Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Prisoners treatment

The ratio of relapsing into crime again after spending the specified prison time has found to be same in both cases whether they are endowed with basic services in the prisons or not. They argue that the prime motto of the prison is to punish the criminals and to make them guilty for the wrong β†’

How development leads to democracy by ronald inglehart and christian welzel

The second is the apparent import-substitution strategies of " backward nations" such as Cuba, Myanmar, and North Korea which have grown the least in terms of political and economic growth. In fact, in a system of institutions, the argument of endogeneity, that is, what really leads to what is often the case of debate.

Health insurance programs

Members must be: the spouse or child of a veteran totally disabled; the child or spouse of a veteran who passed on from a Veterans affair connected disability, was at the time of death, completely disabled due to service; the surviving child and spouse of a military member whose demise was while on duty. Utilization β†’

Engineering, and construction of pbs &j

They do bank in project management solutions such as Foreshadowing project applications to control as well as manage their projects in relation to budgetary and time matters. In engineering and construction companies, project managers to employ the UL-Apps to create and maintain the contracts and all other indirect projects.

Assessment of science knowledge

The teacher designs his/her plans on the basis of the skills and knowledge level of the students. In this type of assessment, the students have to give answers to the asked questions in their own words.

Business law

In other words, a party can be said to have breached a contract when and if he or she has not perform the duty as had been mentioned in the contract or if by his or her conduct and action he seems not to be able to perform the contract. Since the seller had failed β†’

Partick o’donnell city councilman

B) Connection between the Article with a Chapter in California Government and Politics The article totally applies to chapters 13 and 15 of the book California Government and Politics. Particularly, in pages 90-92 in chapter 13 of the book, Field discusses how regional agencies and corporate entities affect the growth and stability of the ' β†’

Sailing to byzantium by w.b. yeats

The speaker wants to be in Byzantium because he does not suit the land where he is already. He feels that by being in Byzantium, he can flee from the disagreement between his desire and body.

Program enhancement

One shortcoming of the IAP in Nevada was the high turnover of the liaison position; thus, hampering the coordination between IAP and the community provider networks, which facilitated the transition strategies. Implementation and outcome evaluation of the Intensive Aftercare Program.

British petroleum (b): focus on learning

They should analyze the strategies implemented by other companies around the world and try to relate the issue solving strategies to the companies' current issues. BP thus sending the managers and technical staff round the world to every corner to support the peer business entities to excel thus enables the employees to gain experience in β†’


Neo-Realists would not buy in to the idea that treaties or other laws could actually do a great deal to control the spread of nuclear weapons. The tactics that he has supposedly undertaken, if allegations are to be believed, would certainly constitute terrorism in almost anyone's mind: he killed civilians with a tube of toothpaste.

Describe and explain the most important contributions of fdr to the history of the united states

His role and the role of his advisers in working out and implementation of the principles of social and foreign policy strategy, aimed at preservation and strengthening of the economic and foreign policy positions of the U. What Roosevelt Thought: The Social and Political Ideas of Franklin D.

Vertical and horizontal mergers in apparel industry

In the illustrations below, the paper will focus on vertical merger and a horizontal merger in the apparel industry. That is the VF Corporation and the Timberland Company.

Three main components

Criminal justice is of great importance to any democratic society and America entrusts the criminal justice system with the role of ensuring justice for all as well as maintaining law & order thorough fair administration of the goals of punishment. Police component of the criminal justice system is composed of state and special service police.

International relations

Nevertheless, the paper will provide with an argument, critique and evidence in reading " The Evolution of International Society" by David Armstrong, thereby accounting for existence of historical alteration and comparative weights between pluralist forms of international society and solidarism forms of international society. Therefore, pluralist forms of international society and solidarist forms of international β†’

Behavioural studies: explain why judgements about people based on perceptions may be incorrect

This influences our perception of things because we " see" what we want to see and " hear" what we want to hear. This is the reason why we are selective in our perception and give our attention to only those things that really matter to us and discard the other things.

How will a post professional program affect or influence your current practice

I am already working in a hospital setting and therefore, it will not be difficult for me to cope with the Post Professional Program. The Post Professional Program in my field will serve to provide me with all these qualities and therefore, it will be of assistance to me in my current practice.

Carlos slim and his future as a philanthropist

Other Carlos Slim and his future as a Philanthropist Carlos Slim is currently the second richest person in the world and is widely regarded to be one of the most important humanitarians and philanthropists. Throughout his business life, Carlos Slim has always made personal efforts to maximize the positive impacts of his businesses and companies β†’

Using visual aids

The way to explain this sentence using stick figure drawings may be the following: A picture of a figure exercising, with a title, for example " Last week". A map of the city.

