Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Individuality in music performance: introduction to the research topic

00157 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Blake, R, and Shiffrar, M. 00825 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Koren, R, and Gingras, B.

Editorial: the cxcr4 ligand/receptor family and the dpp4 protease in high-risk cardiovascular patients

In this Research Topic, we introduce the reader to the comorbidities T2DM and CKD and their connection with CVD, and provide up-to-date information on the involvement of CXCL12/MIF/CXCR4 and DPP4 in each of these pathologies. Here, Schuett et al.present an overview of the inflammatory processes underlying atherosclerosis and highlight the role of inflammation in T2DM →

Contact with nature and children’s restorative experiences: an eye to the future

In spite of the recognition of the benefits children and youth obtain from contact with nature, the tendency in children's lifestyle is toward alienation of the natural world. We know the restorative potential children perceive in a certain place is positively related to the affordances of the place, and that exposure to nature enhances children's →

Editorial: biomarkers of oxidative stress

The scope of the present Research Topic was to reach out to an audience of scientists working in the field of oxidative stress. The resulting oxidative stress is thought to contribute to preeclampsia, arthrosis of the knee and atherosclerosis.

The input matters: assessing cumulative language access in deaf and hard of hearing individuals and populations

But this raises a third problem: using observational language samples to understand the nature of a child's input is only a valid approach when both the input and the child's access to it have remained fairly constant throughout the child's life. In order for LENA data to be a valid representation of the child's auditory →

Climate variability and change in central america: what does it mean for water managers?

For example, considering the most aggressive emission scenario most of the models suggest that the temperature in the region is going to increase at least 2 C by mid-century and over 4 C at the end compared to the baseline period, while precipitation is not going to change much over the first half of the →

Educating and vaccinating: vaccinations for older adults

Is the older adult cognitive and able to comprehend the information? It is important to remember the developmental level of the patient and to take that largely into consideration.

Tracking progess in healthy people 2020 across the country

Tracking Progress in Healthy People 2020 in Iowa of Abstract People's health all over the world is one of the greatest concerns of the governments and other stake holders. Iowa is one of the states that has not fully adopted these objectives despite the fact that the essence of the objectives is an all round →

Autism spectrum disorder: why do we know so little?

As a matter of fact, the study of ASD that comes along with some genetic conditions the " syndromic ASD" is beginning to shed a new light on the pathophysiology of the disorder. This condition has been used also as a model to investigate the role of the cerebellum in the pathogenesis of ASD.

Memory: an extended definition

But, this idea of memory is at odds with advances in the science of memory over the last century: memory is not really a fixed thing stored in the brain, but is more of a chemical process between neurons, which is not static. To be clear, cognition is not incorporated in the surroundings, only the →

Commentary: “neuropsychological assessment of individuals with brain tumor: comparison of approaches used in the classification of impairment”

A commentary on Neuropsychological assessment of individuals with brain tumor: comparison of approaches used in the classification of impairment by Dwan TM, Ownsworth T, Chambers S, Walker DG, Shum DHK. Comparing a single case to a control sample: testing for neuropsychological deficits and dissociations in the presence of covariates.

“i can’t get no satisfaction”: measuring student satisfaction in the age of a consumerist higher education

Not least of the achievements arising from this, has been the massive expansion of the franchise such that university education, once the prerogative of a small social elite who valued learning for the sake of enlightenment, is now the expectation of a large proportion of the population whose primary desire is to improve their position →

Corrigendum: thymoquinone inhibits virulence related traits of cronobacter sakazakii atcc 29544 and has anti-biofilm formation potential

02220 In the first paragraph in the " Introduction" of this article, the number of Cronobacter species was incorrectly described as ten. The original sentence should be corrected as follows: Cronobacter spp.is currently considered to consist of 7 species: Cronobacter sakazakii, C.malonaticus, C.universalis, C.dublinensis, C.muytjensii, C.condiment, and C.zurichensis, among which C.sakazaii is one of the →

