Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Improving job performance

d] Improving job performance I would like to choose myself in the capa of an " Assistant Manager" in any financial organization like a Bank, Asset management companies, and Brokerage house etc. The behavior and ethics are playing key roles in any organization to make it efficient and raise profitability for the both employee and β†’

Management of hazardous materials in a dental office

The OSHA standards offer a guideline on how dentists, dental lab technicians and other dental health workers should work without the risk of exposure to blood borne pathogens and hazardous chemicals and substances they use in their line of work. Compliance to such standards involves having a plan to control or eliminate employee exposure β†’

Step 1 of 4 paper

The organizational structure of any public traded company should be designed to provide guidelines of how responsibilities and roles in a company are controlled, coordinated and delegated. Collaboration is only possible if companies in their style of management value the contribution of their employees and customers. References Gilmore, D..


However, even after sending 16 top managers to learn on the best ways to induce change in the organization in order to produce high quality cars, the managers were unable to bring changes. This culture created an interdepartmental competition, an aspect that made it hard for the organization to work as a unit.

Servant leadership

This led to a more enterprising relationship between leaders and servants, giving rise to self-driven and responsible followers. The main aim of servant leadership is for the leader to make an initiative of taking care of all the needs of followers. They will do this by giving one another spectacular service, marketing their company and β†’

Leadership development

This move can be termed as the major decision taken in the recent times and has been brought about in a forced way owing to the company performance and non satisfactory responses from the profit index. The global trends and the overall reduction in the profit as a result of it is another reason that β†’

Busniess ethics

I personally use my code of ethics to associate and relate with others in the society. My parents and others members of the family are the ones responsible for my current personal code of ethics.

Operations management in southwest airlines

This is because of the effective operations management techniques and strategies of the Southwest Airlines. Seating arrangement in the Southwest Airlines is done in such a way as to increase the number of seats in the plane.


Article Review: Managing cross-cultural conflict in organizations This text reviews the article whose core focus is on cross-cultural, which is quite evident in numerous organizations. This shows that much conflict is more often in international organizations where most people are from diverse cultural backgrounds as compared to local firms. The research article classifies correlation between β†’

Unconventional strategies that build support for change

In summary, financial problems require thoughtful solutions, since any wrong decisions would have long-term impacts on the financial position and viability of the business. Doing nothing ensures consistency but has the potential to create more serious problems; audits are costly, but improve accountability; seeking financial assistance would keep the company in the business, but add β†’

Week #7 learning activty #1

Is the competitor's novelty the only advantage it has and loyal customers will soon go back to Kingfisher, or is it something more? It will be helpful to analyze these publics and how they are currently contributing to the company's brand image and how they can further be integrated into the brand narrative, so that β†’

Management wk4 assignmeng

As a leader, knowing and understanding the people a person leads becomes the first priority. As a leader, the aspects of a manager complement leadership.

Event this week

A representative of Greece creditorshave called on Greece to commit to the previously agreed reforms. The strong Euro currency has been dropping with time and has actually recorded a 12-year low as of today. Relation to Course learning The Greece financial crisis ties very closely to this course.

History of pert theory and cpm

The tool or technique was developed by the government contracting company Booze Allen Hamilton in Virginia in coordination with the Navy of United States Of America. The objective behind establishing Project Evaluation & Review Technique was to support the project of U.S. Therefore, Project Evaluation & Review Technique started to use not only for the β†’

Management problem that apple may have

Incrementalism: the management problem that Apple may have The kind of problem that Apple may have is the shift of its leadership style that could lose its competitive edge in the market. Apple's phenomenal success is attributed to Steve Jobs management style of structured leadership and organizational behavior that has been both criticized and lauded β†’

Glass ceiling

It is by ambition and determination that has enabled them breaks the glass ceiling. The four have demonstrated enthusiasm and commitment in their fields. Being the first female in the position, she understood the tempo and the mannerism of the House.