Chapter 9

Creation of the state of Israel in the midst of Arab land is perceived as offensive and pro-Western which was disliked by the majority of Arab population. Creation of the state of Israel increased tension in the region which resulted into repeated wars between the Arabs and the Israel.

Visual literacy in business

For instance, it will give a brief introduction of the themes in the movie, the main characters of the movie as well as the flow of the film. The primary objective of the film trailer is to market the movie to the viewers as well as give them a clue of what will go on β†’

Difficult problem in your life

On the road, I kept listening to some strange noises, but since I do not know anything about automobiles and on top of that, I was broke, I did not want to stop, thinking that I would have to spend money that I could not really spend. When I arrived to my destiny, all I β†’

Global civilization

Napoleon brought about the spirit of nationalism in the French army that had been dejected previously in the form of loss in the Seven years War against the Great Britain. Discuss the events leading to the fall of Tsar in Russia and Emergence of revolution and Rise of Lenin?

Peptic ulcer diseases

Proton pump inhibitors work by blocking the final step of acid production and inhibiting gastric acid secretion by being converted to active metabolites that irreversibly bind and inhibit H+/K+ ATPase, an enzyme on the surface of gastric parietal cells. Long-term use of medications that suppressed gastric acid secretion has been shown to leave patients at β†’

Max weber

Prestige is associated with the style of life of a status group. Weber would be in opposition to this sort of consumption or effect because of the effect it has on society especially with regard to class, status and power.

Week 8 m

Reading response From the story in the text, it is clear that pilgrimage is an activity carried out only among the historical religions and happens to share similarities with some certain rites of passage. He also argue that the moral unit of the pilgrimage is individual as for the masses going to the shrine know β†’

A personal experiment in renunciation

I struggle to refrain from eating meat and animal products which I am quite used to on the first day. My family members are so amused that I have to consume a diet that I am not used to as they make good servings of chicken that is clearly delicious.


In spite of the challenges, understanding of the notion and the choice of the other people is integral in personality development. The hidden area in the model illustrates areas that cannot be handled personality and depends on the ability of others to help in the discovery.

The five people you meet in heaven by albom mitch

Themes In the novel " The Five People you meet in Heaven" written by Albom Mitch is an interesting story revolving around the character Eddie who died and went to heaven. In the story, the major themes hence include: Everything occurs for a reason, forgiveness, and the power of love.


However, his faith was so great that he trusted God and His command; he moved and he did not forget to worship the Lord. But God surely kept His promise and showed to Abraham that his ancestors would be as numerous as the stars in the sky.

Political science

However, the dynamics of nationalism may be a little complex and tricky where more than one groups, may be on the basis of religion, race etc, exist and interacts to formulate the national interest of the state. The unity and identity on the basis of religion and race is a challenging issue for the state β†’

Can two businesses ever be the different using identical software

How competitive pressure among ERP vendors will cause ERP solutions to become commodities and what this means to the ERP software industry The term commodity is used on ERP processes or systems similarly and is identified as produced by different companies. The implication of ERP Software vendor as a conduit to transfer innovation In order β†’

Occupational safety and health

OSHA PLAN The Section 18 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act specifies that the individual s should develop and operate theirown job safety and health programs schedule. States should ensure that if their strategic plan and performance goals differ from OSHA's, must be responsible for identification of the data that would be necessary to β†’

Assignment 2: contracting with the federal government

Contracting with the Federal Government Question Examine the advantages of the hybrid contract to the small-business owner, and why the government is likely to choose you in the sealed-bidding process. Therefore the hybrid contracts can bring many advantages to the small business owner if they have the ability to fulfill the needs of the government.

Week 8 discussion

The following are some of the benefits that accrue to an organization that implements an effective compliance program: 1) Good faith efforts in following the set rules and regulations whereby every organization that adheres to a compliance plan gives a good example of its efforts in compliance with set rules and regulations. Further, such a β†’

The academic benefits of a structured classroom environment

The Academic Benefits of a Structured room Environment A significant number of academicians are of the view that a structured physical arrangement of a classroom serves as a powerful tool in facilitating instruction and maintaining effective communication between the teacher and the students. Walker.H.M.&Walker.J.E.

World religions influence

Most of the ultimate goals of the religious affiliations are the promotion of peace and the aim to attain salvation and eternal life. It is therefore important to learn about other people' beliefs and attitudes to understand the basic theoretical premise for assuming a particular behavior, a frame of mind, or an adherence to identified β†’

The differences between islam and christianity

One of the reasons of the success of the Muslim conquest was that they were aided by the Christian and the Jews when Heraclius tried to attack the Muslims at a;-Yarmuk, due to the aid of the Christians and the Jews, the Muslim army outnumbered the army of Heraclius. In accordance to the insulting stories β†’

Science in my life

For me, the cell phones are the best possible products that I could ever dream of as it has revolutionized my world without a shadow of a doubt. Found Online: 2010 Author Unknown.

