Informative College Admission Essay and Research Paper Examples

Perceptual maps

In the case of the aerospace industry, perceptual mapping is an essential tool which shows how companies position themselves in terms of pricing and the level of service offered. However, it is also important to realize that the perception of customers about different brands is also essential in generating a correct perceptual map.b.

Leading and controlling slp

At the beginning of the year, budgets are made to allocate the resources of the organization and to determine the expenses and revenues expected for the year. Another important type of control practiced by one's organization is the quality control.

The achievement of desire

01 November 2008 The Achievement of Desire In the article " The Achievement of Desire" Richard Rodriguez describes his personal experience and life problems caused by cultural differences and ethnic diversity issues. The uniqueness and value of this essay is that it describes real life experience of the writer and his personal problems and vision β†’


For example, conformity is a human's feature to match with the society, to follow generally accepted beliefs and norms of behavior of a certain social group. Therefore in the modern culture conformity and obedience may be oppressive to an individual.

The competitive position of adolph coors in the brewing industry

This paper analyzes the case study with the view to understanding why Coor's competitive position in the US deteriorated between the 1970s and mid-1980s and what strategies need to be put in place for the brewing company to improve its future prospects. In procurement, the case study is clear that Coor's competitive position worsened between β†’

Motivational interviewing

The main role of a therapist is to describe the need for positive change among their patient. For instance, a clinician can increase an individual's self-efficacy by demonstrating his or her confidence on the person's ability to make positive change.


This is clearly stated in the first sentence of the fourth paragraph of his essay where he wrote that: " Perhaps one of the most important reasons for my absence of " trauma" stemming from my parent's divorce is that I am by no means alone in my trials and tribulation". I find the discussions β†’

How did radio and movies change people ideas and how were they used for spreading propaganda

Radio and Movies This paper is an attempt to examine the impact of radio and movies on the lives of people in west with historical evidence. Radio affected and changed the minds and lives of the people during the great depression when people had alienated themselves with the government and economy.

Adult education(any subject of it)

19 January Andragogys Transition into the Future: Meta-Analysis of Andragogy and its Search for a Measurable Instrument A Review For the purpose of the present review, the journal article Andragogys Transition into the Future: Meta-Analysis of Andragogy and its Search for a Measurable Instrument was chosen. Of the innumerable research articles available on the subject, β†’

Karl marx

After exploring this idea in many of his essays, Marx elaborates upon it in the Communist Manifesto by identifying the conditions that are most conducive to the promotion of the natural productive capacity of workers. In the capitalist economy, Marx maintained that the worker was isolated from their labor, the product of their labor, and β†’


The fundamental objective of businesses is to make profit through product and services that meet the requirements of customers. Kotler et al has defined market as ' a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others'.

The odyssey of homer book1 athena inspires the prince

The Odyssey of Homer: Book Summary Athena Inspires the Prince In this book, the plot revolved around Odyssey's captivity, his son Telemachus' temporary ascent into power and the temptation of Odyssey's wife Penelope by suitors. The power struggle is evidenced in the suitors who aspire to marry Penelope, as that would give them legitimate claim β†’

Global information & tech: international technology analysis

Where Japan has become one of the leading countries in technological advancement, Iran is still lagging behind in the development of technology and scientific research. In contrast to that, the number of Internet users in Iran averages 23 million.

A question of ethics

I believe Danny's mother was right in pointing out that he could have at least called and Danny should have realized that she said this only out of her sheer care and emotions towards him. Danny needed some space, he went out with friends after a very long time and if his mother was getting β†’

Software usability

According to Jean Scholtz's ' Usability evaluation', Usability engineers and usability experts undertake the task of evaluating usability. Facilitated brain storming and the use of focus groups are also two measure's to judge usability.

Things fall apart

Another essential fact is the presence of Chielo, the priestess of the Oracle of the Hills and Caves. In spite of the physical violence against women by the men, which is present in the novel; in spite of the exclusion of women from the house of the Egwugwu; in spite of the fact that the β†’

Daisy buchanan in the great gatsby

She is thus the driving force of the action as everything Gatsby does is an effort to get her attention and everything that happens in the novel is centered upon what she likes or what she does. There are hints that this is because of the heartbreak she experiences every time she realizes the position β†’

Paper – what is a database

As an example of the business use of a database, an online store is a common one, and E-bay is a large database that consists of customers and sale items. In the case of the store, one wants to establish a arelational' [O'Neill and O'Neill 15] database that is, one needs to link up the β†’

Class project survey

D) How do forces outside of the US impact the future economic health of the US and our status as an economic great power? The future economic growth of the US is now also being threatened by falling values of dollar in international foreign exchange market.

