Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Five forces of competition model

The industry remains stable and essential in the current industry. However, the competitive force in the transportation industry created by alternative transportation systems such as water and air transport threaten the industry.

Function of place in mad max 2 by georgre miller 1981 (film)

One of the great advantages of film as a medium over literary texts like novels and short stories, even live acting in the theatre, is that it can use images to conjure up a whole host of parallel meanings to complement the dialogue and the narrative. The main character played by Mel Gibson, is a β†’

Probation, parole, and intermediate sanctions

In that perspective, this paper will discuss the modes of criminal justice and community safety that include parole, probation and intermediate sanction. Despite the similarities in the application of parole and probation modes of enforcing criminal justice, the difference occurs in the manner in which each is ignited and set to work.

Biography of a mathematician: karl pearson

Later on, he was appointed to the Goldsmid Chair of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics which was a branch at the University College, London. Karl Pearson's work is something that people can take a leaf out of, in the related fields and he must be hailed for his contribution to the mathematical statistics.

Shared values

Values can apply to any aspect of life as well, such as feeling dedicated to the principles of beauty and art or to the solid facts and figures of truth. Their dedication to these values of beauty and truth often engaged them in lengthy conversations that we, as children, were barely able to follow at β†’

Human resource management

Such a situation would cause a significant amount of damage to the way things are handled in the company and if the clients will suffer then no doubt there will be suffering on the part of the company. In order to keep an open mind to the situation of both the employees who are asking β†’

Assignment 7

Explanation of study findings The purpose of the review was to investigate the treatment impacts of tier 1 and tier 2 school-based social work interventions. Critique of the study With evidence-based practice in school-based social work, there is much promise that combining practice and research reinforces scientific knowledge-base that promotes interventions in social work.

States rise up against washington

As Washington D.C.continues to come up with laws and regulations to guide the entire nation without engaging in much consultation with the states governments, the state legislators have voiced their disappointed for failing to be included in the process and have done this by introducing bills that seek to nullify some of the national government's β†’

Task of a group leader

The group leader must be an individual with the expertise in group process and must be able to assist the group in accomplishing its objectives by correctly diagnosing how well the group is functioning as a problem solving or decision making entity and to as well intervening to alter the groups' operating behaviour. Group agreements β†’

Mkt 300 student as a products

Bachelors in Business Management and Marketing - University of Phoenix Experience as a Marketing assistant and Intern for a year in two different and renowned service organizations. If your firm is looking for a result oriented and dependable professional, I would be interested in speaking to you to discuss the value that my strengths and β†’

Carriage of goods by sea act

Carriage of Goods by Sea Act al Affiliation The exceptions of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act include the following: Dangerous Cargo Sacrifices in perils Due diligence in avoiding the loss of goods These exceptions exist, in order to protect the carrier from being liable for the loss of the goods in dire circumstances. β†’

Federalist and democratic-republican attitudes toward the national government

The Federalists thought a bill of rights was not part of the articles of confederation, expressed fear of unbridled democracy and of the despotic masses. They believed that a bill of rights was necessary to protect the citizens from an oppressive central government.

Case analysis

Toward the end of the second month, the bank withdraws the offer. If Sam opened the account with the bank for the sole purpose of availing of the home loan, he should have been made aware that applying for a loan does not necessarily indicate that he could immediately be approved just because he has β†’

Diverse statemnt

English Language Learners There are various ways or approaches of attending to educational needs of English language learners, and such methodologies of teaching applied to English language learners may vary from topic to topic. They are helped and taught using special methodologies, theories and procedures just like the slow learners since their pace of learning β†’

Du bois the souls of black folk

Du Bois' The Souls of Black Folk Review al Affiliation This paper represents the critical analysis of Du Bois' TheSouls of Black Folk, focusing on the review of Du Bois' conception of African-Americans' plight in the USA during the second half of nineteenth and early twentieth century and his blueprint for their full emancipation. Keywords: β†’

M6 food sanitation videos discussion/ research brief

Food Safety Research Brief THE NEED FOR INDIVIDUAL EFFORT IN ENSURING FOOD SAFETY Background Information Despite existence of the food safety regulators, consumers continue to report food safety incidents. Consumers' food safety confidence is of great importance in the food chain hence the need to ensure effective food risk management strategies.

