Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Societys attitude toward responsible alcohol service

This maturity is because of the decline in and transforming preferences towards consumption of alcohol. The bar industry is in a mature phase because of the change in preferences towards consumption of alcohol.

Creativity, play and learning (arts in early childhood education)

When I was an elementary school I tried to copy a painting in my arts I tried to pay attention to even the minor details, in my vision to create an exact replica of the original work. However, at the end of the class, I could finish only a very small part of the work.

My virtual child experience

I know it will not be easy to raise my child in the future. Aria was not a problem child and she actually turned out to be the way that I hope my future child will turn out.

How to develop an assessment tool to facilitate the organizations hiring process

Assessment Tool to Facilitate the Organizational Hiring Process Number and Number Submission Total Number of Words: 507 Part I Design a Set of Criteria for Hiring Process A sensitive part of the duty and responsibilities of the HR department is to recruit and select individuals who are searching for a job employment. To increase the β†’

Applied behaviour analysis – behaviour change project (introduction & discussion/conclusion only)

Measure The goal was to increase the number of going to the gym and it was measured on a weekly basis. Examination of the baseline data after two weeks suggested that the participant did not go to the gym usually because the bad weather conditions and the laziness to take a twenty minute-walk to the β†’

Research problem

EFFECT OF KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER BETWEEN UNIVERSITIES Research Problem ment Significantly, the knowledge generated in universities may make a paramount contribution in technological change and innovation in the private sector: however, there seems to be a gap between outstanding scientific achievements and industry's competiveness which is basically because of lacking effectiveness and the general success of β†’

How geography affects us border security

Nevertheless, the Office of the National Drug Policy reports that, since the attack, the federal government of the United States has had to rethink and establish stringent rules and policies aimed at making the U.S.borders secure. Hitz and Weiss argue that the illegal immigrants that enter the U.S.through the borders pose a serious security threat β†’

Philosophy of linguistics:methodology & ontology

PHYLOOHY OF LINGUISTICS This research paper is dedicated to the issue of the connection between philosophy and linguistics. However, the issue of main concern is the syntactic theory and its transformation throughout the history of linguistics and philosophy.

Project procurement management

According to Burke, the success of the project is mainly determined by the commitment of the project manager to ensure that all steps involved in the project are carefully implemented. In brief, it can be noted that there is a need for the project manager to constantly monitor all the developments in a project.

A worn path

Since the opening of the story till she reaches the town, from the normal course of her actions it seems that she is a flat character that remains unmoved by any kind of external influences. The sole aim of her life is to save her grandson and for that reason she even opts for stealing β†’

Summery of

According to the Census Bureau report, the number of immigrants arriving in the country has doubled. The increased number of immigrants into the country has contributed to the problem.

Health education in diverse environments

Health Education in Diverse Environments Implementation of community health education requires mobilization of members of a particular community. Implementation of health education at health departments also entails writing of proposals and grants that seek funding for respective health programs.


Task: Plato The Allegory of Den written by Plato highlights how human beings used to stay in the underground den since their childhood with chained legs and necks to restrict them from moving and turning their heads. Therefore, the home chores are similar to being chained up in the cave because they restrict an individual.

This document needs reivison

The company would highly regret such consequences and hence I advise you to consider my concerns in a positive and serious way. I am always pleased to address the expectations of the firm with you and I hope my concerns will help you to maximize your potential in this firm.

Math solutions

In this case, the problem is the identification of the ambiguity of the statement, which is identified when the statement fails to transmit a straightforward message. The graph presented in this question is wrong since it misleads the reader and does not present concise information.

Reaction paper

Ghosts of the past: The Field of Stelae There were no pictures, s, symbols, markers or anything that spoke of Holocaust when I saw the video of Peter Eisenmann; nevertheless, I was deeply moved. It seems that the ones who give it meaning are those who visit it, depending on the cultural perspective of the β†’

Describe and analyze an organizations function and structure describe and analyze the culture and leadership structure of the organization

There is a sense of ownership for the organization in most of the employees and they are able to relate their goals with the goals of the organization at large. Culture and Leadership Structure of the organization In simple words, leadership is the ability to direct a group towards the accomplishment of goals.


