Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Basic types of public policies

The hierarchy of the surrogate decision making is therefore as follows: A spouse to the patient In case it reaches the decision-making point when the suffering patient is out of reach the first people to be consulted in this case is the patient's spouse with help in the final decision making. In the absence of β†’

Global management – royal mail

The following group assignment looks at the leadership style used by Moya Greene in ensuring success for Royal Mail; the key performance indicators set by the leadership and how Royal Mail benefits from its use; explaining the concept of motivation and how the methods the company uses in motivating its behemoth workforce. In addition, how β†’

Product management recommendation

While the project may cost more in the long run, the benefits it will give the company in respect of reputation and brand strength greatly outweigh the costs. The project manager and supervisors will work together in evaluating the progress of the project.

Msc investment and wealth management

I have always had a passion for numbers since I was young, and this has made me pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering, where I have advanced my numerical and analytical skills. I have also held the position of a quality control engineer assistant at the KeyStone Electric Wire and Cable Limited.

Hotel management

Although supporters of virtual meetings and other technological applications contend that the same objective could be attained by eliminating face to face meetings, one argues that virtual meetings and other computer mediated forms of communication are most prone to distractions. Large face-to-face meetings obviously benefit not only the group, but the individual members as well, β†’

Motivational styles in everyday life

Maslow's theory argues that it is clear that lower-order needs such as food, shelter and physical security. Evidently, Herzberg's theory goes above and beyond that hygiene plays a huge role in the employee's performance.

Consultancy project

Recommendations for Tapas on Wheels In our research that was specifically meant to analyse the operations of Tapas on Wheels with the view of advising the company on the best strategy they can implement in order to operate viably, we observed that various measures can be implemented. Therefore, we recommend the following measures to be β†’

Corporate-level strategies

Chipotle's Corporate Level Strategies Chipotle's Corporate Level Strategies Chipotle is one of the most successful fast food companies in the country. The strategies include diversification, effective financial management, and human resource management. A low-level diversification strategy enables a company to concentrate on the strong brands (Hoskisson, Hitt & Ireland, 2008).

Study/research objectives

Organizations in Kosovo dealing with human rights, gender issues and rebuilding of the institutions after the post war lost a sense of direction through poor management, forgetting their stated objectives. This situation has created an interest in me to apply for the Fulbright Scholarship. This will facilitate me to continuing my MBA in the US β†’

Strategy: choice and impact

Complexity Theory Complexity Theory Complexity theory involves the study and analysis of complex systems. Complexity theory is the core of what and how systems are today.

Managing a diverse workforce

Consequently, they will contribute significantly to the success of the organization. How does Best Buy's trip to Memphis encourage racial diversity among managers and employees? The major issue that was discussed during the trip to Memphis was the issue of embracing diversity within the Best Buy's organization. Therefore, during the decision-making process in the company, β†’

Create project activities list and network diagram

All of these activities have been listed below. Feasibility study Development of project charter Conference on project charter Project sponsor approval Seeking and securing of sponsorship -Preparation of scope statement Formation of project team Project team conference Team's official planning Official Plan submission Approval of plan β†’

A part of

Co-creation however has marketing challenges with the establishment of ambiences that programs the freedom of consumers to exist in ways that allow harnessing of new liberated consumers and productive capabilities. The exchange of value and production of products or service depends mostly on capturing and generating iterative social communication as well as cooperation among consumers β†’

Study case (information resources management)

They should aim at creating a process to start a dialogue between IT and the business units. The CIO should ask the consultant to help him in analysis of the portfolio and budgeting, provision of discipline and structure that enables him to sort through and get to the business cases for IT spending. Apart from β†’

Organization culture exercise

The organization is also involved in promoting education among the poor people of several countries. Considering the transparent role that the company is playing in terms of bringing together the people of different countries for the promotion of culture, the organizational culture of British Council is an example to be followed by the same people β†’

Work and employee relations in the call centre

ARTICLE REVIEW By Location The article d " An Assembly Line in the Head Work and Employee Relations in the call centre" was published in 1999 and is the work of Phil Taylor and Peter Bain. A clear example of a Fordist organization is the call centre described in the article.