Corrigendum: quantitative evaluation of a new posturo-locomotor phenotype in a rodent model of acute unilateral vestibulopathy

00505 In the original article, there was a mathematical formula error: " Speed = Distance x Time" A correction has been made to section " Discussion", Sub-section " Locomotion, Exploration, and Velocity of UVN Rats", Paragraph Number 6: The mathematical explanation with a simple formula " Speed = Distance / Time", informs us that if →

Epidemiology paper essay sample

TB is transmitted from person to person via droplets from the throat and lungs of people with the active respiratory disease. One of the major role of the nurse is to improve the general health of the community as well as that of individuals and families.

Conservation hospice: a better metaphor for the conservation and care of terminal species

Conservation triage borrows from triage in medicine to suggest rapid calculations about the likelihood of extinction, and sometimes, the value of a species can guide resource allocation toward saving species in the most efficient manner possible. Wilson and Law convincingly argue that public dialog and debate over how resources are used to save species is →

Editorial: a matter of bottom-up or top-down processes: the role of attention in multisensory integration

Editorial on the Research Topic A Matter of Bottom-Up or Top-Down Processes: The Role of Attention in Multisensory Integration Our everyday environments are multisensory and our brains handle this rich information in an extremely efficient way. The curious incident of attention in multisensory integration: bottom-up vs.top-down.

Global health issues

When looking at the pattern of health care around the world, the WHO World Health Report 2008 found some common contradictions: 1- Inverse care People with the most means whose needs for health care are often less consume the most care, whereas those with the least means and greatest health problems consume the least. The →


The elements of strategic management that are found in the article are some of the components of internal analysis and positioning strategy and they are related to the subject of the article because it describes why Mayo Clinic is a leading health care brand. Mayo Clinic asserts that its success is a product of its →

Behavioral implications of biological developmental changes in the human past

It is this process which have manifested in humans the most, after they justified their candidature before natural selection through its various stages of evolution, ranging from bipedalism to the development of language, save the development of brain-size in between. Some might call humans lucky to find the environment conducive to reach this stage, some →

Synthetic biology applications in industrial microbiology

However, in addition to exploiting the utility of naturally evolved phenotypes, the principles, strategies, and tools of synthetic biology are now being applied to facilitate the engineering of tailor-made microbes capable of tackling some of society's most important and toughest challenges. For example, within the realm of industrial microbiology, progress in the field of synthetic →

Midwest healthcare system

The medical director needs to clarify the total number of medical professionals under his department, the departments operating cost, activities whose funding can be cut and his suggestions to the current crisis.3. The above information will enable the CFO to identify the causes of the current crisis and the operating cost on a daily/weekly/monthly and →

The non-lipid risk factors for cardiovascular events

Non-Lipid Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Flow Basis Markers Introduction: Innumerable epidemiological studies have established the major ical and discovered a number of putative risk factors for ischaemic heat disease. The principal predictive potential to assess degrees of progression towards cardiovascular disease is assaying the levels of these risk factors in the blood.

Editorial: socio-ecology of microbes in a changing ocean

The Frontiers Research Topic Socio-Ecology of Microbes in a Changing Ocean invited contributions on microbial signaling and communication, the effect of microbial interactions on microhabitat structuring, the function of secondary metabolites in bacterial antagonism and microbe-host interactions, the conversion and cross-feeding of nutrients, microbial physiology and gene regulation in response to co-occurring organisms, as well →

Editorial: quantitative phase imaging and its applications to biophysics, biology, and medicine

The development of a series of label-free imaging techniques, including differential interference microscopy [ 2 ] and reflection interference contrast microscopy [ 3 ], has dramatically expanded the applicability of microscopy for the precise investigation of the morphology of cells and subcellular organelles. Linares-Loyez et al.present a method that utilizes quantitative intensity and phase imaging →

Mri scanners for neurosurgery suite

Senior management staff development The Medical Director to be funded to attend a conference on MRI safety and risk management and required to produce a report to senior management team on lessons applicable to the local context. Thereafter this session to be offered as part of orientation program for all staff new to the MRI →

