Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

T.g.i. fridays

The inner decor of the restaurant gives it a feel of a theatrical stage, the ambience, the service, the product along with the package make the visit memorable for the customers. The study deals with evaluating the service technologies used and assessing the image created by it in the minds of the people and the β†’

Comparison of economics and marketing

This implies that in marketing consumers are convinced in the best brand and in economic part, the brand has the best bargain for the cash. Consumers are willing to review the price of a commodity before they purchase it. This implies that the role of marketing is to sell the new product in the market β†’

Why smart marketing is about help not hype

In a nutshell, the chapter basically points out asking real customers as the best way to understand customer needs. In the next chapter, the writers goes ahead to pinpoint how one can translate the needs identified to be useful marketing. The beauty of the book is in its practicality as it shows one how to β†’

Lrh trade shows events

Together we will come up with a newly revised marketing plan, develop new signs and banners with more attention-catching messages and a team of the well co-coordinated sales staff. Having familiarized me with the company's products the next step will be registering as exhibitors with the relevant authorities, this will ensure that we get a β†’


Hottentot referring to the Khoi people and Venus who was the Greek goddes of love. Gender The exploitation of Sara symbolised the kind of explitation women of all races go through. To the Europeans she was simply a weird specimen that was to be observed to staisfy their curiosity.

Philosophy vs ideology

Since concepts are developed in the process of philosophizing philosophy therefore is attempting to understand the world in which every person is an integral part. Thus, philosophy is an integral part of the human experience because of his intellect and moral obligations in line with his pursuit to understand the nature and origin of ideas. β†’

Bar code man

Bar Man A bar is a structure composed of bars and spaces of varying width which provides a means of expressionfor human-readable characters in a form readable by machines. Therefore I believe ' barcode man' has created a sense of security and promoted coherence to the society in general. Work Cited Seideman, T.Barcodes Sweep β†’

American literature

American Literature Importance of the press in developing interest in the New World Christopher Columbus turned to sea as a young man to find a commercially viable Atlantic route to Asia. Others were taken away to Spain as slaves to work in plantations, in the mines to harvest gold and in the sea harvesting pearls.

Are we getting overly dependant on technology

I do support the argument that we are getting overly dependent on technology. These days human being can do almost everything from the use of internet, mobile phones, computers and satellite at the comfort of the own. For an instant, a CEO who does not want to attend a meeting in the office, one can β†’

Personal statement

This raised my confidence and anticipation level; nothing seemed to come in between me and the scholarship. I had worked very hard and had good grades in my previous schooling and everyone believed that I was the best nominee for the award, little did I know that a huge disappointment was in the offing. Though β†’

Reading response

He tables that though these countries come up with new regulations, codes, bills and laws to facilitate eliminating the emigrants menace, none of the measures seem to successfully combat illicit emigration. Johnson recommends tangible and practical approaches to illicit emigration by proposing that developed nations should liaise to come up with amicable approaches β†’


The scope of the material, or the Levi's advertisement focused primarily on emphasizing that Levi's jeans have the core advantage of fitting distinct and unique curves of women, despite disparity in sizes, shapes, and even sexual preferences. The message was clearly and explicitly embodied in the textual representation of the advertisement, to wit: " that β†’

Small groups

For example, Trish was always the one to delegate responsibilities to each group member; however, there were a couple of occasions where she could not make it to a group meeting. It was sometimes unexpected when one group member could not make it, but the rest of us knew our roles and we also helped β†’

Not a license to murder

Not a license to murder In the of development of the common law, a very vital human right law has evolved. It is a violation of the human right to life to allow use of lethal force even in situations with means of retreat and require minimum force.

Journal entry

Pattern of College Writing Affiliation Patterns of College Writing From a keen analysis of the essay, it is evident that the deploys the use of sentence variation in a bid to communicate effectively. Grant also believed any man could become a leader, provided he had the ability, skills, and was able to assume the position.

Gun control/ argumentative paper against gun control

These laws infringe upon the constitutional right of an individual, with respect to the bearing of arms, which is provided for by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. The various interventions made in the US to implement gun control measures, in order to reduce crime have proved to be unsuccessful. Gun control laws were β†’

Preparing a critique for the short story the doll’s house

The author succeeds in establishing the connection between the upper class and the lower session with a " lamp'. The lamp stands for peace.

The love song of j. alfred prufrock.(t.s.eliot)

Through Prufrock as a character, Eliot succeeds in representing the decay that is evident in the society. " The Love Song of J. This is evident because of the setting of the poem, in the city, and the frustrations of the main character " Prufrock".

