Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

The strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde adaptation

Edmond's secret and is helping him find a control of the recurring Mr. The setting is dark and ominous.Mr.

Q 4 week 4

What are the Critical Success Factors to realize the full potential of the plan? Question #4 As a result of using this simulation, what concepts and analytic tools will you be able to use in the development of your strategic plan?

Answer the 2 questions from document provided. about 17 and 18 century english literature

December 14, 2007 Trajectory of changing relations between and audience from the early 17thC to thelate 18th Century It may seem overly simplistic, but one difference between the writers/poets of the early 17th century to the late 18th century is like the difference between a specialized boutique and a large departmental store. The difference between β†’

Models of decision making

Running Head: Models of Decision Making Models of Decision Making appears here] of appears here] Models of Decision Making Decision-making has become one of the most difficult tasks before organizations in today's corporate world. This is obvious that any one of the procedures is more beneficial to one of the parties than to the others.

White house unbutton formal dress code ( yahoo company)

The distinctions made in the article between Bush and Obama illustrates the strict formal working environment during the former administration compared to the loose and casual observance in the new presidency. The members assimilate to what is expected of them and on how they conduct themselves The atmosphere of casualness in the current White House β†’

I would like you to distinguish between the four of the five major sentencing philosophies

Sentencing Philosophies Retribution Philosophy Purpose Although it is not similar to revenge, the main purpose behind the retribution philosophy is ensuring that all crime offenders receive punishment that is equal to the crime that they committed. Maki, Dennis R.& Vilia M.

Countervailing power and president franklin d roosevelt

Countervailing power was shifted to organized labor through the Wagner Act of 1935. While the goal was to provide equal opportunities for many of these people, many of these parts of the New Deal were instead seen as corrupt and impotent.

An asset to st. christopher iba mar diop: school of medicine

When I entered the University of Houston, I have gained so many experiences such as helping people through campus-sponsored events and through the Fraternity I have joined with. Christopher Iba Mar Diop School of Medicine through the experiences I have gained at the University of Houston.


Anderson describes that " correct differentiation of embryonic cells is essential in order to structure the cells associated with the complex environment of embryo. According to Maureen " This is of particular concern in light of the enormous tumour-forming potential of embryonic stem cells.

Persuasive: on government regulation of food

With regulation, there will be the ensured protection of the nation's people and the provision of healthy and safe food. Lastly, regulation will aid in enabling for there to be a sustainable and strong industry that is mostly concerned with food and that will help in reaching a certain goal; to achieve a food system β†’

The englishtenment period and the value of women’s rights

The Enlightenment value that this paper chooses to focus on deals with the value of gender empowerment and the recognition that woman are capable of autonomy and agency. The New York Times is running a series entitled " The Female Factor" and in an article dated March 6, 2012 entitled " Women Move Into β†’

Sampling plans

In this type of sampling the population will be numbered and thus a person to participate in the research will be chosen after every given interval. All the large and the small in size hospitals will be considered for the study with a total number of 100 hospitals expected to be used in the study.

Benjamin franklins autobiography

Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography In Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, he illuminates the phase of his life where there is a division of his mistakes listed as " errata" and the " great errata". In this phase of his life Benjamin Franklin shows the level of benefit accrual or the lack of it from the " errata" β†’

Effects of post-secondary education

Even though many people have the perception that post-secondary education adds value to the lives of people who get the chance to further their studies, there is a controversy. Post-secondary education may not be very important in the workplace as it may lead to a division of teams.


Running Head: IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED S OF AMERICA Immigration in the United s of America of the of the Immigration in the United States of America There are millions of people out of work in the United States due to the current economic conditions. Effects of illegal immigration on the wage rate and the β†’

Relations between the management of arts, the art makret and visual culture/art

The marshalling of art market sales data into indices and the correlation of those indices against those of the financial markets marks the process of understanding the relations. There are differences between the art and financial markets.

Snowstorm case study

Snow and Ice Control Procedures for Airports Control of snow and Ice in airports is important because it determines the efficiency with which an airport will serve its clients. One way to ensure that snow and ice do not accumulate and cause a nuisance in the airport is by sweeping or plowing accumulations of the β†’

Theory tables

Explanation of disorder personality- This theory entails the interrelationship of the parts of psyche, mind, or personality and their emotional, mental and motivational relationship with a greater focus on the unconscious part. Validity- Since this theory has its major study on ego, id and superego as the main emotional aspects, it is valid in the β†’

Social perception and managing diversity

Aligning the people could eliminate formation of diversity in an organization as this involves actual communication of the vision to the human resource. One important move in an organization is to create a team that could work together in the same direction and as one, disregarding whatever prevailing issues concerning diversity in various aspects of β†’

Social policy is primarily determined by the needs of the economy. discuss

The consequence is that the health and welfare of workforce are brokered in " a new social contract that binds the ' responsibilised' individual to the exercise of choice in a supermarket of opportunity". In this scenario, it is fair to say that the UK population is in a state of ' social recession'.

