Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Medical ethics

One of the major issues of in medical ethics has been the question of whether individuals in severe and life-ending pain should be able to commit euthanasia. I object entirely to the notion that individuals in such situations should not have the option of terminating their life.


Responding to the issue of multiculturalism is the main issue as Valerie, an editor with the Los Angeles Times puts it. Conclusion The research will cover the topic in a different way to address the limitations of the previous researches and come up with a working model for the same.

Three-dimensional (3d)

I believe that it is essential to be able to write because that leaves a mark of your existence for others. I am able to write in a versatile manner.

The lottery by jackson

The Lottery by Jackson ' The Lottery' by Jackson describes how people's blind adherence to traditions or even law can be disastrous as this adherence, at times, results in the torture of the innocent and also how everyone in a society is equally vulnerable to the ill effects of such foolishness. In order to β†’


A Theory of the Calculus of Voting The calculus of voting is supported by a theory that tends to calculate or weigh the cost of voting and the expected returns. This means that voting is a choice according to the theory of voting in relation to the voting calculus.

Edgar allan poe: comparing and contrast between his life with the philosophy of composition and the poem the raven

Prof's Loss and Remembrance in the Raven The Raven is one of the, if not the, best known works by Edgar Allan Poe. Poe thus sets the tone for the poem by establishing it as an act of remembrance in and of itself, and makes the memory of Lenore the central focus of the poem.

Article summary

The research drew a comparison between the birth outcomes of heavy smokers and non-heavy smokers and found that the former were exposed to substantially more health risks than the latter. Heavy smoking during pregnancy as a marker for other risk factors of adverse birth outcomes: a population-based study in British Columbia, Canada.

The great depression

No: The Great Depression The great depression started in 1929 in the shape of huge tragedy making millions of American people jobless. People and industry were needed of the war after participation of the country in the war.

Sam sheppard questions and answers

Is there additional information regarding injuries to Sam Sheppard at time of incident? It seems there is no sufficient information with regards to Sam Sheppard at the time of the incident.

Why i hate 3-d summarize

The question that arises here is, if the 3-D experience is the wasteful technology it is, why has its reputation as a revolutionary breakthrough sustained? 3-D is suited to a limited range of genres and even then it needs careful handling otherwise filmmakers end up making fake 3-Ds like Clash of the Titans.

Text analysis

The setting of the story is crucial to our understanding of how the writer appreciates her work as a nurse and how she plans to use her work to make a mark in people's life. Although the writer is the central character in the story and we can learn more about her, the introduction of β†’

A male from saudi arabia

I have lived in the United States for about three years now with an aim of completing my studies, in the country, and earn myself the highly regarded U.S.certificate in education. As a writer, one strength area is in my choice of words during the process of writing.


Havisham is responsible for her own misery in that she chooses to concentrate in the betrayal from her lover in a way that day in day out. Bearing in mind Havisham former position in the society, it is inevitable to sympathise with the extent of her sinking.

Drawing competition award ceremony

Let us be a part of the struggle that the health sector is making in trying to eradicate these diseases from the face of this world. I would like to praise all the students who participated in the competition and thank the Ministry of Education for being a part of this struggle.

Edit the document for proper grammar

The skills and characteristics I would like to work on are my confidence and speed. I was told that I tend to doubt myself and lack confidence and I have elaborated on this as one of the things I would like to overcome.

Industrialization 2

New technologies defined new industries during the late 19the century in comparison to the technology of industries during the pre-Civil War era. Third, new industries of the late 19th century employed new advertising techniques and approaches that industries during the pre-Civil War era did not have.


The boy in the plot is used as a symbol to show the difficulties that immigrants undergo when they are to receive services in the country that they do not belong. They have to go by the cultures in the country and the region that they are in for them to be treated as the β†’

Reasons for transferring and objectives to achieve

That is, to use the skills I have learned to make a living out of my passion. Photography has always interested me and I feel that I have the ability to make a living out of selling the photographs that I take.

