Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Ways to prevent tb health and social care essay

Multi-drug immune TB is when the bacterium is unaffected by a lower limit of INH and Rifadin, the most frequently used and effectual TB medicines. Taking all of the medicines precisely as they were prescribed and ne'er losing or halting intervention early are the best ways to forestall drug-resistant TB.

Deception research today

The current Research Topic brings together contributions from experimental psychology, psychophysiology, and neuroscience focusing on the understanding of the broad concept of deception including the detection of concealed information, with respect to basic research questions as well as applied issues. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text Gamer, M." Detecting of deception and concealed information using neuroimaging β†’

Evaluation of a set of three health-related websites

In the overall content of the websites the quality of the information being presented and the comprehensiveness of the information is assessed. The first of the sites to be evaluated is www.nursingworld.org, the official website of the American Nursing Association.

Question week1

Question Week1 What I find most useful about the labels is the actuality that the labels will include scientific information that clearly explains the link between the diet and the involved chronic infections. What I find confusing is the amount of portions that are required in the foods.

Why do you want to go to medical school

I want to go to the medical schoolbecause I understand the importance of the role of the physician in a hospital. Therefore, after her death, I resolved to become a doctor and have a clinic of my own.

Cognitive therapy

These types of programs have been proven to change the behavior and the way information is processed for the teen. It shows them a new way to cope with their anger and to change their ways of behaving.

Editorial: integrative approach to parkinson’s disease

Due to the increase in aging of the population, both the prevalence and incidence of PD are expected to rise by at least 30% by 2030, which will impose greater burden on society and the worldwide economy. Adult neurogenesis is important in the context of PD, and their study is informative for clinicians by showing β†’

Bcl-2 expression in primary cutaneous follicle center b-cell lymphoma and its prognostic role

Due to the possibility of a skin-involvement by a systemic form, the differentiation of a primary cutaneous from a nodal disease is not trivial and have an impact on a prognostic a therapeutic grounds. The t and bcl-2 expression are present in a subset of primary cutaneous follicular lymphoma: association with lower grade.

Commentary: pride, shame, and group identification

The authors maintain that the social self is the target of emotion whereas the other is merely its focus a background object that makes intelligible the target's instantiating the formal object of the emotion type. The last point is salient in the case of parents and grandparents who feel proud of the achievements of their β†’

Editorial: the challenges and opportunities of introspection in psychology: theory and method

Editorial on the Research Topic The Challenges and Opportunities of Introspection in Psychology: Theory and Method Since the inception of psychology as an academic discipline, scholars have made extensive use of first-person enquiry: it is applied during theory-development and hypothesis-formulation; it permeates the data-collection stage; and it impacts on the process of data-interpretation and theory-development. β†’

Editorial: bacterial cell wall structure and dynamics

Synthesis steps include cytoplasmic generation of the lipid-linked disaccharide-pentapeptide precursor lipid II, translocation of lipid II to the outside of the cell by flippases; and finally assembly of the cell wall by penicillin-binding proteins and Shape, Elongation, Division, and Sporulation proteins. The last decade in particular has seen a resurgence in interest in the bacterial β†’

Neural plasticity and consciousness

In cognitive neuroscience, an impressive amount of evidence suggests a functional localization of mental phenomena in the brain, so that different cognitive and emotional functions are associated with specific networks or regions of the brain. Research on neural plasticity can be taken to imply that a simple one-to-one mapping between brain structure and mental phenomenon β†’

Editorial: action effects in perception and action

Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Stock, A, and Stock, C. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text * Wykowska, A, and Schubo, A.

