Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Briefly discuss, using specific examples, the issue of vaccine safety

Infants and children under the age of five are the most vulnerable to a number of diseases like diphtheria, polio, pertussis, measles, mumps and rubella, with hepatitis B and chicken pox being the recently added in that list. Issues surrounding the safety of vaccines are based on the fact that the use of vaccines has β†’

Epithelial tissue, osteoporosis and growth hormone

They cover all the body organs for example, the organs of the digestive system and they line the body cavities, such as the inside of the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity. This hormone is the main regulator of height.

Bio 345 – molecular genetics – protein paper

Figure 2B is a graphical representation of the amount of mRNA from both the constructs A and B. Figure 3 B and C indicates the relative mRNA level from the constructs B, C and D.

Class poll – a species value 7

In this case, the relationship between kudzu and goats will form the basis of the discussion. Kudzu and goats has been used as food, Kudzu in particular is used as food and beverage.

Ecosystem services

The United Nations has grouped the ecosystem services in four categories which include; provisioning, which is the production of water and food, cultural which are the recreational and spiritual benefits, supporting which include crop pollination and nutrient cycles and regulating which is the control of disease and climate. UNEP's Millennium Assessment of the Ecosystem which β†’

Reproductive system components, physiology and function

Corpus Luteum is a yellow mass resulting from the rapture of the ovarian follicle which produces the ovum. This component is crucial to the reproductive system in that it supplies a high level of progesterone which supports the zygote in the early stages of development.

The scientific method – lab report example

In this study the independent variable would be the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in water where as the dependent variable is the number of fish seen in a body of water. In this case, the dependent variable will be number of captured fish where as the dependent variable will be the time of the β†’

Genome-wide complex trait analysis – a new method to investigate the molecular genetic heritability of body weight in children

The result of the study depicts the significance of additive genetic effects on the development of adiposity in childhood. One of the issues is that this is the first pediatric to use the Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis to estimate the genetic influence on the adiposity in childhood.


The patient came in complaining of a high fever for the past four days. Thus, the treatment prescribed for him was ' broad spectrum' antibiotics that fight an array of pneumococcus bacteria.


The amount of CO2 held in the carbamino form is small but accounts for a third difference in the carbon dioxide content in veins and arteries. The carbon dioxide is in its unchanged state to the lungs where it is expelled through exhalation.

The crucible

She is the villain in the movie, she is a liar and a manipulator. The place where witchcraft trials happened and the year when they started, are shown in the movie, which is authentic.

Synthesis of pixelization and realistic drawing

Research proposal: Synthesis of pixelization and realistic drawing as an approach to enhance expressivity and artistic part of the painting University Synthesis of pixelization and realistic drawing as an approach to enhance expressivity and artistic part of the painting I. Hybrid is an attempt to synthesize partial pixelization with realistic drawing to arrive at a β†’

Maltese falcon

In spite of these challenges, the film still came out successful since there was the use of introspective voice-over narration and it employed the use of cinematic styles such lighting the stage and positioning and moving of the camera. Like the Film Noir by Paul Schrader, Maltase Falcon also presents a darker view of life.

Comparison of a work of art

Though the place portrayed is in shadow, it is not dark, on the contrary, it is light enough to see elegant detail, and it is the sunlight splashing on the water outside of the secluded shadow that is overly bright and impossible to make out. The ratio of shadow to the sun is also inverted, β†’

Here to stay – classical conventions in art

In that sense, the conventions are here to stay.* The difference between Medieval Plainchant and a Madrigal by Lassus Although they do not sound that different to my modern ear, the madrigal by Lassus must have been scandalously witty and playful. I liked it because the men seem to be smiling as they sang.

Art history video

This paper gives a brief overview concerning the Cologne Cathedral in Germany, and the information the video has provided concerning the video. From the video, the cathedral has an amazing impression both from the inside and the outside.

Iconography of power

Art was a tool of influence and story-telling; it is the reason why it is critical to understand how power is rendered in ancient art and what methods are used to do it. Overall, ancient civilizations encoded their history in their art stressing important figures and constructing amazing building to present the power of their β†’

Reading summary

Reading Summary The reading, ' The Martial Arts Film in Chinese Cinema: Historicism and the National ' relate to the Chinese history and myths reflected in Chinese films such as The House of Flying Daggers and Curse of the Golden Flower. The thesis shows the trend of the film industry and the impacts of politics β†’

The combination of chinese and western art

The Combination of Chinese and Western Art The combination of Eastern and Western art began after 1843. This was in order to show of the connection or inspiration that Chinese art has from the Western culture.

