Genuine Research Paper Examples

Activity based management systems

This I feel, would enable them to hone their interpretative and artistic accomplishments and go believing terpsichoreans with a great deepness of non merely intelligence, but proficient and artistic accomplishment. What in your thought, are the elements that need to be integrated to put up a meaningful acquisition context for your dance pupils? In my →

Project cost management

It forms the base against which the project will be controlled. This would enable the project to be measured and monitored for any variance from the planned value and actual cost. To ensure the delivery of a quality project, it is required to address the stakeholder expectation with regards to the different views from different →

Free research paper on role of ems in disaster management

This paper suggests methods such as using novel communication modes for uninterrupted information flow, multiagency training for level one EMS staff and individual-level training for increase self-efficacy and perception of preparedness improve disaster management for EMS professionals. Improving disaster management for emergency medical services Professionals of the emergency medical services have been →

Techniques of data collection research paper examples

The candidates are observed to collect information about their behavior, personality and other attributes. Interviews can be used to collect information. Information from former employees and the potential employee's curriculum vitae can be reviewed to collect sufficient information about the individual before deciding whether to hire them or not. Measures The techniques of data →

Example of managing my time research paper

Had there been an emphasis on the time management in high school, as a college student now, I would have an easy time settling into an environment and lifestyle full of independence. Of notable concern is the absence of a parental or guardian figure to push me around for getting late in the morning. This →

International business-comparative management

The company was founded in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1910, and by the end of the asses had become a small multinational company with operations in Canada and Britain. It was during this period that Black & Decker expanded rapidly in international markets, typically by setting up wholly owned subsidiaries in a nation and giving them →

Six sigma at 3m

Six Sigma at 3M Benefits, Costs, and Risks of the Six Sigma Program Jeanne O'Connell, who is the current Director of Six Sigma Operations, said that the focus of Six Sigma is to bring about an orderly and consistent approach to a business activity. According to →

Research on stress among minorities families

Though this is how Latino parents may feel, the study has concluded that Latino youth are more likely to recognize adults outside their family as resources, more than their parents realize. The research approach used in the article, Same-Sex Relationships and Minority Stress, is " conceptually and methodologically beyond the focus of the individual, and →

General and strategic management

PwC scrolled up to the top of the pyramid of the new Big 5 global accountancy firms by breaking away from its competitors in terms of size and quality.. In 2002 PwC was the only professional services organization that has been listed in Fortune 100 and with net revenue $13. They guide how PwC behaves →

Database administrator (dba) research papers example

When an organization performs this process using computers and related software, the result is an electronic database. A database can be as simple as a book catalogue in the local library, maintaining a simple inventory of the books in the library and the keeping the borrowing and return records, or a simple filing system in →


There are several types of benchmarking that a company may use; Internal, Functional, Competitive and Strategic. A company may use internal benchmarking to compare different processes within the same departments. This is used for companies looking for organisational change. The main advantage for benchmarking is to " set the foundation for performance improvement" to help →

The financial crisis

Therefore, the main principle of utilitarianism in the short run triggered the financial crisis in the long run. According to the principle of the ' greatest happiness of the greatest number', it is clear that the result of the financial crisis was not morally right because of the destructive structure and economic suffering that it →

Sick building research paper samples

Another peculiarity of the research is that the problem will be described from ethic point of view. Description of the problem Sick building syndrome is something that connects interior designers and doctors. I have already mentioned that eye irritation is one of the symptoms of the sick building syndrome.

Legalizing marijuana national institute on drug abuse

This essay takes the latter position, and argues against the legalization of marijuana because of its overall illhealthand social effects. Effects of Marijuana The physical effects of marijuana include increases in pulse rate and blood pressure, reddening of the eyes, coughing and dryness of the mouth. Also, marijuana smoking has also →

Ethics in human resource management

In order to avoid situations mentioned In the examples, human resource management alma to attract the right people with the right frame of mind to contribute to the company. If human resource professions are not prepared to do what is right, then the employee and the company lose. Integrity in HER begins with →

Towards an understanding of human resource management

Employee's demission and training, and the negative attitude become major obstacles in the way of our company's development. After discussion and analysis, I am cognizant of the long-term relationship between staff and organization is important for company development.