The need for registries in the early scientific evaluation of surgical innovations

That was highlighted, in particular, by the reaction to the introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which was greeted by Sir Alfred Cushieri as the " greatest unaudited procedure in the history of surgery". A good example of early scientific evaluation of surgical innovation by means of a prospective research database is the NOTES registry of the β†’

The truth in complexes: perspectives on ion channel signaling nexuses in the nervous system

Our contributors to this Research Topic," The truth in complexes: why unraveling ion channel multi-protein signaling nexuses is critical for understanding the function of the nervous system" have considered interactomes from the perspective of the ion channel, from that of its intracellular protein modulators, and even from the point of view of lipid modulators. Harraz β†’

Psychological perspectives on expertise

The articles can be classed into five broad categories based on their focus: the cognitive processes in expertise, the development of expertise, the relationship between expertise and general cognition, the transfer of skills between domains, and methodological issues and frameworks in expertise research. 00737 PubMed Abstract Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Toner, J, β†’

Genome editing in sugarcane: challenges ahead

The CRISPR/Cas system has surpassed the existing GE tools like ZFNs and TALENs through its simplicity, cost-effectiveness and efficient nature and the era of GE has soared high which is evident with increasing reports of genome editing in crop plants. Bortesi and Fischer have highlighted the effectiveness of CRISPR/Cas9 systems and also compared their strengths β†’

Key mechanisms and potential targets of the nlrp3 inflammasome in neurodegenerative diseases

In this review article, we discuss the latest research developments regarding the NLRP3 inflammasome; its role in AD, PD, and ALS; and the therapeutic implications of targeting the NLRP3 inflammasome. High levels of caspase-1 and IL-1 in microglia contribute to disease progression in the mouse SOD1G93A model, suggesting a role for microglial NLRP3 in ALS.

Postprandial effects of pecan nuts ingestion on plasma level of nutrients

In a certain study conducted to compare the effect of a pecan diet on blood level of gamma-tocopherol compared with that of AHA Step I diet, it was found out that pecan diet resulted into a greater increase in the serum blood level of the gamma-tocopherol. Also in the same research it was found out β†’

The covid-19 emergency and the risk of social fragmentation in the palermo case

The experiences of associations working with the weaker part of the community, in the specific Palermo context, is used to explore the social dimension and the solidarity dynamics within the community. The purpose of the posed questions is to define the context before the spread of this emergency; find out in which way their activities β†’

Recommendation for cadbury essay sample

Cadbury products are generally sweet and thus many people are unable to enjoy Cadbury's products due to its sweetness. In addition, it can also bring a health conscious message to the public that Cadbury products are healthy and safe to be consumed.

Answer the question for the journal -this is for health ethics and law class

The Realm in this case is organizational as it involves the patient and the health facility team. In the case of the 64 year old woman, the team informed the patient on the need for her to be placed on tube feeding.

Affordable health care

How Does Our Society Prevent Another Rosalyn Schwartz Apparently, the case of Rosalyn Schwartz, reviewed in Gregory Pences " Medicine and Inequity: Accounts of the Cases that Shape and Define Medical Practice" is one of the most striking instances of inequity in the health care. The case of that victim of American health care, who β†’

Drug transport and metabolism in the blood–brain barrier

The BBB controls access to the brain of essential nutrients, vitamins and ions, as well as some proteins and peptides, and removes the products of metabolism in the brain, for example neurotransmitter metabolites. DTs and DMEs control the access to the brain and local concentration of both endobiotics and xenobiotics.

Biological noise and h2a.z: a promising connection for language

00282 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Boeckx, C, and Ben tez-Burraco, A. 0054317 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Richard, M, and Yvert, G.

Editorial: from sex differences in neuroscience to a neuroscience of sex differences: new directions and perspectives

The idea is to move from scattered findings on sex differences in the brain to a neuroscience of sex differences that will help researchers to understand and predict sex differences in their findings and integrate them into their theories. Sex differences in hemispheric asymmetries have long attracted attention and are also in the focus of β†’

A supplement to self-organization theory of dreaming

This process above happens under a weak control of brain, and the conditions of this state mainly include: the inhibition of external stimuli or feedback; the changes of neuromodulatory systems; the bombardment of PGO wave to the visual cortex; and the changes of neural activity in brain. The Continuity Hypothesis considers that the content of β†’

