Research Paper, 26 pages (7000 words)

Spreading awareness about the effects of cigarette smoking

Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking Through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila A Research Paper Presented to Juan Carlos Santos School of Languages, Humanities And Social Sciences By Group 3 – B2 March 2011 Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Problem Solving Flowchart As coping mechanism to stress, students resort to various vices such as smoking. Social environment also influences students to indulge in smoking cigarettes. Curiosity, alongside peer pressure, is also a contributory factor. Various multimedia was used to provide information to a greater number of people. Approach was effective and efficient. Reliable information is shared by an expert. Interaction is learnercentered. Two-way feedback may be elicited among the attendees. Corrective action to the problem becomes authoritative; sanctions can be implemented. School faculty and parents are made aware of the situation. Almost every day students pile up beside the entrance of Mapua Institute of Technology, puffing on cigarettes. Associated with smoking are a number of health hazards. In addition, smoke generated from cigarettes causes air pollution. Also, there is a negative impression directed against smokers. Information dissemination using multimedia was done to spread awareness about smoking. Methodology was static or non-interactive. It required a considerable amount of resources and time. A seminar or symposium can be a good activity to engage smokers, as well as nonsmokers, in discussion about the cause and effects of smoking. Preparation is timeconsuming. Availability of participants needs to be considered. Discussion depends on audience participation. Issue can be reported to the school administration. To spread awareness among Mapua students, information dissemination about smoking and its effects was done. Reported issue may not be prioritized. Followups need to be made. Implementation of action may not be immediate. Researchers were able to implement solutions independently. Multimedia such as social networking sites and brochures were tools used in disseminating information about the effects of smoking. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Acknowledgments We wish to acknowledge the feedback and guidance of Mr. Juan Carlos Santos which helped in making this research possible. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Abstract Almost every day students pile up beside Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila deliberately puffing on cigarettes. Despite the visible signage in front of the school about the law on smoking, students continue to smoke. The objective of this study is to spread awareness about the effects of smoking so that Mapua students can make informed decisions about their health. Three possible solutions were identified for information dissemination about the effects of smoking. These are use of multimedia such as social networking sites and printads; conducting a seminar and/or symposium to identify perceptions on smoking; and submitting a descriptive report about smoking among Mapua students to the school administration. The researchers chose to implement the first solution — to use multimedia as means for information drive. The researchers used Facebook and print-outs in spreading awareness about the consequences of smoking and information on how to quit the habit. A Facebook account entitled Mapuans Quit Smoking was set-up last February 1, 2012. It was later renamed Thank You For Not Smoking on February 12, 2012 in line with the objective of the researchers – to equip Mapua students with information on how smoking can affect their health. Barriers in solution implementation relate to students’ lack of interest on the issue. Minimal response was also obtained from Facebook. Based on interviews conducted, it was established that Mapua students agree on smoking being detrimental to health. Most of them agre e that smoking does not harmonize with the Mapua core value of Discipline. Some attribute smoking as a means of coping with stress brought about by the quarter system implemented in school. Through multimedia, Mapua students were made aware of the hazards of smoking and became more mindful of the decisions they make about their well-being. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Project Proposal I. W orking Title: Cigarette Smoking Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila II. Statement of the Problem: The objectives of this paper are: to identify the specific causes and effects of smoking among students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila; to propose solutions on how to address it; to implement a chosen solution; and lastly, to evaluate the effectiveness of its results. III. Specific Questions 1. What are the causes of smoking? 2. What are the personal and social implications of smoking? 3. Is information dissemination sufficient and effective in educating smokers about the effects of smoking? 4. What feedback or response from Mapua students was elicited after information dissemination about smoking was done? IV. Objectives 1. The study will identify the cause and effects of smoking. 