Genuine Research Paper Examples

Free research paper on supply chain management

The research helps us in generating scope for future study that is how existing risk management processes can be improved. Thesis Statement: Proactive supply chain management: A risk management strategy. The research study focuses on analyzing various risks associated with the supply chain and also discusses how companies are adopting β†’

Example of research paper on policies to mitigate advanced persistent threats

External exploitation can either be from an insider or from penetrations to the company's network connections outside. Threats from an insider have been one of the most destructive to companies. Since, APTs are caused by humans; the most effective way to mitigate the risks of APTs in a company is to be able to control β†’

Strategic aims and objectives of tesco

Each Tesco store has its own individual Steering Wheel which targets specific areas in each section relating to the store, area and customers. This Steering Wheel strategy is an ingenious tool linking strategy to day-to-day work and helps each store achieve its objectives and meet the overall goals of Tesco.

Unbranding starbucks

Coffee is produced in over 50 countries worldwide providing a livelihood for over 25 million people, but 67% of the world's coffee growth is conducted in the United States. In the 1990's, with the coffee craze, came locally owned cafes and specialty stores that by 2005 made up 30% of the coffee retail market. With β†’

Debt and equity control

For the current fiscal statement for the fiscal year ended June 30 the auditors would treat the amount of $430, 000 as loan to debtors and subject the total net profit to $70, 000. Once the amount is realized on the end of the stipulated 60 days it would be accounted for in accordance to β†’

The company wal-mart

As an overview, the company of Wal-Mart has recorded an earnings and revenue of $348, 650 million in the fiscal year of 2007. Even though Wal-Mart with its status and capability of earning a revenue can be considered the world's biggest company, what with a record sales of $285 billion in the previous fiscal year β†’

Marketing mix of mcdonalds

Product Strategies McDonald's marketing strategies should be looked at historically in order to see the larger picture of the firm's success. There have been so many strategies since the inception of the firm that it is difficult to account for them all, the two most memorable are the development of the " Golden Arches" and β†’

Free research paper on titanic to insure or not to insure

Even now, the theory about the sinking of the famous liner is still unresolved due to the status of the wreck and the million questions popping about the incident. To begin this paper, it is proper to understand the conception of the Titanic and why it became the largest and expensive cruise liner in existence. β†’

Ikea in brazil

In recent years, Brazil has become one of the major powers of economic growth, thanks to reforms to stabilize the economy through the promotion of investment, boost and oil industry consolidation in the world with its exports. Lula's government brought the institutional stability and currently Brazil Dilma Rousseff, the new president, elected in October 2010, β†’

Food webs research paper

Sea Bird in this picture is a primary consumer while, fishes are the secondary one. - Secondary customers are the one who will be given the products and services of the company after it was given to the primary consumers. From the picture, it is clearly found that there is only one Bass and β†’

Free research paper about the role of public relations in mcdonald’s to face the crisis about hot coffee issue

This article focuses on how public relations was able to solve and face this kind of surprises crisis and re earn the trust of many customers by create a media plan that solve the problem such as contact with audiences by social media to clarify the facts, prepare for the press conferences to answer the β†’

Good research paper on the effect of oil exploration and drilling in nigeria

It highlights the proposed methodology and provides a provisional questionnaire for the formed for the purpose of data collection and analysis. 1 Introduction The topic chosen for this research is ' The Effect of Oil Exploration and Drilling in the Niger Delta '. Hence, the outlook of the community would be to first β†’

Amazon in e-commerce

Its engineering and quality principals make sure that all the various standard compliances are met and justified for improving the system behavior for its customers. Customers have now moved from the brick and mortars model, a traditional model for purchase of products, to the click and mortars model for ease of access, anytime anywhere access, β†’

The success of adidas’ olympic games brand strategy

As the official sponsor of the Olympics in China, adidas is able to communicate to the Asian market the company's corporate values of " a passion for sports and a sporting lifestyle." According to the company, the Olympic Games campaign with the rallying cry " Together in 2008, Impossible is Nothing" is " β†’

The acquisition of snapple by quaker oats

By the time Quacker aquired Snapple the RTD tea industry was maturing and the competition was rising because of the new independent brands that entered the market. Quacker believed that with its financial resources and experience, it could expand the Snapple brand and through the acquisition establish itself as a leading beverage β†’

Business case: mcdonald’s

The tangible assets include the human resources, capital and information while the tangible resources are the recognition and the goodwill of an organization in the market. The past behavior and activities influence an organization's history greatly. The strategies are the decisions about how the organizational resources will be configured to meet the β†’

Environmental and business aspects of nucor corporation

By that time, the company was involved in the nuclear equipment and electronics industry. The steel company was set up in 1969 and was the first of its kind in South Carolina.