The archaeological record indicates that the area around San Miguel Island has been the key to the restoration of the population in the past and, therefore, may be the critical habitat in the current situation. In this instance archaeological evidence provides a deep time perspective on the situation and, possibly, a key to contemporary restoration β†’

Kierkegaard and man’s search for meaning

For this reason, he described the stages of life as the movement at the self from one level of existence to another through an act. The largest task for any person is to find meaning of life.


I want to make it big in the world of business and thus my interest in the said field. This indeed is my motto and I will staunchly hold on to the very same in the coming times.

Benefit priniciple

But in a rational world like the current one people are true professionals and they will think of cheapest and cost effective ways to maximize their benefits rather than the benefits of the society". The Principle of Benefit Maximization dictates that whenever one is faced with a choice, the best decision is the one that β†’

How normatively integrated is homosexuality in today’s society

Furthermore, the contemporary society has integrated laws that protect the rights of Gays and lesbians at the instigation of civil rights movements. These include the globally celebrated Gay Pride Parades that are annually marked in cities such as Montreal, Chicago, New York, Johannesburg and Rose Hill in Mauritius.


March German Autobahn Autobahn is one of the motorways constructed by the federal government. The concept of construction of the autobahn dates back to the time of the Weimer Republic.

The veteran integrated services

This is why Cambrai and Stankiewicz the head of NEHS clinical engineering group decided to give a new approach to the ACE-IT overlap. It also led to the creation of a unified team that works efficiently with other programs in the VA.

Stanley milgram obedience experiment

The last has been instructed to read a pairs of words to the leaner and if he makes a mistake the subject has to punish the learner by giving him a shock that has been higher in 15 volts for every next mistake. The results of the experiment show that person is not always able β†’

International politics current event memo

In the above article, the authors report the confirmation by the world trade organization that China lost the case on rare-earth metals. The case was brought by the WTO and the office of the United States Trade Representatives in 2012.

Blue ocean strategy

The second path that the Wii utilized to create a blue ocean for itself is the product scope. Under both paths, the Wii has stuck to the fundamental Blue Ocean Strategy maxim of aiming not to out-perform the competition in the existing industry, but to create new market space or a blue ocean.

The culture and moral compasses

Amazon's success story is a remarkable one since it is not tied to the introduction of a new product in the market but that of disruption. In conclusion, it is evident that a mix of culture, strategy and values are the key tenets that hold Amazon as a successful global retail store.

3d printer – lab report example

3D Printer 3D Printer Equipment The equipments in the lab include a Maker Bot Replicator 2, Z Corporation Spectrum 2510, FANUC Robot LR Meta 200ic, and LMU3D 1 printer. Process The process for 3D printing is a lengthy process, but in the end, it turns digital designs into realism.

Persuasive speech on death penalty

Persuasive Speech against the Death Penalty Persuasive Speech Outline General Purpose: The purposeof this speech is to give reasons as to why the death penalty should be abolished Specific Purpose: The speech specifically aims at getting the audience to agree to the abolishment of the death penalty. Thesis Statement The death penalty should be abolished β†’

Participant observation

Your Participant Observation There is a corner cafe at the end of the street and I chose that locale for this paper. This is the only cafe in the neighbourhood, that is why I am thinking that many people are ought to go here.

A poem about intelligence for my brothers and sisters

My initial interpretation of the poem is that the author is unhappily celebrating his birthday, celebrating an important day of his life alone. But when I read Kooser's biography, my interpretation of the poem changed.

Education testing measurement knowlege

Comments and revision: The item is a problem relating to the sales figures mentioning the word salesman. 00 $40 rebate Which of the above gives the maximum saving on the price a) B b) C c) D d) A 3.