Current event of a business subject in the us

Instruction: Task: Work Ethics and the Challenge of Unemployment in the U. To make matters worse, there is no clear legal framework for the enforcement of work ethics since it is never a part and parcel of the job description.

Soc 111 ls1

X's Grief, and it was the case that he started to see his professional life start to decline as well, and around this time Mr. X from his grief over the loss of his wife, he was able to help Mr.

Reflection of pontoon a novel of lake wobegon by garrison keillor

The name of the lake is also significant in the sense to this storyline. It is sad that Evelyn was a Lutheran and yet could not allow the church to conduct her final ceremony.

Weight management

One shortcoming of the research is that, much of it is concentrated on the behaviors that lead to weight decrease, but less study is findings has been provided for weight loss maintenance. The influence of the blended strategy of consuming fruits and vegetables and engaging in normal physical activity has not been widely studied in β†’

Who should pay for college

Under such circumstances, it is logical to argue that the responsibility of giving education to the public is the duty of a nation. It is difficult for an ordinary American youth to afford the expenses of college education without financial assistance from the government in the form of educational loans or scholarships.

English fiction

Last night, they were the only girls that sneaked out of the tent to try a cigarette only to return ecstatically giddy-headed at the shock of the other " good" girls." Hey Shelley, could I have a word with you for a second?" Laura said motioning out of the tent. All she could let out β†’

What makes someone human

The definition of personhood or a human being and characteristics that makes someone human has been under discussion in science, philosophy, and religion. In Addition, loss of the feature defining human such as being in a coma makes one not to be considered as morally human.

Smoking as a global issue

Increasing the number of taxes on cigarettes as well as the implementation of bans can prove to be useful for the purpose of discouraging the smokers from smoking and this fact has been proven as many smokers have quit smoking following these regulations. A survey in Sweden also indicated the fact that the easy availability β†’

How science textbooks provide philosophical normative or celebratory — accounts of science

Science refers to a rational and realistic endeavor involving the logical study of the configuration and behavior of the natural as well as physical world through experiments and observation. However, the main aim of philosophy is to uncover what exactly qualifies as a science, the efficiency of scientific theories it comes with and the primary β†’

National response framework

Coordination during disaster management is done at various levels due to the fact that the tasks of assistance during disaster management are often interconnected and demand coordination of activities for a positive outcome. In situations like this, it is extremely important that the agency which determines the magnitude of an expected disaster provides the correct β†’

Emergency operations centers

The EOC to get used to manage the flash floods in Evergreen, Colorado should be an efficient and effective facility that will get used to coordinate emergency response actions. Using the ICS guideline policies, emergency teams and agencies may use the EOC to coordinate their disaster management plans.

Unmotivated at risk readers in elementary school

This is because it is the teacher who spends most of the time with the learners thus able to promptly identify the at-risk learners. Teacher and parents should always be in touch with regard to the welfare of the students.

Academic mehods

Restaurant Management Hotel management is one of the fastest growing industries of contemporary world, which offers wide range of entertainment and recreation to the lovers of thrill, excitement and rejoicing. Hotel Industry Pleasures Hotel industry offers a lot of recreational opportunities and thrill to the individuals.

Paper 5

He tells us that his " home is beyond the mountains" but he is not; he is in the white man's world a world where trees are planted in " military rows" and although all living things are beautiful " it is the beauty of captivity". For the Indian American it is his return to β†’

Digital forensics/electronic evidence

Digital evidence is a new piece of evidence in the court system. Investigators involved in collecting evidence of digital nature ought to have permission to undertake the investigation process.

Sensory perceptions

Sensory Perceptions Provide at least 3 reasons for believing in the accuracy or inaccuracy of sensory information Sensory information is absorbed by the senses and is interpreted by the brain. Sensory information is believed to be accurate if the feedback from the senses is consistent with the environment, interpretation is logical, and is backed up β†’

Entrepreneur leadership speaker series: brady murray

That is, work hard and build a solid business and then you may take a little time for yourself.3. Sell to women, as they do the buying and sell a product that is consumable in some way.

Issues in sports 2

and Number of the Teacher's ISSUES IN SPORTS PERFORMANCE-ENHANCING DRUGS An issue in sports is performance-enhancing drugs, related to medicine and sports. The ways in which the above management action will affect the sport and society at large is an important aspect of the issue of performance-enhancing drugs.