Role of heredity and environment in shaping human personality

The relative significance of the contributions the environmental and heredity in the development of personality depend on several factors. Similarly, the growth and development of personality is an outcome of both heredity and environment.

Executive summary

Sonic healthcare is solely dedicated to diagnostic services primarily in the field of pathology and recently in the field of radiology. Owing to the regulatory issues in Australian pathology and the impacts of the recent severe weather the expected profit of Sonic Healthcare for the 2011 financial year is reported to rest at 5 to β†’

What characteristics of romanticism do you see in either rip van winkle

In Washington Irving's " Rip Van Winkle," several Romantic elements are exemplified the hatred of industrialization, the emphasis on nature's beauty, the inclination towards the supernatural, and the defiance of reason. Washington Irving's " Rip Van Winkle" is a story that exemplifies the most essential elements of American Romanticism.

Legitimate authority

In the practice of authority relationships in school, the answer is no, the student does not have the right to challenge a command, and yes, the teacher has the right to essentially coerce the student into following it through the threat of a failing grade. The words " accept" and " agreement" both work under β†’

Why the early middle ages are often referred to as the dark ages

The period in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire was named " the Dark Ages" by Renaissance scholars in order to criticize the old ways. So the Christianity in the Dark Ages became one of the crucial components of the social life and faith started to be the main driver of all human β†’

Discussion week 1b

Antecedents of the Accounting Profession al Affiliation Antecedents of the Accounting Profession According to Willard Stone article the Antecedent of the accounting profession, it is clear that just like the law industry, accounting is one of the oldest professions globally. The first written language of accounting systems constitutes the use of symbols in various memoranda β†’

Homicide and criminal justice

Homicide and Criminal Justice In the American criminal justice system, homicide is allegedly the worst form of offensive acts that courts handle. The worst form of homicide called murder is a criminal act in which a person's meditation to kill leads to actual killing of another person.

Prevent elder abuse

The Project P.E.A.- Prevent Elder Abuse Aiming to address the increasing number of reported elder abuse cases, The Project P.E. Electronic version of the newsletter will also be available among subscribers to update recent cases and developments in relation to Project P.E.A.

Opposing electronic medical records

Different organizations and health personnel have issues with the use of the EMRs in keeping medical records and would rather prefer the use of paper health records considering the ease of use. The fear of errors and the other technical problems that are associated with the use of the EHRs is a problem that is β†’

Experimental economics summary paper

Introduction The study as a whole looks into the patterns of the relationship of reward bundling with smokers. Findings The results reveal that in comparing smokers with non-smokers, those included in Forced who are smokers will choose LL if they are compelled to correlate their present choices to its effect in the future.

Orgnaizational behavior hotel monaco

Organizational Behavior: Hotel Monaco Hotel Monaco Chicago The essay aims to address and respond to the question: how does the Hotel Monaco meet the four factors of the MARS model to enhance employee success and service quality? After watching the video, the four factors of the MARS model is deemed to be met through excelling β†’

Historical impact on working conditions (hr, employee labor and relations)

In 1785, when US government marked the western boundary of Mississippi River, the land was sold for the first time in the public realm. The first key event in the US labor history was establishment of the American Federation of Labor in 1886.

Dynamics of crime and delinquency

This is a characteristic of a democracy, and it plays a role in ensuring there is peace and stability within the state. Question Number Two: Under this statement, Baccaria means that the stronger members of the society are guilty of oppressing the weaker members of the society.

Correlational method

Harvey finds that, in general, the benefit of income tends to exceed the cost of parents being out of the home, and that in most categories children are not affected by early employment, with the exception of academic and cognitive development scores before ages 7 and 9. Certainly, the academic performance of the child cannot β†’

Inclusive lesson plan

Children's cultural diversity is likely to emerge as a challenge especially to a teacher who is used to teaching in monoculture set up. According to Warnock, it is imperative that curriculum developers pay attention to the needs of students.

Reciprocity network

These types of networks are important as they help in connecting different business organization as well as people from various parts of the world. S is a good example of a state where social networking plays a big role in development and the provision of both economic and political stabilities through positive social relations.

Information technology

Description: CCleaner enhances system performance by identifying unnecessary files and cleaning them from the system after getting a confirmation from the user. Worth the price: For a free software, the question might be rephrased to " is it worth to download and use?".

