Genuine Analysis Paper Examples

Poultry farm: internal and external analysis

The image and reputation of the Al Ain poultry farm among the customers is good. The strategic objective of the company comprises of deciding the scope of the farm, and gives the knowledge to the members of the farm Talking about the grand strategy, the Company wants to make stability in its growth and profits →

National technology day analysis

The event in New Delhi today was coordinated by the Ministry of Science & Technology with Union Minister for Science and Technology and Earth Sciences Shri Kapil Sibal presiding over the ceremony to mark the occasion that was graced by former President of India, Dr. And also to Prime Telesystems Limited, Delhi for developing and →

Analysis of alex pardee’s artwork

By this phrase we understand that the creature in the middle is the object which is " bathing in the blood". This is the only part of the image in colour, because this process is the most important part of belonging to a group of people or a subculture.

Samsung – competitive analysis

In 2005, Samsung surpassed rival Sony for the first time to become the world's largest and most popular consumer electronics brand as measured by Interbrand. From aforementioned analysis we can understand that Samsung has been increasingly successful in repositioning the brand of its various products a higher level competing with market leaders like Sony and →

How to create a swot analysis

SWOT Analysis is a well-rounded and inexpensive method to digest the good, the bad, and the killing-you-softly aspects in your business. By not offering a cheaper alternative to lower and middle-class workers, you may be threatening the success of your own company.

Check point analysis of electronic payment systems

Some of these electronic payment systems are: credit card payment systems, micro payment systems, a digital wallet, cellphones, digital checking systems, accumulated balance digital payment systems, and systems for digital checking. A credit card holder sends information to the merchant and the processing banks, protected by the payment processing systems.

Macro environment: analysis and overview

According to the latest report 2010 by the World Bank about the assessment of business environment, Singapore's economy is considered to be the easiest environment for doing business and investment. In addition, Zara should spend a large expense for research and development to respond quickly and efficiently the need and want of customer as well →

Stranger than fiction film analysis

The reason why I chose the opening scene to Stranger Than Fiction as the most important scene of the movie is because its narration is the most detailed of all descriptions of the main character's " obsessive" personality, as well as his daily routines. At the end of the scene, the voice personifies Harold's watch →

Analysis of shakespeare sonnet 60

The second quatrain says that a new sun rises and with time it rises to maturity, noon, where the sun is its highest and king of the sky. It is a giver and taker, it is life but is also death, and in the end it is time that takes us.

Analysis of the time machine

The Time Machine is a science fiction novel that has a much different view of the future than the view that is commonly held today. Wells's view of the future is the antithesis to the one that is held today.

Confounding it can be adjusted during analysis if

Confounding occurs when there is a distortion of the association between an exposure and an outcome due to other factors among a study group that are also associated with both the outcome and the exposure being studied, but do not lie on the causal pathway. In the case of effect modification, the magnitude of the →

Traffic safety analysis: car accidents

Next, traffic accidents happen because people do not obey the traffic laws, especially they do not care about the traffic lights and traffic signs. When drivers drive cars or motorbikes during a heavy rain or through thick fog, they cannot see clearly and it can cause them to misjudge the distance of the other vehicles →

Starbucks supplier value chain analysis

On its own website and across Starbucks third party platforms the company introduces the everyday consumer to individual farmers and scientists working to improve the company's supply chain and reduce negative environmental impact. To look at the Starbucks' mode of product acquisition, it becomes clear that the company considers the benefits to be one and →

Analysis of apple shares sales

There are many advantages to this, for example, the shared cost in handling security issues form one of the greatest benefits to be enjoyed in the combination of stock and bond selling. The best choice, in this case, will be to adopt selling a combination of both the stock and bonds.

Black like me analysis black history

All the traces of the John Griffin I had been were wiped from existence." This is just the start of the transformation John Griffin had to go through to create the ultimate sociological experiment in the 1950's. The narrative writing of John Griffin goes into great depth of these very points revealing the life of →

Swot analysis of the army

Therefore, the key aim of the essay is to review the weaknesses, opportunities, and strengths of the army coupled with the opportunities and threats faced by the army. In this case, in order to analysis the army shortcomings and the strengths it is necessary to determine how the army evaluates the effectiveness from a management →

