Informative College Admission Essay and Research Paper Examples

Sunsweet growers cultivates its supply chain

On the other hand, the market is the determinant of the demand for the company's products. Due to the expected rise in demand during the festive season, the company found it difficult to handle its supply chain.

The opposing views on science and religion

The discourse about science and faith is also discussed in the first chapter of Robert Imperato's book, Christian Footings. Teilhard's " Omega Point" and Gould's NOMA are simply opposite notions of the discourse between science and faith.

Parking lot at school

There is often a large distance between the parking lot and various classrooms and this reduces the amount of time people have as well. Some people have to wake up 30 minutes early in the morning just to get to school only to find that the lot is full.

Labor and delivery services in the bright road health care hospital

Regarding the hospital, community, and the patients, the issue has to be looked from a broader perspective. Elsewhere, the community and patients are the great beneficiaries should the labor and delivery services continue to be offered.

Cde website search and critique

The author states that factors such as influx and transient mobility of students are not considered a factor; neither is the impact of ESL students. Due to such mobility, critical data is missing in the overall evaluation of this approach.

Crime statistics

CRIME STATISTICS Issues regarding the safety of the US citizens and the duties of legislations in safeguarding its citizens connect to the article, but the enhancement of crime preventions systems and programs, and their emergence throughout the modernized globe have grown and gave an emphasis for the issue of crime prevention in America. What type β†’


I started writing a diary of my day to day activities in order to blow out the negative feelings. I started taking part in the classroom discussions and academic debates which greatly helped me to enhance my social skills.

Native american tribes

Native Americans and Outsourcing: Texas Native Americans and Outsourcing: Texas One of the largest groups of Native American Indians, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation in the northeastern region of the state of Oregon is reported to be participating in outsourcing. To date, the remaining Indian tribes present in Texas actually includes the β†’

Art education across cultures

Art Education Across Cultures: The ' Hornbill Figure' The Hornbill Figure, known to be Tenyalang or Kenyalang in the context of Iban nomenclature for the bird species, has essentially been the chief subject of interest among the Iban carvers of Sarawak, Malaysia. It was during the period between the 19th and the 20th centuries that β†’

Charlemange as a ruler and diplomat

Charlemagne as a ruler and diplomat Charles the Great, better known to subsequent history as Charlemagne, is the founder of the first Christian Empire in the West and he is immensely popular as a ruler and diplomat. In short, the legacy of Charlemagne as a great ruler and diplomat remains even today, and his rule β†’

Corruption and strip searching

The strip searches are one of the ways to catch an offender red-handed. One thing that unequivocally can be said is the strip searches are being misused and it cannot be ignored.

Individualism and collectivism paper

of the of the of the Individualism and Collectivism. On the other hand collectivism refers to a political or economic system in which the means of production and the distribution of goods and services are vested in the state.

The bahai faith and an excerpt by bahaullah

These words of Baha'u willah, the founder of the Baha'i Faith, the youngest of the world's independent religions, conceptualize the central theme of Baha'i - that is, humanity is one single race and the day has come for its unification in one global society. Further review of Baha'u willah's Moral Guidance shows the true manifestation, β†’

Microsoft opens the gates: patent, piracy and political challenges in china

The case study, ' Microsoft opens the Gates: Patent, Piracy and Political Challenges in China' reveals the myriad aspects of expanding business in emerging markets like India and China. The statement clearly highlights the importance of Chinese market and Microsoft's intention to gain from it.

Personal and national security

To some extent violation of the rights of individuals as well as civil liberties to ensure the security of the nation is justified. In a nutshell the security of a nation is the prime concern as it allows individuals to be secure and practice their living the way they want.

Seek godly counsel

Anyone who is in need of any monetary advice should not seek it from the ungodly people. Pray about something you want to do and talk to godly people about it before executing the plan.

