Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Sustainable tourism

The Malaysian tourism industry provides a chance to the foreigners as well as the locals to enjoy recreational activities, which are considered of great importance in the today's busy lifestyles. The tourism industry of Malaysia is said to be the second highest contributor in the Malaysian economy, which helps in generating foreign exchange as well β†’

The al-masjid al-haram mosque as a historic tourist destination

Indeed, the Al-Masjid Al-Haram Mosque, which is one of the holiest places in the history of Islam, is situated in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. I have to admit that the experience that we had when we visited Al-Masjid Al-Haram Mosque was out of this world.

Job application letter

With the purpose of the Standard Operating Procedures position centering around the concept of containing internal operational procedures for the Standard Army Management Information Systems, I am striving to infuse my past experience in logistics into this role with the Ohio Army National Guard. I sincerely hope for the opportunity to discuss this position with β†’

Reading journal 2

Summary: Journal 2 Chapter 4: The Enlightenment and the Revolution of the mind Human civilization began in the 18th century. In this age people challenged the religious, and political and economic theories and assumptions of the day.

Review on poverty

Due to the fact that the existence of poverty has direct effects on health, life outlook, level of education, salary outlook, and the propensity to crime that an individual might be tempted, the reader can aptly see the true impact that poverty can have on every aspect of society as well as nearly every aspect β†’

Machiavellis rationalization

But if the ruler need only show that he/she is free of vice and not truly be so, this is a very difficult facade to keep up. In short, for a ruler to be free of blame and constantly praised, the ruler must realize that this just can not be.


The reason for this recommendation is that in ecommerce there is business rule that stipulates that the higher the traffic, the higher the sales. In the case of copyright material there is a $5 royalty fee to consider.

Bait and switch: the (futile) pursuit of the american dream

The book ends up as one dealing with the author's experience of job hunting than with the life and plight of the jobless white color workers in the American corporate world Though Barbara Ehrenreich is trying to discover the struggle of the middle class in pursuing the so called " American Dream", the very concept β†’

Analyzing new images

The design brought the nature elements in the urban landscape. Second Assignment In my opinion, ephemeral art reflects the desires of dematerializing the art object so that the demand of the market can be evaded.

Microbiology- slp

Differences and Similarities in the Structure and Evolution of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Escherichia coli al AffiliationDifferences and Similarities in the Structure and Evolution of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Escherichia coli Introduction A bacterium is a single-celled organism and it is usually smaller than eukaryotic cell. Classification Both Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus bulgaricus are bacteria; however, Escherichia β†’

International estate planning benchmark assignment 3

X transfers securities valued at $1 million and a basis of $500, 000 to the trustee of the trust, if he subject to capital gains tax on such a transfer? S settler is subject to income tax on distributions.5.A U.S.settlor creates a trust under the Nevis International Trust Ordinance and the beneficiaries are U.S.citizens.

Public display of affection

He waited and he waited but he never seemed to find that special Lady Leatherback. As Lenny grew older he decided that perhaps he should give up and began to realize that maybe he really was one in a million.

Telling a strange story & family values

After introducing readers to the news, author introduces Gregor's room, " a picture of a woman", the weather if there's a common human in the room. They are mostly worried about Gregor, so they send for a doctor, and mother's trying to excuse Samsa before Mr.

My sophomore year

The lesson I learned was to not exceed my limitations. Although I see it as a failure due to my grades, the lesson learned was well worth the experience.

Unti 3

The main objective in the study is to be able to determine the importance of one of the needed food components in the body which are the macro and trace minerals. In addition, balanced diet that is composed of different nutrients and minerals can still be considered as the simplest way to be able to β†’

Personal environmental history

While I understood the importance of not littering, as my parents had instructed me as much, I did not have the deeper emotional understanding of the importance of preserving and taking care of my natural surroundings. As I matured I began to have and look back on the experiences I had with nature.

