Informative College Admission Essay and Research Paper Examples

Stevenson’s young man with the creme tarts

Grant Engl 156a Tara Dankel Spring Fourth Thought Paper Stevenson's " Story of the Young Man with the cream Cakes", is a narrative that reveals a rapport between the author and the reader, wherein Stevenson after gaining the reader's attention moves in and out of the story as escort. When Stevenson moves out of his β†’

Describing and applying victimization theory

and Application of Theory of Victimization Historically, criminology and the criminal justice system have always focused on the criminal offending at the expense of criminal victimization. Paradigm shift, advancement in the fields of science, social and economic changes in the witnessed in late 1960s provided a platform for the emergence of the theories of victimization.

Personal statement, career and education

Actually, I have been interested in the research and the application of scientific techniques to the health care field for many years. From a technical point of view, I have a background in chemical engineering, I am disciplined, and the theory of the field fascinates me.

Prescription drug abuse on teenagers

Teenagers have become familiar with the names of the brands of numerous prescription drugs and are in fact able to explain the effects that specific drugs have on them. In order to reduce the abuse of prescription drugs, there is need to educate the community and especially teenagers and their parents about the dangers of β†’

Seven simple ways to save money

So, the third simple way to save money is to survey the market when you buy something, especially when it is something expensive. Borrowing books from the library is the fourth simple way to save money.

Perfomance specificationsestablishing and operating a business

SERVICES - The CONTRACTOR will provide all materials, supplies and equipment to be transported and all services to be performed by CONTRACTOR are hereinafter referred to as the " Services". Tree trimming - The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for the pruning and trimming of trees to be done on a monthly basis or as required.e.

Hip hop matters

By mid nineties, as a result of increase in the audience of hip hop, The Source became the best-selling music magazine. In the case of hip hop music, the way of growth was not so peaceful.

Adult and continuing education

This blog undertakes an exploration of a professional agency involved in adult education to support the argument that the adult learning curriculum should be based on social action and community development rather than on individual problems and needs. I might use step-by-step teaching to enhance the level of understanding when engaging adult learners in complex β†’

Why psychology matters to me. using post tramatic distress disorder as a example

Gaining a Psychological Understanding of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Here s Here Gaining a Psychological Understanding of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder The field of psychology offers a multitude of theories and methods that allow for the investigation of virtually anything related to the mind. Long-term afflictions, short-term, and forms of the disorder that do not β†’

Internal conflict in germany

In the global framework, mainstream point of view regards the former West Germany's societal changeover to be the precursor of its internal conflict characterized by lack of self-confidence, and an underlying way of thinking. Subsequently, conflict intensified between right-wing extremist and the migrants, and the right-wing-extremist and the destitute of the former West Germany.

Controlling strategic plans

Controlling Strategic Plans Why is it necessary to monitor and control strategic plans? Needless to say that the controlling activities or corrective actions are possible only through proper monitoring of the implementation of the strategic plan and the results that it achieves.

Psy2000 – perspectives on torture and the war on terrorism

The sovereignty of states had come second to overcoming and targeting terrorists, leading not only to the violation of human rights but also to the infringement of nations' sovereign rights. Yoo, an official of USDOJ and who provided legal guidance to the President Bush had absolved the administration from using any illegal interrogation methods that β†’

Catcher in the rye

It was a book that spoke to you, it had a story that made you think, it had a protagonist that looked you in the eye when he spoke the most outrageously honest realities of life without so much as a blink. Although the action and events of the novel were vital in making the β†’

Communist manifesto – karl marx, friedrich engels

First of all, analyzing the impact of the Manifesto on an American class and labor system we can mention that Marx's teaching revealed the laws of social development and indicated the path of humanity towards the communist renewal of the world. Identifying the way how American economic surpluses and liberties required a sacrifice rooted in β†’


This is one of those moments that redefined the status of the country as one of the biggest economic powerhouses of the world. Works Cited Adams, M.C.C.

