Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Product proposal

The product will prove to be viable considering Product, Market and Industry Description A. Scalability of product the product can be produced en masse because it is just a pill which can lower our production cost.E.

Tlmt 441 article review

Supply Chain Game Changers - Mega, Nano, and Virtual Trends- And Forces That Impede Supply Chain Design.] According to this article, for a company to gain competitive advantage, it is very important to include strategic systems design to structure and govern supply chain. It is, therefore, very important that the managers to up their game β†’

Developmental theories

The sociocultural theory of development is able to explain why the individual's growth and development is strongly-connected to the society one grows up in, the universal perspective delves into the common needs of all humans, as well as the shared needs and impulses characterised in every culture and generation, and the evolutionary theory focuses on β†’

The first doubts

The First Doubts According to Baugh The process of disengagement from a role that is central to one's self identify and the re-establishment of an identity in a new role that takes into account one's ex-role" is referred to as role exit. I have created an ex-role identity where I have been able to β†’

An experiential

More than social and physical work, it entails a unique kind of leadership that speaks to the heart of the community as I understand meaning in several roles found in it for which to respond and assume a common function which any member of the community can deeply relate with. In it we realize the β†’

Levis: alliance to improve business effectiveness and efficiency

Indeed, Levi's network relationships with its various partners provide the company with unmatched efficiency in the delivery of its goals and objectives. The company's code of conduct for all its partners is important criteria that help the company in meeting its social responsibilities and promote ethical practices.

New dq’s week 4

List and explain the three assumptions for using ANOVA The three assumptions of the ANOVA include: Independence of variables: This means that the data in the groups are independent and not dependent Normality: This assumption states that the data in each data is normally distributed. Suppose the data planned for an ANOVA test does not β†’

Textual analysis

In the current period, where the globe is experiencing many effects such as global warming due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere and other factors such as dramatic climatic changes, it is better to solve the issue at the source rather than to wait until the issue has escalated into severe β†’

John smith 2

At the age of 16 after the death of his father, he started his adventures by travelling and first joined France as a volunteer to fight for the independence of the Dutch from Spain. There is a picture of Smith to the right of the page and above it at the top right corner there β†’

Descartes and elisabeth

Descartes and Elisabeth The correspondence between Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia and Rene Descartes yielded a total of fifty eight letters. Descartes reply to Elisabeth's question intimated that the interaction was not to be thought of as between two bodies.

Tax accountant

Although the job of tax accountant is the most difficult one in field of taxation yet I prefer to pursue this career as it confirms my direct entry to the business world. In addition, as Fitch states, a tax accountant carries out research in areas of tax law and regulations to recommend changes in accounting β†’

Stress and coping

The key hindrance that I faced when I started off with this project was lack of motivation to swim on a daily basis as I could not think of a proper reason why I would want to carry out this exercise on a daily basis. However, since I had made up my mind that I β†’

The search for order in america

The Search for Order The Search for Order The second half of the nineteenth century, America faced the most controversial time of her history that affected her along political, social, and economic matters. After the civil war and abolishment of the slavery, it is the social order that could have reunified and united America along β†’

Cinderella analysis, summary ,essay ,outline

Perrault's version of Cinderella portrays the story of a girl who is entirely submissive to the will of her stepmother and her two stepsisters. This moral value is highly misleading simply because of the assumption that being beautiful is mandatory for a girl to achieve her desire and dreams.

The difference between the high school system and graduate institutions

One of the similarities of the different college level paths is that each enhances the communication ability of the students in the level of advancement. Despite being affiliated to the high school curriculum, Advanced Placement colleges offer specialized examinations to its students, bringing about an aspect of specialization as observed in the case of colleges β†’

Analyze the influences of internal politics in desired career path in criminal justice

In the situation given in the case, there is the need for me to work hard as a probation officer in order to meet the requirements of the criminal justice system and to satisfy my boss as well as to escape the cut. I have to demonstrate the level of my education and the significance β†’

Early modern europe, paradise lost by charles milton

It is a narrative of magnificent proportion depicting the Christian story, which is the Fall of Man, in twelve books, taking after the structure of Virgil's Aenid. As with other typical epics, Milton began in the middle of the action, telling the tale about how Satan fell, and then proceeding on to recreating different components β†’

Sappho of lesbos

This essay examines a series of her poems to determine her relationship with Aphrodite, explore the ways she characterizes the conflicting nature of romantic love, and to decide why the church sought to ban and destroy her work. In a poem titled ' To Aphrodite of the Flowers at Knossos' Sappho calls for the goddess β†’