Competitive advantages with the merger of exxon and mobil

HERE HERE YOUR HERE HERE The Competitive Advantages of the Exxon-Mobil Merger The main competitive advantage of theExxon-Mobil merger is its current position as a cash and revenue leader. This acquisition has given the business much higher competitive edge due to its capital purchase as XTO is a leader in providing new innovations in unconventional β†’

The book idea of america by gordan wood

In addition, Wood explains the origins of the American Revolution, the main idea behind the revolution, and what Americans sought to achieve through the revolution. The United States achieved a lot through the revolution; the American idea " then" portrayed the liberation of America from colonial rule and the attainment of independence and self-rule.

Community and childrens education

The community has also been offering resources to the educational sector in a favorable term because educational institutions are part of the community. Other impacts from the community in which we have been witnessing between the community and the educational sector are by availing a conducive environment for effective education.

Civil rights movement

Without question one of the most significant events of the Civil Rights era was the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Kennedy to the bench of the Supreme Court as the first black Supreme Court Justice of the United States.

News/press release

The purpose of the campaign is to make people understand in details the elements of sexual harassment and not assume incidences of sexual harassment but instead report the cases to the authority. So join us in the campaign against sexual harassment.

What is quantum physics

From the physics world, it has also taken some serious relevance in the fields of agriculture, medicine, even in anthroposophy, and religion. Thus, quantum physics plays a significant role in the quantum nature of reality.

Routine computed tomography scanning protocols for head, chest and abdomen

The most direct method of reducing the radiation dose reduction is that of decreasing the tube voltage and tube potential. Routine CT Scanning Protocols for the Head Table 1 shows the numerous parameters and dimensions for the CT scan of the human skull using KSMC's protocol.

Plato: apology and crito – dissertation example

One of the major statements made by Socrates in Apology is that a ' good man is not harmed in life or death' and he emphasizes the role of ' divine sign' which guides the good man away from wrong action. In short, it is important to recognize that Socrates has been concerned with emphasizing β†’

Compare and contrast the two philosophers: john locke and thomas hobbes – dissertation example

Where Hobbes's conception of natural rights meant to stimulate the people to abide by the natural laws, Locke crystallized the preceding conceptions of Hobbes into the new statement of the modern ideas. While Hobbes wanted absolute and undisputed power of the ruler, John Locke emphasized that limited rights should be assigned to the government.

Ethical issues

Talbots must make sure that there are no human rights violated and that they will give appropriate and fair wages to their employees. They should recognize that there is a need for a uniform code of business ethics that will take into consideration the beliefs, norms and values of the different nationalities which they will β†’


Article Summary In " Is the Allure of Self-Esteem a Mirage After All," Joachim Krueger, Kathleen Vohs, and Roy Baumeister discuss their views in regard to self-esteem and the role of society. While people may be encouraged to have high self-esteem based on the need to impress society, they do not have self-esteem for the β†’


Liberty refers to the state of a free person, exemption from subjection to the will of another claiming ownership of an individual or service; it is freedom opposed to slavery, bondage, subjection or serfdom. While liberty refers currently to the state of a free person, exemption from subjection to the will of another claiming ownership β†’

The art of steal

The Art of the Steal The film The Art of the Steal talks about one of the art world's latest cheat. Perhaps it triesto answer the question of ownership of the art-the public, or the museum.

Value alignment

Value Alignment Value Alignment All the people aim big targets in their life; however only some of the people will reach the target whereas others may fell down before reaching the targets. Some people opt for shortcuts in order to reduce the efforts and to reach the targets.

Allied health scholarship fund contest

I have been accepted to the Firefighting Academy for the Fall of 2011. I want to be able to continue my dream of helping others as a professional member of this community; for this I need your help.

A comprehensive examination of the occult tradition

A Comprehensive Examination Of The Occult Tradition The world of literature is really fascinating. Therefore, as a result of flexibility of study within literature, the purpose of this study is to give a comprehensive examination of the occult tradition.