Cause and effect on honolulu rail transit

Although, the Honolulu rail transit will ease movement of commodities and people from urban areas to outlying areas, it will lead to budget cuts on the capital projects and contribute to environmental, health as well as aesthetic issues. The Honolulu Rail Transit project is costly; thus, it will cause the budget cuts. This is because β†’

A physical description of an object. not emotional, imaginative or interpretive

The contents of the book are its most important aspect because it could revolutionize the mind of its readers where great ideas could be created that would make the world better place. A book is composed of paper where the printed words are written on its pages. Its contents are also divided into chapters to β†’

Critique on the speakers corner

Many people are of the opinion that the speakers at the corner are immune from the law and can speak in whatever manner that they feel to express themselves. In the current set-up, speakers' corner is set loose its meaning and will soon become a thing of the past if the current trend is to β†’

Music: a universal language

Music: A Universal Language History has inevitably witnessed how music creates significant impact to shape a culture, reform a state of mind, and allow the world to know the extent of human potentials when it comes to craftsmanship with a variety of possible sounds and approach to lyrical substance. At the time, the music did β†’

It is up to you

One thing that I liked was the fact that we were not afraid of asking a question freely from your point of view and that really developed my confidence levels. Eventually my grades started improving and I got to understand the things that we were discussing.

Experiences of a slave

Although the story was written at a time when the American society was divided right between the native privileged slave owners and slaves, it clearly shows the rot in the Christian world. It is quite unfortunate that the native slave owners never bothered to know what they ought to have done as Christians. It was β†’


Usability al Affiliation Introduction Usability involves actual analysis of how certain group of individuals can utilize a system and whether this " system" achieves the original intend it was designed for. A display in a national park that is intended to describe or expound on how the parks extensive limestone cave came to be, to β†’

Shane is an ex-gunslinger

Shane Is an Ex-gunslinger Outline Paragraph I: Shane Is an Ex-gunslinger Paragraph II: The Readers Do not Know Much About Him Paragraph III: Predicting the Tactics of the Enemy Paragraph IV: Gunfights of Shane Paragraph V: A Man Who Killed Someone Is Marked Eternally Paragraph VI: Conclusion Shane is an ex-gunslinger. β†’

Self-expression through music

Whenever I feel alone and feel that no one is there to listen to me, and whenever I feel like expressing my thoughts to others and to myself and do not find words, I feel like turning on my music system, put a CD of soul music in and turn it on. And more specifically, β†’

Productivity in the workplace as an lpn

Tawana Tumblin October 4, English MW Organization Productivity in the Workplace as an Lpn Owners of different health care institutions and their clientele look and value one thing when they see a health care staff working in a health care setting: workplace productivity. The feeling that they are being treated equal to nurses enforces them β†’

Case analysis

Consequently Keller, as a supervisor of Brodsky, needs to make a decision about what he should do with his well experienced and non-relationship style manager, Brodsky. Wolfgang Keller, a charismatic graduate from the Harvard Business School, is the managing director of premium brewer K nigsbr u's Ukrainian subsidiary, K nigsbr u-TAK AE. These challenges helped β†’


Nonetheless, I was open to receive as a sister or a brother, but the birth of my junior brother was a joy beyond expression. The aura to have a relative was increased by the death of my grandmother who was my only source of comfort and solace. At the age of twelve, my parents understood β†’

The question of obesity

Conclusion McDonald's: To Eat or Not to Eat, That is the Question to Obesity It is said that a healthy mind inhabits a healthy body. Their aim is to supply its consumers with quality food to balance busy lives. Now, the question of living a healthy life style is all about what to β†’


Karen Doe wanted her recommendation of work schedule time changed, Michelle has solutions to the nursing crisis in the country, and Basri's proposal has intentions of bringing the campus community to a calm and peaceful environment. The situations that happen at the Berkeley campus require solutions. Everything in the proposals has revolved around the problem β†’

Using ethos in designing of websites

An example of a website that uses ethos to appeal to its audience is the Basecamp website at The website for project management tool, Basecamp uses Ethos to appeal to its customers by showing its credibility. The answer from the second man proofs that the website is credible and reliable in project management.

The tempest for shakespeare act i

Insert The Tempest Act Central moral action: Miranda man s his father to ensure that nobody comes toany harm. As the play unfolds, the shipmaster requests his board crewmembers to call for mariners in his bid to ensure that the ship does not wreck. The ship in the tempest set assails to the highland from β†’

Should robots be given the same rights as human

Under the social pattern of evolution coupled with the amelioration in technology especially artificial intelligence, scientists claim that the robots in future will also demand equal rights with the human. So the writing discusses with the feasibility of providing robots with equal human rights. Human beings have harnessed the extravaganza of science and technology in β†’


In addition, the article suggests various measures for keeping boxing athletes safe. Free Choice The sport, being a choice game, is performed by adults who are conscious of all risks involved when one decides to participate in that sport as a career.. Boxing is a career and source of livelihood It is important β†’

Who has the right to write literature about war

During the world war, the men had more right to write literature about the war because of their participation in the war more than the women. The first novel about the war was written by the male because of their active participation in the war compared to women. Poem about with the theme of men, β†’

