Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Next generation biofuels and commercialization outlook

But I think the use of algae as a biofuel among the alternatives is the most economical and practical alternative. As potential targets, algae can serve the military that is the number 1 consumer of diesel fuel.

Bridge of madison county

She goes out to get in the truck. She almost gets out of the truck to go with him but does not.

Industry analysis

One of the core reasons that ready-to-eat cereals have become such a profitable business by the early 1990s had to do with the extraordinary demand that US consumers had for ready-to-eat cereal. Finally, the ready-to-eat cereal market was experiencing such a high level of growth and profitability due to the fact that it was ultimately β†’

Social entrepreneurship in the uk

For example, 2011 report by the Social Enterprise UK indicates that the public sector, the major beneficiaries of the social enterprises only contributes 19 per cent to the total revenue of the social enterprises. Even though large banks such as Barclays, HSBC, RBS and Lloyds have significantly financed the social enterprises, the impact of middle β†’

Human resources training and development

Abbott Laboratories with its century old presence in the market is well known for its range of products and the trust it has won from millions of customers all over the world. The global presence of Abbott and its dedication for continuous research and development and the passion of Abbott people in 'turning Science into β†’

Civil rights

Topic: Civil Rights Martin Luther King was inspired by Gandhi's theory of non-violence in building the basis for the American civil rights movement, introducing Satyagraha as a political method for rights in America in a manner similar to the way Gandhi used it in the anti-racism struggle in South Africa and the anti-imperial movement in β†’

Literature review for prioritizing it investments

According to the article Optimize Cooperate Investment in Information Technology by OracleInsight, IT investments take the lead in many companies; many companies have invested in IT making the total IT investments worldwide rise rapidly. Secondly, majority of the managers prioritizing on the IT investment have experiences that facilitate their application of IT equipment and a β†’

Program description (purpose, supporting literature, program targets, and operation)

Number of graduates Time The Geili broadcasting project comprises videos in series that the COMM team through the help of the other two departments and the agency mentioned will use annually in the recruitment advocacy. The marketing team also plays a significant role in the project as it is tasked with the role of funding β†’

Review questions week 10

What are the similarities and differences between the cooperative culture and the adaptive culture? Code of ethics are significant to the organization because through them people in the organization create socially responsible behavior within the organization.


The choice of the property exchanged lies completely on the owner of the initial property. Following the sale of the property at $600, 000 the realized gain would be calculated by deducting from the initial cost of purchasing the property.

Huella online travel

As a market research firm, we are adrafting a proposal where we are going to highlight the major challenges the Huella faces in capturing the Hong Kong Market. We have prepared a research proposal to solve some of the problems Huella faces in gaining the Hong Kong market.

Introducing myself: zaiyu ren

I need to think about the organization of my ideas and the requirement of the paper. The most important thing for me in my writing is that I have to revise it.

Epicurus stand on the psychological egoism

Epicurus' Stand on the Psychological Egoism I have read several works by Feinberg's and the way he puts his thoughts across is totally convincing and reasonable. Everybody will want to do something that he will be recognized of and this validates the ideal of civilized self-interest.

Kate chopin’s the storm

Kate Chopin's " The Storm" The irony present in the Storm by Kate Chopin lies in the adulterous relationship between Alcee and Calixta and its impact on their respective marriages. It is important, in this case, to note how their adulterous union is presented:" Her firm, elastic flesh that was knowing for the first time β†’

Teen pregnancies

The increase in the rate of unwed teenage births weakens the integrity of a country. Lack of sex education, teenage hormonal changes and stress are some of the major causes of teenage pregnancies, and the effects include the horrible stigma causing guilt in the mother and psychological impacts upon the baby.

Descriptive statistics

Descriptive Statistics Descriptive Statistics refers to the field of analysing data that helps in the or summary of data in a meaningful way. 1 When there is a lot of data to be presented, descriptive statistics can be used to enhance simpler interpretation of the data as suggested by the study of Kim and Kang β†’

Violence against women

Violence against women: This paper is based on a very serious issue related to male violence against women that is increasing at a fast pace day by day. It is reported that violence against women by an intimate partner is one of the most common forms of sexual violence.

Personnal reference

I found her that she is smart, always willing to learn, completes job applications amazingly in a professional and practical manner. Giovanni Jackson told me that she wants to purse in nursing and making career in it.

A higher level of english

Reflection on the English 101 has granted me the opportunity to bring my command of English to a higher level. Because I have gained so much knowledge, it is difficult to define the obvious drawbacks of the course.