Film first before book

This comparison between a book and a film is applicable to the film " Cabeza de Vaca" and the book " Chronicle of the Narvaez Expedition"." Cabeza de Vaca" is a film regarding an epic subject Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca. Watching the film can make a viewer interested in the details of this piece β†’

707 week 6

Different types of metric tools however exist and this discussion compares them, besides discussing importance reliability and validity and necessity of coding. A research aims at developing knowledge, from existing data, for solving a problem or bridging information gap and reliability and validity ensures realization of the aims.

The yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gillman

In the story, ' The Things They Carried' Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, the protagonist of the story and the platoon leader is a symbol and a character, brilliantly portrayed. The blending of autobiographical elements and fiction is done meticulously in this story.

Biggest challenge

With the vast number of people on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, it is hard not to be distracted by it. Before a decision can be made, the guest list has to be checked to see who is going to be there.

Lessons from the crises in cote d’ivoire

The greed of the political leaders resulted in the civil war and to the division of the country into two. Ivory Coast became a Republic in 1958 and in 1960 the leader of the Democratic Party of Ivory Coast, Felix Huaphonet Boigny became the President.

Behavioural difficulties with childern (in classroom)

Behavioral Difficulties with Children in the room Children are fast learners at key stage and most of the time they are easy to control in terms of behavior in the class room where learning is progressive and measurable. In my own experience I have tried to ensure that the discipline maintained in the class is β†’

Losing weight is a myth

Since your topic is myths on losing weight, your thesis statement contends that the weight loss industry misleads people to lose weight in unhealthy ways which is also a very strong statement that needs authoritative support; and is apparently not related to your topic. Therefore, your myth in the fourth paragraph could be stated as: β†’

Female cicumcision

Female circumcision is a repugnant issue to Americans and Europeans, but in Sudan the practice is normal and accepted for the majority of women. The most common kind is a Clitoridectomy, which means the hood of the clitoris is removed.

Teacher trainer observations during hot yoga class

For instance, hot yoga has negative influences on the internal parts of the body this is according to the 1972 conference on the International Medical and it is also considered not good because of the high room temperatures students are put under. Regardless of the type, yoga they do not offer complete fitness and weight β†’

Choosing the best tax entity for a small business

Choosing the Best Tax Entity for a Small Business Joseph Anthony's article " Pick the business entity that's right for you" outlines the pros and cons of various tax entities for small businesses. Accordingly, instead of arguing for the supremacy of one type of business entity, Anthony provides a concise evaluation of the pros and β†’

Management: strategic decision making in a global business setting

For the CEO to be an effective leader she needs to provide the vision and platform that will encourage all staff to be innovative in everything that they do for the company. Netflix's CEO is effective in the sense that he shows focus and has provided the company with two clear strategic objectives: to grow β†’

Texas govt class: paper 2

The Texas Democratic and Republican Platforms Introduction The political culture in Texas is mainly ified into two categories: the Texas Democratic platform and the Texas Republican platform. The Republican Texas Platform Contained in the Texas Republican Party 2012 Preamble, are statements of beliefs of the Texas republican people that include equality among all men with β†’

Florida’s sunshine law

This kind of transparency on the local and state levels means that their state and local governments are truly held accountable for their actions in relation to its direct impact on the residents. Residents of Florida will not and cannot be blindsided by the state and local governments when it comes to government policies.

Wilson and lenin

of the of the Wilson and Lenin The end of World War I created the need for global reforms that could guarantee peace and harmony. Despite having different perspectives, Wilson and Lenin dreamt of a world where global peace and self-determination among the people would be common.

Education evidence-based inquiry

In their responses, the disciples were required to analyze the situation clearly and logically. Finally, the Lord used the strategy of linking previous knowledge to the present situation.

