Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Mobile ad hoc wireless network

Mobile Ad Hoc Wireless Network Protocols, Performance and Scope in the near Future A brief of the study Table of Content: Introduction: In this section we will describe MANET, the " mobile ad hoc network". In this paper while studying the single tier and the homogeneous MANETs we will try to figure out the implications β†’

Cricket company

The Cricket Company utilizes the CDMA 1X and 1xEV-DO in enhancing its wireless provision services to its clients. As such, the firm actively engages its staff in the progress plans of the company that involve innovation and marketing the commodities of the corporation.

Business and industry involved in the development of community college programs

In order to cater for the diverse needs of the businesses and industries, diverse programs have been developed by the community colleges as a direct influence of the former. Business and Industry Involved in the Development of Community College Programs Rise of Community College programs Initially, community colleges were believed to be set up for β†’

Political terror in nepal

The CNP's main contention is that the King abolished the parliament and removed the Prime Minister and other cabinet members to regain total authority of the country. He seemed surprised and almost certainly did not expect the amount of opposition that was mounted against his attempt to usurp the power of Nepal for himself.

Box inc

In the article, Vizard evaluates the application of software and Box Partner Network that originates from Box Inc. In the book, Sparks describes how works and advantages of towards data and file management.

The hobbit comparative writing

The hobbit The Hobbit is a fantasy book ed by Tolkein J.R. In the book he is portrayed as haughty and officious character who refers to his home as " poor lodging in exile".

Digital technologies

It is also inevitable to work with other people in the community to organize these ideas and data using information systems and disseminate it for the consumption of the entire community via the cyberspace. The consequent realization of the application will amount to a better and more improved digital library system.

Analysis of partriocracy movie

It is important to note and mention that the all the political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats are never willing to cross the aisle or compromise their tough political stance at the expense of national issues and good. As a remedy, the movie alludes that the political parties ought to tone down their loyalty β†’

The comparison of dickinson and feinstein content

Dickinson's " Success is Counted Sweetest" is very poignant because it did not spoke of hope but of an unknown such as what success would mean to a failure or a victory to a fallen solder. Dickinson's " Success is Counted Sweetest" is very virile in its topic as it spoke of endeavor and a β†’


Apparently, the high sugar content made the demand for fruit jams to decline consistently and Doherty's creative skills concocted the SuperJam that is patronized in a number of large supermarkets in Scotland and in the UK today. Doherty eventually had the privilege of forging an agreement with Wiatrose, a supermarket in London, through improving his β†’

How does technology have an effect on students learning

The findings of this research and the constant interactions with the various students support the following results. The research found that the use of smartphones and tablets has enabled students to access information faster.

Comment: bowman v. fels

Fel's case is attributed to the issues it raised with regard to the interpretation of the POCA of 2002. Effect of the Court of Appeal ruling in Bowman v Fel's on the money laundering disclosure requirements and litigation-related professional privilege.


For example, such gods as Cronus, Zeus, Hermes and Prometheus can be regarded as some of the major tricksters in the Greek mythology. Prometheus can also be seen as a trickster as he wanted to deceive Zeus during the discussion of the sacrifice and the parts people should give to Gods.

Financial management week 5

Financial management also allows a company to manage its liquidity in effective manner and provides tools which can help maintain financial stability within the company. By using the resources optimally, financial management can actually help a company to remain financial stable even during hard times when a firm is unable to generate sufficient sales.

Cover letter for postgrad program acceptance

I have handled my assignments in different departments of the laboratory well and interactions with the staff and the patients have enabled me to develop the leadership qualities. I am already in touch with some of the philanthropic organizations in New York and have sent a detailed proposal to them.

Why i chose eada for my mba program

In this position I have employed and honed the knowledge and skills that I had acquired during my graduation course. Looking back at the period of my years in the BS study program, I believe I have in me the ability to organize educational and creative programs and coordinate student activities.

