Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Fad diet

In fact it is hazardous to health and a waste of time and money. Research that needs to be gathered: Although a sufficient amount research is already present to prove my point and a lot of experienced people are more then willing to share their stories regarding this issue too, but what needs to be β†’


What specifically was the best thing the writer did for you as a reader and why? The best thing that the writer did to me as a reader is that he grabbed the attention right from the first word. What was the least effective part of the samples that you read and why? The least β†’

Entry 2

The research questions could be answered in researcher's own words or from selected optional responses, referred to as open or closed responses respectively, and could be combined in a data collection instrument, including a questionnaire and interview. This learning helps appreciate research design as an important tool in answering the research questions appropriately. This has β†’

On the book damned by chuck palahniuk

Although the book is a collaboration that focuses on Novels and articles by Chuck Palahniuk, it is very comprehensive on any work done by Palahniuk. 29th November 2012. In this website, the author of the article ' Chuck Palahniuk's Damned: Damned if you do' Justine Jordan comprehensively review the Palahniuk's ' Dammed' giving a picture β†’

Informative speech

The part of the video that stands out to me the most is the segment where Jay-Z is performing on stage in front of a big crowd that cheers him and gives him a standing ovation when he is done. In the clip, the standing ovation he receives after finishing his performance is a clear β†’

Chose an interesting topic

Day Month Year Reflections on The Queen's Croquet Ground In this part of Alice in Wonderland, Alice finallygets to the garden that she was been trying to catch a glimpse of since the beginning of the book. Alice finds this ludicrous as she is just the head of a pack of cards, and she begins β†’

Disassembling a nintendo wii console

Because of the nature of the piece, it becomes quite easy for the reader to get lost but I believe I have added details that would distinguish one step from the others. To grab the attention of the reader, I must establish that the same mishap could happen or has actually happened to them. Another β†’

Depression review

The other major symptoms are feeling like committing suicide or sometimes feeling worthless to oneself and the society. The authors provide a list of the types of depression providing individuals with the relevant information regarding depression and its severity. The information in the article by Janet and her team is helpful to individuals interested in β†’

The main causes of a major problem in our society

This leads to a lack of regulation on the activities of children and therefore, teenagers get opportunities to engage in sexual acts (Donaldson et al 2003; Thomas 2009). Education is considered to be a very important causative factor resulting in teen pregnancy. Parents hesitate in discussing the issue of sex with their children and this β†’

Answer questions” toenails”

In my own opinion, he may mean it if he really loves reading and he may really want to be a part of such group when he retires because as a doctor he would be bored and feel restricted if he would not be able to at least keep an activity after the very active β†’

Summary of kristof argumment , his claim and reason on environmental balance pick up a raffle

Kristof argues that the deer is turning destructive and says that hunting deer would be the best way to counteract such destruction. As per Kristof, leaving the deer to die from hunger and disease is the current substitute to deer hunting.


The fay-star from then on acts as his ticket to fairyland where he gets to experience both joyous and perilous moments which in the long run he claims to have broadened his vision of the ordinary. As Smith travels back and forth to the fairy realm and back to reality he gets to experience change β†’

Looking for richard

It is said that his plays would put meaning to words and the impact of each word played out would eventually enlighten the mind and nourish the soul. In the 1996 movie ' Looking for Richard' Al Pacino takes the initiative to document the making of one of Shakespeare's most popular play Richard the third β†’

An nfl redskins football match experience

30 October Outline Introduction location, and teams of the match Thesisstatement Body Pre-match scenario Excitement of the crowd Preparations of the crowd The match begins Fans' ways of representing their teams Change in the atmosphere with the national anthems A brief summary of the match The β†’

The last king of scotland

The Last King of Scotland Affiliation The Last King of Scotland The Last King of Scotland is a film which traces a story of General Amin who became the worst tyrant in African history. It is revealed that he comes to power with the help of British ambassadors. Amin promises people that he β†’

Big cities offer more opportunities

I believe that staying in Middletown would have a negative effect on my career prospects and my development as a well-rounded individual with sound, soft and technical skills. During my time in Middletown, I have constructed a good social network that helps me stay abreast of developments, and I trust that this will benefit me β†’

A mind at peace – turkish writing

A mind at peace A Mind at Peace, distributed in 1949 and set in 1938 and 1939, has in length been a foundation of Turkish writing, an image of the countrys clash between the modernizing strengths of the West and the accepted Ottoman and Turkish societies. The books accomplishment is a legitimate wellspring of national β†’

That day on the beach

As we opened the door the experience was not what I had been expecting. I tried not to act like the novice tourist I so obviously was.


