Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Land preservation

The issue of land preservation should be taken to the local people to be handled. The reason many states are not strict on the issue of land preservation is because majority of its population resides in the cities and other urban centers and hence they have no land to conserve as majority of their land β†’

Analyze one week of world economy

One Week Of World Economy This paper seeks to determine the direction of the world economy during the second week of February, 9th Feb '15 to 13th Feb '15. The Chinese economy portrayed a rosy picture, and showed that the Central Bank of the country is good at managing the affairs of the country.

It should be presented as a journal opinion article and address an economic issue of current interest to wall street journal readers

According to recent data by the Customer Expenditures Survey, less than 10 percent of Americans devote approximately 17 percent on food and 42 percent on housing, which amounts to around 60 percent of their overall spending. Among the third and fourth 10 percent of Americans, retirement programs generate a big part of their income, indicating β†’

Self-disclosure gender and communication

The purpose of the article is to show that there are issues of communication among couples and that communication is the key to smooth relationships or happy marriages. Schoenberg argues that communication without self-disclosure in a relationship is not the key to a happy marriage because the people involved do not get to know each β†’

Response to liberalism and racial justice

The dominant theory of liberalism is founded on the ideas of Whites that often negates the existence of black or refuses to recognize them as equal. Thus, true liberalism must eliminate race and promote cultural diversity to mark the freedom of people, located at different geographical region.

Contamination and risk assessment in environmental law

The second step is the dose response assessment that is meant to analyze the relationship between the exposure and effect. At the third level, the duration and levels of contact with the stressor are examined.

Weekly journal

On the other hand producer surplus is a term used to refer to the difference in the price at which he/she is willing to sell a particular good or service and the price that he is actually paid for the good or service. Producer surplus is attained if the price that he is actually paid β†’

Assignment example

If z is the marginal propensity to spend out of national income, Y is national income and A is autonomous expenditure, then the simple multiplier is equal to A) z. Calculate the level of income, the level of Consumption Y = C + I = 200 + 0.

Miss representation

Miss Representation There are many ways artists can convey their message to the world, but the magnitude of effect a good motion picture possesses, other mediums simply do not match it.' Miss Representation' is an interesting documentary, as it gives the viewers a peak into what goes on behind the cameras. I agree with the β†’

Emigration to america

Immigration to America The purpose of this paper is to outline a variety of reasons for immigrating to America. To summarize, there are various reasons to immigrate to America and many immigrants are motivated by a combination of those reasons.

Economic managment

Thus, % change of the net margin = /20)*100 = 5% c) Value for total fixed is 10 + 10 + 40 = 60 M Thus reducing fixed cost by 10% implies that new fixed cost = 90% of 60 M = 54 M Absolute net margin = 80 M 54 M = 26 M β†’

Explain how the corporate guided market mitigates the threat of under-consumption in the system of abundance

Micro and Macro Economics Mitigation of the Threat of Under-Consumption in a System of Abundance Abundance is economic system in which the rate of consumption is lower than that of production. Meaning, there exists a high production level to the extent that all the produced commodities can not be consumed by the market.

The relationship between text messaging and literacy

" The Relationship between Text Messaging and Literacy" Thesis ment Although older generation researchers and academicians argue that technological developments in communication have detrimental implications on the youth and future generations, it is justifiable that text messaging has a positive influence on literacy levels by encouraging communication and open discussion. While most of the older β†’

Evaluating public relations campaigns

Among the output objectives of the campaign were: issuing of a report praising the NIU's response and excellence in crisis communication by the Illinois Governor's Task Force on Campus Security, commissioning of a report on the NIU's incident in which crisis communication is held up as exemplary by the U. As a result, to evaluate β†’

Video wild planet

Question Set Two Wild Planet Wild Planet has a unique approach to the development of toys, and the types of toys that it develops incorporating children themselves and their opinions into the development process. In the case of Wild Planet, they need to take into account both the personal factors related to the parent and β†’

Industrial marketing

Essentially, Worldcom leveraged a small amount of assets into being enough to acquire another company, which would then provide enough influx of assets and revenue to buy another company, creating enough new revenue and assets to buy yet another company, again and again building upon this process to acquire ever more and more expensive companies. β†’


Moreover, it will describe the manner through, which the author of the article organizes his information thereby creating efficacy in relation to the objective of the article. Consequently, the analysis will focus on provision of a conclusion that basically describes the writer's understanding of the lessons learned from the article as well as other external β†’

Marketing of ambien and lunesta

Marketers of the drug continue to pass insufficient and misleading information to the potential consumers and even failing to warn that overdose of the drugs can suppress breathing and lead to death. The general effect of the approach used in marketing Ambien and Lunesta relates to consumers perceiving the drugs as only sleep inducers.

