Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Professional accountability paper

What is meant to be a professional nurse is basically, for me, is to align the roles, responsibilities and skills of a nurse with the overall demands of the profession. Since professional nurses interact with people in need of help, it is therefore extremely important that a nurse must develop the skills of professional understanding, β†’

Sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia Sickle cell anemia Sickle cell anemia comes in a varied array of forms of sickle cell illness, andit is genetic blood disorder which is mostly found in the United States. The research would intend to explore some of the effects and medical interventions to the patients experiencing Sickle β†’

Accounting proposal

I intend to pursue an accounting project focussed on finding out effective and efficient ways through which small businesses can incorporate the usage of computerized accounting systems to reduce the accounting workload. The purpose will be to find out the results of the integration and the level of scale to which they incorporate the accounting β†’

Teaching strategy and rationale & media/teaching materials and rationale

The lesson will be on heart failure medication and, therefore, the nurses will need to understand how serious it can be if they are not able to give the right heart failure medication. In regard to this, the lesson will need to emphasize on the fact that the issue is the delicate issue of heart β†’

Evidence based practic- incentive spirometry

The first element is the patient's conditions that needs care, the second element is the " patient's goals, values, and wishes" and the third element is established evidence in the scope of the patient's problem. Identified nursing intervention and significance of determining best practice in the intervention Usage of Incentive Spirometry is the identified nursing β†’

Sex determination and development

The development and determination of sex in mammals occurs precisely during the fertilization of the ovary by the sperm. DNA component also help in the determination of the inherited chromosomes which form part of the development and sex determination.

Target prediction

Answer = The accession number for " mmu-mir-223" is MI0000703. Question 1.b Overlooking the record provided as your answer to Question 1.a, what " Gene Family" does " mmu-mir-223" belong to? Answer = " mmu-mir-223" belongs to MIPF0000067; mir-223 gene family. Question 1.c What gene does " mmu-mir-223" fall within? Answer β†’

What is biology

Biology al Affiliation) Biology Prior to entering a biology I had a literal understanding of the term biology. Retrieved from Norwegian University of Science and Technology..

Biological races in humans

Stephen Gould stated that we should view race as just part of our outward appearance because it defines very little aspects of our lives. Question 2 The relationship between anthropology and colonialism is uneasy because anthropology disagrees with the colonialist perspective that some races are inferior to others. Development is anthropology's evil twin because β†’

Dihybrid cross and chi square

The values were recorded in the table below. The Chi-square test is used to compare the observed and the expected data and analyze the extent to which they differ using the probability of p= 0.1. Results The observed and expected values are tabulated. Transposons do not comply with Mendel's principles. Conclusion This experiment β†’

Electrophoresis: the main technique for molecular separation – lab report example

The gels are neutral, hydrophilic, three-dimensional networks of long hydrocarbons crosslinked by methylene groups. The separation of molecules within a gel is determined by the relative size of the pores formed within the gel. The pore size of a gel is determined by two factors, the total amount of acrylamide present and the β†’


Birth and Death of Stars in the Solar System The solar system comprises of the sun and other objects that revolve around the sun. This then resulted to the formation of the sun and planets that make up the solar system.

Methods section rubric – lab report example

The independent variable was the type of paper towel while the dependent variable was mass of water absorbed. The weight of water held by the paper towels was determined by getting the difference between the weight of the wet and dry paper towels (Baxter, Shavelson, Goldman, and Pine4).

Of the outbreak 1995

Jimbo stole the monkey with hopes of selling it in the black market; however, after failing to sell the monkey he releases it into the jungle. Despite releasing it, he is already infected with the virus, and so is the pet store owner whom he wanted to sell the monkey to.