Forensic pathology case study: problem a

Full Forensic Pathology 14 July Forensic pathology is a sub-specialty of pathology that determines the cause of death of people who died suddenly, violently, or unexpectedly by means of an autopsy. The cause of Suzys death is probably due to alcohol poisoning which triggered a reaction in her body such as the development of hives β†’

Learning into practice: feedback

The primary aim of providing formative feedback is to update the employees about their work and performance in a timely basis so as to ensure proper completion of the assigned tasks and duties by the employees. Nonetheless, it can be argued that both types of feedback are delivered for the sole purpose of educating the β†’

Political news: civil war in iraq big threat to mideast

Political news: " Civil war in Iraq Big Threat to Mideast" The news article opened with the threats, a bleak war scenario that might happen to be triggered by the current civil war in Iraq. The leaders of Iraq know that they came to the brink with the attack on the shrine, and there has β†’

Discussion 1

Factors to be considered The people or the institutions doing the dumping are the companies which manufacture clothes, such as Tris; wheat and barley and the pharmaceutical companies. According to the theories of conscience and moral principles, it should be my duty to help the acquaintance irrespective of the fact whether he recognises or does β†’

Lulu lemon business modle generation

The Canvas business model is one of the models that is crucial in solving customer related issues. This approach would be important to solve the challenges in Lulu lemon company.

Human resource management

In Lenovo Company, the first key issue of diversity management is the lack of programs to enforce diversity laws stipulated by the company. The Global Integration of Diversity Management: A Longitudinal Case Study.

North american free trade agreement

As such, the stipulations of the NAFTA are designed to eliminate the trade barriers between these countries by 2009. Retrieved 06 April 2006 from " Overview of the NAFTA".

Securing america and protecting civil liberties

The change in the First and Fourth Amendments since the implementation of the USAPA Since the implementation of the USAPA, the government of the United States was granted powers. According to Kollar, the enactment of the USAPA was a source of many threats to the liberties of the US citizens.

So mexicans are taking jobs from americans

Debates from some quarters front the view that if at all jobs were unfilled by the high influx of the Mexicans, there would be no people to take up jobs, and this would force employers to increase the minimum wage. The other point of interest is to establish the whereabouts of the Americans as the β†’

Business plan solutions

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using equity capital The operation of Rhoda Allegro's music retail store and other business ventures can either be financed by the entries in the left side of the balance sheet-liabilities and equity. References Equity: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Equity Financing.

The level of competition in pricing and output decisions under an oligopolistic market structure

The level of competition in pricing and output decisions under an oligopolistic market structure The need to evaluate the empirically Structure-Conduct-Performance between concentration and profitability has been a process requirement in establishing factual data to overcome the endogenous problem of market structure and expand on the traditional business analysis in several ways. But both agreements; β†’

A truly incredible journey

Written by Sheila Burnford, The Incredible Journey is a story about two dogs and a cat who venture out and travel 300 miles in the Canadian wasteland to find their way back in to the arms of their masters. The title of the story suits perfectly and is appropriate as the story shows a truly β†’

Tennessee’s partner

Tennessee's Partner Tennessee's Partner The short story written by Bret Harte focused on a man, given a by townsfolk at Sandy Barn as Tennessee's Partner, apart from Tennessee, whose real name was also forgotten in oblivion. The story was told by an unknown narrator, who seemed to be a spectator and an observer of Tennessee β†’

The effects of negative societal norms in frankenstein by mary shelley

This leads to the creature becoming rogue and kills Frankenstein's family. This article explores different examples Shelley uses to exemplify different vices and their negative effects in Frankenstein's and the creature's lives.

Cognitive and language development

Language Development Some of the major theories in language development are the behaviorist theory, the nativist theory and the interactionist theory. According to Chomsky and his nativist theory, children have an innate language acquisition device and that it is in their nature to learn a language because of the presence of language areas in the β†’

Sexual abuse (police foundations course)

Physical evidence from the scene such as fingerprints, stray hairs, fibers, used condoms, gloves, urine, feces, blood, and the like must be carefully gathered and preserved as they are the means by which the offender may be linked to the scene of the crime and the victim. According to Palmiotto, " If the case is β†’

Reading questions

The Sesame program also speaks of the primary activities and resources that would be used to achieve these goals and the possible short and long term outcomes. The primary goal of the Sesame Street program was to give evidence that a program such as this, benefited children by enhancing their cognitive and skill abilities for β†’

