Essay Samples about Countries for Student Inspiration

How canada gained from becoming independent from great britain

What Canadians did to contribute to WWI, for themselves in the Halibut Treaty, and how they handled the Chanak Crisis all lead to Canada becoming a country and a truly independent nation from Great Britain from the years 1914-1928. How Canada contributed in WWI, how we handled the Chanak Crisis, and what was done to →

Essay on declaration rights history class

This will be explained by the discussion that will follow on each of the above named documents and comparisons between the documents. The document on the declaration of rights of the first continental congress is based on a congress that was held in Pennsylvania. The declaration was a model for bills of rights →

History research paper examples

The overwhelming majority of all these people was accused in collaboration with Poland , Japan and Germany. The key reason for these actions was a creation of the atmosphere of fear in the Soviet society and paranoia of the state leaders, but there were also growing number of facts about real espionage →

The history of music in england and its context to cultural identity and how it research papers example

The first source will be a book named " Sound tracks popular music, identity and place" by John Connell and Chris Gibson, the second source will be a great article regarding immigration from " Global Issues" journal and the third source will be another article from a journal from " Studies in Music History" helping →

History argumentative essay samples

In order to understand how and why this transpired, one needs to go back in time and understand Europe as it was in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Background The Rise of Europe between 1500 and 1850 was largely accounted for by the growth of European nations which shared their borders with the Atlantic, →

Free the origins of american independence essay sample

One of these was the Tea Acts in 1773 which allowed the British East India Company to sell inexpensive tea to the colonists which prevented the merchants from the colonies from selling their tea. GOVERNANCE One of the major reasons for the split of the colonies from Great Britain had to do with how →

Les maitres fous and theories of colonialism research paper example

At the same time, Durkeim would find merit in the collective conscience that the Hauka people discovered; the rituals would then be a way for the whole of the Hauka culture to gather around and maintain a kind of social order within that framework - a mechanical solidarity. Every bit of the ritual - from →

World war i – the battle at belleau wood research papers examples

The introduction of the use of airplanes and submarines for war was also seen in this war. At the outbreak of World War I, the United States had nothing to do it. The end of their training will signify the start of the offensive attacks with the French army in order to defeat the Germans. →

Chimamanda adichie: the danger of a single story – essay example

The danger of a single story is the subject presented by this great orator called Chimamanda Adichie, she relates her experience with literature and society pre-definitions, since her early years when she stared to read and write, as an Nigerian girl raised with not a lot bibliographic resources the material that she red as →

Essay summary of female mill workers in england and japan

But the main focus will be the women and young girls in the textile industry of England and Japan. In conclusion, European and Japanese female mill workers were very similar and critical to the rise in power.

Differences between the french and spanish

The Spanish came as conquerors; the resulting political system was entirely autocratic and solely devoted to the furthering of the motherland. To cover the shortfall, the Spanish government both borrowed money by being interested in bearing state bonds and assigned the revenues from future years to the bankers if they would pay the defense contracts →

Example of should britain break ties with the eu essay

Statement 1 One reason Britain must move away from the European Union is the dwindling status of the EU to the British public as the media shows how weak the EU is becoming and they do not feel that it would be good for them in the long run. A. Supporting Statement: According to →

Tutoring two esl students research paper example

I originally came up with the idea of tutoring these students because most of the ESL students use the internet to learn the English language, which is a tool not recommended in the learning process. Out of the two students, Student B had a little bit of difficulty in naming some of the pictures that →

Good example of theme: the obligations of the government limiting to sovereignty but not freedom from a perspective of a non-pennsylvanian essay

INQUIRY: As stated in Part IV- Government of the article of correspondence in " Some Fruits of Solitude in Reflections and Maxims, 1682" by William Penn, the obligation that shaped the government comes in many shape, " But 't is Sovereignty, tho' not Freedom, in all of them" , how does one constitute independence →

Free research paper on race is on to find life under antarctic ice sheet

The U.S.and British teams will drill with hot water melted from ice filtered and UV radiated to ensure purity and will immediately withdraw samples from the lakes before the borehole re-freezes. However, Valery Lukin, in charge of the Russian expedition, states that boiling water falling into the lakes will contaminate them, and therefore casts doubts →

Declaration of independence essay

We will be focusing on the events that led to the declaration of the independence and the people who have been a source of inspiration to the history of America. By this statement, Jefferson recognized the fact that the thirteen colonies have been under the oppressive rule of the British government and were not being →

Example of essay on american revolution compared to french revolution

It started as a political battle to detach itself from the monarchy. On the other hand, in France the common people were suffering from an extreme poverty for decades which ultimately resulted in the revolution. First, they demanded their representation in the court and when one of the representatives was barred from the court by →

A king at war with parliament

Region Based on the map, which area of England did Parliament gain in their victory at Marston Moor? 9. Location Based on the map, did King Charles I or Parliament win the battle at Lostwithiel and gain control of southwest England? 10.