Measurement of cholesterol homeostasis health essay

In contrast, a 1-SD increase in each of the cholesterol absorption surrogateswas associated with a 147%, 87% and 57% increase in the risk of CHD respectively. The Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk [40], which investigated the association between plasma markers of cholesterol synthesis and cholesterol absorption atbaseline and after treatment with →

Commentary: patient cost sharing and medical expenditures for the elderly

The authors provided us with a valuable contribution on the effects of such policies on the demand for medical services and costs within the subpopulation of senior citizens. 1016/S0277-953600163-9 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Ogura, S." The cost of aging: public finance perspectives for Japan," in Aging in the United States and Japan: →

Sexual violence

Sexual Violence The article published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention " Sexual Violence, Stalking, and Intimate Partner Violence Widespread in the US" tells about rape and sexual violence being a very serious problem that affects millions of people each year. The article emphasizes the devastating impact of this sexual violence on the →

Health policy in salford manchester health and social care essay

In the research methodological analysis there is the undermentioned general treatment on the conducting of the research and some apprehension of type basic construct of the qualitative and quantitative methods. From the above tabular array Model Summary there is the analysis of assorted factors such as R is a step of the correlativity between the →

Cortical-subcortical interactions in depression: from animal models to human psychopathology

As such, a greater understanding of the pathophysiology of MDD both in animal models as well as in humans are highly relevant to better understanding the disorder and to potentially improving treatment. These studies suggest that the temporal dynamics of PFC-VS connectivity may be impaired in MDD and in particular the ability to maintain adaptive →

Corrigendum: prestigious science journals struggle to reach even average reliability

While the number of scientists has been growing exponentially over the last decades, the number of journals with a large audience has not kept up, neither has the number of articles published per journal. Assuming that this exclusivity allows the journals to separate the wheat from the chaff, successful publication in these journals is treated →


For example, the catalyzed dissociation of a compound is hastened by exposing it to a positively charged catalyst, which attracts the anionic component of the reactant, and subsequently weakens the ionic bond between them. Decreasing the concentration of scaffold may be considered to try and balance stability and function of enzyme.

The concept of public health and its relationship with budgeting

Public health and health care services have been analyzed and differentiated in that, public health relates to the organization of community efforts to improve the health of a given population of people. Mandatory spending is that part of the federal budget which is allocated by law toward the provision of such programs as social security →

The interaction of immune priming with different modes of disease transmission

Conflating infected and infectious states, however, obscures the impact of priming on the correlative and dynamical relationships between parasite replication, pathology, and transmission. Therefore, the effect of priming on the stability of the DFE would depend on the magnitude change of and relative to mortality.

Editorial: hand and touch: evolution, ability, and preference

In this special issue, seven articles discuss the impact of haptic contribution, task complexity, and other factors in the expression of hand or limb preference, in infants and adult humans, and in other species. Interestingly, when a newborn is presented with an object in hand in the absence of vision, s/he shows visual recognition of →

The promises and realities of integration in synthetic biology: a view from social science

As societies face more complex environmental, health, and industrial challenges, and governments and the private sector turn to the promises of synthetic biology innovations, a global shift must occur in the way that science is organized and valued. A primary driver for the integration of social and biological sciences in the field of synthetic biology →

Accident investigation

With the revelation of information such as details of the injured individual, the nature of the injury endured and the body orientation to the particular line of duty, it brings light to the situation, giving precision as to whom or what was at fault. In such a situation, blame and fault may fall on the →

Editorial: mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum dysfunction in parkinson’s disease

Editorial on the Research Topic Mitochondria and Endoplasmic Reticulum Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease Endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria are distributed in close communication via a dynamic ER-calcium mitochondria interconnection and regulate a plethora of vital cellular functions, including Ca 2+ homeostasis, mitochondrial transport and dynamics, bioenergetics, ER stress, apoptotic signaling, and inflammation. The roles of PINK1, →

