Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Unwritten laws of engineering and laws of personality

The first essence of unwritten engineering law that needs to be given a consideration by engineers is: Lessons that need to be learnt by beginners in the engineering field; these lessons cover three major issues, which are: a) Issues related to their work: Beginners in the engineering field are required to give their first duty, β†’

Story about a laos fisherman sam yang

As the documentary details, they need to finish each and every day in order to meet the nutritional needs of his family includes fishing on those months and weeks in which Meking River swells to nearly 20 times its normal size. Nevertheless, each and every day, Sam ventures into the river and attempts to that β†’

Market structure and the determination of market price

Change in Supply/ demand curve The imperfect competition in the pharmaceutical industry is found on the supply side of the market. Finally, Use of alternative medicine can result to a shift in the demand curve because the consumption of pharmaceutical products is reduced.

Ariel sharon

However, after a few years in the Prime Minister's office, Sharon realized that compromise with the Palestinians was a must. Sharon might not have been the best Israeli Prime Minister, but he was a decisive one.

Mini essy short answers

Philosophy Explain the differences between knowledge and opinion through the eyes of Protagoras and Socrates. This is the accusation provided by Plato in Apology and it also contains the wisdom of Socrates.

Implications of engineering decisions

The engineering works on the design and construction of the greatest solar bridge in the world which is in UK is a great breakthrough. Engineers have been trying to come up with new materials for use in the fabrication of solar cells which is expected to reduce the cost.

Summarize& response

Identity of the majority of people in the continent is not clear, and in history, it is important to know the roots of a particular culture. However, the excerpt does not seem to condemn the slavery and exploitation of the natives in the North American continent.

Lean manufacturing

Running Head: Lean Manufacturing Lean Manufacturing [Institute's Executive Summary Lean manufacturing aims at detecting and eliminating the waste from the product process. Lean Manufacturing The term Lean Manufacturing refers to a technique, which is used for eliminating waste from the manufacturing process.

Infant observation

Physical/Motor Development As I watched the child, after he had taken the yogurt, I could observe that he was able to wave at me and this is a sign of trust as explained by Erik Erikson in the first stage of development where there is either trust or mistrust. Conclusion According to jean Piaget's stages β†’

Su shi’s crow terrace poetry case

This paper aims to discuss the poem and political treason in the form of dissent by Su Shi in his poems. The question of concern is the intensity of the poems of Su Shi in projecting the political sphere.

Commenting on discussion forum

I personally have gotten sick due to the consumption of contaminated water and it was not the best of experience. I wish that I could advocate this to more people and also help industries understand the essence of disposing water in the right areas; I think I have not had the opportunity to do this β†’

U.s. supreme court

Obama described her admirable character traits that led to her nomination as:" Elena is respected and admired not just for her intellect and record of achievement, but also for her temperament, her openness to a broad array of viewpoints, her habit to borrow a phrase from Justice [John Paul] Stevens of understanding before disagreeing, her β†’

Unconstitutional police searches and collective responsibility

To this end, I will remind the suspect of the severity of the act he may have engaged in, and the lenience that he will be accorded, if he reveals the child's location. The suspect is then made aware of the lenience that will be accorded him if he reveals the child's location in his β†’

Dantes portrayal of church rituals in purgatorio

Dante's Portrayal of Church Rituals in Purgatorio Church ritual is an important aspect of Dante's Purgatorio because it allows for the development of an essentially feudal perspective of the world. Hymns are an essential aspect of church ritual which is conducted in almost every meeting and this is emphasized by Dante in hell as a β†’


This image of loyalty was another major factor Trotsky failed to establish that went in support for Stalin and his ideas was necessary to the winning of the people's personal favor an which was known to Stalin very clearly. Next, Stalin turned his attention to the right wing of the party.


Obesity One of the biggest problems of the contemporary age is obesity. There has been a rapid increase in the trend of consumption of junk food over the decades among the people of all age-groups generally, and the children and adults particularly.

Planning my document in education

I need to prove myself that I am able to point out my own opinion on the topic selected for the research work. Response: After completing my task, I came to know that one of my peers is facing difficulty with the task of finding relevant sources for the research work.

The fiscal and monetary policy and economic fluctuations

The fiscal and monetary policy and economic fluctuations The fiscal and monetary policy and economic fluctuations The U. It has a mixed economy and has enjoyed uninterrupted economic growth and falling unemployment with a progressive decline in inflation, interest rates and high levels of research and capital investment for the past five years.

