Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

The story of an hour

Full Theme Explained Through the Setting The Story of an Hour paints the picture of Louise Mallard with a heart trouble in the opening of the story which prepares the reader to look at it not just as a condition to explain why her sister, Josephine had to break the news about her husband's death β†’


From the stated sum of money, the partners can limit their expenses in accordance with their priorities and about to the following areas: Size of the wedding The wedding size is influenced by the guests' numbers who have the maximum consequence on the total cost. Foods and drinks The section is among the prime expenses β†’

Why i chose carl sandburg as my poet

18 March Why I Chose Carl Sandburg as My Poet Sandburg was not quite well-known until 1914, when some of his poems were published in Poetry magazine, which was widely read. A very strong reason was Sandburg's overt expression of his thoughts about the contemporary issues.

Cultural dimension

Therefore, the research process established the prevalence of a civilised culture in the Japanese society before the documentation of the Austrian culture.2. The two students answered the questions in accordance to their societal perspectives; hence, the results influenced the study to establish that the Japanese and Austrian societies were embracing democratic practices in leadership, with β†’

Fainel exam

The Brown house 1 is a painting that reflects a different from of house in a certain environment. Textures and window is a painting in a natural setting.

Growing up as a child in my family

I was the second oldest child in my family I had five brothers and five sisters, of which I was the oldest girl. I gave birth for the first time in 1977 and had my last child in 1981.

What the course offers

What The Course Offers The course provides information concerning learning and its activities, helping students to understand the relevance of learning and the part it plays in their lives. In addition, the course explains why the learning activities are necessary to the growth of students.


She used to suggest that to study better for this class, I might want to concentrate more on the book as it has a clear explanations for all the assignments she used to give us." To be well prepared for class, do all the reading I ask you to do". I chose to talk to β†’

Plain packaging of cigarettes is a good policy and should be retained in australia

Plain Packaging of Cigarette in Australia Plain Packaging of Cigarette in Australia In December The Tobacco Plain Act came into effect in Australia. The government uses the legislation to make the product less appealing especially to the young.

Critically examine the context of professionalism, core professional values in the lifelong learning sector

In addition, these professions involve commitment of the professionals, who are in these positions in a way that they capture the interest of their clients. Atkinson & Claxton believe that there is a need to define the contribution of the notion of the basic knower, which is involved in the ethics of professionalism, as well β†’


There is little relationship between the paraphrase and the original text. The response is ok, although there is some misinterpretation of the original text.

Professional goal statement

With the assistance of a wealth of literatures on the subject of TESOL, I was able to discern the area of interest and to explore future research in motivating contemporary students from diverse cultural orientations to learn ESOL through contemporary materials and media. I therefore remain optimistic that the UIP would provide me with the β†’

Summary of a chapter of book

Studies show that most adolescents are spending more time on the internet nowadays, playing online games and developing virtual relationships with more people than they can make in the real world. This shows that literacy is not achieved only within the classroom but also in a bigger world, the virtual world.

Journal entry #9

The article written by Butler entitled " How Are Nonnative-English-Speaking Teachers Perceived by Young Learners?" and published in the TESOL Quarterly presented a closer examination of the role of accents in the general listening comprehension of Korean students; as well as the students' attitudes towards teachers with " American-accented English and Korean-accented English ". How β†’

The woman in white by wilkie collins

His book The Woman in White, published in 1860, was the fifth of his published novels. It is after the escape that she meets with the main character in the story Walter Hartright on his way to work at the Limmerage House.

Informative synthesis

The motivation for this sort of study was derived from the fact that these children are in a state of misery and life is already difficult for them, let alone acquiring education and reading books. In short, the speed-breaker on the road to academic success for these intellectually challenged and visually impaired children, is never β†’

Dont have a topic

The biggest difference an ordinary student and a successful student is their attitudes. One another quality that a student must possess to become a successful student is self motivation.

Transfer to the university of illinois

The university is recognized for having the best faculty and is marked to be one of the finest universities in the United States. I wish to continue my education under the best guidance and in an intellectual environment and all these opportunities will be provided to me in the university.

Critical response to idiot nation

CRITICAL RESPONSE TO " IDIOT NATION" Idiot nation, as written by Moore refutes the general perception that the United s has designed its education system to facilitate acquisition of quality knowledge. While the nation considers its education system as better that those of other countries, Moore argues that the American education system, to the contrary, β†’

A cultural approach to communication

This is, of course, through the eye, that nothing new is necessarily learned but that a certain view of the world is portrayed or confirmed. For instance, men are known to exist in a community in lieu of the things, which they might have in common stand and communication, whether active or virtual.