Marketing strategies

Number: Topic: MARKETING STRATEGIES The are various types of marketing strategies discussed in this among the marketing strategies utilized by Equal include; promotion, positioning and pricing marketing strategies during the 1980's. The product-line branding strategies of Cumberland and Nutra Sweet in 1990's may be described in various ways.

Global flower marketing

Flowers bring colors into our life, flowers bring healing vital energy into our home, flowers always reminds us of the loving side of life, of the beauty of life, of the importance of love. This has led to initiatives by traders and growers alike to provide consumers with a guarantee that the flowers they buy β†’

Lost woods tent and caravan camping

Notably, the link will direct them to the fan page, which will be majorly on advertisements the range of products were are providing to the customers; the tents and caravans. The Lost Woods fan page will increase the sales of tents, caravans and more visits to the camping sites.

The glycosylation profile of proteins in biological fluids

To make the purchase, they have to be reminded and their purchase can be planned or unplanned. The best channel for this device is place it in several factory outlet stores, websites and use of catalog so that the buyer can get the information wherever they are used to shop.

South korea : amazon firestick

In addition, the competitive analysis can also be used to highlight the strength of the brand in context to the competing brands. Also, customers reviews must also be incorporated into the social media campaign to further add to the rational appeal of the product.

Alto chemicals europe

The long run objective of the company was to become a fully integrated Tin stabilizer supplier and attain leadership position in the market. As a rule, ACE was to adopt the strategy of price leadership and not compete in the market merely by ' meeting Barium prices'.

Positioning statement/ marketing objectives

The product will be classified as a luxury product and the company aims to position the product only for the upper-class income group segment in the market.iCar will have GPS installed already and maps of different countries such as United States of America, Canada, Mexico, and other adjoining countries will already be available without any β†’

Cutco case

Under the assumption that the knives of Cutco Corporation will be sold in all Oreck stores, it is recommended that the corporation should only sell this brand to specific regions in the United States where the company's brands are well-known. Distribution to these stores will also increase the awareness of Cutco brand and the sales.

Health care marketing

Moreover, the company should invest most of their time in familiarizing the patients with the kind of services they offer. The primary aim of this factor is to capture the external environment, which consists of the patients.

Article abstarct 04

The research question that Winfree and his team wanted to address was how the attendance of a game or match of baseball was affected with regards to the closeness of location of the two the teams. The fans are the main driving force of a team, and they authors did well to show the teams β†’

Mobile jacuzzis

In addition, mobile Jacuzzi is more convenient especially to people that would want to have a break from the boring environment. In light of this, it can be argued that mobile Jacuzzi is well positioned to contain the value that every person would want to have.

Idea refinement

To make the idea a success, it was important to get the feedback from the interviews conducted. Therefore, using this mobile application, students will be in a position to hire the services of better tutors and get customized services.

Healthcare marketing

Question 5 Analyzing the cost implication of these two groups, the level of return will be a key element to be considered. Therefore, its level of profitability will be higher due to the low cost required.


The inter-dependency of resources in the global market and the fast development of technology hubs and creation of business clusters based on entrepreneurial innovations in the emerging markets have increasingly developed as major threat to the developed economies. It has not only bridged the distances but the technology-based communication and enterprises have transformed the dynamics β†’

Health care marketing

Although I do agree that media is frequently used strategically to advance the social or policy initiatives, and that brands when endorsed by political leaders and stars do have a revolutionary impact on many audiences, yet such advertisements do not change my point of view. They are paid by the brands to promote their products β†’

Communication in economics

The year 2013 showed remarkable economic recovery in terms of the GDP growth rate barring the last quarter when the US GDP rate slightly declined. The unemployment rate is likely to be in the range of 6.

Marketing distribution management

Part The marketing is a practice employed by firms to identify the d and inferred needs longings s and subsequently satisfying these desires with the most relevant and highest quality products. Microsoft has traditionally held a very mature and adult like persona in the minds of the public due its strong association with Windows operating β†’


Intel faces significant competition in the development and market acceptance of technologies and products in this environment. It is with this similar move that Intel can use this strategy by integrating powerful motherboard and the hands on experience in running the integrated circuit to produce one of the world best smartphones.