The four seasons

It occurs in regions around the North and the South Pole and is experienced when the pole is tilted towards the sun. The weather is cooler and the environment has frost in the morning.

Were are you going, where have you been

If we do not like a specific situation, we have everything that we need to get out of the situation or to change it to our liking. We have the ability to make choices in our lives and to change something that we do not like or agree with.

Why am i iinterested in mba program of ggsb, and how do i see it helping me to reach my future career goals

Therefore, after discussing the issue with some of my close associates I came to the conclusion that a Master's degree in Management from a reputed Institution not only helps in learning the techniques of dealing with adverse circumstances, but it will certainly help me in enhancing my confidence level. Well, having observed the functioning of β†’

Effective communication assignment

Since communication takes place between two opponents that is the sender and the receiver, the effectiveness of communication is then said to occur only when the sender transmits information to the receiver who acknowledges reception by response. Ultimately, the effectiveness of communication by waving out someone in traffic is, therefore, depended on positive action or β†’

Personal qualities

For instance, I acquired determination; a prominent facet of life, in the seventh grade after repeating the same grade as my peer moved to the next grade. At this point of my life, I appreciate those knives for building me up because in public school I met people that I would have never talked to; β†’

Journal entry #2

Journal Entry 2: Implementing Writing Workshop with ESOL Implementing Writing Workshop with ESOL The article entitled " Implementing Writing Workshop with ESOL Students: Visions and Realities" written by Peyton, Jones, Vincent and Greenblatt and published in the TESOL Quarterly focused on discussing the challenges and experiences encountered with by teachers who participated in The Books β†’

Ss310 unit 7 db

Exploration of the Moon Reasons for Moon Exploration The moon is a crucial facet of the world because it serves as the centre of entry for other planets into the entire universe. It is equally evident that archeological resources within the moon have the capacity to improve the state of the earth.

Market reaction paper

Market Reaction Paper Last week when I was in Manhatten I thought of visiting Citarella Market. It was a nice time to spend at Citarella market and I loved the way its vendors and sellers deal with buyers.

Middle range theories

Upon instruction from the doctors that the patient was in acute need of food and nutrition, various scans and evaluations on the extent of damage to vital organs and tissues so as to determine the form of intervention that would be commensurate with the medical situation at hand. We had to be patient and show β†’

Nurse praqctitioner

Nurse practitioner due: Difference between primary and acute care Nurse Practitioners The primary care nurse has the freedom to either care for his personal patients or be hired to go after all patients in their practice living in nursing homes; while the acute care nurse practitioner especially the ones in the organ transplant services, provide β†’

Teaching/ learning process

At the start of the program, needs assessment can be used to decide the course content, while during the program; it assures the program goals and learners goals are being achieved, and permits any necessary changes in the program. At the end of the program, needs assessment may be used for setting up future directions β†’

Reflective learning journal

In addition to that, he discussed the critical pedagogy at his faculty meeting and they might use it as well. Another thing I discussed with my brother was developing a clear Syllabus and giving it to the student in the beginning of the semester.


Collaborating with social engines to allow the easier location of Bright Road Health Care System on the internet and having a high presence on facebook, twitter, and instagram with frequent information update, informative pieces of information, answering questions in a timely manner. Another strategy is developing a mechanism on the Bright Road Health Care System β†’

White paper

The Effectiveness of the White Paper in Educating the target Audience The basis of the constituents of the paper is the enlightenment of nurses on how they can use social media to improve the nursing profession and to serve patients appropriately. White Paper: A Nurse's Guide to the Use of Social Media.Web.

Examine the key principles related to risk management and discuss its theory associated with the role of the advanced scrub practitioner

Principles of risk management and its theory associated with the role of the ASP Principles of risk management and its theory associated with the role of the ASP ASPs provide skilled and competent assistance to surgeons, under the guided supervision of the surgeons. 1, pp.

