Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Eye witness account

The chief and his soldiers set the rules and control the workforce. The working hours increase and young men are forcefully recruited to be soldiers.

Definition informal personality type

Although the society outlines the behaviors and the roles of each in a social setting, I am one strong woman who holds on the inner drive that guides my actions regardless of the public opinion. According to my pals, I am a no-nonsense girl who cares less about the public opinion as long as I β†’

Love.. technological processes

Although Einstein is for the option of seeking technological knowledge, he advises that we should also imagine, and reflect on the consequences that will come with it. For instance, in his quote, he is trying to highlight the negative effects that come with technology advancement as well as the seeking of such technological knowledge.

Fast food vs. home cooked food

Fast food offers convenience and other advantages over home cooked food but the benefits of home cooked food and the disadvantages of fast foods identifies the need for consumption of homemade foods. Due to a huge workload of urban people, they would prefer to use less time to get the similar food, so the dependency β†’

Written business communication ( #4c)

Thanks in advance. A MEMO FOR PARKING GUIDELINES TO: All Employees FROM: Human Resource Manager DATE: February 12, 2014 SUBJECT: reminder of parking policies In order to make sure the parking movement of traffic and also, the smooth flow of activities, the entire employees are kindly requested to pursue the β†’


The significance of modern training can also be witnessed in the 1970's Rhodesian war. It is also stated that the new loss of associates and adored leaders in war can cause violence on the battlefield.

Does quarantine violate constitutional rights

Quarantine due to health concerns do not violate the 14th Amendment of the United s Constitution. The Supreme Court and laws have deemed the greater good of the American Public need to be decided by health experts in the United States v.

Summary & critical response

By and large, the article criticizes the possible adverse effects of working in fast food chains that can be highly influential to the teens, although at some points, it also provides advantages and benefits. Also, it is still much better to weigh things in accordance to something that can bring out the best of their β†’


In fact, it was my wish to do so. One of my close friends and I have birthdays on the same day. Now that I am recollecting that moment I deeply regret I said so. On the day we went hiking, the weather was perfect, and I was cheerful and optimistic.

Annotated bibliography

The author details the various policing ways of dealing with the problem of shoplifting. The idea of the paper is to work with law enforcement agencies in tackling shoplifting.

3 para

of Using Sources: An Ideal of the Sources Professional or formal writing needs credibilityfor which writers add references to their papers in terms of direct quotation or in-text citations. This is in response to the written essays by Stedman and Haller who have given a very insightful brief regarding formal writing and adding sources. Authors β†’

Do student’s lose more than they gain in online writing class

Also, there is a gigantic level of dispassion created by the generic nature of these courses; both in the middle of students and educator, and in the middle of the student themselves. With an online configuration, particularly in as many-sided a subject as thinking of, it appears that the level of trouble with this is β†’

Compare and contrast paper. 21 jump street

The main plot of it revolved around two police officers disguised as high school students to capture synthetic drug dealer and supplier from among the teenagers of a high school. Simultaneously, many at times such drug usage, addictions and other illicit habits ruin personal lives and relationships of these officers and β†’

Major point

School makes the children to be intellectually dependent this means that whatever children are taught in school is what the children will rely to use in his life. According to Taylor it is advisable to stick a particular profession especially after training has been accomplished, for instance a child taught and graduated in β†’


In business, communication ensures all the relevant people have the necessary information. On the other hand, other factors need to be considered so as business communication can be efficient.

Reflection paper 2

The creation of the proletariat class commenced the struggle with the bourgeoisie with the aim of redeeming the medieval status of the worker. Marx asserts that the bourgeoisie attributed to the modern industry development produces its own destroyers and this leads to the inevitable success of the proletariat. In relation to the communist manifesto, Marx β†’

Persuasive messages – letter or memo

With the assistance of the recommendations from the Natural Resource Defense Council , the following tips could easily be implemented in our organization: Unplugging office equipment and chargers when not in use; Use the sleep and hibernate modes for computers, especially in period of inactivity; Monitor and make use of daily temperatures and sunlight β†’

