Informative College Admission Essay and Research Paper Examples

Calypso and odysseus reflective journal

Calypso and Odysseus Reflective Journal One would make no mistake suggesting that Odyssey should be considered to be one of the greatest pieces of literature not only because it is one of the earliest, but also because it raises a considerable number of questions and themes that are extremely important for the understanding of the β†’

Teaching english as an additional language

This shift talks about the importance of a substitute to the method instead of changing the entire method. Thus, an appropriate substitute to the method is the need of the hour.

Policy brief #2 poverty alleviation and microcredit institutions

Topic; Policy brief 27th February 2008 World Bank encouraged and supported alternate financial s for redressal of the basic and direct needs of the poor in the third world. The first thing the bank did was to get the consolidated reports of the ownership rights of the people over mountainous property of the people from β†’

The nature of theory – lab report example

Criteria for Effective Use of Theory Sutton and Staw asserted the following in regard to what theory is not: 1. What theory is not.

Descriptive statistics

However, if you eliminate this entry the mean of 11 patients in the same study will be 7. Indeed, this is an attempt to avert any possibility of biases in the study.

Jimmy santiago bacas so mexicans are taking jobs from americans

The analogy shows that although he is a powerful politician, in reality he is weak and out of his element. In conclusion, then, Baca's imaginative use of these three tactics of overstatement, analogy and irony results in a vivid poem which conjures up an extreme version of the tensions between Mexicans and Americans.

Code of professional ethics and conduct

This paper analyses the disciplinary actions due to violation of rule 102, 201, 202 and 501 of the AICPA code of professional ethics. Beck was charged for violating the rules of the Codes of Professional Conduct of the AICPA since he failed to supervise the planning as well as the conduct of the engagement.

Recycled toothbrushes make sense

The first and the foremost advantage is that partnering with Stonyfield Farm gives Recycline an easy and direct access to the required raw materials. This leads to ample reduction in the cost of manufacturing at Recycline, which allows it to be more competitive by allowing it to offer it products to its customers at affordable β†’

Western civilizations history

DRAFT How do you explain the actions of Hitler and Mussolini and Tojo throughout the 1930s and the reactions of the western democracies to those actions? With the support of Hitler, he went ahead to carry out his plan.

Eroding local control & the influence and climate of the courts

The paper also discusses the ratio of administrators to the student number in a school district, in Fentress County Tennessee school district. In Fentress County school districts, the basic administrative units include the local district, which is the basic administrative unit, the school board, which is the governing board, and the superintendent, who holds the β†’

Annual reporting

The company is performing better in the current year compared to the previous year. The net income earned by the company has also relatively increased from the previous year to the current year.


In the present article the author uses the portfolio assessment method to document the progress of 21 children. The main reason for the project was to document the work of the children and assess their capabilities based on the recorded data and then to strategically plan suitable programs for each children if required.

M10 impact/special needs

Impact/ Special Needs Health Care Insurance The Role of Insurance for Children with Special Health Care Needs Insurance for children with special health care needs plays a critical role in ensuring sufficient access to essential health care services. Role of insurance for children with special health care needs: A synthesis of the evidence.

The last lecture by randy pausch

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch Once an individual realizes that the span of his life is coming to an end he ponders over self-evaluation and also wishes to justify his actions with relevance to his realizations both to himself and to others. The Last Lecture to me appears as a ballad where as a β†’

Why people stay in unhealthy relationships

One has to really has to analyze why he or she is in a specific relationship and what is holding them back in that relationship, when they are really undergoing lot of stress and trauma being in it. So in order to lead a health and stress free life, one has to assess and evaluate β†’

Refutation in thelogical religion

Compared to religious view of Dostoevsky, Freud and Sartre- who had borrowed a large part of their theories from Dostoevsky- proposed two analytical alternatives to understand the theory of religion. However, options of Zarathustra or The Stranger are always significant to consider the shape of lives in a complete refutation of religion.