Music feels like moods feel

By " the aesthetic experience of music" I mean the listener's evaluative experience of the music which constitutes the listener's belief that the music has aesthetic value. Carroll points out that the evocation of a mood can help in the recognition of the expressed mood in the music, as the evoked mood aids the discovery →

Human brain physiology investigated in the disorder of consciousness

In particular, it should be emphasized how the surviving brain structures and networks identified in VS/UWS compare as to anatomy and modes of activation to those observed in healthy subjects under comparable stimulus/task conditions. In a reversed perspective, the findings of neuroimaging research would thus provide unique information about unconscious brain mechanisms or functions that →

Smokeless tobacco use as a risk factor for periodontal disease

Large numbers of studies have been conducted to understand the role of smoking in the etiology of periodontal diseases and the available data show that smoking is associated with increased prevalence and severity of periodontal disease, which may be due to the adverse effects of tobacco smoke on the physiology, immunology, and microbiology of the →

Response: “newborn chicks need no number tricks. commentary: number-space mapping in the newborn chick resembles humans’ mental number line”

Notably, in the third condition a negative correlation was there between overall area and number: the overall area of the 32 elements was smaller than that of the 20 elements, and the overall area of the 20 elements was smaller than that of the 8 elements. Shaki and Fischer also suggested that the complexity, and →

Editorial: anatomy and plasticity in large-scale brain models

NeuroBox provides a link between the description of the morphology of neurons and networks on the one hand and the simulation of such networks in the simulation framework UG4 on the other hand. This shows that neuromorphic hardware is already up to the task of simulating detailed anatomy and plasticity in large-scale brain models.

Distinct immunologic properties of soluble versus particulate antigens

In light of the above, we directly tested the hypothesis that particulation of a soluble self-protein, i.e, mouse serum albumin, may lead to the breaking of self-tolerance in non-autoimmune mice, manifested by induction of CD4 + T cell-dependent antigen-specific antibody responses. Of note, attachment of the soluble conjugate to 1- m latex beads or to →

The risk of diabetes versus coronary disease health essay

From the first results of the study Framingham both conditions were considered as risk factors for coronary heart disease, and in recent years the incidence of obesity explosive in developed countries, together with the growing understanding of their relationship with the occurrence of symptomatic insulin resistance and the onset of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus has made →

Pathophysiology of dvt formation health and social care essay

DVT is the consequence of a figure of factors that include stasis of blood, endothelial hurt, and hypercoagulability of blood. The frequency of symptomless PE in patients with DVT to be 40 %.

Microrna basis of physiological hypertrophy

Cardiac hypertrophy is a distinguished feature of several physiological and pathological remodeling. Hypertrophy of the heart: a new therapeutic target?

The plastoquinone pool, poised for cyclic electron flow?

The relative contribution of cyclic compared to linear electron flow depends on the redox poise of electron carriers, and is also dependent upon the relative turnovers of the two photosystems. The use of monochromatic actinic light in the spectral region around 700 nm shows that, concurrent to the " red drop" of LEF, a " →

On the value of earthquake scenario: the kathmandu recent lesson

After the 1995 Kobe earthquake that caused economic losses of 178 billion dollars, the 2011 Tohoku earthquake in Japan is known as being the event that caused the greatest direct and indirect costs, on a level to match the scale of the earthquake itself: a direct economic impact of around 187 billion dollars was estimated, →

Editorial: scents that matter—from olfactory stimuli to genes, behaviors and beyond

Both classes of scents warn about a potential threat, which is intended in the case of pheromones, but unintended in the case of kairomones as they lead to a detriment of the emitter. In addition to the general impact of predator odors on the behavior of prey animals, an interesting line of research is the →

Enhancements needed in ge crop and food regulation in the u.s.