The castle of otranto

Full A Mother's Love Can a mother who claims to greatly love her daughter sacrifice her child's future for an unloving husband and father's desires? The Castle of Otranto presents an unstable character in the person of Hippolita, the princess of Otranto, wife of prince Manfred and doting mother of Conrad and Matilda. Having herself β†’

Thesis statement

Thesis ment Thesis ment: Although playing video games is often blamed for promoting violence among children and distracting them from studying, recent findings show that video games prove to be beneficial for the versatile development of young individuals. The following thesis statement is argumentative as far it contains two opposite opinions concerning the topic, which β†’

Illiegal immigrant

While the illegal immigrants affect the unskilled American workforce negatively, researchers and economists tend to believe that the American economy benefits in general from the presence of illegal immigrants. In fact, the US department of agriculture and the United States department of labor state that illegal immigrants are very beneficial to the American economy. More β†’

Compare and contrast an alligator vs. crocodile

Comparison between Alligators and Crocodiles Introduction As a result of both crocodiles and alligators beingreptilian animals from the same Crocodylia animal order , they can at times tend to exhibit a number of similarities such as sharing a similar diet, an amazing swimming speed that can be as fast as 20 miles per hour β†’

The development of critical thinking: does college make a difference

The purpose of Pascarella was to determine if college has a statistically significant effect on the critical thinking skills relative to a matched group of students who did not attend college during the 1-year period of the study. The development of critical thinking: Does college make a difference?

Study plan for academic success

I have had the opportunity to review my ideal and real schedules and realize that most of the time I managed to stick to my ideal schedule. I will set my alarm clock two hours earlier than usual so that I have adequate time to complete work for the day and for the morrow.


However, this has now changed and everything is done with the motive of earning a profit. I believe that despite capitalism being just in that one gets what they work for, it is evil and people should help each other to survive and not be greedy in order to accrue wealth as others suffer from β†’


The matter of the article is the contribution of bodily movement to human beings' superstition. The gist of the narrative is the method employed by this study and its findings.

Journal 8

McHugh's " What He Thought" demonstrates, through enjambment, metaphor, irony, and oxymoron, that the political is also poetic, wherein the poetic confirms the death-denying ideologies of people through the oxymoron of a silent poet. " What He Thought" uses enjambment to depict that political actions are poetic, in the sense that they reflect the innermost emotions, β†’

Middle eastern humanities

It is, therefore, paramount to consider the similarities and differences of the culinary traditions of the delegation from the Middle East before setting up the banquet. Middle East cooking uses generously herbs and spices. The banquet should consist of food types that are common among the countries of the visiting delegation.

Article reviews

The social disengagement brought by the new communication prompts the author to use practical approaches that can facilitate the readers' pragmatic understanding of this issue. The author is, therefore, appealing to the community to abandon the ineffective technology-aided communication and reincorporate the traditional methods that enhanced attachment.

Response paper

Adventure in the Forest The last time I was on vacation, I decided to go for a trip to India with either of my friends. We decided to make a camp to rest for the night and continue with the search the following day.

How to build a new world

How to Build a New World Identify Naomi Kleins main idea Klein is concerned with what is the initiative, which peopleshould take to make the world a better place. To her, this is not the right direction to take, since everyone should live to enjoy the resources of their nations or countries. 2.

Wconference question

In this case, the branch on knowledge tries to establish the rationale for the nature of human being, how they process information and what make humans unique especially in thinking and reasoning. Art and Epistemology is a very crucial branch of knowledge and creativity that shapes the affairs of the society. As the society mirror, β†’

The lady and her five suitors – a 1001 nights

The Lady and Her Five Suitors - A 1001 Nights The Lady And Her Five Suitors is a story from the collection " A 1001 Nights" that has a key character as a woman, a merchant's daughter and married to a husband who traveled quite a lot. She claims that the youth was β†’

Performance in drama and poetry

In light of the focus on a single item, the resulting drama and poem would always be performative. Plays and poems employ characterization, plot and mood to develop the themes, which are inherent throughout the literary piece in question. As the result, I do have a feeling of a participant when reading plays and poems β†’

Landscape and map

due: Landscape and Maps A landscape is a drawing that displays all the visible features of an area or land. A map illustrates and shows its physical features of which they may include: roads, cities, oceans and rivers among others. The relationship between a map and a landscape is that both are a representation of β†’


