Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Ask ls week 2

What are some of the skills that are required to have, and especially in relation to the current study? What are some of the things to consider when starting a research enquiry?

Scholarly articles

In the second paragraph, the author introduces the thesis statement by use of a question, the question is, and the question asked is in reference to advertisements as a means of building a business brand This is similar with article in story grammar which uses case studies in introducing their thesis. Evaluation, The author of β†’

Ask week 2

Of the three framework of questions, the third questions " who is the company" can be viewed as the determinacy of how your workplace problem can be solve. The focus is diverted from the point of individual values to that of the company.

Organizational behavior & leadership

Expectancy Theory of Motivation and its three components Expectancy theory, first established by Victor Vroom in his book ' Work and Motivation' in 1964, stated that the strength and abilities of the tendency to work in a specific way depends on the strengths of expectancy that the work is likely to be followed by a β†’

Discuss in scholarly detail ways that building intra-organization cooperation between information systems personnel and line managers improve the information systems

The diversity of input on various aspects of the information systems can help the information personnel in setting the things right. The growth and advancement of distributed information systems has also instigated the need of intra-organization cooperation because consolidation of information received from various modules of the information system can be used to further improve β†’

Leadership skills and traits

He is a credible leader, committed, humorous, influential, and is trusted by many Americans to head the country. The most important trait is his ability to influence people through his speech and decision making.

The hersey blanchard theory

This paper reviews the Hersey Blanchard Theory in the backdrop of a case study that involves the motivation levels of two employees working in the same organization. In case an employee is categorized as R2, he or she will be willing to follow the leader and have a high level of personal confidence.

Exercis 5

February 13, " Safety-Knowledge Management in American Construction Organizations" The of the chosen article is " Safety-Knowledge Management in American Construction Organizations" from the Journal of Management in Engineering. Work Cited Hallowell, Matthew R." Safety-Knowledge Management in American Construction Organizations".

Thinking and decision making paper

For example, if a company is near a given prison and the government declares that on a given public holiday, they are releasing most of the prisoners who have been serving in that prison, then the administrator of the company can decide, by means of inductive reasoning that, the company's security need to use extreme β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of pre-coding

Responses responses James Smith Response to advantages and disadvantages of pre-coding I agree with Smith's argument that pre-coding is very important in helping the researcher to organize the data collection process in good time and gives him an opportunity to specialize in research areas. The point is further made clear that pre-coding is a foundation β†’

Case study example

Case study journal: " The agenda- Grass root leadership" Introduction The case study reveals the leadership styles of Michael Abrashoff and Ricardo Semler in an effort to explain the changes brought by different leadership styles in managing different fields. Michael's ship and Semler's Semco portray leadership styles, and this has brought success to the company.

Research paper: about arts administation

The difference lies in how the media packages and presents art. Members of the public, stakeholders in the art segment and media will be the respondents.

Hospitality management industries

Additionally, the increasing demand of ethnic dishes has led to the establishment of multi- ethnic restaurants, where flavors and tastes clash on purpose. The whole world on a plate" concept provides a strategy of pilling flavors from different ethnic communities onto a single plate.

Managment class and self-awareness for team membership

Where Carver admits that he is a Type-A personality and also defends his personality type with the results that he has delivered, Mia's approach is more subtle and she is able to step aside from the situation faced by her. Carver's approach is not suitable in the given situation as his team is getting less β†’

Course project

In performance appraisal the training and development needs of the employees will be analysed and suitable training program will be implemented to increase productivity. Later, the performance of the employees will be studied to see the effectiveness of the training and development program.

Developing a winning career in the field of management – resume/cv example

Activities Graduation Field Work and Internship in Dong Xing Stock Company Skills Developed Negotiation skills, problem-solving skills, and communication skills Experience Financial Management at Dong Xing Stock Company Objective I aimed to obtain a responsible position in financial management at the Sino-foreign joint venture. Skills Developed Customer relationship management Handling order supply and point of β†’

Municipal solid waste management issues

Hence, the three R's of environmental management viz, reduce, reuse and recycle assume extra significance for municipal solid waste management. Effective segregation and collection of waste for the three R's plan is still a challenge for most municipalities around the world.

The role pm in establishing and maintaining corporate culture

Additionally, it is also apparent that if Grandview adopted compensation systems in all its branches, a culture of attraction and retention of employees would be assured. For example, attraction and of retention awards would give the organization a reputable corporate picture to all inspiring and existing employees.