Case analysis by team bolt

Gore & Associates timeline and some of their milestones given the information from the case study: " the objective of the company set forth by the founder wilbert l.gore was " to make money and have fun"] The organizational culture at Gore can be described as an egalitarian one with no clearly defined roles and →

Kodak- marketing myopia analysis flashcard

Its insular corporate culture believed that its strength was in its brand and marketing, and it underestimated the threat of digital. Unfortunately, the company had the nearsighted view that it was in the film business instead of the story telling business, and it believed that it could protect its massive share of market with its →

Character analysis of annie henderson (momma) essay sample

Momma turned to stone and " did an excellent job of sagging from her waist down, but from the waist up she seemed to be pulling from the top of the oak tree across the street" and she began to moan a hymn. Although Momma is stern in her values she conveys the colossal extent →

Company and market analysis for uncle toby’s company

In 1893, The Uncle Toby's Oats product was introduced to the market by Clifford Love and Co in Sydney and entered the homes hearts and of Australian families, it's the first shown as Uncle Toby's products in trade market. In the past hundred years, Uncle Toby's renamed a lot of times until 1989, the company →

Walt disney company analysis

Globalization is the system of interaction among the countries of the world in order to develop the global economy. However, the Walt Disney Company is a unique company and important customer of many suppliers.

Analysis of oliopoly in supermarket industry

In this case, for most industries in the Oligopoly, both rising and decreasing the price of products in the Oligopoly supermarket will get rise to the loss of revenue. Personally, the Oligopoly market of supermarket industry in the UK has more advantages than negative and it is beneficial to the consumers.

Business analysis

Some of these factors may be to define whether the market is attractive to the goods and the enterprise is very strong in the industry - in this case the library will spend more investing to the best resources. It is the duty of the librarian to ensure that the books are brought back to →

Financial analysis of coke and pepsi

The purpose of the Horizontal Analysis is to examine the decrease or increase of the financial statements that has occurred of a certain period. Looking at all of the financial statements for both PepsiCo and the Coca-Cola Corporation, the companies do show an increase in everything from income, to cash flow, and operating sales.

Richard branson management analysis

As creator of Virgin and its unique corporate culture, and the primary promoter of its image and entrepreneurial spirit, Branson was synonymous with Virgin. Over the years, Branson has become more of strategic and charismatic leader of the Virgin Group instead of mere hand-on manager and his business vision has been a driving force for →

Influence of fictional character on casual fashion

Influence of fictional character on casual fashion: Abstract: This research paper focuses on the influence of fictional character on day to day fashion. Research Objective: To study the impact of popular television series and movie on Casual Fashion for kids and young-adults.

Iron jawed angels essay | film analysis

Later, the harsh treatment of the authorities were publicized on newspapers which put pressure on the President that led to the ratification of 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote. She believed that the constitutional amendment that gives women the right to vote will only be vetoed in the Senate and will be a →

Analysis of the strengths based model

Key components of quality base methodology: A emphasis on qualities, not shortcoming, issues or shortages The man is in control and nothing is done without their regard The group is an asset not a hindrance People keep on learning, develop and change regardless of what their handicap Assessment Formative directions cannot be completely comprehended without →

Gm case analysis

GM is using the prospector strategy to boost sales and increase overall income each year to raise their profit margin to the highest in the auto industry. It is going to be hard for them to take the title of the company with the highest profit margin.

Analysis of a poem uphill by christina rossetti

The answer in line eight reassures her that she will find the place, " You cannot miss that inn." By the end of line eight the reader can assume that there is an end to the journey, some place, somewhere the reader believes in when the end of life comes. This is her view of →

Hr policies in manufacturing industry analysis

FACTORS AFFECTING RECRUITMENT: The skill requirement in IT industry is changing due to the dynamic nature of the industry. The required skill set is knowledge of programming languages and networking.

Rhetorical analysis theme essay

After *describing* the experiment, Berns explains, " Although we are just beginning to answer basic questions about the canine brain, we cannot ignore the striking similarity between in both the structure and function of a key brain region: the caudate nucleus...[which] sits between the brain stem and the cortex". The experiment resulted in research that →

Swot analysis of target corporation

To help you see what the future holds for this retailer, here is a short SWOT analysis of Target corporation: Target Strengths Target is a well-established and recognized brand name that is highly respected by customers. In recent years, Costco has been able to expand its sales of home furnishings and clothing products, traditionally viewed →

Organization development analysis

The mission is always stated to the employees in order to reflect the goals of the organization. Management change is also a significant aspect within organizations and should be effectively managed in order to promote the success of the organization.