A comparison of old (tolstoy’s) and modern russia

A COMPARISON OF OLD AND MODERN RUSSIA Today's Russia appears remarkably different from the Russia in which Leo Toltoy lived in terms of political, social and economic development. Hence, the old Russia can be defined as an aristocratic nation- and, consequently, a nation characterized by great inequality and intolerance between the aristocrats and the masses β†’

How the movie of the beetles is influenced in the 1960s

A silky incorporation of Richard Lester's convoluted track, Alun Owen's hysterical libretto, and the natural trinkets of Paul, George, Ringo, and John, A Hard Day's Night is a movie flawlessly of it is the moment and flawlessly enduring. In the year 2004, Total Film periodical forenamed A Hard Day's Night the 42nd utmost British movie β†’

Nevertheless botticelli as a true renaissance master

This painting is one among a series of paintings with a similar theme, such as 'Madonna of the Magificat', 'Madonna and Child with an Angel' and the 'Madonna with Child and Two Angels'. Portrait of the Artist Sandro Botticelli, [20 Nov].

Final exam

Most newborns can distinguish the volume and the pitch of sound, they can differentiate colors and distinguish their brightness, and they also start to anticipate moments such as suckling in the sight of a nipple. This test determines the mental age of a child according to which scores are determined by the knowledge compared to β†’

The most surprising thing learned about the origins and background to rock and roll

Number: The Most Surprising Thing Learned About the Origins and Background to Rock And Roll There are some of the surprising facts that could be related to the origin and background of Rock and Roll. It was also learned from the Rock and Roll songs in the 1950s that it was mostly composed for adolescents.

The voice of marvin puryear

Puryear The Voice of Marvin Puryear The Works of Puryear Demonstrate His Own Experiences In a Manner That Reflects His Own Background and His Reaction to Occurrences, Historic and Otherwise. Washington, is the product of Puryear's reaction to the plight of Washington.

Abundance and scarcity: toward and economy of renewable cycles and

The community holds the products or items in scarce to be the structure of the economy, nature or in environ which the item fits. Shadowy lines that still divide" by Janny Scott and David Leonhardt Is there any way to denote the different social class of people through the groom of a person?

Mechanical artificial hearts

Mechanical heart pumps are designed to help the heart pump blood from the left ventricle to the aorta, increasing flow throughout the body. A mechanical heart is designed to reduce the total workload of a heart that can no longer work at its normal capacity.

Compare and contrast the concepts of leadership and power. draw comparisons between french and ravens (1959) bases of power, expansions of the bases, and a

In On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History, Thomas Carlyle1 demonstrated the concept of leadership associated with a position ity. For example, it can be measured in terms of target perceptions or in terms of objective characteristics of an agent and the agent's position 4.

Reasons for truth and reality

In the ancient times, the great minds ponder extensively about the truth and reality and they all agree that reason is most important in understanding truth and reality. In the words of Plato himself, " The world of our sight is like the habitation in prison, the firelight there to the sunlight here, the ascent β†’

Synopsis of platos republic

Plato offers utmost importance to the form of good and states that one has to pay special attention to grasp and learn the form of good. In Book VII the author continues to argue that it is the form of good that offers the visible and the knowable realm beauty, light, truth, and understanding.

Explain what the ancient mesopotamians, egyptians, hebrews and greeks thought and felt about happiness

Nonetheless, each of the attempted descriptions of happiness was relevant to the circumstances and culture of those making them and has in common the fact despite the fact that what makes one happy does not necessarily translate to others, everyone strives for it in their own way. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the perceptions β†’

Intelligence with educational teaching

Intelligence with Educational Teaching Describe the nine types of intelligences Gardner recognizes The first is naturalistic intelligence which is the ability to make distinctions between natural surroundings and living things such as plants and animals. This is close to intrapersonal intelligence which is a deep understanding of oneself and the ability to be self-reflective on β†’

Late 20th century united states history

Still moving forward and coming to the late 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, we notice that the arrogance in the military operations of United States has grown to its peak stage. The political use of military force in US foreign policy.