Texas instruments problem

In order for the strategy to be executed well, TI has to ensure that a culture of " listening and satisfying the customer" should be set within its organization through a support program. By satisfying its customers, the customer base of the company remains intact with a decrease in nudging or customer transferring to competitors.

Changing the u.s. health care system

Minorities are only a small portion of the healthcare professionals, though they are a substantial portion of the population. The lack of diversity causes rigidity and lack of flexibility in terms of methods used and changes to the program of healthcare.


This paper focusses on the evolution of the feminist movement in the 1960s and 1970s. In this way, the various wings of the feminist movement pursued equality for women at both the personal and political level.

Employer-employee relationship quiz/paper

In view of the above case between Mary and the Little Lambs Company, it can be noted that she is a victim of the at-will contract. As a matter of law, it is not possible for an employee to be discharged for an unacceptable reason hence Mary's dismissal is legal under the laws of the β†’

Week 7 response papers

It is correct to state that the separation of electronic equipment will assist in managing different types of wastes and encouraging the recycle of such materials as plastics and metals. In agreement with the student, the move to have manufacturers bear the burden of disposing their products has changed the benchmarking activities of companies.

Zombie subculture

It is the core to who we are and I do not see any reason why people would want to give it up or pretend to do that. Even though it is up to the individual to decide if they want to be part of a zombie sub-culture, but I strongly feel such sub-cultures explore β†’

Answer questions

2= Your calculated kcal needs for the day are 4. Then calculate your total kcal needs for the day using the Mifflin-St.

Nutrition: food borne illness

The levels of nutrients in organic foods vary because of the difference in soil ph and cover. Studies have shown that despite the difference in nutrients, organic foods are rich in iron, vitamin c, and magnesium than conventional foods of similar type.

Critical thinking reflection

His movement though began in South Africa, he returned to India with a novel ways and means to make his country independent free from the british rulers. Gandhi not only continued with his nonviolent and civil disobedient ways, but also made it mandatory for all his followers to tread on the given path without any β†’

Horizontal integration of industry in late 19c. compare and contrast old & new school business historian’s approach to explanin carnegie & rockefeller

This essay compares and contrasts ' Old School' and ' New School' perspectives of horizontal integration. The old school perspectives on horizontal business integration emerged from theorists during the early part of the 20th century until the 1970s.

Ethics in sociology

Ethics in Sociology Research Affiliation with more information about affiliation, research grants, conflict of interest and how to contact Ethics in Sociology Research Question-1: How might sociologists research culture? The American Sociological Association, through their Code of Ethics, stipulates a wide range of ethical practices while conducting sociological research, of which the following are very β†’

Risk assessment and mitigation techniques

he only aspect not disclosed, and is considered a relevant aspect of mitigating risks and ensuring privacy and confidentiality of personal information is to be discerning in the information shared on social networking sites to avoid excessive exposure to external risks and threats. Response to Post of Classmate 2: The information which discloses that one β†’

Two reading selections from voltaires candide

Voltaire's form and style of writing are remarkably outstanding and quite evident in the way he structures the plot of the Candide, which gets the reader eager only to come to a sudden ending of various reading of his work. The escape from the battle Bulgarian territory came to be the end of Candide's encounter β†’

Take a stand letter

As countrys 3 million enrolled registered nurses are the essential source of service to patients during the most powerless times in their lives, we all should be clear about the importance of the registered nurses. American Nursing Association establishes that the level headed discussion of social insurance is still continuing and stays bound to instructing β†’

Direct and indirect messages

Direct and indirect messages SUBJECT: Guide to your retreat package I would like to inquire for your rates on a retreat package for our staff on either of the following periods; December 15-19 or January 12-16. However, we received a complaint on the said gate from our business tenant who complained of it struggling β†’

Multi-level change in organisation

Most changes that take place at the organization are initiated by the leaders of the organization. The organization experienced three vacancies at a go and so there was the need to fill the vacancies.

Facts of palese v. delaware state lottery office

11 months later, Palese read in the dailies that the Lottery Office had transferred his unclaimed lottery jackpot to the State's General Fund. Palese contacted the Lottery Office again and was told to explain how he had purchased the lottery and lost the tickets, much to Palese's compliance.

Culture shock

His brief life script is narrated in the video, showing the history in the world of the writing industry. Women were the most affected gender in the acts of slavery.