European imperialism in africa and asia

European Imperialism in Africa and Asia The world changed dramatically during the latter half of the nineteenth century mainly due to European imperialism. As Spielvogel notes, after the industrial revolution which brought increased demand for Asian raw materials, and with the long depression in 1870, the indirect rule was changed to direct colonial rule.

Canadas electoral system at the federal level. political participation in canada

The single member plurality system, which Canada utilizes to create a just election, can make agents be chosen without most of the well-known votes. Single Member Plurality framework vs Proportional Representation Canada's present single member plurality appointive framework is frequently depicted as a " first past the post" framework.

Demonstration speech on rugby

The signature mark of the game of rugby, which is, running forward with the ball, was innovated only in the latter half of the 19th century. Describing the rules of the game of rugby, the most important thing in the game is to handle the ball.

Various individuals in business and formal writing

The writers put their ideas in the form of short, unambiguous paragraphs. Moreover, long paragraphs show the disorganized nature of the writer.

Promotion on london dungeons

London dungeons There are various methods of advertisements adopted and used by the London dungeons. Operated by Merlin Entertainments Group, the group advertises the events and the products it offers to their visitors through posting advertisements on the internet.

Get accepted into a computed tomography program

I have gained sufficient technical and academic expertise from my current program and, I expect a smooth transition. I am graduating on May 16, 2013, and I expect to undertake my registry soon after the graduation.

American history

The three reasons Portugal led Europe in the 15th century exploration were first; they had the ability to navigate the high seas. Second, they used the compassand adopted the astrolabe of the Arabs that allowed them accurate calculation of the latitude and North and South distances.

1950’s sitcom

Issues Facing America in The 1950s Issues Facing America in The 1950s America is one of the first leading and developing nations in the world. The effects emerged as a result of the wars that they were involved in and the wars included the cold war and World War 2.

Revise: epidemiology: current issue in the australian health system

Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Australian Bureau of Statistics and Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2008.

A day out in london

I would say that the day it was more fun to watch London from the above surrounded by clouds and misty fog. I believe it was the best day filled with so much joy and fun with my friend Marry.

National response framework (nrf) contains guidelines for non-governmental organizations

According to Annex 6, the two functions of the American Red Cross that can be related to an effective Emergency Response Plan are the provision of relief and basic human needs to the survivors of the disaster and the establishment of a special relationship between the victims and Federal Government. Conclusion The National Response Framework β†’

What an amazing person

I felt unfortunate, when, of all the empty seats he could have chosen, he chose the one next to me. Seeing that I was sneezing when conversing with him, he gave me the name of great medicine.

Professional journal review 01

Therefore, in leadership both the leader and the members must be ready to work hand in hand. General Review This article highlights the actual meaning of planning and the need to plan.

West virginia university

My pressing goal is to get an admission to a Masters in Higher Education Curriculum and Teaching Program that will prepare me for a career in Higher education and teaching curriculum thus, I have chosen the University's Higher Education Curriculum and Teaching Masters program because of its emphasis on both educational and content knowledge and β†’

Unraveling the redox properties of the global regulator fura from anabaena sp. pcc 7120: disulfide reductase activity based on its cxxc motifs

FurA has another task as it is crucial in modulating a number of genes which are significant in in redox homeostasis and accomplishes the properties of a heme sensor protein which has an effect in the binding of deoxyribonucleic acid. This research therefore will be used to show the contribution of the motifs in the β†’

Econ_unit 5 discussion

It is interesting that Newsweek chose to put Ben Bernanke of the US Federal Reserve, Jean-Claude Trichet of the European Central Bank and Masaaki Shirakawa of the Bank of Japan in the spotlight as numbers 4, 5 and 6 in their list of the Newsweek's 50 most powerful people in the world: all three men β†’

T chart

English and Literature Civil Rights Act The law applicable in this article is the Civil Right Act which prohibits any form of discrimination bases on sex, gender or age or in any other way in the utilization of government funded projects. There is a very thin line between discrimination based on race, and the need β†’

Discussion 2 emergency nursing

The family can go into a trauma and hence the chances of someone failing on the count of nervous breakdown are immensely high. It is basically a mouth to mouth artificial respiration activity and the heart massage is a part of the resuscitation process.