Mission statements

Achieve enduring profitable growth by expanding the brand and leveraging the strengths of the McDonald's system through innovation and technology".2." Dell's mission is to be the most successful computer company in the world at delivering the best customer experience in markets we serve. The mission statement clearly defines what the company is and what it β†’

Law of world trade organization

In this regard, such agreement can be recognised as the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, which focuses on regulating the adoption and the usage of measures by the members of WTO, towards ensuring food safety and safeguarding the health of the humans, plants as well as animals from varied diseases. World β†’


It is surprising to see such a thorough understanding/interpretation of: 1) Explanation of the Old Testament Law 2) Summary of the New Testament 3) Completion of the promise given to Abraham The interesting point is that Paul is or was suffering from some sort of illness which seems to be related to his eyes. Paul β†’

Tacitus: the annals

He plays special attention to the lives and personal feuds and dealings of these rulers, especially tracing the lineage and blood lines in order to better present the picture of the Roman history3. However, some of the text from this part of the book seems to be missing, and is catered to in the later β†’

How to motivate employees

These behaviors should be understood from the point of view of finding how the environment affects the needs of an individual. Motivation theories The presence of programs that aim at recognizing employees, " benefit packages and stock ownership plans" and many more is a proof that the internal and external needs of humans are primarily β†’

The connectionist model theory

Previous experiments have shown priming in online sentence processing only when critical lexical material overlaps between the prime and the target sentence. Facilitated target sentence processing was observed in both Experiments 1 and 2 when the target sentences were preceded by a prime sentence with the same syntactic structure.

Global interdependence by westad

The main point of this article is that the colonialism of the Late Victorian Period had a detrimental effect upon the colonies, especially those in Africa. In contrast, the Cesaire article places the most importance on the experience of colonialism.

The cosmos of macbeth

Thesis Statement: The reversing cosmos of Macbeth, within its scope, represents a situation of complete anarchy and ambiguity, to which the explicit and symbolic elements of gender reversal have played a crucial part in enhancing the eternal theme of human activism, aimed at violating the tender bonds of natural existence and human fellowship. Topic Sentence: β†’

Organizational behavior

Emotions plays an important role in the daily activities, it is characterize either by positive or negative emotions. Feelings, Emotions and Moods affect performance in the work environment.

Democracies and progress

Democracies and Progress Democracies and Progress Briefly discuss, in one to two paragraphs, different types of democracies and explain where the U.S.fits in and why There are three types of democracy in the world today. In the moderate type of democracy, the ruling government has a moderate in directing the daily lives of its citizens.

Grid computing

Grid Computing Grid computing is a form of peer-to-peer computing which allows the organizations and enterprises to take advantage of distributed processing. Another example of the successful implementation of grid computing is the World Community Grid initiative launched by one of the leading providers of the grid computing software, the IBM Corporation.

Standard expository model

Q 3) What, in your judgment, are the most significant shortcomings of the standard expository model as a means to present extended text? In addition, the benefit of hypertext with nodes and links can be replaced with weakness of extended texts of standard expository model." There are important benefits in non-linear information environments: Readers are β†’

How to make prisons economically viable

In the prison industry, private prisons are considered to be the most profitable and lucrative methods of maintaining law and order and at the same time, generating revenues. Based on the decline and massive expenditure on private prisons, the following analysis has been conducted in for economically viable private prisons: Strengths 1.

Behaviroal/style perspective to leadership

1-5, is the article that discusses the aspects of the bigger concept of a health system in connection to public health, in the United States. Effective behavior/style employed in the health system determines the results; thus the article argues that building skilled and capable workforce are among the effective ways of achieving the demanding needs β†’


The United Arab Republic was the result of the unification of Iraq and Iran. Answer the following True or False: 1.

Author analysis on gwendolyn brooks

I select the three works that comprise of collections of poetry and a novel for the analysis owing to the author's ability to utilize literary techniques and use her works to provide a functional critique of the American society at her time. In retrospect, Brooks' works have various similarities most of which shows her interest β†’

Theory of freeing

This theory would help in educating Latino children and their parents on obesity issues and ways to curtail its impact and influence in the present as well as in the future. The use of motivating speech and focus on every individual would further help in creating awareness along with empowering them to take effective health β†’

Human resource management & information management (mba) pro 4

The Business issue under scrutiny reviews the SWOT and Porters 5 Forces analysis, alongside the threats and weaknesses that affect the performance of the business. Some of the threats identified are new market entrants, new business models such as e-commerce and e-delivery and several changes in the needs of its target customers.

Federal express (slp module 02)

Federal Express SLP Module 02 How Project Management Influences Other Departments and Functions of This Organization Federal Express relies on an Intranet based on Netscape technology to coordinate communications efforts throughout the company, and a large part of the information that is communicated to all of the different departments includes project management information. According to β†’

The american experience discussion questions

How well has America done as the " Guardian of the Free World" The United States took on the role of international police with the self declaration at the end of World War II that the U.S.pledged to use power to enforce international law. What were some of the scientific advances made during World War β†’

Introduction to business

As the founder of the company, Michael Dell had the best knowledge on how the corporation is supposed to function in order to maintain its market share and up its sales. Dell had built the company based on a vision and with a clear idea of the expectations, he had of the company; therefore, with β†’

Discusion (theorist)

Duties of the legislature, the role of judges, nature and purpose of punishments etc were addressed more clearly in Beccaria's criminal theory compared to the Lombroso's criminal theory. So for a civilized culture like Beccaria's criminal theory seems to be more relevant than the Lombroso's criminal theory.