2. The study will present the health hazards associated with smoking. 3. The study will provide information about the benefits of quitting smoking. 4. The study will provide information on how to quit smoking. 5. The study will evaluate the effectiveness of spreading awareness on smoking and its effects through multimedia. V. Significance: The study aims to spread awareness about the effects of smoking so that students of Mapua can make informed decisions about their health. Table of Contents Title Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter I: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter II: Presentation and Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter III: Conclusion, Evaluation and Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix A: Problem Solving Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix B: Project Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix C: Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix D: Pictures during Implementation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix E: Transcript of Interview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Chapter 1 Almost every day students pile up beside Mapua Institute of Technology, deliberately puffing on cigarettes. They hold it carelessly as they engage in conversation with their fellow smokers, discussing mostly school work. If asked why they smoke, they would probably say they enjoy it. Then one wonders if that indeed is the real reason. The harsh reality is there is a growing number of youth smoking including students of Mapua in Intramuros, Manila. Despite the visible signage in front of Mapua about the law on smoking, students continue to smoke. Possibly, an outright defiance of such a restriction makes smoking more inviting. Republic Act No. 9211, or the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003, enacted by the Congress on June 23, 2003 expressly prohibits smoking in schools, colleges and universities (Twelfth Congress of the Republic of the Philippines, 2003). It is an act regulating the packaging, use, sale distribution and advertisement of tobacco products. Section 5 on healthful environment and Section 10 on access restrictions indicate (Twelfth Congress of the Republic of the Philippines, 2003): Section 5. Smoking in Public Places – Smoking shall be absolutely prohibited in the following public places: a. Centers of youth activity such as playschools, prepar atory schools, elementary schools, high schools, colleges and universities, youth hostels, and recreational facilities for persons under eighteen (18) years old; Section 10. Sale of Tobacco Products Within School Perimeters – The sale or distribution of tobacco products is prohibited within one hundred (100) meters from any point of the perimeter of a school, public playground or other facility frequented particularly by minors. The Mapua Office of Social Orientation and Community Involvement Program advocates this Act as reflected in its vision to promote a smoke-free and drug-free environment within Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Intramuros. Many reasons had been raised to make campuses completely tobacco-free. Principally, it promotes clean air and a healthy environment. Hence, non-smokers avoid involuntary exposure to second-hand smoke. Such a condition values respect for others. Also, it eliminates approval of underage tobacco use. Based on the 2009 Global Adult Tobacco Survey in the Philippines, 21. 6 percent of Filipino students were smoking cigarettes. The percentage was 32. 6 percent among male students and 12. 9 percent among female students. Tobacco comprised 2. 4 percent of the average Filipino’s expenditures. And more than half of Filipino households are not smoke-free. It is alarming to note that ten Filipinos die every hour from illnesses caused by smoking while the country expends nearly P500 billion annually from healthcare costs. (W orld Health Organization, 2010). Despite media campaigns and awareness programs, curbing the smoking teen population is still a tussle. Is it peer acceptance, teenage rebellion or an attempt to quell feelings of anxiety and sadness that prompts students to light up a cigarette? Does it relate to the ambiguous role of teenagers in society as they try to find their identity and struggle for social acceptance? The World Health Organization identified a number of factors associated with youth tobacco use. These include low socioeconomic status; use and approval of tobacco use by peers or siblings; lack of skills to resist influences to tobacco use; smoking by parents or guardians and/or lack of parental support or involvement; accessibility, availability and price of tobacco products; a perception that tobacco use is the norm; low levels of academic achievement; low self-image or self-esteem; and aggressive behavior (W orld Health Organization, 2010). Research has shown that teenage smoking is driven by personal insecurity (Center for Disease Control, 2011). Teenagers with low self-esteem start smoking, thinking that doing so may help them expand their social circle or gain acceptance from friends. Recent