Genuine Research Paper Examples

Herzberg’s hygiene motivational model research paper examples

Herzberg established two key job factors that cause satisfaction and dissatisfaction at the workplace and referred as hygiene and motivators factors. The survey affirms that most of the teammates conquer with the fact that pay and supervision were the common dissatisfiers factors at the workplace.

Sample research paper on more or less public investment

The levels of public investments are of the essence in determining economic growth and development in the country. The levels of public investments play a crucial role in boosting the economic growth and development.

Guyana defence force in national development

THE GUYANA DEFENCE FORCE IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: CIVILIAN-MILITARY RELATIONS - SOME PERSPECTIVES The case for the Guyana Defence Force to be involved in national development is enshrine in the birth of the Force and it is articulated as the third part of the Force's tripartite role: 1." Defend the territorial integrity of Guyana.2. The Force β†’

Roles of ngos to development

They provide teaching and learning materials for some schools in the deprived areas in Ghana, improved access to education for adults and child rights in quality education. An example is GIGDEV an NGO based in the north which aims at helping adolescent girls by training them in batik tie and dye, hairdressing and sewing to β†’

Research paper on heroism and change society

In other cases, heroes enter a conflict with the change of the society and they are eventually eliminated because they are viewed as a threat to the society. They engage in scandals such as sex, drugs and alcohol that are a threat to the Society.

Research paper on cataract and the corrective surgery procedure

Visual loss due to cataract is due to clouding of the lens of the eye leading to the inability of light to pass through it and focusing on the retina in the back of the eye; the vision loss can be partial or complete in the affected eye. Unlike the epithelial cells found in other β†’

Rastafari and reggae music research papers examples

More so, its concern to fight the freedom of the people who have gone through oppression and subjugation is an indication that the course of this movement is for the common good. In a way to champion the interests of the white people, the bible received some changes in some of the texts.

Organizational change & development

According to Griffin, " Planned change that is designed and implemented in an orderly and timely fashion in anticipation on future events." There are twogoalsof planned change, i) It seeks to improve the ability of the organization to adopt to changes in its environment.ii) It seeks to change employee behavior. Griffin says," Organizational change is β†’

The development of route 128 in boston

Within the past fifty years the construction of the main central city of Boston in the 1950's and the urban renewal projects beginning in the 1960's inflated this urban problem. The highway that city planners created lead to growth in and out of the city, and now in the modern era with changes in society, β†’

Single-sex school research paper examples

Single-sex schools are in general oriented on academic progress and also pay a lot of attention to the development of every personality. Students who attended all-boys or all-girls schools are usually much more confident and motivated in class as they do not become distracted." Then, as they get older, boys and girls distract each other β†’

Blood brothers – development task

We used the stage directions to produce movement and facial expressions which were the main content of the scene, including the dialog. We did this to give the effect of emphasising Mrs Lyons' frustration and madness and to add more visual interest for the audience.

The development and decline of the rhondda coalfield

However, this was all too good to be true and the end of the steamship era and the fall-off in the export markets meant that coal production in the Rhondda declined steadily, resulting in all coal mines closing by the end of 1990. The Black Gold presentation follows the development of the Rhondda Valley from β†’

Research paper on friendship in fried green tomatoes at the whistle stop cafe

The activities of the white supremacist group, the Klux Klax Klan are mentioned, and through the story, a change in the perception of the society is depicted through the use of narrations. The theme of friendship and its guiding principles is well explored in the book.

The development of the bureau of alcohol

Due to the success of the Prohibition unit, in 1927 TAFT was granted its' own separate Bureau in the Department of the Treasury. These changes resulted in the TAFT moving from investigations of illicit alcohol to crimes involving firearms, explosives, and arson.

Historical development in the field of toxicology

Monosson, the most important are: Route of exposure Concentration of the substance at the site of contact Chemical and physical properties of the substance The relative roles of concentration and properties of the substance vary with the route of exposure. Two factors determine the rate of passive transfer: Differences in concentrations of the substance on β†’

Measuring the balance between teacher efficacy research paper example

Being able to take note of such truth pushes the teachers to become more aware as to how they make sure that they are able to reach out to each individual in their class and take note of the fact that they are learning as much as needed from the lessons they are being presented β†’

Example of media impact on 2 year old children research paper

The caregivers were not concerned with the effect the television had on the children. It has a detrimental effect on the language development and cognitive abilities of the children.