Views on punishment/beating

Views on Punishment YourFirst YourLast Views on Punishment Corporal punishment is still an extensively used method of administering discipline in a majority of the American families, and it has been criticized in equal measure by children authorities and psychological communities. Analysts reckon that it is a herculean task to do, particularly when depending on the β†’

Border security issues (week 10)

The overnight revision of these laws led to the government's new move to spy on its citizens. This abuses the privacy rights that Americans are entitled to as citizens.

Now voyager/pretty woman

But in actual terms in most of the societies, all over the world, a girl child is victimized at every step of life, from the moment of birth. But there are women like Bette Davis in Now Voyager and Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, who rebel against the so-called established procedures of the era to β†’

Ignition systems and electrical theory: aircraft powerplants

The DCinput turbine engine ignition exciter provides a high-intensity spark for ignition of the fuel and air combination at some point in engine start. I least understood the ignition systems for gas turbine engines for the reason that the spark discharge of a turbine ignition system is superior and potent than the spark in an β†’

Education technology

The democracy of knowledge brought about due to Personal Learning Networks. The manifestation of knowledge being a democracy affair seen from Teach100 ranks and scores a number of education blogs.

Major international sporting events in asian nations: olympic effects on tourism

Major international sporting events, particularly the Olympics, resulted in major improvements in sports venues and facilities, public infrastructure, transportation, and creation of new and modern public facilities in Asian nations. The Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games, for instance, led to the construction of sports venues and hotels, as well as supporting communication, manufacturing, and transportation systems.

The apa style

Since APA is simpler and more efficient to use in citing references for research work, it would then be of good practice for any researcher to develop the habit of doing proper source citation. As long as a researcher makes a good habit of being consistent when it comes to making the proper citation of β†’

Transcribing my audio interviews

Interviewee: oohh, just the fact of having pressure and the revision Interviewer: why was that, why did you think that revisions were a big deal Interviewee: the revision that, the way they told me to revise was a mess anyway. Interviewer: so you say that your technique of revision was not a dominant culture within β†’

Bluer than blue

Marxism and Feminism Goodrum and Wolpe, in the article, argues that the feminism approach presents that women still undergo emotional torture even in the contemporary world. In this century, it is irrelevant for people to imagine the inferiority complex in women since both women and men are currently equal before the law.

Disruptive behavior of a child with autism by shannon crozier

The use of Social Stories seems to me to be a promising method of instilling in autistic children the proper behavior to use in a social setting, such as in a classroom. Understanding the learning capabilities and needs of the autistic children is also a good way to ensure that the proper method of Social β†’

Developmental psychology

Psychologists have argued that development of gratitude within youth is often seen as a sign of appreciation, being content as well as optimistic. The development of gratitude within youth shows development of character and consequently there is a need to study it to better understand its different forms and levels.

Illegal drugs

Illegal drugs A group of Colombians connects to Chinese counterfeit market to launder money for illegal drug traffickers in the United States, Europe, and Asia. The men make profits worth millions of dollars for the cartels and enable them to sell their drugs in the United States.

Human resources case one: exercising strategy: never having to say you never know’

They might be in the rush of filling-up the job in the company that led to the downfall of their organization because of the lack of abilities of the newly-accepted employee to perform his duties. Work samples can show the actual results of the application of the abilities and skills of the job applicants that β†’

Wk 10 (67)

In terms of counseling a client centered approach seems to be best because many transgendered people have challenges with trust in someone who is not transgendered because of ill treatment in the past. Carroll, Gilroy and Ryan suggest that counselors should also have a growing knowledge of terminology that is evolving in the transgendered community β†’

Aspects of contract and negligence for business

Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business Analyse terms in contracts with reference to their meaning and effect A contract is an agreement that is enforceable in a court of law. Further, principals are in a better position to monitor and discipline the agents than the courts.

Political boundaries in cyberspace

In essence, cyberspace has violated the political domains of the governments, given the enemy some more understanding about its political and societal domains and nonetheless made the job of securing a state difficult, if not entirely impossible. It has violated political domains and touched upon the private issues of a state under discussion.