Business program at texas a&m university

My long-term goal is to attain the position of a CEO in a multinational and renowned company. My dedication is not only at the level of lip-service but can be reflected in my efficient output and hardworking personality.

Name and describe 3 types of sleep disorders

Insomnia It is one of the most common complaints associated with sleep. Espie, The Oxford Handbook of Sleep and Sleep Disorders.

My leadership style

While leading the team, the use of a participative leadership style is preferable. Conclusion In conclusion, I have a personal leadership style of participative leadership that is governed by the MBTI's of sensing and feeling.

Gangs and gang behavior – week 8

Law The Mexican Mafia of Texas The Mexican Mafia based in Texas is also known as Mexikanemi, founded in the year 1984. The Texas-based Mexican Mafia is extremely dangerous with most of its operations on streets and in prisons across many states in the U.S.

Assignment 3: program of study (pos)

PLAN OF STUDY KAM 1 As stated per the curriculum guide, I will be completing my KAM's, starting with the KAM in my first quarter. KAM 6 I will begin this KAM in my seventh quarter.

Strengths and weaknesses of the authors effort at scholarly writing. see below

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Effort at Scholarly Writing Strengths and weaknesses of the effort at scholarly writing One of the major breakthroughs over the last half a century has been the availability of personal computers. Hence, contributes to strengths and weaknesses of the author's effort in reference to scholarly writing.

Cultural and social diversity as major issues in the delivery of health

It is through this competence that the health manager will be able to offer effective health services while respecting other people's practices and beliefs in professional practice.comprises the knowledge of the populace according to language, demographics, economic factors, beliefs, age among others. It is through this competence that the health manager will be able to β†’

Automated process of accounting information systems

The parts of development for payroll are with the time clocks and reporting of the statements to accounting and human resources. Describe how the accounting information systems incorporating the recommended changes add value to the accounting operations of Kudler Fine Foods.

Public health

They are responsible for the health of both their children and parents and, hence they need sufficient health information. This requires health practitioners, administrators, and organizations to have a constant monitoring system that allows them to identify the needs of the society.

Prostitution and related offenses

Prostitution and related offences Prostitution and related offences Topic explanation Prostitution is one of the oldestvices in our society. This study seeks to broaden the perspective of knowledge in prostitution and the uncovered facts that have not been addressed in relation to the emerging issues that affect engagement of minors in prostitution business, which amplifies β†’

Aerobic training and fat burning

The enzymes present within the mitochondria help in burning fat and reserve the glucose stores within the body. However, burning of the excess fat within the body is majorly achieved through aerobic exercises.

Program change application

With this understanding, I believe that the passion I have in financial sector supplemented by a study in Master of Science in Finance will help me meet both my career and professional goals. I believe that the backbone of every organization is its financial security, and this further motivated me to change my course.

Health record structures in computer-driven formats

Health Record Structures in Computer-Driven Formats Health Record Structures in Computer-Driven Formats I selected health record structures in computer-driven formats as my information system structures. Health record structures in computer-driven formats are information system structures that enable hospitals and healthcare facilities to achieve efficiency and ease of recovery, availability of data, storage, payments, and use β†’

The quota system

Details: Due The Quota System The clamor for equity in the participation of both the male and female genders in politics is full of intrigues. Some of the reforms that have led to the increase in the number of females participating in politics include the meritocratic and the affirmative models as well as the structural β†’

Jet blue

The expertise of JetBlue's manager contributed largely to the success of the airline company. It is also the concern of the entrepreneur to raise sufficient capital; and to promote its products and services.

Materials development

Although the cost of production will be high; hence, decreasing mass production the products will be satisfactory, and the customer will not have to spend more money for maintenance of the products or replacing the gadgets. However, if the gadget was made from low-cost materials it will keep on spoiling as it is not strong β†’

Businss problem

Business Problem When Alpha Communications and Beta Publications pool resources in a one-time business deal, they form a limited liability company. On the same note, this contracting did not involve any business partnership between Alpha and Beta.

Ubs admisions letter

I believe I have the necessary skills to work in the position of the sales trader acting as a link between customers and traders. In addition, being a charismatic person, I believe I can be the best sales trader for your bank.