studies reveal that teenagers who started smoking at an early age were largely influenced by adult family members than friends who also smoke (Center for Disease Control, 2011). Smoking is Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila considered an adult activity and teenagers like to emulate adults. They construe smoking as an adult behavior with little knowledge on the different health risks it is associated with. Another culprit identified as to why teenagers engage in smoking is peer group conformity (Center for Disease Control, 2011). Due to peer pressure, teenagers are urged, mislead or forced into doing things that they would not normally do. Many are unaware however that casual use of cigarette can eventually lead to a later serious dependency. In addition, teenagers sometim es go through an experimental phase (Center for Disease Control, 2011). Out of curiosity, they are lured into becoming victims of various vices such as smoking. Cigarettes are widely available and fairly inexpensive to buy. For this reason, buying cigarettes is no longer a luxury only for those who can afford to buy them but a product that is widely attainable by most people including teenagers. Teenagers who smoke regularly continue to smoke throughout adulthood. It has been determined that among teenagers, short-term health consequences of smoking include respiratory ailments, nicotine addiction and associated risk of using other recreational drugs (Center for Disease Control, 2011). Teens who smoke are three times more likely than nonsmokers to use alcohol. Smoking has also been associated with a number of other risky behaviors such as fighting and engaging in unprotected sex. Moreover, teenage smokers are more likely to have seen a doctor or other health professionals for an emotional or psychological complaint (Center for Disease Control, 2011). Medical studies have established that smoking tobacco is among the leading causes of lung cancer and heart diseases (Center for Disease Control, 2011). Over 4000 chemical compounds are created by burning a cigarette, many of which are toxic and cancer-causing. In every puff, smokers inhale harmful chemicals such as tar, hydrogen cyanide, benzene, acetone, formaldehyde, ammonia and carbon monoxide (Center for Disease Control, 2011). The human body does not need tobacco the way it needs food, water, sleep and exercise. It is clear that smoking is dangerous to one’s health. Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking cigarettes. Tobacco smoke contributes to a number of cancers such as cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, cervix, kidney and liver (Center for Disease Control, 2011). It is also known to cause hypertension, heart attack and stroke. It is linked to various lung diseases like bronchitis, pneumonia, Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The strain of smoking effects on the body often causes years of suffering (Center for Disease Control, 2011). Awareness of the effects of smoking should be sufficient in empowering teenagers to make a firm and conscious decision to never start smoking or if they already did, to quit. Smoking related deaths claim more lives than alcohol, car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide and illegal drugs combined (Center for Disease Control, 2011). The sad part is that these could all have been prevented. By providing helpful and relevant information about smoking, we have a better chance of beating these odds and making our future bright. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Chapter 2 There are three possible solutions identified in spreading awareness about the effects of smoking. These are: use of multimedia such as social networking sites and print-ads; conducting a seminar and/or symposium to identify perceptions on smoking; and submitting a descriptive report about smoking among Mapua students to the school administration. The first possible solution is information dissemination through multimedia. Information dissemination refers to the process of making information available to the public. The researchers will gather up-to-date and reliable information about the effects of smoking from credible sources such as online sites of renowned health organizations and disseminate these to students of Mapua. In addition, an interview with health care practitioners will provide supplementary data. Credible facts are essential in making students understand how these can help them. In order to be effective, platforms for information dissemination needs to be identified. To target a greater number of Mapua students, researchers will hand out brochures at the entrance of the school and in different organization nests inside the campus. For efficiency, social networking websites such as Facebook and/or Twitter will be utilized. The researchers will set-up Facebook and/or Twitter accounts named Thank You for Not Smoking to be endorsed to Mapua students. Observations and interviews will be made to check the response of Mapua students and evaluate the effectiveness of multimedia. Use of multimedia is advantageous because it provides information to a greater number of people. It is a quick channel for presenting and acquiring information. The Internet is an information superhighway; it is a limitless repository which is readily accessible by someone with a computer and internet connection. It transcends physical boundaries and hence provides a good venue to share information. Facebook and/or Twitter accounts can be updated on a daily basis with simple, straight-forward, easy-to-read information. Feedback from Mapua students can be noted right away through these media. A drawback, however, to this methodology, is its static or non-interactive nature. Only written responses from Mapua students can be noted. Furthermore, it requires a considerable amount of resources and time in updating the Facebook and/or Twitter accounts and disseminating brochures. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila The second possible solution is conducting a seminar/symposium entitiled Perceptions on Cigarette Smoking among Mapua students. A seminar or symposium will serve as an activity to engage smokers, as well as non-smokers, in discussion about the cause and effects of smoking. Whereas a seminar is a lecture or presentation about a specific topic delivered to an audience, a symposium is a meeting of experts in a particular field in which researches are discussed and recommendations are put together concerning the problem under discussion. For this methodology, the researchers will initially create a proposal on the proponents of the seminar/symposium. This shall include the title, date and location, theme, objectives and programme of the seminar/symposium. A consultation with Mr. Juan Carlos Santos will be made to check if the proposal should be revised. A speaker of the seminar or facilitator of the symposium, as well as participants, will be identified. A letter of request will be submitted to the Mapua Office of Social Orientation and Community Involvement Program to inquire if a faculty member can serve as a speaker for the seminar/symposium. Arrangements will be made with the facilities department to reserve an audio-visual room for use as venue. Print-ads will be made to endorse the event. To ensure that there will be participants, a pre-enlistment of Mapua students attending will be noted. Evaluation of solution implementation will be based on the discussion during the seminar/symposium. A seminar/symposium provides an advantage of having a subject-matter expert about smoking as primary source of information. Experts such as health care practitioners present upto-date, reliable information and its significance to the audience. A seminar/symposium is an apt setting to make interaction learner-centered. Learning through shared experiences or knowledge among the attendees is fostered. Information is delivered in a manner which is different from conventional classroom learning. Two-way feedback or interaction may be elicited among the attendees. Questions and clarifications are entertained. Good dialogue is tolerated; attendees present various views or opinions. A seminar or symposium allows participants to develop their cognition and values such observation, listening, manners in clarifying or defending ideas, respect for others and developing a free or frank attitude. A major barrier to implementation relates to schedule availability of participants. Availability of speaker, attendees and venue should be considered to avoid schedule conflict. At the same time, preparation is time-consuming and resource-exhaustive. It includes delegation of responsibilities and program planning. It requires effective time management and a high degree of organization. Moreover, Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila the success of a seminar/symposium will rely heavily on audience participation. Uncontrolled discussion could possibly lead to debate or conflict which may be difficult to handle. On the other hand, it also becomes a struggle if participants are passive listeners. The challenge is for the speaker to become sufficiently motivating in order to draw out a response from his audience. The third possible solution is A Descriptive Report on Cigarette Smoking among Mapua students to be submitted to the school administration, specifically the Mapua Office of Student Affairs and Prefect of Discipline. The descriptive report will be based on a series of observations and interviews with Mapua students. The methodology involved begins with creating a draft describing cigarette smoking among the youth and the different risk factors associated with it. An assessment will be made to verify if the same risk factors are applicable among Mapua students. The general trends seen among the youth and the disposition of Mapua students on smoking will be correlated. Recommendations on corrective action to address the issue as well as justifications will also be included. For review, the draft will be submitted to a faculty member of the Mapua Psychology department. After finalization, an email of the report and its hard copy will be sent to the school administration. Consistent followups will be made to check for progress. Corrective action implemented by the Office of Student Affairs will be documented and evaluated. A clear advantage of this solution is the authoritative