Analysis of why we fight by jarecki

The movie gives a comprehensive account of the foot defense forces that were sent to the war, the workers of the army, the pentagon labor force and armed agents. Additionally, Why we fight displays that the associates of the Congress were not estranged from the course of the war as well as the security consultants.

Describe a situation in which you combined analysis and creativity to solve a challenging problem

This year, I come back to China to find out the many new stores of famous brands in the Chinese market that have been closed and its sales have reduced from about 150 in 2012 to about 100 in 2013. Usually, it is thought that the price is the most important reason to explain the β†’

Memphis design-michele de lucchi and ettore sottsass

Postmodernism- Memphis Design-Michele De Lucchi and Ettore Sottsass Postmodernism- Memphis Design-Michele De Lucchi and Ettore Sottsass One of the best examples of postmodernist design that shows a postmodern use of history is the Italian furniture work of Michele De Lucchi and Ettore Sottsass for Memphis design group. Originally dubbed the new design, the postmodernist furniture β†’

Serhat tanyolacar

In my opinion, the line is also used to describe the edges of the artwork. The artist has used corn as his medium of artwork.

My view of the film the red detachment of woman

My View of the Film the Red Detachment of Woman What surprises me about the film The Red Detachment of Women is the depiction of woman in the movie as a fighting force for change. The film depicts the transformation of the slave girl, Wu Qionghua, as the spirit and nature of the Communist Revolution β†’

History and theory of new media

History and theory of the new media The media field has experienced a lot of transformation since its invention in the early years. Software is a fundamental aspect of the media, and it plays a vital role in the transmission of information.

The princess bride

Based on the novel, the film presents the contextual aspect of the story through a book narration by a grandfather to his son. In a bid to cheer the grandson up, the grandfather buys a story book entitled ' The Princess Bride, a tale of the love between the beautiful Buttercup and the besotted Westley".

Mean street analysis

It is prudent to point out that the main pleasure obtained by reviewing the movie Mean Streets is the performance of De Niro. Of significant is the fact that the movie takes a person watching it back to the days before Scorsese became respectable.

Film response

The US government issues a warning regarding the dangerous virus from the monster that forces the Korean government to isolate its citizens and shut the area down to prevent the spread of the virus. The film provides evidence of a noticeable disconnection between the pro-self-rule philosophy that is suitable for the domestic film industry and β†’

Feeling small: scale and proportion in art

Feeling Small: Scale and Proportion in Art Scale refers to the size relation of a structure to another while proportion entails size relationship of parts of the design to a whole. The initial thought of the landscape created by the giant shuttlecock relates to the size of the art.

Read life as art

Art to Life Life to Art Is it our way of life that allows us to paint an accurate and true picture of who we are as people or the other way around? Many people use the art of poetry, the art of dance, the art of song, and then finally, the artistic venue which β†’


According to Mahajan, the film, The Yacoubian Building is one of the bravest movies that have been produced in Egypt. The movie is the most expensive in Egypt making it inaccessible to the majority of the audience.

Play review

In the part where play brought out the picture of love, a character by the name Portia, beautiful and privileged to inherit a lot of wealth from her late father. Only one of the box contained Portia's picture and the individual who chose this box had the right to marry her.

Carlo carleis film: romeo & juliet

Love also causes the conflict that happens in the film because of the brutality it brings to the families and the two young lovers. Suicide is manifested in the film as a resultant occurrence of a violent love relationship between the families of Romeo and Juliet.

Constructing gender through body customization

Customizing the Body Journal When I reflect on my dressing style, I get to introspect with the manner in which I project myself to others and also how people perceive me as a person. I have seen many people in my community overindulging in the current trend of body piercing and tattooing in different parts β†’

A clever reconstruction of american culture

It is just by chance that Jenny is immersed in them and Gump is not, their roles in the movie are starkly black and white, to drive home the message. 2) Indeed, this is a very interesting and original interpretation of the feather as a link between the novel and the film.