American government: a new era of combat

In the years since, the new battle has been fought on the front lines of Afghanistan and Iraq in the quest to rid the world of evil, but it has also been fought in the halls of Congress and the hallowed walls of the White House. The first battleground for the US-led coalition would be β†’

Little women by louisa may alcott

Jo looks up to her mother, who manages the whole March household single-handedly in the absence of her husband, and through her, learns to be independent just like her, and to hold her head high despite all deprivations and calamities of life, always aware that her mother would always be there for her in times β†’

Listening response beatles

Listening Response- Beatles The Beatles is an English rock band which has extensively influenced the young generation of the modern world and the culture of the nation." Strawberry Fields Forever" has been celebrated by several critics as one of the best recordings by the band and the listening of the song soothes the mind as β†’

James hutton – important figures in earth science

James Hutton - Important Figure in Earth Science James Hutton - Important Figure in Earth Science James Hutton, considered as the father of Geology, is credited with laying down one of the basic principles of Geology the theory of uniformitarianism was born in Edinburgh, Scotland on 3rd June, 1726. In fact, geologists believed sedimentary rocks β†’

Managing organizational change

Managing Organizational Change ID Lecturer The information that I would appreciate is how I would be able to gain the resources and the funding mechanisms under my belt to bring about success so that the organization goes through a successful transition all this while. The best source of getting this information would be through the β†’

The gabs between two groups that have divergent values

The values in the work groups differ by what both believe is expected in a given environment as well as what the personal and environmental associations are in relation to the work space. This consisted of the expectations for working, relationship to the work and the responses and beliefs in ethics that were held in β†’

Personal medicine

Personalized Medicine Personalized medicine is one of the medical models that emphasizes on customization of health care. The success of any personalized medicine is dependent critically on accurate diagnosis and this is limited by the reliability and specificity of diagnostic tests.

Apple and phinnaeus or julie and david: whats in a name

To put it simply, market-to-market accounting method means that a company is required to put the value of its assets on the basis of their market price on a particular day. So the market-to-market value of a company is always not a real measure of the true value of its assets.2.

Racial discrimination and health problems

Racial Discrimination and Health Problems of the of the Concerned Professor June 6, 2009 Racial Discrimination and Health Problems This research proposal is an endeavor to highlight the research question: " Does racial discrimination affects ones' health as one gets older" As policy makers all over the world are striving to formulate action plans and β†’

Ucc and ucita models acts

UCC and UCITA Model Acts The first and most important attempts by the US government to promote uniformity in commercial laws from state to state was by the grant of power to congress under Article 8, Section 1, Clause 3 of the U.S. Many of the provisions in the UCITA were first proposed as a β†’

Facilities management

The group of people involved or the project team workers perform all the important tasks that are necessary for the implementation of this process. For years the concept of business value is taken into consideration in many different ways but one cannot deny the fact that the linkage of external environment with the internal environment β†’

Personnel economics

Personnel Economics The investor group is averse to risks and seeks profit maximization Assuming that the investor group is extremely averse to risks and seeks to maximize its annual profits if the head chef turns out to be of low quality, then there is the need to rank the two restaurant types and the two β†’

News in australia and the global south

The Australian is more of international in scope while The Lebanese Daily Star caters to Lebanon and the Middle East. Most of the stories of The Australian cover worldly issues while the other seems to focus more on the local news.


2 Identify and fully describe the management style that your would prefer to use as the CEO of the company. Delegation of tasks to the subordinates, as well as giving them freedom to take certain decisions independently will raise the morale of the staff and increase sales though speeding up the process.

Differences between written and verbal contracts (bluto vs. wimpy)

In the scenario of Wimpy v Bluto, the indication by Wimpy that he is willing to sell his boat to Bluto at $ 500 can be treated as a mere intention to sell rather than an offer to sell the boat. Wimpy's offer to sell was a mere indication of the motive rather than an β†’

Mexican muralists: orozco, rivera, siqueiros

The murals they painted represented the Mexican's struggle in searching for their identity, as well as liberty and justice and their sense or origin. He works like Jim Casy in the Grapes of Wrath, where the character was a preacher who thought that holiness in found on humans and the earth, not in heavens.