A worn path

Due: Analysis of the video A Worn Path In the short video A Worth path illustrates a story about mythological figures and tales, with the most prominent being phoenix's legend. Allusion is a literary device that is used in the main character of the story, Phoenix.

Reading journal a good man is hard to find

What is the theme of the story " A Good Man IsHard to Find?" The fiction " A Good Man Is Hard to find" was written by the renowned author, Flannery O'Connor, from Georgia. This can be interpreted as ironic, because to the readers, grandmother appears to be unaware of the reality of the world β†’

I want a wife

The denotation of the position as it is defined throughout the remainder of her writing reveals that a wife is something closely related to a slave. As she is described, the wife is not a person in and of herself but is instead a necessary extension of the individual attempting to accomplish a measure of β†’

Els paper

The business can develop a human resource system that will help in the management of duties and responsibilities. Conclusion Business administration involves a variety of activities that help in the management of the business.

Topic selection 3

History of bankrupt companies Introduction History Bankruptcy is the legal of being in debt to certain creditors, and when a company is bankrupt, and then they cannot pay their debts. It dictates that a company should be more careful with the services and products that it is offering to the public otherwise there will be β†’


Asian American Actors and Filmmakers In the past one decade, Asian American actors have gained some ground in Hollywood. Therefore, the Asian and Asian American filmmakers are playing a significant role in complicating and enriching the changing dimension of the America on film.

Articles annotation

Articles Annotations Articles Annotations Three articles that proffered issues on the impact of learning motivation to various areas such as research and teaching and the influence of culture, motivation types and self-identify changes, as well as impact on academic performance. The value of the author's findings is emphasized in terms of focusing both on the β†’


Some of the demerits and merits of Smartphones are with respect to capabilities, convenience, cost, used Smartphones and operation. The assessment The operation entails the looks at the degree of breakability of the Smartphones alongside performing the roles of basic cellphones.


Topic: Interview Summary: Main motives of the organization are to provide quality service to its Also, providing door to door service in order to improve the health of the society is a major future plan. I hope to pursue this field of Healthcare Management and provide a better service to the people I work for.

Personal ethics inventory

My blind spot includes the fact that I cater to my own needs and prioritizes myself over others who are reliant on me, which is true as a person living independently free of responsibilities tends to adapt this behaviour which is commonly seen in the society. Though, I analyze racial differences and stereotype notions in β†’

Idea of wedding in the merchants tale

After the customary four days, May joins January at the banquet table and it is at this point that he notices Damien's absence and is informed he is ill. Due to May's infidelity, the reader may conclude that January is a foolish husband, May, a slut and Damien a betrayer.


The organic food production and retail sector is a rapidly growing sector in the agriculture and food industry. The high demand for organic foods can be attributed to the benefits obtained from the food substances.

Group minds by doris lessing (summarize)

According to Doris, it is very difficult for a person to stand against the idea or opinion of the majority of a group even if the idea or the opinion of the majority of the group is illogical or does not make sense. According to Doris, this behavior is often natural and unnoticeable, which could β†’

My room

My Room My room is not a typical room of a I mentioned that my room is not a typical as well as not typical room of a because it has the features of the room of both genders. My room is not a typical room of a student because it is organized and β†’


To evaluate the extent and impacts of the reliance on computer technology as the best innovation To explore the possibility of a superseding innovation and importance of computers in the past decade, possibility of survival without computers and effects of overreliance on computers First supporting paragraph With its application compared to that of other devices β†’

Is global climate change man-made

However, as years have passed, global climate change is a transition that is affecting people and the world; yet, humans have only contributed towards the increment of this problem. This can increase the temperature of the atmosphere and change the climate on Earth.

Research proposal example

Therefore, considering the importance of sharing private information online in maintaining a vibrant Internet, there is need to defend people's privacy and data that is online from government intrusion; this essay will, through presenting evidence from books and other sources, proof that violation of online privacy is a danger to technology companies, the internet, and β†’

Essenital skills for an excellent career

For example, conflict resolution is a vital skill to have in any career. When conflict is handled and solved effectively, it is a promising tool in enhancing professional growth.

How would you teach the following structures to young learners

TEACHING OF YOUNG LEARNERS by The of the The of the School The and where itis located The Date How to present a new target language to a class? Activities and visual aids to enhance the process of teaching a foreign language: The atmosphere of the foreign culture must be created in order to introduce β†’

Soccer injuries

Soccer Injuries I am interested in researching on soccer injuries since most players in soccer know very little about theinjuries. I want to know the individuals who are at a higher risk of getting soccer injuries and how they can prevent the injuries.