Proplem kc

Knowledge is the means of obtaining success and wealth and, with a constantly altering marketplace and an ever expanding and competitive milieu, the requirement for new knowledge is imperative, as is the process of sharing and communicating what is now known. Within In the second week write-up, the discussion was about how KFIC lacks good β†’

Individual vs group incentive plans

There is diversity in the issuance of performance goals that can be based on the skills, workload and ranks of the employee. From a human resource view, the group incentives work much faster due to brainstorming and incorporation of different ideas.

Competitive profile matrix walt disney

The Walt Disney Company is leading not only to the international entertainment but also in the media enterprise. The tabulation matrix of the Walt Disney shows that the company is diversified with a high cost of entertainment production.


Lastly, prepare to describe yourself in a way that will appear relevant to the job that you want to get. According to Louis Efron, an editor with the Forbes Magazine, it is important to prepare, in advance, a list of personal accomplishments in life that will boost your CV.

The quality of aircraft traffic control at dubai international airport

BMGN N490 - Industry Project proposal Instructor: John Politis Sultan Alhammadi H00086838 Title: The Quality of Aircraft traffic control at Dubai international airport Background and overview: Air traffic control is a crucial service that aims at separating aircrafts in the air and on the ground in order to avoid collision, to provide information, and β†’

Production cost analysis and estimation applied problems

Production Cost Analysis Problem a) Fixed inputs include the cost of the oven and the cost or the salary of each worker per week. The variable inputs are the number of pizzas produced and the number of workers.

Masters program in business administration

I have always believed that organizations have a role to play in improving the lives of the less fortunate people in society. As a future manager, I must learn different research methods and how to apply the results in order to improve the operations of the organization.

The chartered insurance institute

The Chartered Insurance Institute The Chartered Insurance Institute is the most established and well-recognized organizations for people working in the financial and insurance services. The last few years have been difficult for accountants and insurance companies due to the economic crisis.

Ask ls week 1 m6

As a qualified team member of the project, what are the best ways in which you can avoid such intrigues while maintaining your reputation as a team member and as a researcher? Being the first time to establish shared services in your organization, what are some of the leadership traits that you may employ in β†’

Employment law 1

At the time of hiring, Wal-Mart did not have any employment policy requiring Wal-Mart to check the prior criminal convictions of Bobby. Wal-Mart is not liable for not requesting the criminal background of Bobby since no employment law requires the company to do so.

Three factors and fashion

While there is generally a quality control department it's recognized that they contribute to finalizing the aesthetic aspects of the fit, shape, length, and proportion of the garment; additionally, it may be necessary to test the fabric to ensure that it matches the end retailer's standards. This is a slightly complex notion as it necessitates β†’

Article two

Engaging in corporate responsibility gives the company a better image and consumers will want to engage more in the products being offered. The Oxford handbook of corporate social responsibility.

Adapting kohlberg to enhance the assessment of managers’ moral reasoning by james weber

The purpose of this review is to provide the readers with a concise summary of the most significant points of the article, present some background information, evaluate the text using a detailed examination of its strength as well as weak points and give a comprehensive summary of the analysis that was performed. It would not β†’

Of project management

Number: Paper: Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Understanding towards Master of Science in Project Management3 Reason for choosing career as a project manager and join the academic course4 References5 Understanding towards Master of Science in Project Management According to my understanding, project management refers to a professional discipline which includes skills, techniques, and β†’

Global trends

People from different cultures go to the same class, spend time in hostels together and learn in class the importance of appreciating and leaving with each other. Technology has made people to migrate from rural homes to the towns especially in developed countries in search of better services and good infrastructure.

Korean chaebols and ge management strategies

According to " management by objectives" by Peter Drucker, promotion in the chaebols is not possible as the top management is reserved for the autocrat. According to the " GE McKinsey Matrix" appearing in the " Bloomberg", GE is owned by external shareholders and hence it is forced to vary its factors so as to β†’

Five bases of power by french and raven

The positional power reward power, coercive power, and legitimate power. Positional Power In the context of an organization, this power is referred to as the authority that one holds for the position in the organization.

Performance appraisal

Performance Appraisal Performance Appraisal Introduction Performance appraisal or interchangeably performance measurement can be simply referred to the process of monitoring and reporting varied information concerning the performance of an employee, group, or organisation. This managerial technique assists the top level management to evaluate the current position of the organization with respect to employee performance and β†’

Additional qualitative approaches above creswells five approaches

Additional Qualitative Approaches above Creswell's Five Approaches Additional Qualitative Approaches above Creswell's Five Approaches Personal Contribution Creswell's contribution to qualitative research approaches only considered Five Approaches; however, there are other additional qualitative approaches that can be applied in a research design. The Naturalistic and Interactionism qualitative research approaches are some of the additional qualitative research β†’


They can manage their products from one area to the next and capitalize on the most viable opportunities present in the industry. As such, it should proceed with its plans and capitalize on the expected vibrancy of the market.