Dental hygiene

It is not enough that a client knows that he is seeking the professional expertise of a dental hygienist but it is equally essential for him to know how to express the responsibilities of the client to himself. It is then important for the hygienist to articulate his feelings and observations to the client orally β†’

If the clothes fit, wear it

When the lady with the fruit basket left, mom told me that the lady was the daughter of one of her patients in the hospital who has just recently recovered. Today, my mother serves as the Dean of the LVN program and sometimes she still wears the immaculately white uniform that has fascinated me when β†’

The prevention of depression in children and adolescents: a revie

Prevention of Depression in Children and Adolescents Introduction Before going to analyze an article related to prevention of depression in children and adolescents, let us get a better understanding of what depression actually is. The name of the article is, ' Depression in Children and Adolescents: Linking Risk Research and Prevention' and the author of β†’

Human diseases

Confused speech and difficulty with balance are the major symptoms of this disease. The symptoms of this disease are very much similar to that of many common diseases like flu.

Explain the similarities and differences in cultures between the united states and egypt

Social media use therefore, can explain the differences and similarities between the cultures of Egypt and the United States. Conclusively, basing on social media, the cultures of the United States and Egypt register more similarities.


Intelligence generates a learner's ability to adopt realities of the general environment and the school culture, and the physical world, which is part of an integrated learning process. This is the kind of intelligence that enables an individual to handle a situational context, and in the case of a learning environment, the learner is able β†’

How hughes uses setting to reveal the characters psychological states and to convey their sense of loss

Firstly we see how Hughes artfully selects time of his narration; the end of autumn and the initial stages of winter, a transitional period between a hot season and a cold one, to aid the readers visualize the coldness, awkwardness and emptiness between the two characters. The author's description pertaining to ' the leaves fell β†’

Legal prostitution: turkey and thailand

There are 15, 000 registered prostitutes in Turkey of whom 3, 000 work in the state brothels, and an estimated 100, 000 unregistered in the country. Even though the ideology and some of the legalities differ, the situation in Thailand is essentially similar, that is both countries now have huge illegal sex industries offering little β†’

Nighthawks: so much space and emptiness

The lights from inside of the diner illuminate the barrenness of the outside, allowing the observer to see quite clearly the emptiness and the aloneness of the patrons sitting inside. That this diner, therefore, is situated in Manhattan only serves to deepen the pervasive sense of gloom and loneliness.

Race make you a victim

In this case, the race of the victim could have played a role in the fact that the police gave little consideration to Lisa's plight. From her own recounting of the incidence, she seems to take this in stride and is used to being the victim and receiving little assistance from those in society who β†’

Reading and writing

The relationship between reading and writing is a strong one and people who are generally good at one will usually be good at the other. A good reader will understand the essence of the content accurately and then also look at the other related message in the context.

Issues facing ethnic groups; applying terms and concepts

Considering the stratification of the Hispanics, census records of 2010 reflect that the group in the present times consists of around 50. Considering the diversity and pluralism in the country, the 1900 data reflected that the Hispanics were around 12 percent of the population and the non-Hispanic whites comprised around 72 percent.

Meso-system influences

In addition, it has become evident from studies that the school achievement of a child is determined, to a great extent, by a family environment that encourages and values learning, and the involvement of family in the education. In other words, as Paquette and Ryan opine, the effectiveness of socialization at school is, to a β†’

The history teacher by billie collins

Hence, the objective of the poem is to ridicule the absurd notions about 'the protection of innocence' through a distorted and concocted rendition of the harsh realities of life. The true grasp over the humor inherent in the poem calls for a thorough understanding of the contrast existing between the teacher's soft and sugar-coated euphemisms β†’


Full Trifles Minnie Foster Wright, the wife of the murdered John Wright is the key player in the play, Trifles who have suffered psychological abuse in the hands of her own husband. As the story unfolds through the conversations of the investigator and the women, Mrs.

My friends unconditional service

For young people today, friends are considered as one of the strongest influential characters and may have been expected to offer genuine care, love and to some extent, service. Indeed my friends keep me out of trouble and all what they have shared, to me are examples of unconditional service.