Shortest graduation speech ever

But governments work not only with the perspective of welfare of the people, but the important goal of the policy making politicians is to win the next elections. Brevity is a great art and I liked the speech not only for its contents but for its crisp presentation of the some of the issues that β†’

For law school

I was in my right lane, and since the light was green I kept driving only to be hit by another car. I knew that concentrating on the officer's hostility would only reinforce my fear and the prejudice he had against me bearing in mind it was the other car that was on the wrong.

Method and design of accidents in saudi arabia

Research Method and Design of Accidents in Saudi Arabia The study to the high numbers of accidents in Saudi Arabia will utilize a qualitative approach, which will involve the use of case studies. The case study design will focus on describing the nature and factors that have contributed towards the high number of fatalities β†’

Accredit managed care organizations sl

Health Sciences and Medicine of Purpose of Accreditation Accreditation is a rigorous examination of a health care organization's systems and processes to ensure adherence to set standards. Standards involve the evaluation of the structure and process of a plan in the maintenance and improvement of quality.

Legalize pro

I want to obtain a degree in business, and then do my masters, and thereafter venture into a career in Business Administration and Management. I believe that a degree in Business Administration from Wharton will help me gain many valuable and transferable skills, which I can put to use in both everyday life, or if β†’

Pursuing a career in fashion design marketing

She made me develop an immeasurable interest in fashion marketing that I decided to drop a course in economics. I am now willing to do my best in fashion marketing major so that I can live the life of my dreams as a fashion design marketer.

Psychology undefined, darvin

Even if we leave out the power of reasoning, the possession of a multitude of ideas and abstractions and the power of control over impulses, purposive action, man is still the intellectual leader of the animal kingdom by virtue of the superior development in him of the power of forming associations between situations or sense-impressions β†’

Case std/readings in marketing

Case Std/Readings in Marketing EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Marketing is the totality of all activities involved in the continuous transfer of products from the producer to the consumer. Businesspersons and the laypersons are the sole beneficiaries to the lessons learnt in marketing.

Change the ethic form for your dissertation

Purpose of the study: The main research objective of the study is " to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the tourism and hospitality industries of China as perceived by Western tourists and enhance the strong points while overcoming the weak areas so that the industries can be boosted and tourism in the country can β†’

Week 4 db alex

Week 4 DB Alex The and not the firefighters is liable for the harmful acts of its employees. For this reason, the city is liable since it permitted the firefighters to take the trucks to the event and did not keep watch of the activities, which its employees engaged in while in the event.

Out of this furnace by thomas bell

After defining the costs needed to run the business, the companies would increase the flow of production in the system, to increase the volume of steel production. To ensure that the steel companies maintain a quick flow of production, they made workers work for 24 hours throughout the week.

Barn burning and young goodman brown

A Comparison between " Barn Burning" and " Young Good Man Brown" Barn Burning is a story that opens in a certain country store where a young boy named Sarty is hungry for cheese and meat in the store but he is very afraid since his father, Abner Snopes is accused of burning down Mr. β†’

Constructivist teaching: then and now

EEI - LESSON PLAN ELEMENTS REQUIRED: Objective Primary: For students to understand the characteristics of organisms in their environment by observing and learning the physical characteristics of the grasshopper. Anticipatory Set Explain to students what the process for observation and learning will be for the characteristics of organism lesson plan.

An analysis of god’s grandeur

An Analysis of God's Grandeur by Gerard Manley Hopkins of the English Name of the Concerned Professor 30 September 2011 Thesis Statement: The poem is woven around multiple divine themes like the intimacy of God with nature, the corrupt ways of man, the temporariness of human designs and a scope for hope and renewal. It β†’

Psychology and grammar

For example, we can see that children often try to do things like the elders did. They also may not think about the dangers or mistakes also when they try to imitate others.