People – the heart of every successful organization

The answer to this question is that all of these companies are exhibiting a huge margin of success in the current marketplace. The answer to all of these questions is in fact quite simple.

Production process for a company

Production Process for My Replaylive Company My Replaylive is a company that attempts to offer solutions that supplement our everyday life and experiences. Pert Diagram for My Replaylive Company My Replaylive Task processes in A, B, C and D= Selecting broadcast, coding and storing, highlights, coding download links, coding features of the broadcast, coding and β†’

The advantages of management accounting information

Depending on the level of information details available, business management decisions are based on a good management information system and are only as good as how well and current information is provided. Therefore providing information improves the quality of decisions that result in actions that contribute to the fulfillment of the objectives of the business β†’

English business

The supervisor should explain to the employee the dress code policy and request the employee to oblige to it. This will create a sense of pride in the new policy, professionalism would ring attention to...

Discussion post #2

The globalization strategy adopted by Google is that its organizational culture is accommodative to domestic cultures and the locals are empowered to make meaningful decisions in the operations of the company. When a company is operating in a global environment, it is very important to make sure that the interests of the local people are β†’


Mckinsey 7S framework for Ooredoo Company Mckinsey 7S framework for Ooredoo Company Management encompasses a lot and it is a requirement of managers to ensure that his or her organization works in harmony to realize the organizational goal. Another framework is skills where the company should have an excellent training program for employees and a β†’

Employee perception on commitment oriented work systems

Literature critique The study aimed to establish the relationship between employee perception on commitment oriented work systems and the managerial perceptions of employee commitment in the work place. The research attempted to identify the relationship between employee trust or loyalty to managers and employee's in-role and extra-role performance in comparison with that of organizational β†’

Request refusal: excessive noise prompts action (managerial communication)

Chomko works in a noisy environment, and this will be discussed among us, to come up with the best time to limit the noise. I wish to convey to you the changes that will be done in order to serve you better.


This is due to a significant number of core competencies applied in the day-to-day business operations of the company. The availability of strong marketing teams is another core competency for apple Incorporation.


Microfinance will be a great vehicle through which to improve the lives of regular Chebinie women, and the concept has already proven to be successful in other areas of the world. The key is education and teaching them about how to be a responsible business owner so that loan repayments do not get out of β†’

Case 29

Employees serve as the wheels of the company, which determines the direction and the speed of progress and growth. The large population of 46000 employees also hinders the companys integration of the Chubb system.

Workflow interdependence

Consider how the company manages workflow issues in its current design and evaluate the effectiveness of the current design with respect to organizational effectiveness. The proper way for the company to increase organizational effectiveness through exchange of resources is by identifying the organizational structure and basing its design on it.

The problem of declining employee morale

It can be observed that the company took the wrong reward system to motivate the employees to improve their productivity which led to a decline in employee morale.2. Collective identity in the organization is advantageous since it helps the employees to put optimum effort in their performance for the benefit of the organization as a β†’

Importance of social responsibility in organization development

Social responsibility means going beyond the legal requirements and understanding other impacts the business may have on the wider society. This paper focuses on the importance of social responsibility in business or organization growth.

Collaborative role among organizations

One organization is highly likely to be in a position to address obstacles that befall the partner. The community is served with vast information that relates to the underlying collaboration undertakings.

Personal fitness

Though personal fitness may only involve one person and not as a group of people in a fitness center, Angle argues that exercising when a person in under the supervision of professionals is extremely important. Douw et al proposes that to get the maximum benefits of exercising, a person needs to understand the benefits involved β†’

Fire engineerings handbook for firefighter

Firefighters find themselves in a situation where they have to assess the conditions to determine how to deal with the incident. Firefighting is a risk-taking job, and when firefighters are in an incident, they are exposed to excess heat and smoke.

Why i want to earn an executive mba in information technology

I intend to pursue an executive MBA in information technology in order to augment my professional skills and add to my qualifications for ample opportunities to get a job in the robust job market. This the right time to undertake my MBA course having gained much experience in IT as I look forward to moving β†’

Successful letters for all occasions

In terms of leadership experience, I have founded Maple Leaf Funds in which I worked as a President of the organization. In terms of personal skills, I am extravert and I have expertise in the open-minded communication process.


Improving the technology in the production process is thus one of the actions that Custom Molds should adopt in order to remain competitive in the industry. Another alternative that Custom Molds has is to merge with another company such as the Modern Molding Technologies which is well established.