This is according to past Gallup survey and generally speaking, Americans for instance more supportive of making abortion legal especially in the earliest pregnancy stages of pregnancy than in the advanced stages, when the pregnancy is more developed or can survive outside of the womb. Another common ground that has been agreed upon by most β†’

Management decisions

However, as one is engaged into the activities, he or she learns communication skills that see him or her make possible decisions in the management system. As a network engineer, therefore I need to initiate concrete information in the management decisions that enables effective communication among the employees. We have therefore outstanding elements of decision β†’

Need to add more on the paper

The illustration on student athletes offer sufficient prognosis in view of the mentioned, as they have been treated as marketing strategies of the various schools and in turn, they succumb to pressure to exercise to exploit their talents while apparently putting much focus on training and participating in competitions. Such students pose future detrimental effect β†’

Third world feminism/pop culture and media

Many activists and groups advocating for feminism ideologies use the media in establishing and defending the political, social and economic rights for women in the society. Despite this, there is also a backlash against feminism brought out by the media. In the music videos, the roles taken by the women downgrade the position and roles β†’

The strategies i will adopt to improve my academic performance to be successful in college

The strategies in this context are plans laid down in order to encourage positive performance and champion for success. Some of the strategies that I have put in place to improve my academic performance include; First, time management is an important attribute that cannot lack in my recipe for success in academic success.

Sunrise model of leninger’s transcultural nursing theory

The core concept of the theory is in realizing the need for a global perspective to be formed in the practice of nursing all over the world. This has made it possible for nurses all over the world to practice nursing bearing in mind the cultural context. The theory is mostly credited for reconciling the β†’


It is a perfect example of what life is all about, and how to lead a righteous life. Questions obtained from: Focus on the family What I have learnt in the process of doing the implicit preferences tests The tests reveal a hidden bias just like it is meant to β†’

Propose a new policy – same bill

Therefore, in order to reduce this disparity a policy to monitor the nursing staffing standards for patient safety and quality care will be significant. The introduction of this bill will enhance the working conditions of the nurses. Safety in numbers: Nurse-to-patient ratios and the future of health care.

National patient safety goals and leadership

National Patient Safety Goals and Leadership According to the Future of Nursing: Leadership by Tim Porter; leadership is very important in the healthcare field as it guides the manner in which patients are treated and the kind of treatment that they receive on a daily basis. From past experiences, we can prove that ambulatory healthcare β†’

Reaction paper

I validated that the participant got the recommendations by the fact that they came in a language he would understand and the fact that his memory was equally sharp. Health promotion is important to the group in that it derives a better understanding on heart failure and its variance with age.

Heroin abuse health policy

Policy Assignment This health policy aims at eradicating abuse of the drug substance heroin among maternal child patients. The policy will involve creation of awareness of the negative effects of heroin abuse in order to prevent the affected individuals from suffering from withdrawal symptoms. Abuse of heroin is becoming very prevalent among β†’

Concept analysis

Therefore, concept analysis enables a researcher to identify attributes related to a concept in the nursing area such as diagnosis of a disease and enables a proper approach to situations. 2 Emanicipatory knowledge pertains addressing the social and political perspective of nursing and recognizes the social barriers to health, elaborating how nurses should administer β†’

Conflict management

Conflict Management al Affiliation Conflict Management Summary of the Article The article written by Brinkert en d " Conflict coaching training for nurse managers: a case study of a two-hospital health system" and published in the Journal of Nursing Management presented and analyzed the application of a Comprehensive Conflict Coaching Model as a β†’

Professional nursing (7th ed.) st.lois,mo: elsevier saunders. isbn: 9781455702701

The paper necessitate a selection and analysis of one issue picked from the table and chart. US Health Care The book talks about four main categories of health care services in the United States. S health care services categorized and there are plenty of agencies t manages the health system.

Aacn synergy model for patient care

The portrayal of the traits provides nurses with a way of caring for the physical, psychological and spiritual needs of the patients. As such, the method ensures effectiveness of the nursing services. While the synergy model is effective in providing care to critical patients, the model is vital in other areas of the specialty such β†’

Personal health risk

Well water contains Arsenic compounds that pose a health risk to people who consume water from the well. To identify arsenic in drinking water as a hazard, I followed EPA risk assessment module that included establishing the magnitude of arsenic present in water where arsenic is the dominant public-health problem for drinking water in America.