Information technology and explosive change

This is because of the immense contribution that information technology plays in the running of businesses and how integral information technology has become in the operation of businesses across the globe. Innovation in Production Over the years, the level of innovation that technology has brought in the running of companies is unprecedented.

Leadership as an essential part of modern society

Take an instance of a family; it is the role of my father to ensure that the family is well taken care of. In as much as it is a requirement by the government I still feel that he is able to manage this role just fine.

Death of a salesman act 2 response paper

As the play builds up to the inevitable death of Willy Loman, the reader is pulled into the feelings of the various characters. The father-son relationship between Willy and Biff is the fulcrum of the play.

Best teaching practices for diverse learners

Part Best Teaching Practices for Diverse Learners Type of Learner: Best Teaching Practices Cultural Diversity Learner The following are suggested best teaching practices for cultural adversity learners: approach every interaction thinking each student is well intentioned and respond positively orient the students of the learning activities, outcomes, academic standards and expectation provide and direct students β†’


Of course there is a large outcry against animal testing, but for the most part regular people seem to be ok with the fact that their perfume or make up was tested on animals, and if they do have any feeling it is that they just do not mind at all. Morally some people can β†’

Making lessons accessible for english language learners

As the purpose of this learning activity is to make the students exercise critical thinking and analysis it becomes all the more necessary to make a lesson plan that would help the non-English speaking students really understand the essence of the lesson and therefore make progress in it. At this point I think it is β†’

Preparation for policy proposal

The preoccupations of the drivers with electronic and non-electronic devices are major reasons and causes of accidents in various parts of the world. These failures are not necessarily the reasons of road accidents, but the aftermaths of the final malfunctions of the driving systems which are the road, user, and the vehicle.


According to Yergin, the era of globalization began at the end of the Cold War and Gulf crisis, and era " of a world being tied together by flow of investment, of trade, of ideas, of culture, of people traveling all the time". In the United States, one of the most pertinent evidences of globalization β†’

Law dropbox 5

The exceptions state that the oral contract will be legally binding if; The parties complied with the terms of the contract, or The complainant complied with the contract in relation to the defendant's promise and suffered; as a result. Both parties complied with the terms of the contract and the plaintiff suffered from the defendant's β†’

The road not taken

ic and Modern " The Road not Taken" by Robert Frost Introduction Purpose: Frost in this poem emphasizes the essence of life's choices, which every individual has to make in quest of realizing his or her aspirations. However, he expresses regrets of having chosen the path "...less traveled by" due to numerous predicaments that he β†’

Biotechnology aplications

Below are some of the applications of biotech in agriculture; Vaccines production-Oral vaccines are the most likely solution used due to rising incidents of diseases in undeveloped countries; where by costs are extreme to extensive immunization. There are other several applications of biotech in agriculture such as nutrient supplementation aimed enhancing health of plants so β†’


The change that is brought in by the new technology is essentially ecological and therefore it should not be left to the hands of the few assuming it to be additive. The message that came with the new technology was that more power was bestowed in the hands of the powerful and the rich with β†’

Management info systems project wk3

E-Commerce And Supply Chain Management Dawn Chamberlain Corinthian's College 18th November E-Commerce and Supply Chain Management E-commerce is the process of buying and selling goods over the internet according to Bidgoli. Geunes researches on the application of supply chain and e-commerce in an organization.

Philosophy final

The emergence and rise of capitalism during eighteenth and nineteenth century witness the biggest change in the thoughts and conceptuality of individualism. The United States of America is currently the society in which the platform of individualism is practiced the most in this world.


Wu Zetian Wu Zetian was the only female in China to lead the dynasty. She offered help to her husband and defeated the rebels.

Perspective of cultural heritage towards the education

The understanding of the bonding between the child and parent is very important because the society of today will get to comprehend the importance of the family relationships that were quite important in the families of the past. For instance, in the story of Alice Walker, there was some gentle humor that was used to β†’

Federalists and republicans

The Federalists aimed at enriching the wealthy class in the community whereas, The Republicans fought against the oppression of the poor and the middle class. In foreign policies, the core difference between the Federalists and the Republicans was the relationship America had with Britain and France.