Analysis of operating environment of honda in china

He created the Honda slogan with the basic principles, " Respect for the Individual" and " The Three Joys"- " the joy of buying, the joy of selling and the joy of creating". On the other hands, the joy of selling and creating refers to bringing joy to Honda's dealers and manufacturers by selling and →

Analysis of movie ” a beautiful mind”

Schizophrenia is a group of disorders characterized by severely impaired cognitive processes, personality disintegration, affective disturbances, and social withdrawal."# Schizophrenia is the disease of the brain itself which interferes with function of the brain, which can trigger symptoms like hallucinations, delusions, thought, movement and speech disorganization, inappropriate affect, which are called positive symptoms. This means →

Pestle marketing analysis of china example

The economy within China Is currently ere stable; being a part of the 4 fastest growing economies In the world, it has made large strides in recent years in the business and industrial sector, the country has sustained a continual rapid growth in term of GAP per person, indicating that each people is creating more →

Internal and external environment analysis of a bakery

Environmental factors is infinite, therefore, the organization should be agile and accept and adjust to changes in the environment. The importance of SWOT analysis and provides information to match is very useful resource and ability of the company competition environment, this operation.

Analysis of blood smears

The aims of this experiment are to study the morphology and characteristic of blood; distinguish the disproportion of blood when suffering from different diseases and identified the differences between animal and human blood. Granulocytes is due to the presence of granules in cytoplasm and agranulocytes is the absent of granule in the cytoplasm.

Theories of depression analysis

Ferster looks at the causes of depression, indicating that this is due to a reduction of reinforcement. This is also true of the proposal by Lewinsohn's model of depression, which argues that with the concern and attention it is actually reinforcing the depressed behaviour, thus creating a cycle of learnt behaviour, which is hard to →

Strategic analysis and strategic management

The main objectives of this project are to: Explain why strategic analysis is necessary in organisations Identify and explain what strategic analysis methodologies and tools are used to examine internal and external environments. Barney and Hesterly, describes the VRIO framework as a worthy tool to examine the internal environment of an organisation.

Security analysis in investment decisions

Types of Investment Risk: Investment Risks are: Types of Investment Risk Systematic Risk Market Risk Interest Rate Risk Purchasing Power Risk Exchange Rate Risk Country Risk Non-Systematic Risk Regulation Risk Regulation Risk Regulation Risk Business Risk Bull-Bear Risk Management Risk Default Risk International Risk Industry Risk Liquidity Risk Dividing total risk into its two components, →

Employee retention and high turnover analysis

This research is based on the employees of the Money Market segment of the Financial Services Industry. As a fellow employee the author seeks to identify the main reasons that lead experienced and skilled employees to leave the organisation within a short period of recruitment.

Advanced social psychology: overview and analysis

Although many people equate the origins of social psychology with the publication of the first social psychology textbook by McDougall in 1908, the roots of this field can be traced to the writings of Aristotle and Plato. Allport noted that interpersonal relationships are the hallmark of social psychology, but emphasized that social psychology must be →

Champion clothing business analysis

Company Proposal As Champion enters its 100 th year as being a global leader in sports apparel, now, more than ever is the time to venture towards designing and creating a new line of product that will help diversify the brand into different markets and differentiate itself from its competition such as Nike, Adidas, and →

A midsummer night’s dream performance analysis

The idea of Lysander challenging Demetrius to a duel in order to win Helena's hand is an example of the excessive behaviour and heightened action that brings much of the comedy into the play. Whilst in the earlier stages of the play, he is confident, using large gestures and a lot of stage space, at →

An analysis of financial situation of fauji cement company

Efficiency and Coverage ratios will determine company's ability to pay of ts interest costs and its efficiency in earning in the context of assets employed.d. Investor's related ratios will help equity shareholders and other investors to assess the value and quality of investment in the ordinary shares of a company.

Ford truck analysis

The performance of the industry is primarily driven by consumer sentiment and their purchasing power. Economy As mentioned earlier the performance of the industry is driven by consumer sentiment and their purchasing power; this is determined by the economy.

Hereditary vs sporadic cancer: analysis

In people with sporadic cancer, certain cells in their body developed mutations that led to cancer. However, just a small portion of cancer is inherited: a mutation carried in reproductive cells, passed on from one generation to the next, and present in cells throughout the body.