There was discrimination even for federal jobs thus blacks could not join the military. To ensure that all the whites supported him in his fight against the blacks, films and newspapers circulated propagandas about the blacks' ignorance and the cruelty of the black men for instance black men are portrayed as rapists for raping their β†’

Propositional speech

There shortage of higher education state funding reduces the quality of education and the level of literacy in the region. II. The SDDOE should enact a comprehensive plan of action for funding higher education. Body Overview: South Dakota has a stringent higher education funding policy that has left the higher education sector in the β†’


July 13th I discussed my prospectus in the meeting with my committee member, Dr. Griffin disapproved of the consideration of lack of research in the specific area of study as a gap in the literature.

Summary and critical response

Thus, it is eminent from the article that the part time jobs at every instance affect the educational field of the students.. Critical Response The author Amitai Etzioni has argued over the facts that the jobs at fast food organizations affect the quality of the students. The author Etzioni has attempted to drag the β†’

What subject should be mandatory for all children at school in saudi arabia and explain why you think so

However, the children lack the ability of writing and communicating in Arabic language since they do not learn Arabic as a language in school. For example, most Saudi children in Saudi Arabia can speak good Arabic but they cannot write at the same standards. Arabic language is used as the language of learning.

College if worth for most of people but not all kind of people

However, many people are now doubting whether parents are getting value for their money, especially with the increasing number of unemployed college graduates. College education is turning to be a burden to the students rather than an avenue to help them have a happy and better life. 3 May 2015.. The Economist." Higher Education: Is β†’

The death of the author suggests that the author is an ideological construct rather than the originator of a text, and it also suggests that we too can be correctly considered as textual constructs rather than as individuals

The Death of the and the Life of the Audience In Death of the Roland Barthes s that the reading audience is affected by this death of the author. This is a contradiction to what is said, because the implication of Barthes essay is that the author essentially disappears from the work, and the interpretation β†’

Research proposal

This is a research proposal on how the use of Facebook by teenagers affects their education. Hypothesis As technology continues to advance one thing that can never be disputed is the fact that social networks affects more than just the social aspects of human beings. The questionnaires will seek information on the experiences that β†’

Media log 2

As far as the theme of the impact of technology on the modern family is concerned, the spot light of the episode can be put on the family of Phil and Claire as Claire finds the picture of a nude woman on her computer and assumed it had been downloaded from the internet by their β†’

Application exercise n.2

Incidentally, I boarded a train to the neighboring town and my seat mate was a Muslim faithful. I behaved differently because of the fear that the man could sense my insecurity status.

Responding to pop culture

The criteria used to evaluate " Wheel of Fortune" as a viable and significant medium for popular culture are in its relevance to the average Joe themes that illustrate contestants in very pertinent terms to audience lifestyle and then appropriating excitement to make positive emotional connection to human behavior related to needs for excitement and β†’

The power of thinking without thinking by gladwell, malcolm

Humans often underestimate the impact of external factors on the unconscious processes of decision making. Humans create stories unconsciously which support their decisions and actions. Reflection I do believe that the state of mind an individual is has a great impact on his/her decision making skills, and the state of mind is controlled to β†’

Rhetorical analysis

The article discusses the growing notion in the society where women who are big in size are perceived not to be as attractive as those who are small. The author is trying to convey the message that, although Marilyn is relatively bigger in size she is considered more attractive than the model.

Real work

Rodrigues' purpose in taking up the work for the three months of summer, was to earn some money that he required, since the pay was good; and he was to join graduate school the same year, at the end of summer. The ' simple insight' that Rodrigues has during his experience of working as a β†’

Your favorite web site

The reason for it is that is by far the easiest to use with little or no hassle. Most people including me do not see it that way as Instagram is a source of fun and all the pictures associated with it.