Aharonov-bohm phase for an electric dipole on a noncommutative space

By studying the SHE in the framework of NCQM a lower limit for the noncommutative parameter is shown to be 1 / 1 0 12 G e V in Ma and Dulat [ 32 ]. We can obtain the topological AB phase for an electric dipole on a NCS by replacingA in Equation with the β†’

The role of gesture in communication and cognition: implications for understanding and treating neurogenic communication disorders

The formal study of gesture in communication is a more recent discipline, gaining traction with the seminal work of McNeill and since accumulating a robust literature, described below, that details the role of co-speech gesture in a variety of functions in healthy adults for both communication and cognition. While this review takes great interest in β†’

Human development – early memory development

As children grow up, they start to conform to the way adults and peers experience the world, yet to maintain the characterization of familiar perceptions of the world. Schachtel was a pioneer in the study of memory loss of young children as they grow older.

A qualitative study of the views of patients with medically unexplained symptoms on the bodymind approach : employing embodied methods and arts practices for self-management

The aims of TBMA are for participants to develop a changed relationship with their MUS and to enable self-management, both unique to TBMA. The group in this report is defined as members of the group and their interactions.

Advocacy project

Based on the audience targeted, the objective of the advertisement and the nature of the problem, there is compatibility in the advertisement leading to effective communication of the intentions of the advertisement. When considering the complexity of the campaign, the message is portrayed simply, and the intention of the campaign is clear to the target β†’

Role of community and public health nurses

Role of Community and Public Health Nurses The article ' Outbreak Investigations' by Maria J Sistrom and Patty J Hale attempts to highlight the role of community and public health nurses in eliciting community participation in the early detection and control of disease outbreaks. The article presents the advantages of involving members of the β†’

Commentary: app as a mediator of the synapse pathology in alzheimer’s disease

In conclusion, the studies by Wang et al.and Puzzo et al.lead to a model wherein APP acts as a central pre- and postsynaptic linking molecule that mediates both A - and tau-induced synaptic and behavioral deficits. The toxic A oligomer and Alzheimer's disease: an emperor in need of clothes.Nat.

Wearable electroencephalography essay

The ambulatory EEG is bulky whereas the wearable Electroencephalography is small and can be worn on the head. In this paper we are going to focus on the wearable EEG technology unearthing the portable EEG systems requirements and then relating them to the wearable EEG technology core applications which include: brain computer interface, epilepsy and β†’

Prevention of heat related illness health essay

The data should be analyzed in an ongoing manner and a " Heat and health early warning system" should be developed to issue early warnings and use of public health/preventive measures to the physician as well as to the general community. The individuals to be acclimatized are subjected to a maximum of one and a β†’

Commentary: chasing the rainbow: the non-conscious nature of being

01924 The authors of this paper have an ambitious theory: Alter the customary view that consciousness has a causal role in the brain's activity, and the functioning of the organism. The brain generates the brain phenomenon, brain-sign, from the causal conditions and it has a biophysical role, which is to act as the pointer to β†’

Proxy users enable older people creative writing on the web

The results of preliminary action research on the creative writing and publishing of older people are helpful in developing the concept of so-called " silver digital content," first presented in literary studies focused on creative writing, and transferring it to the area of social sciences. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to find β†’

Editorial: hurdling the challenges of the 2019 iaaf world championships

Editorial on the Research Topic Hurdling the Challenges of the 2019 IAAF World Championships The 17th International Association of Athletics Federations World Championships were staged in Doha, Qatar from September 27 to October 6, 2019. One of the unique characteristics of the 2019 IAAF World Championships was that it was hosted in the Middle-East for β†’

The heart-brain team approach in patent foramen ovale closure

The conflicting results of these trials also created such an impact in the field of neurology that in 2016, the guidelines of the American Academy of Neurology discouraged the use of PFO closure for cryptogenic stroke. Messe SR, Gronseth GS, Kent DM, Kizer JR, Homma S, Rosterman L, et al.