Ag Inc, and especially those companies and growers significantly dependent on exports, will no longer accept the collateral market damage caused by the shortcomings of the Coordinated Framework and the corollary erosion of confidence in the science supporting the regulation of agricultural biotechnology in the U.S. As part of this ongoing process, the Food and →

Editorial: what determines social behavior? investigating the role of emotions, self-centered motives, and social norms

Investigating the Role of Emotions, Self-Centered Motives, and Social Norms In the last decade, a growing research effort in behavioral sciences, especially psychology and neuroscience, has been invested in the study of the cognitive, biological, and evolutionary foundations of social behavior. Within this context, we can define a behavior of interest any change of the →

Editorial: mitochondria in skeletal muscle health, aging and diseases

In the present research topic, Romanello and Sandri provide readers with a thorough and critical review on the current knowledge linking mitochondrial function, dynamics and quality control in the regulation of muscle mass. In their review, Ryan et al.first highlight the importance of skeletal muscle in the manifestation of Critical Limb Ischemia, and then provide →

Editorial: the impact of microorganisms on consumption of atmospheric trace gases

Editorial on the Research Topic The Impact of Microorganisms on Consumption of Atmospheric Trace Gases Gases with a mixing ratio of Conrad, 2009; Arneth et al, 2010; Penuelas and Staudt, 2010 ). The Research Topic is complemented by three review articles about the consumption of CH 4 and monoterpenes, as well as the role of →

Editorial: severe eosinophilic disorders: mechanisms and clinical management

To promote improved understanding of the eosinophil, a pleiotropic multifunctional leukocyte, and associated eosinophilic diseases, potentially leading to advances in clinical management, we sought with this Research Topic both original research and review articles that were truly bench to bedside in their consideration of severe eosinophilic disease, encompassing studies of eosinophil cell biology and immunology, →

Maintaining glycemic control in youths with type 2 diabetes: a study

The participants in the study were randomly assigned to the study in order to improve validity and reliability of the findings. The study was able to determine that monotherapy with metformin was linked with lasting glycemic control in more than half of the participants.

Of adding oranges and apples: how non-abstract representations may foster abstract numerical cognition

It is also among those core domains of knowledge that while being prepared for unfolding in the human species nonetheless requires cultural mediation to unfold to its full potential: Not only is the availability of a conventionalized counting sequence essential for accurate counting and calculating, acquiring a counting sequence in the first place is also →

Editorial: reward- and aversion-related processing in the brain: translational evidence for separate and shared circuits

This speaks to the subjectivity and malleability of pain experience, and also to the context-dependence and interplay of affect, value and motivation alluded to by Madan. Hayes' work echoes that of Sinakevitch and Ducrot by proposing that GABA-containing cells play a central role in valuative processing and suggests that long- and short-range GABAergic circuitry likely →

Corrigendum: the use of subscores in higher education: when is this useful?

A corrigendum on The Use of Subscores in Higher Education: When Is This Useful? by Meijer, R. 00305 In the original article, there was an error: There were a couple of incorrect numbers.

Editorial: vascularization for regenerative medicine

In fact, diffusion from the surrounding blood vascular bed only reaches the outer shell of the graft, resulting in cell death in the central core of the implants and limiting tissue ingrowth to the outer 1 2 mm. The importance of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in regenerative medicine is highlighted by four articles, which describe several →

Editorial: is early onset of alcohol use associated with later alcohol use?

The other mini-review of this Topic, that of Towner and Varlinskaya, reviews the pre-clinical literature on the effects of adolescent alcohol exposure on later alcohol acceptance and associated behavioral alterations. The findings and discussions presented in this Topic suggest that delaying age of first alcohol use is a deterrent of subsequent engagement in risky drinking →

True cost of health care

The factor of research, technology, and innovation has greatly affected the overhead cost of health care. About $2trilion is spent every year on the health care system in the research of new drugs and treatment procedures.

The principle of inversion: why the quantitative-empirical paradigm cannot serve as a unifying basis for psychology as an academic discipline

Quantitative science and the definition of measurement in psychology.Br.J. 11 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Russo Krauss, C." The spread of the new definition of psychology," in Wundt, Avenarius, and Scientific Psychology, ed C.