Hit terminology table

Health Care Terminologies and Standards Health Care Terminologies and Standards Introduction A standard coding system has wide acceptance as it relies on consistent terminologies for efficiency, reliability and interoperability. LOINC -Observation Identifier Names and Codes provides a universal code system that reports laboratory and other clinical observations in electronic messages such as health level seven β†’


Case Study Critique Case Study Critique-Hypertension case study In the case study in question, the has began with a presentation of the problem, an important aspect in any piece of work, as it serves to inform the reader about what to expect in the entire piece. The author is also very keen to give additional β†’

Role transistion

Collaborative Conflict Resolution Collaborative Conflict Resolution Collaborative conflict resolution targets at helping individuals in satisfaction achievement of their needs in constructive means. Various tools are used in the resolution of such issues and they include mediation, using psychotherapy, and involving collaborative law, which help solve a broad range of conflicts.

Analysis of management theories

Analysis of Management Theories Daft addresses three theories of management The ical perspective, 2) The Human Relations perspectiveand 3) The Systems Perspective. The advantage of adopting the Human Relations school of thought is that organizations are able to portray equal importance and opportunity to all classes of employees.

Nln trends related to cultural transformation

Of the tend trends that have been identified, the trends like change of demographics and increased diversity among students and the patients alongside the increase of educated consumers relates to the cultural transformation that are expected in these nursing facilities. The changing demographics among the patients and the nursing students are another factor calling for β†’

Organizational theories

In this case, managing organizational change entails planning and implementing change throughout the organization in order to minimize organizational costs and employee resistance in the organization. Relationship between Organizational Design, Change, and Uncertainty in the Organizational Environment Organizational design/change tends to generate uncertainties in the organizational environments.

Impact of nursing theory comment

The most significant element in the workplace is the care and concern afforded to the nurses by their nurse leaders. This, in turn, has effects on the delivery of care to the patients and the attainment of set goals by the organization.

Library search

The next step involve the search results with full text journal on the selected topic on nursing. The understanding of the use of the folder is essential.


The main reason behind the need to combine the use of calcium channel blockers with ACE inhibitor is not only to increase its effectiveness in treating hypertension but also to prevent the risks of developing peripheral edema caused by the use of calcium channel blocker monotherapy. Given the fact that obesity is one of the β†’

Application of theories in practice/ improving infection control practice utilizing kurt lewins theoretical model of change

The involvement of front line staff in planning groups and key decision making processes promotes a feeling of empowerment that helps to overcome their resistance to the change and enables them to understand the importance of the project and how it will benefit the client. Ongoing support of the nurses on the frontline and technology β†’

Pharmacology and pathologies treatment

The main thing that will be altered due to the patient's pathologies will be the absorption how the substance enters circulating blood. Due to the gastrointestinal tract removal, the administrating doctor may decide that any treatment for PVD needs to be administered intravenously, and as such the dosage will be lower due to the differences β†’

Critical analysis of an assessment process

The student lacks some of the essential information regarding hand washing practices and I had to chip in to teach the practice through the eight domains of mentoring. I inquired from the student on some of the possible diseases that are associated with poor hand washing practices, and what are the possible symptoms of the β†’

Ethical dimensions of studies

In order to prove the effectiveness of his new discovery, this researcher has to go to the field and test his medicine. By not telling the patients the truth about this new drug, and through taking advantage of the weak legal system of the African country, this researcher does not avail an opportunity for the β†’

Scholarly database search

This is of particular importance in the topic selected to browse relevant research studies and compare and contrast the methods and results across timeline. 2065 #2 Description of the Search Initially, the search keyword was " VAP AND CAUTI" using the Boolean terminology " AND" in ScienceDirect and JSTOR.

