Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Art & the surreal

Showing the main features of a surrealist work of art, Dali juxtaposed the beauty and serenity seen in swans to the heavy appearance of the beast of burden, the elephant. This style arouses the imagination of viewers with the artist intentionally making use of the subconscious in the hope of awakening the totality of a β†’

Joint venture

The entire hotel together with resort projects contributed to the joint venture, counting MGM projects in the Americas, Asia, the Middle East, and Hakkasan projects in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The amount of negotiating and planning needed to bring this about is reasonably significant.

Corporate social responsibility within islamic prospectives

The values and the principles which have been in place since the time of Prophet Mohammed serve as the CSR foundation in Islam. Hence, in Islam the idea of CSR is always subject to change depending on the various needs of the community and the society.

Ethical issues in business

Likewise, the working definition from the ISO 26000 Working Group on Social Responsibility was noted as:" Social responsibility responsibility of an organisation for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment through transparent and ethical behaviour that is consistent with sustainable development and the welfare of society; takes into account the β†’

Ct scanner justification

The current level of technology isa limitation to the provision of the service especially to the children. Other than the enormous cost of sedation to the children, the current scanners, may expose the children patients to unnecessary radiation which has long term consequences.

My communication style

My Communication Style AFFILIATION: My Communication Style My primary communication style is an achiever and my secondary communication style is the helper. At the end of the day, there are certain goals and objective that I have to accomplish and be accountable to my management.

Compare theories of piaget,vgotsky and erikson

In the three selected articles, it will be discussed how the major claims of each theorists manifests in the field of psychology and how each theory is put to use. It is explained how Vygotsky developed his theories pertaining to the psychology of art and the creativity and imagination of children.

European union debt

Notably, the composition of the European zone as a monetary block governed by one currency that lacks a fiscal arrangement to harmonize the taxes and public pension requirements accelerated the debt crisis The European Union debt crisis was a fusion of complex elements in the world market. The increased capital and savings in the global β†’

Religious adaptation discussion

" The Sword Which Avenges the Covenant" The " The Sword Which Avenges the Covenant" originated from the Holy Scriptures when God was communicating with Israelites on the repercussions of failing to obey his commandments. Remarkably, the authors used the message from God to the Israelites and used it as a title to inform the β†’

Bbc story

BBC, Guardian, and Times BBC, Guardian, and Times The importance of news cannot be denied inour lives, and it is not wrong to state that the news industry could be considered as one of the earliest industries to establish and it has flourished phenomenally over centuries. Presently, BBC News, Guardian, and Times are the leading β†’

See the pix

Nicholson on the other hand was a more thoughtful person and this was important for his goal of ensuring all-inclusiveness through democratic dialogue with his people. Saito on the other hand died through the painful way and this was a defeat of his personal goal of reining as a supreme.

Philosophy, the second topic

Plato in Republic argues that the importance of studying philosophy should not be diminished on account of its impracticality, which is a grossly mistaken approach. The basis of his argument involves the interdependency of existentialism and Marxism for the sake of comprehending reality and its evolution from the past.


HUMANITIES The Role of Women in Ancient Rome Although women never acquired the right to vote or hold public office, at least in the relatively democratic republican period they were able to develop increasing influence on decisions made by the male representatives of the governing body, the Forum. Hortensia was the first female to speak β†’

Mph502 – introduction to public health module 1 – slp

The Goals and Values of Public Health Tuberculosis: Public Health Emergency Magnitude, Trends and Significance of the Problem: Over the years it is seen that different diseases have emerged as a growing threat to the whole world. Similarly the organization is also trying to curb upon the root of the onset of tuberculosis which is β†’

The importance of staff development: three imperative workshops for teachers

Article Review 10/06 DAM 615 The Importance of Staff Development: Three Imperative Workshops for Teachers Development refers to the acquisition of new skills and knowledge or improving them for both personal development and career advancement. To train and support both new and seasoned teachers, the author presents three of the most beneficial staff development offerings.

W7 as merck serono

DuPont has gained immense benefits from its pattern of acquisitions, ranging from developing core competencies in different facets of operations of the ventures the organization has acquired to gaining market shares in different fields of discipline. On the other hand, in terms of technical competencies, the acquisitions of organizations, especially from diverse fields of discipline, β†’

Buddha meditation

Buddha meditation When a person is meditating, he or she is said to be in a or condition of thoughtless awareness. This ensures the person achieves positive results since it is through meditation that one understands self and becomes what he had thought or wanted to be earlier in life.