Eng blog rev..jb

This paper seeks to analyze gender bias in toys deeply by reviewing a blog titled Gender Bias in the Toy Aisles. The ' girl' toys in the blog are reflected as having that nauseating pink too.

High school graduation student commencement speech

You are the only person you will spend most of your life with, not your spouse or guardian, prepare your joy, hate yourself and you will spend a lifetime with yourself as your own enemy. Stay true to your passion and yourself, define your path and avoid those drafted for you by others, it is β†’

Journal 4

This paper provides insight into the engineering concept of green buildings, by analyzing Lipu, Jamal and Karim's journal article titled " An approach towards sustainable energy performance by green building: a review of current features, benefits and barriers". In terms of pollution and contribution to global warming, buildings produce about 40 percent of greenhouse gases β†’

( create a topic based on source provided )

The speech itself is concentric on laying out a case for the Democratic Party and President Obama's economic plan as it relates to the debt ceiling and the strife that was centered on raising the debt ceiling during 2011. Another powerful technique that the speech employs is even though the topic at hand is deadly β†’

Compare two computers

Thus, one has to recharge the Dell Inspiron battery more times compared to HP Pavilion due to the shorter battery life of Dell Inspiron compared to that of HP Pavilion battery. Similarly, the weight of Dell Inspiron is relatively higher to that of HP Pavilion since Dell has 6.

Summary of an asian father’s gift: permission to fail

The author said that her transcripts will be ruined and therefore, she will not be able to attend College. The author says that, at that particular time she realized that her father had given her the permission to fail, and that is when she started looking at life differently.

Nuclear power plant

This use of water bodies can be avoided through the use of cooling towers in the nuclear reactors which are located beside the reactors to cool the reactor. However, the capital needed to put up a nuclear reactor is huge and in cases of accident, the effects are very devastating because they cause long term β†’

Response and analysis

Mary Jane's father is a significant character in the novel. From the father's narration, Mary Jane understands the extent to which the Muslim laws are misused.

King arthur

Geoffrey of Monmouth" by David Nash Ford " Geoffrey of Monmouth" is an essay discussing the life and times of the so d historical figure responsible for many of the King Arthur tales. About the only moral factor that can be considered is the way in which 17th century scholars were quick to condemn Geoffrey β†’

Assignment-progress report

This is a wine producing company that wasformed in 1970, and its headquarters is in the district of Stags Leap, California. One of the famous wine products for the organization is the Cask 23, and it is a blend of the Cabernet Sauvignon fruit from the Fay and SLV vineyards.

English writing

When one is able to write well, he is recognized as one who has solid concepts and ideas, which he is not hesitant to write down. On the other hand, one who is not able to write well is the one who is not able to give a solid form to his thoughts.

Ways in which the internet has changed the way business operate in the global marketplace

Ways in which the internet has changed the way business operate in the global marketplace Internet has changed the way of life in this world. Communication facilities were enhanced a lot as a result of internet and therefore it is possible to do business in any part of the world staying in the convenience of β†’

Reading response 2

Driving the cars to the dealers where the trade in had to take place created a feeling of having lost a familiar friend, considering that the cars had served them faithfully over the years. However, the most unique element of the company is the mode of advertisements it places for the trade-ins, which almost always β†’

The crucible

Comparison of the roles of Elizabeth Proctor and Abigail Williams in the Crucible The Crucible mingles around a love triangle between Elizabeth Proctor, Abigail Williams and John Proctor. Abigail lies for the purpose of getting what she desires.

Report summary

Carr states that the web has grievous results on its clients; because it affects the mind especially in the manner, it processes information. This encompasses use of other researcher's arguments and unveilings that are close to his, to back up the hypothesis.

Legal in unlikely places

This applies to me because I live in such an environment in which tolerance of others is important, and at the same time discrimination does not yield much benefit in society. The key word in the article of the author is tolerance.

Discussion board 5

Discussion Board # 5 Some people will argue that knowledge and technology go hand in hand therefore a gap between the two should not and does not exist. It saddens me to see this gap constantly widening because technology has far outpaced the spread of knowledge already and has mistakenly allowed people to think that β†’

English composition

English Composition According to Michael Segell, our present culture and society needs to make aharder attempt to go beyond the set traditional standards of masculinity and femininity. According to Segell, the traditional standards of masculinity and femininity has overridden over society and therefore these standards have to be altered to think beyond it and find β†’

Social media

Social media use is significant in the contemporary society because of the number of young people who use it and effects on the users. The negative effects of social media on children and young adults.