Macro organizational behavior: operations of the company

The sales of the firm in the previous record were not good and the development of games required a significant financial obligation. Situational Analysis The case for Vedder's company needs thorough addressing, to ensure that, the company achieves its set goal of making a profit. In addition, the company's schedule for the employees is β†’

Supply chain managment in the novel the goal by goldratt, eliyahu & jeff cox

One of the ways to solve the problem is to identify the hidden capacity within the plant be it in the machinery or the workers and utilize them. Alex identified that the goal of the plant and which he has to attain is to make money. The manager also needs to seek advice from those β†’

Fundamental of management information system

The financial department at the head office is straining to collect data from all the fifty branches and analyze them before consolidating them into one document that is then used as a profit and loss statement. This move already shows that the company is not in a position to clearly come up with clear cut β†’

Freshdirect company and jit production strategy

What internal resources and assets did FreshDirect have that gave it a competitive advantage? The company use JIT production strategy to reduce in-process inventory and other costs, good supply chain management which provides direct link with producers, and total quality management system that scans quality. All of these ensure that the company offers low prices, β†’


Management Questions and Answers Chapter 11 "Enterprise Systems" 4)What are two types of knowledge gathered and manipulated by a knowledge management system? The type of knowledge gathered and manipulated by a knowledge management are Background knowledge and Explicit or Rule-based knowledge. Background knowledge is a contextual and communicated knowledge that is expressed in texts.

How southwest airlines soars

: How Southwest Airlines Soars. 1 The leadership theories and concepts contributing to Kelleher's success are varied and the first one is the situational theory, which proposes that leaders should desire the most excellent course of action based on the situation variables. When the fuel prices rose, he initiated cutting cost by asking β†’

Abacus business solutions

The aim of the management of the company is to makes businesses more efficient and productive by providing them with efficient business solutions to the companies belonging mainly to the hospitality industry. In short, the company provides all types of management and technology related solutions to the businesses related to the hospitality industry. Works Cited β†’

The effectiveness of the incentive plans implemented by federal express corporation in relation to the attainment of organizational goals

The choice of objectives and the formulation of strategic policies for the attainment of organizational goals depend on a variety of factors unique to a given organization and situation. A system of motivation and incentives are positive elements which encourage the individual to the voluntary achievement of the organization's goals. The objective of this essay β†’

Review of literature: summarize the relevant literature

In this regard, this essay will summarize the relevant literature used to prove our position regarding self-esteem and productivity. " 5 Ways to Send Productivity through the Roof" " 5 Ways to Send Productivity through the Roof" is an article suggesting to managers methods that can improve employee productivity in their organization without necessarily incurring extra expenses. β†’

Culture is a powerful component of an organization’s success

It would be best if employee participation is present for defining the new operating environment. Following this, the management ought to survey the existing operating environment and compare it to the new desired operating environment. The results of such a survey should provide tangible areas for action that could be used to pursue change in β†’

Environmental management and quality system

In both the cases, the environmental-friendly measures taken by the company are of importance. For example, the recycling of materials results in reduced landfill tax. So, the environmental protection measures taken by the company will repay in the form of improved customer satisfaction.

Strategic management

The scope of the report is centered on analyzing the external and internal conditions of the organization. The SWOT Analysis Between Myth and Reality, is a journal that has widely been used to explain the internal analysis of the organization that helps reveal various factors that the organization has put into consideration as far as β†’

Lap report

The reading of concentration in mg/L were taken and recorded for each of the samples. Results Table 1 Results Table ROM SECUNDRY FINAL Nitrate 0. 4 Nitrite 0.

Analysis on the evolution of inflation and unemployment rates

Analysis on the Evolution of Inflation and Unemployment Rates Inflation and unemployment have an inverse relationship. According to the World Bank statistics on inflation rates in Qatar, since 2005 to 2014 inflation rates averaged about 3.73%.

Environmental lab

This is achievable by clicking on the duration bar at the bottom and then reading changes in quantity of other ecosystem occupiers, and then I recorded. Results/Outcome Years Zebra and Quagga Mussel Phytoplankton Zooplankton Cladophora Biomass Foraging Fish Lake Trout 0 β†’

Structured interview

One of the key methods of data collection that Hoshimi is using is the interview. Question 1 A structured interview is a form of an interview that the questions in the form are used in each interviewee or for the very applicant. He should try to use structured evaluations in the interviews. Question 4 β†’

Analyze one week of world economy

3 percent. The overall consumer spending got off to a start that was very slow leading to the falling in retail sales by 0. Due to the falling in gasoline sales inflation rate dropped, as a gallon of gas prices fell by 18 percent in the week as a result of seasonal adjustments.