Financial crisis

One major conclusion is that the financial crisis would not have happened if the regulators and other institutions responsible for supervising the financial system, would have taken the appropriate measures to keep the system sound and well functioning. Other cause which leaded to the collapse of the financial system was a combination of excessive borrowing, β†’

Mod reflection journals

Module Reflection Journal In the first module, one component that I consider to be very important and applicable in everyday life is the relationship between businesses and customers. Other people may argue that the cost will be high thus affecting the profitability of the business.

Organizational structure

Indeed, for any organization to expand and succeed, it is crucial that its people are recognized as vital part of its strategy and organizational goals and objectives be interpreted in the context of the changing paradigms of the times. Beardwell and Claydon have also asserted that the theoretical concept of human resource management needs to β†’

A criminial case with relevant, reliable, and competent evidence

Competent Evidence of the of the Competent Evidence In order to be admissible, evidence has to perforce be competent, reliable and relevant. The Court held that in accordance with the provisions of the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution, the guilt of the accused was to be determined exclusively on the basis of the β†’

Journal entry

Imagery and allusion get used in the poem to depict the nature of the speaker. Symbolism and irony are also key components in the poem.

Social story w3 – autism

He will learn how to ask people what they want from the game and be told that that is how others play the game. He will be taught to play games they like on alternating days with the games he likes, so that he can try different games and cooperate with others.

Learning style inventory

I do not like classes that have a set patter of things that have to be done and that expect you just to do the work without question. I have not found value in keeping a journal because I carry most of the things that are interesting to me in my head.

Macromolecule research project overview

Health: Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins Macromolecules, biological molecules, or organic molecules like carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are three of the basic molecules that sustain living organisms for its energy and amino acid supplies. Chitin which are tough molecules of glucose and the second most abundant molecule that forms the major component of fungal cell wall β†’

Adult lifespan development

The crisis is due to the various challenges in life that affect a person. In physical development, there are biological and physical changes in the body in terms of hearing and seeing, which start to decline at this stage.

Liberalism and conservatism

Liberalism and Conservatism both are social and political philosophies that seek to define the functioning and structure of a society and its politics. Liberalism instructs to limit the interference of the state in the private lives of the citizens, and it pushes the state to develop policies that enhance the freedom given to citizens and β†’

Trade secrets paper

American Axle, Dana accused the American Axle against misappropriation and stealing of trade secrets through its employees that had left Dana to work at American Axle. Several questions arose before the court, and these were was the American Axle an aggressive competitor of Dana Ltd, did employees misuse the trade secrets, did American Axle use β†’

Iris module

Why the school personnel should be held accountable for the performance of students with disabilities on those assessments It is the responsibility of every teacher to ensure that the student get the required knowledge in the classroom. The teachers work under the principal who is the head of the institution; therefore, the principal and the β†’


In discovering how people learn and develop, Vygotsky suggested that children develop and gain control of their thought processes through the use of artifacts, one of the most important being the artifact of language, becoming increasingly able to incorporate their potential into inherent ability through zones of proximal development. Understanding that a child's understanding of β†’

Deviant behavior homework chapter 1

The Brady Bill: Towards Responsible Gun Ownership The Brady law requires individuals to pass a background check before acquiring a gun from a licensed dealer; however, the guns that were used in the most horrendous incidents were obtained outside of such laws. In conclusion, the two websites presented differing views on the ownership of a β†’

Family belief systems

For one, the religious beliefs of a family greatly influence their adaptability in case of a crisis. The laws dictate the family beliefs and family members are expected to follow.

Writing bad news messages

Saluda, I just received your request for the Collaborative Peace program to integrate with Quality Construction. It is just the matter of time as we will be able to engage in such collaborative projects.

Why emily grierson is a fallen monument

A final consideration of the way that Grierson's characterization contributes to her representation as a monument is through her depiction as lifeless. In this way Grierson began to crystallize as a sort of monument in the town's eyes.

Europe’s surge of nineteenth-centry imperialism

This kind of imperialism was referred to as new because of the scramble to rule more territories directly and not just controlling the trade they had with them. In this paper, I am going to show that I agree with Marchant's implications in her article that the new imperialism in Europe was driven by values β†’

Zoos should be shut down

Many of the reason that the zoos were opened such as for education, conservation and entertainment are not really serving its purpose and in fact, Zoos are doing more harm to animals and therefore it should be shut down. All animals in the zoo relatively behaves the same because of the small space and they β†’

The indian economy

A greater number of workers could increase production, raising the supply, to meet the demand. The two sources of growth in India, the growth in workers through age and reforms, are a good start.