Free personal statement on cardiology

I also love the hands-on skills of procedures and I am confident that I can be the best once I get the necessary training. I have also audited other works on internal medicine in addition to reviewing journals such as the Canadian Medical Association Journal and the Journal of Internal Medicine.

Book review on around the world in eighty days

Even through the hasty detail of events, the writer manages to capture the attention of the reader through the brilliantly explained almost realistic events that Fogg encounters. Elements of the story Plot Phileas Fogg, the Englishman fashions an interesting tale as he makes his way around the most →

Free henry vii essay sample

The First Tudor Henry VII and the Dawn of Tudor England Thomas Penn's book is an excellent portrayal of King Henry VII who is often overlooked by historians, but who was credited to have started the Tudor reign. The elder Henry was a distant, unsociable miser who saw his calling as acquiring vast →

Impacts of education in subsidy literature review sample

In fact in United States and United Kingdom, the returns of education have been established to be very high and important for the noted recent economic growths. But with the incentive that provides the conditional cash transfers, more students were noted to participate in school and education activities, and at the long run, completion rate →

Late victorian holocausts critical thinking example

He is circumspect about some policies which professed ignorance on the situation actually indicting the British for perpetrating a holocaust on an unimaginable scale and which can never really be forgiven. One also has to make allowances for the changes in climate brought about by the El Nino Southern Oscillations which caused many of the →

English language: key to global access

Thus, the given situations emphasize the importance of the English language in the field of globalization. In addition to this, English language can also lead the progress of a nation.

Tecumseh biography example

William Henry Harrison, Tecumseh's future nemesis fought their initial battle at the Fallen Timbers in 1794, a loss the Native countries that was conducive to theft of the vast majority of Ohio and additional financial and cultural decline. Tecumseh was cognizant of the fact that the infiltration of the Americans was leading to the decline →

The future of ethnicity in america

People are less and less interested in their ethnic cultures and organizations and are instead more concerned with maintaining their ethnic identity, with the feeling of being Jewish or Italian or Polish, and with finding ways of feeling and expressing that identity in suitable ways. Whether the continuation of White ethnic distinctiveness and identity will →

Free essay about stuart hall and ulrich beck

Thus, in Britain, the differences between the whites and blacks had a role to play in the way in which the whites treated the blacks. Hall writes that the whole question of ethnicity has penetrated deep into the social structure of the people, and it has its roots firmly anchored among the societal values and →

Example of essay on the scottish national party and the

In the months since the referendum was defeated, analysts have provided numerous political, social, and economic factors that aid in explaining why the Scottish government lost the referendum. The Scottish National Party The current leader of the SNP is newly elected Nicola Sturgeon. The Young Scots for Independence and Federation of Student Nationalists have →

Sample essay on colonization in early america

Notably, the two regions were the New England and the Chesapeake areas. Certainly, from the beginning, both regions had unique and separate identities. New England was at the north of Chesapeake and comprised of Plymouth and the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Hypocrisy: united kingdom and language george orwell

Based on the fact that environment affects language and his admission to the crime in Politics in the English Language, he IS in fact a hypocrite. Based on the facts that I have provided in this speech, Orwell IS in fact a hypocrite.

Founding of america research papers examples

Thus, it was seen as the most incendiary and most accepted booklet of the whole radical era. Thomas Paine's Common Sense, and the Declaration of Independence, conflicts with the Selections of the Federalist, in a number of ways. This paints a picture of the Great Britain establishing a colony in →

Research paper on current distribution of power at the global level

Russia and China have started to challenge United States over the issue of oil in Middle East, Japan and India has started to compete over the natural gases and oil bases. Other nations which are challenging United States with their international ambitions are Russia, France, Britain and Germany. During Nicholas Sarkozy's helm of France they →

Good london’s model of multiculturalism research paper example

Among main reasons that make London one of the most culturally vibrant cities are: - A great number of museums and galleries, and three of them are in TOP 10 in the world; - Tower of London, Maritime Greenwich, Westminster Palace which includes Westminster Abbey and Saint Margaret's Church as well as Kew's Royal Botanic Gardens are →

Research paper on englands political system parliamentary democracy

These are the executive led by the office of the Prime Minister, the legislature which is bicameral in nature and is composed of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. This essentially implies that the legislature is composed of two houses, namely, the House of the Lords and the House of Commons.