Analysis of pepsico’s vision statement

In the vision statement of PepsiCo, the goal of the vision is to be a truly sustainable company. In the vision statement of PepsiCo, the language that they used is easy to understand.

Edmond dantes character analysis essay sample

Everything was going swell for the young sailor as he was soon to marry Mercedes, the love of his life and had been promoted to captain of the Pharaon but that all changed when his sneak conspirators plot against him. Edmond who later changed to Count of Monte Cristo, kept his bitter, cunning and cold →

You are ugly, too analysis

Page 446, when she flew to NYC: Zoe revealed her trick to flying safe: never buying a discount ticket and telling yourself you have nothing to live for anyway. And even if the flight was safe, she suggested coming up with a persuasive reason to go on living.

Case analysis: forecasting food and beverage sales

Karen has concluded that to plan for the growth of the restaurant in the future, she needs to develop a system that will enable her to forecast food and beverage sales by month for up to one year in advance. Decomposition Analysis is the pattern generated by the time series and not necessarily the individual →

Rhetorical analysis of rachel carson’s “silent spring”

In September of 1962, Rachel Carson's Silent Spring was published directly to alarm the public of the harmfulness of chemical pesticides. She brings a very strong inquiry throughout the first half of the writing but is not afraid to get right into it with the question " What has already silenced the voices of spring →

Strategic analysis: nike

Nike Inc was the world leading manufacturer of sports equipment, the most sales of the sports equipment of Nike Inc was athletic footwear. Technology Analysis- Nike Inc was the leader of sports industry in the world and the technology was one of the parts that lead Nike to top by using high technology system.

Dissecting the great gatsby: a deeper analysis of jordan baker

From the first, Fitzgerald's portrayal of the well-off, New York high-rise, luxury-born miss and thus the reader's initial takeaway is that of a snobbish, affluent, flighty woman. She serves primarily throughout the duration of the novel, as the go-between of the Daisy-Gatsby affiance and the sometimes-girlfriend of bonds man Nick Carraway.

The body as image – an analysis of the postmodern characteristics of tattoos in contemporary society

The consumer of the modern society is distinguished by being self-reflexive and rational while the characteristics of the irrational postmodern consumer are hyperreality, fragmentation, reversals of production and consumption, decentring of the subject, paradoxical juxtapositions, and loss of commitment. In the following I will through an analysis of the phenomena, tattoos, try to identify some →

Little chef overview and market analysis

Business is focused on b2c business because Liitle Chef focus on the families, individuals, take outs and also will focus on tourist, as it is located in a place where it bring the customers from Kandy and peredeniya and also travellers to Kandy, it includes tourist as well. The following are characteristics of the product: →

Weber’s bureaucratic model | analysis

The last part of this essay will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of bureaucracy by focus on Weber's bureaucratic model in organization." Bureaucracy is a part of the system through which the values and aspirations of various segments of the community are incorporated into public policy, it is more than a mere conduit through which →

“scarlet ibis” analysis

Throughout the story, the Inner thoughts of the narrator will be slowly unravel, revealing the deep symbolism that was embed In and uncover the deep meaning behind It. The story begins as Brother sees a grindstone and he remembers about his brother Doodle: A grindstone stands where the bleeding tree stood, Just outside the kitchen →

Salinity responsiveness in finger millet analysis

Investigating the mechanisms and pathways involved in salt-tolerance of finger millet could facilitate better understanding of the molecular basis of salt tolerance and therefore enable the effective use of genetic and genomic approaches to improve salt tolerance in major cultivated crops. RNA isolation, Northern blotting and hybridization Expression analysis of already reported salinity responsive candidate →

An analysis of the competitive environment of mcdonalds

In 1948, the brothers closed the company because it found the sales of the company was slowing down in around 1955and again reopened the restaurant to sell only on the standard preparation of the hamburgers, milkshakes ansd French fries and kept on increasing the products in their menu and thus became world's largest fast food →

Ebay’s growth strategies: an analysis

To gain market in India, eBay has to change the way it has to develop and implement new strategies for the change management. People in India consider eBay as a virtual market, and so they do not believe in it, when compared to retail and wholesale markets.eBay is unable to adapt the different languages →

