school education, the units and courses that were taken by the student, the co-curriculum activities that the students engaged in, sex of the student, academic performance, and their career goals. The following β†’

Social research

In addition, time series is referred to as trend series that covers a cross-section of studies taken over time, and with repetition of the same question within the given population. Perfect example of this would in cases of politics where the popularity of a politician is taken using opinion polls over time to determine the β†’

Reflective journal

The business primarily relies on high innovation and creativity to differentiate its products in the market as well as penetrating the market in line with the parent firm's overall objectives of market dominance. These processes are key in building both the public's trust into the firm and that of members within the organization.

Policy paper

In the face of the states' efforts to cut social spending, the Obama administration expressed apprehension over the negative effects of cutting the funding that used to be meant for education. The Ideology behind the State Funding of Education In February 28, 2012, Associate Press came out with a news report about President Barack Obama's β†’


What is Cotton Mather's basic and leading premise in the reading selection from The Wonders of the Invisible World? Her work also demonstrates puritan's views on the church and American prosperity.

Marketing debate 2

Those stores carry a store brand that enables them to sell a reasonably acceptable product at the lowest price point possible in order to compete for the category of shoppers that is most likely to frequent them. It would have an impact on the image of those labels if they were to associate with a β†’

Political views of alexander hamilton and thomas jefferson

Compare and Contrast the Political Views and Public Policies of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson was a notable political leader in the state of Virginia. Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were equally good politically and with the amount they provided to the public, however, Alexander Hamilton was the only one who was faced β†’

Sleep disorders and state of consciousness

During sleep, I would feel quite exhausted perhaps due to the strains I experienced as I burnt the midnight oil studying. My sleep also got disrupted as I had to wake up frequently at night to go for short calls, thanks to the several glasses of coffee that I downed.

Is unethical to lie during negotiations

Collusion is indicted to the act of revealing secrets to someone who is not the concerned party and can misuse the information collected. But, if due consideration is not provided to the risks associated with the decision of being completely honest; it can be stated as a naive act.4.