Bio 101

Running Head: Effects of Fast Food on Health Effects of Fast Food on Health [Institute's Effects of Fast Food on Health The 21st century holds a very fast paced society. Originating from the West, the fast food trend has expanded and spread in all countries of the world as a new fashion or a new β†’

Effective parenting

The needs of children have to be met all the time, failure to which parents may face questions from the community in which they live, the government as well as other interested parties regarding the welfare of children. Effective Parenting It is important for parents to realize that the manner in which they speak and β†’

Research and answer questions

The title of the article co-authored by this professor is called; Effects of partial sleep deprivation on food consumption and food choice.5. The results indicated significant differences in food consumption and food choice following partial sleep deprivation as compared to nights of normal sleep.

Market equilibrium

Market Equilibrium Law of demand and the determinants of demand The law of demand s that if the prices of commodities are high, then buyers of commodities will inquire lower quantities compared to the case when the prices are low. Law of supply and the determinants of supply The law of supply suggests that if β†’

Business issues and legislative system

However, the employer may take advantage of the provisions of the Equal Pay Act to justify his action. Chapter 33, Question 9 Franklin is entitled to the credit as he demands.

Western civ (greeks vs, hebrews)

In similar fashion, the political realities of the day reflected the intrusion of religion into the affairs of the state. New York: Encounter Books, 2002.

Global hrm (bus 303)

Global HRM Introduction This paper is aimed to provide the impact of global human resource management on human resource planning along with the implications of Hofestede's model, Trompnaars' model and the GLOBE model on HRM in the context of cross cultural dimensions. Hofestede's Model The implications of HRM in the context of Hoftede's model of β†’

Time management

The teacher must ensure that the pace and content of their lesson are appropriate for the group of students. The appropriate lesson pace for a class of English Language Learner students is clearly different from that of a class of non-ELL students.

Greek culture-2

There are relationships between the two works, such as the power of Perseus, in Metamorphoses, to turn his enemies to stone; and that of Poseidon coming to the rescue of the Odysseus, turning the threat of the seafaring ship that pursued them to stone. Each work uses the fulfillment of prophecy to serve as cautionary β†’

Motives for blaming parents for problems of their children

Another motive that may make a therapist blame a mother for the problems facing a child relates to situations where the mother formed a triangle relationship with a child against the father or other family members. Hatred in families is undesirable and may only work to scuttle and ruin the entire system of a family.

Rehab centers

The second benefit of the alcohol rehab programs is the socialization of individuals with others like themselves who are in the same position giving them more support and strength to overcome their alcohol problem. The programs of both drug rehab and alcohol rehabs are designed in such a way that it is made sure that β†’

Using marx’s concepts and methodology, analyze a specific news story, feature article, column, editorial, cartoon, advertisement, video, etc. published since january 1, 2014

Diego says, " it is unfair that we suffer", referring to the 19% devaluation of the country's currency due to the recent shock waves affecting the country. Marx's Theories From the above sentiments it is possible to connect some of the Marx's theories.

Managerial finance wacc

The aim of this paper is to compute the weighted average cost of capital of any publicly-traded company. The weighted average cost of capital This is the overall or the composite cost of capital that a firm is currently using.

Establish credibility in desired career path in criminal justice

First, failure by police officers to recognize and respect the dignity and values of every individual and group in the community could compromise the integrity of police officers. Poor public information dissemination and reporting has also been mentioned as a possible compromise to the credibility of police officers.

Personal reflection paper

Therefore, leaving sadhu to die for the sake of accomplishing corporate goals is against the moral standards of the society. The parable also reveals irresponsibility of the corporate members to the society.