Freders, the son of the boss of metropolis falls for Maria, who is a leader for the unjust conditions for the workers; this information is kept a secret from her boss. Then, in the nick of time, Freders rescues Maria and together they stop the revolution and bring back the feeling of peace and security β†’

Toyota motor corporation

The Toyota is the world's largest automobile manufacturer in terms of sales and production. The Toyota's management philosophy reflects the concepts of lean manufacturing and just in time production.

Gangs & gang behavior – week 8

Organization and structure As time goes by, the gang has been known as the Mexican Mafia, which split into two groups, the other is adhering to the old philosophy of the gang and the other one considers the group as the New Mexican Mafia. The Mexican Mafia, a Hispanic gang, adheres to the value of β†’

Chapter question

Relative advantage defines the measure of effectiveness and efficiency of a proposed innovation with respect to the old technology. In cases where such tests are not possible, alternative approaches must be devised and this may delay adoption of the proposed technology.

Plato’s phaedo

The main goal of the dialogue is to describe the last day in Socrates' life. In the dialogue all these are embodied in the sublime image of Socrates, who is dying for a sake of this future beatitude.

Financial plan jlk pad

The sales of the electronic products are as shown in the income statement forecast.2. Notes for the financial plan a) The asset base of the company is expected to grow steadily over the years with a decline at the second year.

Two recent merger and acquisition cases

of the of the Submitted Two Recent Merger and Acquisition Cases The decade that will be remembered in the history of corporate finance as the decade of mergers and acquisitions will undoubtedly be the 1980s, as this was the period in which the most prolific mergers and acquisitions were made both in the USA and β†’

Why i want to study at kelley school of business

I currently reside in Indiana, and I seek to complete my studies in the business field. I also have good knowledge of the management of businesses, as I have been a general manager for Jazan Royal Sweet Hotel back in Saudi Arabia.

Consolidated electric

In the scenario of Consolidate Electric Case Study, the comprehension of how inventory transactions take place would involve collection of essential information to help in relaying data through fixed terminals found in its database system. Warehouse operations also deserve automations and controls that are efficient within the system to assist in the calculation of electrical β†’

Social and economic changes in europe america and africa in 1400 1800

The first notable economic change that occurred following the contacts is industrialization, which was majorly promoted by the availability of labor and raw material which could easily be sourced from America and Africa and then shipped to Europe. Infrastructural development is yet the other economic change that occurred as a result of the contacts, where β†’

The broken home: cruelty and splendour are by products of fame and money

The perils of which had to be faced by the poet himself, the perils as it seems of glory and money that was to be a part of the life of his father until his death, as it is mentioned in the following line of the poem," Each thirteenth year he married. The poem stands β†’


If I talk about the aspects of culture that have affected my personality development, I would say that my religion and traditions have played a vital role in shaping my personality. This aspect of his culture has shaped his personality in such a way that he has become a highly frustrated individual.

Disscusion board (criminology)

427023 30 March DISCUSSION BOARD Dr Pat Croskerry Dr Croskerry should not have sent the man home and instead should have kept the man under observation for the simple reason that although the man's heart condition appeared to be normal his heart's symptoms were strange. The doctor failed to check the man's blood and its β†’


In the case of an individual who does not have a job, and is in dire need because of the need to provide for themselves and their family, he accepts the dangerous work conditions when he takes up the new position. In the case under study, the individual may have been under intense pressure to β†’

Business models on theweb

It relates to the business models due to its explanation on how the digital economy is enabling businesses to improve the efficiency of their operations. Further, the article also shows how the internet affects the models used in business, government and the economy.

Analysis of aristophanes and peter meinecks clouds

The play has the main goal of informing the reader that, in the idealistic subtleties, there is neglect of the true wishes of Athenians. Aristophanes in the play, therefore, means that there was a need for a change of the status quo.

A quote from the book of mice and men

It is important to know the significance of the characters of Slim and George to be really able to understand this particular quote. To conclude it is very fair to say that Slim was arguably the most stable character in the novella, he knew he needed to console George because he had lost a great β†’

Social inequalities, american cultures

The pay is too small to cater for even the few basic things thus rendering the part time workers as people of the lower class. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2001.

Conceptual writing

Conceptual writing is a radical shift in the style in which the idea become the focus of the written work, and that when one commits to conceptual writing, the act of writing becomes the final element in the process as the idea had already been conjured. This is defined as the process of conception β†’

Hum m3 man

A close analysis of Burn's arguments on human emotions reveals that humans are in full control of their emotions. Values are the judgment of a person on what is important and what is not important in life.

Subway (sandwiches) going to norway

According to per capita income, Norway is one of the richest countries in the world which provides a number of potential markets for both local and foreign investors. Since Subway is already an established brand, it will help it during the marketing of its products in Norway.