Business ethics of google in china

The choice to accept self-censorship, and the discussion and debate generated by this choice, forced Google to re-examine itself as a company and forced the international community to reconsider the implications of censorship. Google's choice to accept self-censorship, and the discussion and debate generated by this choice, forced Google to reexamine itself as a company β†’

Toyota’s nonmarket forces

Recommendations will be outlined with an aim of helping the company get out of the nonmarketingenvironmentquagmire permanently. Toyota became the subject of controversy in the media and the United States Government at the end of the year 2009 for numerous deaths and injuries associated with accidents emanating from the unintended and unrestrained acceleration of vehicles. β†’

Research statement research paper example

In addition those involved in the managed performance and level of supervision as the initial step in the procedures of auditing is the evaluation of human resource effectiveness and areas of function. Overview Benchmarking of activities related to human resource so as to ensure improvement is continuous. The focus β†’

Hampton machine tool company

The loan was used to buy back the stock of a group of dissident shareholders. Based on the available data, the bank should grant both the extension of $1, 000, 000 loan until December 31, 1979, and the additional $350, 000 loan that Hampton wants to borrow, payable on January 31, 1980, both at 1.

How do enterprising skills help the company meet their objectives

For example making sure they reach the set amount of profit for their company. Tescos are also well known for taking risks, some of the risks tesco have been well known for taking would be moving into new product areas. Tescos also have a good ability to innovate, by having this skill tesco's are able β†’

Lincoln electric as an organisation

However, to be successful with its Greenfield site, Lincoln must adapt its Incentive Plan to meet India's labour market institutions. Lincoln has to be agile as an organisation to meet the demands of the foreignenvironmentand adapt its corporatecultureto the local market.investing in a major facility there? Lincoln brand is valued β†’

Example of nike: managing ethical missteps sweatshops to leadership in employment practices research paper

In 1971, the relationship ended and the following year Nike was formed. The publicity of Nike was by the use of celebrity athletes sponsors. The third corporate social responsibility report by Nike revealed the company's intent to use the CSR as an opportunity for innovation and development rather than its β†’

Research paper on organizational structure of wal-mart stores inc.

The Wal-mart U.S.and Sam's Club comprise the company's operations in the US. The Wal-Mart International segment comprises of the company's operations outside the U.S.and is represented in three major brand categories viz.


The moment he joined Xerox he had developed an objective to climb the ladder of organisation and reach up to the high level staff within few years of time. With this he made a strong groundwork in the area of parts and supply.

Tyco international company culture and ethics

In Tyco's case, the CEO, Kozlowki was the second-highest-paid CEO, but his lack of conservativeness, his aggressive business style and his extravagant way of living, did raise some red flags and indicated that Kozlowski was acting unethically by manipulating the company's financials and using the company'smoneyunethically. Within the business ethics and business and society literatures β†’

Research investigating the challenges and opportunities of ben trounce candy

The company, established in 1980, has gone through decades of development to become one of the leaders in the business of coconut candy. Investigating and evaluating how price of coconut in Ben Tree province at the present effect to the Dong A Company as well as Ben Tree Coconut Candy..

Intangible assets recognition and measurement research paper

Other financial reporting achievements of this standard relate to the usefulness of the intangible assets driven by their residual values over time as well as retiring and disposing of these assets by concerned entities. Describe how recognition and measurement criteria have been applied in the accounting treatment of research and development expenditure in NZIAS 38 β†’

Wendy’s brand

This would be followed by the objectives that the company had set and the current business strategies that the company is doing. Through advertisements the company is able to educate its customers in the company's products.

Example of managing human resources in different culture research paper

The major functions of Human Resource Management are: - Job Design and job analysis - Employee recruitment - Training and development - Performance appraisal - Health and safety of workers - Compensation management - Employee's motivation - Management of labor relations All three stages are important for Coca-Cola while managing Human Resources in China. Being β†’

Kit kat

First is the outer layer which is red in colour and the second is the inner silver layer which is made of foil to protect the chocolate from bacteria and fungus. While Kit Kat on the other face, does its promotion by inducing a price which is lower to its competitors.