Cruelty and splendour are by products of fame and money ( excess of american dream)

First for which the paper is being written Cruelty and Splendour are by products of fame and money James Merril's " The Broken Home", is a clear reflection of that which is called the dramatic American Society. The poem stands for the reflection of the American society that epitomizes broken homes, the poem brings out β†’


According to iconographer, Vladimir Grigorenko, it is a revelation of the Kingdom of Heaven in our material world. The symbols used in iconography must relate to that which is apparent to people of the culture or time in which they are created.

Kate chopin’s the storm

The society was persuaded that women do not have any sexual desires, that for the females sex is just one of the chores they have to accomplish together with washing the dishes and cooking." The Storm" offered view on the feminine sexuality that was totally new for that time, and, probably, in the authoress' opinion β†’

Rawlsian civil disobedience

It all started when I found myself treated as an inferior race in Durban and saw with my own two eyes the appalling, yet extensive, denial of civil liberties and political rights of Indian immigrants; there and then, I knew I had to initiate a struggle for the rights of my fellow Indians. Ladies and β†’

”why we crave horror movies” by stephen king

Thus, it can be asserted that our craving for horror movies is in a way, a manifestation of the: anger, frustration and aggression that we experience in relation to the society around us. To conclude, on a metaphorical level, our craving for horror movies is a manifestation of the sadistic streak within us.

Buiness marketing plan

Granted patent in HK and China: The patent right of the product prevents the manufacture of duplicates in the market and gives the company the rights of branding and monopoly. Threats: The changing environment in technology and threat of substitution: The rapid change in technology poses a serious threat as the product is dependent on β†’

A brochure of community resources for parents and families

Academic Offerings We offer both day and evening classes for our English students at all levels including starters, intermediate, and the advanced students. The language programs are highly flexible ranging from classes of two to 22 hours in a week.

Ted bedley & constructivism

As one can see, Bedley is not the typical teacher who uses the lecture type wherein he is the one who is in-charge of the discussion and just lets the students listen. Based on the constructivist checklist, one can conclude that Bedley is able to meet the requirements of a constructivist teacher[Eli97].


This article is going to analyze the Buddhist teachings including the three marks of reality, four noble truths, and the Noble Eightfold Path and also analyze the Buddhist main traditions. The way the eight spokes are needed in order for the wheel to run is the same way that people need to follow each footstep β†’

Why the road measures still fail and how can it be improved

Road Safety Why the road measures still fail and how it can be improved To a great extent, the safety of road travels has improved significantly in the history of the automobile. The annual deaths of pedestrians and cyclists in road crashes have also declined by two third over the same period in the United β†’

Global warminig

GLOBAL WARMING Introduction Global warming is the continuous in the temperature of the earth surface and the oceans which began some decades ago. Global warming cause water to evaporate into the atmosphere and since water is a greenhouse gas it leads to more increased global warming.

Criminology 11

Sentencing is Considered a Critical Phase in the Canadian Justice System The obligation of the justice system in any nation is to protect the people. Certainly to a victim of crime the sentencing phase is the most critical part of the justice system.

Cutting the budget to the education system will do more harm than good

Based upon economic statistics and a survey of the case of education in California, cutting education seems to lead directly to poorer education which has discernable negative consequences for production and economic performance. The recent case of the state of California grants insight into the immediate impact of budget cuts on education systems.

Adudication in a juvenile court

Age has something to do with the criminal intent as viewed in jurisprudence. The effect of this decision is give judges discretion in trying juveniles from initial contact to post-release and deters delinquency too.

Diversity within the human species

Biological and Genetic Diversity al Affiliation Biological and Genetic Diversity The world contains a diversity of animal and plant species with different biological and genetic characteristics that distinguish them from one another. H, & Maclin, M.K.