Editorial: advances in drug formulation

The advancement of drug formulation has also been leading more toward further sophistication of drug transport systems that could deliver drug to site-specific cells/tissues/organs in vivo. In her another review, she has provided a vivid understanding of the physiology of the gastrointestinal tract in healthy and diseased states and the use of it in drug β†’

The structure of human lungs

The lungs occupying major portion of thoracic cavity, leave little space for the heart, which excavates more of the left lung the two lungs hold the heart tight between them, providing it, the protection it rightly deserves. The posterior border is thick and ill defined.it corresponds to the medial margins of the head of the β†’

What impact will these trends have on the overall quality of care in the state of pennsylvania, and what will our system have to do differently in the future

Lecturer: Institution: Course: Date: Impacts of the current trends of health care in the state of Pennsylvania on the quality of care The state of Pennsylvania has seen a number of changes in its heath care sector over the past few years. Decrease in the number of licensed hospitals: According to the data provided by β†’

Overview: does language production shape language form and comprehension?

In the core target article of this Topic, Maryellen MacDonald assumes that there is a direct and immediate relation between frequency of experience and comprehensibility, and asks, what is the reason for the frequency differences? 1926 CrossRef Full Text Staub, A, and Clifton, C.J.

Corrigendum: inhibitory control in speech comprehension among dai–han bilingual children

In the published article, the following affiliation should be added for Xiaoxi Wang: " College of Preschool Education and Special Education, Kunming University, Kunming, China". Also, the correct affiliation for Yan Liu should be: " Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, China".

The enigma of heat shock proteins in immune tolerance

Further exploration of this recombinant mycobacterial HSP60 in the AA model revealed the presence of at least nine different T cell epitopes in this HSP60 recognized by T cells in Lewis rats. This, in combination with the findings of the anti-inflammatory effects of HSP in experimental models, seems to indicate that HSPs are missing several β†’

Active intuition: the patterned spontaneity of decision-making

On the one hand, the patterns inherent in the ways in which individuals respond to situations, form lines of action, and conceive of themselves leads to the idea that individuals' most intimate drives and motivations may actually be deeply shaped by tacit, unconscious, deeply internalized cultural residua. I propose that keeping both mind and environment β†’

A grand challenge in aging interventions: from mice to humans

Ten years ago, the identification of single biomarkers of aging was a grand challenge when considering trials for aging in humans, however, landmark papers from Hannum et al.and Horvath have shown that we can quite accurately measure age by looking at the combined alterations in the epigenetic landscape. In the past decades, we have come β†’

Cambridge university’s prosthetic heart valve to reduce need for anticoagulants market outlook

It has witnessed a number of innovations including the introduction of prosthetic heart valves which have been designed to increase the scope of cardiac valve treatment. According to the study ' United Kingdom Prosthetic Heart Valves Market Outlook To 2025', such procedures are gaining popularity and have even evolved the cardiac discipline in order to β†’

Health care provider financial management and operations

There has been a need by health care providers to eliminate duplication, reduce hospitalizations and improve coordination; this has also played a role in escalating cost of financing health care operations. Despite efforts to conserve energy, there is still a high rate of energy consumption by health care providers, this leads to escalating operational cost β†’

Therapeutic use of non-invasive brain stimulation in dystonia

1093/brain/awg273 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Quartarone, A, and Hallett, M. The effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on dystonia: a clinical and pathophysiological approach.

Editorial: axonopathy in neurodegenerative disease

The Editorial on the Research Topic Axonopathy in Neurodegenerative Disease Within the study of neurodegenerative diseases, axonopathy is increasingly recognized as a major contributor to the disease manifestation, and in some cases, the key pathogenic driver. In other cases, such as inherited peripheral neuropathies, the loss of the axon is the primary feature of the β†’

Impact of shopping tourism for the retail trade as a strategy for the local development of cities

Given these figures, it is necessary to take advantage of this potential market and bet on the quality and diversification of the offer of tourism products, as a key element of the National and Integral Tourism Plan, and this will be achieved by promoting quality tourism and shopping as an engine of economic and social β†’