International relations

Americas Wars in the Muslim world the Morale of War The invasion of Iraq by the United s was proclaimed by Bush to be a war on terrorism for the sake of peace in the world. As Alia Brahimi outlines, the United States started the war on Iraq despite the disapproval of the UNO and β†’

Diversity leadership – no african-americans here

This is in proportion to the experience by the workers, influence of their behavior, as well as the attributes of the organization. Question 3 Cultural competence is at the center of managing diversity within an organization.

Simulation and design

The supporting and method tools chosen to do the work contribute to the final success of the project. The crucial aspect of the aspect is to emphasis the position of the audience.

Trends in forms of persuasion

Morals and ethics determine the validity of persuasion through speech. It is vital that speech conveys information that is morally sound and promotes ethics.

Unisys credit problems

The amount in bonds that is in the market which Unisys has invested will contribute to a greater loss if the company were to use them to remain liquid and be able to fund its operations with the ultimate consequence being a rights issue to finance the deficit. This presents the company with the challenge β†’

The times they are a-changin by bob dylan (1964)

The song composed of message that was against social and political inequality in the society. As a result, the song relied on its popularity and support from the communist leaders to protest against the prevailing social vices in United States of America.


Cash Briefly explain which basis of accounting and the reasons why that basis of accounting is not desirable for most organizations. As opposed to accrual method, cash basis of accounting is the one that is not desirable for most organizations, because it does not match income to expenses which produces the income.

Phylogenetic relationships of a group of organisms

A shared character is the common feature for all the species being evaluated and a derived character is a feature that evolved only within the group being studied. A character lacking in an organism is scored as ' 0' and the presence of a particular trait is scored as ' 1' as shown in the β†’

The greatest lesson of world war ii

Sur Supervisor The Greatest Lesson of World War II One of the key aspects of social change emerging as a result of World War II was the increasing emphasis on the social liberties. The greater innovation which took place as a result of the World War II has made the technology an essential part of β†’

Explain the true-justified-belief theory of knowledge. then make up your own gettier case and explain why it is counter-example to the analysis

The connection between knowledge and belief is that belief is a belief is considered to be knowledge if the belief held is true and if the believer has a reasonable justification to believe it is true. According to Geitter, an item can be qualified as knowledge, not because the truth is justified and true but β†’

Effects of globalization on economies of developing nations

According to Brown and Lauder, globalization limits the expansion of industries in developing nations. In conclusion, globalization has both positive and negative effects on developing nations.


After this test, the next exercise was to assess Mr. He was taken out for a one-mile walk to test his cardiovascular fitness, and his oxygen uptake was found to be good.

Article analysis

The assumption of the author in this case is that the failure to attend morning shows by the candidates is due to their preference for late night shows. The language of the author in describing the late night shows as compared to the morning shows is full of emotion.

Culture outline

Culture outline Introduction and meaning of culture Culture the shared behaviours and beliefs of people within a community. Elements of Culture Values and beliefs A value is something that the society uses to determine whether something is good and just in the society.

Quiz 2

The modification of flood control mechanisms would, therefore, be a step forward towards the mitigation of bacterial infection cases in urban areas. The materials and methods of monitoring flood controls in water shed rely on the relative proximity of these areas to the dry lands.

Letter to students

As your English language and Literature teacher, I have been privileged to be your chaperone and learner. Be as independent and interdependent in your thinking as well as your actions and stay connected to your core beliefs.

Brian williams personality according to sigmund freud

The acknowledgement of the high-profile journalist that he invented a story that dramatized his bravery in a war sparks questions about his credibility. In contrast, the superego is the most modern part that works consciously and operates on the moral principle.

Distribution center, warehouse, and plant location

The reason is that when there is a high population in a country, the sales of the companies go high because of the presence of a large number of consumers. On the other hand, the population is also a source of labor.

Plagiarism joe biden

While Biden claimed that the only reason he was accused of plagiarism was due to the supposed fact that he was not aware of the need to cite sources, it is unsure whether or not that is true. When the proof arose of a video showing Biden giving a speech that was entirely the words β†’

Soft determinism

Soft Determinism Soft determinism holds a similar view to that held by the universal causation theory in hard determinism; that all things result from a series of causal events. However, soft determinism differentiates between external and internal causes, which results in a belief, in limited freewill and moral responsibility.

Interpreting america’s civil war

The termination of this war saw the end of slavery after the surrendering of the South. The war ended in 1865 and it saw the abolishment of slavery in the US.

Initial public offers for global firms

For instance, an IPO may face the risk of failure due to negative perceptions by investors of the firm's country of inception. To effectively eliminate the risk of losing investment money through currency fluctuations, the management of the global firm may decide to trade in a more stable currency.