Ernest hemingway, indian camp and the doctor and the doctors wife

The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife In the short story, Nick Adams is a young man who lives in Michigan. He is also a racist as illustrated by the American Indian had who asserts that he had no hopes in the racists, who were the whites.

Intro letter to my teacher

Critical understanding of and facility in the discourse of a field As in the first point above, this is again critical to being clear and concise in bringing forth the ideas and transferring knowledge to others. An understanding of the importance of audience and context with respect to writing style and arrangement In order to β†’

Biography on william shakespeare

The Shakespeare's had a daughter in 1558 called Joan who died in 1563. William and Anne had a daughter named Susanna in 1583.

Russian security strategy of 2007, in regard to the new nato strategic concept

Russian Security Strategy of 2007, in regard to the new NATO strategic concept Russia's security strategy under President Dmitry Medvdev as contained in the country's Foreign Policy Concept describes the status of Russia as an international country, and the country's relationship with Eastern countries1. The strategy acknowledges Russia as a powerful nation that has the β†’

Using 3d digital models in michelangelos david restoration

The use of modern technologies is one of the most effective ways to conserve and restore our art legacies and these modern technologies can meet the concerns of the critics of restoration. Therefore, restoration of the great artworks using the modern technologies such as the 3D digital models can be seen as an effective solution β†’

Baby theresa

The main issue here is that no one should have a right to making evaluations of whose life is more important and who is merely a means and to take a responsibility of talking about the common good and beneficence. In addition, allowing to donate organs of a child with anencephaly can serve as a β†’

Similarities and differences between the us gaap and igaap -two accounting systems dominating in the global financial market

Measurement of acquired intangibles The principles under iGAAP and US GAAP suggest that the value of any separately acquired asset will be considered as equivalent to the fair value of the consideration that has been paid on the date of acquisition. However, in US GAAP, detailed guidance is provided only related to cost that has β†’

Divorce and our national values

Kramer, on the other hand, insists that the increasing level of separation among American couples is the direct fallout of the value system and lifestyle that a majority of Americans collectively espouse. Since this is true for a large part of the population, the kind of ideal of mutuality that Kramer proposes might just work β†’

Does totalitarianism rise out of the shadow of liberty and democracy

Running Head: Totalitarianism and Democracy Does Totalitarianism Rise Out Of The Shadow Of Liberty And Democracy? Does Totalitarianism Rise Out Of The Shadow Of Liberty And Democracy?

Burrhus frederic skinner

Burrhus Frederic Skinner According to Lefrancois p86), radical behaviorism is defined as a " theory that looks at the actual behavior of organisms in the context of the definable and observable conditions that precede the behavior rather than on testing formal theories". In other words, radical behaviorism is a theory that looks at the organism's β†’

Basic critical thinking

The European debt crisis is one of the most critical financial huddles encountered by the global economy, but the problem is also perhaps the hardest to appreciate. The boundaries of the problem situation are essentially the bounds of the European Union, and some of the most viable alternatives include seeking financial assistance from the international β†’

Bhs 499 (computer & information systems) module 4 slp

Assessment of Proposed Projects ASSESSMENT OF PROPOSED PROJECTS IN HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION This paper presents the analysis of action plans which were undertaken by few health care organizations as far as recruitment and retention of nurse anesthesia faculties are concerned; and as an offshoot to the current nursing and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist faculty shortage. β†’

Discussion topics

Most economists attribute the great depression with the fall of stock prices that occurred in the US before it spread to the rest of the world. Following the outbreak of the war, the position of women in the society is likely to have been reviewed.

Piaget and his theory

In understanding the patterns of cognitive development in infants and children, and how families and teachers affect their development, the contributions of Jean Piaget hold a very significant importance. Six month old Michelle has built the schema of grabbing an object and thrusting it into the mouth.

Assignment 4

At the outset, there is no consensus among philosophers as to the definition of free will. Campbell endorses the inclusion of free will in discussing human nature and behaviour.

A raisin in the sun

The proverbial ' sun' in the play that was in the act of rising has now successfully risen to eradicate black discrimination and create harmony in the country. Beneatha Younger is the stereotype of a black woman discriminated against by whites as well as blacks as not being worthy of higher education and its related β†’

Response strategies

Identification of possible risks is through careful examination and research of all factors linked to the objective of the entity. The risks may be in form of opportunities or threats.