Accounting standards. introduction to accounting standards analysis flashcard

The assumption that the business is not expected to be liquidated in the foreseeable future, in fact, establishes the basis for many of the valuations and allocations in accounting. Only on the basis of this assumption can the accounting process remain stable and achieve the objective of correctly recording and reporting on the capital invested, →

The gray area dialogue: an analysis of western perspective in satrapi’s persepolis

In Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis, Satrapi recounts her childhood experiences from Iran through words and pictures as she searches for her true identity in the midst of the chaos surrounding her. Ultimately, the threat manifests itself completely at the novel's climax, when Satrapi is confronted by the women's branch of the Guardians of the Revolution for →

Blink: the power of thinking without thinking analysis

In society today, generally people are taught to put a lot of thought into the decisions we make through deliberation, and also taught to consider the future consequences or benefits of a decision. The reader is left with a cliff hanger about when and when not to use an initial snap judgement because Gladwell supports →

Braveheart movie analysis

Still believing Robert the Bruce is the man that he hopes he is and will Join him to fght for Scotland. Wallace's final act of leadership inspired Robert the Bruce to assume his rightful laim to the throne and to do so by asking those men that had followed Wallace to follow him as well.

Analysis of “the wreck of time” by annie dillard

Annie Dillard's " The Wreck of Time" Annie Dillard's " The Wreck of Time" is a unique piece of writing. But our minds must not go slack." Dillard wants us to think about individuality and to think about these numbers and determine for ourselves whether having nine galaxies to each one of us really changes →

Dorritos commercial analysis

To buy his silence the dog slips his owner a bag of Doritos with a note attached reading ' You did not see nuthin." The man acknowledges the dog with a smile of agreement and it shows the Doritos logo. The reference used in the commercial is the thought process that the deliciousness of the →

For the fire poem analysis fom the authors perspective

' For the Fire' poem analysis Some poems I have written in the past such as ' For the Fire', ' Martin and the Hand Grenade' and ' Summer Rain' contain a deliberate, overlying theme. In ' For the Fire' the theme of violence is more refined, the theme, is of violence in nature and →

Character analysis what of this fish would you wish essay

As his perception of people is the co melt opposite to Yeoman's, he naturally assumes everyone has eliminations, and figures that no one would say or do anything to him without a ulterior motive. This creates the controversy to whether he is a dangerous person.

Platos cave analysis

However, there are things that are mysterious to all in the case of the cave and in The Matrix. In both stories, there is omnipresent image of the unseen hand at work; those who are responsible for the structure of the cave and the world in which the matrix exists.

An analysis of the semiconductor industry

The semiconductor industry is heavily driven by the technological advancements in the products, processes and materials within the semiconductor domain. The technological upgrades are a prime reason for the " barriers to entry" in the fab segment of the industry, as the change of the fabrication process is a very expensive affair.

Bright lights, big city analysis

This was a complete contrast from the life he was enjoying while working where he had many life luxuries at his disposal. He is overwhelmed by the problems in his life and is unable to bring it back to shape.

Analysis of nursing ideologies: leg ulcers and copd case

EBP contrasts with this in that it intends to promote treatment and care that is based on systematic evaluation of the evidence of the effectiveness of interventions. Therefore, it is proposed that nurses need to be able to critically analyse all of the proposed evidence that is to be used before employing evidence-based care to →

Failure mode and effects analysis

Failure mode and effects analysis A failure modes and effects analysis is a procedure in product development and operations management for analysis of potential failure modes within a system for classification by the severity and likelihood of the failures. Step 1: Occurrence In this step it is necessary to look at the cause of a →

The crucible play character analysis

In the play, Abigail is jealous of Elizabeth Proctor for having John Proctor as a husband and this is one of the main reasons she rains hell down on the city of Salem. In the play Abigail's wrath is the thing that allows her to get away and out of trouble.

The birth of venus – art analysis

Botticelli's Birth of Venus is one of the most cherished artworks of the Renaissance period. Botticelli's Birth of Venus is one of the most cherished artworks of the Renaissance period.

Strategic management and internal analysis for healthcare

These strategies are essential to gain and sustain the competitiveness of an organization and will generate the needed changes in the strategies and work culture, which restricts the success of the business and strategies for removing the barriers. The internal analysis provides the base for the formulation of support strategies and is a significant part →

Business analysis of general electric

In the history of technology in the united scales, the history of General Electric company constitutes a significant part. Welch intended to give power to the subordinates i.e.the periphery of the company by invalidating the hierarchy of the management, assigning divisions according to the per formative skills, which he followed from predecessor Reginald Jone's time.