Actors and acting

Actors and Acting In the world of film making, the story telling is done through the actions of the actors. The role as he portrayed it and the overall acting in the film has set the standard for all other interpretations of the film in modern times and none can ever hold a candle to β†’

Irony in the necklace and the lottery

In both The Necklace and The Lottery, there is situational irony. In both The Necklace and The Lottery, there is situational irony.

Introduction to business law examples

Fourth, both parties have the capacity to enter into a contract given that are both past the age of majority, which in most states in the US is set at 18 years old. Have you entered into a contract If so, what type Given that both parties have mutually accepted the terms and have the β†’

Bilingualism in politics in the united states

The issue of multilingualism in the US is greatly debatable and is yet to gain momentum due to fast growing numbers of Hispanic and other communities. Mexican Immigrants and the Politics of Ethnicity in the American Southwest.

Thomas hobbes

Hobbes also deals with the twelve principal rights of the sovereign in his book and he overtly rejects the idea of Separation of Powers. In short, the Thomas Hobbes deals with some of the essential aspects of a commonwealth in the second part of his celebrated book Leviathan.

Case analysis

0 Case Overview Southwest Airlines spring from the idea of Rollin King, an entrepreneur from San Antonio, who often hear Texas business people complain about the length of time that it took to drive between San Antonio, Dallas, and Houston, and the expense of flying the airlines currently serving these cities. Southwest is routinely improving β†’

Health care website

The American Cancer Society is centrally located at the heart of health care needs in relation to cancer, and the above matrix suits its operations in that line. The objective is to have both the organization and the consumer engage and relate in a way that enhances the welfare of either party.

Quantitative decision making

In addition, the event is difficult to forecast for it is critical for the company to evaluate the impact of the natural disaster to worldsteel demand. Figure 1: Global GDP & Steel Demand Source: Taccone The earthquake and tsunami in Japan had negative impact on its economy, leading the country into the depth of recession, β†’

Bonnie raitt and the boom generation

Towards the end of sixties, she went to study in Cambridge, was very much involved with the socio-political activities happening there, and was part of the anti-war movement as a majority of baby boomers were. In personal life, Bonnie Raitt has been divorced as many of the baby boomers.


of the of the Concerned 19 May Proof by John Madden Proof is a movie based on a play by David Auburn that received the Pulitzer Prize in 2000. The film is more of a heavy drama that requires a rapt attention and concentration on the part of the audience.

‘la ci darem la mano’ by mozart from the opera don giovanni

'la ci darem la mano' by Mozart from the opera Don Giovanni The purpose of this discussion is to examine Mozart's use of the elements of music toproduce an effective setting of this text in the opera Don Giovanni. An example of this is when Don Giovanni invites guests to the party beginning in his β†’

Analyze the significance of professional certification

With the advancement in Technology and Health care system, the societal expectation towards the profession of nurses has also increased. Licensure and Registrations are the requirements for credentialing the nurses.

All animals are equal by peter singer

All animals are equal One of the strongest pleas for the rights and liberation of animals, following the success of various liberation movements of humanity, has been Peter Singer's " All Animals Are Equal", an important article dealing with the need for the liberation of all animals. In short, " All Animals Are Equal" is β†’

My friend lloyd

Every time I close my eyes, I see in my mind the expression on his face and hear his voice ringing in my ears, and I begin to wonder how life would be if he was not my friend. I was stupid and selfish".

Nintendo: reviving a company, transforming a market

The analysis of Wii in the market has exhibited that it was in the growth stage of product life cycle but they were entering the maturity phase. Nintendo needs to provide superior products that will result in extending the lifecycle of Wii.