Banks risk management: a comparison of uae national and foreign banks

" Bank's Risk Management: A Comparison Study of UAE national and Foreign Banks" Criteria 6 The focus of the article was to determine the risks that most banks within the UAE region face with a view of providing viable solutions. Although the authors identified the three main risk areas that the local and foreign banks β†’

All the presidents men

All The President's Men Woodward and Bernstein were American born Washington metropolitan post's reporters best known for the investigation of the Watergate that led to the resignation of President Nixon. All the president's men by Woodward and Bernstein is a book about the political scandal that happened in 1972 known as the Watergate scandal.

Running just to stand still by bertels and peloza

A general view of the employees and executives should have been collected in order to judge the awareness towards CSR even at the base level in the industries. The company also provided vocational courses to the students in exchange for a low charge since the building social and human capital is the prime focus of β†’

Business law ii

Property Owners Rights and Restrictions: Land, Environment and Social Issues Affiliation Are all of the modern changes necessary improvements to the law, or are they unreasonably negative limitations upon property owners? Most property owners have to be restricted on how they use land and other resources on land due to the amount of degradation they β†’

Awkerman v tri-county orthopedic group, p.c.,

The doctors were in the first count were charged with malpractice for failing to properly diagnose the Plaintiff's disease and breaching the duty of care he was owed. In the same count, the Orthopedic Group of doctors were also granted summary judgment and Count III.

Customer involvement in the service specifications by j. e. swan

The authors conclude that satisfaction can only be achieved if the customers get what they have specified. This can only happen if providers ask the customers what they want and do it.

Literature review of globalization in india

While the World Social Forum activists interpret globalization as " the latest avatar" of global domination unleashed by the West, especially by the United States, there are still others who are under the impression that globalization is the only way to freedom and prosperity. Other factors that contribute to globalization in India would be because β†’

Derivative losses at jpmorgan chase

Dodd-Frank Act limited banks from trading in derivatives from the accounts, under provisions of the Volker Rule. In my viewpoint, the securities exchange commission should enhance restrictions placed on banks in hedging trades to prevent losses such as those experienced in the case of JPMorgan's case.

Ethical issue: specific in business, marketing and health care

ETHICAL ISSUE College The main business issue that is implicated in the conclusion of this article is the behavior of employees when they get what they expect. This is an ethical issue as the employees on concentrate on their own needs and forgets the interest of the business which is the main reason that they β†’

Men in artwork

As the archaic period evolved, Greeks refined their techniques, and their sculptures were almost the same to the Egyptians. 3-14 marked the arrival of a Renaissance in the fifteenth century as artists recaptured to detail the reality that the Greeks and Romans had perfected.

Business organizations

Business Organizations The paper examines the advantages and disadvantages of the main forms of business organization, takes into consideration the overall role of financial manager in corporation and defines the financial objectives for it. It is a matter of fact that he is responsible for financial transactions and good performance of the corporation.

Reflection paper

Mental Disorder This chapter explains several mental disorders, their possible symptoms, signs, and the development of various drugs thought to be the best cures of mental disorder. Although I may not be in a position to realize some behavioral changes in my life, I am determined to pay irrepressible attention to my life pattern and β†’

Short paper: hypothesis and conclusion

The first step is to identify the new legislations regarding security that took birth as a result of the attack. This Act, in turn, gave birth to the Transportation Security Administration which is meant to improve the quality of airline security.

On universal studios hollywood park (see other instructions )

Recommendations According to the prospects, the Universal studio company should pose as a global market leader in the media and entertainment industry. However, the desired goals of the company lag behind and are yet to be achieved.

Where there is a lack of authoritative power can become a ground of war

In this procedure, he falls prey to fight and battle as it is the issue of survival of the fittest. In that time, men resort to war and conflicts in order to satisfy the basic necessities of life.

Nonprofit governance wa 3

Evaluation of CEO [Supervisor's Evaluation of CEO The paper attempts to discuss the five points by Carver that a board should not do during the evaluation of CEO and setting the argument in the context of self inspection and direct inspection monitoring. Lastly, the Board should not assign the task to the ' special committee' β†’

Eighteenth-century europe

He gave the press the freedom to express themselves and he also established common religious toleration. His reforms were well rounded as he touched each and every aspect of the economy.

Denver art museum

Question 2 The fantastic, dreamlike quality of the work produced by Olowe, a Yoruba by birth, can only be attributed to the long history and experience of the Yoruba people that inhabit the west coast of Africa in Nigeria, Eastern republic of Benin and Togo, dating back to the 5th century BC. The Yoruba's religious β†’

What are the sources of my identity

I am a representative of Islam, and I have been able to merge the teachings of my Lord and His Messenger with the good values my parents have taught me. To conclude, the sources of my identity have made me a much better and refined person.