Editorial: polymicrobial biofilms in chronic infectious disease

Interactions among the host microbiota and colonizing pathogens are thought to be important for the establishment of a persistent, chronic infection community and the resilience of this community in the face of host immune defences and medical intervention. The reviews by Kvich et al.and Welp and Bomberger frame our current understanding of microbial diversity in β†’

Core competencies essay sample

The difference that is more difficult to measure in the senior nursing student can be seen in the confidence and competence displayed in providing physical and emotional care in the course of this/her daily work. Social and interpersonal skills need to be sharp in order to provide the client with the best outcomes.the nurse is β†’

Health economics: healthcare as a right or privilege

In the same way, the citizens have the responsibility to its country to pay their taxes to provide the financial needs for the country to figuratively live. The government has the power and responsibility to regulate the healthcare system of the country.

Relationships between staff and patients

I would try to talk to a staff member if he/she seems to be in a social / business relationship with a patient. It betrays a hidden motive to exploit the patient and not compassion for her.

Noninvasive brain stimulation and personal identity: ethical considerations

These are attitudes, beliefs, and commitments of particular importance to the individual that relate to central aspects of their worldview and their conception of their identity. In the meantime, the process of deciding whether to use NIBS could be structured to more effectively emphasize nonmedical considerations and encourage rational autonomy.

Thank you referal letter

Instructions on home exercises and proper postures will be given to the detail. After undergoing the procedure, the patient is expected to lose approximately 80% of the pain after five weeks.

The desire of human trafficking

The factors that contribute to human trafficking are poverty, unemployment and economic stability. These factors are what lead the Filipino population to believe that human trafficking will give them a better life.

Undergraduate research assistant leadership for rigorous, high quality research

In sum, allowing the time for undergraduates to take ownership over a project can enhance the quality of their research endeavors and facilitate the production of publication-worthy data. Establishing the benefits of research experiences for undergraduates in the sciences: first findings from a three-year study.Sci.Educ.

Action research and training for health health essay

Action Research and Training for Health is a private, non-profit, research and training organization that was established by a group of professionals in 1997 with the intent to contribute to the improvement of health status among underprivileged communities in India. After its inception, ARTH realised that in order to substantially improve health outcomes of the β†’

Controversies over the mechanisms underlying the crucial role of the left fronto-parietal areas in the representation of tools

For this reason, the problem of specific aspects of the cognitive and neural bases of human tool use must be viewed in the context of the wider problem of the cognitive and neural bases of categories in general. Within this context, category-specific disorders for verbs are considered due to disruption of the semantic aspects of β†’

Editorial: role of inner ear in self and environment perception

Editorial on the Research Topic Role of Inner Ear in Self and Environment Perception Otoneurology and vestibular neuroscience recently advanced with a better understanding of the vestibular contributions to perceptual and cognitive functions, reaching far beyond balance, and eye-movement control. An important function of the vestibular system is the perception of the visual vertical, which β†’

Editorial: immunomodulatory effects of drugs for treatment of immune-related diseases

Editorial on the Research Topic Immunomodulatory Effects of Drugs for Treatment of Immune-Related Diseases The last 10 years have witnessed robust development of several drugs as a consequence of intense collaboration among academics, clinicians, scientists, and pharmaceutical companies. This research topic focuses on the mechanism of action of these drugs and reports new findings related β†’

Corrigendum: sepsis: changing definitions, unchanging treatment

00425 In the original article, we neglected to include the funders " DELTAS Africa Initiative," " DEL-15-003" to " Nchafatso Gikenyi Obonyo" and the " AAS, NEPAD Agency, the Wellcome Trust and the UK government". The DELTAS Africa Initiative is an independent funding scheme of the African Academy of Sciences 's Alliance for Accelerating Excellence β†’

Editorial: advanced thermoplastic composites and manufacturing processes

Editorial on the Research Topic Advanced Thermoplastic Composites and Manufacturing Processes The growing concerns about the environment and energy have driven the widespread adoption of new lightweight materials such as polymer composites in many industrial sectors, crucial issues being performance, cost efficiency, and multifunctionality. Among them, thermosetting matrix composites offer not only many advantages such β†’

Ten years of inhibition revisited

A commentary on Inhibition and the right inferior frontal cortex: one decade on by Aron, A. AR&P also examined two main lines of contrary evidence that question whether the rIFC is the critical locus for inhibition, and whether inhibition is the primary function of rIFC.