Should newspapers shut down their presses (responses)

I think that the youth around the world would rather have access to news when they want it. Unlike Fahri's viewpoint that we will have to worry about all media organizations, I think with the increase of digital media, there will actually be more media outlets instead of less. Post Two: I think that Farhi's β†’

Reading response

According to the author, the group argues that animals and other creatures should not be subjected to any kind of suffering because they have the same rights like human beings. According to the author, the group advocates that it is the moral duty of the human beings to protect the environment and other wild animals β†’

Death, violence and affect: the horror film (reflection paper+discussion)

Running Head: DEATH, VIOLENCE AND THE AFFECT: THE HORROR FILM Death, Violence and the Affect: The Horror Film [The of the will appear here] [The name of the institution will appear here] [The name of the Professor] [Course] The genre of horror films is one of the most popular genres among both the males and the females. Media β†’

Sea world orlando

The theme based marine park has contributed to the environment conservation and preservation mainly through its adventure trips and exhibitions of wild lives of ocean. The highlights of the park are its killer whale; seal and dolphin display; adventure rides like wild arctic, Shamu happy harbor, journey to Atlantis; shows, exhibits; and wild life experience β†’

Response paper

Presently, the feminist outlook on technology and the digital era is positive unlike its counterparts in 1980s reflecting a marked change in feminist theories of technology. De Lauretis seems to emphasize on the aspect of sexual difference throughout the paper as the concept was a prominent element of feminist writings during the 1960s and 1970s. β†’

The dilemma of adjuncts professors

Most universities in the United States prefer hiring adjunct professors over full-time professors as they are more flexible and can be easily and cheaply managed, as well as the fact that they are paid less than the full-time faculty members. Hiram Henriquez, one of the several adjunct professors of the University of Miami, has mentioned β†’

Reflection paper

It is important that they learn about their bodies and learn to appreciate themselves the way they are. It equips them with useful knowledge to take care of their pregnancy. It is evident that information on love, adolescent sexuality, child sex and childbirth is instrumental in the lives of people, especially young persons.

The importance of communication

In the retail industry, communication provides an efficient possibility for consumer attraction as the on-spot demonstration and feedback based on the communication constructed help to effectively develop a relationship with the customer. Similarly, in the domain of law and criminal justice, communication is the optimum source of professional execution. The court-room proceedings and ramifications depend β†’

Discuss the overall trend in postwar aggregate productivity in the us

In the next episode, from the late 1970s through early 1990s, there were lower MFP growth with an average of 0. In the last episode, from the mid-1990s up to now, experiencing an intermediate level of MFP growth of 1.

Print ad analysis

Printed Advertisement Analysis by I have decided to analyze the advertisement of one of the most popular and the most recognized producers of jeans in the world-Levi Straus. His Levi's is not just an element of outfit, it is the symbol of style and quality wanted by young people all over the world.

Article analyse

Besides, it received a lot of support from the government. The fixed prices of the air travel ensured that it continued to grow economically since it received less competition from other airlines. The frontier airlines now has reduced the cost of travelling, making several flights to various cities as compared to the air travel (Alderighi, β†’

Introduction to ‘rent-seeking behavior

Rent Seeking Behavior Affiliation Rent seeking happens to be one of the most significant insights within the previous 50 years of economics as well as, unluckily, among the highly inappropriate labeled. It can be called privilege seeking. Other examples of rent seeking include: the limitation of access to profitable occupations as in modern certifications as β†’

Carbon tax

That is to say firms have decided to go green in the sense that they have had to make some changes in their industries to avoid the heavy tax imposed on them due to the carbon dioxide emissions Firstly, the firms have decided to switch to the use of windmills and solar panels β†’

Global economic

Moreover, the latter attributes part of the responsibility for the 2008 financial crisis on the fact that only a few large financial institutions control a bulk of the global financial market. What about the expansion of the proletariat? Mark and Wolff address the expansion of the proletariat. In addition, the workers have been left to β†’

According to cronon, when and why did the contemporary american conception of wilderness emerge, and why does he consider it dangerous to environmentalism

The idea of the ' wilderness' was then imbued with national as well as religious imagery and it was perceived as defining that which was slowly receding in the wake of the gains of civilization. Changes in the land: Indians, colonists, and the ecology of New England.