Portrait of pope paul iv

Harris Kamran History Critical Analysis 12 September Portrait of Pope Paul IV Renke, in his book the History of the Papacy1, has written quite fervently about Pope Paul IV and his inadvertent contributions towards the establishment of Protestantism2. Renke cites several examples of the reforms that Paul IV introduced as part of his reforms, such β†’

The significance of lincolns gettysburg address

Abraham Lincoln started recruiting black soldiers when there was a dire need, the army was very short of work force and soldiers were very badly needed, black soldiers were recruited when the others failed to show interest and there were apprehensions whether these black soldiers would discharge their duty well or not. The Black soldiers β†’

Degree in professional accounting

Degree in Professional Accounting As I am going to complete my graduation degree soon, I am planning further to pursue a master degree in the field of professional accounting from McCombs School of Business. The faculty of this business school is very much talented and highly qualified and I have a firm belief that β†’

Beliefs of islam in the koran

Prayers are offered to God that implores Him to keep the worshippers in the right path, not the one that will incur God's wrath. The section Joseph is an account similar to the one in the bible that tells of Joseph's enslavement and then rises to power in Egypt.

Personal statement example

Proposal ment My interest in business is d back in my early years in school since I highly excelled mathematics, which relates to business. At the second grade in the university, I majored in finance and banking, which was my favorite, and I excelled scoring an average of 71.17.

Conclusion – a short summary in terms of the foundations of the ordained ministry based on the overview i have written

Paul makes sure that the members of the earlier church always respect the ministers and servants and they are given prominence, as we find in the case of Timothy and Epaphradithus mentioned in the epistle to Philippians. So in the epistles, the laying of hands brings about the induction into the office of the ministry.

Illegal immigration and crime

In order for this study to be truly random, then all persons living along a dangerous border crossing area would have the chance to be in the experiment. This is necessary due to the potential hostility in the area, as well as travel restraints.

Curriculum 21: doing it right

He has focused on curriculum design and content, and has stressed upon the importance of ICT in the primary curriculum. The curriculum will make it possible to use ICT in making the students familiar with the growing utilization of technology.

Helpful guidelines in writing

Thus, I intend to be referring and revising the important lessons I have learnt in writing composition class. In conclusion, I have been able to properly organize my writing, reduced lexical and grammatical mistakes.

American civil war

Within the New York Times, this article was written detailing movements of the grants. All the movements involved in the civil war were listed in this article.


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Global expansion

What this means is that the Internet is the major agent for realizing the dream of globalization. In terms of human resource, the company is in a position of widening its search for great minds and talents when it comes to recruitment and placement.

Perestroika and glasnost

Perestroika and Glasnost The collapse of Soviet Union and the origin of Russia resulted in the end of the Cold War and related arms race. Thesis statement: The major factors of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the Eastern Bloc are interconnected because internal conflict and the reformatory policies of the β†’

Why did i closed down my business

The success of the business does not occur in a day but it depends on how the business personnel perseveres the uncertainties and risks that the business is exposed to. Second reason behind the closing down of the business is lack of trust on the individual skills which are required to run the business to β†’

Potential ethical problems

In relation to the importance of self-disclosure over the emotional health of the patients, this article failed to tackle issues related to the APA ethics code when conducting a research study. Based on the ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct, it is necessary to seek institutional approval and informed consent from the randomly β†’

Discussion research methods

Both training and development are specifically meant to improve the knowledge and skills of the employees so that they can improve their performance in the organization. Basically, training and development are more concerned with generating new knowledge that can be used to improve the performance of the employees in the organization.

Financial instruments

The company should also consider the financial risk involved in the source of finance. The company should also consider the flexibility and availability of the source of finance.

The strategy behind the brand building

The study identifies the major components associated with brand identity, i.e.brand strategy attributes, brand identity elements, the target audience, and brand applications, and converts them into a visual branding tree by explaining the brand identity process and design procedure. Purpose The purpose of this study aims to address the issues and challenges involved in the β†’

Critical thinking questions

Running head: TEACHER LEADER Teacher Leader A teacher leader is the ability to assume a level of professionals that exceed that of classroom lecturer or teacher. In order to ensure that this becomes successful, it will need evaluation of the areas which needs to be improved.

History of surgery

Indeed, since the invention of surgery as a special branch of medicine as a profession, the association of human talents in the development of surgical techniques to modern sophistications has been utterly inseparable. The Rise of Surgery, in: A Short History of Medicine.