Edwin catmull and computer graphics

He enjoyed the class of computer drawing and animation as perfected by the Sketchpad and decided to continue with the studies to become part of the rejuvenated and inspired revolutionist in the field of computer science and graphics in particular. As demonstrated by Prince, Edward's motivation in the field of computer science and graphic in β†’

The ghosts of rwanda

The documentary was able to catch the human misery and drama during the Rwandan genocide in the mise-en-scene introduction of the film that told the extent of the violence waged by the Hutus and Tutsis against each other. The details of the horror of the genocide was encapsulated in the scene when a Tutsi woman β†’

Sound effects

Sound Effects Sound Effects Sound Effects in the Ghost Hard sound effects including chattering of people sitting in the cafeteria, chewing of the food, enchanting birds, hit on the window etc. Sound Effects in Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps As per the reading entitled " Understanding Music" and analysis of the film " Wall Street: β†’

Fianal paper paragraph

The film Osaka Elegy is a representation of the real picture of Japanese aspects of irresponsibility and sexual violence against women and girls during the war. This paper intends to examine the aspect of violence and its resulting traumatic effects as it is expressed in the film.

Renoir etching and drypoint

The lines and the contrast of the entire piece of art undisputedly suggest that no acid was used in the picture. The numerous fading and hairy lines give a clear indication of some sort of engraving; the ' dry point'.

I would like you to open a word document and in no more than 300 words describe your initial impressions of digital imagery compared with that of analogue imagery. any photographers referenced should be noted. your document should include processes, wo

Digital Imagery versus Analogue of Learning Digital Imagery versus Analogue Granted, the quality of image produced by a digital camera is better than that of an analogue. While digital cameras will hardly exhibit digital noise in their pictures, the film grains of an analogue camera are able to affect negatively the image produced by this β†’


Text is used to further effect the advertisement by fading it in and out relative to the positioning of the image itself. This is visible in the style of design used to embody the advertisement itself.

Torgerson’s portraits deal with illness and death, foley uses hypochondria and a set of scattered inappropriate objects, crotty creates the impression of hell fire

The image of the individual has been placed at the edge of the wall to emphasis the thin line between death and life. However, the inclusion of green and purplish colors gives the impression of beauty in hell.

Design brief for climate change campaign

Key message: This campaign will inform the target audiences about climate change and encourage them to use public transportation rather than their own cars, which can slow down the climate change. This will decrease the consequences of climate change that we are going to get in the future.

Summarize this article

The German police have been uncovering new information about the sale of the sculptures. The mystery of the Giacometti fakes continues.

The idea of the dramatic and theatrical in the work of bernini

The Idea of the Dramatic and Theatrical in the Work of Bernini As one of the leading figures in Baroque architecture, Gian Lorenzo Bernini managed to explore the essence both of solitary craftsmanship and combined efforts in resourceful level of artistry where he delegated tasks to students and contemporaries in order to provide the β†’

Mice and men

On the other side, George is a workaholic and his ultimate aim is to own a piece of land. On the other side, Lennie is in search of a guide in his life.

Play critque

The hero in the story is a man who carries himself with the air of investigatory bend. The horror effect of The Haunting Hill House concentrates on the suspension of limitations, between the living and the dead.

Play review

In terms of staging there were a variety of non-descript backdrops and the requisite bar that identified the play as occurring in the 1920s. To a large extent there were minimal social elements that seemed out of place in the 1920s setting.

Friedrich nietzsche: human, all too human

In the video d Friedrich Nietzsche: Human, All Too Human the creators tended to show how one of the greatest thinkers in human history Friedrich Nietzsche dedicated his life to his own philosophy. In fact, throughout the documentary the main ideas that had the greatest influence on future generations can be defined as the notion β†’

Sunset boulevard by billy wilder

The plot of the film adds an impact to the story and works well in displaying the dark side of fame, zenith, and popularity associated with the film industry. The characterization and filmmaking work coherently with the plot to reflect the underside of the film industry, which extends beyond the apparent glamour.

Control room is a documentary film

The film provides a clear view of the happenings during the United States and Iraq's war days and what are the real things behind those rejoicing voice of the Americans. The film literally revealed the things that happened during the United States and Iraq's war that the Bush administration does not want the people to β†’

Short answer

However, after I read the entire play I was very impressed by the author in the manner in which he brings out various themes. It is a fact that the play was a huge success and it is in line with top plays in the last decade.

A link between indian objectification and women sexualization

Both issues, disregarding difference in topic and scales are related to objectification of a group of people with common feature, by the means of creating bright and plausible image that would please the eye and minimize a sense of guilt that appears under the circumstances of using a woman as a sexual object or subduing β†’

Describing and analyzing a work of renaissance art

In these regards, the soft tones implemented in the detailed construction of the Madonna are echoed in the image of the skyline shining through the rear windows. In this way, da Vinci's construction of the baby Jesus in this image may constitute the most notable element of the image.