Wind energy effect mitigation

Presenting findings of studies conducted from without the United States is insightful as it helps compare the extent of the problem in other parts of the world in order not to create the impression that wind energy effect mitigation is an American problem only. Additionally, it would do this topic justice to cite that sage-grouse, β†’

Answer the q

What Was The Unemployment Rate For That Month? The total rate of unemployment for the month of May 2013 was 7. 1 percent lower than that recorded in the month of May 2013 (Bureau of Labor Statistics U.S.

Increase in minimum wages in seatac washington

Thus, raising the cost of labor in SeaTac, as a result of raising the minimum wage, has made many businesses in the city to compensate for the high labor by selling their products at relatively higher prices. Thus, when prices of commodities increase as a result of increase in the cost of production, the aggregate β†’


Most of time, companies prefer to build their factories in the small cities of developing countries like China and India because of the cheap cost of labor and land, which can be considered as comparative advantages of a country. The consequence will be heavy pollution of the countries, overdraw of the materials and the extreme β†’

Summary for faith integration readings

To this end, an evaluation of the biblical perspectives on supply and demand can sufficiently highlight how this integration of faith applies to the economics of our time. Throughout the Bible, there are ideas and inferences that touch on the aspect of supply and demand in relation to the necessities of faith. Therefore, faith integration β†’

Cultural/media critique

In her defense, Colette argues that Gaga lives in an art work meaning that she is trying to move form individualism to standardization. Gaga did it and she put across her point. Many people argue that if Colette is the original inventor then she would be much far from where Gaga is.

Our bodies our politics

This allows her to come to the conclusion that modern notions of masculinity and femininity have an impact on scientists ideas about the features of the reproductive functions of men and women. In science, this has led to the fact that the features of female sexuality and female genital structures are still a mystery and β†’

Habitat conservation plan

To overcome these problems a conservation plan is required to protect the habitat and species, because by protecting habitats, wildlife is protected and prevented from becoming extinct. Habitat conservation plans work for the betterment of endangered species. The Scientific Foundations of Habitat Conservation Plans: a Quantitative Assessment.

Government spending and taxation, lessons from the great depression and the economics of social security

The Great Depression Government Spending and Taxation: Lessons from the Great Depression and the Economics of Social Security The role of government is quite important during economic downturn. The New Deal is considered to be the defining moment during the Great Depression of 1930s and the government spending is viewed as the major step β†’

Money and banking

Although South Africa's Central Bank has similar economic policy making roles to the country like the US Federal Reserve, they differ in some ways. The governor has final say in South African's central Bank decision but in the US Federal Reserve such decisions are discussed collectively by the Board of Governors who oversees the entire β†’

Climate change on the population of checkerspot butterflies

The purpose of the study was to research the effect of climate change on the population of two species of checkerspot butterflies. The hypothesis was that the changes in climate will affect the population of two species of Euphydryas editha bayensis.

One product of a famous company

The concepts include availability of substitute products, responsiveness of quality in terms of the motor vehicle, time and importance of the motor vehicle in the consumers' budget. e) Comment on whether the company is using its resources efficiently or inefficiently With its performance in the global markets, it is evident that the Mercedes Benz β†’

Mass media ethic case study

The stakeholders in this case include the congregation or the faithful, the chief operations officer of the church Monsignor Burke, Archbishop OBrien, the victims, perpetrators, and the media The case involves a series of sexual abuse that has been perpetrated by priests. In this regard, I would advise them to take a position that β†’

Analysis of satirical news

Satirical news is a welcome relief from all the reports that only brings one to low spirits and hopelessness. Satirical news such as the " The Daily Show", " The Colbert Report" or " The Onion" may not be one's traditional news but it certainly evokes a deeper meaning beyond what is hilarious and unbelievable. β†’

The short and long term consequences of child neglect and sexual abuse

Short and Long-Term Consequences of Child Neglect and Sexual Abuse Child neglect and sexual abuse ranges from minor to serious, can take a number of forms and its effects short term, long term or both. All types of abuse and neglect adversely affect the most vulnerable of society which, in turn, affects all of society β†’

A highly motivated and immensely driven individual – resume/cv example

I plan to eventually venture into the international market and my gaining a degree in Economics in a prestigious university in the United States would give me a significant advantage to succeed. The responsibilities noted in your published advertisement for the program could be undertaken with ease and expertise due to my work experience. Likewise, β†’

Discuss the history and evolution, justifications for, and ultimate impact(s) of canadian content regulations in canadian radio and television broadcasting from the industrys inception to the present