Louis vuitton – japan

Goal: To reinvent and regain the cachet, Louis Vuitton needs to increase and attain the largest market share in five years. Louis Vuitton offers a wide range of luxury brands and was a trend setter in Japan. Solution: In order to revive the company, and to increase the overall market share in Japan, Louis Vuitton β†’

Constantine vs ashoka

Susan S Maneck When reviewing the histories of the religions of Christianity and Buddhism, you can not help but come across the names of Ashoka and Constantine the Great. One of the Casesares was Constantius, Constantine the Great's father, to a section of the empire that he divided into four territories.

Example of research paper on nursing in canada

The reader should take this paper and critically understand themselves to be able to provide a good analysis of what they can do to change the situation in their lives. The government role taking care of the society through various programs that have been implemented in the social welfare programme through the social structures. The β†’

Free fedex research paper example

FedEx Corporation intends to venture into this lucrative market to help it increase the market share which has declined due to fierce competition from large carriers such as DHL and United Parcel Services. Apart from this, another segment being targeted by FedEx to increase its market share is the e-commerce. This is because products will β†’

Good research paper on fedex

The company's mission is to ensure highest possible returns for the investors while at the same time to ensure maximum satisfaction to the stakeholders of customers, suppliers, partners and employees. FedEx founder Smith's another policy is to ensure employees' benefiting in the success of the company.

Questions: tax and firm finances

1.| Question :| Which of the following factors would increase the likelihood that a company would call its outstanding bonds at this time? The yield to maturity on the company's outstanding bonds increases due to a weakening of the firm's financial situation.A provision in the bond indenture lowers the call β†’

What is happening to the amazon rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world which covers over five and half a million square kilometers. Apparently South America will have an area of farmland coming for the Amazon rainforest. This means that it will cause more damage and destruction for the Amazon..

Pest tesco pakistan

It can enable an organization to anticipate the future business threats and take action to avoid or minimize their impact. It can enable the organization to spot the new business opportunities and make use of them fully.{draw: frame} Introduction of TESCO Tesco, the leading Britain retailer commenced its business in 1919 in East London by β†’

Example of the induction program should be designed in three stages research paper

Likewise, the Internal Communication Specialist should encourage the interaction and communication between the new and the existent employees. - General Induction Day; - An Informal Meeting Day between the employees and the subsidiaries' managers; - A day-to-day 3-4 weeks training; - An evaluation of the induction program; This internal program is designed as a training activity, having the purpose β†’

Proctor & gamble leverage ratios

Normally, a debt equity ratio is allowed up to 1. Thus, a company can avail loan up to 100% of its equity to fund its expansion, diversification or working capital. This indicates that P&G is generating sufficient internal accruals to pay off or reduce its debt obligations and is also with in β†’

Outsourcing and company

Advantages of Outsourcing : Outsourcing creates opportunities for a company to focus on lowering costs and improving the efficient allocation of resources within a company. Outsourcing allows a company to redirect its attention to its own competencies and hire outside resources to handle other tasks. Accessing Skilled Expertise : One of the β†’

Terrific savings on a 55-inch samsung smart tv, tp-link wi-fi extender and more

You will have difficulty finding a better deal on a 4K Samsung at this size. Easily backup or transfer huge pictures and movie files, especially if you have upgraded to the latest iPhone and want to start with a clean slate. If you purchase them, we may get a small share of the revenue from β†’

System forensics – overview research paper example

They are also responsible for arranging the information into a format suitable for presentation in a court of law. Analyze the extent of the cybercrime When a forensics investigator detects an intrusion or misuse of the system, it is up to him to determine its depth and its effect on the concerned company. - The Systematic β†’

Good example of research paper on brief introduction about the company and its products.