Sample research paper on brutality is never okay

In this, the police became not law-enforcers, but just another position where the strong take advantage of the weak In the 1950s and 1960s; the issues of police brutality became heavily associated with the Civil Rights Movement. No one wishes, again, to malign, all of the honorable and honest police officers that serve.

Development timeline (birth to 19 years)

Motor Ability: control of legs and feet; stands; creeps; apposition of thumb and fore-finger. 16+ YearsBecomes better able to set goals and think in terms of the future.

Usas tax reform research paper example

Issue: For the economic development and well-being of the Americans, should tax reform that focuses on tax cut be introduced by the Obama administration? Tax reformers also aim at the overall reduction in the rate of taxation of the Americans by the government.

Example of research paper on the importance of parental involvement in a childs education

Parental involvement in the education of children has been described by Hornby as the participation of parents in the educational process and experience of their children. Involvement of parents in their child's education contributes in fostering a more conducive environment for learning, development and boosting the child's self confidence.

Element bond research paper

The formation of mixtures does not lead to a change in the internal energy of the final mixture. The difference between ionic bonds and covalent bonds lie in the electro negativity of the constituent elements or compounds.

Good example of research paper on nutrition education to inmates

One of the main unhealthy habits the department is fighting in the modern world is unhealthy eating habits. Eating habits help develop the lifestyle of a person.

Research paper on an overview of psoriasis

In the past, the studies on psoriasis focused on the hyper- proliferation of the skin cells; but recently, the focus has changed to study the defects in the immune system that are an important part for the development of the disease. The first step in the process is the activation of dendritic cells and other β†’

The stages of group development

This is where the " understanding of the stages of group development" can help Christine as a team coordinator to keep the group united and productive as well. Also, this is the time when group members get the chance to assess their performance as an individual and as a group.

Free research paper about transition to modernity

According to the culture and rules of the society, Xiao is to be drowned according to the Confucian precepts. In the novella, Eileen tries to show the transformation in the family relationship and the liberation of women.

Free research paper about the event of hiroshima and nagasaki

The second nuclear age saw the spread of the nuclear arsenal beyond the possession of two world powers and countries like China, Israel, Pakistan and India embraced themselves in to the race and possession of nuclear arsenal giving them an edge over the other countries in terms of warfare. The second nuclear age has resulted β†’

Synthetic drug use in baltimore city research paper example

Among the 20 cases that were reported to the Maryland Poison Center, an institution that is run by the Maryland School of Pharmacy, one of the youths died from the effects of the drugs. The second type of synthetic drugs that are commonly used by youths in Baltimore city as well as in other parts β†’

Greek and the modern world research papers examples

The 18th century is known as the Enlightenment period, which was a time of intellectual development and great learning, and the thinkers have gradually challenged the concept of Ancient Greece over the period of time. When the structure of the United States was developed, the strengths of the Ancient Greece were utilized while making changes β†’

6-27-15 research papers examples

One of the challenges that the IT specialists will face is the ability to be competitive on the market. It means that the IT specialist of the future has to have knowledge in the field of economy, psychology and law, to be aware of the current situation and to be able to present himself to β†’

Development: advantages and disadvantages

This is best described by the changes in the way of life of the Ladakhi people in the midst of development. The study of Ladakh before and after the influences of development came into their place is a good example in order to measure the negative outcomes of development.

Political issues relate with information system and technology research paper example

The information system is a political issue because most of the time is hard to maintain them because they are expensive. Similarly, the political issue of the information system is that it causes unemployment.

Developmental stages matrix

During the transition Into early childhood, the body starts to transform in to what seems to appear as a mini adult form. The brain in middle adulthood goes through some changes and begins to slow down.

Is the world shrinking a study on globalization research paper example

Such forms the main context of globalization a continuing process of connecting people in different parts of the world. Tracing the Roots of Globalization and Business Principles.

Example of childrens mental development research paper

When in an academic setting, cognitive ability is important as it plays a role in the learning strategies the child uses and enables the student to be able to evaluate his or her own performance. Epistemological thought develops around the ages of 13 or 14 and involves the child being able to reflect on what β†’

Development forecasts

What is the status of the residential segment, and what is planned for the non-residential segment In terms of industrial, retail and office space? Keep track of the current status and upcoming activities of top companies by reading Construction sector in Romania 2014, development forecasts for 2014-2019.

The left brain vs the right brain how does it impact learning research paper example

Hence, the dominance of either part of the brain, left or right, can distinctly affect the personality of a person. Learning style of a person is also determined by the dominance of left- or right-brain.

