Informative College Admission Essay and Research Paper Examples

Program and culture architecture class

Question If you critically look at the nature of the communication theory, it is clear that its basic analogy relates in the same way as the theory of environmental determinism and the other theories about cause and effect. In the same way the communication process depends on the link between the five principles, the cultural β†’

Enterprise architecture principles

Enterprise Architecture Principles I believe enterprise architecture principles are essential in ensuring effectiveness of enterprise architecture since they offer a means of governing changes. All these principles embody every aspect of enterprise architecture since they consider crucial aspects in EA like business, application and technological principles.

Architectural and politics

An example of a building built with political meaning in the twentieth century is the Barcelona Pavilion, which was designed in 1929. However, some criticizes the building as one that did not have any real program, and it was whatever Mies chose to make of it.

International perspectives airport design of the hong kong international airport

The new airport took the safety of passengers into consideration and the new airport has several runaways which are long for any kind of aeroplane. The Hong Kong international airport operates one of the most efficient cargo and passenger handling system. The airport is the largest cargo handling airport and it has one of the β†’

Illustration of forces upon buildings

Any disaster that takes place on the second floor of the building is capable of destroying the whole building and the placement of the heavy appliance on the second floor without sufficient fire extinguishers is a hazard on its own. The heavy timber construction has the capability of carrying the furniture and appliances within the β†’

Protection improvements option for hmmwvs

Designing of the capsule adds to the protection level in the internal and external body structure of the HMMWV. As per the US Army TWV Strategy Report, adding armor kits to the vehicles was an afterthought; the vehicles were not designed to carry 3000+ pounds in weight, which is affecting the performance of the vehicles. β†’

The impact of failed states

THE IMPACT OF FAILED S ID Number: of of School Word Count: 694 Date of Submission: December 12, 2011 THE IMPACT OF FAILED STATES Introduction It is often rare for a country to become a failed state but a combination of factors can be a perfect storm for that to happen, like β†’

The strategic management of geopolitical interests

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF GEOPOLITICAL INTERESTS ID Number: of of School ) Word Count: 596 Date of Submission: January 12, 2012 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF GEOPOLITICAL INTERESTS Geopolitics is traditionally defined as the scientific study of the influence of geography on political actions of states although this term is quite broad and encompasses several β†’

The rise and fall of the spanish empire

The Rise and fall of The Spanish Empire al Affiliation The Rise and fall of The Spanish Empire Spain emerged as the most powerful country in Europe and used its dominancy to expand its territories overseas. Spanish king Ferdinand and wife Isabella where the formidable forces behind the success of Spain. The fall of the β†’

The roman empire experienced a period of greatness before it eventually declined and fell in 476 a.d. discuss the reasons for th

Jerry Ciacho May 17, The Decline of the Roman Empire and Its Relation to the United s The decline and fall of societies and civilizations are expected and certain. One of the supposed main reasons was the coming apart of the Roman Empire, separating and dividing the West and the East, which is also known β†’

Discussion 1 week 10 comparing transshipment models to inventory applications

From the explanation of Taylor , the transportation model could be considered an example of decision making under certainty. Decision-making satisfy the certainty condition when the evaluators or decision makers have the essential information to make a responsible decision. Can We Apply the Transshipment Models to Inventory Applications?

World regional georgraphy unit 6

The word apartheid was used to refer to the separation between the white settlers and the black. The whites were the minority while the blacks were the majority but apartheid was introduced to ensure that the whites would continue to dominate the country. Before independence, racial segregation in South Africa was intensive.

Introduction to terrorism

Similarly, an overwhelming majority of the world raised demonstrations against the US invasion on Iraq by declaring it as the terrorism on the part of the western world; however, the USA and her allied viewed it as an act to destroy the terrorist government of Saddam Hussein.Criteria used to define Terrorism: The world blames the β†’


" Globalisation was the byword of the 1990s, reflecting the rapid growth of international financial transactions, the integration of developing countries into the world economy, and the information and communications revolution that brought satellite television, the cell phone, and the Internet to remote corners of the world," - Bordo et al p.533. The β†’

Geo 101

Political Geography of the State of California California bears overwhelming political importance in the whole United States of America. Population Geography of the State of California According to the census of 2009, California is the most populated state in the USA with over 39 million residents.

Crisis mapping

The Ushahidi project, enabled by Google maps, facilitated real time distress calls and, therefore, was an invaluable resource for humanitarians. The earthquake, which struck the Christ church in New Zealand in 2010, is another disaster occurrence whose situation eased by the help of crisis mapping. Given the loss of lives and injuries experienced by the β†’

Personal statement example

After much debate and consultation, I have now finally decided to take the chance and apply for the university; one, which I believe, would provide me with good education and at the same time also aid in my personality growth and development into a better individual. During the holiday season in summer, I have worked β†’

Mt saint hellens

The wind's high speed is the core cause of the deaths and damage on nature, people, economy and structures. The consequences Research confirms exceptionally severe consequences of the hurricane Andrew because of the adverse damages that it caused.