implementation of a corrective action from the school administration. Sanctions implemented can vary from community service, suspension or other disciplinary action that at its extreme may lead to expulsion. A descriptive report will make the school faculty and parents of Mapua students aware of the situation. This can serve as a mechanism to mobilize more people in being actively involved in smoking prevention and intervention among Mapua students. A potential negative effect is an upheaval of complains from pro-smoking individuals. Some reason out that complete restrain on smoking should not be implemented as it infringes freedom of choice. Legal considerations need to be carefully made by the school administration prior to implementing any course of action related to smoking bans to avoid liabilities. Hence, implementation of corrective action, if any, may not be immediate. Follow-ups need to be made on a regular-basis as the reported issue may not be prioritized. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Of the three possible solutions, the researchers chose to implement the first solution — to spread awareness among Mapua students about smoking by disseminating information through multimedia. Multimedia such as social networking sites and brochures are effective and efficient tools in providing information. Nowadays, people spend a lot of time interacting over the Internet particularly in Facebook. The researchers wanted to take advantage of this and intertwine its goal in equipping Mapua students with information about the effects of smoking so that they can make informed decisions about their health. Solution implementation can be done independently, other than as a group, by the researchers. Through multimedia, researchers will also be able to exercise their creativity in devising effective print-ads. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Chapter 3 The researches implemented multimedia, particularly Facebook and print-outs, in spreading awareness about the consequences of smoking and information on how to quit the habit. A Facebook account entitled Mapuans Quit Smoking was set-up last February 1, 2012. It was later renamed Thank You For Not Smoking on February 12, 2012 in line with the objective of the researchers – to equip Mapua students with information that will allow them to make informed decisions about their health. It primarily served as a medium for information drive. Contents vary from pictures depicting the effects of smoking to videos containing tips on how to quit smoking. Various pictures such as Thank You For Not Smoking signage, chemicals present in a cigarette, etc. became tools in educating Mapua students regarding the risks of smoking. A powerpoint presentation laid out the benefits of abstaining from cigarette smoking as well as supplementary guide on how to quit. Humor was often interjected so that Facebook followers would be engaged in browsing the page. One of the videos shared from YouTube shows in a comic fashion how an ex-smoker became a cyborg as his body parts were replaced by machines due to organ damage. Through Insights, a built-in tool of Facebook providing statistical data, it was determined that the Thank You For Not Smoking site was viewed by at most 1657 Facebook users. Response was based on posts made on the site. Although most of the implementation was done over the Internet, the researchers also provided hand-outs inside the Intramuros campus of Mapua Institute of Technology from February 15-17, 2012. Brochures about the negative implications of smoking in one’s health and how to avoid them were distributed to students. One flyer shows the school moniker holding a baseball bat and striking a cigarette butt which implies disapproval of smoking. All-in-all about 100 print-outs were disseminated. The researchers also educated Mapua students about the information contained in the print-outs and interviewed them about their feedback. After solution implementation, the researchers identified the positive effects the solution brought about. Mapua students were made aware of the health hazards linked with smoking. They were given information on why not to smoke and how to quit if they already do although it is not an easy process. Through Thank You For Not Smoking, the researchers provided relevant daily facts on smoking that are easily accessible not only for Mapua students but also Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila for the general public. Smokers, as well as non-smokers, became more conscious about their health. In general, they became mindful of the decisions they make about their well-being. There were a number of barriers in implementing the solution. The researchers encountered difficulty in disseminating hand-outs inside the campus despite the strategic location the researchers chose which is the school entrance. Some Mapua students declined receiving hand-outs or if they do accept them, only a few actually read them. At the worst, handouts ended up piling in the trash. To address these, researchers attempted to explain to Mapua students what information is contained in the hand-outs. While others payed attention, some students begged-off. In promoting the