Article Review- " Independent Photoreceptive Circadian Clocks throughout Drosophila" The article reviews the expression of luciferase or green fluorescent protein from the promoter of the clock period in order to monitor the circadian clock in explanted abdominal tissues, head and thorax in transgenic drosophila. The observed photoreceptive properties of the explanted tissues indicate the role β†’

Henrietta’s immortal cells

Henrietta's Immortal Cells If medical researchers were to list thetop 5 important events in biology in the last 100 years, He-La cells would feature in the list. Lying on the bed of John Hopkins hospital in the year 1950, there was no way Henrietta Lacks, who was diagnosed with a unique form of cervical cancer, β†’


The new drugs enabled the fighting of the diseases possible, however, over time; some of the germs have developed resistance to the drugs. Causes of antibiotic resistance The most common causes are the inappropriate use or overuse of drugs such as antibiotics in the treatment of people and animals. Any germ that successfully develops β†’

Corn lab report

Corn Kernel Color Lab Report Corn Kernel Color Lab Report Introduction The primary aim of this laboratory exercise was to investigate the inheritance of corn kernel color and whether it is determined by only two alleles. The inheritance of corn kernel color, therefore, follows the principles of Mendelian genetics. References Ford, R..

Assignment 16

Renewable energy laws have been passed with the aim of encouraging the use of alternative energy as a stable and clean source of power needs. The United States can borrow a leaf from the above countries and embrace the use of renewable power. Environmental Conservation: John Muir John Muir is one of America's reknowned β†’

Immunological techniques assignment – lab report example

Immunological Techniques Assignment Draw the results obtained from each of the three procedures.Electrophoresis: Radial immunodiffusion: Ouchterlony: Plate 2: Plate 3: 2). Explain the origin of each of the precipitin arcs in each of the drawings. Immunoelectrophoresis: We obtain arcs of precipitin showing the existence of Ag-Ab reactions. The ring diameters can be used β†’


In comparison, the virus in a lysogenic cycle reproduces without killing the cell. Once a pathogen, in this case the virus attacks the human, the body reacts through adaptive immunity whereby it is able to identify the virus in case of re-infection and immediately produces antibodies that starts to attack the virus to destroy or β†’

Biological production of arachidonic acid: sources, past and future

It is commercially produced mainly for this purpose. Uses of Arachidonic Acid in the body Arachidonic acid is a fatty acid in the omega-6 group. Arachidonic acid is also essential in brain functions." It is one of the most abundant fatty acids in the brain".

New connective tissue

These chemicals initiate the white blood cells or leukocytes to migrate to the injured site that is known as chemotaxis. The inflammatory response can be triggered by exogenous or endogenous agents like complement found in the plasma helps in releasing bradykinin and fibrinopeptides that helps antibodies to fight against the foreign substances. Two types of β†’


submisssion Cigarette Smoking and Fertility The article proposes that a methodical literature demonstrates that there is a strong link between cigarette smoking and an instance of damaged reproductive function. Both a qualitative and quantitative impact is witnessed in the function of the ovary.

The cell cycle

The other phase is mitosis that involves the separation of chromosomes before cytokinesis During interphase, the cell synthesizes DNA and doubles the cytoplasm. The second is metaphase I that involves attachment of chromosomes to the spindle fibers and aligns with the cell center.


The main concept behind this paper is to have a clear understanding of the diversity of the ipRGCs and their different functions in regulating behavior. The findings illustrate that Rpe65 / ipRGCs were 20 40 fold and are not photosensitive whether at single cell or behavioral levels. This is a factor that led β†’

Familial genetic testing assignment

The insulin deficiency has two effects in the body, it reduces the body's ability utilize glucose to generate energy and reduces the body's ability to control the level of glucose in the blood system. This report aims at creating awareness of the disease in our family and it focuses on genetic and environmental determinants of β†’

Black book 2006 (european film critique)

She later, after joining the Dutch resistance, find out the person, Van Gein, who betrayed her parents who had perished in and undevout to liberate the southern part of Holland. Betrayal is one of the things that makes the movie interesting. Finally, the tactics the character use to gain advantage over others allow one keep β†’

Aesthetic of photography

In this photo, the horizontal line is used on the right-hand side of the kitchen building to make the right angle with the shelve. It is used to indicate the sentiment of timelessness and sense of homeostasis.