Quality improvement program

Since the time of its launch where it first developed its quality control program until today, the Virginia Surgical Associates remains serious about meeting all Joint Commission Requirements such as the Environment of Care, which pertains to how safe, functional and efficient the environment for patients, staff, and other individuals is in the organization; Infection β†’

Inflammatory bowel disease

This essay will clarify on the differences of the two illnesses in regard to the areas of the gastrointestinal tract that is normally affected and the different treatments for the two sicknesses. On the other hand, the ulcerative colitis mainly happens along the interior lining of the colon.


The level of success of the project is evaluated in terms of the quality of services that the target market will enjoy. Additionally a marketing plan will allow the market to be aware of the service and interested in using it.

Log 4

Upon my arrival, I met the nurse in charge, and she assigned me to a case involving the preparation of a patient for the operation room. In the process of the case, I learned that the checklist was a very essential tool in determining the flow of the whole process.

Discussion 2

Nursing Discussion 2: Factors affecting Nursing Education In the last few years, nursing education like all the other professions has developed its own reforms which continue to be in a similar pace with those of the higher education. One of the factors that affect nursing education is the shifting demographics in the health care sector.

Adoption of standardized terminologies

In health care, it is, therefore, fundamental to use standardized nursing terminologies to help in capturing nursing's independent contributions that replicate the uniqueness of nursing care as a discipline. According to Nolan, a standardized nursing terminology is a common language among clinical nurses that they readily understand and that are unique to and describes nursing β†’

Nursing research

In this regard, it is important to point out that the role of nurse educators, in teaching and preparing registered nurses and licensed practice nurses when entering into practice positions, is crucial for the profession. In line with this, the role of determining the quality of care provided by nurses is dependent on the quality β†’

Nursing theory

The article informs the readers about how this theory by Dorothea Orem has been effectively used for the purpose of research in the field of nursing. The article is a very good source of information regarding Orem's theory of nursing.

Nursing theory

Nursing Theory Nursing Theory STTI is a society that honors the profession of nursing and leaders in the profession, it is functionalin more than 90 nations, the society helps its members in acquiring information, scholarships and knowledge about the services that nurses should provided for the wellbeing of people throughout the world. All these organizations β†’

Find this and answer this questions schwarz, k., mion, p., & litman, g. ( 2007). telemonitoring of heart failure patients and their caregivers

Research Question The research question of the study is ' what are the ways of updating, reviewing, and assessing the effects of structured telephone support programs completed by Clark 2007?' Concepts Influencing the Researcher's Choice of Research Design The concepts influencing the researcher's choice of research design are depth of the study, logical similarity, hypothetical β†’

Discussion 3

The readings taken should show the time of electric travel and the ventricle recovery. It combines a series of action relating to the contraction and relaxation of the lower part of the heart muscles.

Health care a td #2

In order to reduce the rampant use of mobile phones by teenagers and other drivers, the best advocacy efforts would be to post visual images on the internet and set up bill boards along the streets to sensitize the youth on the dangers of texting while driving. On the internet, the best approach would be β†’

Human growth and development

The two major stressors in today's industrialized society that may affect the early and middle age adult involves typically their economic security and social relationship. The common coping mechanism of early and middle age adult is exert extra effort to find another job when it was lost or to be defensive about it when it β†’

Why i want to be a family nurse practicioner

Contributions from the FNP are of help due to the rise in shortage of primary care physicians. Primary care nurse practitioners working in pediatrics, geriatrics, family medicine and among others make up to 84 percent of all NP graduates in the year 2012.


The need for this practice was because of the growing concerns about the changes in the health centre particularly the health care delivery system and in the field practice as well. In realizing of the dire need of professional nurses in the health care centre, the faculty decided to re-educate the health care providers on β†’

Madeleine leininger -transcultural nursing theory model

Keeping the theory of Trans-cultural nursing theory, it will also address the correlation that the negativity of attitude from nurses has on the recovery of children. D & Gossesns.