The US foreign policy's official goal as mentioned in the agenda of foreign policy is the creation of a more safe, democratic and a wealthy world for the international community and the American people. As a result, the foreign policy of the US has been a subject of debate, criticism and praise in the country β†’

The disclosure of information for the evaluation of the progress of a firm

The Disclosure of Information for the Evaluation of the Progress of a Firm The disclosure of vital information is important for the evaluation of the progress of a firm by the investors and shareholders. Reasons for Non-Disclosure of Information Some organizations fear disclosing income and expenditure information to the lenders because of the managerial β†’

Intelligence requirements – graded

Thus, prior to using their radars and other intelligence tools, the intelligence soldiers will have to engage into the identification of the appropriate indicators that will lead them to potential answers and as prior to the appropriate moves that they will have to take. Are radars and other essential or relevant tools for intelligence always β†’


According to Yungher, it is hard to define the concept of terrorism due to its changing nature with every new day. Since a certain group is not satisfied with the government that is ruling they result to terrorism to destabilize it.

David oliver’s cancer vlogs

Management of Chronic Illness Reflective Responses Introduction Management of chronic illness and quality of life concepts not only provokes personal reactions during and after critical and creative discussion of the concepts involved, but also provides a direction in which an individual carries self-initiatives in promoting and implementing a healthy living. In addition, I was able β†’

Implement concepts from piagets theory of cognitive development when teaching second or third graders the skill of regrouping when solving subtraction problems

For example, if the task at hand is to teach the children to subtract eight from 21, the instructor should group ten of the blocks together, perhaps in a tower formation, and then grouping the additional 11 blocks together in a group that is laying flat on the desk or working surface. At this point, β†’

O.e.a. style response

In this way, although the woman herself is a clear case against the misogyny of the times, the simple nature and stupidity of what could only be described as the " majority" only serves to reinforce the image that was so popular during the times. Lastly, what is of peculiar interest with relation to this β†’

Organizational theory

Centralization by retaining the ity within the upperlevels of management leads to tall structuring or shape of the organization. This reduces the need for several hierarchical levels and through standardization it is possible to maintain a flat shape of the organization.

Week 5 disc 2 can government create an economic recovery

Number The Great Depression President Franklin Roosevelt's radical economic recovery plans made him popular, since the general public felt that his administration was doing all it could to stem the Great Depression. The Great Depression of 1930s and the Great Recession of are similar in the sense that they led to massive job cuts and β†’

Clarifying financial reporting

The information contained in financial reporting must be both relevant and reliable to the user relevant data must be recent enough to be useful and be confirmed in the future as well as confirm older data, and reliable in that different users are able to use the same information to come to similar, if not β†’

The ethics of research

Ethics of Research Ethics in Research Overview of the Article The article discusses the use of graphical data in understanding the trends in market segmentation. Ethical Considerations of the Article The research in the article followed an ethical context because the two authors gave credit to all the authors of the data that he relied β†’

Article #5 joy in school by steven wolk

Students should be given a chance to build new thing from imagination. They should be colorful to set in a vibrant and joyful sight.


In as much as a substantial number of immigrants came to the United States from 1900 to 1929, it is important to note that the number of immigrants slightly reduced in 1914 due to the occurrence of World War One. Another consequence of the law according to Handlin is that it restricted a considerable number β†’

Why i chose the engineering major

I later assembled the third computer on my own and the feeling of this accomplishment was overwhelming and has since been inspirational. It is against this background that I would wish to apply for a place to study the College of Engineering at Cornell, which has a very fine reputation in the engineering community.

Week3 dq team

However, the two differ in the degree of dependence and also in terms of compulsion, negative consequences and the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms. Habituation differs from addiction mainly in the absence of physical and psychological dependence, as a desire rather than a compulsion for the substance and the absence of a tendency to progressively increase β†’

Picture archive computer system

Running head: PICTURE ARCHIVE AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Picture Archive and Communication System PACS: purpose and goals The picturearchiving and communication system is prevalent in the field of medicine and can be defined as the imaging technology that provides efficient storage facility with easy access to images from various machine types. A standard regulation that accompanies β†’

Cash flows yahoo and google

370B Internal Activities Over the period of three years, the most significant contributor to the increase in the cash flows from the operating activities has been increase in the Net Income of Google. Cash Flow from investing activities is negative too because of the heavy capital expenditure being made over the period of three years.