Jeffersons declaration essay sample

The two primary sources that Jefferson borrowed from in drafting the Declaration were; his own draft of the preamble to the Virginia Constitution and George Mason's draft of Virginia's Declaration of Rights. The words that directly attacked the King were deleted. Secondly, the paragraph dealing with the abolition of slavery was deleted by the continental →

Free essay on gandhi: growth of a national leader

A product of his times, Gandhi symbolized the kind of native self-realization and empowerment that ushered in one of the great sea changes of history, the retrenchment of imperialism as an ideology and the great rise of nationalism that is still very much in evidence today. As a young man, Gandhi's conception of the world →

Research paper on mahatma gandhi a political leader or social reformer

It also led to the introduction of the Buddhist concept theosophy concept of, which illustrated his entry into the nirvana for the purpose of serving others. Therefore, in London the relations established by Gandhi laid the basis for his entry as a social reformer driven by the need to serve others. As a social reformer, →

Soc sci 16 : rizal (notes for final)

SOC SCI 16 : RIZAL CHAPTER 8: Noli Me Tangere Published - Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin portrays the brutalities of American slave owners and the pathetic condition of the unfortunate Negro Slave - Uncle Tom's Cabin inspired Rizal to prepare a novel that would depict the miseries of →

Conquest of panay and other islands

With the aid of the Cebuanos, however, Legaspi withstood the blockade and succeeded in forcing Pereira to lift the blockade and leave the Philippines. There, on the banks of the Panay River, Legaspi founded the second Spanish settlement in the Philippines.

Filipino people and rizal

The woman of Rizal's time responded to the first appeal in the interest of the welfare of the people. Her frivolity, and that of Paulita G mez, who is greatly enamored by the trappings of the elite, who loves the man who could maintain the needs of her class, and who is a vain and →

Current events in the philippines and how it affects good governance

It is the biggest problem now a days in the government, imagine how many senators, congressmen and government agencies are being involved and a lot of budget are being wasted because of these fake NGOS and this is the example of a perfect crime. The second trending issue is on the environment, →

Text analysis of “noli me tangere” – barlaan

TONE: The superstitious and hypocritical fanaticism of many who consider themselves religious people; the ignorance, corruption, and brutality of the Filipino civil guards; the passion for gambling unchecked by the thought of duty and responsibility; the servility of the wealthy Filipino towards friars and government officials; the ridiculous efforts of Filipinos to dissociate themselves from →

Spanish colonization

The eventual outcome was a new Roman Catholic majority of the main Austronesian lowland population, from which the Muslims of Mindanao and the upland tribal peoples of Luzon remained detached and alienated (such as the Ifugaos of the Cordillera region and the Mangyans of Mindoro). By 1571, when L pez de Legaspi established the Spanish →

Rizal in london essay sample

A noble gentleman with a beautiful influence on Filipino youth, he became one of Rizal's most trusted friends from the time of this Hong Kong visit, and played a vital part in Rizal's career thereafter) and the other Filipinos of Hong Kong are partisans and promoters of the book Noli Me Tangere. The study of →

History of ilocos region

Tingguians in the interior, Ilocanos in the north, and Pangasinense in the south settled the region. Before Region 1 was modified by Ferdinand Marcos, Pangasinan was not part of the region.

Agrarian reform project essay sample

According to the National Statistical Coordinating Board in 2006, farmers and fishermen are estimated to have the highest poverty incidence among the country's basic sectors (" Development of Poverty Statistics for the Basic Sectors", NSCB, Feb. Subsequently, the Department of Agrarian Reform began to screen three petitioning farmer groups as beneficiaries, →

Manila city

They are further grouped into the six legislative districts of Manila. Manila City proper is bounded on the north by Navotas and Caloocan City, on the northeast by Quezon City and San Juan del Monte, on the southeast by Mandaluyong and Makati, and on the south by Pasay City. Hoping to minimize the loss of →


The first novel, " Noli Me Tangere" was analytically considered as the " work of the heart" that made the Filipino readers at that time, felt the social injustices or social cancer; and the second novel, " El Filibusterismo", the continuation of the first, was considered as the " work of the head" as it →

Philippines and jose rizal

Soon, the wind blew the light of the candle and it reached the wings of the son moth and he died. He was a genius and the Pride of the Malayan race.