Boiler room movie

T Marlin activities are revealed, as a result of selling stock to non-existing companies, legal actions are to be taken to provide justice for those who have been manipulated. Different claims in the movie can be understood basing on the legal principles. T Marlin Company knew what its action would do but continued to pursue β†’

History and theory of new media

The documentary explores how a combination of talent and agony runs in all the arts displayed in the Crazy Horse. The beautiful women at Crazy Horse work so hard to present the best artistic talent possible to the public visiting the club but in the process of exhibiting the typical " French blend of vulgarity β†’

Jade figure of a hound

I chose this work because it is symbolic of the artist's artistic creativity and the rich heritage of Asian Art. The artwork is in three dimensional, and it is in the form of a small sculpture. The next element in the artwork is the dog's body, and the same is symbolic of the importance of β†’

Scholarly blogs

In his paintings, for one to settle on a single, most likely message in the engraved cans has to dissect it, synthesize and understand. It is possible to forget the message in the picture, and ponder on the sanity of the artist.

Campus museum 2

5 Phillip Stearns created the artwork in which is a binary blanket. The process that Stearns used in creating this art is complex since he translated digital data from program that are familiar such as Microsoft word.

Early graphic design

It was actually an attempt to revive an art that was considered more superior to the newer style which some thought lacked artistry and depth compared to the old Gothic style of the late medieval period and prior to Renaissance. Artistic Factors the Gothic style in architecture and design was thought to be a bit β†’

Learning to look

The advertisement also has simplicity, which allows the viewer to understand the exact and specific product that it seeks to market to consumers. The caption below the advert that states that it is unusual to drive the car you were conceived in is written in bold, pulling the consumer's attention and seeks to add on β†’

The movie story: racial insults and social problems

Farhad had a break-in at his shop, so he went with his daughter Dorri to buy a gun. Farhad had a break-in at his shop, so he went with his daughter Dorri to buy a gun.

Native american art history

HISTORY Ordinarily, the field of Native American art history is wide; however the area has been considered narrow because of the exclusion of very American art due to barriers such as late recognision, failing to conform to theoretical model and other stereotypical views.' The period between 1931 and 1941 saw some other developments which may β†’

Disinterestedness is a necessary condition of sound aesthetic judgement

Colors, shapes and techniques used to create art need to be analyzed to assess the uniqueness of art as it is. Weak disinterestedness is useful for art interpretations because it sets necessary limits between personal experience and objective perception of beauty.

Character transformations in film stories

CHARACTER TRANSFORMATION: THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT by [Insert Here] [Insert and Number Here] [Insert Here] [Insert Institution's Name Here] [Insert City and State of Institution Here] December 10, 2011 Character Transformation: The Long Kiss Goodnight Over the years, many films have been produced centring on character transformations. As the film progresses, the character transforms β†’

Fashion trend – prints

Now, you do not have to ask your fashion stylist if your floral blouse matches with your animal printed pants because the fashion world has gone crazy with PRINTS. The more prominent the clashing prints and colors on your wardrobe, the more trendy you are.

Real fashion marketing campaign

Just Do It advertising campaign launched by Nike gained immense popularity, the slogan just do it is the most recognized by consumers and this in itself shows the success of Nike. Aerobics was also gaining popularity and the top brass working for Nike was aware of it, the ad campaign never focused on the product, β†’

Project management & strategic planning – case study — [s6]

What are the advantages and disadvantages of communicating a major project in advance? Effective communication prior to a project initiation determines the information and communication needs of the stakeholders resulting in better understanding of responsibilities and tasks distribution as well as clarifying the expectations from them. Beyond not being the first firm to implement a β†’

Requirements and specifications

The idea of this project is to provide users a platform where they can look for partner under different incentives like business partner, romantic and friendship matching, academic partnering and collaborative consumption. MySQL would be used as a primary tool to build the database of this web portal and the web interface would be designed β†’

Cis206 linux question

That will ensure that they spend less time doing the same thing with scripts that have been put to test in the past. The scripts are also easier to use thus saves the administrator a lot of time. These are typical symptoms of attempted attacks. Administrators also create scripts for alerts on the usage of β†’

Java programing

of the of the of the Object Oriented Programming Object oriented programming is a programming methodology, where data and its interactions are of central focus rather than processes. Finally, the system behavior is modeled after the interactions of these data items. When confronted with a complex programming task, the programmer can make use of object β†’

Management information system for zillow

The business cannot possibly run without making use of the databases. Answer 2: Zillow can then use the information collected by that to analyze its position in the market, among competitors and amongst industries. Answer 3: The marketing department can use data valuation to settle over the type of residence that is popular, has a β†’