Essay Proposal on Media Content Regulation in Canada Affiliation Topic: Discuss the history and evolution, justifications for, and ultimate impact of ' Canadian content' regulations in Canadian radio and television broadcasting from the industry's inception to the present. Essay Proposal: Over the years, the Canadian government has been concerned with regards to β†’

Over the next 30 years, what are the risks to national security posed by increased competition for energy and food resources; and what initiatives might qatar pursue to reduce these risks

Risks to National Security Posed by Increased Competition for Energy and Food Resources Risks to National Security Posed by Increased Competition for Energy and Food Resources Over the next 30 years, increased competition for energy and food resources will lead to national security risks. 6 Ultimately, Qatar can reduce these risks by using the β†’

An economic analysis of hanger film movie

With this particular movie in perspective the issues that are to be looked at revolve around the production budget, the expenses incurred thereafter, sat in marketing together with the revenue that is generated upon its release and thereafter. The estimated budget for the production of the movie was in the region of $78 million. A β†’

Michel foucault. panopticism

15 October Foucault's Panopticism Panopticism is one of the most interesting and controversial works in the history of philosophy. Contrary to most beliefs, the Internet is not an instrument of socialization and empowerment but merely a tool of remote control. This is where Foucault's Panopticon turns into a symbol of present day surveillance relations.

Economical history (macroeconomics) of south africa

It stands to be the richest country in Africa with potential of producing 25% of the continent goods and services. The implementation of these reforms created job opportunities in the country thus opening South Africa to the international markets. Deterioration in the country economy, has led to budget imbalance in South Africa.

Ph 91

A third STI that an individual can experience is the sexually transferred gastrointestinal disease especially in the genetalian and the symptom of this infection may include irritation of the region called colonic mucosa and the treatment of this STI is similar to the treatment of genital herpes. To treat these issues those physical issues should β†’

What is the difference between positive economic analysis and normative economic analysis give one example each of positive and normative economic issue or question or statement

Positive economic analysis encompasses such economic statements, and /or theories that can actually be tested and therefore become empirically proven. Statements made under positive economic analysis are factual and logical. This statement presents a fact that can actually be proven by evaluating price changes in the economy over a given period of time. Normative Economic β†’

Reflection paper

This is a kind of homosexuality and it is against the bible and thus offending God. Since it is against the Gods will, gay marriage should be highly discouraged and should not be accorded same rights as the heterosexual type of a marriage. Marriage is biblical and it means that it is Godly and in β†’

I’ll attach it

From The Prophets Farewell Sermon" [slide 71]. " The Hadith and the Quranic verse emphasize human brotherhood and the virtue of good action" [slide 71]. " People, We created you all from a single man and a single woman, and made you into nations and tribes so that you should get to know β†’

Debunking public vs. private sector myths

Externalities can also cause market failure by making the demand and supply price not to reflect the cost of production. It is that it is the key role of the government to address market failures.

Recommendation letters/support letters for a grant

Her creative disposition to further investigate the more complex area of mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of interstitial cystitis is highly appreciable as it would greatly enhance the treatment efficacy of the same. As ' Fellow and Instructor' in the Division of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, she has β†’

Geology of aquifers

A perched aquifer can provide water enough only for a household (" Groundwater storage in aquifers", n.d). The potentiality of an aquifer in a region can be determined on the basis of the permeability and porosity of the geological material. Certain fractured or dissolute sedimentary rocks also have the capacity of β†’

1989 detroit free press profits

Besides, the two dailies control most of the market in Detroit since there are barriers to entry to this market. After the merger, the two daily newspapers should result in making huge amounts of profits since the level of competition will greatly reduce. This is because the two dailies now operating as one have no β†’

The distribution of economic and social resources

A major concern of social thinking is to identify the nature of these relations and to trace their social and political effects. Cultural factors have a great impact on working class families, their opportunities and promotion. Taking into account correlation between social factors and economic position of most Americans, it is possible to say that β†’

Brazil natural environment

Amazon rainforest is facing a twofold deforestation process: logging and burning. The question that needs to be solved that what should Brazil do to save the natural environment and also maintain sovereignty over the exploitation of its natural resources. The best and possible to this will be systematic deforestation.