Corrigendum: the “facebook-self”: characteristics and psychological predictors of false self-presentation on facebook

The original text on page 6 is: " The main effect of avoidant attachment yielded F = 12. The corrected text on page 6, Analysis and Results section, Sub-section of " Predictors of the false Facebook-self is: " The main effect of avoidant attachment yielded F = 12.

Applied microbiology

The cells within the biofilms differ from planktonic cells metabolically and biochemically due to their increased expression of beneficial genes, phenotypic changes in the colony morphology and the in the production of extracellular polymers. Strategy used in the natural environments includes the microbial control strategy that addresses the microbiological attributes and the impact of microorganisms.

Granger causality is designed to measure effect, not mechanism

Rather, it is a measure of causal effect, namely the reduction in prediction error when the causal interaction is taken into account, as compared to when it is ignored.[According to one version of neuroscience terminology, which attempts to draw a distinction between the different conceptions of connectivity, GC measures of causal effect yield directed " β†’

Meeting the educational needs of young, me/cfs patients: role of the treating physician

Although school nurses are beginning to play a larger role in supporting these children, physicians or healthcare providers retain primary responsibility of informing the school system of the needed adjustments for the young ME/CFS patient to succeed in the school environment. Attention processes in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: attentional bias for health-related threat and the role β†’

Community-based research as an alternative to traditional research courses as a method of promoting undergraduate publication

There are many benefits to the CBR model for undergraduate students with the most important being that students develop the same research and statistical skills contained in more traditional courses and collect publishable data. CBR presents an effective and engaging alternative to teaching research methods and provides students with the opportunity to conduct a research β†’

Assignment example

VIDEO LECTURES.a) I have learned that heart disease has been the leading cause of deaths in the United s since the year 2006.b)I have learned that there exists a challenge among the American people to choose healthy foods from the wide variety of inexpensive and readily available foods and performing physical exercise to maintain healthy β†’

Biofuels: from microbes to molecules (book review)

Biofuels: From Microbes to Molecules is a timely compilation of highly focused reviews written by leading experts in the field of microbial biofuel technology. The field of bioenergy is undoubtedly a fast-growing and hugely expanding research area that has led to a wealth of information particularly in recent years.

Editorial: microbial responses to environmental changes

Thus, patterns of response of microbial communities to environmental gradients and changes are documented for archaea, bacteria, fungi, and microbial eukaryotes, as well as a vast range of habitats including streams, ponds and lakes, ocean and seas, and sediments and soils, and varying spatial and temporal scales. 00361 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar β†’

Aspiration risk and respiratory complications in patients with esophageal atresia

Aspiration was associated with CRM, with aspiration seen in 62% of children with recurrent pneumonia and all the infants with apnea. Whether asthma in EA/TEF patients is secondary to the effects of aspiration or primary, asthma may cause chronic respiratory symptoms in older patients with EA/TEF.

Virtual reality and empathy enhancement: ethical aspects

The most important features of computer-based VR are, on the one hand, the interactivity with digital scenarios, objects and avatars and, on the other, the motion tracking that permits the rendering of movement in a virtual environment from a first-person perspective. These apparatuses provide real-time information to the computer in order to render the virtual β†’

Editorial: translational research for cucurbit molecular breeding: traits, markers, and genes

These articles cover a variety of topics ranging from improvement of the cucurbit genome assemblies to identification and molecular mapping of horticulturally important genes or QTL for horticultural traits, and the use of such knowledge in marker-assisted selection for cucurbit improvement. Pascual et al.describe a general strategy for virus resistance in melon, conferred by the β†’

Research methods in health and social care

The studies mentioned in the literature at were not conducted within the southeast of Asia therefore Majid, et al.wanted to investigate attitudes towards evidence based practice from the southeast of Asia. Conclusion and clinical implications The conclusions made from Majid et al, study were that nurses had a positive attitude towards evidence based practice.