The beauty of e-commerce is that it has the potential to reach a hundred percent of the global population of 6. The use of e-commerce applications can provide Wal-Mart with a competitive advantage.

Colonial period of the us history – the forerunner of what the united states has become today

The period between 1492 and 1764, remains to be one of the most significant in the history of the United States. The colonial history of America covers a broad perspective of the time, from the period when the European settlers made it into America, until the period when the different states came into the existence.

Happiness and sorrow

People talk about the keys to happiness or the secrets to happiness. He shows awareness that over a period of time there is bound to be some solution to the problem.

Untying the knot

Untying the Knot The marriage between Max and Kate strikes me as rather superficial, and perhaps more of a marriage of convenience from its inception rather than a genuine joining of kindred souls. Max seems to be using her to afford a comfortable lifestyle and she appears to be using him as a means of β†’

Ideology and identity in the korean dynasty

The founder was a merchant of a certain family presently known as the " Kaesong" who overthrew some kingdoms and then formed the " Goryeo" kingdom and dynasty in 918. The defeater of the Goryeo dynasty dominated the three kingdoms but later on, in 930, he was defeated by Andong.

Police brutality and the inner city

In the classic Chad Holley case of March 2010, in which six officers of the Houston Police Department, kicked and beat to a pulp a fifteen year old juvenile delinquent, the offending officers were charged for official oppression which is a lesser degree than police brutality. Kahan." Law and Order in the Inner City".

Addressing challenges

It is essential that the employees within a group are motivated back and forth so that their training needs are met in an adequate way. A group's morale holds the key for the eventual decisions that are made for them when it comes to imparting training and the related facilities.

Outsourcing: risks and benefits

The firms which takes the right of the original company's brand name pays for the setup costs such as setting up of a manufacturing facility, advertisement costs and all other expenses associated with the setup of the business. The responsibility of advertising the product to the different part of the world remains to the company β†’

The plight of the african-american male today

The disruption of family values, excessive incarceration rate of males and plummeting educational achievements still affect the African-American community today. The African-American community suffers as both as a result and a consequence of the plummeting educational achievements.

Religion in america

The Awakening The article from the Washington Post d " Bush Tells Group He Sees a 'Third Awakening'" has caused a serious discussion about the first and second 'Great Awakening' in the religious history of America, and it raises questions regarding whether there is a " Third Awakening". Therefore, the " First Great Awakening" has β†’

Database systems and open sourcing

Why open-source software will not soon dominate the field of database management tools Open source software can be defined as software that are distributed along with their source code as well as rights to study and modify the source code in order to customize or improve the software. One of the great examples of open β†’


Sarah noted that the structural challenges that she believed make it hard for the poor to access agencys benefits are the lack of information about the organization and its wide array of social services and the thinking among the poor that their conditions are permanent and irreversible. Sarah is doing more good, because she helps β†’

Pursue ms in computational finance

ment of Purpose Samar As part of my endeavor to pursue Masters of Science in Computational Finance field, I am presenting my Statement of Purpose. I am sure, by completing my Masters of Science degree from, I will possess all the knowledge and credentials needed for a successful career in the various domains of Finance.

Global leadership

Global Leadership: " China and India: Contest of the Century" The essay would proffer comments on the article from The Economist entitled " China and India: Contest of the Century". The need to be vigilant and to prepare to refocus global strategies is recommended to address impending global leadership of these giants in the future." β†’

Psychology journal article review

The researchers of this article explored the connection between positive emotions affecting trait resistance as far as dealing with the widowing of a spouse and as a result of martial satisfaction during the course of the marriage. For example, if the marriage was problematic and had issues during it's course, the death of the individual β†’

Financial accounting concepts

Wal-Mart Stores As at end-2004, the balance sheet of Wal-Mart is composed of the following: Assets The assets of WMT are classified into current and non-current assets. As at end-2004, the balance sheet of HD is comprised of accounts which are as follows: Assets The assets of HD are composed of current and non-current assets.