Philippine history reviewer part un

5 km (2x as long as the coastline of US) * Third country with the longest combined coastlines * Most strategic location for commerce Plains * The Central Plain largest lowland area in the country and known as the rice granary of the Philippines * Cagayan Valley the leading tobacco-producing region in Asia * Agusan →

Pandanggo sa ilaw luzon folk dance

History of Pandanggo sa Ilaw These a fore mentioned Philippine folk dances are ethnic in nature and origin. Some of the so-called " influenced" Philippine folk dances are the following: Pandango sa Ilaw, Cari osa, Balitao and Rigodon.

Topical structure of paragraphs written by filipino students essay sample

Specifically, the researcher analyzed the body paragraph of the essay the second paragraph of the essay which contained the meat of the composition. After identifying the topic subject, they were asked to plot the table and determine the progressions employed in the paragraphs, after which they indicated the number of occurrences of each type of →

Martial law in the philippines

I thought that I have already known a lot of things about the martial law that happened in the Philippines during late President Marcos' term.But I was wrong.After making the martial law exhibits, paying tribute to the Pisay martyrs, and hearing the talks of Pisay alumni and other martial law veterans, I can →


But what triggered the decision to rise up in arms against the Spanish authorities in Bohol was the refusal of a Jesuit priest to give a Christian burial to Dagohoy's brother. His hatred on the Spaniards grew to such intensity that he formed a secret society in Tondo to overthrow the invadersResentment of the natives →

Rizal and other heroes

He is the seventh of eleven children born to a middle class family in the town of Calamba, Laguna, Rizal attended the Ateneo Municipal de Manila and then traveled alone to Madrid, Spain where he studied medicine at the Universidad Central de Madrid, earning the degree of Licentiate in Medicine. He attended the University of →

Biography of ninoy aquino

Following the expulsion of the Japanese, the U.S.jailed Igno in Japan, then extradited him to the Philippines to be tried for treason. She had two stipulations, however; Ninoy had to promise to return to the Philippines, and he had to swear not to denounce the Marcos regime while in the U.S.

A plea to the government

A Plea to the Government He thought outside of the box, he was a game changer, his mind was more advanced compared with others and he fought peacefully with the use of his writings, he was an essayist, diarist, and a novelist, he is no other than, Dr. He was never of the same →

Kidlat club

Rizal and his friends attended the opening ceremonies and saw the cutting of the ribbon by Pres. Rizal and the members of the Kidlat Club were amazed to see the Buffalo Bull show which featured the American Indians.


By building the school, Juan Crisostomo Ibarra shows that he is genuinely concerned about the education and welfare of the Filipino people, because he puts the political squabbling aside in order to help the community. Reflection The key is in the first and last stanza, which he repeats, there is the tension of being away →

Philippines unemployment rate

80 percent in the third quarter of 2012 from 7 percent in the second quarter of 2012. The level of unemployment in the Philippines remained the same in July as a year ago, according to the National Statistics Office.

Periodization and key events in the life of

Wright Mills: an awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society (History + Biography + Social Structure) - FORMATIVE YEARS: 1861 1882 The Family * Rizal Family: one of the biggest families during their time / principalia class * Mercado: real surname adopted in 1731 by Domingo Lamco (paternal great great grandfather →

Brillantes review

Though the Philippines has had numerous milestones and setbacks in its struggle to empower the local governments, the perceived openness of the Filipinos to this form of devolution of powers and the observed progress and efficiency among local governments has revived the debate on the implementation of a Federal form of government. THE FUTURE OF →

Mi último adiós essay sample

Discussion of this nomination can be found on the talk page. The autographed first stanza of " Mi ltimo adi s" " Mi ltimo adi s" (Spanish for " My Last Farewell") is a poem written by Philippine national hero Dr Jos Rizal on the eve of his execution on 30 December 1896. 25, 1898 →