Literary research paper: i stand here ironing

Kloss however states that common sense tells us that this simply cannot be true for the child. Given her helplessness, what infant or toddler can possibly have it within her power or control to " find her own way." He backs up his idea by pointing out the fact that while the →

The victory of spanish over the aztecs

The victory of Cortes over the Aztec was the result of certain military advantages the conquistadors enjoyed, as well as specific problems that weakened the Aztec people and made the empire more vulnerable. Despite their small number, the Spanish has defeated the Aztec, because of many advantages, such as the militarytechnologythey →

Example of research paper on handwashing compliance in the hospital setting

The risk and impact of HCAI is higher in developing countries, where noncompliance with hand hygiene guidelines remains a major issue. The Role of Hands in the Transmission of HCAI Hands play a significant role in the transmission of infections. The most important safety measure amongst them is that all nurses are made to →

Japanese pearl harbour bombing

With growing opposition from the US who were against Japan's policies of nationalism, militarism, andimperialism, tension built up to a Pacific war. In response to a series of US foreign policies and the breakdown of international diplomacy, the Japanese decided to attack the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour Hawaii on December 7th 1941. Ultimately, →

Theme of jealousy in othello by shakespeare research paper

The jealousy displayed by Othello and the villainous nature of Lago are some of the qualities that impress the readers of the play. In addition, the relationship among the characters makes the play unique. However, what drives Lago to manipulate Othello is the jealousy he harbors towards him. The actions of Lago and Othello are →

Social context of othello

The relationship between Desdemona and Othello is very peculiar, and would have been considered even more so at the time at which Shakespeare was writing, it therefore stands out in the play, not least because it is a mixed-race marriage but also because at the start of the play they appear to be on an →

Kite runner

Amir is a morally ambiguous character because he's a coward, he's selfish, he betrays his friend and lies, but he also finds courage to face what he had done wrong and finds salvation. The first part of the book The Kite Runner proves how Amir is not a purely good character. Amir →

Strategies for managing virtual teams

An effective leadership style stresses the importance of people in the overall scenario since without people participation the leader cannot achieve anything. The virtual team makes this task a little difficult for the manager but the effective use of collaboration tools and establishing a constantcommunicationprotocol can ease the level of interaction and →

The significance of the three scaffold scenes in the scarlet letter

At each scene, the reader comes to understand something of the main characters and glimpses how that sin represented by the scarlet " A" has affected them. Hester Prynne, clutching both the living and the imposed () of her sin to her breast, is seen atop the scaffold, sternly looked on by all, but without →

Dystopia in fahrenheit 451

In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury conveys a significant message through the contrasting tones he uses to describe Clarisse and Mildred. Bradbury uses a reverent, respectful tone to describe Clarisse, when Guy Montag sees her for the first time in the street as he walks home from work. The personification used in " →

The scarlet letter: passage explication

Pearl, however, is representing a world of truth by refusing to join them until Hester once again wears the ' A', which throughout the book has been Hester's truth. The two separate worlds that they are a part of cannot come together until they change; Dimmesdale wants Pearl to be the one →

Research paper on plight of women in factories

The situation is often worsened when ones husband kick the basket and she has to provide for the family, report to the capitalist " bread" factories whose major interest is to multiply profits and then come back home with the " bread" which is sold expensively in the shops. Herman →

Legalizing marijuana in the united states

In the recent years, there has been a move toward decriminalization of marijuana. Marijuana is the name given in the United States to the drug produced from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. Many argue that marijuana is no more harmful than cigarettes and liquor and should be legalized. The growing consensus of research on marijuana →

John keats and his endymion

Aileen Ward in this connection says: " the legend of Endymion's winning immortal youth through the love of the Moon Goddess was only the beginning or rather the ending; he had to fill up his four books with living characters, set them moving in a world of their own and breathe →

Free research paper on self behavioral project quitting smoking

In the Sub-Saharan parts of Africa and in different parts of India, it perfectly merged with the smoking practices that were already in existence.. Smoking of cannabis is said to have been in existence in the Middle East long before the arrival of tobacco and was mainly a social activity. It later changed to be →