Chapter 7 reaction paper

However, I did like the idea the author then goes on to say how, even though we cannot get rid of stereotyping all together, we need to recognize them for what they are so that they can be productive and not destructive. I liked how the article relays the idea that we need to acknowledge β†’


These ads also help reinforce conceptions of gender norms that the society has; in my society, women are, in fact, expected to take care of domestic chores and the babies, so it makes sense that the ads for dishwashing liquids and baby food featured women in them. I also noticed that my peers from a β†’

Discussion 7 international relations

Assess Kant's " prescription for perpetual peace" as a prelude to maintain or enhance the zone of peace among different nations in the present international system. Arms trade in international business contexts perhaps reflect the relationship between national security and a closer link to international economy, but, it raises major challenges on security of various β†’

Provider patient relationshiphealthcare ethics

Retrieved on December 8, 2003, from December 8, 2003, from

Odd body piercings a look at upper lip piecring

Eventually, a close friend of hers underwent lip piercing, which totally killed the desire in Amy to get that done because she had never been and would never want to be a copycat. Her eye-brow piercing spoke negative of her mannerism and told how stupid she had been when she was a kid to have β†’

At aparticular period in american history, explain why i consider it so important

One of the most prominent eras in the country's history is the 1800s which marked a major change in the social fabric of the country as it saw the establishment of various antislavery movements and the final victory against slavery as previously accepted as a norm. The 1860s marked a major turn in the history β†’

Pros and cons of the death penalty

Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty Death penalty has become one of the most controversial and debated issues in the United s and as a result the pros and cons of death penalty have long been discussed. The criminal justice statistics on death penalty makes it clear that majority of the public opinion are β†’

Mathilde loisel: one unhappy woman

Her greed for grandeur had stripped her of the feelings of acceptance and gratefulness and filled her with jealousy and a burning desire to achieve the fairytale-like life which the rich lived. The climax of the novel occurs when she meets Madame Forester and gets to know that the necklace for which she had ruined β†’

Spanish borderlands

This was basically to ensure that the purity of the Spanish culture was maintained. In a way, locals employed in the Pueblo were trained in the lives of the Spaniards, helping to inculcate the Spanish culture.

Boethius and good substance

Substances that are good for the virtue of being good are not always good. In my opinion, a substance is always good for the virtue of its being.

Freedom of expression

This paper compares the various movements that aimed to expand the meaning of freedom of expression, from the Alien and Sedition Acts to the abolitionists in the antebellum era, with the labor movement in the Progressive age. It argues that the labor movement expanded the meaning of freedom of expression by promoting freedom of the β†’

Identify a strategic leader

Assignment Make the answer as a discussion format, please make sure the answer is right to the point and the answer is small Identify a strategicleader with whom you are familiar. Hence by the way he deals with his employees and his products, he really is a strategic leader and has proven that by making β†’

Statistical analysis 10

The objective of the research was to determine the extent to which rational choice variables accounted for the association low self control and the propensity to cheat. The mean in Table 1 is a measure of central tendency which tells the average of the scores assigned to a particular variable by the respondents while the β†’

The ethical issues faced by human resource professionals

Ethical Dilemmas for Human Resource Professionals The four ethical issues in human resource management pertain to hiring, promotion, firing, and privacy of employees. Promotion Promotion is one of the areas in human resource management where ethics is of extreme relevance.

Art across the culture: context of hornbill figure

Art Across the Culture: Context of Hornbill Figure As the making of hornbill images flourishedduring the 19th until the mid-20th century, there came a turning point when the Sultanate of Brunei handed over the political fate of Sarawak to James Brooke, a British colonist endowed with the governance of the region after his victorious assistance β†’

Japan and china after second world war

With its continuous effort to revive, Japan's economy flourished resulting to a quick rise of the living standards, changes in society and the stabilization of the ruling position of the Liberal Democratic Party, but also in severe pollution. With all its ordeals, it had still managed to keep up with the world's economy, having been β†’

Pharmaceutical industry critisizm

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest and most powerful industries in the world. The actions of Pfizer were irresponsible and many analysts believe that despite the fine being very large it was a slap in the face for a company that generated $44.

Automation and its impact on employment

Legality in Government's Action of Saving Jobs In the case of reduction of jobs and retrenchment, the role of state can find legality in maintaining the retention as providing employment is part of the duties of the government. 1 The government's role in saving jobs The changes in technology can be termed as a boon β†’


The eardrum in return vibrates to set the malleus, the incus, and the stapes of the middle ear in motion. Presence of congenital deformities in the outer ear may interfere with the capture of sound waves from the environment that maybe funneled to the ear canal.