The Chronological Timeline of Events that Led to the Libya Crisis The Chronological Timeline of Events that Led to the Libya Crisis 2011IntroductionThe business timeline continuity is usually considered the time that normally runs parallel with timeline taken in the management of an incident. Business continuity planningThe business continuity planning is an essential part of β†’

Develop customer service plan

The focus will also focus on both the internal as well as the external consumers. The standards of the products and the services In the case of purchase of a product, the following should accrue; The size should range from five millimeters to ten millimeters. The tolerance of the size of the commodity should β†’


I was likewise given the opportunity to use electrical equipment which detects the errors in airplane. I got a scholarship from the government of Saudi Arabia to pursue higher education in the USA. By completing my degree in the University of South Florida and guiding the knowledge from the specific courses offered through the program, β†’

An efficient manner in the organization

To give meaning to any meaningless collection of data and convert it into useful and interpretable information , it is imperative that key tools and techniques are in place which a) collect the right kind and data and b) make the conversion into useful information easy. The very first step in this process β†’

Leadership concepts and peculiarities

It is often difficult to control rogue students hence the need to ensure that I instil discipline during my first days as the new principal of the school. Being the principal, I will also work towards the improvement of both the students' and teachers' performance so as to achieve high pass rates. These can be β†’


5% of the company is under the control of the Morrison family to date. It also plans to train more than 12, 000 people butchery and bakery skills as well as customer service are well behind that of Asda's which intends to train 5, 000 people. The company's vision is to make its way to β†’

The concert dubai for the world

The paper " The Concert Dubai for the World" is a good example of a research proposal on management. By tagging this concert ' Dubai for the World' and committing part of the money realized from ticket sales to charities working in the HIV/AIDS line, the concert will serve a dual purpose of enlightenment on β†’

The well paid receptionist case analysis

The organization sets each of its strategies to suit its performance targets and organizational objectives. Employee Values Employee values in the company are based on the terms and conditions of the job, the skills and the needs of the employee. For instance, the supply of a good material with good capabilities is a good β†’

Management information systems

Management Information Systems Food order ORDER RECEIPT Management Reports In the data flow diagram, all external entities have been represented by a symbol that shows the sources of data to the system or from the systems to data destinations. Food order is the information represented in the data flow from the main system to the β†’

Analyzing value net for omni hotel & resort

The customers can create value for the firm in a variety of ways. The organization can add value in its supply acquisition by advertising to the customers that they can take for free any supplies in from the room such as towels, soaps, etc. Partners As a major player in the tourism industry Omni Hotels β†’

Management of change

Management of change Management of change: Victoria Emergency Service Table of contents: Page Number 1.0. Individual and organizational performance.................................... 5.0.

Policy memo vaccine about hepatitis b virus nyc

Policy Memo: Vaccine about Hepatitis B Virus in New York Policy Memo: Vaccine about Hepatitis B Virus in New York New York City Councilman From: Date: 11th April 1st, 2015 Re: Vaccine about Hepatitis B Virus in New York City Executive Summary Hepatitis B is one of the most prevalent diseases β†’

Written assignment #2

When answering the question of forceful circumcision of the Gentiles, the organizational culture of the Church comes into the picture. In this case, the council was trying to make the message clear through a letter and word of mouth from the messengers. The lesson that comes out clearly from the case scenario is that the β†’

Explain how you would apply the law to handle this situation

Employees or prospective employees file complaints with the commission on discrimination from their employers and the case is then researched and the claims to be determined whether they are true or not in private hearing. In this scenario, the two women file separate complaints with the EEOC claiming discrimination on the basis of sex while β†’

Chapter 5

Based on the foregoing, one firmly believes that it is actually fair for employers to reject applicants who have tattoos, especially when these applicants would be future employees who are expected to project the same image of professionalism that the organization aims to adhere to and embody in their transactions. Therefore, if the organization condones β†’

Management support systems

It discusses several theories related to those contained in the chapter 12 " management support systems" such as decision making policy, consolidation of separate systems to form an integrated functional unit and the most key elemental theory of health facilities with mergence to other cooperate societies.. Major examples can be drawn to delve further into β†’