Employer employee relationship quiz

This is evident from the fact Mary was hired for a special project, as it is clearly mentioned in the scenario - " The company enters into a contract with Mary to complete this project". Answer: In simple terms, the Employment At-Will Doctrine means that in absence of a contract employment is presumed to be β†’

Review restaurant

People go to restaurants for a variety of reasons, to relax in a soothing and pleasant ambience and decor, to savor the delicacies affiliating to culinary perfection, to escape the everyday flavors of home cooked food and to cherish the experience of being served and pampered by the restaurant staff. Desiring some of these delights β†’

A bond

As to the knowledge of the woman-what is there to know except that she has a pleasing appearance We have not yet outgrown the theologic myth that woman has no soul, that she is a mere appendix to man, made out of his rib just for the convenience of the gentleman who was so strong β†’

Microlending helps small entrepreneurs start businesses

Do you think the model of giving loans would work for larger loans or even for other kinds of businesses? I think the model that uses in giving loans cannot work for larger loans or other types of businesses since it brings less profit to the company.

Analyzing a budget

Analyzing a budget One of the strengths of the budget is that it is to be used for a specific duration. Another evident weakness of the budget is that the available budget is less than the approved budget.

The colonial era arguably had a great impact on what has later become known as the developing world

The colonial era caused the spread of different cultures across the globe, mainly the spread of the English, Spanish and French languages to the countries that were colonized. Civilization was spread to the colonized countries since most of the countries colonized were not exposed to the new methods of travelling, reading and writing.

Week6 discussions

In such an event, therefore, the company can apply for a tax relief from the IRS. Therefore, the timing of an NOL should be very strategic in a bid to attain the highest tax benefit.

Cognitive desensitization as a model of systematic desensitization

Cognitive desensitization as a model of systematic desensitization In an experiment on systematic desensitization, s with fear of snakes were made to believe that images of snakes were not affecting their heart rate; this reduced their fear upon exposure to live snakes. Sushinsky & Bootzin concluded that the heart-rate model was not effective an effective β†’

What are your thoughts on present day religious ideologies are they much different from greek and roman religious beliefs explain

In the ancient times, the Greeks and Romans were identified by their worship of " many gods" and goddesses. The aspect of believing in multiple gods for the ancient Greeks and Romans as compared to one God for the present day religions is the largest distinctive factor between the two kind of religious ideologies.

Capital budgeting decision

The property is utilized in investing in a less costly business decision of investing in vineyard plantation rather than real estate that is more capital intensive. Michael Evans is a realized the importance of the net present value of the assets and utilized opportunity to invest in a new business line.

Child protective services

They state that it is the duty of the parents to take care of a child various needs. From that stage, the child protection team links with the family in reducing the likelihood of future abuse.

Student bio and introduction

My parents have played a major and fundamental role in my life, but I would say that my idol is my mother. I continue to learn so much from my mother and hope that someday I will get lucky to be half the woman she is.

How technology has affected you as a translator

The work of the translators has shifted into several new dimensions in the recent decades mainly due to the process of globalization and technological advances. The rapid increase in the data to be translated with the accessibility to translation-memory tool has led towards changing the work process of the translator and its relation with its β†’

Museum paper

One of the most prominent paintings reproduced in the American eighteenth and nineteenth century was Benjamin West. The beauty of this painting is the fact that is portrays the beautiful alliance between British and Indian forces against the colonists.

Qustion 7.10

Furthermore, it can enable the marketers to reach a wide reach of customers in different parts of the world. It is important to remember that transparency and accountability are the most important elements in the use of focus groups in a research project.

Acupuncture is an effective treatment for pre menstrual syndrome

Although there is not enough conclusive evidence that can substantiate the use of acupuncture, it is still a method that should be considered as an alternative or a complement for other treatment. Alternative treatment such as acupuncture might be the answer especially for those who have tried the usual methods.


Business Plan Small Business Plan for Web Hosting A website designing and hosting business set-up is a small business which can be started with a small capital and without the pains of going round the circles of bureaucracy. The business needs to grow in terms of resources and human resources Threats: The competition is tough β†’

The namesake of new types of power structures

Like how Machiavelli used to use force to rule and deal with the enemies, the same things were repeated by Adolf Hitler. The command and misuse of power that Adolf Hitler used can be compared with that of dictator Machiavellian.

Manufacturing, raw materials, and geography

In this regard, decolonization and imperialism were enhanced as the Western powers did not want to interfere with the supply of commodities from China for their industrial developments. This implies that China used its natural resources to support industries across the world with cheap raw materials and finished products.

Woodrow wilson vs henry cabot lodge

The arguments were about the League of Nations that was formed as a part of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles. 2008 Hewes, James." Henry Cabot Lodge and the League of Nations".