My leadership style

Old and new employees will adjust to the new system under a merged organization and will be encouraged to share their ideas, competencies, and skills in order for the betterment of the carrying out of tasks and the organization as a whole. It is also a trait of mine to determine in advance how I β†’

Diseases of the pancreas

The symptoms of chronic pancreatitis include all symptoms of acute pancreatitis in addition to weight loss as a result of malabsorption and diabetes if the cells involved in producing insulin are destroyed. Alcohol has been associated with the causation of pancreatitis.

Tell how you became interested in a health career in your designated area of interest and relate any health care experience you may have had to date

I was always the kind of child that would volunteer to help my parents when they were not feeling well, and I was the one that lent a helping hand to my friends when they needed some form of care. These were the things that have inspired me to strive to become a health care β†’

Chemistry of hazardous materials case study

The paper addresses the sequence, action plan, and finally communication regarding the solution to the hazardous problem illustrated in the accident scene. The three main illustrations explain that the tanker is transporting hazardous substance that can negatively affect the health and safety of the safety workers and the members of the public.

Early western civilization

The Greeks and Romans are the ones associated with the development of western civilization. The Holy Rome Empire was at the forefront of the civilization in Europe.

The new deal legislation affected african american and mexican american

The New Deal legislation Introduction The New Deal was introduced by the American president Franklin Roosevelt to reform the distorted face of the American economy after the debacle of the Wall Street crash in 1933. The New Deal was established " to reorganize capitalism in such a way as to overcome the crisis and stabilize β†’

Comparative and contrast between the united state of america and australia

The United s of America and Australia have several key elements of their culture in common. While geography can influence the character of a group of people, other things such as the history and the development of a national identity can be even greater determinants of character.

Paraphase, summary and quotation assinment

SUMMARY This paragraph talks about the differences between soldiers in the first and second world war, and especially how different the latter were. They had probably never used a gun and were more interested in " the Jitterbug or the Big Apple".

Case study international business

In addition to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the interaction and integration between economies and business entities throughout the world had been on a dramatic increase; so much so that continuing to operate by the classical model with no longer yield the same level of profitability that IBM had been able to appreciate in β†’

Technology and human resources

The HR laws involved in the scenario are the Americans with Disabilities Act.and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. These laws are applicable since the age of the applicant, at 60 is almost near retirement age and being a disabled, the anti-discrimination regulations would ensure that the applicant would be not discriminated based on age β†’


Task Reflection: Ammonia Project Introduction When this project was first given to us in the selected group, I admit that I wasnot ready for the challenge because of my insufficient experience in the energy-regulating field. In order to produce this gas, we had to look at the chemical reaction that was involved in the production, β†’

Why do i hope to be a successful penn university’s student

I will be able to bring all of my abilities that I have learned from my parents to Penn University and will be an asset to any department. In addition to my academic studies, I have also been a member of the Greenpeace movement in Vienna.


Arrangement: The rhetorical cannon of arrangement is seen to be concerned with the arrangement of a speech in a manner that will enable the speech to have the maximum level of persuasion that it can possibly have. In the case of the speech by Dr.

Theory description: situation ethics theory

This raises the question of " what is love?" something Fletcher tries to answer in his six propositions of Situation Ethics, all of which are key to understanding Situation Ethics. Situation ethics: The new morality.

Museum critique

The painting was hung in the Sellars Collection in the museum. The title of the work is " The White Fox," and it was painted by artist Jeanie Mottet.

Contemporary leader

His policies have the capability of bringing two of the nation's biggest political parties The Republicans and The Democrats together in terms of agreement and acceptance of his desired goals and visions. His strong leadership qualities are characterized by his exemplary vision for the nation which involves creating hope and maintaining the promises that the β†’

Investigating the impact of information technology on a career

Information Technology in the Tourism Industry Information technology has drastically transformed the tourism sector and changed the competitiveness of tourist destinations and companies. The fast growth of tourism demand and supply boosts the adoption and implementation of IT in the industry, particularly for coordination, promotion, distribution, and marketing.