Relational data model

The database offers commands and functions that are used in the manipulation of the data and records that are stored in the database. The most basic step towards using the oracle database management system is to install the system in the computer and be able to run it and use it to carry out relational β†’

Preparing the feasibility study 2

Furthermore, it can also turn out to be non-beneficial to the organization in the long run. Cost benefit analysis is quite beneficial when assessing the proposed cost of a project as compared to the total anticipated benefits. It should be noted that maintenance fees are required to ensure that the machines are up and running β†’

Technology innovation

This article is about the future applications of computer-aided devices are on identifying the opportunities that business organizations have, and the demands of customers. It analyzes the impact of innovation on the aged population of Japan, and specifically innovation of mobile handsets.

A network in a laptop: rapid prototyping for software-defined networks

The article is able to shed light on the need and the gap that this prototype is meant to address and fill. A surprising aspect about prototyping is that the product of prototyping has to exceed or surpass, in terms of performance, over other similar products in the field for it qualifies as a prototype β†’

Functional organizations are described by organizational charts. explain why a temporary organization such as a project can benefit from using an organizational chart

The first of these is that an organizational chart shows a clear reporting structure and it becomes clear for everyone involved in the project where they have to report to thus reducing ambiguity and confusion. This way they do not have to miss out of opportunities that they can easily take advantage of. As above β†’

Steve jobs

In his interview with Morrow , Jobs revealed that his experience with experimenting on electronic items began when he was about 5 years with his father's support and guidance; this experience rooted curiosity, passion and experimentation attitude in Jobs. Steve Jobs was known to have an incredibly curious nature; was a quick learner and β†’

Design structure of a workout website

The details of the sections are outlined and explained below: Navigation The site contains links strategically placed within the web system to facilitate the interconnection of the different web pages that offer diverse services. The selective and optional navigation to various links that represent the pages of the website is symbolized by the template β†’

Article questions

The main argument of the thesis is contained at the end of the first paragraph of the article, that is, " Government should devise regulations that can be applied across law-enforcement jurisdictions and national boundaries, in order to make the Internet more secure". 2. Do the authors, in this article, reach all the destinations for β†’

Balance between wireless security and performance – thesis proposal example

The amount of security that should be incorporated in the system normally depends on the size and the nature of information being handled by the organization as well as on the devices being used. The first and foremost way is to maintain a full understanding of that particular networks topology. This is important especially where β†’

The integration of information technology

The most required software for the PC's is the operating system. The advantage of this is that the software will be tailored to the specific needs of the house.

Douglas crockford

Douglas Crockford Douglas Crock ford, talks about the head and gut, he tries to explain how the head and gut coordinate in order the body to function. He concludes by saying that gut messes us up when it comes to the matters of the style.

The building blocks of experience: an early framework for interaction designers

For designers to have success, must a great understanding of the relevant components and the knowhow on whether to design or script the experience. In order to determine factors influencing the experience is to assess components of what surrounds the product and components of consumer-product interaction.

Cis206 u5 research assignment

Administering a UNIX User Environment Administering a UNIX User Environment The article, Unix Administration, by David Malone focuses on various aspects that involve the administration of the UNIX user environment. Processes are the basic units of executing programs in UNIX and can be in states such as waiting for data, ready to run, or running.

Security policy document for the abc electronics company

Security Policy Document for the ABC Electronics Company A security policy is a compilation of documents that develops a company's understanding of its property, as well as, its worth, the threats or risks to which these properties along with its worth might be bare. Some of the prescribed policies to the ABC are as follows: β†’

Impact of big data on data management functions

Running Head: Impact of Big Data on Data Management Impact of Big Data on Data Management Date of Submission Impact of Big Data on Data Management Introduction Big data is a very important development in the realm of information technology. It often becomes highly difficult to detect privacy violations or flaws in β†’

Software lability

Software developers also attach a disclaimer warrant on their products as proof of their liability and protection of the user according to Harris. Liability also ensures that software companies improve on their products to avoid incidences of damages which cost a lot to the company.

Unit 1 lab 2 using command line help

Use the man command to find out what the UNIX command clear does.What does it do? The man clear command clears the terminal screen of the tasks previous shown on the display of the terminal. Step 6. Use the man command to find out what the UNIX command pwd does.What does it do? The command β†’

Advantages of the internet towards society

The aim of this thesis is to identify the advantages of the internet to society. In the fast society life where people barely have time to see each other, the Internet has revolutionized the concept of togetherness and company.