Elizabeth bishop

Personal Response to Texts Essay Format English Language Arts In a personal response to text essay the writer may choose to keep the format of the essay critical, in which the pieces of literature presented are analyzed. You may use a phrase such as: " In life, as in literature, people..." Follow this statement →

International human resource managementp

The HR department or HR professional needs to ensure that the expatriate employee understands housing arrangements, healthcare, and all aspects of the compensation package provided for the assignment(cost-of- living allowances, premiums, taxes and so on)., Discuss at least two of the variables that moderate differences between domestic and international HR practices. It is likely that →

Direct marketing nowadays theory

The growth of direct marketing trend of CAB Bank offers direct mail service to their customers, online banking or internet banking. They send mail or letter on their postal address to inform about their account and investment. CAB bank offer direct mail services to the customers.

Censorship: fahrenheit 451 and lounge chairs

They have also banned books because they are worthless and have too many ways of life and opinions and they want it to be one way only to be the right way. They have lived by the rules so many years that they do not remember what the normal way of life is like anymore.

Strongbow advert

This advert is a humorous advert because it is set in the mouth of a blue whale that has its mouth open in the middle of the ocean without water coming into the mouth. This humour is put into make the advert more appealing to people who what to buy this beer and therefore this →

Defining literature: frankenstein vs. young goodman brown

The author's name holds considerable power and serves as an anchor for interpreting a text. And " On the Sublime" written by Longinus, the writer states that the sublime implies that man can, in emotions and in language, transcend the limits of the human condition. Shelley's descriptions of the monster and his actions coincide with →

Economic forecasting at bank of green

Firstly Diagnosing the University's internal and externalenvironmentwas necessary, secondly deciding up on the University's mission and vision, thirdly developing the overallgoalsand objectives, fourthly formulating the strategies that need to be followed in order to achieve the desired goals and objectives, and fifth and the last challenge was to allocate the resources in an effective and →

Chapter 1 lecture notes

What is the meaning of scarcity from the consumers' perspective? * Scarcity refers to limitations in consumption of the goods that are available because of limited income * Consumers have an income constraint. Futureville will have a greater production capacity in the future and greater consumption in the future when compared to the one that →

The benefits and abuse of marijuana

Marijuanatoday is used in illegal ways due to many people find ways to get enjoyment out of it or that's how many actually have a sort of income. Marijuana today has been allowed in some states to be used legally, but in many states it is still illegal and only those prescribed marijuana should be →

Leadership research essay

The approach in a sense functions to strengthen the relationship between the leader and the followers in that, the leaders understanding of the followers personalities makes them to be accommodative to various personalities of the followers. This variable entails the need of controlling the situation and making it favorable for solid leadership. In dealing with →

John keats – ode to a nightingale criticism

From the comfort of the dreamy second stanza, the third plunges the reader into the sad reality and banality of life.' The weariness, the fever, and the fret' are a reality that the nightingale does not know. Here ' youth grows pale' and ' beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes'. This is →

Frankenstein-sympathy for victor or the monster

By the end of chapter 5, where the monster comes to life, the reader's sympathy for Victor is even stronger than before because Frankenstein is portrayed to be weak due to all the effort he has put into his experiment and the disappointment he feels at the end. He exclaims, " for this I had →

Peer pressure at school

The positive kind of peer pressure is, being pressured or convinced to do a certain task that you may not have had the confidence to complete or to do yourself. Peer pressure is most commonly associated with the youth, especially the students, because they spend most of their day in school with their friends and →

Example of research paper on the benefits of legalization of marijuana

This research paper addresses pros and cons of legalization of marijuana for medical purposes in New York City not touching the controversial issue of legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes. Marijuana has been used for medical purposes for ages. The Comforting Myths of Medical Marijuana.

Selected business and they are barclays bank and nhs

This has brought about some fundamental changes in the way the NHS is structured and the way in which the different organizations within the NHS relate to each other. The functional areas in Barclays bank and NHS are The main function of an administration department is to control paperwork and to support the other entire →

Leadership styles in today’s health care organization and how they differ research paper sample

Research scientists and intensive care nurses can work well under this type of leadership because of their expertise. Another style of leadership which may be adopted by leaders in health care organizations is the coaching style. The power of servant leadership to transform health care organizations for the 21st-century economy.