Quantitative decision making-transportation

Quantitative Decision Making-Transportation The term balanced transportation problem is referred to the situation when the total supply of a particular product equals the total demand of it. The transportation of numerous amounts of similar products is the main objective of transportation problem which are primarily stocked up at an assortment of origins and to β†’

Participant observation in prague

PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION IN PRAGUE By The of the The of the School The and The Date People that are around me emanate from diverse origin and ethnicity and behavior uniquely as compared to the local people. The guide explains to the Chinese tourists the history and significance of Theresienstadt concentration camp.

Critique the article critical thought

He remains very pessimistic about the strikes and the role that they play in fighting for the rights of the workers. Thought the whole article, the author shows disapproval of the trade unions and the roles that they play in advocating the rights of the workers.

Marketing strategy

Hence, the marketing approach for the insurance firms becomes highly crucial factor for its success primarily because of the intangibility of its products and the fact that financial risk is significantly reduced with the expanding market and the increasing database of customers. The intangibility of the insurance products and the volumes of premiums have significant β†’

Key aspects of wal-mart

One of the key aspects as to why large organizations like Wal-Mart are able to manage their supply chain despite the differences in objectives with the vendors is the overall size of the buying being made. In a large supply chain like the one run by Wal-Mart, there is more emphasis on the realignment of β†’

Discussion questions and participation questions week 1

The accounting profession in the United States would be loss without the existence of the FASB. Due to the existence of the FASB users of accounting information in the United States are able to compare the financial statements of different corporation because the FASB obligates all firms to prepare the financial statements in the same β†’

The leading health indicator as defined by health people 2020

Leading health indicators as defined by Health People 2020 Healthy people 2020 provide a set of 10-year goals and objectives that are useful in improving the Americans health. Leading health indicators has provided a smaller set of objectives that are used in communicating the high priority health issues that affect Americans and the actions that β†’


The subtle difference between active euthanasia and indirect euthanasia is that in active euthanasia the action taken is with the object of bringing about the end of the patient, while in indirect euthanasia the objective in the treatment is to alleviate some discomfort of the patient, like pain, and yet the treatment leads to the β†’

Western civilization

Western Civilization Background of the French Revolution Question: What was the long-term background of the French Revolution? We can trace the origin of French Revolution to the rigid social structure of the French society based on custom and tradition during the old French regime.

Business law

For the second instance, the court ruled against Kiesau by dismissing the negligent supervision and retention claims against Buchanan County & Davis. The explosion and its intervening effects is not a proximate cause of plaintiff's injuries.

Self introduce

It has always been a thrill learning about the past and understanding why some of the things happened in the past and their effects in the present. I have never missed any of the lectures because absence to me, in this class, is imaginable.

Transnational poetics approach to world literature

Transnational Poetics In a Transactional Poetics, there is a readjustment of the curricula of the English and even more. This is done through the implication of what would be referred to as rejection of the belief of Ramazani and also a display of corrosiveness as a form of nationalism.than other genres, especially those that always β†’

In the middle ages, it is clear that religious thought and philosophy were totaly intertwined. why do you suppose this was explain your answer (in two paragraph)

During the Middle Ages which spanned between the Dark Ages of Europe to the period of feudalism, chivalry, and crusades, European nations were in great tumult due to the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the factions that emerged between the churches of the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox. Hence, between the eras β†’

Urban sociology

Question 2: The term " use significance" implies that people have an innate disposition to interpret the daily environments they are exposed to according to an idea called setting for activities. The most important factor by which people tend to analyse locations or environments is this use significance.

Movie scene analysis

Analysis of " The King of Masks" Wang, who is the main character in this movie, is a true representation of the Chinese traditions from a historical background and he also portrays some aspect of kindness that we will discuss in our analysis. Moreover, the heir in this case is not supposed to be a β†’

Exporting by states in the united states

To achieve a state of equilibrium and balance of trade, a firm that produces products that its local market cannot consume all has to sell such commodities elsewhere across the borders. Maintain a high employment level A state of Ohio has a mandate to employ its citizen in the labor market.

What strenghts do you have that will allow you to succeed as a physician assistant

The Strengths That will Help me Be a Good Physician Assistant Physician assistants contribute greatly to the well being of society. I am fortunate to be keen to detail and often make good use different senses to survey a situation.

Choose two foreign policy failures and two foreign policy successes that the us has experienced since 1898

The unrest experienced in the Middle East between Israel and Syrians and Egyptians during the Kippur War of 1973 led to its drafting. The Marshal Plan played a role in ensuring the stability and prosperity of Western Europe and also the formation of the current Eastern Europe.