Facebook account Thank You For Not Smoking, the researchers deployed methodologies which appeared less effective than what was expected. Researchers personally endorsed the website to their classmates and friends in school. However, only a few took the time to check it. The researchers brigaded in sending out text messages about the website but there was minimal response. Endorsement of the site via Facebook accounts of different Mapua student organizations made little progress. Some Facebook sites deleted the Thank You For Not Smoking posts. Less feedback was also obtained in Facebook than in hand-out dissemination. As Facebook integrates in its site the ability to shout-out ideas, read posts, chat, play games, etc. its user tends to prioritize activities based on his interests or needs. Only a few Mapua students demonstrated interest in the site Thank You For Not Smoking. About 5% of the total population (95 likes out of 1657 views) reached by the site expressed direct approval. Among the Facebook accounts of the different Mapua student organizations, only the Electronics Engineering ‟10 liked the site. Based on interviews conducted, a numbers of findings were established. Mapua students agree that smoking is detrimental to health and contributes to air pollution. They are aware of the effects of smoking based on information already available from the Internet. One student even commented, “ It‟s really not about information drive since you can find information about smoking, its effects, how to quit, etc. over the Internet. I think it‟s about a person‟s values. If a person sees something good in smoking, then he will continue to smoke. That perception is difficult to change. ” Most agree that smoking does not harmonize with the Mapua core value of Discipline. They see smoking as a means of coping with stress brought about by the quarter system implemented in school. Moreover, it was identified that Mapua students who smoke Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila were initially influenced by friends who also smoke. Some believe that smoking makes one look cool despite being aware of the health hazards associated with smoking. Thus, the same risk factors for smoking identified with the Filipino youth also apply to Mapua students. Through information dissemination about the effects of smoking using multimedia, Mapua students are able to make informed decisions about their health. The researchers identified areas for improvement and recommendations which can be significant to future researches done about the same topic. To be more effective in information dissemination, room-to-room campaign can be done. It provides an opportunity to educate not only students but also the faculty members of the school. Coordination with the Mapua Health Services Department can also be made to mobilize more involvement about the solution implementation. The researchers attempted to, however, they were declined due to inavailability of the school doctor and probably because of such a short notice to them. Request to post printouts in bulletin boards within the school will also provide leverage in spreading awareness on the effects of smoking. Easy-to-read, visually attractive brochures should be made to catch attention from students. Information dissemination can be extended to students of nearby schools within Intramuros such as Manila High School, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Colegio de San Juan de Letran and Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Methodology The research paper Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking is a descriptive research about spreading awareness of the effects of cigarette smoking. Related information will be initially gathered in order to better understand the causes and effects of smoking. Using these data, an assessment will be done to check whether the same risk factors are applicable among Mapua students. A correlation between the disposition of Mapua students regarding smoking and the general trends seen among the Filipino youth will be made. A methodology will be developed that will serve as an outlet to channel these information and provide supplementary data about the effects of smoking. Primarily, interviews will be conducted to check the stand of Mapua students on smoking. Target interviewees from the Mapua Institute of Technology include faculty member of the Office of Social Orientation and Community Involvement Program, representative from the Office Of Students Affairs, medical personnel from the school clinic and students, both smokers and non-smokers. Observations will be made during and post implementation of the chosen solution. As a secondary source for research, the websites for Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization will be utilized. The 3 possible solutions identified are: use of multimedia to spread awareness about smoking and its effects; organizing a seminar and/or symposium to engage Mapua students in discussion about perceptions on smoking; and creating a formal report addressed to the school administration. The proposed methodology for the solution, information dissemination through multimedia, is as follows: 1. Research materials about the causes and effects of smoking will be collated. 