Religion (jesus)

How does Jesus use of parables of reversal challenge the understanding of the kingdom of God among his contemporaries Jesus is the one who is source of salvation to all mankind, who loves them and heals them from their tribulations and sufferings and makes them good and beautiful. In parables Jesus often relates the situation β†’


The objectives of a school's curriculum are bold and made available to both students and teachers, to ensure a collective participation of both student and teachers in the attainment of these objectives. The content of the Mathematics curriculum varies in this district school, depending on the level of grade.

Stanley milgram

The aim of the experiment was to explore susceptibility to social influence in a particular situation which could show the features of our behaviour in this area. A lesson in depravity, peer pressure, and the power of authority.

Gardners theory and childrens artwork

He used lines and a big rectangular for the face, little ovals for eyes, and triangles for ears. She drew a pencil sketch of trucks on road and two kids standing on the footpath.

The most important skills and values that children learn from their parents

As they grow, parents teach their children how to speak their language and how to be understood. Parents should always encourage their children to take on something that is a challenge, instead of always taking the easy road.

Genetic experimentation and development

The essential utilization for genetic experimentation or engineering concerns the treatment or curing of genetic infection or genetic diseases. It should be used as a last resort for cure of incurable or life-threatening diseases.

The problems with the u.s. education system

What accounts for this difference and what is the cause of the inadequacy of some public school systems Examination can show us that it may not be the system that is at fault, but the results of the inherent power structure and its inadequacy in confronting social conflict. In the hierarchy of the power structure β†’

There is hope with morality and good values

The majority of the boys from the story followed Jack, although submitting to authority and a better idea of Ralph at first, despite knowing what is good, just to satisfy their human nature, their wants and their need for security and enjoyment. Ralph and Piggy are better examples of people who have good insights, with β†’

Antonio palomino on velazquez

The masterpiece in the work starts from the setting of the picture. However, Palomino argues that the importance of the image is the interpretation of it.

Use of e-stem in physical therapy

USE OF E-STEM IN PHYSICAL THERAPY USE OF E-STEM IN PHYSICAL THERAPY AND ITS VALUE TO THE PATIENT. Electrical stimulation has many roles in physical therapy and the most common is control of pain to the injured patient during and after operation.

Knes – fitness for living

Autologous blood doping is a process in which the blood of the athlete is drawn sometime back before the competition. Synthetic erythropoietin is given in one form of blood doping which helps to increase the number of red blood cells in the body.

Theoretical analysis for criminal justice

The third principle of the theory of routine activity lays down three indispensable situations for crime to be committed. Additionally, crime rates are normally relational to the number of enthused offenders, such as adolescents and unemployed persons, in the populace.

Socio-technical systems

Inserts His/her Inserts Inserts Grade Inserts Here Socio-Technical Systems: A socio-Technical system is basically a compilation of social and technical units. Joint collaboration, communication and cooperation are major goals of a socio-technical system.

Logistics db

In order for the Going manage its supply chain effectively, it has to improve the speed and flexibility for its manufacturing framework. Going Inc.should address one of its major production hurdle; that is the time taken to produce one plane and the way in which the company adhere to its production design.

Teaching science during the early childhood years

In order to gain high-quality knowledge on early childhood education it is necessary to enroll in programs that are based on the National Association for the Education of Young Children Standards which help prepare graduates competently for this profession as it not only includes childhood education but also concentrates on learning the overall development of β†’

Best buy brings diversity to the geek squad

On the one side it teaches the managers to be respectful towards and sensitive to the needs and expectations of the customers affiliated to the racial minorities and the women. A diverse workforce enables the overall company vision towards and perception of the customers to be more holistic and realistic.

Diversification strategy

3M offers products that balance the work and personal lives of the American public. One 3M business is Display and Graphics, particularly its Architectural Solutions in the United States.

Fahrenheit 451: view of media

Faber considered that the amount of information present inside the book is much more important than the book itself. He also thinks that the quality of books has declined too, as now they are not able to change the mindset of a person and release them from the barriers that surround him.

The world trade organisation

Running Head: World Trade Organisation World Trade Organisation [Institute's World Trade Organisation Introduction The ' World Trade Organisation' is a global entity that is responsible for creating and regulating different statutes and policies for trading of goods and services on international level. In this regard, when trade increases around the world, there is an increase β†’

Categorical perception-discrimination

This is because perceptual discrimination comes from excitation of the neural system. When this part of the brain receives certain stimuli continually it is able to eventually distinguish the difference in certain closely related stimuli.

Falling behind and falling apart: the bottom billion by paul collier

In this book, the author argues that the major challenge facing developers is that countries at the bottom, referred to as the bottom billion, are not at peace with the rest and hence falling apart. However, as the author rightfully notes, change has to come from these bottom billion countries.