Selling smarter with crm by dawson chris

A number of computer-based applications exist for such CRM initiatives towards better management of product development and sales initiatives. Personal take on the Macy's project Macy's project is an explorative one that covers a wide scope of customer relationship management. The project also intends to explore aspects such as application of E-business, data analytics, β†’

Report about the new york aviation managers association

NYAMA was founded in 1976 by New York State airport representatives as a way of optimizing the economic potential aviation industry within the state of New York. Therefore, it has served as the voice for the industry by promoting the constant improvement of the micro-economy leading to the trickling of benefits to the state, communities β†’

Leadership and organizational creativity

Understanding the fact that she needs to put in a lot of time and effort to take the company where it stands today, Spiers-Lopez developed a family like environment at the workplace. Rather than believing that her family is limited to her two teens and other people at home, Spiers-Lopez has developed a family at β†’

Ls week5

They encourage the team throughout the project in the stages of planning and are also involved in organizing, disciplining, monitoring the team. Within my organization, team empowerment is not adopted. The traditional heroic model of leadership is followed and the leadership authority resides with individuals, based on their level of hierarchy. Why team empowerment is β†’

Ask week4 m6

In this regard, what are some of the modalities that can be used in an action plan project? Action plan is believed to play a major role in helping researchers solving their research problem. How would the mode of presenting your plan impact the process? As a sales leader, what are some of the qualities β†’

Ask week 3

In accordance with Robertson and Athanassiou 2009 argument, what is the most important concept of intercultural business and intercultural ethics have you learnt? According to Svensson and Wood 2008, what is the importance of organizations having international or global standards? This is vital especially depending on whether an organization want to keep local standards and β†’

Supervison in the hospitality industry review questions

The benefits of conducting performance evaluations to the management team are that the information from evaluations guides decisions for compensation, job actions, and training programs, and these evaluations can improve employee morale and customer service. 2. The steps that a supervisor should take before, during, and after conducting performance evaluations are: before the interview, supervisors β†’

Walmarts ethics

When the business continues to lower its prices and reduce the purchasing power of the suppliers in a bid to make more profit, it goes against the ethical principle of beneficence and makes small businesses close and move business from Americans. This is an indication therefore that when Walmart uses its buyer power and reduces β†’

Discussion leader mod 10

The management should conduct frequent setting, communicating and monitoring of goals and standards at every level of the organization. Hence, minimizing business failure due to inability to meet deadlines. I have held the position of a lower level manager for an extended time.

Theory, research, and managerial applications

The New England Journal of Medicine, 351 , 1707-1709 Shortcomings of the Skills and Traits of the Primary Leadership in the Case Study According to research, a skill is expertise, capability or agility that is attained or established through education or involvement. There are thus various shortcomings of the skills and traits of β†’

My personality type

With regards to my personality type B result, as a leader, I would be supportive, although it would also mean I would be the center of attention and, therefore, have centralized leadership. As a Type B personality, I would prefer to work directly with the managers to collaborate and not to be supervised.

Lean vs six sigma w3 om

In terms of similarities, both lean and six sigma can be said to be methods that emphasize on efficiency and effectiveness. Root cause analysis is one of the major strategies that most producers have used to identify errors as part of the six sigma. Reference Bollen K.A..

Audit report

The paper discusses the audit report on the standards and techniques that the government needs to improve performance of these subjects. When this project is implemented in the future, it will improve the learning and teaching of science and math.

Performance measurement

Describe your personal experiences with performance measurement in the workplace. Performance management system is a set of strategic objectives as well as metrics of performance that organizations apply in order to gauge the productivity of not only individual workers but also for the entire organization (Besanko, Dranove, Shanley & Schaefer, 2010). In a broader perspective, β†’


Using the EBSCO Business Database on the Wolverhampton University Website, in this report I will analyze the line chart above first by discussing the references, next the year, and finally an analysis of what the intersection of the two points mean. The Units of Measurement The x-axis is obviously measuring units of various β†’

Managing change

The study provides recommendations on the various aspects that require adjusting for the economies to thrive even more. Introduction With the onset of the financial crisis within the past decade, the financial markets in the Gulf region have undergone various changes and institutions and business entities have adopted new market strategies to counter the β†’

Case analysis presentation(climb the legal ladder)

In this case, the associates are likely to make comparisons related to their level of experience and period they have worked for the company in order to establish if there are any notable differences. This pay structure is likely to motivate the employees to put optimum performance in their work so that they can also β†’

Project management: organising a concert

The aim of the project is to change the phase of the society in several perspectives. Taking communal responsibility is necessary in order to develop the society. Project objectives This meeting is meant to discuss the way forward in improving the state of the community.