The australia government and trade unions policies of teaching skills shortage

Although introduction of new technology and changes in the existing ones due to changes in industries in the country have contributed to shortages in teaching skills, changes in attitudes of the students towards teaching have been cited as the main cause of the shortages. The government has also increased the salaries of teachers so as β†’

The rise of american industry- american economic history

American Economic History 2008 The history of American private sector is that of the legal entity of the business firms that were essentially multi-unit organizations linked through production, distribution, communication and transportation, which first appeared in the 1880s and grew to a phenomenal extent through the Second World War. Interestingly, even during the depression years, β†’

Workflow design and management

A student desiring to be considered for credit transfer should submit their application before or during the end of the Add/Drop period of the semester for which the subject is scheduled to be undertaken. Instead of having the clerical officer making photocopies of the application form AS 41c and supporting documents according to the number β†’

See order instructions please

The ideology and philosophy propagated by this institution is in tandem with my aspirations of upholding Christian values in all aspects of life. Therefore, I plan to study biology, pre-medicine and a minor in music on my way to the realization of these ambitions.

A brief summary on the play pygmalion

A Brief Summary of Pygmalion One of the main strengths of Pygmalion is Shaw's ability to show the intricacies of human nature, societal prejudices and expectations along with the power of transformation. Another of Shaw's strengths is not only the comparison of language and dialect, but his actual use of it in the play.

Biological and psychological basis of learning and memory

Learning and Memory Learning and Memory Memory can be referred to as the procedure by which information is first en d, stored and then retrieved when need be in psychological terms. Information can be stored by an individual without them necessarily understanding the meaning of the information they have stored and thus it cannot be β†’


Africa's Independence Africa has enjoyed a half a century of civilization since the beginning of the second liberation in 1963. The rebirth of the new era saw Africa through its struggle for independence and ushered a period of development.

Canada is fortunate in having an abundance of energy sources. identify and discuss challenges and opportunities for canada to be

The cost of implementation of the strategies would be very high, but to become an energy leader, Canada has to give its share in the expenses that the program entails. Canada is earning from the export of petroleum and forest products that contribute to GHG emissions worldwide.


Gulf of Tonkin incident Vietnam War is historically based on United s' capitalism campaign in which they wanted to expand their political ideology to communist North Vietnam through the capitalist South Vietnam. It is evident that prior to Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which gave congress approval for expansion of the Vietnam War, United States was β†’

How understanding making of meaning as social practice differs from understanding cultural products

Hall's assumptions are based on the question of whether man's representation of the world is the basis for his own meaning as opposed to the meaning as derived on the world stage. The underlying concept that is worth acknowledging is the trend by Carey to represent media ecology as well as American studies of culture-based β†’

Hospitality operations

According to the restaurants mission of ensuring customers satisfaction and happiness, the noodle boxes provided flexibility in terms of where to eat the food. Besides the flavored tastes, the addition supplemented the dishes with beauty to the menu set-up and perfect blends with the dishes.

Will and grace serial that showcases diverse family

The family comprises of the main protagonist, Will and his best friend, Grace from college days who live together. Preference would be given to the family where the mother is black and both siblings are girls as I want sisters who would adore me and lend me their dresses when I go to parties with β†’

Logistics 302 mod 3 slp: logistics planning

This essay attempts to provide an assessment of the level of efficiency of the management of the logistic system planning at Marine Corps Systems Command. Marine Corps Systems Command is an organization that deals with offering services to the systems of command of the Department of Navy.

History: foundations of western civilization

While in the Republican Rome the political factions were the Populares or the Optimates, in Imperial Rome they were imperators where the emperor rules in accordance with the symbols and powers of the Republic All the rulers in Imperial Rome demonstrated how power could be wielded and that the power was based on military power. β†’

Regional attitudes and the american identity

The regional attitudes found in the Southern United States are not as culturally opened and diverse compared to the regions of the Northern United States. It was observed that many of the states from the South are not as accepting to foreign immigrants, and this has been evident during my travels.

Acme company

That indicates that the value of liquid assets available to furnish current obligations is less than the current liabilities. That indicates that the company is not in a position to meet its current obligations from its current assets.