Informational privacy

In the deontological ethical theory, Justin's parents ought to have been denied their son's emails due to the Yahoo privacy agreements. It is my belief that the judge made an error in judgment when he decided to accord a court order to Justin Ellsworth's parents that allowed them to have access to his emails.

The diamonds (authorj. sorie conteh)

In one such experiment, the lieutenant-general in Lyon, Matthieu de Seve, hid three ecus under one of several hats on a table in his library and asked Conteh to find the money, a task Conteh accomplished easily. Conteh first indicated the cabinet in which de Seve had kept the money and then proceeded to trace β†’

The issues of unmarried cohabitation

The decision of the court was in tandem with the court ruling in Marvin vs. Marvin, where the California Supreme Court declared the contract between unmarried cohabitants as an express and implied-in-fact contract, which automatically enjoined the liability on Estabrook to extend relief to Graves for being instrumental in causing the loss of consortium to β†’

Incest and exogamy

The incest taboo is not so much a harmful restriction on the pool of marriage partners as a assurance that one group will gives its daughters to another group to fulfill the needs, as long as that the other group does the same. It does not in any way refer to the sexual interests of β†’

Engineering fundamentals and problem solving

The third step is to identify the criteria for implementing the process and the constraints that may hinder the process from being a success. The chapter is well organized and gives a clear insight into the engineering design process.


On the other hand, the subjects of the profiling should be treated with respect through the provision of an explanation for the profiling, and unless they have done nothing wrong, they are expected to have nothing to hide. The other issue relates to the racial profiling that has been perceived as discrimination against certain races β†’

The kingdome film (2007)

Although the story is similar to real events, the plot is similar to events in real life but is it focused on the adventure of a team of FBI agents who went to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia to investigate the bombing in the residence for foreign workers. One of the important elements of the β†’

Introduction to marketing

Today, the technical audience has fully migrated to the Internet, the effect of which is the increased in economic optimism and a better focus on online marketing. Bruemmer of TrademarkSEO, search engine optimization and marketing have already evolved tremendously at first as a means of marketing strategy to a new search landscape.

Creativity and critical thinking

Creativity and Critical Thinking It has been most common in the history of mankind to fight back with guns and ammunitions against a tyrannical rule to acquire justice and honor and it has always been believed that violence is the only way of protesting and establishing rule of law; however, M.K. When British rulers enacted β†’

Coronary artery bypass graft surgery (cabg)

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Coronary artery bypass grafting, abbreviated CABG, is a kind of surgery that enhances the flow of blood flow to the heart in people suffering from coronary artery disease, also known as severe coronary heart disease. It is best for those patients with multiple narrowings in various branches of the coronary artery, β†’

Hypothesis tests for means and proportions

Left tail test means that we are we have the condition of the population mean less than 12 ounces as our alternative hypothesis, whereas, the null hypothesis would be testing the weight of each bag of chips being either equal to or greater than 12 ounces. There is the one tail test because the condition β†’

Itm301 slp

The theme of the site is parallel to its purpose and features. By the looks of the site, it is obvious that it deals about online gaming and game character making.


Also, we have to speak our mind in certain occasions so a public speaking course can polish our speaking skills. Likewise, public speaking skills can help us influence others when we need to arrive at a certain decision.

The adventures of huckleberry finn by mark twain

Huck has had to make a decision whether or not to rescue Jim when he is captured and held for return to slavery, as he faces the question of whether he should obey the law and turn in Jim. In his life in the river with Jim, Huck learns and does many things that would β†’

Othello, the moor of venice

Knowing that Othello's weak spot is his love for Desdemona, he uses that knowledge to bring about Othello's downfall. Until Iago skews the balance, Othello's love for Desdemona is stable and grateful.

