Informative College Admission Essay and Research Paper Examples

Summary 5 234

The child needs to be taught that it is not his fault that he is sick or in pain and that it is okay to express it when he is hurting. It is the teacher's job to reassure parents that this is not permanent and with encouragement, their child will regain these skills.

Are immigrants needed to provide low-wage workers in the u.s. to compete with workers in other regions of the world do immigran

Immigrants Though, immigrants are needed in the United s of America to help to meet up with the high demand of work in the country, this is notto say that these immigrants are used to compete with workers in other regions of the world. The fact that most of the immigrants in the country are β†’

Mark twain

Only the boy and his friend, a runaway slave, represent the best of the United States men who light out for the country. McChesney, John."'The Autobiography Of Mark Twain': Satire To Spare".NPR.

Wild ride summary and opinion

Wild Ride In the article d A Wild Ride the points out the dangerously thin ice that the US economy is skating on. The article reports on the success that the 1998 cuts had in the midst of the Asian crisis and the collapse of a major American hedge fund.

Supreme court kelo v. the city u5

This is especially bad when it comes to the Constitution or the powers of the federal government. The unintended consequences of the activist judges' rulings are unfair and unjust.

Why i want to attend virginia state university

My intention to take the Accounting program is because I would like to manage the family business and help in the administration of finances. It is my belief that I will be considered for a slot to attend the institution.

Free will and the circumstances

Man is the master of his own free will and therefore is superior to other individuals who are not as lucky. On the other hand, a man of free will can be proud because he is a man of word and sticks to his promises even at the cost of fate.

Ice – lab report example

We then repeated the whole experiment three times using the same medicine bottles and noted the time taken for ice pieces to melt in each trial as follows Ice pieces in bottle number 1 2 3 4 Surface area of the ice piece in cm3 60 50 40 30 Average time in minutes 10 15 β†’

Social organized crime

Social Organized Crime In this paper, the proponent starts with defining the concept of social and integrates it with the issue of organized crime and criminal behaviors. Theories applied in organized crime and criminal behaviors The first generic theory discussed in the book of Mallory, Lyman and Potter regarding the thought about organized crime and β†’

Deciding on a starting point

If I had to choose, I would say that I prefer the Rational Emotive Behavior therapy developed by Albert Ellis for its emphasis on cognitive factors and humor in the approach to change. I know from my relationships with preferred professors that personal influence is important and the right connections have an almost mysterious way β†’

Philosophy of business law

The first regards the constitutionality of the Arizona immigration law. A judge would rule for the State because Ash Borer threat is unknown.

Discussion board

Thread posting on good leadership and good leaders Thread posting on good leadership and good leaders Good leadership skills and the entire aspect of being a good leader is based on a number of characteristics that have to be exhibited by the individual. Thus being in a leadership position to gain all the praise rather β†’

Illegal immigration and immigration reform

It is through the California Dream Act that both the social life of the immigrants and the economy of the state were enhanced. The anti-immigrant reforms of Alabama can be said to have disregarded the fact that most of the immigrants who were forced to flee the state had lived in Alabama most of their β†’

Yield curve

Yield Curve The paper aims to address the following to use data from the Bloomberg Web site to graph the shape of the yield curve today; and to determine and explain what today's financial marketplace is expecting to happen to interest rates in the near future. From the Bloomberg website, the yield curve as of β†’

List a few jobs that have been rendered obsolete by technological change. are some of these jobs so unpleasant that they are be

Obsolete jobs OR jobs to be obsolete soon: Human Teller Typist Telex Operator Postal Service Photographer Photo Processors Lift Operator Clerk /Record Keeper / Time Management Telephone Exchange Labor jobs in construction work It is a myth that at one hand, technological advancement over the years, has brought a robust change to a human life β†’

Questions for practitioners and researchers

Questions for Practitioners and Researchers Questions for Practitioners and Researchers Analyze the changes taking place in the values and attitudes of the workforce with respect to women's leadership There have been an increased number of women in various sectors of the economy over the years. Formulate the questions to be explored by emerging countries as β†’

The professional development programs at abbott

A primary objective of the Professional Development Program is the development of participants in preparation for future key positions within the Abbott organization PDPs are highly selective, two-three year assignment and rotation-based programs built around formal learning and mentoring. As a member of the program each employee will contribute as a functioning professional in a β†’

Gay marrige

The issue of gay marriages has become the hottest debated topic in the North America over the issue of rights to abortion. A lot of the objections to gay marriages stem from the conventional belief that homosexuality is a learnt behavior and not a natural inclination.