World civilization i

I want to see leaders with a progressive mind and placing a lot of emphasis on the state of law and order. The rise of the city led to a more hierarchical society in early Mesopotamia because such a structure is a prerequisite for the establishment of an organized and structured system of law codification β†’

Computer systems manager

The set includes both audio-visual information and electronic-data information. The reasons for not using all of the available data is two-fold - one is ethical, the other operational.

Funeral oration and old oligarch

In the Funeral Oration, Pericles pays rich tribute to warriors, who commit the supreme sacrifice for maintaining the sovereignty of the Athenian state. This is reflected in the thoroughness of prose and richness of the content.

Wine studies

The streaming number of individuals from the city into the valley continues to drive the Hunter Valley economy through the wine and tourism industries. The Oxford Companion to Wine.


He an I had a very interesting conversation and I observed how I encouraged him to continue.1." Are you for real?" This question often came as we were talking about the uses of medical marijuana and how it was used to stop pain. When I would ask a client about the fact that she is β†’

Industrialization after the civil war thesis and outline

American Industrialization after the Civil War Number Thesis The period spanning 1865-1920 following the end of the Civil War in the United States experienced a rapid rate of industrialization and economic growth at an unprecedented rate. Boom of the railway transportation system that facilitated increase in the number of factories and development of improved methods β†’

At webad solutions, we are committed to ensuring the validity of our cost-per-click network

In the light of click fraud increasing over the past year, our goal is to cut down on fraudulent clicks. Despite the negative impacts of click fraud on PPC Advertisers and Search Marketing, WebAd Solutions strive to inspire confidence in our services.

Dealing with angry clients

But that is not easy to do when you combine the stress of a workload with the stress of having to calm a clients nerves that is just as frayed as yours. Although I did my best to get the job done, one of them still complained to my supervisor about me and demanded that β†’

Answers to cases

The shareholders of the company are concerned about the fact that the management of the company is least concerned about their returns. The company neglects the fact that one of the prime responsibility of the company is to offer favourable return to its shareholders.

Dyadic relationships and (b) charismatic and transformation leadership

Answer The intensity of the leader's relationship and the interaction quality is a determinant of the successful organisation. As a result, this exchange relationships between and among leaders and the subordinates ensure the attainment of organisational objectives.

The colonials wars

As a result of the war the prime minister's office of the government of Britain was taken over by William Pitt who developed the plan of fighting and winning the war in the region of North America and for this purpose he deployed heavy reinforcements in this region. After the war, problems increased for the β†’

Leakage flow modelling in gas turbines plan

This phase is estimated to take about 3 weeks to be completed.3. The evaluation of the materials is approximated to take about 3 weeks.10.

The theme of women and work with reference to alice walker ‘the color purple’ in the prose texts from literature and gender

Alice Walker's The Color Purple permits the reader to think about the theme of women and work in the background of a double repressed life in American society. The novel, thus, portrays the character of Celie, Nettie and Sophia as the representatives of the working black women who are forced to obey the restrictions of β†’

Oil trade btween china and saudi arabia

The rising energy demand in China that outstripped domestic supply prompted the increase in Saudi Arabia's oil exports Saudi Arabia is one of the leading oil producers globally. One of the dangers that the growth of china and Saudi Arabia dealings poses is that Saudi Arabia will attempt to destabilize competitors in the pursuit to β†’

Institutional racism in america

al racism in America al racism in America al racism or structural racism refers to the system of inequality based on race seen in institutions like public government bodies, private business corporations, and universities etc." Institutions can respond to Blacks and Whites differently. In short, whites and blacks with same qualification and doing the same β†’

Wk 2 disc (22&31)

I believe that going to cultural events and attending workshops that are specifically geared toward multicultural counseling are ways that I am learning about different cultures and how to work more effectively with them. D, Torino, G.C.and Warren, A.K.

The challenge of managing diverse teams

Management of cultural diversity, culture differences and its associated conflicts have become the main challenges and drawbacks in such teams One advantage of this is that diverse teams have become an important factor in promoting organizational effectiveness Joplin & Daus and good leadership. According to Jager & Raich, one of the key challenges of management β†’

Theory of constructivism

Logic-based positivism ties to the social and physical context of ones learning experience since what an individual learns, tend to associate with the situation in which it is determined. Knowledge conceives and connects to situations where learning occurs hence expertise and thinking constructed is associated with the immediate learning experience in social and physical context.