The performance appraisal methods

The performance appraisal methods The performance appraisal methods are deemed as productive within organizations because these look to present the strengths of the employees and the work that they have manifested with the passage of time. Some might think that this is just a tool to reward the employees and hence they would not β†’

Vizir case analysis

Having used the tools described above, identify the key issues that the company should focus on - relate it to the reading in the Grant text for that week. The key issues that the company will need to focus on are the items necessary for success in Europe.

Elements of crime and intentional tort: trespass and linking on the internet

Personally, I find that the definition of trespass to personal property given in Cheeseman's book encompasses the concept of trespass to personal property in the case of Bidder's Edge Vs.eBay and does not differ from applied California law. It is principally on this ground that the court granted injunction to eBay and this conforms entirely β†’

Narrative and storytelling

What Is The Plot In A Story? Video retrieved from v= 6cOEFnppm_A.

Changes in the globalization of the media and public communication

As explained by Doise, globalization involves the aspect of compressing the world and consciousness intensification of the world taken as a whole. The notable technological shift in the media is the invention of the cable television and satellite.

The results section (hypnosis )

141 237 Hypnotizability Pearson Correlation N. 196 237 Hypnotizability Pearson Correlation N.

Dissociative identity disorder and social psychology

It is important to discover gender differences in perceptions of different real life dilemmas, which may help us to understand why men and women have a tendency of reporting different types of disassociated identity disorders, and real life dilemmas. It was noted that contrary to the expectation none of the relations between guilt, shame, and β†’

Honeymoon by james patterson

According to the title, it is expected that the book is set in an actual honeymoon environment. The book is romantic field, integral to a honeymoon's environment.

Dieting in america and obesity

Dieting in America vs Obesity One of the most important medical, psychological and social issues in America has been the risks of obesity and dieting, and it is essential to comprehend that dieting has an important influence in the genesis of obesity. In a reflective analysis comparing the risks and benefits of obesity and the β†’


Accounting is not used as a business tool to keep track of where the business is heading and results is loss of control during the financial period. The bookkeeping software has a set of disciplines due to which it is able to produce data and records that are essential to exercise control over the business.

Financial statement analysis

0 Other Operating Expenses, Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 Equity In Affiliates 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 U.S.

Provider-patient relationship

For example, both nurses and health educators are required by their code of ethics to be responsible to the public. In other words, there is the significant need to support the health and welfare of the individuals and the public.

Powerpoint is evil

Technology in Learning After reading the article and listening to the NPR program, it is clear that the use of technology and specifically PowerPoint in this case, is completely misunderstood by some. On the contrary, the use of technology should be seen in the same way as the use of books where the quality of β†’

Substance abuse, homelessness, hunger and how they relate

Substance abuse Substance abuse is the excessive use of drugs and alcohol to the extent that they become harmful to an individual's body and mind. The deplorable conditions under which the homeless people live in provides a reason for them turning into substance abuse as a way to drown and forget their current poor state β†’

Discussion board 5 international relation

Groupthink and its symptoms were very evident in the decision of Bush administration in 2003 to go to war with Iraq and dominate on that country. The groupthink process, which occurs when an individual is pressured to conform to the views of a small-group, leads to a shared illusion of unanimity which in turn often β†’

1-1 occupational licensing

Government regulation exists for the greater good of every citizen such as ensuring environmental safety and tax compliance, but in the recent times, as evident in the article, it has come at such a great cost for prospective businessmen. While I do believe permits have a place in business, I think they are overused and β†’

The cost of equity of my companyslp 3

074% The value of " asset beta" ) represents the extent to which the company's business performance is related to the overall performance of the economy. The increase in tax rate will increase the value of asset beta of my firm.

Healthy grief

In this stage, he confronts the reality and inevitability of the loss and his helplessness to change it. However, in the end, he knows that it will be for his and everyone's benefit.

Purposes of police patrol

The preliminary duty of any police force is to give adequate protection to the life and properties of the communities. Implementation of modern technology is necessary to avoid the risks of high speed pursuits.

Writing fitness

As Bonnie Trenga said in her book, The Curious Case of the Misplaced Modifier: How to Solve the Mysteries of Weak Writing, the active voice is " the clearest and most direct way to present your ideas"." In an active sentence," she adds, " the subject performs the action, the object receives it". This sentence β†’

Sexuality and gay marriage

Based on the uploaded readings and order instructions, Please reflect on Sexuality and Gay Marriage Sex and sexuality is perceived to be dependent on various factors, which include psychological and sociological aspects both. Based on the uploaded readings and order instructions, Please reflect on Sexuality and Gay Marriage Sexuality is one of the central aspects β†’

Answer the questions about a

Sagan shares with us some responses from about the state of American education described in the preceding chapter. Sagan alludes to the " coolness" of learning in the preceding chapter, and now we hear from students and parents directly on the issue of how peer pressure and social expectations can make learning " uncool".