Fertility of american women

The intended outcome was to determine the, "...current fertility rates based in the number of women reporting a birth in the previous 12 months per 1000 women in the specified group". One of the most interesting groupings of numbers were presented in discussing the differences in the numbers of woman who are now having children β†’

Florida medicaid program

Florida Medicaid Program In the of Florida, Medicaid is a program that is backed by the federal and government that is provided to help people who are considered low income. In Florida, this program began in 1970 and expanded the program in 1989 when all states were mandated to help children up to the age β†’

Why literatura by mario vargas – summury

In the current times, the fast advancing technology has overshadowed the mundane activities of the common man and the area that is worst hit is the literature. Llosa says that even though the technology has restructured the priority areas of human race, the relevance and importance of literature can never lose its basic essence of β†’

Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the available evidence to support a recommendation about a medical intervention

The vaccination that exists for treatment of HPV is referred to as the quadrivalent HPV vaccine. This vaccine was 90% efficient in the prevention of infection and 100% efficient in preventing diseases that were HPV related and attributed to HPV types with lifelong duration and protection.


The economic analysis examines how the business is affected by the world's economy. The company has all the rights that is applicable to the nature of its business.

Proof of gods existence

Proof of God's Existence Perhaps one of the most difficult things to proof is the existence of God. However, the natural processes go back to God, the initiator, another support of cosmological argument.

Foreclosure sale

As such, the sale of the property is high and the transfer has to undergo the legal framework done in the county. The sales of the real property are made in the area or county where the property is situated.

High stakes curriulum and teasting

High Stakes Curriculum and Testing s 15th November The No Child Left Behind, the Race to the Top and the Common Core Standards The NCLB is a law while the RTTT and the Common Core Standards are policies and all of them are mainly designed towards improving the quality of education in the United States, β†’

Interoffice memorandum

If my salary comes about $4000/per month, I will save $18000 for marriage, and I will be able to buy a car of worth. In order to save my receipts and I will provide all the details of my flexible daily expenses in the chart for June.

A systems view of man-general systems theory

One of the core assumptions of Bertalanffy is that a system should be understood as a whole; in other words, a system is greater than the sum of its parts. The principle of equifinality is also crucial to the systems theory as it helps to distinguish between closed and open systems.

Entering umass college for bachelor of health administration courses

I am really encouraged, motivated and focused because I am convinced that am in the right career path since I have a great passion for this and even have some family history. I have a strong foundation of this field and have had a lot of inspiration from family and friends.

Theories of democracy

This idea, the coalition of Jihad and McWorld, is missing from Barber's analysis because it is claimed by Mitchell that the US government is quite familiar with working with Muslim emirs " whose power depended upon strict interpretations of Islamic law". McWorld as suggested by Barber, but we actually live in the age of McJihad.

Racial and ethnic matter

Japanese Americans in America bore the repercussion of Pearl Harbor when 110, 000 Japanese Americans were incarcerated whose video clips never fail to stir the emotions. But the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan brought untold misery to the Japanese Americans living in America.

Union negotiations

Union Negotiations Union Negotiations Before presenting the demands of management, they should first explain to the employees the reasons why there is a need for a salary reduction or a reduction in the number of employees if they want to stay competitive. Employees will remain motivated if they know that the adjustments made are only β†’

The collection activities of the intelligence community

The import of this is that the intelligence cycle informs the daily operation of the Intelligence Community. According to Hulnick, the intelligence process has its genesis in the intelligence consumers: those who are in need of the intelligence information.

A program evaluation to determine if the united states military support to civilian law enforcement agencies is adequate in curt

The goal of the research is to detail what steps will be taken to understand the necessary approaches for military assistance with local and federal law enforcement in the restriction of further action by drug trafficking organizations. Drug Trafficking Organizations have many available resources as well, however, with the technology, support and administrative assistance of β†’

Personality assessment

Occupations ISFJ are usually involved in careers that require the exercise of due diligence or those that involves fewer interactions with many people. One of them is engineering that involves dealing with machines as opposed to handling direct situations with people.

Unethical police operations

Unethical Police Operations affiliation Unethical Police Operations The police department is depended on by the public to protect and preserve peace in the society. One of the most current cases of police brutality in the United States is the case of Michael Brown.

Statistics and social network of youtube videos

Researchers believe that the potential of YouTube as a means of talent discovery is not going to fade any time soon. Most of the people who have posted their videos on YouTube and ended up becoming famous for doing that include Jackie Evancho, Maria Aragon who is a 10 year old singer, Edwards Gould who β†’

Paul’s view of women in the ministry

One of the most profound references that can be found to the views of Paul is in the book of Romans. Romans 16: 1-2 states: " I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church in Cenchrea, that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of β†’

Realism to virtual reality

The essay tries to hide the truth about the US during the war with their counterparts. HOW LINCOLN WON THE WAR This is an essay that talks about the approach to winning the war during his reign.