Discussion board seven

As a profession, nursing constitutes a field of study within the healthcare sector that focuses on the care of individuals, families, and communities with the objective of maintaining, attaining, and recovering optimal health and quality of life. As they advance, nurses are exposed to both theoretical and practical knowledge pertinent in the field of nursing.

Nursing program re-entry process

I understand that I most likely lost my student slot in the nursing department when I was dropped from the program due to my underperformance in my math classes at the time. That is why I am hoping that I can appeal to the admissions committee for re-admission after considering some difficult circumstances that were β†’

Research fmea and hfmea

It involves four main steps the first of which is the definition of the topic; usually a high risk process attempting to define the criticality of the situation. Finally, there is a process of calculating the risk, which involves the calculating the severity, the detectability and probability scores.

Quality & safety education for nurses

Essay: Nursing The main goal for Quality and Safety Education for Nurses is in meeting the challenge of making sure that the future nurses are prepared and that they have knowledge, skills and attitudes required to continuously make improvements to the safety and quality of the systems of healthcare in which they work. The second β†’

Career in nursing

In addition to this, I plan to make active contribution to the growth of nursing as a profession by joining the American Nurses Association. According to this philosophy, therefore, I believe that the health of an individual starts with the state of their mind as affected by the environment.


Adolescents The majority of people in the adolescent stage have their own needs that they always aspire to satisfy. Developmental crisis refers to the problems that a person runs into in the course of the natural maturation process that require intervention therapy.

Nurses are knowledge workers

Nursing experience leads to nursing knowledge and wisdom in judgment of the daily nursing practice. As clinical nurses apply more theoretical practice and stay longer in the field, they tend to develop more experience that come with knowledge and wisdom in judgment.

Physical activity and nutritional education interventions on body mass index

In addition to that, he looks to become independent from the parents and therefore has to look forward to childbearing and child rearing of his own. For a patient at his age, it would be vital that he get the communication thus face to face should be used.

Article critique

0 the title should come before the student name and the institution Article 1 The authors conducted a controlled evaluation of the effects of celecoxib on perioperative blood loss, pain relief and consumption of analgesic, range of motion, and subjective outcome in conjunction with a total knee replacement. 25 no numbering for the references.0.

Study for lifespan development. child abuse

Due to high frequency of occurrences and the significance of impact created by child abuse over lifespan development of victims, it is essential to conduct a research study focusing on this hypothesis and an experiment to identify interdependence between said variables. Methodology A population of 40 twins of various ages will be selected for the β†’

Nursing theory as framework for research

This is because the theoretical framework gives a structure that guides the research by serving as a reference basis for observations, definition of ideas, research design, interpretations and generalization. Simply because a theoretical framework guides a research by offering a reference basis for the observations, definition of ideas, research design, interpretations, a lack of it β†’

Diabetis. why me

Proposal Problem to be Researched: The increasing prevalence of type diabetes among elementary school-age white children in the U.S. Thesis: Viral exposure, low vitamin D levels, and other dietary factors contribute significantly to the increasing prevalence of type 1 diabetes among elementary school-age white children in the U.S.

Oral hypoglycemic agents in the management of diabetes mellitus

Type 1 diabetes- This type of diabetes is responsible for absolute deficiency of insulin in the body. Most common form of diabetes Type 2 diabetes or hyperglycemia is the most common type of diabetes.

Reflective practice

At the time, a number of solutions had presented themselves, the most logical being the acquisition of two heating blankets to plug into the room directly to add the temperature boost that the patient needed, but could no longer provide himself. Other pioneers have incorporated the concept of professional reflection as integral to a daily β†’

2 d-electrophoresis separation of the wheat leaf proteome – lab report example

There are two gels produced in the experiment, in figure 1 the gel was ideal as it is evident by the spots that represent the proteins. In this case, the protein of interest could be identified, and then cut out from the strip so that it could be measured by spectrophotometer.