Defending your case

It is a form of post traumatic relationship, where the female can go to being paranoid because of the trauma she is experiencing from the pains of the relationship. There are no statistics that show the rate of the victims of Battered Women's Syndrome.

On being a cripple

Nancy Mairs wrote the book " On Being Cripple" and used the word " cripple" to refer to herself because she wanted her readers to see her as a tough lady. The writer does not use this word as it is with the disabled persons because she has accepted the outcome of what life has β†’

Reflections of course related to the educational environment

In the educational environment, a major research project required conducting analyses of teaching methodology in an attempt to construct an innovative model of learning. It was becoming more and more difficult to use theory from the class curriculum to justify a new style of teaching as secondary research indicated sizeable gaps in knowledge of how β†’

Eassay analysis (human resources)

The following acts of Marion County can be considered violative of the ADA and thus discriminatory: A. In a decided case it was ruled that the " Chicago Board of Educations requirement for any job applicant to provide a complete medical history and to submit to a medical examination is tantamount to requiring HIV status β†’

Care agencies within my local area. (my post code is se 18 4 ds )

The main focus of this facility is to provide support and rehabilitation to a small number of adults with mental health problems. The ability of workers at Plumstead Lodge to handle long term mental illnesses like dementia places it above the short stay facility of Homeleigh Residential Care in terms of variety.

Two forks medical mystery

Nora and I went over the main facts and details of the events that led to the infection in order to find some clues. I also interviewed all the people who handled the food served to the under-treatment patient, Cam Watanabe.


Running head: DIVERSITY Diversity In this assignment it is necessary to discuss what diversitymeans and how it is possible to promote diversity and cultural awareness oriented to nursing practice in the community. Thus, the true nature of nursing demonstrates a necessity to be aware of diversity, taking care of patients and being competent and successful β†’

The internal business process perspective: dukes childrens hospital

The management team and their employees were cash strapped, and this ultimately affected the quality of the services that they offered. This meant that the staff and the management team worked around a strategy that cuts down on the amount of money that each patient visiting the hospital paid.

Participative budgeting

Participatory budgeting in Porto Alegre: social innovation and the dialectical relationship of the state and civil society In Brazil, the state and civil society have always been much more intertwined that the liberal conceptualization. Social innovation and an open democratic state in a participatory budgeting is the core elements in a new form of local β†’

Ismg 11

Question 2 According to Barton, exposing too much information of their IT Company to regular customers is both an advantage and a disadvantage to them. It is an advantage in the sense that exposing information to customers will likely improve the proceeding of their company.

Poverty is the worst social problem facing the united states today

In the United States of America, Census Bureau found a significant increase in the rate of poverty." The report said the percentage of Americans living below the poverty line last year, 15. In the United States of America, people usually face three major categories of poverty, which include extreme poverty, relative poverty, and moderate poverty.

Community corrections

Community Corrections The article d as " Community Corrections: A Powerful Field" was ed by DeMichele et al.and in this article the author talks about the issues experienced by of community and what can be done to solve these issues in order to fight and reduce crime. The policy makers need to read this article β†’

Cyber terrorism and warfare

Cyber Terrorism and Warfare Cyber Terrorism and Warfare Cyber terrorism and warfare involve use of a computer network to tamper with infrastructure, such as transportation and government operations. Cyber terrorism and warfare, according to national defence leaders, poses a great risk to the national security of the U.S.


General welfare has also made its appearance in parts of the constitution of United States such as in the description of the role of the congress on article 1 section 8 of the constitution. A Law and Economics Analysis of the General Welfare Clause.

Communication paper

Verbal and Non-verbal Communication Affiliation Verbal and Non-verbal Communication In the modern society, communication is used freely by everyone. The main divisions of communication are verbal and non-verbal communication.

2 questions about the road

The reason for this bond is due to the nature of the world that they live in. The boy is the leader of the future because his eyes are already adjusted to the light of a world completely alien and incomprehensible to those of his father's generation.