Medieval art and music

To display time and events 2). I agree with the modern listeners that the music has some haunting effect, this could be due to the fact that it is ancient and not similar to modern music.

Sandra doore’s art informs the meaning through the juxta-positioning of softer materials with harder ones hence creating some tension in the product form of art

Sandra Doore art is different from most the other artists because of her approach to art. The viewer is able to see experience in the way Doore's art is presented and the manifestation of physical and psychological space.

Apocalypto by mel gibson

The juxtaposition of the difference in progress between the small village and the most progressive civilization of its time gives credence to the insurmountable difference between the two groups of people. More than a historical account, the movie is a dramatic film which encapsulates the human relationship and the importance that we give to them β†’

Graffiti and abstract expressionism

Central to this discussion are the distinguishing characteristics of abstract expressionism and the extent to which Jackson Pollock's works relate with abstract expressionism. Additionally, the execution technique shows an over-emphasis of freedom exploits the more of the physical characteristics of paint in a bid to make the outcome expressive of indeterminable emotional qualities.

Proof analysis

In the play, genius and madness, and love and trust are the key themes. The theme of genius and madness is depicted in the comparison of Catherine and her father in the inclusion of Hal and Claire.

In the shadow of the tree by helen galloway mcnicoll – feminism and strong mother-baby love as leading themes of the deaf artist’s masterpieces

The paper " In the Shadow of the Tree by Helen Galloway McNicoll" is a perfect example of an essay on visual arts and film studies. Like in this painting, Helen has shown the strength and love of women in all her other paintings as well.

Art leonardo

Art Leonardo The most intriguing masterpiece of Leonardo is the last supper. Leonardo da Vinci: the complete works.

Howl’s moving castle

The wonders that can be discovered in the film are the magic moments of the film along with the breathtaking sceneries. The values and textures assigned to the colors and light add to the element of hyperrealism.

Dirty dancing

Johnny Castle, the male lead role in the movie is a member of a dance group who is performing at Catskills that summer. Another time when the movie showed a tremendous amount of energy is during the showing of a montage of Johnny and Baby's dance practices.

Cheaters by john stockwell

The alleged cheating occurred during the academic decathlon of that year, and this film details the events that led up to the cheating, and the consequences which occurred afterward. By the end of the movie, it appears that both the students and Dr.

Music critical analysis

Additionally, as the massacre begins to unfold, the original score tends to utilize homophony as the percussion is boosted. Another distinctive feat in the original score is the use of dissonance to introduce multiple new elements such as strings with the original percussion.

The unfaithful wife: french version

This movie tries to give a story of a family that felt upset after the husband had to murder the lover to his wife. In the other case of Unfaithful wife; Derek claims that the film was supposed to be horrifying but it was displayed in ironic humor and irresistible logic which does not bring β†’

Art in the islamic world

Once the drawing was done it had to be painted and the colours used were taken from nature. Once this was also done the pages were sewn and bound and a book was ready.

Module 5

The second art, qi, is a chess-like board game now called weiqi in Chinese, and go in Japan and in the Western countries. The fourth art of the literati is hua.

Cubism and 3d sculptures

Cubism and 3D sculptures The beginning is 20th century saw the emergence of cubism, a painting style that balances the geometry and reality of objects as seen in various dimensions. Drawing from the influences of these artists' works on the modern day 3D environment, I have to admit that their sculptures have played critical β†’


He received BFA award from the college of Visual and Performing Arts at Syracuse University in 1999. He continued his education in Manhattan at The National Academy and the Art student league of New York.

Interpersonal conflict in the film hitch

Interpersonal Conflict in the Film Hitch In the romantic movie Hitch, there were several scenes that showed interpersonal conflict between the characters in the film. In fact, most of the comedic and also dramatic turmoil between the various characters were due to the feelings of infatuation and love.


One of the most appealing and easily identifiable aspects is the wall at the center of the exhibit. The color, red, is meant to easily depict the general description of the exhibit.

High noon

The Marshall wore a tin star in order to show his loyalty and solidarity towards protecting the town from the villain called Frank Miller together with his posse. In as much as he had good intentions, none of the town's people wanted to support him with his motive.