Change management – itil

ITIL would considerably contribute to meeting the challenges of customers' changing requirements. The IT system is intrinsic part of organizational operations that not only integrates various units but also enhances it operational and administrative productivity and outcome. With ITIL, ABC would be constantly updated and will be able to apply innovative input to its product β†’

Aquarius advertising agency case analysis

How would you describe the environment, goals, culture, size, and technology for Aquarius? The business environment of Aquarius is composed of both internal and external factors. A further disadvantage of the structure is that it would worsen the internal conflict in communication that Aquarius has experienced and attempting to resolve.

Internet privacy

At the other end, last year, fraudsters emptied the bank account of a close friend of mine because one of the firms with which he had to share his personal information online to obtain services had passed it to the fraudsters. The Republicans in Congress valued the freedom of big companies to share their clients' β†’

Management information technology

The availability of clinical data has been observed to be crucial in the promotion of use of these developments to enhance the practice of medicine. I think the usage of the electronic medical information can be improved by creation of a common data base in the cloud. There should also be harmonization of terminologies and β†’


Cyber terrorism is the type of violence than invades the information base of every computers, networks and stored data to misuses the information to the will of the person or group retrieving the data unlawfully.' Cyberterrorism hinges on the widespread use of computers by individuals, private industry and corporations, the military, and the government and β†’

Discussion questions1-4

Moreover, DRM is not only beneficial to the publishers, but also to the creators of the digital content since it is responsible for keeping the contents safe. Question Two: The factor that is more important for the protection of digital intellectual property between strict copyright laws and technology-based protections is the latter. As a result, β†’

User interface

Answer In order to ensure that the Trader will not be able to overlook the Special Instructions intentionally or mistakenly, the following changes will be made to the user interface of ETT: 1. A text area will be added in the ' Selected Order' area to display the value of the ' Special Instructions' column β†’

Are social network site good for our society

The use of social networks has significantly transformed the society in many ways where it can be seen that even politics are turning to them in their political campaigns. Therefore, it can be noted that the benefits of using social networks social in nature, they just offer personal gratification to the individuals who use them.

Identify at least three types of project procurement contracts. describe each and discuss the risk associated with both the buyer and the seller

The Firm Fixed Price Contract is the most popular type and is characterized by a set price that is unchangeable with the exception of alterations in the scope of work. An example of risk is where the buyer only receives receipts of purchases that are subject to negligence of the seller who may overlook good β†’

Logical entity relationship diagram of soundmission company

The logical data model is developed without considering the database tools to be used for the creation and implementation of the database. The logical ER data model facilitates identifying and specify additional data entities include but not limited to the Transactional and Operational data entities. In the beginning, it is required to identify the relationships β†’


This allows an attacker to interfere with the system by using the , slash, character that makes the command prior to the slash to be effected, which is the hackers' command. Question 2 The common criterion is an internationally recognized set of standards that are used to successfully evaluate the security of a β†’

Computer forensics suites

This paper discusses Online Digital Forensic suite as the most efficient suite in investigating computer forensics cases, and cyber crime activities. Online Digital forensics Suite assists administrators and investigators in collecting a wide variable data from the suspected machines. It employs best and accepted practices that preserve the integrity and validity of evidence. Online Digital β†’

Describe the cycle view of supply chain processes and explain why organizations need to integrate their processes

Each stage sometime may not be represented in the supply chain because the chain would depend on the customer's needs and the roles of the stages involved. The following processes are involved in the supply chain cycle; they include the customer order cycle, replenishment cycle, manufacturing cycle and the procurement cycle. Supply chain processes β†’

Computing footprints

Further, it is also valid across different methodologies and in particular across the two methodologies of LCA, viz., input and output base study, which is also called the ' top down' approach and process life cycle inventory data base study, termed the ' bottom up' approach. Top down study is based on uniform data source, β†’

Network security tools

Research and discuss the need for network security tools to assess network weaknesses and proactively fix these before they are exploited. The functionality of Secunia PCI is to act as an IDS and an anti-virus system, a multi-beneficial aspect for network security.