Internet and television media sources

INTERNET AND TELEVISION MEDIA SOURCES INTERNET AND TELEVISION MEDIA SOURCES Introduction The different sources of media exhibit different strengths and weaknesses over one another, in this essay paper; I am going to compare internet and television by looking at their advantages and disadvantages. Internet and Television The internet as a source of has gotten in β†’

Conceptualizing and classifying class

Due to the increased use of class as a social reference in the current world, there are increased levels of confusion of the young people on the definition of class. While trying to evaluate the effects of class on the youth, Goodman et al.conducted a study among the youth on the determinants of social class β†’

Televised death or the cemetary as a guide to social order

From this location, it can be deduced that the community is of a higher social structure in terms of economic and social status. In turn, the choice or option for people to bury their dead in a particular type of cemetery is influenced by their social class or level.

Interview with a tourist

When she responded, she told me that she was studying here for one semester and had come from China. When I asked Qiu about common gestures in her culture, she told me that Chinese culture has many signs and symbols that may seem strange to an outsider.

Article summary and reaction paper

The Supreme Court, Spider-Man and ' Stare Decisis'.WSJ. Stare decisis and the rule of law: a layered approach.Mich.L.

The accidents of life

My father was driving and my mother was sitting on the front seat. I was sitting on the backseat with my brother and we were enjoying by listening to music and taking pictures along the road.

Love the apology of socrates

Thus, I would like to argue that according to Socrates, a life that is worth living is a life that is being examined; and this examination involves both reflection and judgment. Thirdly, one possesses the urge to achieve a life that is worth living.

Importance of education

The same way, education enables us to be better people or citizens in our country. Education is important since it creates a sense of goodwill among individuals, and this will ensure that peace prevails in the country if people get educated.

Who participates in movement

McAdam disregards strict definitions of recruitment, movement, and activism, and instead focuses on the process of an individual's participation in activism. The leaders of protest movements can use the McAdams and Polletta discussions of recruitment motivation to increase the number of individuals participating in activism and to increase the risk-taking commitment of individuals.

Low and high-expansion foams for fire-fighting

High expansion foams have very low water content making it suitable to use in settings where damage to equipment by water is highly probable. The high water content of low expansion foams makes it heavy and possible to be projected to burn material at safe distances.

Why does socrates, according to plato’s think that knowledge of the ‘form of the good’ is the higest sort of knowledge is socrates correct defend your answer

Knowledge of the Form of the Good is the Highest Sort of Knowledge In a metaphor, Plato evoking Socrates, uses the sun to represent the origin of what he referred to as intellectual illumination. This knowledge, according to Plato is supposed to be the Form of the Good.


Pro-Choice: The Abortion Debate Abortion is the expulsion of an embryo or foetus from the uterus, before being capable ofnormal growth. In and around the world, the abortion debate has raged on over the years.

Comparison report

Interior decoration al affiliation History of furniture French directoire The French directoire is a styleof art that majors in in-house furniture. The following is a clear photograph of the French directoire art period.

Short answer

Jesus refers to Kingdom of God as the transformation of sinners and the worldly nature to resemble the character and nature of God. According to Fischer and Hart, the reign of God has begun through the life of Jesus and his teachings.

Marketing plan: around the clock child care center

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Acknowledging that there is a need for excellent child care services that offer non-traditional means to nurture a child while allowing the parents to work and more importantly, to have a few hours to be relieved from parenting duties, Around the Clock Child Care offers alternative to the usual babysitting services rendered by β†’

Opinion on behalf the partnership between l and p

Legal Advice IN THE MATTER OF: L And P OPINION ON BEHALF THE PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN LAND P Introduction This is a legal article discussing different issues in reference to the relationship between L and P. In summary, if L thinks of taking the job to Spain, the best solution to the occurrence is to break β†’

Tax brackets and deductions

Running head: TAX BRACKETS AND DEDUCTIONS Tax Brackets and Deductions Introduction Income tax refers to the levy imposed on annual incomes of individuals. 2012 Federal Income Tax Brackets.

Exam 3

In order to design and implement effective strategies, it would be important to understand the types of rapists. In summary, it would be important to appreciate that these categories of rapists operate on the tenets of control and power.

Eat task 2: subdomain 602.8 – teaching methods literacy & elementary reading

Through listening to stories and playing with alphabet blocks is how children learn to create meanings in letters they see. Elementary aged children observe how grownups present their things, which they tend to copy in school.