Coca Cola has different products like Kinley, Fanta, Coke, Rani, Sprite, Maza etc.the beverage company is not just dealing in the soft drinks but also in juices and plain water. 2) Company's Rationale behind Internationalization. As discussed above, the mission statement of Coca Cola Company actually actuated it to expand its market globally. One of β†’

Good research paper about nike

In addition, tapping in new segments is also a significant endeavor of Nike. The primary focus of any business has to be the customer; marketing management has to take the lead in researching the customer and the markets, in order to promote strategies and Nike has been leading in all the mentioned fronts with aplomb. β†’

Company and further promoted

It took over the refinery operations of ADNOC and further promoted the realm at the national level. The primary objective remained with developing refinery industry in UAE and to promote and advance the business operations of Abu Dhabi Refinery and Ruwais Refinery. The business operates with β†’

Free research paper on operations management

This they aptly called ' Social business' because of the intercommunication of ideas leading to business intra and inter conversion. Analysis How Chubb achieved it - Regulatory compliance In case of preparations a company takes and should for regulatory compliance, operationally, Chubb found the need of the hour to be the improvement of tools β†’

Example of essay on importance of market research

Either way is adequate enough to use in analyzing market situations that would deliver information, which would be helpful for the company to either pursue or abandon their marketing plan. The fact that market research determines the exact situation of a particular market, the findings of the market study is essential in modeling a marketing β†’

Zara swot

A few amounts of one style Ezra produces a few amounts of one style, and they will not fulfill the clothes in one store when the store sells out. A big and strong designer team There are around 500 fashion designers in Ezra, and they always take part in some fashion shows around the world, β†’

Tesco and marks&spencer

Here are the following facilities that these types of stores offer : Cash machines ( this service is for customers that want to take cash out of the machines ) Disabled access( this service is for disabled customers that want to access the store Click Retailing was launched in 1999 which became the largest β†’

Travel agency industry

Travel agencies have been forced to adapt to these advances, as the likes of airlines and hotels look to eliminate the intermediary role which travel agencies build themselves around. Studies suggest that there is still demand present in the industry for the services of travel agents, as society, particularly older generations, feel β†’

Allstate insurance company

Some of the techniques that are being applied by the company are creating good relationship with the customers and giving the best service possible to the insurance buyers. Since Allstate is a big company with a reputation and credibility to take care of, the company keeps on making the public informed of β†’

Google inc.

Google suffered a lot of competition from Baidu a Chinese search engine company that had an upper hand due to its origin, since the internet content getting in and out of China was heavily expurgated by the Chinese government, thus this led to users using the Google search engine excessive delays. The first strategy employed β†’

Cebu pacific paper

For the longest time, Philippine Airlines, Cebu Pacific Air's competitor, dominated the local airline industry. Through the liberalization program, the latter was able to enter the market and gain its share of customers and passengers. Named as the " World's Number One Airline" by an e-newsletter, the airline has been growing and has continued to β†’

General overview alpen research

Nowadays, The Weetabix Food Company is the second-largest cereal manufacturer in the United Kingdom with a 16% share of the market, valued at i?? By the highly competitive cereals market and the changing consumer trends in the year 2002, The Weetabix Food Company created a new product in the Alpen range: Alpen bar.

The intel infringement case (comp/c-3/37990) of may 2009

In addition to that, it attempts to offer a greater deal of accuracy and speculation in relation to the general framework of evaluation that the Commission recruits in determining whether it should pursue cases that relate to the various kinds of exclusionary conduct and to help undertakings better assess whether specific behaviour is likely to β†’

E- compensation research papers examples

Lastly, the web based tool of compensation would also require the company to retrain the human resource managers on the use of the system. This therefore, presents additional costs to the company and in some cases the company may be forced to hire new employees who possess the skills of controlling this system. On the β†’

Is walmart good or bad for america?

Wal-Mart also does not offer their employees withhealthinsurance. Wal-Mart has destroyed local businesses but it has also been a very successful company over 100 million shoppers per week in just the U. Wal-Mart is bad for America because while it has created many jobs it has also destroyed jobs of the local β†’

Good research your chosen profession – either a profession in which you are currently research paper example

Some of the factors to consider when choosing a career include passion for the career, the capacity or ability to cope with the chosen career, creativity in order to offer good services, the dedication and perseverance to handle the challenges of the career, the health considerations related to the career, β†’

Tasha’s case write up

The location of the restaurant is another key driver of her success. The initial expansion was a success because she was able to differentiate the new store from the first one.