Decline in global income inequality

Decline in Global Income Inequality Globalization has become one of the most widely used concepts of the contemporary times that have significantly redefined businesses and societal paradigms across the globe. The paradigm shift in the process of development has significantly influenced the socio-economic policies and strategies of the countries which now need to be β†’

Book analysis the end of blackness by debra. j dickson

Dickerson issued a powerful challenge to her fellow blacks " to shoulder the adult's full responsibility as a member of the polity"." Crime is crime," she writes." Sloth is sloth. The notion of " blackness" has to be refurbished if black Americans are to countenance the future with confidence.

Sampling questions

It is usually very large and cannot be used in a research and hence a subset of it that is the sample is used. This is a sample drawn from the population based on its suitability and proximity to the researcher.

Children with parents suffering from aids

Children with parents suffering from AIDS It is very difficult for children to accept the death of even one of their parents, and when the cause is aids the pain only gets greater. Moreover, the shame of the disease may cause families to keep the reason for the death of a parent as a secret β†’

La cienaga

It is like that she's representing herself to the place of spectator and characters intentionally constructed with the touch of her experience. The movement of New Argentina Cinema and the prominent crisis is the astray of diverse screen-play class, its timing helps the not only Martel but the other best-known representatives bring out into the β†’

New media

The inventive implications of new media technologies are observable in the context of the potential of the technologies, their link with current media, the way they offer alternative means of representation and supply of media products. New Media The beginning of new media technologies has certainly resulted in the creation of way for scientific revolution β†’


Despite the factthat the world is inhabited by various artists in different fields, it is essential to excel and not be satisfied with merely blending in the crowd. While America-if not the whole world-is shocked and mourning, an artist has the opportunity to involve himself and to stand out in the crowd of aspiring artists.

Four criminal law questions

The criminal must have the " intent" to commit the crime, to meet the specific elements of any crime. For example, a person may own a car, and have actual possession of it, but a person who is let the keys and drives the car has constructive possession of the car.

Jaycee dugard

Most importantly, the kidnapper was placed under the watch of the Californian Justice system during the occurrence of the heinous acts. For instance, Dugard's father and stepfather were alleged to be involved in the abduction based on the notion that the two wanted control over the family.

Ids policy

RUNNING HEAD: INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM Intrusion Detections System of the of the Intrusion Detections System Introduction A well define thought and planning for Gem Infosys is necessary before installing an Intrusion Detection System on a network. The IDS system runs as a service or a process and has the ability to detect the network traffic β†’

Violent culture

Media Violence Adolescent violence has become a major issue in today's society and " can take many the form of nonphysical and physical". Violence has lead to deaths in teens ranging from age 15 to age 24 and the leading cause of death is car accidents due to drug and alcohol abuse." The second and β†’

The vision failed

Barelli though that he had a very clear image of the vision of HTE in his eyes, but this was not the case. Barelli's management was that it damaged the social fabric of this organization.

New jersey state troopers

Discretion is all about having to choose in respect to the situation, for instance, in reference to the police work discretion is the ability to have a choice. An individual's racial background is one of the factors that should not be underestimated within a given society, since it has the power to influence decision made β†’


Through intense research by a team mobilized by Skocpol, the book documents the decline in the management and membership of these organizations in the twentieth century although she notes of a general increase in membership, in the decades following the World War II. In this case, she failed to capture an important aspect that has β†’

Discussion 2 week 1 impact of financial concepts

The product or service you sell is only one part of the equation there is an accounting and finance component to running a business that can differentiate a successful business from a struggling business. The amount of money you have put into your car over the last ten years is irrelevant.

Case: hewlett-packard

Recommend A Leadership Style Or Combination Of Initiating Structure And Consideration The CEO Should Adopt To Address The Problems Of Distrust And Declining Morale. After having examined all of the issues facing HP, recommend whether the CEO should focus on the approach to the current strategy or on implementation and execution.