2. As means for information dissemination, flyers and Facebook will be primarily used. To propagate information effectively and efficiently, different student organizations will be targeted such as PICE, MEMO, MPS, etc. 3. Response from Mapua students will be documented to check the effectiveness of solution implementation. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila The following is the procedure involved in conducting a seminar and/or symposium: 1. A proposal on the proponents of the seminar and/or symposium will be created. This shall include title of seminar/symposium, date and location, theme and objectives. 2. A consultation with Mr. Juan Carlos Santos will be made to check if there are changes that need to be done on the proposal. 3. The speaker of the seminar or facilitator of the symposium as well as participants will be identified. Availability of speaker, participants and venue of seminar/symposium will be considered to avoid schedule conflict. 4. The seminar and/or symposium will be advertised through print-ads. 5. Feedback from participants will be noted as post-evaluation of seminar and/or symposium. These are the steps laid-out in creating a school administrative report: 1. A draft describing cigarette smoking among Mapua students and request for corrective action from the school administration will be created. 2. The draft will be submitted for review to Mr. Juan Carlos Santos. 3. Once finalized, the report will be submitted to the head of the Office of Student Affairs via e mail. 4. Continuous follow-ups will be made to check progress. 5. Corrective action implemented by the Office of Student Affairs will be documented and evaluated. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila References Center for Disease Control. (2011, December 28). Smoking & Tobacco Use. Retrieved January 15, 2012 from http://www. cdc. gov/tobacco/ Twelfth Congress of the Republic of the Philippines. (2003, June 23). Republic Act No. 9211. Retrieved January 15, 2012 from http://www. lawphil. net/statutes/repacts/ra2003/ra_9211_2003 . html World Health Organization. (2010, March 16). 2009 Philippines’ Global Adult Tobacco Survey. Retrieved January 15, 2012 from http://www. wpro. who. int/internet/resources. ashx/TFI /2009GATSCountryReport_FinalPhilippines. pdf Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Picture 1. Researchers are preparing hand-outs for information dissemination. Picture 2. Researchers disseminate hand-outs to Mapua students near the entrance of the school. The female student gladly accepts the hand-out. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Picture 5. To propagate information effectively and efficiently, Facebook accounts of different Mapua student organizations were targeted. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Picture 3. A researcher puts a No Smoking It’s more Fun in Mapua poster in the bulletin board. Picture 4. The researchers explain the brochure to Prof. Dante Bernabe of Mapua Prefect of Discipline. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Picture 6. The flyer provides information about the benefits of quitting smoking. Picture 7. The school moniker in one of the print-outs depicting disapproval of smoking. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Picture 8. The brochure from www. cdc. gov/tobacco contains information on how to quit smoking. Picture 8. Insights, a built-in tool of Facebook, show statistical data about the account Thank You For Not Smoking. The site was viewed by at most 1657 Facebook users, 5% of which expressed direct approval. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Date and Location: Feb 15, 2012; inside Mapua Intramuros campus Interviewee: Jose Blanco, 1st year Computer Engineering student Interviewer: As part of our research paper Cigarette Smoking among Students of Mapua in English 11, we would like to interview you about smoking. The interview will last for not more than 10 minutes and your response will be highly appreciated. To start off, we‟d like to ask if you think smoking makes a person look cool. Interviewee: Yes. Interviewer: W hen did you start smoking? Interviewee: About when I was in 2nd year high school. Interviewer: What got you into it? Interviewee: Because I felt left-out. My friends started smoking at that time. Interviewer: W ere you peer-pressured that‟s why you started smoking? Interviewee: Yes. Interviewer: Does smoking help relieve stress or anxiety? Interviewee: Yes. Interviewer: Other than smoking, do you have any vices? Interviewee: Yes. Interviewer: Like? Interviewee: Drinking. Interviewer: So you drink alcohol and smoke cigarette at the same time? Interviewee: Sometimes. Interviewer: Are you aware of the effects of smoking? Interviewee: Yes. Interviewer: W hat are some of the effects of smoking that you are aware of? Interviewee: You can get lung cancer. You usually get tired-out and a lot more. Interviewer: W hy do you think people continue to smoke cigarette despite that they are aware of its detrimental effects? Interviewee: It‟s very addictive. Interviewer: Have you ever considered quitting smoking? Interviewee: Yes. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Interviewer: And what happened? Was it successful? How long were you able to abstain (from smoking)? Interviewee: I‟ve cut it down. I got mine from 26 down to 10 (cigarettes). Interviewer: Are you aware of the benefits of quitting smoking? Interviewee: Yes. Interviewer: Like what benefits? Good health. A longer life span. And not getting bad mouth odor. Interviewer: Have you ever tried consulting a doctor to get professional health on how to quit smoking? Interviewee: No. Interviewer: Not to that extreme? Interviewee: (nods) Interviewer: Do you ever see yourself sometime in the future not smoking anymore? Interviewee: Yes. Interviewer: I think that‟s all for now and we thank you for your time. Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Date and Location: Feb 15, 2012; inside Mapua Intramuros campus Location: Inside Campus, Mapua Institute of Technology, Intramuros Interviewee: John, 2nd year Chemical Engineering student Interviewer: Hi! W e‟re students of English 11 and our research is about spreading awareness on the effects of smoking. We would like to interview you. Our first question is when did you start smoking? Interviewee: I actually started smoking when I was in 3rd year high school. Interviewer: W hat made you to smoke? Interviewee: Some of my friends were already smoking. At first, I was hesitant. I was afraid that I might get sick. But I got the hang of it. Interviewer: Did your parents consent you to smoke? Interviewee: I did not let my parents know that I‟m smoking. But I think they later figured out because they could smell the smoke of cigarette from my clothes. They didn‟t mind „ cause my father also smokes at home. So I think it was fine with them. Interviewer: W hat benefits did you get from smoking? Interviewee: Me and my friends usually smoke when we‟re together. It‟s like part of socialization. Interviewer: At that time, were you aware of the effects of smoking? Interviewee: Yes. Like you can get lung diseases and cancer. Interviewer: How long did you smoke before you decided to quit? Interviewee: For about 3 years. Interviewer: W hat made you quit? Interviewee: I usually get sick ever since I started smoking. I get throat infection and I often had to visit a doctor. The doctor would advise me to stop smoking. Interviewer: W as it difficult? Interviewee: It was very difficult at the start. I used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day. It was a gradual process. What I did is to cut down my cigarette intake from 20 to 10, from 10 to 5 until eventually I was able to abstain from smoking. It took me 1 year to completel y stop. Every now and then I had cravings. I wanted to smoke again. But then I put my mind into it. And I decided to really quit the habit, to really quit smoking. Interviewer: How were you able to abstain from smoking? Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila Interviewee: Like what I said, I just cut down my cigarette intake. And whenever I want to smoke, what I would do is to drink a lot of water. Interviewer: How long have you stopped smoking? Interviewee: I stopped smoking for 2 years already. Interviewer: How did quitting smoking change you? Interviewee: That‟s quite a profound question. Well I think I‟m proud of myself that I was able to quit a habit I thought I would not be able to stop. What most people tell is that once a smoker will always be a smoker. But I was able to prove them wrong. I was able to battle out the craving. I was able to prove that if you put your mind into something, if you put your heart into it, then you‟d be able to do what you want. It was really a matter of mind set. Did I answer the question? Interviewer: Yes. W hat piece of advice can you give to a smoker? Interviewee: I won‟t tell them to stop smoking. Rather I would ask them if they can deal with the effects of smoking if they continue to smoke. They‟d be able to decide whether or not they want to continue smoking cigarettes. For me, it was beneficial that I stopped smoking. I felt better. I didn‟t get sick often. I don‟t easily get tired. I felt healthier. I think that‟s the most important thing. Interviewer: Okay, that‟s all. Thank you so much!

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Spreading awareness about the effects of cigarette smoking'. 17 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Spreading awareness about the effects of cigarette smoking." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/spreading-awareness-about-the-effects-of-cigarette-smoking/.

1. AssignBuster. "Spreading awareness about the effects of cigarette smoking." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/spreading-awareness-about-the-effects-of-cigarette-smoking/.


AssignBuster. "Spreading awareness about the effects of cigarette smoking." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/spreading-awareness-about-the-effects-of-cigarette-smoking/.

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"Spreading awareness about the effects of cigarette smoking." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/spreading-awareness-about-the-effects-of-cigarette-smoking/.

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