The contingency of the lifeworld in a world of standards. repertoires of resignification in (evidence-based) healthcare organization

Late modernity also sought to contain the inexhaustible variability of life through the tools of instrumental rationality, systematically separating the necessary means from the ends pursued, the rationality of the process from the value of the goals, and the performative function from the symbolic meaning. It is the apotheosis of the exception, the unexpected, and →

Hepatitis a

Hepatitis A Hepatitis A is a very serious and critical disease which affects the liver of a human bodythe most. For the diagnosis of hepatitis A several blood tests are carried out and the entire medical history of the patient is observed so as to prevent from any wrong conclusions because it is a highly →

Integrity in and beyond contemporary higher education: what does it mean to university students?

Given the importance of integrity to higher education, it is unsurprising that the perception of a " cheating culture" in academic settings has sparked growing concern and attention. Participants were informed that the present study aims to define and understand integrity from the student's perspective, as part of identifying the goal of higher education to →

Book review: social ecology in the digital age: solving complex problems in a globalized world

The social ecological perspective draws on concepts and approaches from the social sciences, as well as physical and life sciences and the humanities to examine the nested and interconnected nature of human-environment systems. His own evolution as a social ecologist is reflected in the topics and examples in the rest of the book.

Food delivery apps and the negative health impacts for americans

While we have a basic understanding of who is using these food delivery service applications and what they are ordering, there is currently no research to support how digital food ordering affects health and wellness on an individual level or from a public health perspective in the U.S. Food Delivery Industry in the U.S.- Statistics →

Teenage pregnancy: why is this important? essay sample

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the applicability of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model to the development of specific care interventions for one particular population: teen parents in Virginia. The PRECEDE-PROCEED model is by far the most popular and most researched model in the field of health promotion and health education.

Genetic contributions to intergroup responses: a cautionary perspective

A, and Van Bavel, J.J." A neural analysis of intergroup perception and evaluation," in The Handbook of Neuroscience for the Behavioral Sciences, Vol. M, and Hirschhorn, J.N.

Media literacy, scientific literacy, and science videos on the internet

The second section discusses the roles of media literacy and scientific literacy in the context of science videos on the internet, emphasizing audience psychology. Elements of this landscape include the producers of video content, the messages contained in the videos, the online video distribution platforms, and the audiences watching the videos.

Reef shark science – key questions and future directions

Therefore, defining which species of sharks use coral reef habitats, the proportion of time they spend on reefs, and how the level of dependence changes between species and/or across reef environments remains crucial to understanding their role, and ultimately predicting the ecological consequences of population declines. Reef-generalist species are the most well known group of →

Covid-19 and the elderly: who cares?

Reports and discussions about the current situation and state of knowledge, information about risks and protective behaviors, and predictions of future scenarios related to COVID-19 are almost omnipresent in the media these days. A strong public health response in the form of urgent and joint action is needed to generate preparedness and to protect →

False advertising: can you trust advertisements? essay sample

Consumers trust manufacturers to provide truthful information in their advertisements-but that is not always what they receive." Marketers and consumers engage in a relationship the ultimate purpose of which is the exchange of products for money" As a consumer it is easy to believe the slanted or misleading information advertisers use, but need to keep →

Commentary: sound-making actions lead to immediate plastic changes of neuromagnetic evoked responses and induced β-band oscillations during perception

010 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Fujioka, T, Ross, B, and Trainor, L.J. 010 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Pascual-Leone, A." The brain that plays music and is changed by it," in The Cognitive Neuroscience of Music, eds I.

Editorial: novel approaches for studying creativity in problem-solving and artistic performance

These three ways of developing novel methodological approaches thus involve: the development of novel methods; the novel application of tried-and-tested methods; and the novel combination of previously separate methodologies. Given the focus of the Research Topic, we have decided to address the articles in terms of their methodological approaches, rather than the type of creativity →

Advocacy plan

Parents are ill-equipped with the knowledge of how to take care of their babies during the first year. What are the changes or outcomes you want to see?