Reflection on utopia, cataract and fahrenheit 451

The opposite of utopia is a dyspepsia, an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one. The themes present in the texts Utopia, Cataract, Fahrenheit 451and the Pedestrian whether they are a Utopia or a Dyspepsia intertwine and give us a sense that →

Ch 9 test bank

Topic: Advertising Appeals 6.Advertising appeals that focus on functional or utilitarian needs and emphasize product features and benefits are known as _____ appeals. A.informational B.emotional C.price D.inherent drama E.image Informational/Rational appeals focus on the consumer's practical, functional, or utilitarian need for the product or service and emphasize features of a →

Good example of research paper on people should use less technology

However, excessive use of technology have also lead to adverse consequence that include declining sense of well-being, negative relationship outcomes, damage to brain, and sleep deprived and therefore, people need cut down his use of technology. Facebook have long been govern the lives of individuals and has become the subject of greatest misuse of technology. →

Contemporary issues in aging – ageism research paper

They are also considered to be a significant economic burden to the society; and is often perceived that any medical treatment would not bring much benefits to the elderly individual; and will be of a shorter duration; and that they have already had a ' fair innings' in life. The family, friends, care givers, society, →

The grass is always greener on the other side: marijuana

The Grass is always greener on the other side. Right now the United States is spending over 50 Billion dollars on the war on drugs including over 3 billion just to incarcerate drug offenders. Moreover, the study's findings call into question the long-held belief that has shaped prevention efforts and governmental policy for six →

Effective parenting styles

Authoritarian Parenting In the authoritarian style of parenting, the parents set strict rules for children to follow and set high demands that these rules are to be obeyed or they be punished end of story. The most common aspect of this authoritarian style of parenting, is the parent neglects to give the →

What is human resource management?

Human Resource Management is defined as a management function that deals with the recruitment, management, and development of employees In order to maximize their potential and roles In the company or organization. Resolving labor disputes, making sure of good relations between the management and employees. International Human Resource Management →

How to make spanish rice

It involves browning the rice, adding the ingredients, and cooking the rice. If you cook the Spanish rice according to the following process, the rice will be soft and moist, with no standing liquid in the pan.

Facebook addiction


Jairo morales homwork

B 2 It can take at least a month before a home loan is approved._a 3 The insurance company will charge you for the whole year even if you do not deice to cancel after the first month._ c 4 To cash a check for more than $200, clients may be asked to provide ID._a →

Human resource management and nestle

Mission, Vision and Goals of Nestle VISION OF NESTLE " Nestle's aim is to meet the various needs of the consumer everyday by marketing and selling foods of a consistently high quality." MISSION OF NESTLE 5 We strive to bring consumers foods that are safe, of high quality and provide optimal nutrient to meet physiological →

Impact of rise in price of gasoline

Hence rise in the price of oil is likely to cause the supply of gasoline to fall. Supply curve of gasoline will shift to left and equilibrium price of gasoline will rise and equilibrium quantity will fall. Price S2 S1 E2 P2 E1 P1 D1 Q2 Q1 Quantity Y-axis →

How risky is risk

Risk is a very interesting thing; people normally tend not to realize the real effect that risk takes in their lives. There are many kinds of risk, we want to focus on studying the financial risk, the perception of it, the effect that it has on the private banking behavior, their clients, and →

Pros and cons of legalizing marijuana

Another positive aspect for legalizing the use of marijuana is it would significantly decrease the number of marijuana-related arrests and imprisonments in the United States. There is many pros and cons that come with the substance of marijuana.

Coal is just not black gold

The author then critically analyses the issues, compare it with relevant literature and evaluate the limitations. Based on the literature and observations, he then proposes few strategic recommendations to improve organisational effectiveness both to Law makers and to company. INTRODUCTION Coal India Limited →

Spreading awareness about the effects of cigarette smoking

Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking Through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila A Research Paper Presented to Juan Carlos Santos School of Languages, Humanities And Social Sciences By Group 3 - B2 March 2011 Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students →

Research paper on budget checklist – clinical research operations

Below is a brief overview of some of these factors. Factors to Consider while Preparing Budgets for Clinical Research Operations The research team: It is important for the researcher to determine the number of staff who will be required during the clinical trial, their qualification and the duration of time they will be working →