I followed his advice and food charts, and started including healthy food in my diet. But, I was determined to gain back my health; and, now, after two years of my decision, I have been able to shed my extra pounds, and feel quite active all the day.

Compare and contrast the education systems of the uk and other country

We will try to find out if education system has universalities and if they have something in common. Stages of education in both countries. Education is significant to both countries so compulsory education is imposed to students with ages from 5 to 16 years, while higher education is not. In high school Heirarchy and peer β†’

Why i would be successful on independent studies ( home studies)

With little guidance from a teacher or others, I would be successful in independent studies due to three major factors: self-motivation, my ability to be organized and meet deadlines, and my ability to tailor my study to a schedule that best fits my abilities. Knowing the responsibility placed upon me to do my assignments, to β†’


In his books " When Harlem was in Vogue" and " The portable Harlem Renaissance reader" David Levering Lewis makes a sketch of events, personalities, dates, names, etc.which contributed to the development of the New Negro movement and culture. The book helps us better understand the reasons and realms of political and social struggle of β†’

You are wiith torture or no

Proponents of torture argue for its importance because of its use in exceptional circumstances that resort to legal torture. However, anti-torture arguments have their basis on the inhuman nature of torture. In this case, torture is used to obtain information from terrorists and people suspected of illegal activities.

The luck of roaring camp

The story revolves around a gold mining camp that consisted primarily of criminals and outlaws, who had been rightfully dubbed as " the roughs", which according to the narrator was " more of a distinction rather than a definition". The story is set in the 1850's where a band of men living in the foothills β†’

Eng 1010

It is beneficial for a buyer to compare the advantages and drawbacks of the phone before making a purchase. The iPhone presents some likable advantages that attract its buyers. In addition, considering there are phones such as Samsung Galaxy S5 that are certified as waterproof, the iPhone 6 is still at a disadvantage. Owing to β†’

Journal # 2

What are your plans to meet these challenges and move forward? My preceptor oversees 6 different programs in the department, and she meets with each program leaders either on a weekly or alternate week basis. But I will also wait to meet with my faculty advisor and my preceptor on 2/6/14 to discuss and finalize β†’

School of nights presentation

Snowden was reported to die at the age of 66 and the obituary quickly explains that he was a bookseller and was dedicated to the works of Elizabethan history. This obituary was to reveal the kind of relationship that Snowden had with Styles as well as the events that led to his death.

A statement of research interests

It was a good challenge as I learned first-hand the application of my skills to the students. I will be a good addition to the university and my cross-cultural understanding and knowledge will play a huge role in meeting the inherent needs of both my colleagues and myself.

Who is driving force in the play, macbeth, lady macbeth or both

The various factors that contribute to the murders include Lady Macbeth, a cunning, influential and manipulative wife responsible for Macbeth's judgment, and Macbeth's ambition, which is triggered by his desire to become king. During the first parts of the play, Lady Macbeth appears to be the driving force as she influences Macbeth through manipulation and β†’


The issue of identifying the affected birds was complicated by the lack of manifestation in ducks which pose potential risk to humans in an area. The virus that cause the flu mutated from the original type that affected birds only to a complicated one that is unaffected by the immunity system of humans. This is β†’

Concrde crash

On the runway, when the Concorde flight was preparing speed one of its tires run over the same metal strip that that made the tire to burst. 27 2014. . Smith, Patrick." Untold Story of the Concorde Disaster".

Identify the claim 99.9% of proper grammar is obsolete – cs2

As users are getting acquainted of each other's vocabulary, proper grammar is deteriorating. He recognizes that there is a tendency of feeding customized " Internet Speak" that is developing among those on the internet. The grammar on formal websites still follows the traditional laid out rules, emails are starting to see a condensed version and β†’

Genetic testing

In this essay, I will describe advantages and disadvantages of DNA testing and demonstrate why the test should not be put into practice. Firstly, genetic testing has a benefit of enhancing medical technology. On the contrary, there is a great risk of failure in the test.