Benefits of integrating fossil and molecular data

Benefits of Integrating Fossil and Molecular Data Introduction Over the years, the question of the origin of life forms has baffled humanity. Existence of God Using the integration of fossil and molecular data, Shubin has been able to criticize the religious beliefs of the existence of a supreme being.

Inheritance lab

Using your possible genotypes, identify and record all of the possible pairings of parental genotypes that could have led to your possible genotypes. Results Use the chart below to record the observations of your phenotypes and to record your inferences regarding your genotype and all of the possible crossings of parental genotypes that can account β†’

Complete a using the scientific method – lab report example

Variability in Maize Yields and Properties of soil in Arable and non arable soils. The null hypothesis of the study will be that there would be a higher maize yield in arable land than in non arable land.

Bio 345 – topic paper

To understand the role of this gene and the association of the gen with breast cancer, Yongguo et al conducted a clinical study. Pathologically, it was seen that the gene was also expressed in advance cases of breast cancer.


Jaws Case Study Question The relationship between sarcomere and the tension generated by a muscle is that the sarcomere the amount of tensions a fibre produces is dependent on the length of the fibre. Question 5 Both the new literature cited and the course work books agree that C.pygmaea and C.jacchus are able to have β†’

Environment, more than genetics, shapes immune system

The study examined identical twins to determine the variations that occur between people in the same environment. This is a further advancement in the field to expose more elements that influence reactions to vaccines.

Stress response

Stress response Stress is perceived as a regular response to events that are a threat to life or upsetting events. Stress is common to the human body because of its capability and its adaption to experience stress.

Humman genome

Another bone of contention brought about by the adoption of genetic techniques has to do with the use of genetic information by insurers. Individuals should not be obligated to disclose the results of a genetic test by insurance companies.

The animal weapons arms race

The topic in discussion in the Science Friday radio show discusses horns claws and teeth in different animals and how these features are adapted as weapons to fight or protect the animal. The guest on the show is Douglas Emlen, who is the author of a book named animal weapons the evolution battle.

Determining the protein content of nuclear pellets from kidneys of rats through lowry procedure – lab report example

The objective of this experiment was to determine the level of protein in the nuclear pellets from cortex and medulla of rats. The purpose of the laboratory was to employ the Lowry procedure to determine the protein content of nuclear pellets from kidneys of rats.

Genetics and society

Genetically Speaking, You are More Like Your Dad One may claim or may hear from others that they have they eyes of their mothers but after undergoing a study it has been proved that passing of your fathers DNA to you is usually more than that compared to the DNA of you mother. The same β†’

Prevention and treatment of the common cold: making sense of the evidence

PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF THE COMMON COLD Prevention and Treatment of the Common Cold Although incidences of the common cold are quite recurrent and somewhat harmless, it yields a relatively discomforting situation. Conversely, there have efforts and studies seeking to determine the effect of vitamin C on the common cold as a therapeutic supplementation.

Describe the mechanisms that contribute to the development of autoimmunity. how may the role of reglulatory t cells be altered in patients suffering from autoimmunity

of the of the Concerned Biology 4 May Describe the mechanisms that contribute to the development of autoimmunity. The following mechanisms have been proposed: 1) Genetic factors The role played by genetic factors in the development of autoimmunity can be easily explained by single gene disorders in which there is direct correlation between the genetic β†’

The routes of producing ethanol from sugar beet

The more volatile liquid is in the vapor phase and is collected at the cold end as the distillate. The distillate is condensed, and part of it is recycled into the chamber as reflux.

Control by heat and uv – lab report example

The requirements vary according to the habitat of the organism, and each bacteria species will thrive in environments with optimal conditions. Each student in the team exposed the organism to different temperature of 40 C, 55 C, 80 C and ~100 C.

Biological clocks by menaker

In addition, the ways in which biological rhythms are affected by the physical rhythm of the surrounding have not got sufficient examination. The daily rhythms are also present in every significant unit of organisms.