Scarlet letter images

This may explain why the themes of sin, secrecy and guilt are used in Hawthorne's fiction, exploring hidden human dimensions. The images of sin, secrecy, and guilt are constantly portrayed in Nathaniel Hawthorne's, The Scarlet Letter, through the presence of recurring motifs of light and dark, sunlight and shadows; as these themes →

Adventures of huckleberry finn by mark twain

In the beginning of the book, both Houck and Jim are only briefly acquitted due to Jim working for Miss Watson as a slave, who happens to be Husks legal guardian at the time. During this time, Houck pulled a childish prank on Jim which resulted in Jims leg swelling from a very poisonous snake →

Interaction: environment and organism

Bacteria were among the first life forms to appear onEarth, and are present in most habitats on the planet, growing in soil, water, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste, and deep in the Earth's crust, as well as in organic matter and the live bodies of plants and animals, providing outstanding examples of mutualism in the →

Good example of research paper on marijuana in modern america

The variation reflects the varying viewpoints and perspectives of the American people concerning the past, present, and future of marijuana in the United States. The Marijuana Policy Project is an organization that supports the decriminalization of Cannabis and monitors all of the different initiatives being promoted in a number of states.

Physics research paper example

The problem arises due to the vast amount of greenhouse gases emitted due to human sources which is severely altering the climatic conditions on earth. The balance of the Earth's temperature can only be maintained when the amount of energy sent from the Sun should e same as the energy radiated back. The data is →

Globalisation and the nation-state

With these opportunities and with many of the other opportunities surroundingglobalizationeconomics now look at the economy on a lobar scale as opposed to a national scale which has led to conflicting perspectives on the use of the nation-state. As early as 1969 economics such as Charles Kinderg rtner sparked the perspective that " →

What caused helen keller to be deaf and blind

From the day she lost her sight and hearing to the day she died, Helen continued to be a hero to not only disabled people, but to everyone else. She has inspired many people, because she did not let her disabilities get in her way, she wrote 12 different books and was still able to →

Facebook puts other companies underneath its wings

They worked together such as a great talent team until the website was expanded to many schools. In my point of view, Facebook made a difference in thesocial mediaworld by making the website so attractive to the users, right now Facebook has over than one billion active users, in addition, Facebook has →

Positives and negatives

My another weakness is that in some cases, I tend to underestimate myself which is one of my biggest weakness I believe so far. Although I have my strengths and weakness, there are some strengths I believe I would like to polish and some weaknesses I would like to improve. These are →

Helen keller: overview

In " Three Days to See" by Helen Keller the author in a descriptive manner goes through three days vividly explaining the sights she wanted to see and explore had she gained her vision for the allotted time." Helen Keller was born in sweet home Alabama in 1880. Helen in many aspects was the precedent →

The short and long term consequences of child neglect and sexual abuse

Short and Long-Term Consequences of Child Neglect and Sexual Abuse Child neglect and sexual abuse ranges from minor to serious, can take a number of forms and its effects short term, long term or both. All types of abuse and neglect adversely affect the most vulnerable of society which, in turn, affects all of society →

Huckleberry finn best intentions

Huck travels with the African American former slave Jim all over the Mississippi river in hope to get to a anti-slavery state, but they go through a lot of problems heading the wrong way and deeper into the southern states. Throughout the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, there are characters who →

New recruits: we are who we recruit

Many of these banks had tried to create a beachhead in the U.S.but had not succeeded. Societe Generale had flirted with buying one of the CHARM banks for the past five years and decided Cowen was the best match culturally. These interviews, which were not part of the formal process, were a →

Ancient egyptians and their use of slavery of building the pyramids research paper example

The actual definition of slavery in accordance with the Merriam-Webster dictionary is, " The state of being a slave; The practice of owning slaves". They received a cash payment of freedom dues at the end of their term, and their children did not inherit the status of servitude.(" Conditions of Indentured Servants"). In a final →

Sequel to fahrenheit 451

A quick glance at Faber showed that he was not the least bit surprised." Faber I know that you failed when it began. He thought of the phoenix." Faber, you were to be the phoenix.