Emerging trends in health care

Additionally, an evaluation of the implication of one of these trends on the delivery of health care from the perspective of doctors, nurses, and patients is outlined in this paper, as well as how this trend might impact the quality of care. In essence, the use of technology has made the job of doctors and β†’

Beveridges social security

Firstly, the main principle underlines in the Report is that all the proposals for the establishment of a Welfare State and to promote the interests of the society, need to be unbiased and non-partisan. Thirdly, the Report highlighted the need for a cooperative operation between the individual and the state, in order to achieve the β†’

Discussion questions

At the heart of the matter, the principle of beneficence must be observed to the effect that medical intervention must be exacted to the benefit of the patient. In this case, preserving the baby's life will not be beneficent to it since almost all components that make up the state of being are non-existent.

Intel corporation

The company consults its employees and gives them training when technology is introduced in the market. The company encourages its employees as they foster innovation throughout IT and offering new ways to solve business problems.

Judicial activism and constitutional interpretation

Thus, it is a usurpation of power and it happens when a judge takes a decision that is different from common law, jurisprudence and the constitution of the country. As opined by David Dieteman on living constitution, it is " one of the most nefarious influences in the minds of Americans is the notion that β†’

The role of social institutions in society

The construction of social institutions are inevitably based on the intrinsic values of a society because they are inevitably constructed by individuals with shared values. The education system is invasive because it controls the methodology through which individuals perceive history and the function of other institutions that make up the social nexus.

A conflict resolution strategy

For instance, when a policy is perfectly explained by a group of individuals seeking self-interest or goals, those who aim to justify the policy must plea to the interest of the public and the intellectual merits of the case under discussion. In addition to that, in compromise, the true demands of a party are not β†’

The use of personality inventories in personnel selection

The reliability of cognitive tests is in the differences in the environment, in the domains and the specificities. The key findings of the article are that most of the common personality inventories applied in organizational settings are not adapted to measure the Big Five factors.

Frankenstein role play

On the event that you go through with the creation, you will have to control it and this task may be quite cumbersome. This creation may start to have human characteristics that will have demands and, you may not be able to give it.

Understanding the nature of migraine pain

Although the symptoms of migraine pain are easy to identify, there should be a proper clinical diagnosis of the disease in order to outlook the possibility of any other disease and proper treatment of migraine pain. It is not possible to clearly identify the specific cause behind the emergence and development of migraines.

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

3: In the third step the therapist asks the patients to describe the visual image of the trauma and also the associated feelings and negative thoughts such as " I am good for nothing" that is frequently encountered by the victim. The patient is instructed to focus on the visual image of the trauma, the β†’

Recognizing and rewarding employees

For a few workers, a verbal recognition from a superior is immense for the reason that it not merely proves that the worker did rather fine, it reveals that the superior identifies the hard work.a few superiors take this notion a stride further also recompense the staff with verbal recognition within a civic setting, like β†’

American history inmigration between 1880 and 1920

The economic growth of the country accompanied by the prospects of success made many people leave their homelands and migrate to the country between the period of 1880 and 1920. The immigrants moved to the country and started working in the factories and mills of America.

Morality, money and motor cars by reading norman bowie

The external cost of having businesses not caring for the environment and meddling with the political arena is pollution while the external benefit is having a safe and healthy surroundings. I will not argue regarding the merits of this statement because I think it is more appropriate to note that the moral in Bowie's composition β†’

What the coronary artery by-pass graft process entails

This procedure happens with the aim of improving the flow of oxygenated blood to the heart muscles and it remains to be one of the most common heart surgical processes in the world. Consequently, the walls of the arteries get crowded making the flow of blood to the heart reduced causing a reduction of the β†’

Musical characteristics

The Who, Bruce Springsteen, and the Fragmentation of the Music of the 1970s Bruce Springsteen is a musical force that uses a literary sense to drivethe direction of his music as it embodies the characters that can be found in the traditions of the American landscape. Springsteen captures the grit and the realism of a β†’

Rti^2 – position paper – response to intervention in tennessee schools

Response to Intervention in Tennessee Schools Response to Intervention in Tennessee Schools The function of any established public education system is to guide all students going through it for success after school life and in Tennessee this is no different; this is indicated by the adoption of Response to Instruction and intervention model. In summary, β†’