Emergency department bottleneck proposal

The second is that during the peak flow of patients into the ED, the services that are required to provide support for the ED in the provision of timely and quality care are functioning at their minimal ability, since they are in the after-hours mode. The essential problem in quality care in an ED is β†’

Third world country

The country has apposite technology that support manufacturing. Evidently, this country also possesses the required expertise to support manufacturing.

Workforce effectiveness (interview technique)

However, a semi structured format allows the interviewer a more flexible structure through the use of open ended questions which define the areas that need to be explored, such as the nature of duties at the previous job, etc. The last method was a modified structured interview in which the interviewers were provided an information β†’

Answering history questions

A number of reasons can be attributed to the failure of the Operation Market garden. The Germans in turn took advantage of this plan and decision to defeat the Market Garden.III.

Emergency management 670

Emergency Management Question The issue of whether to trade off between mitigation and response in disaster management is a realissue. In a nutshell, if each risk of a disaster is considered individually, then it is possible to trade off between mitigation and response for the risk of that disaster.

Considering the climate of the it system

Considering the Climate of the IT System The ment that contends that " most systems fail because they fail to consider the behavior of the organization" is at first glance puzzling to most managers. Yet, failure to evaluate the climate that the system is used in, the attitudes of the users, and the style of β†’

Human evil by hicks

A working definition in the context of the essay might perhaps be that a person or human is a being created by Judeo-Christian God and given the ability to exercise the power of free will. Hicks paraphrases Irenaeus, who believed that although Man was made in the image of God, the suffering and hardships of β†’

What does the russian meteorite tell us about surveillance culture

The evidence for increased surveillance by people is also shown by the number of videos of the same event. Surveillance culture has helped in understanding the events that surround people.

Tutoring in high school

For my Holistic Health Practicum, I tutored and worked with students at Loy Norrix High School with the Kalamazoo Communities In Schools Program. I worked closely with Rose, who has ADHD, and I also worked with Elijah, a Special Education Student.

Ethical, legal and social responsibilities issues in the casebook

Ethical, Legal and Social Responsibilities Issues The first issue that makes a reference to the importance of ethical issues is embroiled to the fact that everybody and every place need ethics. This is therefore dependent on the fact that the decision-making process has to consider a psychological understanding of the individual and society.

The boeing and mcdonnell douglas: merger and acquisition

The Boeing and McDonnell Douglas Merger and Acquisition The Boeing and McDonnell Douglas Merger and Acquisition One of the mostcelebrated mergers in recent history is the merger of two of the largest commercial and defense aerospace companies: Boeing and McDonnell Douglass. In this case, at the time of the merger, Boeing actually dominated the commercial β†’

Canada’s future labour market: immigrants to the rescue

Hodgson observes that though recession has greatly relieved Canada from tight conditions in the labor market, it is expected that its national unemployment rate is likely to reduce by 6% with recovery of the economy. As a result of the great growth in Canada's aging population, policies that encourage immigration in Canada to compensate its β†’

Williamson mortgage inc

The most significant aspect in the variation of the money is the interest rate. The fact that the president has accepted to buy the mortgage at the market price that will prevail at that time exposes Jennifer to risk of losing if the interest rate at that time goes beyond 5.5%.

How to put on a coat

After you slide your right arm fully into the right sleeve, he opens up the left half with the buttonhole slightly above your left arm, so that you have to reach upwards to slide your left arm into the sleeve. With your left hand, hold the collar facing you between your thumb and the other β†’

Positivism & phenomenological research – dissertation example

It uses the deductive approach and therefore the research purpose is likely to be exploratory rather than causal or predictive. Mainly qualitative methods are used and a case study is conducted as the primary source for developing a research strategy.


The funds that are needed to run the country are paid to the country by us, in the form of income tax. The amount of money that is circularised people to people by the country is the money that is collected in the shape of income tax, which is paid by the citizens.

Letter of intent graduate school for mba

The momentum for pursuing the graduate program originates from my quest to progress in knowledge in the field and become one of the best business administrators. Being a self directive and a determined individual, I am looking forward to achieving the very best in my pursuance of MBA.