Opportunities to increase profit

It should adhere to the set guidelines for hotels to ensure cleanliness and care of customers As the marketing director, the hotel business is required to come up with a business proposal and a portfolio that will be presented to the potential clients. Conclusion The hotel business will continue to be relevant as food is β†’

Sports commercials

The purpose of this ad is to try and connect Jeter with his fans and encourage them to follow the MLB even more. Slightly different from this ad, the second ad uses Laura, a normal everyday fan of the Cardinals.

Formal memo / psa video

However the law is actively existent to cope up with the problem yet there is plenty of room to control the accidents and the only thing that can help to overcome is to raise awareness about the matter on broad base so people may no more find it a thrill to drive insensibly due to β†’

Response paper

Biopure Corporation Hemopure and Oxyglobin should be released to the market at the same time in order to control the price through psychological pricing. These measures were expected to maximize the sales of Oxyglobin to the market.

Marketing communications plan proposal

Marketing Communications Plan Proposal MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PLAN PROPOSAL Opportunity The economic decline in the previous five years has led to sales declines, especially in 2008 and 2009. In the coming year, Moet & Chandon will have to come up with digital brands that should see a boost from developing and emerging countries.

Marketing and research problems

The two product benefits the company obtained from the malfunction were inhibition in algae growth and the ability to enhance the aesthetic look of pool water. The college faces a major problem associated with the inability of the organization to attract young talented college students.

Health care marketing

In the health care business, the health of a patient is an aspect that cannot receive underestimation. It is essential for health care businesses to adopt transparency and offer the patient an opportunity to choose between competing health care providers.

Marketing reflection

The most used strategy is known as marketing mix and comprises of 4 variables referred to as the 4Ps of marketing which include; Product, Place, Price and Promotion. Place is the location of the business and involves distribution, location together with other techniques of delivering the product to the consumer.


The best part of the simulation game is that it allowed me to practice my marketing skills in a ' real world' but in a much funnier way which enhance learning apart from honing my marketing skills by cutting out boredom, classroom monotony and increasing creativity. My strategy was unique in that most backpacks are β†’

Survey collection website

Survey collection Websites and In terms of features, the two survey collection websites provide different options of provides features including online survey for customers, employees, students and facebook while provides survey in terms of functional features such as events, customer satisfaction, market research and education. In order to launch the product β†’


The motto of the company is thereby based on the same lines of " We take pride in making a perfect pizza and providing courteous and helpful service on time, all the time. Pizza hut as a brand and company has also aimed at expanding its presence through the usage and incorporation of digital technology β†’

Marketing planning

3 D PRINTING A Case Study [Pick the The invention of 3D printing originated from the concepts used in ink jet printers. Despite, Hull's invention there were several problems that created hindrance in the growth of 3D printers, some of them were the consistency of materials, energy required to carry out melting, limitation of the β†’


IBM Discuss the opportunities and risk concerning IBM's vision in changing the company's business design to move away from hardware and technology services. One opportunity that may arise from this vision is that the company would be expose the company to fewer competitors thus having the ability to minimize the resources required for marketing and β†’

The fashion channel

Marketing The Fashion Channel Case Identification and Analysis of the Case In the Fashion Channel case given by Wendy Stahl, the management team at the company also represented as TFC, has to identify the customer market that it should target. According to Stahl, this is a scenario that is likely to result to a decrease β†’


The pricing approach chosen by the marketers will influencing the position of the project in terms of profitability, market share, sales volume and sales revenue of the company's product. During the 2012 London Olympic Games, the challenge was to ensure maximum participation and revenue for the organizations responsible for managing the events.

Forward-thinking, outcome-oriented producer – resume/cv example

Work Experience Date from Date to Job Title Accountable for management and execution of the Alumina division's physical sales and marketing activities in global and / or regional markets, in line with the agreed marketing objectives and strategies. Employer Name, Location - Spearhead development of new and existing markets in Europe, Africa and the Middle β†’

South korea’s environmental analysis

The only problem that the free market system has is that with the lack of strict market control by the government, corruption has been on the increase as people try to control the markets and monopolize it and especially the local market where the government does not bother much with. The corruption has rendered small β†’

Provide an economic analysis of netflix

The company got listed on the NASDAQ in the year 2002. Thus, the company can be said to be a successful company.

Market strategy and anti-trust regulation

De Beers Company was the monopoly in the industry and created a deadweight loss situation, where it was impossible to achieve equilibrium, as it was the price setter. The De Beers Company had a different market strategy before the year 1990 in comparison to the after years.

Marketing transportation

Other countries restrict the flow of money because the economy of a country suffers the imports exceeds the exports for a period of time. This needs the approval of the government to enable the careers to move freely in their countries.