Jose rizal

They combine religion and patriotism and believe that the execution in Bagumbayan was just a phase that he had to endure to be in the presence of God. They also believe that Rizal is still alive and lives deep in the forest of Mount Makiling. Because of his famed reputation as a →

Report on philippine history

The war between the Muslim Filipinos and the Spaniards lasted for more than 300 years. The Muslim wars were brought about by the Spanish invasion of Mindanao and Sulu, preservation of Islam, and the love of adventure arising from the spoils of wars. The Governor ordered the pacification of the place and →

The count of monte cristo essay sample

The martyrdom of Gom-Bur-Za inspired Rizal to fight the evils of Spanish tyranny and redeem his oppressed people * Rizal dedicated the El Filibusterismo to Gom-Bur-Za Imprisonment of Teodora Alonzo. As the mother of a perceived enemy of the Spanish authorities, she was often made a target... Basilio has a change of heart and →

Pliant like a bamboo i.v. mallari essay sample

The Filipino is like the bamboo tree. The Filipino is eminently suited to his romanticrole. He is slender and wiry.

philippine basic education

A blog that tackles issues on basic education (in the Philippines and the United States) including early childhood education, the teaching profession, math and science education, medium of instruction, poverty, and the role of research and higher education." Bear in mind that the wonderful things you learn in your schools are →

National capital region: metro manila

Metro Manila is the political, economic, social, and cultural center of the Philippines, and is one of the more modern metropolises in Southeast Asia. The upper house of the legislature is located in Pasay City, and the lower house (House of Representatives of the Philippines) in Quezon City.

Beauty of summer

One of my most memorable trip was when I went to Baguio last 2008 which made me appreciate the true beauty of the summer capital of our country, the Philippines. I did not even noticed that we were already in Baguio because the car did not stop yet for we needed to look for a →

Reflection paper (concepts of development)

Moving on to the brighter and more positive side of the concepts of development, indeed, our government is doing the very best it can do to eliminate the crisis that our country is presently experiencing. Yes, our government believes and is currently implementing that there is a necessity to industrialize our country, to sustain our →

Summary of rizal’s life

But the education of a small town and a tutor did not sufficiently quench the young man's thirst for knowledge and soon, the family began to make preparations for his admission to the Ateneo Municipal de Manila, in the capital of the Philippines. The school was run by the Jesuit Order and was one of →

A simple analysis of the philippine pre-historic era: restoring the filipino pride

Theories, notions, and speculations regarding the origin of Filipino people had been enshrouding the field of the Philippine history prior to the coming of the Spaniards and even before the Islamic infiltration in the country. Thus, aside from clearly indicating the presence of writing and of written records at the time, the LCI effectively links →

What if rizal was not exciled

He had become a farmer who himself worked hard, toiled, and happy in planting coffee and cacao and from 800 to 1, 000 coconuts.As adoctor, Rizal was aware of a wide spread of malaria due to mosquito bites. In order to get rid of malaria, he drained the swap where mosquitoes were →

Kashmir conflict

Cause of the Kashmir dispute :- India's forcible occupation of the State of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947 is the main cause of the dispute. India claims to have ' signed' a controversial document, the Instrument of Accession, on 26 October 1947 with the Maharaja of Kashmir, in which the Maharaja obtained →

Basel norms in india critical analysis

Reserve Bank of India introduced risk assets ratio system as a capital adequacy measure in 1992, in line with the capital measurement system introduced by the Basel Committee in 1988, which takes into account the risk element in various types of funded balance sheet items as well as non-funded off-balance sheet exposures. Capital adequacy ratio →

Laws and politics of india

The order of 1986 purported to apply to the State Article 249, which empowers Parliament to legislate even on a matter in the State List if a Rajya Sabha resolution so authorises it by a two-thirds vote. But it so amended Article 249 in its application to Kashmir as in effect to apply Article 248 →

Character change essay

Maya, who has become an American citizen, has adapted the western culture in which she is trying to fit in and find herself within while trying to abandon her Indian culture which is a big part of her. Maya always thought that she never wanted to marry an Indian man but finally sets a date →

Woman unknown-

Features Prologue Flash back Epilogue Understatement Prologue-The opening section of a work; a kind of introduction which is part of the work and not was common in drama in the 17th and 18th century. Tagore made a social criticism on the institution of marriage and dowry system in Indian society.

100 years of indian cinema…

If Phalke was the father of Indian cinema, Irani was the father of the talkie. The year also marked the beginning of the Talkie era in South Indian films.