System analysis and design ( )

The mobile technology is the most suited to offer the mobility of information, to overcome the challenges of connecting people. However, following policies set on the use and management of the devices is a problem the organizations have to contend with. Future applications of BYOD and mobile devices The mobile devices have a great β†’

Information and information systems

Thus a change made in the business process significantly requires proper training of human resources along with proper infrastructural alignments in helping the organization to meet the changing demands. The goal of incorporating information technology in a business process confers specialization to the set of business activities. How can the use of Information Technology in β†’


E-Harmony Case study Porter's Five Forces Analysis Rivalry In the matchmaking industry, the rivalry among competitors is high as there is a large number of firms operating within the sector, low costs of advertising, fast growth of industry and same size of the direct competitor. Even there is a low switching cost for the users β†’

Mindmap of two articles

One focuses on the advantages of market research while the other, the benefits of organizations. Advantages of market research If one starts a business without keeping in mind that he/she must perform some market researches, the business might turn out to be unsuccessful or disastrous. Such people will always be confused unless they find β†’

Situational theory: rationale for theory selection

Rationale according to the situational theory is that for an organisation to function properly, leaders must recognise their leadership styles and identify the maturity level of the subordinates to come up with management solutions appropriate for the educational attainment and skill set, experiences, work attitudes and self-confidence of all parties involved. On the other hand, β†’

Managed care

Managed Care Summary The managed care system was prominent within the US healthcare service providers since the middle of 20th century. It has been apparently observed that with the increase in the demand for managed care services, a series of development within the system of managed care can be witnessed.

Recruiting, screening, interviewing, testing and selecting employees

The process of outlining the job descriptions involve assembling of a team of people representing the best qualities of people currently holding the dockets (Lussier, Kimball & Lussier, 2009). Methods of screening candidates Interviews These are the methods deployed by the interviewers to extract or meet a given objective. On completion of the β†’

Consumer behavior case analysis

The other consumer problem that exists is the issue of the role that the ride plays in the HOG event mix. That is a positive thing for the company.

M6a1-question 2

This means that the effective leaders should at least empower other organizational members who will be in a position to make use of the power given to them by furthering the vision of the leaders. 2. It is the use of power in doing and knowing what is right while in leadership.

Mayos theory of management

In total, in order to integrate the workforce with organizational interests, managers must consider the employee as an inevitable element of the organization. In the view of Hindle, a manager must give much focus on cost and efficiency. At the same time, a manager has also en ethical obligation to his employees. Works Cited β†’

Organisation, people and performance

In addition, the test reveals the candidates' independence and responsibility. 1. 7 Graphology This involves the use of handwriting to measure work related behaviours and personal characters.


Leadership at Apple under the guidance of Steve Jobs has set a foundation for Apple to learn from setbacks and to learn from these setbacks. Over the course of six years, Apple has consistently asked its HR professionals and leaders what were the top challenges of Apple Inc.and tell the management about the ' leadership β†’

Inventory management

The need of inventory management is highlighted in the book. The author presents the types of inventory management.

Recommendation for a spreadsheet to be used by the project managers

Recommendation for a spreadsheet to be used by the project managers By: Spreadsheets, in addition to other business-specific calculations, are mostly used in financial, mathematical and insurance modeling. The ratings are then compared to determine the most appropriate tools to be used by the company. According to the total score above, OracleOffice is the recommended β†’

New public management reform

To hold the public sector accountable in New Public Management reform, there is the use of market forces. This calls for the intervention of public managers to assist the public in educating them about their choices or options.