Product development

The company has employed the latest technology in ensuring that they not only make a bag that accommodates a lot of personal items, but also that the bag is safe. For this reason, the company has developed a vibrant marketing team that understands the needs of the market and communicates effectively to help their clients β†’

Marketing plan objectives

Marketing Plan Objectives Marketing Plan Objectives Goal/Objective Action Timeline Desired Outcome Objective To establish leading position in excellent provision in the market Within the next one year To be the best logistics company in the global market Objective To improve customer satisfaction in the services offered by UPS Express Critical Over the next two years β†’

Sales operations & management

Blunders and Successes in Sales Blunders and Successes in Sales The sales department is very essential in any firm. To deal with rejections it is important not to take them personally, I believe that when a customer says no they are saying no to the deal and not to me, it is, therefore, important to β†’

Marketing news journal #1

Before looking into the reactions of consumers, it is important to understand market trends in the mobile phone industry. The culture of new and improved technology is the major factor that influences consumers in today's markets.


The Indian central government has played a role in trying to improve the level of infrastructure. The Indian government is trying to control the level of involvement of foreign investors in the local trade.

Racial inequalities (controversial subject)

The specific point of contrast reveals the kind of treatment given to both White and Hispanic Americans especially when it appears to include higher responsibility and privilege. The point of contrast lies at how justice might be interpreted on the part of Hispanic group and white Americans.

Light in august by william faulkner and fate

The writer sets the Light In August novel in the context of the 1930's difficult economic times that also entailed significant racial segregation. The novel is open to several thematic interpretations because of the multiple experiences that the characters undergo.

Global studies-the thought about malala yousafzai

No need to prove that there's a lack of peace in the world as Malala herself has been a victim of terrorists. In this way, Malala makes it a vicious circle: more wars and terrorism with fewer rights for women bring less education.

Reflective analysis

It is important for a writer to give their readers a clear picture of what is being talked about. The University's green space is slowly being encroached by housing projects to accommodate more students and staff members.

Helping in a dangerous or troublesome circumstances

She decided to accelerate the car, to reach the child before she crosses into the second lane, and stop the car right in front of her. Luckily enough, the driver behind her had noticed the child and managed to stop the car right behind Jenifer.

3.1 reading report

ARTICLE REPORT WRITING Objective of the study The study was a fieldwork that sought to find the differences in conditions of service of two groups ofdirect sales marketers. Background of the field of the study Direct sales continue to be a growing phenomenon in all parts of the world.

All students should select a major before entering college

Teacher Toulmin argument:" All should select a major before entering college " Claim: All should select a major before entering college Warrant: Having a major selected before entering college indicates that the student is serious in his or her study. Qualifier: students who have selected a major before entering a college are likely to excel β†’

1.1 revised paper

For example, in Thailand as a woman it is your responsibility to ensure that the family is well fed meaning that the biggest role of women is being homemakers. The United States being a place that is comprised of many different cultures, it is clear that growing up as a woman in this area has β†’

Contribution toward eng 105

The justification for this rating can be based upon my first assignment on the response to the " front and back matter" of RGRW and Real Boys which required students to have a definite introduction, conclusion, thesis, and of course, transitions, quotations and organization. It enabled me to carry out a careful analysis of the β†’


The product had a major opportunity in form of large scale sales opportunity because of the unavailability of the product in the country. Distribution of the product will be in a similar fashion as other Redbull brands: it will be sold in local convenience stores, gas stations, grocery stores, and bars and nightclubs.

Socio-economic opportunities in united states

On the other hand, Elisabeth seems to have given more focus on the reasons why many people cannot access socio-economic development opportunities in the United States, despite the fact that America is referred as the land of opportunities. 7 Apr.2014.

Day at the culture expo event

The Ham was in the form of a long gown, a collar, and a wraps the right lapel over the left. The staple food for Chinese is rice that helps in the economic growth of the society.