Half a page about staring each day i should remind my self to listen to you

All people are able to find joy through truthful love, and the best way of living a good life is learning to love your loved one in a better manner. Each day, people keep on growing and changing in different ways, and the best way of expressing love is by learning to listen, then understand β†’

Effective learning in the classroom

Aside from being academically competent and qualified to assume the role and responsibilities of the profession, a teacher must be able to identify a wide range of skills and abilities in the classroom in terms of students' academic capabilities and needs, as well as being able to match personal and professional qualifications to the students' β†’


In the current environment of increasing logistic costs due to rising prices of oil, innovative approach needs to be evolved to survive and maintain competitive advantage. While the cost of transportation logistics would be considerably higher due to rising oil prices in the international market, the businesses must make efforts to reduce that through collective β†’

Incident that changes the course of life

Still in a panic, we decided to swim towards the spot where our friend and the kid were last seen. Our friend was only 21 years of age, and the most-daring person maybe this is why he was the first one to go help the kid regardless of the roughness of the sea.

Nuclear medicine

The Advancement in Nuclear Medicine Insert Insert Nuclear medicine is one of the most advanced breakthroughs achieved by humans in the field of medicine. This branch of medicine involves the use of trace radioactive material to treat or find the cause of a disease in the malfunctioning organs.


Answers to Questions Answer to Question No In my opinion the top three rules for personal and professional conduct of a chief executive includes; Practice what you preach Remain Committed Be respectful A police chief executive is a role model and his conduct is a ma influence on his force. The personal and professional traits β†’

Agree with or disagree with

The World War I consequences had both positive and negative effects for the economic development of the USA and strengthening of its geopolitical position in the world. Shortly after the war was over the U.S.economy slowed down because a number of business segments involved in catering for military industry during the active phase of the β†’

Critiquing ahmed

However, the enormous spelling and grammar errors destroy the flow of thought of the readers because one has to try to comprehend the idea being presented. Something is missing in the statements and this affects the flow of the writer's argument.

Professional development

The Assessment consists of a portfolio of Tasks to be completed during Year 2 TASK1 Reflective Summary To be completed in Semester 1 please see AR1 for submission date Word Count 500 words You are required to write a brief reflective summary, as a contribution to your Professional Development Blog which Details your work experience β†’

Hiroshima bombings

Kamada in addition, asserted to his study that in the 26 people from the second generation he examined, leukemia got tested in them, at the age of 35. This is according to a data, which record 94% of the Hibakusha to be developing Leukemia at 35.

How power relationships control the workplace

Those with the power in the relationship tell you what to do and you have a choice either to complete what is being asked or to cease working at this job. One thing to notice is that throughout all of these power relationships in the workplace, the person with the power ends up being paid β†’

Passion of christ

Finally Jesus gets to the peak of his honor when he prays to the Lord to forgive those who put him on cross. Jesus Christ is caught on a gloomy night when he offers prayers to God to free him from the evil.

What is the best free digital content we use today

Today, something magical and enchanting has overpowered the PowerPoint and is increasingly being made use of by students and mentors. Instead of limiting the user to slides like the conventional PowerPoint, Prezi provides the user with a 3d canvas which the user can zoom in and zoom out as desired.

Fiction club proposal for royston vasey library

Fiction Club Proposal for Royston Vasey Library RVL's Fiction Club would consist of regular library members who choose to pay a small annual fee on their library membership. All titles would be available to all members, minimizing the impact of the program on lower-income patrons, but Fiction Club members receive priority on holds for the β†’

How is the conflict between good and evil portrayed in beowulf

of the English Literature ic and Modern) of the Concerned Teacher 18 September Beowulf- The Portrayal of the Conflict between Good and Evil There is no denying the fact that the struggle between the good and the evil is a theme that has wrested the human imagination in all ages and times and in almost β†’

Women rights

Women Rights According to " the Convention on Human Rights in Vienna in 1993, Women's rightsare human rights", is a commemorated pronouncement. Women rights have also gained much popularity for they were the central subject matter for " the Fourth World Conference for Women" in Beijing in 1995.

Choose a topic that falls within the time frame of 1945-1964

AMERICAN JEWISH STRUGGLE The 1945 to 65 timeframe was the most remarkable period in the history of the American Jewish populace. The United States possessed the largest population of the Jewish populace in the world in 1945.