Microcomputers: an analysis

In order to accomplish this we chose to focus on large, highly competitive segments, as well as geographic markets which were in the middle of the cost/size continuum, with the goal to build a market position and defend it as we strive to take the lead and keep it. We also worked with the sales →

Analysis of “power and crime,” by vincenzo ruggiero

" Power and Crime," by Vincenzo Ruggiero explores the relationship ' between power and crime. Chapter 7, 8 explores Balzac's understating of the crime of the powerful and the reproductive power structure in society.

Discourse community analysis of the crown point advanced orchestra

Conclusion To conclude all of this, the Crown Point advanced orchestra is a discourse community. Sources besides the John Swales article include articles from Strad magazine, New World Encyclopedia, and Music Educators Journal were used to help prove that the orchestra follows the criteria and is, in fact, a discourse community.

Film analysis troy (2004) | historical accuracy of troy

The military, portrayed through fighting formations, weapons, and naval warfare, the culture of the Greeks portrayed through burial customs, belief in gods and architecture as well as class structure, portrayed through the roles of women, the respect to the king, and the respect to the Myrmidons, Achilles fighting group, are all pieces of evidence that →

Literary analysisexample essay

She is in love with a guy named Pedro but her mother, Mama Elena realizes that they love each other and told tita that it is part of the tradition not to marry until and unless Mama Elena dies. Whenever Tita wanted to communicate with anyone in the family, she would make something very delicious →

Scarlet letter analysis

The strategies that Dimmesdale uses while juggling two rhetorical situations are his high standings in the community as a source of credibility and authority, his purpose as a minister to help convince the sinner to come forward and reveal the truth, and his ability to convey underlying messages to the reader. His place in the →

Swot analysis of starbucks, the world’s leading coffeehouse chain

They also have the opportunity to team up with other companies and co-brand imagine the introduction of Starbucks products in McDonald's Restaurants! A specific market: Starbucks' success can be partially attributed to the popularity of coffees, teas and convenient snacks in today's society.

Swot analysis of amazon

Amazon built trust with their reliability and fantastic shipping options, but people also like to put a name to the company face. It builds a stronger relationship with their customer base, but Amazon keeps to themselves in this regard.

City furniture and mattress case analysis

However, due to several external and internal challenges, Rajeev Singh, the majority owner of the company needed to take a step back and look at the factors threatening the business in order to secure the company's future and fortune. The past attempt at vertical integration and the manufacturing of domestic product did not have the →

Grendel character analysis

In Grendel and Beowulf one of his main traits is that he is only mean to those who do wrong to him or his family, also it shows his massive strength when he snaps the warriors neck in the fight scene in the battle in thee mead hall. In Beowulf and Grendel the movie he →

Case formulation: case analysis

The second issue in this case is the tort of deceit." The tort of deceit occurs if the defendant makes a false statement, which it knows to be untrue, with which it intends to mislead the plaintiff, and which causes the plaintiff to suffer a loss". In this particular case, the tort of deceit goes →

Business analysis of the sony corporation

This report focuses on the structure of Sony in 1999 and the restructuring in 2003, as well as the analysis of difficulties faced by Sony and how the management responded to those issues. The structure of the report starts with the business description and the corporation strategy which has significant relationship with the following sections.

Materialist view of the mind-body problem analysis

The mind is about mental processes, consciousness and thoughts, and the body is about the physical aspect of the brain. One strength of materialism is that it avoids the problem of dualism which is that consciousness and physical matter are thought of as two separate substances, meaning that the interaction between them cannot be explained.

Strategic analysis of airline simulation

We have not had a satisfactory market demand and have not managed to make profits from the beginning of the simulation. Therefore in order to achieve it, we have hoped to scoop of the benefits of economies of scale and therefore reduce our costs to become cost leaders.

The little prince analysis

I agree with the prince that he is weird to find himself the richest, most- handsome man on his planet since he is the only one on it. The way he takes care of his possessions, that is the three volcanoes and a flower seem to be a more worthwhile ownership.

Crash analysis

Peter & Anthony * Peter and Anthony stealing Rick and Jean's car * Jean grabbing Risks arm in the mall 5. Anthony vs.