Strategic management

The net effect is that the company is able to rapidly grow and perform well in terms of finances. I think Starbucks preference of owning its stores is informed by its production strategy of selling its own products in a coffeehouse setting. It sells more than just the coffee and as such by owning its β†’

X teams

In such a situation, an organizationcomplies with all preventive measures should there be a disastrous event resulting to loss of life, damage to properties, or injury to its personnel. Unity within the organizational personnel encourages sharing of ideas hence enhancing creativity resulting to innovation and inventions.

Personal project for class project management

The purpose of taking this initiative is to revolutionize organic farming, and promote it once again, and invite farmers to opt for organic production. 2. The second step will be to run pilot scale project, followed by nationwide scheme for the Sustainable Organic Farming. 6.

Fundamentals of effective resource control for manufacturing companies

Use of finished goods in low-level scheduling and traditional MRP schedule a) Low-level scheduling This matches to an up close of what the customer needs, they work on the difference between their service and whatever the customer exactly needs to make sure that the variation is minimal as per the customer and further β†’

Evaluate the effectiveness of substitutes for leadership

Effectiveness of Substitutes for Leadership Leadership is defined as " the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals" (Robbins and Judge, 2010, p.376). The key premise to this type of substitute for leadership is that subordinates are able to follow instructions by themselves and are high motivated β†’

Concept paper

This results in a gap in their performance as they attempt to perform their role as a leader.The context of my study is to evaluate the need for the restructuring of leadership training in retail management. The need for able leadership in the retail sector was upheld in the ' Retail Davos'- the Retail Leadership β†’

Role of outsourcing in housekeeping department

Role of Outsourcing in Housekeeping Department Housekeeping in hotel industry has sought tremendous growth and development when it comes to outsourcing the different areas of housekeeping department in the last few years. This concept of outsourcing the housekeeping department is getting popular with the passage of time as the hotel industry is getting mature and β†’

Supply chain management

The current supply chain strategy of IKEA is to ensure the availability of goods at its retail stores at the right time and in the good shape and at the lowest possible price. Therefore, the only two intermediaries that can become part of IKEA's supply chain include warehouses and retail stores of IKEA.

Innovative technology

The difference between implementing internally and externally is that, in internal implementation, the technology is designed internally to fit the organization needs but in external implementation, you have to consider an existing technology that will meet the required needs of the organization. In both issues, resources and support, and costs are an important consideration. When β†’

Learning team paper

This paper will seek to answer that question. In the case of the supply chain, there has to be a critical look at ones suppliers. The company deals with material of a delicate nature and one must ensure that the suppliers also adhere to the highest standards possible.

Extensive market research

Potential start-up owners can do so by purchasing competitor's products, posing as an interested customer with the aim of analyzing customer care and sales strategies of the competitor, and speaking to managers/leaders at an on-site visit, who are likely to brag about the company's past and successes. Outshine the competition-use knowledge gained from analyzing the β†’

Discussion 4

It is a procedure that enables the consumers or business entrepreneurs to access their required information at any computer with internet connection. Other than this, cloud computing is described as a weapon designed to fulfil the requirements of the customers or the business to a considerable extent. As a result of this technological change, the β†’

Understanding organizational diversity management programs: a theoretical framework and directions for future

They state that different organization has different cultures and operations and diversity management should be conducted while given emphasis to these elements. Their research even proposes that the approach of diversity management can help in identifying the nature of the effect of diversity on the performance of different organizations. Lastly, the research even provides insight β†’

Fashion retail management – personal statement

My undying passion drove me into pursuing a career in Fashion Retail Management. Looking at the past, I have come to realize that I always relate everything I do to fashion, form the way I view people to the way I manage my wardrobe. This led to my designing and selling of gowns and participation β†’

Stress management and conflict resolution

Secondly, the radiologist ought to contemplate the fact that the conflict between him and the internist has come about because of their job description, which involves saving lives. Additionally, the radiologist must tell the internist that he knows the reasons that made him upset and raise his voice.