Summarize research article

The researcher therefore seeks to investigate the measures employed in health facilities within the country. The researcher identifies several health facilities within the state. The researchers employ random sampling technique in the selection of both the hospitals and the specific health practitioners to investigate in the study.

Workspace issue of nurse turnover

One of the issues that nurses experience due to a turnover of nurses is the increased amount of burden on nurses which results in negatively impacting the wellbeing of the nurses. In this research, the researchers figured out those nurse turnover even impacts patients in a negative manner. This is because nurse turnover results in β†’

Family genetic history

Evaluation of family genetic history Evaluate the impact of the family's genetic history on your adult participant's health. Include what information you would provide to the adult participant regarding the results of the family genetic history. From the family's genetic history it has been found that the lineage is susceptible to contracting diabetes β†’

Legislator letter & outline summary (2 parts to assignment)

I am writing to support the healthcare bill on its suggested amendment pertinent to the Public Health Service Act intended to establish a balance between the registered nurse staffing ratios and the patients. For instance, when there are more health personnel to handle the patients' issues, it means more people will access the vital health β†’

Web based health information analysis

Web Based Health Information Analysis Affiliation: Evaluate a self-selected web site following the HON criteria. The website under discussion is the Epilepsy Foundation ( which is a health website with a lot of information about epilepsy. The HON criteria include privacy, transparency, attribution and authority ( Provide a comprehensive review of each criteria and whether β†’

A registered practitioner nurse as a targeted career

A registered nurse can work in private practice, home-based care services, in hospitals, in schools, in correctional facilities, military barracks and even camps. In order to be a registered nurse, one has to have a bachelor's degree in nursing, a diploma course from an approved nursing program or even an associate degree in nursing. Other β†’

Human/animal ethics documentation

Human/animal ethics documentation of Research Project Ethical Concerns Related to the Safety of Mental Health Providers Section Researchers Chief Investigator School or Research Centre Qualifications Phone Haitham Al majzoub School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health Co-Investigator /Assistants Name: School or Research β†’

Comparison and contrast of kukaniloko birthing stones and queen’s medical center birthing unit

The mother was taken to Kukaniloko birthing stone on a woven rug. Nowadays pregnancy is monitored by the use of ultrasound which is equivalent to the monitoring practice that was witnessed in Kukanilolo. Despite the similarities, quite a number of differences exist.

Winshield survey summary and relection

The community of a client is the referral of the community as one base entity in health nursing due to the relation of the people and exposure to similar aspects as they share the same geographical space. In this way, community partnerships arise in the form of the community members working together with the various β†’

Moral distress

I wanted to end her suffering and we often talked to each other about it but the hospital would not agree and neither would the family and they even threatened suing myself and the hospital if euthanasia was attempted even though it was also her wish. Solving the morally distressing situation would demand asking about β†’

Why i want to be a nurse and my plan for the future in nursing

This is in line with the BSN program mission that promotes the advancement of education among RNs to enable them provide comprehensive and evidence-based nursing care. I appreciate that leadership in nursing is a critical role that calls for endowment with the requisite knowledge to promptly make decisive decisions.

Ldl cholesterol

These checks are conducted through ' lipoprotein profile' blood tests (National Cholesterol Education Program, 2005). The total level of cholesterol is significant in determining the risk of CHD in any individual. The risk category is determined according to the table below: (National Cholesterol Education Program, 2005) The LDL Cholesterol Goal based on the FRS Score β†’

Actions that nurses can take to maintain skin integrity

Actions that Nurses Can Take To Maintain Skin Integrity Actions that Nurses Can Take To Maintain Skin Integrity Nurses should avoid massages or practice gentle massages around sites of skin impairment. Areas with bony prominences should also be avoided. Monitor the patient's skin care practices such as the soaps used, frequency of cleansing, and β†’

Balanced scoreboards

From the results, it was found out that the level and quality of communication between the nurses and the patients has been an encouraging one. Because of this, there has been an effective communication that has indeed satisfied the patients. From this data, it can be concluded that the hospital has a culture of effective β†’

Positive image of nursing profession

Today's society requires people to specialize and be qualified enough to join the nursing professionalism. The percentage of nurses who are bachelor ready is increasing do to the increasing demand for well-prepared nurses. Besides, one can support the application process of student who wants to do nursing.