Possession of a gun in the united states

Why should it be legal to poSeSs a gun in the United s Introduction This paper takes you through the requirements and procedures for obtaining a gun permit for the citizens of the United States. Furthermore, this paper aims to give an analysis of the benefits of having the possession of a gun legalized for β†’

Book review on the goal by eliyahu m. goldratt

Prof's Book Review of The Goal: Exemplifying Inefficiencies and Their Solutions in the Business World The pedagogy of business can be a difficult topic there are many things that the successful businessperson must grasp that are completely bewildering when discussed theoretically, but can be understood easily when put into allegory or understood through personal experience β†’

Drug information resources in pharmacy practice

The pharmacist then prints the prescription and labels them with information such as location of the pharmacy, name of the patient and corresponding dosage. By scanning the drug it pulls up the drug's shape and or smell is, it likewise shows the color, numbers and symbols on the drug.


The second was the expansion toward the West and Mexico. The events listed above were a few of the arguments about slavery and slavery in the free territories.

History’s influence

Cognitive Psychology al Affiliation Cognitive Psychology Cognitive psychology refers to the branch of psychology that explores internal mental processes in animals and human beings. H, & Maclin, M.K.

Nathaniel hawthorne young goodman brown and the minister’s black veil

However, Goodman Brown followed the instruction of the devil and was punished for being a weakling and losing his innocence and this is also synonymous to the punishment that was meted on Adam and Eve for following the counsel of the serpent. The Minister's Black Veil is another book that Nathaniel Hawthorne used different symbols β†’

Analyzing pro forma statements

The current liabilities will increase because the increased sales will lead to the purchase of more inventories. The sources of capital will the increase in accounts receivables and other liabilities and the cash.

Samantabhadra and manjusri budhha

The role of Bodhisattva is to teach willingness of being intimate with yourself and your idiosyncrasies. Role of Bodhisattvas is to be dedicated to the universal awakening and enlightenment of every soul in the world.

How abortion could railroad the health care reform bill

This is because women would be able to get pregnant willy-nilly and then have an abortion at the drop of a hat on the government's dime, in order to be used as a method of birth control. However much a person is in favor of pro-life and a woman's right to choose, fundamentally, one knows β†’

Project #2

B emphasized the necessity of maintaining a strong relationship between the HR department and line management, in order to optimize the support that HR is able to provide for both management and staff. The first strategy to handle this problem can be to implement training and development for staff as they are recruited.

Strategies allowing frito lay and darden which practice outsourcing offshore to remain leaders in their industries

Samples are taken before raw materials are brought into the product lines to ensure that the quality of their product is high. The major reason that is assumed to be the cause of this is that the quality of seafood from other countries is better than in America.

Quantitative communication research variable

After alteration to " experience working as an engineer" it acts as contingent condition in the hypothesis: " If a majority of people in the audience has experience working as an engineer, a speaker presenting a technology-related topic gets less open-ended questions than a speaker who is delivering a presentation on a topic which is β†’

Law enforcement agents and agencies

Law enforcement agents in local, state and federal levels have a common objective which is to enforce the laws passed by the government through legislators and protect citizens. On the other hand, a Federal law enforcement agency is in charge of federal crimes that take place in more than one jurisdiction and offers assistance to β†’

The biome of hawaii

The Biome of Hawaii The State of Hawaii A chain of islands is what comprises the Hawaiian state in the Northern part of America. The Characteristics of Hawaii The Hawaiian territory is regarded as a home for active volcanoes and the tallest sea mountain of the world, Mauna Kea.

Health issues

The community can be assessed in terms of mainly these two parameters namely duration of smoking and age of the population. Gaining support for a prevention program in any community needs awareness of the population as to the need for the prevention program, and to this end, health education programs focused on smoking prevention would β†’

Metamorphosis by franz kafka and why

Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and Why " Literature may never make you richer in the pocket, but it will certainly make you richerin the deepens the understanding of others and self" Although written in 1915, there is much in this book to connect it to modern life as it is led by many people β†’