Airlines and turbulence in the sky

This problem, however, while not costing customers, is costing the industry millions of dollars. Also costing many of the airlines money are other, cheaper airlines. Adding to this woe is the fact that, with unions involved, the cost of labor and employees is not cheap. Another problem is that having " major" and " minor" β†’

Analyze the behavior style of the participants in both group and individual situations.(cbs reality show survivor)

Analyze the behavior style of the participants in both group and individual Instructor: Date due: Introduction Personality can be termed the way an individual reacts to and interacts with other people. Her comments show that she easily makes friends in a crowd but at the same time is not overly emotional, traits that β†’

Cultures in organization : two case examples

Besides, the firm has a culture of employing new production procedures, while incorporating technological knowhow, in an endeavor to foster efficiency. In the second firm, the management had developed a culture of continued conscripting new and qualified employees within short time spans. A culture of integrity and accountability within the management and other employees was β†’


This demands that the company targets markets and allocates resources to ensure that it exploits such markets. Target marketing is a good opportunity for the company, which will allow in effective execution of plans and comprehension of the customer needs. As such, the return on investment through target marketing is high because the company will β†’

Decision making in the team process

Anderson must have been at the crime scene to know these two facts: that the victim was shot and that he was shot at his apartment considering the fact that the police had informed Mr. Anderson must have been in the crime scene to know where the victim was murdered and how he was murdered, β†’

“al futtaim group” current industry situation

It was established by Majib Al Futtaim in 1992 who manages three operating branches which are Majid Al Futtaim Properties, Majid Al Futaim Ventures and Majid Al Futtaim Retail. At the end of the year 2014, Majib Al Futtaim unaudited financial and operational results confirm growth where total revenue growing by eleven percent to twenty β†’

Making strategy: the journey of strategic management

These forces determine the competitive intensity and attractiveness of the market. The weakness of practicing this model is that most firms would not afford raw materials such as capital to influence change in their organization and thus they turn out to be laggards.

Recruiting and retaining talent: the generation divide by nancy lewis

The employee turnover is explained by the author to be caused by the dissatisfaction of the employees with their career advancement opportunities, work/life balance, by the feeling of being unappreciated by the employer. In my opinion, the author of the article indirectly points to the at-will employment, a form of employment widely used in the β†’

Managing change and building positive risk culture by atkinson

That is why it is important for the management to encourage and promote the creation of risk appetite among all employees in the organization. Sometimes the management is mostly the barrier because the systems are rigid and uncooperative with the kind of change that is expected to be implemented in the organization.

Forklift accident

Forklift Accidents Occupational Safety and Health Administration was created " to assure safe and healthful working conditions for working menand women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance".OSHA has put in place new training guidelines and inspections in order to reduce the incredible number of accidents related β†’

The myki electronic ticketing system

The MYKI Electronic Ticketing System The MYKI Electronic Ticketing System Although the MYKI electronic ticketing system has beenpraised a number of times, it has also received a considerable amount of criticisms. From the project management viewpoint, some of the things that have been discovered to have gone wrong include the lack of ability by Lynne β†’

Read the assignment carefully before you start

Law and economics shares with other branches of economics the supposition that individuals are rational and respond to incentive My choice was also based on the economic principle of how people respond to incentives. This is a characteristic of law and economics as it emphasize on incentives and people's responses to these incentives.

Seed predation in exotic and native legumes – lab report example

The enemy release hypothesis explains that the abundance or impact of some non-indigenous species is related to the scarcity of natural enemies in the introduced range compared with the native range. Keywords: non-indigenous species, ecosystems, species, hypothesis testing, environment, Ecology Introduction This experiment is aimed at evaluating the effect of invasive exotic species β†’

Discussion board 10 – eco2013

Bread the simplest, the most humble of foods and yet the most crucial, the most shared, the most symbolic, poetical and mystical!" It is because of this identified importance of bread that I have decided to look at its price changes from 1950 to the present. According to a report published by Prezi, a loaf β†’

Abstract and conclusion for my critical communication event in recent history

In fact, the rude attitude of Orto led him to be refused to board the plane. The event caught the attention of many newspaper and news agencies, where most of the reporters have the view that it was the impolite attitude of Orto that made the authorities to deny him from boarding the plane. As β†’