Genetic engineering

Beginning with the sampling of the DNA structure by Watson and Crick, scientists have reached the point where they are able to manipulate and replicate DNA. This is only one aspect in which gene manipulation technology has influenced pharmaceuticals and the daily life of diabetics.

Discussion question

The trend now is towards globalization and it is one's belief that for the company to survive, it must tap the international market. One believes that franchising is the key to increasing the company's market share worldwide.

Analysis of guidance regarding marijuana enforcement.memorandum for all united states attorneys article

Review and Reflection Paper The article is about a guidance reinforcement paper or a memorandum that is in support of a previous memorandum that was issued under the Controlled Substances Act. I believe that it is very important to carry out such steps that combat illegal marijuana business because of the occurrence of marijuana related β†’

Reflection paper, on jill bolte taylor’s stroke of insight, found on

Jill Bolte also explains the structure of our brain by bringing a real human brain on stage, and reveals the less-known fact that the left hemisphere of the brain and the right hemisphere of the brain are totally independent beings-the right hemisphere taking in all the sensations that we experience through our senses as a β†’

Same sex marriages and sociological perspectives

On one side of the struggle are the couples of same sex relationship who want to be recognized as legally married couples and enjoy the benefits associated with the status. They are benefiting as they are being able to create a better image of themselves in the minds of the same sex couples and their β†’

Juvenile delinquency programs in united states

In other words, this program believes that prevention of juvenile crime is more important than the correction of juvenile offenders." Prenatal and Infancy Home Visitation by Nurses program, Parent-Child Interaction Training Program, Bullying Prevention Program, The Functional Family Therapy program" etc are some other juvenile delinquency programs in America at present. Family therapy program reveals β†’

The impact of pbs and other media’s content on children through modeling kids’ behavior and cultural beliefs

Instilling multicultural education is a key part of the development of the children and the media pass this information through the content watched by the children. The media have special programs for the children that seek to enhance cultural cohesiveness and promote oneness in the hearts of the children.

Steve jobs

Steve Jobs Steve Jobs, the co-founder and CEO of Apple is one of the prominent American business magnates. It has helped the company to design new products according to the preference and requirement of the changing world.

Pre-primary and social pedagogy approaches

The first approach is the use of curriculum models in early childhood education while the second talks about the use of curriculum in childhood care and education. The other similarity is that both the approaches aim to realise the academic success of the children.

Functional shortterm objectives

Short-term Objective for Annual Goal #2: Amber will communicate what she wants to her mother and her caregivers. Short-term Objective for Annual Goal #4: Brandy should be instructed on the different locations of her clothes inside her closet.

Urban legends as a part of american culture

Thus, the KFC urban legend mirrors the trends and facets in the society where it is being propagated. The technological revolution in genetics which made cloning and breeding of new organisms added to the appeal of this urban legend.

Game advertising

Thus, the emergence of the in-game advertising industry is a response to this situation. The in-game advertising industry is primarily responsible for the placement of ads in video games in different platforms.

The long walk of the navajo

And the enforced migration of the Navajos' from their homeland has come to known to be the Walk of The Navajo. The Walk of the Navajo took place in 1863 when the government of United States forced the Navajos to leave their land and move to Fort Sumner.

Earth science class

It is important to know that fog is a typical form of a cloud but the term " Fog" is used to differentiate the thin-line difference between a cloud and a fog. A fog is a result of the water vapors accumulated from the water sources present on the ground like a lake or marsh β†’

Executive vs. non-executive pay

Executive pay is directed in respect of the guidelines laid down by the board of directors while non executive pay is done in without the respect of any regulation. In executive pay the payment of work is done in respect of guidelines set by a body in an organization such as the board of directors.

The negative message

The nature of our business requires that the public can trust us, as mentioned, and any situation where our clients are placed in danger cannot continue. We could rely on them to uphold our standards of security and care.