Knowledge, innovation, and learning

We investigated knowledge management, innovation as a competitive advantage, types of data, information and knowledge as well as how the cycle of knowledge works. My role in the completion of our task has heightened my awareness of the necessary management of knowledge in the workplace in such a way as to encourage innovation and capitalize β†’

Carrageenan in the american diet

Carrageenan in the American Diet In an article written by Mariel Wolfson entitled " Carrageenan and the Acceptance of Food Additive Toxicity, 1950-2000", the author provided a clear description of the historical evolution of carrageenan as " an emulsifier, stabilizer, colloid, or gum". Wolfson, Mariel." Carrageenan and the Acceptance of Food Additive Toxicity, 1950-2000".


B Turvey defines stalking as " a crime involving the behavioral intrusion of one person in the life of another that is maladaptive". Another social aspect of stalking is the media.

My husband as the person whom i admire most

The person I admire most Admiring a person or being the of one's admiration can be regarded as a credit to both the admirer and the admired. He was a perfect husband and would know the pulse of the family.

Biotechnological food production

As the paper outlines, one of the basic needs that has troubled a lot of people in the world today is food, which has become less than enough for the growing population which has encroached into the productive places and been escalated by the loss of fertility of the land which people have exploited in β†’

Radiographic techniques

This paper seeks to discuss how do techniques are changed for a given part of the body while keeping the same density on a film, and the tips for remembering this type of information. X-rays are techniques of radiography used in controlled radiation rays in recording an image of the inside of the body on β†’

1page for each question

Module Cold War and 1950s Economic Boom The post world war II saw the emergence of two arch adversaries i.e.the United s and the Soviet Union. On the other hand, the USSR perceived the US as a nation whose sole aim to annihilate communist in the world by ruthlessly and imperialistically imposing capitalism and democracy.

Chinese student within the american society

Despite the many odds that I face as a Chinese student within the American society, I endeavor by all means possible to make a mark in the academic world and to improve my social intelligence by engaging in positive activities that help me adjust to the new social realities. I wish to engage in an β†’


In my opinion long term success means recognition as a dedicated individual to the cause and an expert in the field of my choice. I am aware that even to lose the weight I need to consult dieticians and experts, so that I could do it in a manner acceptable to my body and I β†’

Drug experience

Back in difficult times when I could not seem to have proper control of myself because of drugs, there had been a couple of moments I felt people would merely impose rules as if I was solely responsible for the occurring psychological and emotional disaster so my only option was to follow their lead. For β†’

Unit2crim discuss

In this case where the anti-abortion activist, Scott Roeder is accused of shooting the abortion doctor George Tiller, the trial judge considered the mitigating factor of imperfect self defense. Therefore, if this case happened in a state that did not have a fetal homicide statute, I believe that the trial judge will do the same β†’

Socrates and meletus reagrading socrate’s trial

Discussion During the Socrate's trial, one of the people commented that, the estates belonging to one of the Athenian aristocrats were confiscated by the oligarchy. The Trial of the Socrates.2002.

Stanley black & decker company

The last business ethics by Stanley Black & Decker is loyalty to the company. The higher the percentage of the extra resourcefully the company is using its capital.

Ultrasound vs radiographs: diagnosing developmental dysplasia of the hip

In the early stages of life, the infant's hip is largely cartilaginous and the femoral head is unossified. Congenital dislocation of the hip and its relation to swaddling used in Turkey.