Editorial: metal hydride-based energy storage and conversion materials

Editorial on the Research Topic Metal Hydride-Based Energy Storage and Conversion Materials Energy storage and conversion materials are of critical importance in the development and utilization of new renewable clean energies. This special issue of Metal Hydride-Based Energy Storage and Conversion Materials is focused on the synthesis, catalyst development, and nano-structuring of light metal hydrides →

Perspectives in the use of tannins as alternative to antimicrobial growth promoter factors in poultry

In this context and to preserve the effectiveness of important human drugs the FDA prohibited the use of fluoroquinolones in chickens and turkeys in the United States, based on evidence that use of these antimicrobials in poultry caused development of resistance of thermofilic Campylobacter species. 01492-10 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Longstaff, →

Editorial: multiple sclerosis – from bench to bedside: currents insights into pathophysiological concepts and their potential impact on patients

In a study, Faigle et al.examined the role of citrullinated peptides identified in the MS brain tissue, and concluded that citrullination may not be important for the activation of T cells, but could be the consequence of the inflammatory cascade. The importance of environmental factors, the microbiome, aging, gender, and hormones appears to play a →

Neurobehavioral effects of levetiracetam in patients with traumatic brain injury

Szarflarski et al studied a group of 52 patients the majority of which suffered a severe TBI in a randomized single-blinded study comparing PHT and LEV. Changing trends in the use of seizure prophylaxis after traumatic brain injury: a shift from phenytoin to levetiracetam.

Commentary: false-positive effect in the radin double-slit experiment on observer consciousness as determined with the advanced meta-experimental protocol

The study was part of a series of experiments we and others have performed to investigate the role of the observer in quantum mechanics, an enigma discussed at length by the founders of quantum theory and recently informed by empirical evidence supporting the idea that quantum theory " should be interpreted in an observer-dependent way". →

Book review: tortillas wheat flour and corn products

Corn and wheat are the base for the manufacturing of an array of important staples, including tortillas, which are considered as the most important staple food for the Mexico and some Latin American countries. Taking all these aspects into account, this book aimed to: provide a deep review of production and processing of tortillas for →

Health care spending trends

Thus, the overall cost of health care reduces, since, for example, patients do not have to travel long distances to meet the physicians.3. The Unsustainable Cost of Health Care.

Calcium-activated potassium channels in ischemia–reperfusion: learning for the clinical application

The article by Tano and Gollasch published in Frontiers in Physiology reviewed the involvement of Ca ++-sensitive K + channels in ischemia and reperfusion, with cardio-vascular and brain models mostly discussed, where the increased Na + inflow activates Na + Ca ++ exchanger, and leads to cell membrane depolarization. Graft ischemia results in inhibition of →

Judging the fertility protective effect of gnrh agonists in chemotherapy—it is a matter of perspective

A new study now adds even more fuel to the fire of the discussion because it investigated the long-term protective effect of GnRHa on the ovaries for the first time and was not able to demonstrate a long-term effect. A meta-analysis and the very recently presented OPTION randomized controlled trial performed in the UK provide →

Corrigendum: cross-bioaugmentation among four remote soil samples contaminated with oil exerted just inconsistent effects on oil-bioremediation

02827 In the original article, the reference for " Di Gregorio et al, 2014" was incorrectly written as " DiGregorio, S, Castglione, M. Biostimulation of the autochthonous bacterial community and bioaugmentation of selected bacterial strains for the depletion of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a historically contaminated soil.

Editorial: celebrating twenty years of the brazilian symposium on cardiovascular physiology

Editorial on the Research Topic Celebrating Twenty Years of the Brazilian Symposium on Cardiovascular Physiology This research topic is dedicated to the celebration of 20 years of the Brazilian Symposium on Cardiovascular Physiology. One of his disciples, Miguel Covian, was invited to be the chair of the Department of Physiology in the School of Medicine →