I pick number 3 in writing suggestion ( narrative assignment)

All of them unanimously wanted me to live my life with short hair but I exclaimed that life was only once and it was my right to live it the way I deemed it right. Eventually, with the passage of time, I noticed that these same people found that I looked good in long hair β†’

I saw anne frank die

I Saw Anne Frank Die [Type the document sub [Pick the The story is about the conditions of people who were residing in concentration camps at Bergen-Belsen. The author was unable to tell this story earlier since she is of the opinion that during her stay at the concentration camps, the feelings of human beings β†’


Seth Godin has introduced a trend in the retail business in his conclusion by reiterating two somewhat radical concepts, first, that design is free and that design rules, and second, that safe is risky because a product needs to be remarkable. A product which is out of the ordinary would grab the attention of the β†’

Race as a social construct/white privilege

Of the five, the one that I find as most common is the claim that " races have genetically determined differences in athletic and musical ability". The reason this is said to be the most common is that there seem to be a lot of real life experiences and facts that seem to justify this β†’

Is it necessary to stop speaking and using a native language in order to identify with a new culture

Consequently, it is necessary to stop speaking in a native language in order to identify with a new culture, when the native language establishes a barrier, because the move is likely to undermine potential language barriers. It is necessary to stop using a native language in a new culture if the language is offensive to β†’

Human relations writing assignment 2 select any 3 of the following words and create operational definitions for each one. why did you use these definitions and measurements what made this assignment easier or harder (a tip: remember operational

Suffering is considered mild if the person is still able to cope with the pain, doing more exercises and other physical activities such as attending to daily tasks. Suffering is said to be intense when the person in pain is not able to move around freely.

What is your favorite major and why

I get to learn a lot about accounting, balance sheet is a very integral part of accounting and a good accountant who is competent enough is capable of judging a performance of a company by looking at their balance sheet and this is no easy task. Every major corporate has several accountants working for them β†’

Reclassification of marijuana

Re ification of Marijuana It is almost generally accepted view of the public that marijuana has totally negative effects on human's health and it must not be legalized anyway. Retrieved May 18 from: op= 1


Evaluation Introduction Marketing is a world-wide field fully developed and harnessed and it is only fair to say that the largest marketing activities and product consumption is in the United States. The roles of women in the society have made a turn for the best and it is evident that they are better performers in β†’

How would you characterize writing in you field do you believe it has a persuasive demension to it what sorts of evidence, data, and reasoning count as convincing and logical in your field’s writing

Although the job description may vary from company to company but typically a business manager is responsible for drafting development policies and managing the daily and general operations of the business. If a business management professional uses a good writing style, the one that is found in social sciences, they may be able to explain β†’

Outline/graphic organizer

The Ghosts and the Dead Introduction The unifying theme across all the three stories is death. The number of deaths related to the house and the haunting is what in the same house if what brings about the fear.

Corporate responsibility for childhood obesity

According to him, food companies ought to be sued because they are the main reason behind the increase of obesity cases in the US. In " Calories for sale", Linn and Novosat also blame fast food joints for the rise in the number of obese children in US.


Chinese and USA Cultures Even though China and USA are two of the greatest superpowers in the world, still these countries have a lot of core differences in multiple aspects of their functioning. Chinese culture is one of the most ancient and stable cultures in the world.

Game of her life by tim crothers

Game of Her Life by Tim Crothers Tim Crothers follows Phiona Mutesi, a 14 year-old chess prodigy from a slum in Uganda, to deliver this inspiring story Game of Her Life, which centers on inspiration from chess. In this regard, she plays and uses chess to help her solve the problems in her life due β†’

Thesis that uses your original profile and your newly collected data to clearly present your point to your audience

Thesis- The transformational leader inserts his/her Inserts According to Noel Tichy, the fundamental scarcity and deprivation that the world faces today is that of transformational leadership that is capable of turning out the future of organizations in a way that creates a win-win situation for them. The latter were defined as those that brought about β†’

Trouble relating to women

The Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act is the core subject of analysis in the ad and the position of the presidential candidate on the subject being the topic. The Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act was one of the critical issues affecting the Americans, as they wanted an understanding of the position of the future government β†’

Business ethics in today’s america

In 1976, the Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management was founded, out of the need and awareness of the aspect of business ethics. A Declaration of American Business Values: Ethics, Equity, and Efficiency in the New Millennium.


The determination of the rightfulness of engaging in a practice or expressing oneself as may be provided for within the legal framework governing a society is vested on the governing authority and as such is subject to be influenced in manners of support or even restriction. However, my group with the help of political lobby β†’

Returning to school

Though I have been a part of the alumni of the school since leaving it, I never really came back to visit it. This year was the tenth anniversary of high school for our batch and a reunion had been planned in accordance with the school tradition.

Discussion board

In the middle of the play, however, it is actually the women who find the evidence against Minnie Wright a bird with a broken neck. The rising action of the play begins when the women are left in the kitchen while the men begin searching the house.

Moments of excitatory

The author of " life work" makes a deep exposition on the topic of work in a wide perspective such that it becomes easy to realize different aspects of work that we have never thought about before. It is evident from the reading that definition of work can be as many as the people we β†’