Sample research paper on obesity and overweight as global diseases

The increase in growth of the fast food industry, in the developed countries has contributed significantly to the increase in cases of overweight and obesity. Overweight and obesity continue to be a global burden for the society because of the changes in physical nature of many jobs.

Example of research paper on social cognition and moral development

The study in moral development gives focus on the part of parents and peers in the development of moral behaviors of an individual. Self-reactiveness on the other hand, is the ability of a person to create and normalize the proper developments of action.

Research paper on increased demand over supply of natural resources

Overpopulation refers to a point where the available and renewable natural resources cannot meet the demand of the population. In a global perspective, overpopulation would imply that the available resources are over-demanded to fit the needs of the society.

Watershed moment research paper example

This paper depicts my watershed moment in life as a result of undertaking my studies abroad in the United States. The breaking of the news that I was to undertake my studies abroad, in the United States of America, was the foundation of an overwhelming joy in my life.

Research paper on psychological reasons for depression

Psychological stress is one of the contributing factors that contribute to a person's depression. Since psychological reasons of depression can be the most common type of depression, it covers broad factors that affect the development of this psychological state of human mind.

Good research paper about rhabdomyolysis4

The first phase beggins during the first 30 minutes of seizure, and the second phase instantantly follows. In the incidence of a hypoxic myocardium, seizure-induced increases in sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation of the heart can cause ventricular arrhythmias.

Example of defining hiv/aids research paper

The reason is, after the individual is infected, it is for the family members to cater for his medical bills, care for them if weak and look after their children if sick and unfortunately if the infected succumbs to his illness. Social agencies have had to conform to new ideology and technique in order to β†’

Example of lev vygotsky research paper

According to Perez & Gauvain, this is because a child interacts with the parent, assimilates the social aspects and then takes that information and internalizes it. Educators and parents have a huge role to play in the cognitive development of a child by enabling them to feel confident and comfortable in their abilities.

Ricardo, smith and petty on taxation research papers examples

The paper focuses on the impact of the taxation on the individual and the economy based on the views of these economic scholars. The landlord was expected to bear the burden of the tax in the form of a reduction of nominal rent and a decrease in the real purchasing power of rent.

Benefits of taking vitamin d research paper example

Furthermore, vitamins are classified into fat soluble and water soluble where the former comprises the types of Vitamin Bs and Vitamin C which are easily lost in the cooking water and quickly flushed out of the body. The natural and one of the best sources of Vitamin D is sunlight.

The views of piaget and gesell on how development occurs

His concept of maturation allowed him to see that Just like a baby learns to run by first sitting, then standing, then walking, the principles of maturation also have a " rate" of development that is controlled by Internal genetic mechanisms, And the forces of colonization that are so important in the growing and developing β†’

Stem cell research essay

There are four types of stem cells in the human body 1) adult stem cells, 2) fetal stem cells 3) embryonic stem cells, and 4) nuclear transplant stem cells. The embryo's stem cells are the precursors of the development of a complete human baby.

The development of the rake- from man of mode

The imagery related to the mask pushes both the characters and the audience to reevaluate the " veneers" which we credit as true, while simultaneously commentating on the sexual double standards of the eighteenth century. The masks allow both the men and the women to shed their obligations and manners and take art in the β†’

Good research paper on political science

One the key ramifications of political events is that they more often than not have profound effects on the way a particular society is organized and the way people in that society behave in relation to each other. Put differently, political events have the capability of permanently altering the sociological make up of a given β†’

Good example of organizational analysis research paper

Based on the latest annual report, the hospital's goal is to become the safest health system in the state and the country. For members of the organization, the assumption is that change is necessary in order to adapt to internal and external pressures and also to achieve personal, professional, and organizational growth.

The key factors on the development of outdoor adventure.

The reason there was a mass trespass was because gamekeepers that owned the land that the ramblers wanted to walk on said they could not, and because of the lack of progress that had been made by the official ramblers' federations for the ' Right to Roam' the mass trespass was organised. The land was β†’

Research paper on evaluating the effectiveness of police diversity training

The Omaha Police Department does try to achieve diversity in their hiring process. From the classroom to the community: Introducing process in police diversity training.

Rapid appraisal of selected sources of literature research paper samples

The increasing number of the elderly population globally translates to a very high economic and societal impact of falls in all countries in the coming years, thus, the issue of falls needs to be addressed. Falls are a major factor in the death of elderly people in the United States.