Our indian villages

Government should take steps in order to improve the condition of Indian villages because the development in Indian villages will change the face of India villages are the backbone of INDIA. Finally my opinion is villages are backbone to the India and in India villages more number of families depends on the agriculture.

Good example of essay on women and their role in world history

The points can be refuted by showing, on the contrary, how important women were in the sketch of world history. The concept of the role of women, way back since the beginning of society to 1450CE, was as important as the progression of civilization. To interpret how world history had different representations of women in →

Role model

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam is the most luminous star in the history of Presidents in India. He was fascinated by the flight of seagulls. The boy who found his vision in the wings of seagull donning the spectacles of observance, leaped into fame in every step of life.Dr.

To examine the determinants of fdi in china and india and the causes for their difference.

If China, with its " new-found" belief in capitalism[2] can attract significant amounts of FDI, why India which is endowed with Western-type institutions and capitalist organizations cannotWhat causes the gap in volumes of FDI between the twoThis paper is going to address these questions by evaluating factors determining FDI based on current literature on FDI →


Thus, building the Digital Divide: a gap that separates the rich and the poor, a gap that is still widening up to this day and a gap that definitely needs to be bridged. Importance of bridging the gap In developed countries, the access to computers and the Internet and the ability to effectively use this →

Essay on prcis 7

Nevertheless, he communicates the very important message of the dutiful existence of human beings through his views of life and the civilization. V.S. If one abides by the philosophy of Gandhi, then he needs to abstain from indulging in comforts of life.

Kerala from sangam to dutch period

Arab and Persian writers and early Malayalam and medieval Tamil Literature say that the word kerala means the land of hills and mountains. Archaeological survey and excavations were started in Kerala by Ward and Conor in 1819.? there are 3 relics of the Historical period found in the various parts of Kerala.

The ik’ culture, ‘the pomo indians’ and the nayar society of southern india’ the ik essay sample

Briefly discuss why it is difficult to trust the accuracy of the anthropological evidence. The three cultures I have chosen to talk about in this essay are ' The Ik' culture, ' The Pomo Indians' and The Nayar Society of Southern India' The Ik is a culture from Northern Uganda. From looking at the →

Dharavi slum

Mumbai has thrived economically in the recent years and now has one of the highest property prices in the world. The project has a great prospect to improve the already large economy of Mumbai and huge amounts ofmoneywill be made in the selling of real estate in the Dharavi slum area.

Culture of pakistan essay sample

Culture of Pakistan comprises numerous diverse cultures and ethnic groups: the Punjabis, Kashmir Dardic, Wakhiris, Sindhis in east, Muhajirs, Makrani in the south; Baloch and Pashto in the west; and the ancient, Baltistani and Burusho communities in the north. Since the independence of the country in 1947 and establishment of Urdu as the →

Brave ladies of indian freedom movement

Her poems continue to inspire us. Rani Lakshmi Bai was the queen of the princely state of Jhansi, which is located on the northern side of India. To know the complete life history of Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi, read on. In the year 1842, she got married to the →

Gateway of india essay sample

The heart of India ( id= Whq2AAAAIAAJ).Hale.p.76. id= Whq2AAAAIAAJ. The Illustrated weekly of India ( id= YTUTAQAAMAAJ).

Child labour essay sample

The 3 articles selected for this review highlights the problems and solutions of child labour in a developed country UK and a developing country India, and the 3rd article further explores and builds on the other 2 articles in terms of causes of child labour. In 1st article ' child poverty and child outcomes', →

What were the social and political impacts of the partition of india and pakistan?

This essay is based on books and articles I have read as well as interviews from myfamilymembers and detailed research through the internet. One source I mainly used was a book by Gyanesh Kudaisya and Tai Yong Tan: The Aftermath of Partition in South Asia, which gave me a good idea of the aspects that →

Indian literature essay sample

A huge variety of literature spanning across history, culture and politics was written in this period. With the coming of the British in India, works started to be written in English language. Naidu was the first Indian woman to become the President of the Indian National Congress and the first woman to become the →

Political scenario in india essay sample

And the fact is that, voters are going to choose their leaders in the forthcoming election, but this the big criteria would be the election issues, unlike the Roti, Kapda Aur Makan. Politics in India takes place within the framework of a federal Westminster-style Parliamentary democratic constitutional republic, in which the President of India →