Physical science

The internet and other credible sources present a wide variety of scheduling resources and systems for lawn owners depending on the level of maintenance one wants to achieve. The second argument is based on inductive reasoning; " turf becomes better the more it is irrigated". This is a red herring argument since it diverts the β†’

Moon journal

Moon Journal I collected data for a whole week, observing the position and phase of the moon each day, and analysed the data and made the conclusions below from the data and my own research: The moon moves in a circular orbit around the earth. Therefore, when the moon is observed, it appears to revolve β†’

Texas state entrance questionaire

It is because of my calling to be a nurse that I have chosen to major in Pre-Nursing and Pre-Interdisciplinary Studies - Elementary Education. After completing the pre-nursing course, I hope to proceed with my studies to get a degree in nursing. Working in this hospital will hopefully give me the chance to save lives β†’

Find two articles that are influential in the field of organizational development

Strategic leaders are leaders who are proficient in motivating and persuading people to acquire the vision of that company or institution. Strategic leadership is about managing the employees by using strategies of management in order to achieve set goals.


The author then provides both the pros and cons of the strategy. The author addresses an agreeable audience. The author uses logos and inductive reasoning to communicate to his audience.

Working in group

However, I found it difficult to join together the fact about the different things in the school environment to make the whole assignment. As much as it was difficult to join the two different realities in the school environment I learned that I must sort and differentiate the two different things from the bad things β†’

The color purple

The information there in was very reliable and followed practical problems that bedevil many women. The presentation in the book is in particular important in my quest to understand the theology and how people may misunderstand praising God. The two groups were then critically analyzed in the way they believe in God. In the assessment β†’

Nursing should not unionize

It seems that there are various strong arguments against the unionization of nurses. The first argument, in the opinion of Anne Shields and Kathleen Rice, is that unionization of nurses goes in stark contradiction with the Florence Nightingale Pledge to " devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care". In this noble β†’

Case study

The inheritance pattern; Tay-Sachs is a genetic disease that is only transferred to a child if both parents carry a Tay-Sachs gene. Deficiency of enzyme hexosaminidase A causes Tay-Sachs disease due to increased buildup of toxic GM2 ganglioside a fatty substance that destroys brain cells and nerves.

Orientation phase of nursing

This is important in establishing a therapeutic environment. Mary Boyd states that this is the session where the nurse discusses the patient's expectations and explains the purpose of their relationship. By this stage, the patient already sees the nurse as one of the important people " in planning and implementing care" to them.

Case study

The DSM-IV criteria stipulate that for a patient to be diagnosed with MDE they must experience at list 5 of the following symptoms Schouten, R., & Silver, J.. Anhedonia and loss of interest Change in eating, appetite, or weight Sleep disruption Fatigue Hampered motor activity Depressed mood Loss β†’

Impressions of nursing inormatics

At this era of change and investment in health information technology the nurses must be prepared to face the challenges of leadership and utilize their caring passion to apply the technology and informatics, enhancing the safety and quality of the care they give to families, communities and patients. According to American Associations of Colleges in β†’


Significantly, it is important to accord parties in the conflict the benefit of doubt since making assumptions and apportioning blame without hard evidence might further aggravate the conflict. Collaboration is another tactic that may be effective in addressing Manuel's case of conflict. Since in this case job dissatisfaction and unfair pay seem to be the β†’

The goal to pursue a program in nursing

This took a lot of my study time and it was a bit difficult to concentrate and get the GPA I had hoped to achieve. As of now, I am in a better position to achieve my goals, which are to pursue a program in nursing. In addition, I have studied and practiced skills in β†’

Organizational role description paper

The director also ensures that there is a caring and safe environment maintained for the benefit of patients and ensures that the programs that are implemented within the service line are in support of cultural diversity. Another role undertaken by the director is to ensure and maintain an environment that is supportive for all members β†’

Develop a clinical question in a pico format that will yield the best and most relevant evidence

Additionally, the effectiveness of the treatment forms the basis of the patients' selection and decision to continue in that treatment. The purpose of conducting clinical trials is to ascertain the efficacy of each treatment and its combination, and determine which preventive or management strategy best facilitates in reducing ventilator-acquired pneumonia.