INTERRACIAL RELATIONSHIPS The purpose of the research was to offer an explanation for the changing trend in the participation in interracial sexual relationships in the course of switch to adulthood. The hypothesis statement of the research stated that, " involvement in interracial sexual relationships tends to decrease with increase in the age among young adults"..

Distance learning

Distance Learning Distance Learning Distance learning or distance education is the education where one is not confirmed in an area such as a classroom in order to learn. It involves getting the education where one has barriers such as time and distance separating the learner and the teacher.

Psychology in education

The article creates a relationship between the psychological aspects and day to day life of a person. This article clearly draws a line between the various phenomenon of psychology and the common factors that contribute to psychological problems.

Leading cultural and organizational change at the royal conservatory of music

Case 13 Answer The major issues raised in the study are incorporation of environmental changes within the broad goals and objectives of RCM and meeting the challenges of time with creative inputs. Answer 3 Flagstaff needs to redefine and reorganize its culture to accommodate the changes of external environment.

Risk management & employee relationshiips

Prior to this class, I would have handled the risk management and employee relationships issues somewhat differently that I can do it now as the manager of employee relations department. As the manager of employee relations department, now I can make good use of my skills and abilities that are required to perform my job.

Theories of attachment

Another prominent theory on bonding is the one developed by Klaus and Kennell which states that maternal bonding is important which in turn gave rise to the new practice of bringing a new baby to its mother instead of being brought to the nursery. The theory of attachment is built on the concept of a β†’

Making connection

Swerdlow, On the Exercise of Power by Niccolo Machiavelli, and Black and White by Gloria Goodale Changing America is a keynote under America Identity by Joel Swerdlow showing how different Americans focus on their personal identity and the national identity of the country. The three texts by the different authors indicate the oppression of the β†’

What i believe in: kindness

As I was walking, I bought a packet of chips and decided to share them with a street kid I saw on the way. All of a sudden, I felt renewed and within no time, I was back in my room, laptop fully charged, and with energy to do the assignment properly.

32) ketsche, p., custer, b., adams, e.k., debate topic: tax deductibility of employer sponsored (group) health insurance. sage debates on health care (r)

Counter arguments: Tax deductibility increases the distribution of insurance cover to all regardless of income and social status. This tax regime promoted the heath of American by reducing the cost healthcare services, reducing health insurance premium, and tax burden to the insured.


Central to the Turner thesis is the critical influence that the frontier had in defining the character of the United States. Turner paints the slavery struggle as just an incident that has a lot of meaning to the American history during the expansion of the westward.

Trigger paper

RUNNING HEADER: Apple and the Need for Change Apple and the Need for Change BY YOU YOUR SCHOOL INFO HERE HERE Apple and the Need for Change Apple considered the largest technology manufacturer in the world, operating in domestic and international markets. Apple is forced to change its branding strategies in marketing and also β†’

Story response

Use of dialogue is another quality in the story as it reinforces authenticity of the story. It takes the audience to the real time occurrence of the facts and therefore immerses the audience into the story.

Child custody and support available

Argument During the divorce process, the father has to undergo a child custody evaluation at which point he learns that the daily access to rear the child is shared or fully impeded. It is even more difficult for fathers to be a custodial parent because the mother is usually given custody in the best interest β†’

Discussion: defining intelligence

Gardners theory has actually been liberating or freeing to individuals in that they have been able to validate their strengths that normally lie outside the traditional view of intelligence. I will also be able to push harder in order to get a good equal quantity or amount of the intelligences.

Discuss the relationship between globalisation and democracy (with reference to the asia pacific)

Discuss the relationship between globalisation and democracy Instructions: Please include a brief definition for globalisation and also for democracy then discuss the relationship between the two using the Asia pacific with examples. 2 The following is a brief discussion of the relationship between globalisation and democracy.