Editorial: heart rate variability and other autonomic markers in children and adolescents

The normalization of HRV for the prevailing HR liberates HRV from the influence of HR and thereby allows for the objective assessment of the cardiac autonomic influences on this variability, separating mathematical from physiological changes in HRV. It is the purpose of this monograph to provide a comprehensive assessment of developmental changes in both HR β†’

Editorial: measurement invariance

The aim of this special issue is to provide a forum for a discussion of MI, covering some crucial " themes": ways to assess and deal with measurement non-invariance; Bayesian and IRT methods employing the concept of approximate MI; and new or adjusted approaches for testing MI to fit increasingly complex statistical models and specific β†’

Pre-clinical models for malignant mesothelioma research: from chemical-induced to patient-derived cancer xenografts

The pleural form, affecting the lining of the chest cavity and lungs, is often referred to as a man-made disease due to high correlation of incidence with exposure to asbestos. Historically, to study tumorigenesis of MM, animal and cell models were induced through exposure to varying doses and sizes of asbestos fibers by intrapleural or β†’

Decoupling internalized dysfunctional attachments: a combined act and schema therapy approach

We propose a two-steps procedure based on the integration of Schema Therapy, and techniques derived from Mindfulness, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. A combined ST and ACT approach aims to relieve parenting-related difficulties, through the understanding and the limitation of enactments in the parent-child relationship.

The ethics of realism in virtual and augmented reality

The first and most positive aspect of virtual reality is that it is possible to give people the experience of the golden rule in operation. For instance, the fact that XR enables an individual to interact with virtual characters poses the question of whether the golden rule of reciprocity should apply to fictional virtual characters β†’

Editorial: recent trends in optical and mechanical characterization of nanomaterials

Editorial on the Research Topic Recent Trends in Optical and Mechanical Characterization of Nanomaterials Over the course of the past few years we have witnessed a series of paradigm shifts in many critical fields of science driven by the development of novel nanomaterials. 5b00147 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Arppe, R, and S β†’

Lorentzian entropies and olbert’s ΞΊ – distribution

The sum of all un-normalized probabilities of the states is the partition function Z = p = exp and the normalized Gibbs probability for the state becomes P = Z - 1 exp The partition function Z Z is a function of and all constraining parameters { V }, which determine the state -a property β†’

Example of essay on health interview

In addition, he felt irritable and extreme sad to the point of committing suicide. Hence, he had difficulties in catching up with the rest of his classmate in academics and socially.

Demographics of argentina geography health essay

The capital of the country is Buenos Aires which is also the largest city of Argentina. The Argentine Northwest, which is in the North of the country.

Editorial: the physiological functions of the app gene family

Editorial on the Research Topic The Physiological Functions of the APP Gene Family The amyloid precursor protein APP plays a key role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, as proteolytical cleavage of APP gives rise to the -amyloid peptide A , which is deposited in the brains of AD patients. Subsequent processing of the C-terminal β†’

Hr finance

by s and the Financial Case Analysis Budgeting in social and health careorganizations examines the structure and preparation of a budget as well as various approaches relevant in monitoring and managing expenditure and services. It can get a cost effective location and get a bigger space in order to accommodate the increasing number of patients β†’

Editorial: machine learning and data mining in materials science

Editorial on the Research Topic Machine Learning and Data Mining in Materials Science The development of new materials, incorporation of new functionalities, and even the description of well-studied materials strongly depends on the capability of individuals to deduce complex structure-property relationships. This Research Topic is a compilation of contributions on current ideas and novel concepts β†’