Caterpillar excavator model 324e research paper examples

For example, if one good is a substitute of the other, then cross elasticity of demand would witness the decrease of the price for the original product. If it was a car, the cross elasticity of demand would be different. Schiller writes, " The essence of the market power is the ability to β†’

Alphabet’s nest said to face restructuring months after co-founder’s departure

It comes after , a voice-activated connected home device, similar to Amazon Echo, expected to launch sometime this year. Nest, acquired in 2014, and Alphabet have both come under scrutiny over the past year amid uncertainty surrounding businesses outside Google's core. Nest co-founder Tony Fadell left Nest , the latest in. Meanwhile, Google's so-called " β†’

Burger king corporate social responsibility

It would be very effective In a competitive market. And furthermore, CSR programme can Improve he productivity and reduce the producing cost for the company. The problem in Vietnam market is Vietnamese people are not used to tastfooddue toculturedifferences.

Comparing microsoft windows nt and unix

The decision to utilize Microsoft Windows NT Server or one of the many Unix operating systems is the concern of many IS managers around the world today. This task is not to be taken lightly as these are only some of the situations to be considered prior to making a decision on which NOS β†’

How i would proceed research paper example

Firstly, as an industrial psychologist, I can seek the assistance of a fellow industrial psychologist that is knowledgeable in that particular area of study. In this scenario, I would particularly sub contract the designing of an assessment used to measure a clinical construct to a psychologist who has been trained on that particular field.

Snapchat working on ipo, valuing company at $25 billion or more

81 billion financing round in May. It would also represent the largest IPO by atechnologycompany since Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.went public in 2014. Snapchat had been talking to investment bankers about an IPO towards the end of this year or early in 2017, technology website The Information reported last month. " We are β†’

The california-illini manufacturing company’s (ci)

What is the role of work-in-process in the cost reduction strategy? The work-in process was important in the implementation of the cost reduction strategy.

Coca cola in belgium

Coca-Cola, as a global brand, had had to trust its bottlers to follow the quality values the company held, but this scandal challenged the current control of Coca-Cola over its supplier's plants. But these suppliers also were scared of the consequences of their relationship with Coca-Cola in this crisis. All around the β†’

Good research paper on online retail stores such as amazon and ebay are causing physical stores to close

This practice is compelling many physical stores to offer the same prices as their e-commerce rivals, which in turn is adversely impacting the bottom line of brick-and-mortar players. Ultimately, dominant online players such as Amazon and eBay are behind the trend towards shutdowns of physical stores, and the reasons behind this phenomenon largely boil down β†’

Answering questions on keystone corporation

Americans appreciate fewer rules and do not try to control all events and outcomes (Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions United States). Friction in the Keystone set-up is predictable, made up of the easy-going Indians, the individualistic Americans, and the private Australians. 2. Employees are well compensated and motivated.

Successful development of technology at microsoft

This paper evaluates the secrets of Microsoft's success in developing superb technology and remaining on top of the market. Since it is very difficult to maintain the best brains within an organization without having them move out to practice their skills on the private basis, the paper tries to evaluate how the β†’

Concordia casting company

These leaders also inspire, mentor, set examples, innovate and revolutionize all the employees within the organization in order to achieve the best from them and also achieve the organizationgoalsand objectives. Four mistakes of project management in Concordia Company Looking at the Concordia Company, in terms β†’

Siding with known brands for growth opportunities presented by e commerce

This suggests that established brands recognise that e-commerce allows growth as it targets a new market through a wider platform, by engaging in market penetration therefore meaning that these brands will be likely to take advantage of the opportunities for growth. However, one reason why established brands may not be best placed to take advantage β†’

Coke & pepsi learn to compete in india

During the crisis with contaminated water in India, Pepsi and Coca-Cola were both under fire with the consumers and government. PepsiCo also, like Coca-Cola, had to adapt to the pricing barriers in India in order to survive, by making their products pricing more sensitive to India's economy.

Mcdonald’s corporation

Spurlock documented the experience in Super Size Me, but more interestingly he also argues the dining choices at the Golden Arches andfast foodcultureas a whole are inherently unhealthy by examining the history of fastfoodculture through colorful anecdotes, and diverse interviews with nutritionists, food company representatives and educators. β†’

Adidas growth strategies

Headquarters of Reebok and TaylorMade-adidas Golf are in the US in Massachusetts and California. Besides the international subsidiaries of the company, products of the group are available in every country through their online store. All in all, you can say that Adidas is a global player. They are selling their products around the world.