Evidence-based public policy options to reduce crime and criminal justice costs

If you determine building additional prisons is not in the best interest of the State, how will you " sell" your recommendations to the public without appearing " soft" on crime? The bottom line is whatever avenue we decide to take is going to cost, so the question becomes what is in the best interest β†’

Experience working in the medical environment

The quality of education that your institution offers is one of the reasons for my choice to pursue the program at the college. The college is ranked among top colleges in the region and this means that it offers a reputable standard of education, a factor that will leverage me in entering the job market β†’

Saudi arabia cultuer

Education system The government in Saudi Arabia is focusing on encouraging womens education, and putting controls and conditions that contribute to teach all the necessary matters in women's life and the community things of these women. According to the report, the indicator of the gender gap, which is issued by the World Economic Forum in β†’

How i can help university of san francisco to carry out its mission

As a bona fide member of the University of San Francisco, I wish to work together with the Jesuits Catholic Tradition in order to promote learning in the institution. I will also encourage the University of San Francisco to encourage the culture of service that is respectful and promotes dignity for every student.

Position paper: are general educators attitudes improving toward the inclusion of students with disabilities

Running Head: Educators and with Disabilities Educators and with Disabilities [Institute's Educators and Students with Disabilities Educators have traditionally endorsed the need for inclusion of students with disabilities into the classroom. It is a moral obligation of the educators to provide for students with disabilities, in order to help them succeed and integrate into the β†’

The promotional role of commercial banks in economic development in oman

The government of Oman relies on the commercial banks to enhance the development of its economy. In this case, the prime purpose of this research is to give out a clear understanding on the promotional role of commercial banks the development of Oman's economy.

Sir ken robinson and carol dweck

In this clip, Professor Carol Dweck talks about how the mindsets of students shape their learning and motivation. According to Dweck, a lot of effort is needed for students to achieve their potential.


Exploring EFL Teachers' Competences in Synchronous Telecollaborative Intercultural Communication platform This paper proposes the synchronization of intercultural competency in teaching English in a foreign culture. The teachers who are competent in the Saudi Arabian culture will have the ability to flexibly deal with the challenges, attitudes and expectations presented in the process of teaching English β†’

Housing; dmv; medical insurance

Tenants have to keep the premises clean as the requirements of the premises permits. The final step is to find a DMV office where the applicant will undertake a driver's licence test.

Business technology management

Failure to organize the RIFD into common standard of technology, lack of hard schedule rollout and economy of scale for RIFD tags has hindered the growth in the industry Is it necessary for companies to use RFID? There is a need for companies to use the RFID.

Discussion question

The information we receive is stored temporary in the sensory memory before it is transferred to the short-term memory. Iconic memory is taken in through the visual system, and it is a neurological result of information from the environment that our eyes sense.

Job analysis and design paper

Some of the major duties of a HRM include selection and training of the employees, ensuring the safety of the employees, providing the conditions of the employment and advising the top management on the issues affecting the staff. Job activities Relationship To ensure positive relationship between the employees and the management, Human Resources Manager acts β†’

Case study

To manage this, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recommended steps for outbreak investigation as follows: preparation, ensuring that the occurrence is an outbreak, verifying the diagnosis, setting the definition of a working case, finding cases systematically, recording data, perform descriptive epidemiology, developing hypotheses, evaluating hypotheses epidemiologically, modifying hypotheses, if needed, comparing and β†’

Relationship between strategic and financial planning

of of affiliation Strategic management refers to the roadmap that defines the direction of a business in terms of achieving the set goals and through elimination of inefficient process and adopting efficient and profitable procedures. For instance, when fraudulent financial report is presented due to improper strategic procedures, it results to improper financial planning and β†’

Credit cards – phase 2 – ip

At various stages of your growing up, we too have undergone stages of learning about you and have tried to impart good habits of living that will stand the test of the time and would especially be useful in your freshman days, when you would have to make all your decisions on your own. The β†’