Journal 8

Cinderella is gravely miserable since she cannot make to it the grand ball and just in time, her Fairy Godmother emerges and provides a gown and a coach so that she can attend the ball. The protagonist in the story is Cinderella who is saddened by the fact that she cannot go to the ball; β†’

Drama- los vendidos ( luis valdez)

Los Vendidos is assertive of social injustices such as the oppression of Chicanos during the 20th century, in the US. For instance, the dialogue between Sancho and a customer with regard to the maintenance of the Mexican models is implicit of a stereotype regarding Chicanos' traditional foods, as well as their conventional work ethic.

Persepolis and satrapi’s why i wrote persepolis h r

Lastly, she sought to have a simplistic but impactful case around the grave events that were taking place within Iran at the time the original setting of the events in the graphic novel. The best way to embody this characteristic into her work was through the use of a child narrator who easily fits the β†’

Refusal letter

One of our legal policies is to present terms and conditions of service to our clients before we enter into contract with them and we allow the client to review condition of the available facilities. Consequently, we assume that you placed an offer for our services based on your assessment of the state of the β†’

English skills

Benefits of studying or working abroad for graduates, employers and countries Name Institution Tutor Date Benefits of studying or working abroad for graduates, employers and countries In the work of Crossman and Clarke working and studying abroad for the employers, graduates and countries have numerous benefits. Crossman and Clarke say that working or studying abroad β†’

Mol 3 case: annotated bibliography, plagiarism, and research

Thesis: In the interest of protecting the environment and moving the American economy away from dependency on fossil fuels, government entities should fund charging stations to help expand the market for electric vehicles. This article indicates that even with more charging stations, the whole business model of car sales needs reworking for the electric version, β†’

Why i love dogs

I would go as far as saying that dogs are the only animals that seem to connect with a man emotionally, better than other animals. On the other hand, when I act in a friendly and cordial way, my dog stays around me and reciprocates by producing sounds to show that it is comfortable.


Comparison of Articles on Diabetes in Australia Similarities Adam Cresswell and Julie Robotham discuss the diabetes epidemic in Australia. Both articles also discuss how obesity increase the risk in diabetes, and the reported increase in the average weight and waist measurement means that this risk of developing the disease has also increased.

Steve ballmer’s new life as an nba owner- team builder

Therefore, the entry of Ballmer to the Los Angeles Clippers will bring a lot of changes in the short run and long run. In the long run, the Los Angeles Clippers will be a top team in the country.


Summary of a Video The video shows an ordinary happening in the commuter station - a taxi parking near the entrance and a passenger, a woman, going out of the taxi. And then the next scene shows the taxi driver going out of the car and opening the compartment to place something inside it.


Strictly implementing security procedures to lessen contact or interaction people and continuously updating the public of the epidemic's status can contribute to the prevention of the spreading of Ebola. Going to medical specialists early can stop the spread of Ebola.

Coke heist commercial as an effective ad

Soothing music Details: a.the fit between the music and the ad increases communication effectiveness c.musical impact receptivity and liking of the music Support 2. In the second section, I disccussed the environmental setting of a commercial and in third section, I expounded the need for a collaborated teamwork in production.

Bilingual personalities – usage-based approaches to language acquisition and language teaching

Understanding the change of personality and difficulty in new language use among the bilinguals is controversial. The non-bicultural bilinguals experience difficulty when using the two languages because of their rigid adjustment and fail to comprehend the new language effectively.

Culture and the way to rainy mountain

He uses the descriptive language of the story to help create a trail of litany that reflects a journey into the heart of Kiowa culture which is the antecedent and ultimate benefactor of the aura of Rainy Mountain. As the story draw to a close Momaday uses the symbology of his dead grandmother to depict β†’

Entertaining books are useful in term of academic english

Importance of Entertainment Books in Academic English Introduction Recreational books create fun and pleasure in the process of learning academic English. Ensuring the effectiveness of entertainment literature in recreation is generally the most significant result of the entertainment books program.

Pharmacy school challenges

I would like to go to pharmacy school, but I understand there are a number of challenges. I am devoted to my studies and the steps that I have to take to obtain a future in this field.

Fitness assessment analysis

This individual is normal as he/she has a height of approximately 67 and weight of 121 that gives a BMI of 19. Of all the results, flexibility and sit ups that are low.