Bloom’s taxonomy of education and it’s use in nursing education

In order to achieve this goal, nursing learners need to acquire high amount of knowledge for using it in actual nursing practice. As Su and Osisek states, " Educators can facilitate knowledge transfer by developing instructional designs that incorporate subject content and cognitive processes related to the use of the subject content". Let β†’

Literature review matrix

Retrieved February 24, 2015, from American Nurse Today: Clinical Review. Review of 30 articles Data collected from peer reviewed studies Multidisciplinary approach to data analysis A combined approach of technology, people and and processes would reduce incidence of patient falls. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing.. Retrieved February 24, 2015, β†’

Healthcare ethics discussion forum

Each day nurses continue to face issues that call for the application of the set ethical and legal principles of nursing, but even at those times choosing to save life by applying the best perceived action might contradict the prevailing code of practice or legal rights of the patient. According to the nursing code of β†’

Incorporating theory

To date, the theory has been extensively used in healthcare to analyze elements that affect the quality of patient care. The theory involves takes a focus on three healthcare delivery categories ' structure,' ' process,' and ' outcomes' to assess information on the quality of care. The theory, in this case, will carry out a β†’

Igg deficiency

Pathophysiology of IgG, causes of the deficiency, and current treatment are discussed, with a 24 year old who has a recurrent sinusitis and has been diagnosed with the deficiency as the target audience. Pathophysiology of IgG IgG subclass deficiency alters the body's defense mechanism through their actions against protein antigens and polysaccharide. The recommended β†’

Case study

Roberts story? Healthcare quality according to Mr. Moreover, lack of assertiveness and ignorance among patients is a factor that contributes to untimely death and worsening of medical conditions.

Principles of autonomy

Principle of Autonomy Principle of Autonomy Bioethics is the backbone of modern day nursing practice. The practitioners state the alternatives for the patients to choose the best course of action. The principle of autonomy is based on the rationality of decisions.

Business plan

Business Plan Business Plan A business plan is a formal ment containing set goals, a plan on how to attain them, and the reasons for the belief that they will be attained. Banks, private investors or majority of the lending institutions depend on the business plan to understand the plans that an entrepreneur possesses in β†’

Undergraduate nursing education admission questionnaire

That is why I came to McMaster University and that is why I will stay. As a student, I find that although I can understand the theories being discussed in class, there is something lacking in terms of knowledge transfer that can only be had through proper visual teaching alongside the theoretical approach. I realize β†’

Analysis of registered nurse versus licensed practical nurse

However, it is important to note that there are some LPNs who earn more than RNs depending on the duties they carry out and the location of the hospital. This is because they are meant to ensure that the LPNs carry out their duties effectively. It is hence essential to note that the most important β†’

Select a grand nursing theory.explain how application of this theory by nurse leaders and nurse managers can influence outcomes from two of the following areas

This theory is grounded on the supposition that the founding principle of nursing is bound in caring as the root of nursing. Nurse leaders can use the theory of human caring in patient care delivery and increase patient satisfaction. This theory offers a structure that nurse leaders can use to reinstate the profession's vision of β†’

Connecting assets and choosing your community

Connecting Community Assets to Fight Childhood Obesity in Delray Beach Affiliation Connecting Community Assets to Fight Childhood Obesity in Delray Beach Delray Beach is a coastal city in the state of Florida. The identified assets within the Delray Beach community include open spaces and play areas, holistic and sustainable food policies, healthcare expertise, diagnostic β†’


It occurs when a tissue similar to endometrium is found outside the lining of uterus, specifically in the abdomen on the fallopian tubes, the ovaries and the uterus ligaments supporting the uterus. If these do not work, the patient may expect a surgery. The surgical treatment may work well if the patient's endometriosis is extensive β†’

Nih protecting human research participants course

Protecting Human Research Participants NIH Protecting Human Research Participants Protecting human participants' course is an important reflection of milestones that have shaped human research. Protecting human research participants in the age of big data.

See below for instruction

Essentially, the assumption is that in the absence of a barrier enables the stressor to penetrate the line of defense effectively affecting the well-being of the patient. Nurses have a responsibility of providing care to the patients to ensure that their stability is maintained, and stressors kept on the periphery. References In Smith, M.C., β†’

Dec paper

Between ADN nurse and BSN prepared nurse therefore, it is expected that both would have foreknowledge of the Acts but in terms of its detail and scrutiny, the BSN prepared nurse would have an upper hand because it is part of the requirements of their curriculum to go beyond the introductory stages of knowledge of β†’

Recognizing biliary obstruction

Nursing interventions for patients with biliary obstruction include assessment of physical signs and symptoms, recommending lab screening test and imaging diagnosis and most importantly preparing the patient for endoscopic/surgical procedure. According to Habib and Saunders , the role of nurse is also vital in educating the patient at diagnosis, management and follow-up stages.