Anti-American feelings, not only in Islamic states, but to the entire world, is the pre-eminence of the United States on the four corners of the globe, from the small island-states of Oceania, to the icy winters of Siberia, the scorching land of Africa, even in the middle of the oceans in the Pacific, Atlantic, and β†’

Journal 3

In consideration of the high level of immigrants which traveled to the Americas long ago and to a certain extent to this day, it is quite intriguing to see the lack of discussion that occurs on a political level as it comes to the debate over such an issue that possesses great historical relevance to β†’

Organizing for success: from inequality to quality

Organizing for Success: From Inequality to Quality Darling-Hammond reports, " the bureaucratic school created at the turn of the 20th century was not organized to meet these needs for intellectual development or for individual responsiveness. If the school administrations and the government want the future of America to progress and secure its old leadership position β†’

Communist manifesto by marx and engles

Communist Manifesto The central concepts of Marxist economics include the theory of labour value, the disposition of production and the inevitable conflicts between the classes. Marx's theories of labour value combined with his concepts of capitalism endeavour to clarify how the revenue system operates to the benefit of the upper classes and the detriment of β†’

Content analysis (cartoon)

The Scenes of Aggression depicted by Non-adult Character Versus Adult Character on prime-time cartoons Operational Definitions: Non-adult character: A character in the show that is below the age of majority. The results also show that there is no significant difference in the number of aggressive scenes depicted by non-adult versus adult characters, except in verbal β†’


History Video The first movie contains the comprehensive history of the holy war. The movie also demonstrates the importance of diplomacy and trade in the continuous struggle for supremacy.

The combination of real practical work experience

This degree will not only give me a strong basis by which to start working toward my goals, but it also provides me with a diverse background and allows me a certain level of flexibility in my choices for the future. I am sure that my personal, educational, and career goals and objectives will be β†’

Learning online or on campus

The campus study involves more interaction with students and teachers while online education is less interactive when it comes to getting in touch with peers and teachers alike. The tuition fees for online courses are less as compared to on-campus education.

The cause of aggressive crime

The Causes of Violent Crime Violent crime is a difficult topic to understand from an internal perspective, as many individuals do not associate themselves with violence and thus cannot understand the reasoning of the perpetrator. However, it is interesting to consider biological and psychological theories for crime, as there appear to be a lot of β†’

Organizational profile

The social initiative of this partnership is to boost the government's disaster management calibre, heighten the dependability and variance of the disaster workforce, encourage the morality of service, widen education and economic uplifting of the adult population, and attain major cost-efficiencies for the American tax-payer. When it comes to moral or ethical effects of FEMA's β†’

I don’t have a topic it just needs to not be ethical, moral or religious in answering a policy question

Effectiveness of the law in controlling domestic violence February 27, Effectiveness of the law in controlling domestic violence Policy in context The legal system aims at ensuring law and order and at protecting individuals and their interests from intrusions by other parties. The Cycle of Violence: Domestic violence and its effects on children.St.

Financial statement analysis fundamental analysis and valuation

Moreover, taxation Abercrombie & Fitch Company was higher in the year 2015 as compared to year 2014 depicting that the company had relatively higher sales in the present financial year. The shares of Abercrombie & Fitch Company have reduced from 51.

Social studies native amercian group

Native Americans Native Americans Native Americans who have survived through the many geographical and political changes that have hit their traditional lands include the Iroquoians and the Algonquians. They grew and ate corn and vegetables, although they also hunted animals, for example deer, and also fished in the nearby lakes and rivers.

Week 6 – application assignment: the art of persuasion wrokplace

This recruitment manager will be working for you on an ongoing basis, just like your regular worker, other than the fact that he will be working from a distant location, conducting interviews and charging you less than what you pay to your current recruitment manager. 13 Persuasive Email, Meeting Schedule From: Dina Waterman To: All β†’

Program proposal for health disparity: hiv

The goals of the program consist of reducing sexual transmissions thus leading to prevention of HIV and elimination of new infections specifically among children. Conclusion HIV may be a known health disparity but with combined and continuous efforts of the government and private sectors, in time, the reduction of cases may be foreseeable.

A history of the popes

Full The Roman Catholic Church: A History The Roman Catholic Church has a long history wherein the apostle Peter is one of the great role players in its establishment. The church that was established at the site of the burial place of Peter seems to be insinuated in the film, " A History of the β†’