The concept of globalization

Running Head: THE CONCEPT OF GLOBALIZATION The Concept of Globalization Module: Lecturer: It is from mid 19th century that the concept of globalization emerged as a result of the need to trade internationally and increased migration. Businesses and markets across the world are now linked such that a business in one country can have customers β†’


In the Arab culture, it is utterly unaccepted to publicly display feelings of intimacy between men and women. The behavior, regarded as unacceptable in Arab culture, and even in some Asian culture, should be revealed and known in the Western culture so that people would understand how to properly behave in day to day interactions β†’

Scenes from metropolis

Although the movie is difficult to follow, Andreas Huyssen's analytical work " The Vamp and the Machine: Technology and Sexuality in Fritz Lang's Metropolis" provides many useful brainstorms that aid in better comprehension of the movie. The first passage of interest is that which examines the background of Fritz Lang's famous but controversial film.

Should companies be required to be more green (environmentally friendly) even if it costs more

This clearly shows that environmental protection should become a priority especially for companies, which contribute significantly to environmental pollution. One of the reasons why companies should be required to become environmental friendly is that growth which is achieved at the expense of the environment will only be short term.

Why is beowulf the ideal hero

Discussion presented in the paper illuminates the reality of the claim that " Beowulf is seen in the story as a king who is kind and noble to his people". One of the best qualities about Beowulf which played a big role in setting him apart from other warriors of his time could be associated β†’

Meat inspection-theory and reality

It is very important to review the history of this industry in America and in deed the whole world because the accounts and stories about the meat packing and inspection industry within the public domain, especially in the 19th century up to the early 20th century are against the marketing theory of free market regulation. β†’

Colonial era

Colonial Era The unconscionable conduct applied by the colonists for the duration of the majestic epoch was strappingly disreputable and brought incessant disagreement between the colonists and the Indians. The irreconcilable and interminable disagreements between the natives and the colonists led to wars and displacements among the Indians.

Omnivores dilemma: corn analysis

This indicates that the paper is against the abolishment of corn because it is a substantial contributor of the world economy. In addition, corn growing has enabled job creation in several ways, for example, the process of land preparation, processing of seeds to be planted as corn, the manpower that works on the harvesting trucks, β†’

Colima and maya’s cultures

Vessel in form of a dog that considered being an exemplar of Colima culture, and vessel with palace scene that determine a Maua culture are fallen under analysis. In addition, dogs are considered to be a source of food for Colima people that is why such vessel has been of great significance according to the β†’

Enriching the community through education

However, it is also challenging because the humungous responsibility of the student to be a part of the university's vision and mission in committing to excellence requires equal participation not only of the administration and faculty but of the students as well. Going to a school where diverse races and philosophies meet, I expect to β†’

Ethic issue

In any case, Aristotle says that this is just the case in compelling circumstances and that the singular ought to be, however, of and dealt with first and in the event that we are to deal with the few, the numerous ought to be dealt with. Aristotle imagines that a fortune is not joy, in β†’

Anthropology: social networking/twitter

Me and Twitter of the of the Concerned February 6, Me and Twitter Since the dawn of the Internet, the social networking sites have been there. So my participation at Twitter allows me to be in contact with the people I like and love, in a more stable and lasting way, alleviating all the fears, β†’

Post traumatic stress disorder

To recognize this entity as a medical condition is not only vital for the person directly affected by it but it is crucial for the people that surround such victim so that a proper care can be provided to alleviate the pain. It could be in the form of dreams or abstract thoughts of that β†’

Culture in the ramayana: a shortened modern prose version of indian epic by narayan

The modern version, written by Narayan, combines the master-strokes of the novelist along with the paintings by an eleventh-century poet Kamban into the scheme of recreating the tale of wisdom, culture, conflict, and mythology". On the other side, it indicates and speaks about the necessary virtues that should be present in a complete man portrayed β†’

Families and parent-child relationships

Victor is left with the task of making plans to go for his father's remains in order to bring them back to the reservation. The journey to recover his father's remains and belongings would serve as the beginning of a healing period for Victor as he spoke with Thomas.

Becoming a gendered body

Becoming a Gendered Body The researcher in this study, Karin Martin, is investigating how the hidden school curriculum contributes to the creation of a gendered body in which it is perceived that boys and girls have different 'natural' abilities. Martin suggests it is instead something created at about preschool age, at least partly as a β†’