How the work of l. kohlberg contributed to the development of the justice paradigm research paper examples

The development of the ethic of justice is mainly informed and based on Kohlberg's six levels of moral development, also referred to as ethics of justice. In this stage, morality is not defined by the conventions that exist in the society and what the society considers right or wrong is not of any regard in β†’

Good research paper about technology and education (special education)

The observed global trend of sharp increase in the role of human factors in the development of post-industrial, information civilization, as well as national needs of society, the modernization and gradual integration into a single global community, make new, much higher demands on the person as an active and conscious subject of public, creative and β†’

The case for high stakes assessments research paper examples

Under the new law, schools develop their assessments, which gauge the progress, of the students as well as evaluate the work of the teachers. The assessors use the results of the tests in making informed decisions on instruction and curriculum and also in predicting on how successful a student may become in the future.

Example of kohlbergs moral developmentname:institutional affiliation research paper

Another limitation to Kohlberg's theory is that the entire system of moral reasoning is based around justice. Kohlberg's theory is not a theory of the people but only a theory of the western people.

Group techniques research paper sample

The current paper hereby aims to present and describe a typical situation for group work and the use of different group techniques to achieve identified objectives. Thus, for a topic regarding cohesiveness in group work, the group could have collected information regarding the link between group cohesiveness and performance, such as the one conducted by β†’

Development of moldova

This includes uplifting the standards of living of the people as well as enhancing democracy and freedom of the people. Moldova is able to attain the status of highly developed countries, in the next fifty years due to the changes that the current government is implementing, that facilitate reaching this level.

Iep research research paper examples

Arguably, the IEP must be modified to meet the individual student needs which are determined by the IEP assessment process and teachers should be able to use it to comprehend or rather appreciate the disability of the student and how this disability influences the process of learning. This should be undertaken on a regular basis β†’

Master project document 3 research paper examples

A psychologist can assess and determine the behaviour and reaction of the health care providers, workers in the health care systems and their attitude towards people of disability. Some of the employees in the health care system are overworked as they seek to serve both the normal and the disabled people.

Development theories research paper example

Human development is affected by various aspects on the course of the development of the person. The development of the ego identity is one of the most important aspects of the Erickson theory.

Research paper on pacific islander surfing: origins and influence

Hawaii, Florida and California are considered to be the most vivid representatives of the surf culture and true examples of how surfing has influenced the American culture. The surf culture in the United States aroused in the beginning of the 20 th century with the culmination points during the 1950s and 1960s, and yet it β†’

Free research paper about slide 1: complications of providing psychiatric care and medication management to

Hormonal - Increased Level of Estrogen for fetus and mild ducts development and breast enlargement.- Side effect Nausea and depression - Increased level of Progesterone for Uterus development - Side effects weight gain, skin pigmentation and water retention.- Other Changes - Vision Changes - Taste and Smell Changes - Stretch Marks - Mole and freckle β†’

Rural developmet through microcredit development

The putative success of many of these Doffs, in combination with the rise to prominence of neo-liberal thought, has lead to the vigorous promotion of micro credit as a rural development intervention. If one of the aims of rural development is to assist the 'poorest of the poor', then micro credit is not always the β†’

Sustainable development in university

The energy panels that are used to trap and produce power are made in such a way that it does not pollute the environment. It Is Economical Advantages of solar energy are inclusive of the fact that this form of power is economical.

Morphology of the english language research paper examples

Part of that evolutionary process concerns the morphology of the language the way words are formed and the rules that govern their formation; an important element in pedagogy, facilitating the teaching / learning of the language in part by understanding those rules and utilizing them as elements of the instructional framework. In the case of β†’

Background information on how the development lasik

Lasik is one of the most important types of eye surgery in advance medical that intended for improving in particular Myopia, Hyperopia and Astigmatism. After a number of experiments, the Lasik technique has been improved in 1990 by Ioannis Pallikaris and Lucio Buratto to become more accuracy than keratomileusis.

Organizational development final project

Description of the desired state you wish to see in terms of this current challenge to include the following elements. O What is the ideal state of the organization in terms of this current challenge?

Pop art manifesto research paper sample

This means every individual should be able to afford art and enjoy it." That is not the purpose of art. Warhol notes that pop art is a vital tool in fighting for the rights of the oppressed in the society.

Labor movement development in chile: 1990 to present

This major development in the labor movement is most key because of the enhanced protection afforded the laborer by a government becoming more democratic. The Labor Movement in Democratic Chile, 1990-2000.

Ethics and policy research papers example

These issues include the purpose of policy development and the policy instruments for realizing these ends. In this regard, ethical values answers the both the purpose of policy development as well as the means for attaining the policy objectives.