Quantitative and qualitative 2

The objectives of the project were to instigate public dialogue of the topic and the foundation for a more extensive intervention. Most of the study was carried out in the community, except for a small number of in-depth interviews and one womens Focus group discussions held at Jijenge!

Africa exploitation by the west and the danger of a single story

The paper " Africa Exploitation by the West and The Danger of a Single Story" is an excellent example of a movie review on culture. African based books were difficult to find, and thus she grew to have a single story regarding the content of books.

Westward migration in 1800s

WESTWARD MIGRATION IN 1800s Westward migration or the vast expansion of the United s towards the west is a belief prevalent in the nineteenthcentury that propelled the latter to occupy the nearby countries in the west during that time. John O'Sullivan, it is considered by the United States to be a divine mission to spread β†’

Middle class struggles critique

Later his mother needed a feeding tube, she was moved to a nursing home and the Medicaid took all the cost. After five months in the nursing home, his father died and state tried to recover the cost of his care from Albenico.

Discussion 1 week 8 excusable delays

Any costs which were deemed excessive and unjustified to be paid due to excusable delays should have been immediately questioned and prevented from payment for the reason that the costs were not appropriately incorporated in original cost computations for the completion of the project. However, it should have been a cause for urgent examination when β†’

Financial costs of diabetes

Financial Costs of Diabetes Diabetes is one of the most common chronic ailments in the US and to evaluate the burden of the same, a reliable method must be established for attributing diverse clinical conditions. Approximately 1/5 of health care dollars in the United States is used to care for individuals diagnosed with diabetes β†’

Us veterans day

US Veterans Day US Veterans Day Everyone likes holiday as it is the day to rest. Where the Veterans Day began.

Students with vision impairments, another for physical and health disabilities & severe disabilities

ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS FOR WITH SPECIAL NEEDS room Accommodations for with Special Needs Accommodations for with various disabilities are considered to be essential for their educational process since they are unable to effectively learn when methods in teaching normal students which take into account the use of all senses plus average cognitive abilities suited for their β†’

Psychology experiement

At the end of the experiment, they will fill out a questionnaire to measure their reaction to the weather in the picture while holding the tea. The questionnaire will include gender, race and questions that determine the perception of the weather in the picture while holding a hot and cold object.

How are female gender and identity constructed in the works of classical chinese literature

In traditional Chinese culture the women were considered inferior to men and were not given the power of decision making. She is represented as the traditional Chinese woman weaving on a loom, but when the occasion demands she is able to do the job of a man with the same efficiency.


Finally the third and the last part includes the killing of the bull by the matador. It is stabbed in the neck, in the back and finally in the throat to cause death.

Us legal system and business law

No company in recent news has become better known for corruption, and the crossing of the laws, ethics, and social responsibility of the business. Once the company stepped across this line of morality and broke the trust the public has to the business, it was all down hill for the people involved with the Enron β†’


Here one should note the fact that " Excess body weight poses one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century for the WHO European Region, where the prevalence of obesity has tripled in the last two decades and has now reached epidemic proportions". The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry β†’

Progress report

On arrival to the United States of America, I had to get acclimatized to the prevailing education system.therefore, I had to learn the English language which is the language used during learn. These are in the process, and I hope to conclude before the expected date of my graduation, which is may 2013.

Psychology (senses)

Psychology by number] Psychology Question As defined in the online website Wikipedia, the definition of senses, the five major senses as " a system that consists of a sensory cell type that respond to a specific kind of physical energy, and that correspond to a defined region within the brain where the signals are received β†’

Ghettos (urban geography/urban planning )

This is because not much has been done to improve the situation of these ghettos and to provide a proper arrangement for urban planning so as to accommodate these into the city and make them look presentable, and also provide a good housing plan for people that live in it. The goal is to improve β†’

Coherence and interruption

However, some writers have tried and succeeded in breaking free of the set structure of short story writing in order to introduce a new approach and perspective to the story, and to develop and enhance the effect of the tale. By developing on the character and monologue of the protagonist at the expense of other β†’

Mcdonalds: question to obesity

The road to a healthy mind in a healthy body is just being moderate in the food we consume. It's all good as long as we do not overdo with McDonald's food, but only indulge in it occasionally as a special treat to oneself, because moderation is the key to leading a healthy life.