John lewis says our partnership model gives us our distinctive culture. this, combined with the efforts of our partners, gives us our competitive advantage. explain how the john lewis employee partnership model could give john lewis competitive advantag

The core founder of the company believed that employees are part of the company and therefore they should act as owners of the company. Overview of the John Lewis partnership model Every employee of the company is a partner and is entitled to sharing the profits earned by the company.

Strategic management

How to construct a personal development plan that meets leadership development requirements identified in the skills audit To begin with, the personal development plan will focus on bridging the gap between the current skills of a leader and the leadership development requirements identified in the skills audit. According to Irby and Brown, the personal development β†’

Goal making in the professional world

A closer evaluation of the university's mission, stated as " The Master of Science in Medical Health Sciences prepares students for a successful career in the medical profession by enhancing their knowledge in the basic sciences and by providing an opportunity for intensive engagement in academic research" [Tou05] made one realize the compatibility in thrust β†’

Organizational behavior analysis proposal for mcdonald’s

The company allegedly uses unethical methods to make increased profits at the expense of customers' health and social condition of the employees. This will equip the human resource manager with the right information while recruiting, training, motivating, and retaining employees to the overall benefit of the individual and company.

Mgt answer the question in the attachment

Strengths The strengths of the Liz Claiborne Company happen to be the three brands that were retained after the trim down, namely Kate Spade, Lucky Brand and Juicy Couture. 59 after the sale of Liz Claiborne and Monet Brands to J.C.

Organizing, decision-making, ethics, and the law in management – case study – the vacation request [s3]

All three parties share the blame in this instance, Tom should have followed the hierarchy, Harry should have consulted Luther or should have turned down Tom sending him to Luther for approval and Luther should have met and discussed his responsibilities with Harry in order to avoid such confusions. They should agree that in future β†’


According to Liebowitz and Dalkir, operational dimensions highlight the development and utilization of knowledge and intellectual assets. Application of Bloom's taxonomies in the management and application of knowledge in organizations improves an organization's performance and efficiency.

Relative resource management

It is important to establish the physical position of the distributor because this will affect the value of their products as well as the rapidity of distribution to their clients. The BP's management should to take into account the prospect of the distributor to meet deadline for supply of the apparatus.

Collaboration and conflict management within groups and teams

To make cross-border alliances and merger and acquisition effective, collaboration, and conflict management within groups and teams is necessary to increase the efficiency of a company's production output and employees' commitment toward an organizational goal. In line with this, the purpose of this study is to discuss the importance of collaboration and conflict management within β†’

A casy study_ptii

Research Question The research question of the case study was to find out the probable reasons for dissatisfaction of the employees in the concern despite the availability of needed recreation and work flexibility facilities provided to them. Use of open and close ended questions in the interview would enable the researcher to get effective views β†’

Tetra tech ec and risk management

Case study Tetra Tech EC and risk management case Elevator Pitch The Tetra Tech cases study is about the strategies that the company uses to manage its risk considering that the nature of its job makes it prone to the risk of making huge losses. This ensures that the company is able to share the β†’

Managing complex world

On the other hand, Commonwealth Bank of Australia has been operating its functions with high emphasis towards the opportunities and treats of the Australian banking sector and the expectations of the Australian consumers thereupon. Similarly, when analyzing the environment of the Swinburne University, it was observed that the Swinburne University has been much emphasized towards β†’

Topic selection process

There were results on the definition of conflict, conflict management, and conflict resolution. Many topics on conflict were available including the causes of conflict, types of conflict, and conflict examples.

Cents on the dollar the facts about eh gender wage gap

This is because even women have the capacity to undertake most of the highly demanding jobs in a similar manner as men would. The article maintains that women are involved in different jobs as compared to men.

Managing information systems: read the following paper and answer the questions below

In addition, Google is run by the philosophy that technology is as powerful in supporting a business as it is in creating opportunities. The seamless integration between players of the Google platform underscores the dynamism and competitive advantage that Google enjoys.

Politics and organizational change – the lived experience

Politics and Organizational Change - The Lived Experience affiliation Politics and Organizational Change - The LivedExperience 1. What are the ' lived experiences' of organizational politics from the standpoint of the change agent described in this paper?

My personal future plan

The ability to make informed decisions and to maintain a positive attitude towards my career and activities are some of the skills. My educational background and these skills ensure that I have the analytical abilities to address issues that arise along my career.

Structural configurations for organizations

Structural Configurations of Organizations Henry Mintzberg's explanation of structural configurations is based on the process of clustering various organizational functions into groups and displaying their relative size. Sally Helgesen's approach to organization structure is based on the fact that the web serves as a tool that enables constant organization and reorganization of enterprises.