Business graduate studies

I really want to pursue my Business graduate studies on a prestigious committed to academic excellence like yours since I have a deep feeling that I can make a big difference in the business community. I think that as a highly motivated and savvy entrepreneur my efforts will benefit a lot of people thanks to β†’

Kennedys freedom and unity

He furthered his statement to encompass the world, saying, " Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man". He extended his hand of freedom and peace to the entire human race, not just a select few.

Case study information system in management

I would request for the performance evaluation of all staff and also an update on the operating system of the department at least prior to the occurrence of the problem and also while the problem was ongoing. In one of the seminars or trainings that I plan to hold as part of the reconstruction of β†’

The man who would be king

Literary Review The Man Who Would be King written by Rudyard Kipling and first published in 1888 is one of the first audacious works of the The main themes of the story are British Empire colonial system and exploitation of physical nature which is followed while establishing this system in India, as well as aspiration β†’

Alcohol & other drug counselling

Alcohol & other drug counseling Introduction: Alcoholism was always a potent threat to the society but in the last one decade it has affected the society and the teenagers in a disturbingly manner. The Elevation of Alcoholism The elevation of alcoholism as well as other drug abuse has encouraged many treatments to appear in the β†’

The women of uncle toms cabin

Analyzing the Women of Uncle Tom's Cabin Written in 1852, two years after the passing of the Fugitive Slave Act which made it illegal for anyone to offer assistance to a runaway slave, Uncle Tom's Cabin launched a direct attack against all institutions that promote slavery. While Uncle Tom's Cabin was written before the spread β†’

Modern person-centered therapy

The article of Mick Cooper " Person-Centered Therapy: The Growing Edge", published in July 2007 in the journal " Therapy Today", investigates into modern views of the psychologists and therapeutists on one of the most popular and allegedly the most effective way of psychological treatment person-centered therapy. Purpose The purpose of Cooper's research is to β†’

About fedex and ups and who has better financial health

In this aspect UPS fared better in the previous two years compared to FedEx indicating the financial stability of the company. It is only in the efficiency aspect that FedEx came near UPS in terms of its financial position.

It601-0903b-07 information technology in business management – phase 1 discussion board 2

FYC can outsource within the United States, the hosting of its websites, and the call centre of the company can be held within its own operations. Also the other functions of the company like the Human resources and pays department can also be outsourced and this will help the company improve and concentrate in the β†’


This was done due to the two reasons: the increasing respect of whites towards Indians, which was caused by their active participation of Indians in the World War I, and the agitation held by the Indian groups and the friends of Indians who claimed to provide Indians with rights.3. However, the taxes for the acquiring β†’

Explain the development of perception in children

What children are unable to do at this stage is to make sense of the environment or to interpret the sensory inputs and this is where perception comes in. The second stage is the preoperational stage whereby children learn to use words and symbols to represent objects and relationships but they cannot manipulate them.

Culinary class – bocuse d’or usa

In this case, it was impressive to see the chefs prepare three different meals under pressure and still maintain the time set. Additionally, I was inspired to see that people are proud of their cultures and the different foods they eat.

Monotheism in christianity and islam

Islam is termed as a religion of the book with all the teachings recorded in one book, The Quran. In the new testament of this Bible is a record of the teachings of Jesus and other disciples such as Paul, John, and Mark.

Differentiate between declaration a vindication of the rights of woman

The exclusion of women from the participation in governance and political life may be viewed as contrary to this law, hence a vindication of rights of women. This was in essence a vindication of women rights because they were barred from participating in activities afforded to them by the rights in the Declaration.


Department of Economics Premier League Is it the case that economic prosperity leads to sporting success or is it sportingly success that leads to economic prosperity?" The dominance of the big four" An empirical study Contents 1 Introduction3 2 The English Premier League 5 2. 1 Figure 1: The Performance of the big four6 2.

Lightner witmer founder of the school of psychology

This article, which was entitled The Organization of Practical work in Psychology, was one of the highlights of Witmer's career as it enlightened both the public and his colleagues of the work he was intending to do in the field. The article was based on the events that occurred in the process of him founding β†’

History of the israel-palestinian conflict

The conflict started before WWI, and it can be traced back during the First Aliya which was the wave of migration of the Zionist Jews in Palestine. The conflict made the two countries more suspicious of each other since the British wanted to control the region under disagreement.

Define jcaho

JCAHO Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations is a non-governmental organization. The commission rebranded in 2007 and acquired a simpler name The Joint Commission.