Reaction paper

Reaction Paper: Safe Family Project al Affiliation Reaction Paper: Safe Family Project The article en d " Safe Family Project" written by Brackley has provided comprehensive information regarding the Safe Family Project, a project which was allegedly designed to train health care practitioners to address health care requirements of victims of domestic violence β†’

Week 9 :reflection- safe harbor

NURSE'S REQUEST Check if you completed a Quick Request for Safe Harbor Peer Review: date March 7, 2015 time 7: 30 am (*Skip to #3 and attach Quick Request Form copy to this Comprehensive Request) I are invoking Safe Harbor and requesting a Safe Harbor peer review for the following requested conduct β†’

On jewish culture

Therefore, the supervisor did not do something helpful to Lisa's request. How to honor this request The accommodations vary depending on an employee for instance in our case study when the employee needs days off for her religious holidays and Sabbath. The supervisor can also allow Lisa who is a Sabbath observer from Friday β†’

Personal philosophy of nursing

Indeed, such image is what most people hold henceforth, no disagreeable reactions should be manifested in the presence of patients even though a nurse may be in trouble or is not feeling well. When a nurse is knowledgeable and well-trained, he will be able to perform his responsibilities efficiently but effectively.

Discussion forum 1 and 2

We observe all factors related to development of health policies on the basis of nursing experiences through the present article What Is Health Policy? Define health policy and describe how policies impact patient care. According to WHO, " health policy refers to decisions, plans, and actions that are undertaken to achieve specific health care β†’

Applying the chronic illness trajectory framework to a past client

Application of Trajectory Framework in Management of Chronic Illness Application of Trajectory Framework in Management of Chronic Illness The reason for the use of a Trajectory framework is to provide an approach that is useful in the management of chronic diseases. The patient would have changed his career to avoid getting exposes to more β†’

Nursing situation

However, even though caring is a highly regarded virtue in nursing practice, instances when the nurses failed to provide proper care have been numerous, and most patients bear witness to such treatment. For instance, during my internship period in the hospital, I happened to witness one such incident where a comatose patient needed to be β†’

Katy texas ,phenommenological features

The terrain of Katy community is full of railroads. In addition, Katy community exercises farming activities that includes the growth of cotton and peanut.

Nurse roles & functions

The role and function of a nurse in quality assurance is to ensure that patients receive the correct treatment procedures approved by the doctors. The safety issues in health care, such as prevention of blood borne illnesses is to ensure that nurses use gloves when attending to patients.

On haitian culture

In summary, the paper attempts to look at cultural views of homosexuality in Haiti as well as identifying culturally congruent strategies to address in designing of HIV prevention in the Haiti community. They would stick to the idea of sex being holy and having its rightful place in marriage, and of course only between a β†’

Can babies with exclusive breastfeeding for first few months of their life verses formula fed babies have reduced rate of overeating and obesity later in their life

Breastfeeding for the recommended period should hence be observed. The findings of this study resemble previous studies by other researchers on the direct relationship between breastfeeding and obesity in later lives of infants. The study was carried on women only hence its failure to prove the consistency of the results on men. Therefore, breastfeeding helps β†’

Assessment of vital signs

I then note the patient's temperature as indicated by the thermometer, part of the body from where it is taken and the time it was taken (McPhee, Papadakis, & Rabow, 2012). To find the patient's pulse, I use my fingers to press against the bony part of the patient's wrist. I use the β†’

Diffusion and osmosis

It moves from the higher to the lower concentration because of the concentration gradient which is the difference in concentration levels between two adjacent regions. Osmosis is simply a type of diffusion in which water moves from high concentration to that of the lower water concentration.

Sources of co2 emissions – lab report example

Sources of CO2 Emissions Purpose The purpose of the lab is to analyze the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Introduction The increase in the use of fossil fuel resources, deforestation and massive industrialization increased the concentration of greenhouse in the atmosphere. Hypothesis/Predicted Outcome The concentration of CO2 in the β†’

Life since class

Most research that features cockroaches soon has suggestions on how to get rid of them if they are in your house. This is especially true if the cockroaches are deprived of hiding areas, food, and water.