Google glass

Google Glass Google Glass is a form of technology which allows the user to wear it and it is used mainly because it has an optical head-mounted display. Access to the internet is dictated by the users' giving of voice commands to this technology and it at first attracted attention when Google started selling a β†’

Influence of the environment

In order to recover my psychological state I prefer green spaces and water as the restorative environments. As for me, the factors of being away from home or school and peace are the two key factors contributing to my restorative environment.

Natural gas: nominal gdp vs. real gdp

Discussion why natural gas is valued in real GDP Following the definition of Nominal GDP and Real GDP by Frank and Bernanke , nominal GDP refers to the market value of all final products and services within a specified geographical region in most cases a country, while the Real GDP is used as a macroeconomic β†’

Reflections on technology’s impact on me and my friends

Impacts of Technology Impacts of Technology The increased use of cellphones will lead to preoccupations of minds leading to loss offocus to one an individual and his peers. Moderation is key towards adoption of a particular technology. With the increased invention and designing of smartphones, the youth particularly college students have their minds preoccupied with β†’

What is economic growth discuss the factors that promote economic growth in ( australia )

Discuss the factors that promote economic growth in Australia Economic growth is indeed the increasing capa of the economy to make sure that the members of the society satisfy their needs and wants. The economic growth is manifested time and again by the strength of the Australian Dollar which has made its mark not only β†’

Personal platinum label

In addition, I prefer being formal and conservative in my interactions. The above description is very significant when it comes to my interactions with my colleagues in school, friends at home, and even my immediate family members. In general, the above platinum label is significant in making others understand who I am, depending on whether β†’

Articleabstract assignments 06

Article assignment 06 and The article's is, ' Competitive balance in the national football league after the 1993 collective bargaining agreement.' Lee Travis authored the article and the Journal of Sports Economics published it on June 2, 2009. Research questions to be addressed The author does not expressly state the article's research question. The β†’

The political economy of communication

When analyzing the key activities of Google using Mosco's processes (commodification, structuration and spatialization), one must identify the relations of power that are part of the exchange, manufacture and distribution of resources/information. By adopting Mosco's process of commodification, it is evident that Google's value addition outcomes from its advertising ventures can be directly linked to β†’

Opinion on economic issue

S&P reports that income inequality has grown in the US thereby excluding a huge part of the population from enjoying the benefits of a large economy. Income inequality is a great problem in the context of the recent recession that made many people lose their hard-earned wealth. It is crucial to highlight that income, in β†’

News release

But just to allay the Chinese community's concern, we conducted a test and the result is negative". Also, as a conscientious company that is committed to delivering hightest possible quality of burgers to its Chinese consuming public, Burger King agrees with the Environment Secretary Owen Paterson said it was " completely unacceptable" that consumers were β†’

Over the next 30 years, what are the risks to national security posed by increased competition for energy and food resources; and what initiatives might qatar pursue to reduce these risks

Despite having numerous deposits of oil and natural gas, Qatar and other countries in the GCC face a lot of challenges that are likely to threaten theory national security in the future. In the next thirty years for instance, the competition for energy resources in Qatar is likely to be challenging to the extent of β†’

Gay rights

One of the main questions in terms of the study of gay rights is the origin of the movement aiming for equal legal, political and social rights for the gay people. According to Andryszewski in the book entitled Gay Rights, the movement to promote gay rights did not happen in a single night. The Scientific β†’

Lgbtq blog post

The plight of homosexuals has continued to roll over the decades and even the 21st century is seemingly no different. The social stigmatization that homosexuals receive in the contemporary society cannot be overlooked. Many people even in the countries that boast of being developed still view lesbians and gays as malevolent and a lot of β†’


The second reason why they are termed weak is the fact that the bacteria at times gets immune to the particular type of antibiotics and they are little effective against it due to which they fail to protect the body against diseases. The result of which is the reduced capacity of the body and the β†’

Television programs and cultural identity

Television Programs and Cultural Identity Television Programs and Cultural Identity Introduction The most interesting television program I find interesting and watch almost every day is Make it Pop. The program is both comical and musical, and this makes it be very interesting.

Make one change to a sex and gender related topic

Make one change to a sex and gender related topic: Changing Gender Roles of Women I would try to convince the church that women have made an impactin changing gender roles in the workplace, political field, and the military. Women are no longer prepared to accept the tradesmens attitude of men as described by Iacuone β†’

Air pollution and citizen awareness

Since an emission-free engine was required, electricity was the appropriate fuel to be used in the car. This is the best choice for the expected data should be in figures and pictures.