American government

American Government In order to avoid the abuse of power by the three arms of the government, the judiciary, the legislature and the executive, separation of powers, as a political doctrine is provided for by the USA constitution. These articles provides for different duties and powers, with the first article handling the roles of the β†’

Response to an article od the new york time

Having observed in my own community, the variety in the said parental stimulation that occurs from family-to-family has produced diverse results in the cognitive, social, as well as in the emotional development of the children. It is in this premise that, I concur with what was presented in the article, " Understanding ' Ba Ba β†’

Decision-making pitfalls: the enron debacle

The group thinking of the management and the board was unable to decide the financial aspects in the future that ultimately led to the occurrence of such event in the US market. The unethical decision was due to the immoral practices of the top-level executives of Enron.

Marketing changes

Marketing of a New Product or Service For launching a new product into the market, you need satisfied buyers whom you can use to promote the product's adoption by a wider audience. Sales are the actual transaction of getting a product or service into the hands of your customers.

Child hood poverty and stress

The ultimate hypothesis that the researchers made was with regards to the fact that an exposure to stress, specifically at a young age, impacts upon the development level that a brain is able to achieve during the entire life span of the individual. The test in question, serves as proof of the fact that environment β†’

The great divide

The essay argues that the State, in a pluralist society must adopt a secular stance and must certainly take care to omit the passing of any such laws or practices that would create a divide within the society, in perception and in the unity that is often the strength of the pluralist society Key Point β†’

Effect of pesticide on lake erie

Causes and effects Pesticides are sprayed aerially on crops and water to protect them from pests that chew up the crops and contaminate the water. However, the aerial spraying also causes chemicals used in the pesticides to spread in the atmosphere and water bodies thus contaminating the environment.

Software development

The term software development is defined as a component of the software engineering methodology which involves the structuring, planning, writing, testing, delivery, and maintenance of a software product. The first step in the software development process involves the identification and analysis of the various system requirements.

Confucius and socrates

Confucius and Socrates Confucius, the highly determined Chinese scholar was born in 551 BCE in the of LU. He emphasized on the significance of social behavior and considered love, affection, and concern for others as essentials of virtuous life.

Hypotheses- quantitative analysis

However, in order to improve the health outcomes of a patient, hypothesis is applied as a method of statistical inference. In addition, a sample data is used to determine the validity of the statistical hypothesis being formulated.

Intercultural memo

During consultation in the Punjabi culture, especially in the families, the issue of social repercussions is eminent. The Punjabi people are open to any kind of conversation so as long as it is not religious.

The soviet and american cold war policies – the strong anti-communist stance of the trumans administration, the soviet unions desire to dominate eastern europe

Their partnership during the war against a common enemy came to an end because of the different world ideologies that each of the country's leaders believed the world should follow. The day that Germany was divided between the east and the west, the cold war policies of both nations began to take shape with the β†’


Blue, Black and Du Bois After the war that freed Black American from slavery, it seemed that the freedom is just another setback for them as White Americans regarded them more with anger and even disgust as to say. For Du Bois, the blueprint or the basis of their road to success is when Black β†’

Water supply and fire protection hydraulics

Attack pumpers are also used to deliver water from pumper in to the street in order to respond to fire in a restricted place and most of the departments use this apparatus for initial attacks. Attack pumpers are economic and effective solutions for solving complex problems in fire ground with minimum weight and limited access.

Patient safety

Patient Safety One of the fundamental causes of medical errors is the lack of patient's knowledge of the process and consequences of the treatment. According to Amalberti et al.five systemic barriers that hinder the provision of ultra-safe care to the patients are the requirement to restrain the workers' discretion, the requirement to limit the autonomy β†’

Human trafficking: a global perspective

The United Nations through UNODC has taken the mandate of helping countries around the world in handling human trafficking. Conclusion Human trafficking as a crisis that has been noted by international organizations such as the United Nations, which in turn has endeavored in curbing the situation.

Civil war in liberia

Civil War in Liberia Causes Several key factors can be traced to be the causes of the Civil War in Liberia. Most of the civil and national institutions became nonexistent, removing the checks and balances in the society, and leading to the absence of the rule of law.

Social work

The participants were properly evaluated by the Prison Action Committee so as to ensure that they were in a better condition to play a role in the research. This can be improved by involving non-offenders in the society so as to get their views towards the ex-offenders.

A discussion between two characters–about moral relativism

A discussion between two characters- About moral relativism Ethics, a set of rules in a society that regulates people's behaviour by defining wrongsand rights in a society, is a fundamental aspect of people's behaviour. Jenifer: The relativism approach to ethics is an interesting and confusing one because it seems to blur the clarity in defining β†’

Political parties and party systems by alan ware

Chapter 10 in the book by Alan Ware " Political Parties and Party Systems" provides a reader with both concise and detailed information on the way parties approach their campaigns in order to overcome the rivals. It is a formula of keeping up a good job by taking voters' suggestions into account and persuading they β†’

Sbar communication technique

It is praiseworthy that various steps have been taken for the improvement of communication among the staff. But that of the physicians is strict to the point.