Sao paulo: urbanization run amok

With these problems in mind, it is important to consider the question: To what extent do " ecological" materials satisfy the thermal necessities of a building in a city of Tropical climate as So Paulo With the current energy crisis abounding, it appears that necessities provided by energy, including air conditioning in climate control, are β†’

The aging in the workforce

Aging in the workforce Table of differing viewpoints of aging in the workforce article sociology medical economic Anderson, et/al, 2012 - -the challenge in health for long lives is maintaining their high quality of life in their respective age groups with disregard to the chronic challenges they encounter in life. -the health sector should develop skills in β†’

Early human evolution

The answers range from the mythological theories of creationism to the scientific perspectives of evolution. One of the very important aspects of that history is the discovery of Australopithecus afarensis.

Research paper example

Whispering Chamber A Whispering Chamber indicates an elliptical enclosure that is beneath a vault or dome whereby it is possible for one to hear whispers while in the other sections of the chamber. Such a chamber is interesting because it becomes easy to communicate easily with people in the other areas of the chamber β†’

Analysis of an article in a microeconomics viewpoint

12 December 2008 Analysis of an Article in a Microeconomics Viewpoint Introduction The article en dVeto in Minimum Wage Rouses Many in Albany presents the situation before the election in 2004 where the rise in minimum wage is rejected by the Gov. Supporters vowed to fight for an override of the bill. Problems/Issues The β†’

Microeconomics: economic rent, profit payments and interest

Similarly, Country A has comparative advantage in producing computers as it will only have to forgo 2 calculators for producing 1 computer, whereas country B will have to forego 4 calculators for producing 1 computer. b) It is imperative for the both countries to engage in trade, if they are to benefit their population and β†’

A discourse community jail inmates and those who visit them

As John Wideman put it in his seminal book, a person visiting a prison " is forced to become an inmate...subject to the same sorts of humiliation and depersonalization...made to feel powerless, intimidated by the power of the state". There are strict rules of behavior among inmates and a social hierarchy every bit β†’

Desire to enroll in south dakota state university as a center of excellence in agricultural research

The institution is my choice as it boasts of a good reputation in agribusiness courses amongst others. I choose South Dakota State University because it is a center of excellence in agricultural research. Moreover, the reputation of being a world class and research leader in agriculture is a challenge enough to stimulate learning. Having a β†’


Published in the July 2nd, 2002 edition of the Newsweek magazine, the article discusses some of the issues and effects resulting from the introduction and spread of the concept of ' eco-tourism' to several parts of the world. Thus, the article notes the importance on the part of organizations and governments to take steps to β†’

Enemy of state

The movie was completely produced in The United States with major filming locations as Los Angeles, California, Washington DC, Baltimore, Maryland. Review - Enemy Of State The basic plan sketch of this movie is that a lawyer turns out to be a goal by a fraudulent politician and his NSA gangsters when the lawyer β†’

This painting of alexander the great

In a sense, the painter is creating a double image of Greek heroes and showing how the legacy of Achilles, as told by Homer in the Iliad, is also part of Alexanders life and career. It shows us through its composition and theme that the ancient world is still very much with us today.

Comparing pre-colombian and african art

The two art pieces I have chosen for the analysis are an Egungun Mask of African art and a Seated Figure of Pre-Columbian art. The surface of the figure is smooth and glossy due a layer of clay that covers it. The face of the Seated Figure, just like the face of the Egungun Mask β†’

Seven names for seven dwarves

It was from my recollection of this version that I was able to recall the names of the dwarves: Doc, Grumpy, Dopey, Bashful, Sleepy, Happy, and Sneezy. I knew there were two emotions used as names that were opposite each other; all that needed to be done was to remember which two. For the final β†’

Patch adams

Based on a true story, it relates the story in the life of a middle-aged medical student by the name of Hunter Adams, also called " Patch". His care is patient-centered, and whenever he meets a patient in need, he comes up with the proper and effective technique to care for him, regardless of the β†’

Adams vs. jefferson and liberty, equality and power

A large section of the book portrays the Election of 1800 as the culmination of a political movement which witnesses the obliteration of the Revolutionary consensus, increase in activity of prepared ideologically guided parties. This approach not only elaborates the effects of the ideas of liberty and equality but also describes how the toppling balance β†’

Sleep disorders

Human sleep is divided into five phases which are stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, stage 4, and Rapid Eye Movement.mentions that stage 1 characterizes the beginning of sleep in which one drifts in and out of sleep, while the muscle activity gradually slows down. Sleep walking most commonly occurs during stage 3 and 4, β†’