Use the % composition of arsenic and sulphur to obtain the empirical formula of the compound Sulphur percentage is 30% and 70% arsenic therefore the ratio is 3: 7 This means that the number of atoms for Sulphur = 3 Arsenic = 7 Therefore the empirical formula will be Ar7S3 Q 2 Sample mass/g Temperature β†’

The role played by humans in the din bahane, the enuma elish, and the yoruba myth, the descent from the sky

The Role Played by Humans in the Dine Bahane', the Enuma Elish, and the Yoruba Myth, The Descent from the Sky In Dine bahane', the human soul takes shape depending on the set of social and ceremonial conditions that it is subjected too. The relationship between the deities and humans in each of the β†’

8th amendment

The Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty should not be a violation of the eighth amendment on unusual and cruel punishment. The impact of the Due Process Clause of the 14th amendment has made the application of the 8th amendment against the federal government and those of states.

Theories of justice and equality by michael walzer

The theory of complex equality does not explicitly address this as a possible cause of cumulative inequalities. It should also be noted that Walzer does not rule out the possibility of a particular individual becoming dominant in all spheres and thus, that overall inequality will triumph over complex equality but he believes that as long β†’

Long term effects of co2 emmisions

CO2 is present in the blood in the form of dissolved CO2, carbonic acid, and the bicarbonate ion. The reason behind this is that the atmosphere of the earth is extremely complex and is composed of not only the carbon dioxide gas but a combination of numerous other variables.

Experimental psychologist

Bureau of Labor Statistics classifies experimental psychologist under the psychologists and their annual salary for most psychologists are in the sphere of $68, 640 as by 2010. The amount of salary given to Experimental psychologists however vary depending on their education level, the sector in which they are employed and also the geographic location.

Isit in the strategy process

Strategic planning is the process of defining the business direction for the company for the years to come, and making decisions about allocating resources to pursue that strategy in terms of capital and resources. It is not just a prediction into future but a comprehensive process of developing the strategic direction for the company and β†’


This is largely due to bad sex education in schools and lack of sex education in the home. This change can be attributed to a push to improve sex education and involve parents in their kids' education about sex.

The american army and the reservist system

There have been debates in the recent past as to whether this system of plurality is the best for the security of the United States of America. This meant that there was a hierarchy within the army and the feudal mindsets of the soldiers in the upper echelons was prominent.

Oasis or blur

The influence of both the bands, especially of the Blur, has been particularly observed at the realm of the production and dissemination of alternative genre of British music. Contrary to the Oasis, the music of Blur was less Americanized and consequently they enjoyed less success in the United States.

Orignial topic – adopting a positive or negative viewpoint

Genetically Modified Foods are a Hazard of the Creative Writing of the Concerned July 15, Genetically Modified Foods are a Hazard Introduction Traditionally speaking, farmers and breeders around the world have been using the method of selection and cross breeding of specific traits to promote productivity. Conclusion Introduction of genetically modified foods in the natural β†’

Poe’s the cask of amontillado

The Cask of Amontillado: A Literary Review 7 February 2007 Thesis: " The Cask of Amontillado" is an ultimate tale of revenge which explores how pride can overwhelm a person causing him to pervasively obtain the revenge he believes he and his family is worthy of as well as how pride can become the ultimate β†’

Legalizing medical marijuana will have more benefits to society than disadvantages

It is important to note that most conflicts around the world are as a result of intolerance to other cultures, societies and people. This is exacerbated by the fact that drugs and treatments required to alleviate the effects of those illnesses are expensive and unavailable to the poor or the illiterate.

Crime investigation

The following items were obtained from the truck; 38 calibers blue steel revolver having a serial number of 78695, a 4-inch barrel, black rubber grips, Green money bag, top zipper of First National Bank of New York, a Blue ski cap having eye holes cut within the fabric, a pair of blue jeans with red β†’

Property market

The value of the commercial and office property keeps growing with the development of the city. The process of buying a property is regulated in UK and Europe.