Sample research paper on functional area interrelationships

The company has come up with innovative technology to ensure that it meets the new business opportunities as well retain its current clients. The vision and mission of Riordan are about the company core functions of plastic manufacturing, the employees and the vision of the future for the company. The structure has the Board of β†’

Pay differential in sports based on performance

Sports such as hockey, basketball, and baseball are pay-for performance sports, in that the players are paid what their skills are worth to the team. The less common a desired talent is, the moremoneyan athlete will make because of it. Because the statistics of a team's performance and the salary of each player are publicly β†’

Srs of library management

It will explain the purpose and the features of the system, the interface of the system, what the system will do, the constraints under which it must operate and how the system will react to external stimuli. The following is a list of constraints pertaining to the accuracy of the library system: The information of β†’

The hazard of internet, cell phone, and television addiction

But, I want people to know the potential risk of over using internet, cell phone, and television in the daily life. First of all, those three kinds of technology make us lazy. But, they will be very dangerous for us, if we can not manage the time to use them.

Cannabis and marijuana plants

The effects of marijuana may vary with its strength and dosage and with the state of mind of the user. So the mixture of the plant material used and the conditions of how the plant was grown determines the potency of this drug sold on the street. The root of this plant β†’

Nature of human resource management: hiring and recruiting

Recruiting and Selection is all about " hiring the right person for the right job at the right time." Even a single wrong hire can affect the operations of the business and can cost the firm a fortune. HRP is a process used by the organizations to ensure that it has right amount and kind β†’

Marijuana within today’s society

Marijuana has many effects on the body, both short and long, though there is limited research on the long lasting effects of marijuana use. The acute effects present during intoxication may include but are not limited to impairments to the short memory, attention, judgment, coordination, balance and other cognitive functions. Contrary to popular belief marijuana β†’

Introduction to axis bank

Axis Bank was the first of the new private banks to have begun operations in 1994, after the Government of India allowed new private banks to be established. The Bank was promoted jointly by the Administrator of the specified undertaking of the Unit Trust of India , Life Insurance Corporation of β†’

Free biology research paper example

This technique helps in determination of copies of a gene in the genome of an individual, or the number of genetic mutations that have occurred within a population. Uses of Restriction Enzymes from Pharmaceutical Point of View Pharmaceutical companies are working on the advanced techniques of biotechnology and restriction enzymes in order to develop β†’

Human resource management and profession map

The most interactive way to use the Profession Map is to log in to CUPID and use My HER Map. There are three main sections to the HER Profession Map: The Core and Professional Areas.

Human resource management policies and practices

Recruitment and Selection [ (, 2011) ] Hiring the best people is paramount to the success of any organization more so is the ability to retain a high quality workforce; if there is a vacant position in an organization there should not be panic because it provides the organization with the opportunity to β†’

Monetary policy and its implications in belgium

The treaty had the guidelines on how the countries would move from their own currency to the euro. The common currency was expected to be stronger than other currencies of the individual countries and this would have increased the competitiveness of exporters using the Euro. Belgium uses the Euro as its currency.

Social work in correction department research paper examples

It is an elaborate analysis of the obligations of social workers and their contribution to lessening the plight of victims of correction departments. This is the act of linking those who benefit from the social services to programs that are in line with their needs.

Financial crisis

The reason is that the root of the issues in management practices can be found in the theories of management. Goodhearted claims that in order to assess the default risk, here is no experience that the price of house has declined in the whole of America. However, the price of house β†’

General banking activities of mercantile bank limited

Since the BBA program is an integrated, practical and theoretical method of learning, the students of the program are required to have practical exposure in any kind of business organization in last term of this course. Page 2 of 53 1.2. The continued endeavors of the Management and Staff of the Bank β†’

One shell plaza

We at the foundation would like to request for a thousand copies of handbooks which are part of your company's " Come to Shell for Answers" campaign. Strayer Foundation believes that Shell Oil Company's particularadvertisementcampaign could also be well utilized by the foundation as educational materials which in turn would be used in our outreach β†’

Short-term promotion strategies

The benefits of outdoor advertising are evident: the customers see advertising, the product, and the slogan each time they leave home, look into the window, or simply walk across the street. The need to use outdoor advertising in our promotion campaign is justified by the fact, that the United States mostly supplies β†’