Twelve angry men

The Process of Conflict in Twelve Angry Men Contrast and conflicts give birth to progression of the plot of a play and the film ' Twelve Angry Men' is not an exception in this regard. The content of the film is made poignant to the extent that even the names of the characters are presented β†’

Summarize then compare and contrast

Alamo" and " the rise and fall of Jim Crow" Affiliation: Summary of " The Alamo" Alamo is a historical war drama film based on the war in Texas between the Texans and the Mexicans. The rise of the black activists such as Dubois and their contribution to the fall of Jim Crow is also β†’

Museum/gallery critique

The MOCA museum was founded in the year 1979, and is exclusively devoted to the display and portrayal of uniquely contemporary art. The MOCA is the only museum in Los Angeles dedicated solely to contemporary art.

Respones paper

number 4 March The Yacoubian Building as a Symbol of Modern Egyptian Society " The Yacoubian Building" is an Egyptian film directed by Marwan Hamid and based on the semi-titled novel of Alaa Al Aswany. In this respect the Yacoubian Building itself serves as the symbol of the division of the poor and the rich, β†’


Crucible of Empire: the Spanish-American War Crucible of Empire: the Spanish-American War is one of the best movies that I have seen on the war that took place between America and Spain back in. Gradually, the support for a war to purge the Cubans of the Spanish domination grew.

Neoclassical and romantic artists

The exposure of neoclassical and romantic artists reveal great distinction and variability in the mode of undertaking the painting works. The applications of the painting delved wholly on the conservation of morals in society.

Ida film and the wild tales film

It is because the person in the film is involved in a sad situation which makes you feel sad for him. It is because it is funny for a person to fool a lot of people at the same time.

Rudy and tootsie

Because of his lack of financial resources to attend his dream school, he worked and then studied in a nearby school to improve on his grades and have a chance to try to be accepted in the University of Notre Dame. The main obstacle in the life of the main character, Michael, is his attitude β†’

Analysis of maze runner

The movie depicts an experiment being carried out and the experiment focused on how these boys find out their way out of a maze in order to attain freedom. The movie depicts a girl named Teresa who is the only girl within the movie and her role in the movie is to help the boys β†’

Surrealism art

Surrealism style of art makes use of visual imagery that originates in the subconscious mind which results into the creation of artwork that lacks the intended logical comprehensibility which is a fundamental feature of the traditional artwork. The exhibitions that were subsequently arranged in London and New York in the year 1936 led to the β†’

Frida kahlo and diego rivera

As her husband's student, Frida had access to art material, knowledge of art as well as connections to assist her in her art interest. Diego Rivera and Frida Khola were partners in marriage as well as in art.

Video game – be careful is not a but a video game

Babel Rising The game's foundation is the biblical account that was about the Tower Of Babel. The game is interactive in that the player assumes the role of God and seeks to prevent the humans' quest of constructing the tower.

The beauty of mixing: hybridization in advancing art

The hybridization in art can, far from being damaging to either society, allow each of them to deal with the consequences of contact with a new culture, critique the interaction occurring between the two peoples in a way that would not be possible if not for such hybridization. All at once this painting cleverly critiques β†’

The symbiotic age – a man and technological infrastructure increasingly become inseparable

Slide 4: Education & training To comprehend the relevance of CUIs in education and training we must appreciate the changes that are currently taking place within this sector. Slide 7: Conclusion In summary what we are saying is that CUIs will play a big role in the coming Age through enabling human-computer communication to be β†’

Trusted computing base / business reasons for a bcp and a drp

The boundaries and scope of a TCB is defined at the organizational level by a security policy that is used in the organization. According to the orange book this concept is further explained that the ability of a trusted computing base to enforce correctly a unified security policy entirely depends on the accuracy of the β†’

Reflection paper

The most unpleasant moment in the investigation is the desire of agents not to find a spy, but to close the case. It is also known that they found the fingerprints of Hanssen on one of the document and recognized the voice only after that.

Security of brokerless (cloud) architectures

Authentication has been used in the security system to avoid publication that is non-legible with only those that are authorised being able to publish events in the system. Confidentiality has been maintained in the system since events are only visible to subscribers and are protected from modification that is illegal.


It also describes the approaches implemented in the project and also summarizes the plan of the project. This chapter also describes the achieved work before the test's commencement and the project's evaluation.

Unit 5 case project questions

The other major difference between the two is the administrative distance that is covered by the each. Load balancing is one of the option and function that is relatively common between these two.

For business analytics (information technology) – thesis proposal example

Introduction: Business Intelligence is one of the most prominent and critical field as Information Technology emerges in the 21st century. Retrieved May 14, 2014, from Business Intelligence BI

Unit 1 lab assignemnt

The design of DHCP options involves definition of parameters and settings to establish the boundaries of a given DHCP configuration. The options can be applied in a single scope or applied to all scopes defined in the server.