Achieving service excellence(stragtegies in healthcare) by myron d fottler, robert c. ford, cherrill p. heaton/ senior in college/ hcm 420

We believe that in order to effectively service our clients we first need to have perfect internal coordination, and this is the objective of the first phase of our service strategy. Our internal service strategy goes a long way in helping us achieve this as it prepares us, as a team, to work with complete β†’

Acer in china

It should also be noted that dealing in the Indian market will exempt Acer from the political, cost management, and labor problems that it will have to face in the Chinese market. This can also lessen the amount of time that a Taiwanese manager is required to stay in China.

Principles of fire behavior

Detailed specification, on the other hand, gives a comprehensive description of the fire protection system and provides relevant information on the design requirements, the materials to be used and how items are to be constructed and fabricated and they require specific parts. Due to the flexibility of the performance specification, they are preferred over the β†’


In addition, 2010 witnessed the development of ' New Twitter'. The history of twitter.

What would you do

What this translates to is that I could examine this scenario from either an egoist perspective in which I would act in accordance with what I personally believe is in my own self interest or if I should view this situation under a utilitarian perspective in which I should choose the solution that brings the β†’

The woman that try to be good from edna ferber

Unlike the women of her era whose role was basically to be housewives and take care of the children while the men were the workers and hence always the ones with money, Blanche had her own money and she also performed the housewife duties. The reader turns and pours his or her heart out to β†’

Reflection paper

As a manager, I think one way that I can positively impact our organizational culture is by mentoring my staff to be more conscious of the needs of the customers. Since our culture emphasizes customer service, this is very important to the success of our organization.

Global marketing project

Marketing of Colgate: In marketing the Colgate product of Crest, culture plays a role to determine the success of the company. The company should use this capability to develop a marketing campaign that educates people on the capability of Colgate.

Qatari diar real estate investment company

Running Head: QATARI DIAR Real E Investment Company QATARI DIAR Real E Investment Company Rooda Omran Al-Qebaisi MAC100 QATARI DIAR Real Estate Investment Company QATARI DIAR Real Estate Investment Company is one of the biggest Investment companies in Middle East. Qatari Diar Company has a vast vision of the future and it is carrying out β†’

Describing the importance of my film selection to the film genre

It also foresaw the landing on the moon and the importance of computers in our daily lives. It also shows how restricted and cooped up we are by the limitations of the contemporary modes of space travel with its emphasis on space ships which are in a spatial way of speaking as slow as snails.

Book exam

They have expressed their will to eliminate discrimination in the work place. Their participation in the " God and Country" parade, on the other hand, is not contrary to what they have performed months before that.

The kansas city gun experiment

This paper is about the research design used by the Kansas City Gun Experiment and also about the National Incident-Based Reporting System. In order to test this theory and to reduce gun crime in Kansas City the Police Department used the quasi experimental design.

Mckee v. laurion analysis

After posting the three issues in the website, Dr Mckee moved to curt suing Laurion of defamation. The determination of the case is based on ability to show that the post act of malice or had unethical connotation.

Eighteenth-century culture research: the royal exchange

The Royal Exchange was the source of commerce in London from January 1845 throughout the rest of the 18th century. The Royal Exchange is on a sitethat was originally provided by the City of London Corporation and the Worshipful Company of Mercers.

What is cultural agility you ask

Cultural agility response At this day and age, cultural agility is already a given if one wants to advance in an organization. Caligiuri was right that cultural agility involves cross-cultural competency that cultural agility is " the ability to navigate global challenges facing an organization.

Classroom behavior of kindergarden students and academic achievement

At this age, they know what is expected of them and tries as much as they can to perfect all they are engaged by doing it the right way. This positive behavior contributes to academic achievement because it helps them to perfect as well as to enjoy or engage in whatever activity they are involved.

Discovery:document production and controlassignment #9

According to the Briar Patch Dolls Inc, a company that you have collaborated with for numerous productions, your company has failed meet some of your business contracts terms and conditions thereby leading to a breach of business contract. Nonetheless, before acting on and ascertaining such claim, I would request that I be allowed on behave β†’

Criminal justice (probation and parole)

Social learning theory and behavior modification is important in rehabilitation as rehabilitation seeks to change the way how a criminal behaves and lives. It is an important aspect of crime prevention and deterrent as it allows the society to see its effects on criminal behavior.