Good example of research paper on ethnicity and tourism

As for benefits of ethnic tourism for a country in general, tourism development brings large sums of foreign currency and it would not be a deficit of it. Tourism has a great impact on the process of ethnic self-definition.

Research paper on identify and briefly describe the constraints involved in developing a selection

Introduction Selection is a process in Human Resource that entails the determination of the most qualified individual among all the applicants, who is able to meet up with the job prerequisites and hence can fill the vacancy in an organization. The development of a comprehensive selection program to be used by an organization is prone β†’

Free research paper on reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance risug vasalgel

The problem lies in the quantity of mature sperm produced on daily basis thereby making it more difficult to target male reproduction as compared to the one egg developed once in a month of the female cycle. The development of a polymer that can be injected to cover the inner surface of vas deferens and β†’

Obesity research paper

If any of these labor demand stories are correct, then employers would be unwilling to pay obese workers the same wages as non-obese workers in occupations with characteristics negatively affected by obesity. This paper considers both the supply-side and the demand-side explanations in evaluating whether there are differences in the characteristics of occupations held by β†’

Social mobilization and political development

Thus his research and study in effect became enlightenment to the social influences that paved way to the decomposition of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia and also to the unification of the people of Germany in the history of the modern world. He was able to construe the concepts involved in these series of changes β†’

Example of research paper on washington redskins name change

In 2013, members of congress sent Snyder the owner of Redskins a letter to ask him to change the name of his team to anything which was less offensive than Redskins. Controversy of Redskins and President Obama started recently when President Obama said that he believes that Redskins should change their name due to the β†’

Free public health research paper example

The research questions being asked include: the effects of exposure to violence to human health; the general influences on children welfare and classroom studies, and the co-relation between social status and the presence of enhanced violence amongst others. Public Health: The Ecological Model on Individual Health The Ecological Model on Individual Health The ecological model, β†’

Hyperthyroidism: progress in last two decades research papers examples

The complexity of managing hyperthyroidism is largely attributable to the multi systemic effects, a diverse range of symptoms and a wide clinical spectrum ranging from subclinical to severe disease. The artefactual alteration in free hormone levels is a major impediment in proper treatment of hyperthyroidism in general practice.

Case study on as examples case studies are effective when conducting research for developing

Descriptive case study - This is a type of case study that aims to describe a natural phenomenon that occurs within the data in question. Intrinsic case This is a type of case study where the researcher has a personal interest in the case.f.

Channels and types of communication

In the communication process, it is important for the sender to clearly convey the meaning of the message for the receiver to be able to interpret. To convey the strategy to the VP of Operations, I would use a more formal and upward communication channel.

Culture of singapore research paper

All these data show that it is important for the understand fully the business culture in Singapore in order to successfully do business there. Being an Asian country, there are a lot of differences between the U.S.and Singapore in terms of doing business.

Verizon wireless

How do Verizon's Customer service capabilities and Coverage Affect the Quality of its service Offering? Affect on cost structure: Verizon has invested Heavily in it's customer care function That affects the cost structure of the Verizon wireless.

Communication fundamental improvement ways

As a person becomes more and more defensive, he or she becomes less and less able to perceive accurately the motives, the values and the emotions of the sender. The degree to which these reactions occur depends upon the person's level of defensiveness and upon the general climate in the group at the time.

Research paper on the effectiveness of swat in a hostage situation

A hostage represents control and power to the hostage taker; therefore SWAT must not try to act in a manner that reminds the hostage of the position it holds at that moment. Training is a paramount aspect of SWAT units, as it is the determinant to their effectiveness in operations such as hostage situations.

Miller associated communications

Miller concealed the fraud by intercepting the bank reconciliation and destroying the cancelled checks he used to siphon money. Miller rationalized his actions by saying he was not a bad person and he promised to all victim companies he would paid back the money that he stole.

Writing skills part 2

Which one of the following sentences is written in the active voice? A. Which of the following words is most likely to carry a connotation? A.

Present perfect

The objectives of the work, in their turn, represent ascending steps to the main goal of the project: give the definition to the present perfect; present the ways of formation of the present perfect tense; investigate cases of its use in the sentence and in American and British English compare them; 4.o β†’

How bp failed at crisis communication

BP? s webpage informed the general public about the will and devotion of the company and how hard they are trying to minimize the environmental damage or help the people affected; while not mentioning a word about the fact that BP takesresponsibilityfor the disaster. Roach, journalist from the magazine Rock Products has made a very β†’