Consultancy project

Running Head: CONSULTANCY PROJECT Consultancy Project Consultancy Project The term consultancy can be defined as " an uncertain and evolving process conducted by a foreign intruder who muddles through by performing various problem- solving activities, while trying to maintain high professional standards and still attempting to meet the needs of the client" or " consulting β†’

Silver surfers

In a class of 30 children, eight of the children can expect to get a telegram from the monarch and the others are likely to get to a ripe old age. For the teens who are 16 years old, boys can expect to live to nearly 88 years old on the other hand girls of β†’

Effective learning and understanding of each learners preferred learning style

As a visual learner, I prefer using charts and visual diagrams in order to understand the relationships between the concepts. Based on the above learning style inventory test, I am a visual learner since I prefer using charts, notes and flashcards.


According to the article, atheism is the belief that God is nonexistent and that there is no greater power in the universe. This further shows that atheism is not just absolute disbelief in the existence of God as the essay " Atheism-Shattered Faith" claims because other atheists believe in existence of specific gods.

Price waterhouse coopers llp: scope of in-house counsel duties

In addition, the in-house counsel do conduct continuing education and training for the benefit of the employees. At the end of the day, in-house counsel are an extraordinarily valuable resource and they are, in fact, called upon to conduct training for company employees and staff.

Urban sociology

One reason why the urban space is good is the ease of obtaining goods and services. According to one of my friends, the urban space is bad since insensitive people characterize it.

Kant’s ethics

Running Head: KANT'S ETHICS Kant's Ethics of Kant's Ethics Immanuel Kant is one of the most significant philosophers in the history of Western philosophy. According to my opinion Kant made frequent use of the word value and that Kant's ethics may even take for granted some type of implied notion of ethical value, it is β†’

Capital mrket

There has been a discussion on whether RBAs method of trading in the money market to maintain the cash rate is better or worse than if the federal government simply set the cash rate. Generally, RBAs method of trading in the money market to maintain the cash rate is seemingly better than if the federal β†’

Enhanced whistle blower protections

Internal whistleblowers are the individuals who report discrepancies and misconducts of colleagues or their superiors to the management. This persecution of whistleblowers mostly comes from the affected or implicated individuals who want to discredit them to absolve themselves of the accusations.

Finance organization and long-term planning

A disadvantage of selling common stocks is that it dilutes the power of the original owners. A con of the use of preferred stocks is that preferred stocks must pay dividends to its stockholders at least once a year.

Paypal case study

Lots of paypal sellers do not receive payment for items sold through paypal due to credit card fraud and blame paypal for it. Likewise, many buyers do not receivee the goods ordered and paid via paypal as the merchant was bogus and hence blame paypal for not verifying the sellers.

Quantitative and qualitative

The research focuses on the number of such children, the number of abusers suffering from mental disorders, the ages of the abused children, the number of close relatives victimizers, average age of first abuse and percentage of heterosexual abusers The research is clearly quantitative. The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research.

Encouraging imagination in children

Their lives have been scheduled, their own worlds of imagination have been robbed of them by the almighty TV, and young people just are not allowed to have dreams sometimes anymore. Where children's lives have been predetermined, the TV reigns supreme, and childrens' dreams are dashed, one should encourage kids to use their imaginations.

Sociology – karl marx

He criticized the social-economic form of the society which was purely capitalist and run by the upper class hence he predicted that internal societal tensions would arise which would lead to self-destruction of the capitalism and replacement of socialism system in the economy. His conflict theory stresses the importance of stratification, class, conflict and material β†’

Chernoble disaster

Chernobyl Disaster The disaster of Chernobyl is the biggest nuclear disaster happened in the history of nuclear disasters. The radio active ash from the incident place spread widely in the surrounding of the Chernobyl.

Supply and demand: markets, prices and price setting

The core lessons of these tutorials include development of a thorough understanding of the various types of costs, such as fixed, variable and marginal costs; the nature of diminishing returns; the meaning of supply and demand, and how they interact to determine prices; and the differences between changes in supply and demand, and changes in β†’

Organization mission and vision: the gap inc

He has been at the head of Gap Inc.for less than one year and this is his first experience in the apparel industry. While the number of stores has declined in North America in the past year, Asia and Europe have seen a 7 percent increase.