Cheque truncation

Copyright IBM Corporation 2003 IBM Business Consulting Services Image based processing of cheques in India present several challenges which all add up to the cost for the banking industry Geographical spread & volumes impact speed of physical movement of paper Multiple languages & scripts Multiple handling due to current processes in ranches high →

Unit guide

In order to participate and to gain maximum benefit from the sessions, all the questions, set for each week, are to be attempted before the class for that week. At times in the class the lecturer will invite students to raise and discuss relevant issues and areas of concern. This is demonstrated by →

Mark zuckerberg is ‘dictator’ of facebook ‘nation,’ says the pirate bay founder

boss Mark Zuckerberg is the " dictator" of " the biggest nation in the world", the co-founder of file sharing site The Pirate Bay, told CNBC on Friday, as he denounced the centralization of power on the internet. Speaking during aninterviewat The Next Web conference in Amsterdam, Peter Sunde said that there is " →

Early years foundation stage framework and peculiarities

Teachers are encouraged to facilitate the child's learning by planning activities and lessons based on the child's interests, asking questions to further understanding, and actively engaging in the activities alongside the child, instead of sitting back and observing the child learning. Teachers' long-term commitment to enhancing their understanding of children is at →

Research paper on compensation: salaries

Average Salary of Jobs with Related Titles For example, in Houston and Dallas, where the salary of Personal Trainer is almost the similar, the average salary is higher there ca.12. In my opinion, the salary of Personal Trainer could be a little higher in Killeen, at least at the level of Dallas and →

The meteor as a symbol in the scarlet letter

While most of the people think that the " A" stands for " Angel" and is showing that Governor Winthrop is gone and it marks his the entry to heaven, which will be proofed later on, but Dimmesdale, on the other hand, interprets it differently. Him hiding his sins and " cover his heart with →

Research paper on student athlete salary

Students who play for colleges are supposed to provide the best at the level they play, but the questions that begs answers is why despite providing the best, they are not paid for it. To many students, the sports are like their work since they are willing to put in all the necessary efforts →

Example of research paper on culture and globalization

Introduction Question 1 Culture is an integrated system of learned manners which are characteristic of members of a society and which are not a result of biological heritage. A culture of a people therefore is their general way of doing things.

Average cost

Mainly these will be to determine the cost of materials for decision-making and product pricing and to allocate material costs. FIFO appears to be the most logical method, in that it follows the physical flow of materials through an organisation. When making the decision of which method to use, it is necessary to consider that →

Cost-effective means

Lastly, it enables an individual to build a deeper relationship with the bank and to better get to know its services. On the downside, doing both insurance and banking with the same company increases the risks of losing insurance payments and other assets when the company loses →

Human resource management. motivation. maslow.

However pay not be the key motivator to employees and some employees will work for low pay but may have job satisfaction. Tesco uses this form of reward to all employees.* Performance related pay :- This is a way for employees to be rewarded dependent on their performance in the last three, →

Plant imagery throughout the scarlet letter

When describing the prison in the very beginning of the novel, Hawthorne writes, " a grass-plot, much overgrown with...such unsightly vegetation, which evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilized society, a prison". Hawthorne uses the imagery of a black flower to depict →

The legalization of marijuana research paper

Fact III: He also stated that the legalization of the drug would only make the public think that the government is endorsing the drug even with the warnings released by the government of the risks of the drug. D. Fact IV: Legalizing the drug would also make patients curious to try out the drug to →

Macroeconomics of social security research paper examples

Social Security program was founded in the year 1935, this program has consisted of two different parts; the OASI (Old-Age and Survivors Insurance) that pays to the retired workers and to their survivors and dependents, and the DI that makes payments to the disabled workers who are years away from reaching their full →

Dangerous knowledge

Mary Shelley demonstrates how dangerous it is to pursue knowledge through Victor'shealthwith his growing obsession with his scientificgoals, the death of his younger brother William due to his neglect of his own creation, and finally his loss of rationality and mental stability when the creature retaliates against its maker. The final phase →

Buad 3010 text bank chp 1

A) Value reengineering B) Human resource management C) Financing D) Marketing E) Root cause analysis Answer: D Page Ref: 5 Difficulty: Easy Chapter LO: 1 Course LO: Discuss the fundamental concepts of marketing 2) The first step in the marketing process is ________. A) capturing value from customers to create profits and →