Outsourcing information technology

This is quite rampant at present in countries like US and other western countries not only because outsourcing saves large amount of the companies economy but also the time gap which exists between the countries like India, china, Philippines and other western countries forms a major advantage to the company which out sources the Information β†’

The ice house by caroline gordon

He is one of the two main characters of the short story and has been assigned the task of removing the skeletons of Union Soldiers from a pit in an ice house. As the story progresses, the setting of the scenario becomes even more intriguing and the distinct style of writing is reflected in every β†’

The influence of bias on science

A positive influence bias in science is the strong bias for journal publication and citation search indexes to include only English research articles. Yet, there is a positive influence in that language and thought are closely intertwined, and it is beneficial to the advancement of scientific knowledge for there to be a global base from β†’

Existential psychololgy- rollo may

Kiser touches upon the application of May's theory to psychotherapy stating that the goal of a therapeutic session is the appreciation of a client's existence. Article 3 The article by Merwin is a representation of the life of Abraham Lincoln within the context of Rollo May's conceptualization of the destiny of an individual.

A childs development process

Parents ought to discuss their children development with them and wit counselors if need be The balancing act that physicians ought to keep in mind when it comes to children patients involves the level of confidentiality with their patients. Ford simply implied that, as a doctor, one would want to keep the confidence of the β†’

Teaching – nursing considerations for teaching patient hope to deal with type 2 diabetes, hypertension and renal disease

Purpose of the Study To improve the student's ability to develop and conduct effective health teachings based on the patient's health condition. Conclusion The nurse should always consider the patient's physical maturation, cognitive abilities, and psychosocial development when conducting health teachings.


The major points of the documents can be summarized as follows The stages of human development with regard to life span which correspond to chronological age needs to be redefined in changing socio-cultural, political and economical environment.2. Arnett has described five most common characteristics of emerging adulthood as age of identity exploration; age of instability; β†’

Coca-cola in india

Section/# Coca Cola and the Struggle to Gain a Foothold in the Indian Beverage Market What aspects of U.S.culture and of Indian culture have been causes of Coke's difficulties in India? Additionally, Coca Cola must be much faster in response to such a type of criticism in the future.

School safety and security

Additionally, addressing security and safety issues in schools requires the participation of various stakeholders with the view to developing an effective plan of action, one that protects the interests of both the learners and the safety of the other stakeholders involved. During a normal school hour for example, a crisis management requires the input of β†’

Describe maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Faculty Maslows Hierarchy of Needs is a theory in psychology. The first four levels of needs are grouped together and said as ' deficiency needs' associated with physiological needs, while the top level is termed ' growth needs' associated with psychological needs.


Review of the article " Leadership styles and burnout: is there an association?" by Anastasios Zopiatis and Panayiotis Constanti Summary The article represents an explanatory research of the interconnection between different leadership styles and burnout of managers working in the hospitality sphere in Cyprus. Critical Analysis The highest achievement of the authors and therefore the β†’

American literature

Modernism outlines that virtues such as submissiveness to the mass culture and piety hinders equality and individuality while postmodernism outlines that an equal society entails both self-reliance and right to self-determination in economic, political, cultural and sexual issues in the society. According to the writer, the best option of women to attain freedom from all β†’

A close reading of a specific and familiar space

The general structure of a traditional house was partitioned based on functions of each room and what items were kept by who and where within the house. This was done to protect males' fertility and that of the field to the dark area of the house.

Asian philosophy

For Xunzi, the hazards to Confucianism originate not merely external to the tradition, but as well as from within it, in the appearance of Mengzi's principle that human nature is good. In Xunzi's judgment, such an argument weakens the power of ritual as a practical guideline to behavior, ruins the essentiality of acquiring knowledge, and β†’

Personal training

Comparison: A comparison of the three diet plans shows that the 3-day diet plan is the worse, since it is the lowest in nutritional value; cannot be taken for intense training; and, the weight comes back soon. The biggest loser diet is better since it suggests physical exercise, and offers a variety of food to β†’

Aristotle: summum bonum

In line with Aristotle's theory that all human activity is, consciously or unconsciously, directed towards the summum bonum, which is the highest of all realizable goods, I hold that the ultimate goal of my life is the complete realization of my potential. My summum bonum, my idea of a fulfilling, satisfying life, which gives me β†’

Concert review

From the music to the presentation, the concert is an awesome Celtic production. I liked the Celtic Women concert.

Iso standards and excellence – reflection ( clo 3 )

In theory, ISO Certification may not be necessary and it does not follow that a company without ISO Certification is no longer reputable. In practice however, both companies and customers look for ISO Certification for a guarantee that the products and services delivered by the company is of quality and consistent.

Evaluation of a video prompting and fading procedure for teaching dish washing skills to adults with developmental disabilities

For each of the three participants, the lack of developmental abilities was assessed by the author with the help of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, which is one form of an interview. Measurement of the Independent variable The independent variable in the article was the withdrawal of the procedures implemented and analyzing the effectiveness of β†’