Thought-provoking contributions to literary criticism

It polarizes between the strict rules and adherence to fundamentals and the openness for interpretation and difference in association to what is good literature and bad literature, thus what the classics offer and what the moderns present. What Barthes has opened and has continued to pursue us is, in essence, the core foundations of how β†’

Definitions of giftedness and talent

However, what the two definitions agree is that these abilities are used by students to enhance high level of human performance and talents. Services and programs are provided by the two definitions as key catalysts of development process of giftedness.

Intro to sociology

This means he did not have to overcome the handicap of a poor birth and the attendant dearth of prospects of social mobility. This is because his father Archie Manning was a folk hero in the state of Mississippi with even a song written about him entitled The Ballad of Archie Who, although he was β†’

The us health care reform act – federal government expectations, central government powers

The law's provisions tend to intrude " deeply into the internal affairs of the states" and contradict the very essence of federalism. The state of California responded to the health care law by not complying with the federal legislation.

Biochemistry at indiana university

I took my time to make the best out everything I had, and that made me better at what I did. I have undergone various hurdles in my life, and I believe that education is a step closer to achieving what I want.

Business entity regulations paper

Also, if the business is in the form of partnership, non-profit, limited liability company or an corporation, the entity has to be registered with the State of Kansas. At the outset, the name of the business entity and the identification number of business identification as per Secretary of State's record has to be entered.

Transfering to a new university

I want to get myself transferred to a university located in a city where I will be able to achieve my objective of earning money. One of the objectives I hope to achieve in transferring to a new university is to involve myself in extracurricular activities.

Technical complexity, task variability and analyzability of mra associates

In order to find solutions to environmental challenges, the company engages its experts to design and implement solutions. The fact that the company encounters and develops solutions for different types of environmental problems means that its tasks very highly.

Integrating faith and learning

At the same time, to be able to give the best, to be able to derive the best from learning, faith is essential. Hence, learning and faith have to be integrated to reduce the gap between faith and learning.

Product critique lab

Coca-Cola-a product critique Coca cola Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft beverage sold in restaurants, stores, and vending machines in America and throughout the world. The product is manufactured by The Coca-Cola Company in Georgia.

Describe the results of the black death

No: Results of the Black Death The Black Death was bubonic fever that spread during mid thirteen century. The Black Death caused real shortage of labor in all European countries.

Cobra insurance website review

The Cobra website's homepage presents the basics of an insurance website - the mission statement of the company, the benefits of insurance, and testimonials from satisfied customers. The Cobra homepage also offers links that direct customers and potential customers to a copy of the Cobra Act, which explains the Cobra rights to people who are β†’

Wk4 dq elementary math

The importance of set theory as an elementary mathematics course has often been overlooked. Set theory is the basis of mathematics.

A bureaucracy

Bureaucracy is not interested in the employee as a person but rather the employee's technical competence. Workers at Initech were uniformly processed and were not recognized much as members, with Weber explaining this as a characteristic of bureaucracy.


IT has influenced the overall marketing and marketing strategies of businesses and it has impact the marketing department in many ways. However this report specifically analyzes the influence of IT in using latest marketing tools in the field of marketing, social media marketing.

A for conducting a business

RESEARCH PROPOSAL An exploration into how the Intercontinental hotel can use effective pricing strategy to increase Market Share of the Name of the University Date Table of Contents 1. The researcher will also endeavor to conduct a thorough study of the hospitality industry in Geneva in order to learn about the competitors of David Intercontinental β†’

Effective technical communication

The importance of a code of ethics in this discipline is provision of guidance of how an organization will run internally and externally. The Nestle code of business conducts is detailed on the behavior of employees regarding several aspects of the business.

Reading response sf 1

However, the science fiction can incorporate the elements of horror if the film disrupts the traditional framework associated with biological roles of gender the way Alien by Ridley Scott redefines them in procreative process. Distortion of gender in the movie undermines the world order and blurs the boundaries between horror and science fiction.

Travels among threatened languages

This work utilizes the work of linguists and anthropologists from around the world who have studied the demise of native languages in Australia. This seminal report is one of the most comprehensive compilations of the latest data concerning the state of Aboriginal languages.

Block letter syle with open punctuation

Garrand As a valued customer of the Publix family, you are being invited to participate in our new online ordering system and benefit from it. The goal of the Publix family is to provide convenience to its customers.

Swot analysis for gymboree

In the next part of the report, we are going to try finding out the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This will help us determine the position that the company holds in the market and what can be done to improve its current position.

Reading summary

Analysis of the Effect of Educational Level and Minority Status on Nursing Home Choice after Hospital Discharge According to Joseph Angelelli, research on the quality of nursing homes seeks to evaluate the notion that Medicare patients from minority groups are more prone to the risk of being discharged from hospital and are transferred to β†’