Issues associated with use of force on inmates

Rights of the inmates Introduction The number of those to jail has been on the rise in modern days and a contrast is in thediminishing correctional services. Rights of inmates The law in the country establishes the rights to an inmate.

The backbone of the success of any aspiring jazz dancer

I have had significant improvement in my endeavor through increased physical fitness practice and dance moves. I have gained significant fitness and mastered dance moves with unique acrobatic techniques that accomplish my efficiency.

Uae and saudi arabia governments

Another similarity is in the running of the executive branches of their governments. In UAE, the executive is led by the President, his deputy, and the prime minister.

Warehouse requirements

Therefore, this influence the warehouse requirements in that they have to locate it near or in the airport for easy packaging, branding, and reduce labor and transportation costs. The airline company will be tasked to construct a warehouse and store relevant food pieces of stuff in accordance to demand so that it avoids running out β†’

Role of gender in china in the stages of infancy and adolescense

Role of Gender in China in the Stages of Infancy and Adolescence [The of the will appear here] [The of the will appear here] Role of Gender in China in the Stages of Infancy and Adolescence The Chinese society, despite strong western influences, is much like most Eastern societies. Since their birth, women in the β†’

The investor life cycle of zipcar, facebook, and dunkin doughnuts

The desire to invest or actual investment in company stocks is informed by one's investment goal, which include the type of an investor one is, and the specification of portfolio that fits the individual. The basic notion behind this stage in the investor life cycle is that investors seek to aggressive growth for the future β†’

In what ways has the development of ict (information communication technology) affected the way young people interact and share information with each other

The developments and advancements in Arpanet later led to the emergence of the Internet that served as a hallmark and in turn, gave rise to Information Sharing and Globalization. Indeed, this is because of changes in Information and Communication Technology comprising of telecommunication and cellular networks, internet and mobile net that intensified the need of β†’

Obama is responsible for the protests in ferguson by harris-perry melissa

Annotation Entry Harris-Perry, Melissa." Obama Is Responsible for the Protests in Ferguson but Not in the Way You Think". The article, " Obama Is Responsible for the Protests in Ferguson but Not in the Way You Think" was written by Harris-Perry Melissa and published by the Nation on September 15, 2014.

Comparative government

That's why it is quite surprising that the United States of America, a country whose government is built on this ideology, came at a very poor showing among the list of Democracies in the Economist's Index of Democracy Study. That is why the Education in the idea of democracy as well as in the history β†’

Restaurant evaluation: noras cuisine

The second criterion to evaluate Nora's Cuisine is the location of the cuisine. The third criterion to evaluate Nora's Cuisine is the price of food.

Masters of business administration

It is then important to learn more about the practice and one of the steps to achieving good business skills is to learn from experts in the school of Masters in Business Administration. In conclusion, the course does not just help an individual in the attainment of a course but more especially the accumulation of β†’

Managing a changing workforce

Such situations can lead to biases, discrimination, nepotism and favoritism and as a result damage the overall productivity of the organization and its purpose and objective. They can impact the overall nature of projects and the outputs desired.

Discharge for whistleblower activity

However, Broom and Miller chose not to follow standard procedure and instead of going to the accused employee's immediate supervisor, they went the medication consultant at the facility. However, the employer argued that the language in this law were general and did not cover the Oklahoma employment-at-will doctrine.


Guns in Learning s The issue of whether to allow teachers to have firearms in the school attracts interest among the stakeholders in the education sector. Teachers express the concern about the safety of the classroom and entire school environment due to the increased cases of gun attacks in the learning institutions.

Strategic control

The methods of achieving the vision and mission of the company are referred to as the strategies of the organization. Of the four types of controls, premise and strategic surveillance controls are the most efficient in the identification of the different needs of the company, and that of its customers.

Behaviorist lesson plan

The kindergarten child in a science class showed aggressive behavior due to being denied the first place when going to the lab. The child in this case portrayed emotional and oppositional aggressive behavior.

Becoming an atf agent

This organization is abbreviated ATF and the agents that work for the organization referred to as ATF agents. In conclusion, this essay has examined the requirements to become an ATF agent.


But in spite of Yahoo's longer presence in the internet services market, its market capitalization still falls below that of Google. In comparison, Yahoo's homepage is a collage of 60 services competing for the attention of the user.

Book- corrections the essentials, author – mary k. stohr, anthony walsh

Since the criminals are not in a position to harm those outside the prison walls, it is a good strategy for defending possible victims. In this case, the criminal incapacitation forcefully prevents a criminal from exercising criminal tendencies, which is vital for ensuring the safety to innocent individuals.