Memorandum to myself

This means that the social entrepreneurs will mostly conduct their missions in accordance with the missions of the society and continue to learn the social values that exist within a given locality through adaptation. In this manner, social entrepreneurs have to incorporate personal values in their business because the main agenda of their businesses is β†’

Booker t. washingtons atlanta exposition address

This just implies that the improvements & successes through maximizing the richness of the South are massively because of the works of the people populating it the Black Americans. I think, this reflected the man of integrity that Booker Washington was because despite all the misgivings of the White Americans, he still showed his concern β†’

The reason seeking transfer

I am in pre-business major at my present institution, University of Oregon and would like to continue with the same subject at the University of Miami. In fine, to be a student of this University, I consider it to be the treasure of my life.

Environmental science

S, the lack of potable water in India, and deforestation in Borneo are some of the issues covered. Environmental scientists are encouraged to improve existing technologies in renewable energy sources and develop new ways of harnessing energy from the earth.

The american court system

THE AMERICAN COURT SYSTEM 25 February THE AMERICAN COURT SYSTEM The American court system is a branch of the larger government system that consists of the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. While the author should have started by introducing alternative dispute resolution in relation to the judicial system and then proceeded with a timeline β†’

Hrm innovation and change

The case study of Intel in ' Managing Organization change: A multiple perspective approach' by Palmer, Dunford and Akin is critical indicator of change management that needs to become intrinsic part of business strategy in the contemporary environment of competitive global business. The integrated approach promotes collective vision of the organization and provides the necessary β†’

Marketing cultures

Even though you may be the first to claim that you do not typically prefer this veg and non-veg stations in subway India, remember we are referring to convenient food, fast food, the type of food you consume when you have no option. All these varieties emerge from the various veg and non-veg stations in β†’


I made use of the opportunity to meet and talk with my peers in a casual manner in the canteen or the school campus. I am truly impressed with the prospect of carrying out debates and seminars in the classes and outside them, with my peers and teachers.

Can literature tell the truth better than other arts or other areas of knowledge

And what is the result Various portrayals of the truth of the universe, each different from the other yet each consistent in themselves, and all removed from life and experience as we know it on a day-to-day basis. When we say " removed from life and experience," we are referring to the fact that philosophy β†’

Dengue in brazil, situation, transmission and control

The first reported incidences of dengue in Brazil were in 1923 in S o Paulo and Niteroi in which 11000 people were infected. The ocurrence of dengue and weather changes in Brazil: A systematic review.

Us patriot act with a focus on how the law and has affected our schools

US Patriot Act With a Focus on How the Law Has Affected Our Schools of Introduction By 26th October 2001, the United States Congress had enacted the Patriot Act and President George W. S citizens enshrined in the constitution that the Patriot Act infringes on is the freedom of association.

Lengthening the school day

Consider a proposal to lengthen the school day to the hours of 8. A longer school day provides students with adequate time to engage in both curricular and extracurricular activities.the number of hours available in the current school day are highly prioritized towards curricular activities.this gives teachers less time to introduce students to extracurricular content β†’

Article review

The bigger message that those in the military can provide the business humanity is that being able to adjust to a situation is what matters. The CEO is charged with the responsibility of ensuring efficiency is achieved, and the target of the business delivered in an attempt to provide a system without flaws.

Agression breeds agression

The effects that aggression has on the individual are also an important part of the study of aggression and this must be done in relation to the effects of social nurture upon the individual. The forces of the society often induce aggression in people and this may then lead to a chain reaction where aggression β†’

Case study>state firm: dangerous intersections

By investigating the number of crashes taking place in a given area, the research will be able to evaluate the problem and probe measures that will resolve the problem. The research methodology employed by State Firm has been effective in trying to curb the menace of accidents on intersections.

Barrack obama as a good communicator

The second quality that makes him a good communicator is the fact that he knows how to read his audience and is able to customize his presentation to make the audience listen to him. As a political leader, he proves to his audience that he has a good understanding of the issues he is talking β†’