Observational learning and media violence

On this grounding, this paper investigates a television segment on professional football, a children's movie, a WWE wrestling program and how they facilitate aggressiveness and subsequent violence in children. Children watching such a program may become more aggressive and desensitized to violence.

Critical thinking and decision making

The way my grandmother narrated her story allowed me to catch a glimpse of her past, which somehow reflected the pathos of the speech. It's difficult to separate my emotional attachment with her and the pathos of her story, but I remember not feeling any form of pain or suffering from her speech; what I β†’

Jus 102 3 short paper see below

The different approaches to leadership include Transactional, Transformational, Mixed style, Active leadership and role modelling, Situational, participative and Inactive leadership styles. Moreover the transactional and inactive leadership models can be compared due to the negative impact on the subordinates.

Comparative advantage

United States and Japan vary greatly in their natural resources and this is predicted in the patterns of comparative advantage of the two countries as indicated in the table. Japan has competitive advantage in automotive industry and this is because of the innovative and technological capital of the country.

Compare & contrast

Compare and contrast Spring and Fall There is a certain charm and quality to a Spring day that is missing from the season of Fall. There is the feeling of lightness and life during the months of spring, it is apparent in the scent of lilacs and can be seen in the myriad of flowers β†’

Expando manufacturers

The question that needs to be answered is: does Flexo have grounds to appeal and if so will the court overrule the decision of Customs Service The answer is yes. The Law of International Trade: A Business Overview.

Natures language

The language is as soft as the silk filaments floating out of a cocoon. My definition of nature as pleasant intended to create the impression to be friendly, harmonious, and tranquil and I wrote, " The language is as soft as the silk filaments floating out of a cocoon".

Midterm exam

The post WWIIperiod was significant in its decentralization of European power and emergence of America as superpower of the world. The Countries were ravaged by the WWII and emergence of international bodies like United Nations, IMF etc.were primarily formed to support the rebuilding processes of the nations and provide a world forum that can provide β†’

Freedom of speech

Freedom of Speech and a Free Government "[Click here and type " "[Click here and type your s " Freedom of Speech and a Free Government Without knowing how our free government came about, it is impossible to understand the meaning of the term, free government. The whole concept of a free government would have β†’

Social pedogogy as foundation of play

Social Pedagogy as Foundation of Preschoolers' Play for Achieving Kindergarten Readiness of the of the Department of the University Name of the Course Name of the Supervisor The Month and Year of Submission Social Pedagogy as Foundation of Preschoolers' Play for Achieving Kindergarten Readiness Introduction Early childhood education places an emphasis on developmentally appropriate pedagogy, β†’

Critical thinking

Critical thinking defined Critical thinking is loosely defined as deliberate, rational thought in the quest for reliable and relevant knowledge regarding one's preconceptions of their physical and psychological environment. Problem solving is generally characterized as the thought process that moves from the original problem situation towards a resolution by use of nonspecific methods.

Which branch of government should be making the decisions on immigration

Base on functionality, the constitution and control the federal government wields the powers to handle policies in regards to immigration and such should not be left in the hands of the states. The federal government is well poised to handle the issue of immigration, as seen in its functions.

Difficult phrase position paper

POSITION PAPER THE MEANING OF " THE HUSBAND OF ONE WIFE" IN TIMOTHY 3: 2 INTRODUCTION It is importance to interpret the phrase " husband of one wife" in 1 Timothy 3: 2 correctly because it is of great concern to Paul as it is one of the important qualities necessary for church leadership and β†’

Agents of socialization

I think that the basic ideas of right and wrong, and a belief in the importance of family came to me through the social agents of my parents and grandparents. The media are a major agent of socialization in my life and I love to use the latest gadgets and keep up with what is β†’

Personal statement for dental school

Due to the higher level of commitment made towards making dentistry as my primary career path or profession, I decided to visit Palestine and enhance my knowledge on dental treatment by performing as a co-worker at my sister's clinic. During the period of performing as a co-worker at my sister's clinic, I used to learn β†’