Summary of the article by caleb hannan

The need for education and transparency in trading motivated Sykes to establish the website that offers market-trading advice. The article concludes that Sykes's douche marketing attracts everybody and the website is positive to both investors and Sykes.

Managing change, small hotel development

The year 2020 is 5 years away; hence, considering the analyses that has been conducted on the Sea Front Hotel, the chances of development over the next five years can be assessed. In the face of competition over the next five years, the hotel is likely to achieve minimal development, because of its poor marketing β†’

Hospitality management

The purpose of communication is to clearly understand people and for the other people to understand me. I have three areas of communication, which I feel I need to be good at in order to achieve my personal development plan.


inserts his/her Management The book is a comprehensive demonstration of management theory with detailed focus on the various functions of management including planning, organizing, leading and controlling. To conclude, the book provides a comprehensive description of various management concepts at the basis level.

Project management

Upon completion of these two significant activities, a test run of the system will be done to verify the compatibility of the soft and hardware. A monitoring and evaluation system will be in place to keep track of the progress of each activity.

Improving safety results with process flowcharts

Furthermore, information pertaining to the hazards brought about by highly hazardous chemicals in the process is also to be explored. The process is to involve identification, evaluation, and control of the hazards involves in it.

Medium-term balance of production in the usa

This work represents the project, including the number of strategies, which will help to reduce the rate of food insecurity in the USA. The second measure includes the introduction of the analysis of price and food proportions into the practice of the government in order to increase the volume of agricultural products, raise the investment β†’

General electric: ecomagination

General Electric alternative courses of action The firm, has launched healthymagination and ecomagination as branding initiatives that highlight the commitment of the company towards social responsibility and sustainability. The two strategies outlined as healthymagination and ecomagination shows a sustainability message on the portfolio of the company.

Changes in organizational management

It appears, therefore, that the continuity required of recording a change practically renders a complementing effect to change and continuity, as explicated by Zurndorfer. As to being change or continuity, my stand is that each occurrence in an organization, whether planned or incidental, describes a continuum where significant change is a milestone which defines the β†’

Managing people in team

Who should be credited for the team's success, is it the manager or the workers? The company is committed to producing high-quality products for its customers and employs people from diverse backgrounds.

Research methods in business management

Fieldnotes Developing a research methodology and proposed methods for implementing research is one of the fundamentals of successful research. This is because the ethical requirements restrict a researcher and scope of research.

Five types of customers in the retail setting

These customers are estimated to make up only 20% of the buyers but represents 50% of the sales. These loyal customers visit the stores at a specific interval and often buy everything that they need in the outlet.

Theoretical communication concepts and its application in management

Limitations of this models lies in the fact that there is no feedback display from the receiver, this undermines the core purpose of communication in that it does not reveal the impact of the message on the receiver. This model of communication is efficient as a human resource tool in the sense that it is β†’

Cracking the code of change

In a bid to effective strategies to deal with change, most organizational leaders tend to put a lot of focus on the various initiatives to deal with change while forgetting about the ideal reasons for changing. Every organization is different and needs to approach change with a lot of sobriety in order to ensure the β†’

Union bank of norway

The data bank was successful as both top personnel in the organization and customers testified of its significance in improving customer relations towards cost effective processes and improved revenues. The head of the bank's customer relations management for example testified that the data bank became essential to the organization leading to 70 percent response from β†’

Towards green intelligence

The study made by the PricewaterhouseCoopers found that " consumer demand for green technology products is on the rise. Government customers are increasingly mandated to purchase green where available, and the spectrum of products covered by such provisos is growing".

Terms & conditions may apply critique

The fact that the director was able to reach the founder of Facebook and make him one of the starring characters in the films only serves to place emphasis on the seriousness of the spying issue. The director brings into focus the origin of the issue and uses examples to support his arguments that, people β†’

Script for radio news report

News writing for radio Crowds of proud Singapore citizens have taken their celebrations to the streets in wait of the country's forty-ninth birthday. While some fell that the government is yet to achieve its full potential, most feel that the country is taking steps towards the right direction.

The influence of rosa parks

Dozens of relatives of Rosa Parks, Congressional leaders, and President Obama paid tribute to Rosa Parks in the dedication ceremony. In the ceremony, President Obama said, " In a single moment, with the simplest of gestures, she helped change America and change the world".

Male hysteria’ in showalter’s the female malady

For a long time, until recently, stories of hysteria were told by men, and in these stories, the women were portrayed not as the heroines, but as the victims. They considered male hysteria a woman's disease, and most doctors were reluctant to diagnose males with the same.