Use of marijuana for medical purposes in florida

Running head: Use of Marijuana for Medical Purposes in Florida USE OF MARIJUANA FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES IN FLORIDA Goes Here al Affiliation Goes Here Abstract The paper pertains to the pros and cons of using Marijuana for medical purposes in the state of Florida. Marijuana and its Medical Use The term marijuana β†’

How can cognitive/emotional concepts such as lack of social support and loneness leads to physical changes what are there mechanisms

How can cognitive/emotional concepts such as lack of social support and loneness leads to physical changes What are there mechanisms Lack of Social Support And Loneliness Leads to Physical Challenges David a type 2 diabetes patient who is also experiencing loneliness following the passing away of his wife is said to experience various β†’

Analysis and critique jean watson

It moves beyond ego-self and transcends to spiritual connections between a practitioner and their patient. The ten carative factors and theories of nursing help in understanding Watson's caring-healing-loving-model. Nursing the philosophy and science of caring.

Thermoking sl 200e vs. general chest freezer

The chest freezers are the best when it comes to long preservations of food.e blue star chest freezes are basically the best when it comes to long preservations as they use states of art technology to preserve the stored food for a very long period of time. In terms of storage, the SL 200e offers β†’

Have you noticed the use of nursing informatics enhancing your use of the dikw framework if so, how

It is true that the integration concept offers great support of the data; information, knowledge and wisdom framework to nursing practitioners. As a practitioner, the use of nursing informatics has greatly enhanced my application of DIKW framework especially with the use of Electronic Health Records. The information contained in nursing informatics provides substantive β†’

Questionnaire about ulcers

What are the long term social and economic impacts of Leg Ulcers? How it is caused and what are its effects on the patients of chronic leg ulcers? 8.

Analysis of an ethical dilemma (part two)

In relation to euthanasia being a way to relieve pain, to the suffering individuals, Mary insists that it is wrong and against the Hippocratic oaths of doctors. Physician assisted suicide, she believes, deteriorates the trust that patients have in the physicians. The government is wrong to give any right to a certain group of people β†’

My desire to lead a life of caring

And what better means to combine my love of interpersonal interaction and my desire to make people feel better about themselves than a career in Nursing? The Nursing career I envision is one in which my experiences as an aesthetician will prove valuable. My love for people, the joy I have derived from my little β†’

D. jones, former albion prison inmate, wins $312,000 jury verdict for negligent medical care by lohr

The second case study is that of Dennis Austin, who was convicted of rape and died of bedsores. The article's information and case studies raise awareness for health care organizations. The message is for the health care communities, to raise their efficiency of health care provision and quality of care.

Diabetes prevention

This article evaluates the importance of exercise in the treatment and prevention of diabetes. In conclusion, the article cites that exercise is a mandatory requirement in diabetes prevention and treatment.

Issue of importance to you

Being the first born, I am entitled to help my mother in various activities that will ensure a plate of meal is on the table for our family. At my tender age, I heard people saying that being a first-born comes with a lot of responsibilities. In my family, the effect of poverty is that β†’

Analysis and implications for practice of qualitative research report

The evaluation of such a study involves the consideration of such factors as the research objectives, literature review, design, methodology, data collection and analysis, results and conclusion according to the University of New South Wales. The following sections of this paper are dedicated to analyzing the research article " Pneumonia care and the nursing home: β†’

Gestational diabetes

The condition often leads to the development of glucose intolerance among women with GDM, and at least 50% of those developing the intolerance become diabetic in a period of 5-10 years. GDM Risk Factors GDM risk factors include obesity, maternal age , family history of diabetes and a medical history of birth anomalies, β†’


The above definition can incorporate a series of additional characteristics, related to the term person, as, for example, the following ones: freedom of taking initiatives, ability to take care of himself and of other people, ability to intervene in cases that a problem arises. All the above characteristics need to exist in nurses, a fact β†’