Schizophrenia, substance abuse, and violent crime by fazel

Many researchers have felt that there is and that those who suffer from schizophrenia are at an increased risk for violent crime and substance abuse. 4; P Thus, Fazel's study demonstrates that, as most scientists and psychologists have expected, there is an increased chance of violent crimes and substance abuse in individuals with schizophrenia.

Reaction paper

It Gets Better" and the Changing Identities in Teen Youths A recent article in the New York Times en d " Coming Out Gay Teens in Their Own Words" discusses the issues surrounding coming out for young teens, and the ways they face their own identity politics. While " post gay" is clearly not a β†’

Twelfth night

Viola I want to play the part of Viola in the real life because firstly Viola is young and quite a practical person. I would prefer having the qualities of charming others, engaging others and intelligence so I can easily find employment in an organization of my own choice and get attached with the person β†’

Banker to the poor by muhammad yunus

Banker to the Poor In my view, chapter 4 and 5 of the book remove any doubt that hunger and poverty can beeliminated. In examining and giving a clear explanation about poverty, the book provides readers with a feeling that they have an easy solution to poverty, as opposed to the belief that it is β†’

Discuss british/colonial operations against new france during queen anne’s war. elaborate on how both parties viewed the fate of walker’s expedition

Queen Anne's War Queen Ann's war was the main conflict that occurred between the English and French forces as a result of previous conflicts in the Americas. The second part of the war was fought in New England, where the English colonies there engaged the French forces, and finally, the English forces based in Newfoundland β†’

Project management body of knowledge

The more committed the employees, the greater the effort input to the project and its success. In order to gauge the success of the project at any stage, performance evaluation needs to be carried out at various levels.

Comparison of the role and powers of the omb to the cbo

Comparing the role and powers of the OMB to the CBO Affiliation Budget development and execution in United States is a process managed by the Executive Office of the president. The Management and Budget office is within the United States executive office of the president.

Reflections of a novice mentor

I have learned and experienced first hand that a mentor is someone revered by a mentee as a knowledgeable guide molded into wisdom by his vast experiences in a field desired by a mentee to be part of. I believe the most important thing that I learned from this experience is to respect students' ideas β†’


Leadership concepts al affiliation Leadership concepts Defining leadership as a process which involves an individual influencing a group of people in order to achieve a common goal, Northouse identifies the common styles of leadership. Among the recognized styles, coaching is the easiest to identify with, as it calls on the leader to be involved with β†’

Diversity training at the benevolent corporation

With the marked benefits of supporting a diverse organizational culture, corporations should incorporate the recruitment and hiring of a more diverse workforce. Mentoring programs should be installed and implemented to an orient current staff of supporting a diverse culture.

Guest speaker report

She talked about how she has been involved in creating a passion for her employees. Likewise, she talked of how she focuses on research in understanding the perception of her various products.

Personal statements

Of course, as you have already guessed, that was not enough for me and I decided to do my best and fight for my right of becoming a part of the Ph. I am mowing exactly to my goal: I want to make different researches and studies in the field of the Information Systems.

Project 2

That is upon the management of the organization.the names of the suppliers and individuals supplied with tenders will not be included in the project The project will not be liable for the loss incurred if the organization fails to achieve its set objectives after the completion of the project. The channels of communication should be β†’

Work, people and productivity mgt

Sensitivity to operations: It is important to recognize that policies and manuals in an organization constantly change; the HRO should be mindful and be sensitive to the complexity of the systems and environment of the HRO. As an HRO it is important to always be aware and have updated information on the state of the β†’


Many people also fail to understand that concentrating on a goal is the best way of overcoming any fear. If the work is not interesting, people will fail, and that is not his idea of success.

The distinctive challenges of operations and quality management in tourism and leisure

In the following discussion, the writer will enumerate on the challenges of technological development and product development and delivery in the leisure sector. What is left for the management to do is to concentrate on the development of the leisure experience and attraction themselves?

Social capital: determining a student s e – p ortfolio net worth

Summary The article by Stevens and Dunlop focuses on social capital in terms of determining the e-portfolio worth of students. Such a concept is evolving and it demands an investigation to determine its implications in the empowering and importance of student's careers as one selects and reflects on the necessity of e-portfolios.

Procrastination (time management) personal analysis

The art of procrastination: a guide to effective dawdling, lollygagging, and postponing. 78-79 Wiegartz, P.& Gyoerkoe, K.