Financial risks

The extent to which economic exposure will affect a company depends on nature of the company or the industry in which company is. So before taking any step toward hedging, BMW take into account the degree of fluctuation of the foreign currency in which they already have subsidiaries or the company is planning to establish β†’


Moreover, implementation of an effective reward and recognition system is applied as a way of achieving maximum return for costs incurred in paying salaries and offering benefits to employees in the current economic conditions. The cost of reward and recognition practices is a significant consideration in determining the strategy to be applied in reflecting the β†’

Mg 1011 task 2 assignment – a reflection of the work done

It is important for someone to take charge and become the team leader that can guide the other members of the team, while at the same listening to the opinion of others to integrate their ideas. The team was a great group of people.

Case study example

This is observed in its involvement with Chinese governing bodies, and hiring of local staffs in it operation. Overcrowding of birds to an extreme where some of them break wings, and hanging of chickens with conveyor belts while they are still alive are unethical practices observed in KFC business operations.

Reading journal

Another waiter, The Old Waiter, who is also older than The Young Waiter, however understand the old man's conditions, defends the old man from the young man's criticisms, and even associated with the old man's condition. Response The Young Waiter appears rude to The Old Man, especially when he tells the old man that " β†’

Which of these three projects do you think should have the highest discount rate reflecting risk inherent in the business plan which one do you think should have the lowest

The discount rate is an arithmetical approximation of the time values of cash to a number of areas the risk in an asset. Merely place, this is the rate of interest at which the applicant is implicit to put in the award, following the results of price rises have been removed.

Criminal justice and policing

As an officer of the law you will be obligated to follow the due process of the law. This would cause an imbalance in provision of services to the community which does not appeal to the professionalism required from a police officer.

German history

He asserted that the culture and individuality of the speaker are expressed in the language they choose to use. It is therefore wrong to talk of the German language as awful.

Ergonomics safety and health

The requirements of product manufacturing industry is not just limited to the heavy machinery, rather it involves lengthy working hours and using of the hard material which damages the softer parts of human body in many ways. Human Factor Investigation Plan Having identified the problems and injuries that the workers can come across, it is β†’

Mod 4 ca fin 301

0000 -$ 1 $100, 000 1 $100, 000 0. 0000 -$ 1 $141, 000 0.

Major punishment philosophies

This is because the offence when committed is a threat to human life and if not punished properly, there is a probability that there would be a recurrence of the same. The brief confinement would serve the purpose of punishments which is to incapacitate the offender by denying him/her the opportunity to commit the offence.

Strategic management

Strategic management Table of Contents Commitment of General Motors to the Environment 3 Strategic Plans of General Motors 4 References 6 Commitment of General Motors to the Environment General Motors commits to continuously improve the environmental conditions by reducing the emission level of the vehicles and other facilities. The principles that drive the policies of β†’

Principles of logic as applied to my life

In order to determine whether or not I could be fit for the position, I had to undergo a general IQ test and a panel interview consisting of the board of directors. Fortunately, I passed the IQ exam then I was allotted a week to prepare for the interview which apparently was the second and β†’

Effective memo

As a Company Policy, Burns & McCallister does not encourage sending of its female executives abroad to certain countries, especially the Far East, since in those work cultures, women executives are not given their due status. As the manager, I would like to further reiterate that this policy, in no way, compromises the promotional avenues β†’

Five forces model

In doing so, the company gained a lot of bargaining power, and consequently set higher prices for the supplies to maximise on the profit. Porters Five Forces Model: A Methodological Critique- or the Importance of Methodology in the Teaching of Business and Economics.

Child psychology: views of pregnancy in european culture

Unlike the rest of the world, European women are known for the different attitude they take when pregnant. Of course, the most familiar pregnancy practice in Europe is drinking.

A child called it – a relfection

A Child Called It-A Reflection According to the centre of disease control, child abuse refers to acts or sequence of acts of commission or omission by a parent or the Childs caregiver that cause harm or threaten to harm the child. Dave has hope that his mother's abuse will come to an end, and he β†’

Book review

It is in the first chapters of the book that one gets to understand and comprehend the nature of Pi as a child and his love for spirituality and zoology. In the end, it is vital to understand that faith and spirituality played a herculean role in the strength of the protagonist.

Issue 11 taking sides clashing views on political issues seventeenth edition

Reduced cost of health services offered by the insurance plans induces people to go for health checkups and to take preventive medical care thereby avoiding any impending major illness. The imperative need of the hour is to ensure that all have access to affordable health care.