5: estate tax audit letter to irs

Estate tax has been imposed on the transfer of the ' taxable estate' of the deceased nonetheless; the IRS has no jurisdiction over the tax since the estate has not been transferred to the beneficiaries. Therefore, in light of the above, the agency has no right whatsoever to levy taxes on unclaimed inheritance either as β†’

Comparison of heroes in flood stories

While Noah's Ark and the flood story in the Bible are the most widely known elements of Noah's story, he was also described as the inventor of wine and " first husbandman". In Quran, the theme of the flood story is the need to seek peace with and the unity of Allah.

Financial crisis about fannie mae

FANNIE MAE Fannie Mae is the leading nonbank financial services corporation in the world, which operates in the secondary mortgage sector with the core objective of providing housing services to multifamily and single-family housing market of the United States. The company was therefore chartered by the Federal Housing Act of 1934 to relieve the β†’

The narrators changing character in the yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman

Towards the middle of the story, the narrator loses her hatred for the wallpaper and is quite intrigued and absorbed by it. The wallpaper comes to mean to the narrator a kind of representation of herself, her life, and her sufferings.

Db reply

Lindstad states that if the shipping industry increases the sizes of their vessels and transport more products at the same time, then the industry can reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses by 30%. Eddy even seconds the proposition that the shipping industry needs to operate to attain economies of scale and scope and they can β†’

The school of journalism and mass communication

Board of Admissions School of Journalism and Mass Communications The School of Journalism and Mass Communication Studying and workingin the field of Journalism and Mass Communication demands that the career professional act as the public's focal point for news, information, and the creation of a corporate image. I believe I would succeed in the School β†’

Projecting financial trends 1

These helps in approximating the trends and reduce the risk of running out of the business or being unable to cope up with prevailing economic times that are dynamic. Economic factor helps in determining the future economic trend of a business based upon facts that are present and affect the output of a business.

Computer literacy: it’s not an option anymore

The student should be required to understand the myriad of formats that assignments may take and be able to successfully download them. The student needs to be computer literate and it is a skill that should be mandatory for all students.

United states v. salerno

The right of bail is part of the U.S. In the event that excessive bail is claimed by the court in jurisdiction of the case, the defendant may appeal directly to the court for a reduction.


World Production, Import and Export Scenario Canada is the largest exporter of oats and its exports to the US have been about 1. Russia is the largest producer of oats in the world but does not export any as most of the oats is consumed domestically.

Cream strategy in learning

M Strategy The chief purpose of using this strategy is to nurture, cultivate and develop a sense of responsibility towards Effective learning. The objective of the strategy The primary objective of this strategy is to bring about Effective learning while keeping the long term goals in mind.

Preparing financial statements and costs associated with it

Daske and his colleagues examined the outcome of the mandatory shift from local FASB standards to IASB standards. Auditing is the most effective form of enforcement of FASB and IASB accounting standards.

Regulatory processes and administrative law

Effectiveness is important as it means that the right resources will be used in the process and there will be no over-use of resources or in other words there will not be wastage. It is thus important to note that both effectiveness and efficiency are very important in leadership evaluation but again, effectiveness should be β†’

Analysis of freewill by sam harris

Definitely from this perspective, the question everyone has is, if Harris's statement that if free will does not exist, is there a purpose to our existence? The purpose of our existence, therefore, is based on a variety of perspectives from evolution to genetics.

Decadal behaviour of sand bars

The scope of the material, and the structured argument I rated on a lower scale due to the lack of focus. The report did not show how the information related back to the abstract, and the information seemed to be presented in such a way that the writer of the paper was listing facts concerning β†’

Scientific method of inquiry

Scientific Method of Inquiry Identification and of Scientific Methods of Research Enquiry and Their Application in a Research Project Methods of research enquiry are often considered as the ways wherein an individual can seek answers to specific research questions. Apart from rational method, variables can also be used in order to inquire the research subject.

Meditations on first philosophy by rene descartes

The statement is the result of an earlier discourse in which Descartes called into question all of the assumptions he would come to believe as a result of the philosophical thought of his day. His idea of discovering truths about the world was defined by whether he had a clear and distinct perception of them β†’

A case of mistreatment at work

A Case of Mistreatment at Work The primary problem in the case is that there is a culture that has been nurtured in the organization that discourages employees to air out their grievances. Diversity in the workplace is usually considered an advantage to the organization because it allows the organization to enjoy the skills β†’

Marks by linda pastan

A Literary Analysis of " Marks" by Linda Pastan In her attempt to share a moment's emotional upheaval regarding an aspect of her major life role that appears strained by domestic struggle and fed up to the last ounce of hope in pleasing her family, Linda Pastan occurs to have chiefly stripped off the figurative β†’