Influence technique

During the training, we were equipped with all the information we needed to educate potential clients; however, the real experience presents a lot of surprises for a rookie. The main point of the test is to sell the concept of life insurance and sell our services to the person.

Lifespan development in early childhood

The development of a child's learning to use the language is also a significant process in this stage because language is a dominant means in enhancing the cognitive skills. It is therefore important to emphasize the significance of quality emotional attachment early in a child's life because it serves as a powerful model in that β†’

Hinduism in the works of walt whitman

In his poem, " Song of Myself", Whitman tries to narrate the reason of his happy life through his positive views about nature and appreciation of all the things he has. Hinduism believes that one of the most challenging things for a man to do in his life is finding the way on how to β†’

Colony irish and irish famine as genocide

The famous great Irish famine of 1845 to 1849 could be said to be manmade because at this time food was being exported from Ireland by the colonialists while the Irish citizens were starving to death2. The attack of potatoes by potato blight was a big blow to the citizens of Ireland.

Cafr analysis paper

Also, the mention of the source of the capital, usage of the after the loss, the financial condition increased by 17% due to the governmental, and the losses occurred depicts the transparency the city's has in its financial accountability. The expression of tax in the report and other details shows that the city is β†’

How to win a government contract

They include the encourage competition, to assist small and medium businesses, to expedite the performance of contracts deemed essential, to make possible large dollar acquisitions, to reduce contractor risk and to lower the overall costs of the contract. The basic steps when giving this kind of contract financing, usually undertaken by the government, is to β†’

Most important emelnts in a relationship

Another element that led to the failure of Rose and Ted's relationship was a lack of hope. In The Girls in Their Summer Dresses, humor and dedication are revealed to be primary elements to a successful, healthy relationship.

White man’s burden

Rudyard Kipling, a writer who captured the essence of British imperialism in India, acknowledges the duplicity and hypocrisy that White Man's Burden entails in his poem of the same title. In the book titled The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good, β†’

Faith community hospital case study

Moreover, by providing a clear set of rules regarding charity and uninsured patients, which will be communicated to the public, the hospital can also prevent being liable for not admitting some patients. By improving staff coordination, Faith can improve the efficiency of its staff and ensure their adherence to rules, which can both reduce expenses β†’

The pre and referral process

Before the students are separated from others and referred to special schools, efforts must be made to try and fit and accommodate them in to the normal program. The teachers and the guardians of the students need to be satisfied that the needs of the student cannot be accommodated in the general education program.

Ishmael: an adventure of mind and spirit

The story of Ishmael brings us to the rational description of a man making choices; a man of reason and acts as the trailblazer of his destiny; and, a zealous director of his journey. The taker must be a man who assumes the accountability of considering his dependency to nature as his source of life; β†’

Creating a structured lesson plan

When creating the lesson plan, the teacher must consider the student's background, lesson objectives, and the skills to be taught, the resources to use in teaching, the activities, the time constraint, and the connection between the previous as well as forthcoming lessons. The teacher should adhere to requirement of competency and the published standards that β†’

An entertainment business

The group achieved the stature of single largest theatre group from scratch as Nighingale states, " That's the challenge for Howard Panter and Rosemary Squire who have seen ATG grow from nothing into the most important theatre group in the nation have wisely or unwisely set themselves". The ATG group business is operating in several β†’

A good guide to moral conduct

How can it be decided what values, customs, norms are to be respected and preferred in comparison to the expected utility of an action? Therefore, the realization of a course of action that has no side effects is abstruse and indeed, mythical.

Teacher interview (behavior)

When students were not on good behavior, they would receive a warning for the first offense. For the 4th offense, the student would receive a ticket for $30 and a call home to his parents.

Budget planning and control

Budgeting of Budgeting Aims of Budget Preparation Nordstrom Ltd should prepare budget in order to identify and achieve the specific financial objectives of the company. Nordstrom Ltd should also prepare budgets to keep the track of the performance of departmental managers and the responsibilities assigned to them.

Elements of a program evaluation

The main factor that I found surprising was the level of detail that an individual needs to provide to get a grant from the institution. If I was in the position of a program evaluator, it is vital to understand the different elements that form the diverse groups that seek grants and other services from β†’