Sports and use of anabolic androgenic steroids among icelandic high school student: a critical test of three erspectives

The purpose of this research was to figure out the whether sports is the main reason due to which high school level students abuse AAS or whether there are other factors that contribute to this abuse. The researchers failed to figure out a strong link between school performance and AAS abuse, but they figured out β†’

Balanced whole system parenting

This essay investigates the two sides of the argument concerning banning of Red Dye #40 in order to conclude on best scientifically acceptable option. Supporting Arguments For and Against Support for those in favor of banning Red #40 is based on association of the food coloring with symptoms such as hypersensitivity in sections of β†’

Thelesson eugeneionesco

This is evident when he says that he is the " servant of the pupils". From the play, it is evident that the professor is also a domineering and violent person.

Outline your educational goals and expectations. also include what you expect to contribute to the art center community. (be as specific as possible.)

The motive of applying in this college is to see myself as a good artist to accomplish my careergoals. For this reason, I am extremely involved to become the part of Art Center College of Design Pasadena, to best groom & polish my career.

Film critiques on the bad sleep well (kurosawa, 1960)

All of this is revealed during a seemingly happy time, which sets the rest of the film up very well. The audience is also privy to Nishi seeking revenge for the death of his father. We can still see parallels to the power of this corporation in society today.

Gallery review

The second picture in the same row indicates both the lady and the gentleman holding on their cheeks as they focus keenly on the object before them. In the second row, there is the side view of the same lady, but now with very thick layer of side beards and the beards are also all β†’

Final exam praperation

In the later stages of materiality, there was a general acceptance of the schemes the contributed most in the later phases of the early Christian art. It also resulted in the production of the remarkable legacy of artists. 2) How was monasticism involved in the production of early medieval art and architecture? Monastic influence contributed β†’

Paul gauguin, the father of modern primitivism

By taking a look at both high fine art such as that produced by Paul Gauguin and the ' primitive' cultural products of the Inuit tribes, we can see that what we have traditionally defined as primitive is not necessarily an accurate term, or perhaps is a term that needs redefinition. In terms of discussing β†’

Slumdog millionaire

There are sufficient twists and turns in the story to keep the audience glued to the narrative. The suspense built up in the initial stages of the plot is successfully resolved in favor of the hero.

Gallery review

The images' visual impression attracted a deeper insight into the artwork. After skimming through the pictures, I had a slight idea of what the artist was trying to communicate. The seamless documentary-style images try to bring about a sense of addiction and sex.

Art movements in the twentieth century

It is this, therefore, that triggered their art movements in order to have these people liberated from the harsh hands and in turn bring better social and political conditions; which is our main focus in the essay. Apart from his using art for beauty purposes, Picasso had a great concern for the political wellbeing of β†’

Animation question

Upon hitting and reaching the ground, the ball flattens out because of the gravitational pull on it. The principles of stretch and squash would make the scene appear more appealing to the audience.

Peplos kore, from the acropolis,athens,greeece,ca.530 bce/ aphrodite of knidos

530 BCE/ Aphrodite of Knidos PEPLOS KORE AND APHRODITE OF KNIDOS Objectives differences Aphrodite of Knidos has a naked body and she is taking a birth in the bathroom while Peplos Kore is fully dressed in a long robe. As a result, some body features of Peplos Kore are not evident such as the β†’

The life and seal art achievement of one famous qing dynasty seal artitst

This research aims to give a brief historical background on Wu Changshuo as a famous Qing Dynasty seal artist and consequently highlight some of his seals and the general concept of Chinese seal art. Wu Changshuo: Chinese Seal Artist. Introduction. General Chinese history can be dated back to the various dynasties that ruled China during β†’

How dslr cinematography is affecting the aesthetics of motion picture for cinema

Topic: How DSLR cinematography is affecting the aesthetics of motion picturefor cinema The main aim of the research is to investigate how DSLR has changed the nature of movies and has revolutionized the film industry. The research questions will include; How the affordability and portability of DSLR cameras has led to the emergence of β†’