Technology management blog

In addition, and most importantly for this paper, ROI plays an important role in the service strategy as it provides an opportunity to evaluate and determine whether existing services are effective or achieving their objectives. The book, Service Strategy explained that " in simplest sense, it [ROI] is the net profit of an investment divided β†’

Federal acts affecting mis

This paper outlines the potential impact of these acts and ethical issues that led to the implementation of these acts. The Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 The basic purpose of implementing this act was to deal with the existing and present matters regarding what or who should work out the power over local β†’

The internet provider asa

The ASA of the management firm could be built up to sustain a domestic user databank or make use of an outside server for verification (Whitman & Herbert, 2011, p.288). A system administrator will have to be accountable for making and sustaining this protective surrounding (Whitman & Herbert, 2011, p.288). The advantages of the implementation β†’

Career in information systems

With reference to the concerned discussion, it has been viewed that the technological system is measured to be a vital element in today's world. Thus, it can be concluded that my decisions to peruse or enhance my career in information systems concentrating on parallel data warehousing would help me to enhance my knowledge in the β†’

Discussion questions

This element should be updated regularly to ensure that all applications are being accessed and to be apprised of the most advanced developments that would facilitate the functioning of the unit. Discussion 2 A consistent set of policies and procedures that would ensure the protection of information systems in the workplace should include intensifying β†’

Technology in world civilization

Technology in World Civilization Parallelism between the Irish dependence on potatoes and the events of the early twenty first century and our dependence on computer technology The twenty first century has witnessed technological developments and a shift to dependence on computers and computer based devices. The current society can however slowly adjust β†’

Information technology and business

IT refers to the processing, storage as well as treatment of global information and it supersedes a business because opportunities are much larger in the global commercial aspect that the world has turned into today.e-Commerce and e-Business are the main areas of interest today because they help to attract a lot more customers from various β†’

Biometric centralisation vs biometric balkanization: which is better

Biometric Centralization vs Biometric Balkanization In the study of the various methods of applying biometric methods in authentication, it is better to apply Biometric Balkanization. Synergy Biometric Balkanization provides synergy to the interests of the users of the system.

Programmable logic controller

This system was very helpful as it elevated the functioning of controls and reduced the space that was required for housing logic. Name an application of PLC's that is not industrial. PLC's can be utilized as relays and timers which can be utilized in homes to control outputs based on the inputs. This language was β†’

Cis206 review assignment

Can you execute a shell script if you do not have read permission for the file containing the script? There is need to pass the name of the file that has the script as an argument to that shell. The cause of this is the need to read the commands that are in the file β†’


In terms of severity, cryptolocker malware can be ranked within one of the most deadly malwares and tacking the same might turn out to be highly tedious. One of the prime threats, which might arise from CryptoLocker, is disrupting the operational systems, resulting in losing valuable or confidential data (Oregon, " Computer Help Documents"). The β†’

A solid foundation for technology implementation

Video conference, reservations, bookings, data collection, and storage, almost in every field computers have contributed a lot to make life easy as well as enhanced the pace of life. It is the responsibility of educators as well as parents to exploit the technology in the favor of mankind and to meet the needs of students. β†’

Role of accreditation in healthcare

Role of accreditation in healthcare Accreditation stands for a process aimed at continuously reviewing participants in healthcare practice to ensure that they meet and adhere to set standards. Without accreditation, people seek healthcare services would easily fall for quacks, and in the process endanger their health. The second role of accreditation is that β†’

The course of young women’s christian association

Through donation towards this course, I believe that it will put a smile on the face of the victims. The initiative is also instrumental in supporting the lives of victims of violence through the provision of emergency shelter and counseling services. Through donation towards this course, I believe that it will put a smile on β†’


The documentary mainly revolves around the topic of religion and the author trying to prove on the fact that the religion or specifically Christianity is similar or based on older systems of religion. The main concept that was utilized in this video by the director was to find the similarities between the religion of Christianity β†’

Young childrens exposure to electronic media

The paper " Young Children's Exposure to Electronic Media" is a worthy example of an essay on social sciOverexposurexposure to television, video games and other electronic media give a negative effect on the children's behavior, physical and emotional health, academic skills and social development. The violence shown on TV and on other electronic media is β†’