Intro to fiction

Araby and A Woman on a Roof The story of " Araby" by James Joyce resembles the story of " A woman on a roof" by Doris Lessing because of the behavior of the men characters when they see women. The behavior of the boys in the story by James Joyce is almost similar to β†’

Picture description

The principal message in both the cartoon and the narrative is that, adolescents tend to undergo numerous conflicting emotions about their appearance. Characters in both works, that is, Jeremy and Goda uphold the perception that their appearance defines their identity.


After the completion of my degree, I hope to make a mark in Electronic Engineering and join the few individuals who have made enormous influences through innovations and discoveries in this field. As a result, the CEO rewarded me for the contribution I had made for the two years through my hard work and diligence β†’

Should the concept of race be removed from all legal documents in the united states

Though recognized as citizens they remain discriminated against in employment, housing, and in the education systems. Such racism in the education sectors is where they are forced to ride at the back of the school bus.

Reflection papers are a venue in which you can offer personal reflections to something we experience, something we see, or something we read. when you reflect on something, you are offering your opinion, your insight, and your thoughtful commentary on the

Reflection on A Visit to the of Boston One of the most memorable experiences of my life is my visit to Boston. It is hard to explain all we saw and experienced in this memorable recreational trip around the city of Boston.


The key protagonists are Othello who is a war veteran in the Venetian forces, his wife Desdemona, Roderigo who is an immoral Venetian and Iago who is the play's main antagonist, ensign and husband to Emilia. This is an indication that the death of Roderigo and Desdemona is because of the gimmicks directed by Iago.

Annotated bibliography example

Serving in the World War II made Kennedy a hero after which he quitted and worked as journalist for a short spell, and later entered into politics where he served in the House of Representatives from 1947 to 1953 and the Senate from 1953 to 1961. John F Kennedy become the president of the United β†’

Functional social support and major depression in cancer patients

In the article, it is evident that depression is one of the major conditions that cancer patients face. In the same study, the researchers sought to analyze the impact of social support in relation to major depression by age.

Compare and contrast the film almos’ a man to the story a man who was almost a man by richard wright

Compare and Contrast the film " Almos a Man" to the story " A Man Who Was Almost a Man" by Richard Wright Almos' a Man and The Man Who Was Almost a Manare some of the most famous works of art. The setting in the story depicts poor conditions people were subjected too and β†’

10 weeks of college

I learned a great deal during this while as well as gathered some good moments with people whom I can call as my friends now. I would not forget how I simply loved the idea of cooking during this while which was something of an idealistic routine.


Reading and Writing emails is an essential tool in my company too. I find it difficult to convey my ideas in a clear and precise manner both on paper or during speech and listeners/readers cannot correctly comprehend what I am trying to express and deliver through my thoughts.

English usage and style in academic writing

ENGLISH USAGE AND STYLE IN ACADEMIC WRITING English usage and style in Academic Writing The adoption of English in Singapore is an indication that the world has embraced the language as a mode of communication. The development of English indicates that a language such as French is declining.

Ielts writing (250 words)

Computer is one of the most important technologies in the world and the entire global system is now dependent on computers. Still, some people are of the view that computers are more of a hindrance than a blessing in the way of human potential.

Letter from a birmingham jail

" Letter from a Birmingham Jail" is the most important statement in the Civil Rights movement back in the 60's written by Martin Luther King, Jr.from the jail. Thus, to conclude it can be said that " Letter from a Birmingham Jail" is considered the most important statement in the African American Civil Right β†’

About translation

On the contrary, a major in Arabic to English would enhance me to understand western civilization as well as the language for me. Therefore, it is my sincere hope that a major in English translation would be great for me not to mention the broad career it would offer me in the future.

Respone artical

For the most part, identifying the " best" or the " most important" musical tracks from any era invariably falls prey to the musical tastes of the individual that is responsible for cataloguing and listing such tracks. Ultimately, the listing is filled with tracks that only a true conniseur of specific and not very common β†’


Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility Define CSR Corporate Social Responsibility refers to the commitment of a company to serve itself, shareholders, employees and other stakeholders of the company such as customers, the surrounding community and suppliers who are affected by the activities of the company. They include health and safety of the clients consuming β†’

Academic appeal

Therefore, I am asking that you would kindly remove my academic probation so that I can complete my degree. I consider my education to be extremely important to me.

Reflection on the movie the guardian 2006

Reflection of the movie, the Guardian The film opens up when Ben, one of the most renowned rescue swimmers in the United States, is approached by his wife. Jake meets Emily in a bar and narrates to her about how he beat the records for his instructor, Ben.

English linguistics

The usage of the word ' their' in the first sentence is supposed to be referring to a location, but the word used is referring instead to the ownership of something by a person or group. Finally, the word ' a' should be inserted between ' is' and ' fight'.