Pr paper contrast & compare on twain & thoreau

In fact, Thoreau idea of what we call reality in our daily life is something is a creation of a number of tools the prominence of them all being the mass media which continuously elongated itself the responsibility of shaping people opinion. According to Thoreau, even what we call progress in our daily life is β†’

Personal philosophy of success

I have not been left behind in this zest, in an endeavor to accomplish the dreams I have in life, in order to celebrate my life at old age. The strategies I use in my life have helped me to build a sense of personal responsibility, self-management, self-esteem and positive attitude. The first strategy I β†’

Letter from a birmingham jail [king, jr.] 16 april 1963

His response, was a direct appeal to the ethos, logos, and pathos of the audience that he targeted, the clergymen and the American people. I cannot join you in your praise of the Birmingham police department." With such a strong pathos addressed in his letter, it is enough to say that A letter β†’

A very old man with enormous wings

Fantasy is combined with reality and a question arises: what are the magic possibilities presented in this story of magic realism, whether the Angel is the inspirer of people. To my mind, the main intention of the Angel was to show people that he was as tolerant as a dog and he wanted to exist β†’


College education became a series of classes and tests that had nothing to do with the actual degree that the student was aiming for at the end of four years, and yet it was supposed to be the yardstick by which the employers were supposed to gauge a job applicant by. This mindset shows me β†’

Burger king vs mcdonalds

This writing will differentiate between the burger supplying giants on the basis of their business decisions, innovation and quality. Body On the basis of burger quality it has been established that Burger King is superior to McDonalds. Burger King offers better quality burgers which is the main aim of both the burger giants, but β†’

College graduates get low interest

A college education as they say is a direct entry to middle This is because the moment an individual is admitted; one is exposed to limitless possibilities and opportunities in the future. This makes college graduates a safe bet as far as college low interest loans are concerned. The US.

The perfect gym

Although the gym does not have a personal training studio, the regular gym area stocked with weights, machines, elliptical, treadmills as well as a warehouse space ensures that the gym offers the best of everything. Moreover, the gym's staff is friendly and not imposing as well, the gym has tags users can place on machines β†’

Seminar paper for autobiography of a face

This seminar paper analyzes the behavior and reaction of Lucy in the face of the teasing and torment she received from her schoolmates. The reaction displayed by Lucy is a defense mechanism that she employs to shut out her peers.. Her reaction to the behavior of her school mates is an act of defense as β†’

Waitlist statement in uc san diego

I want to become a part of the student alumni at UC San Diego in order to enhance my capabilities as a professional. I am hard worker and I am extremely motivated to continue my undergraduate work at a top class university such as UC San Diego.

First day in college

I still remember the goose bumps that I was getting due to the fear of going to a totally new place where I would have to adapt to a new environment and would have to initiate an entirely new social life. I went to my college on the first day with feelings of anxiety as β†’

Bridging the gap: faith and diplomacy

Bridging the Gap: Faith and Diplomacy From the article written by Madeleine Albright en d " Faith and Diplomacy" and published in The Review of Faith & International Affairs in 2006, the author proffered pertinent issues concerning the role that religion plays in foreign politics and governance. One story focused on Pope John Paul's ability β†’

The commodities under advertisement and print media

One of the advertisements is more critical than a second photograph and thus why it is the magazine cover while the other photograph is just a page from a magazine. The reason for stating that this is the most preferred age group for the magazine is because of the explicit content contained in the magazine.

Allow gay and lesbians to be married

However, those opposing the idea of same-sex marriage, argue that same sex marriage is an alteration of marriage definition that recognizes marriage between persons of opposite sex. Research shows that same sex marriage is beneficial to the society and the country legalizing same sex marriage.

Journal about the text, shame of the nation by kozol, pages 285-317 and 265-284 of jonathan kozol’s shame of the nation

Additionally, a reader cannot fail to the integrity and validity of the structure being incorporated to reflect the legal inclusions of the education systems from local to state to federal governments. The understanding of the difficult parts of the reading lies in the insights acquired during the first reading. More so, a reader is able β†’

Gasoline prices

The idea that this will have a long-term impact on gasoline prices is simply ludicrous, and the only way to actually guarantee a lasting drop in gasoline prices is reduced consumption and use of alternative fuels. Many insist that drilling is a possible fix to high gasoline prices. This can be done through electric cars, β†’

Smoking ban laws in public places

Indeed, intensive smoking that is associated with severe health consequences can be avoided if strict smoking laws are enforced. Smoke-free laws are also appropriate because they reduce the number of smokers in a country. Smoke-free laws are also important because they reduce the number of smokers within a country.

Journal entry

Through his work, he advised people to have a compassion for their work so that they could enjoy their work for a lifetime. People seek employment in sectors they consider more rewarding and guarantee money protection throughout their lives. Prior to composing poems and children books, Donald Hall was a teacher; he did not enjoy β†’

The geography of bliss

The Geography of Bliss Question One Happiness is influenced by the geographical presence in a place. In Switzerland, efficient is happiness while in America it is an element of being home that brings happiness and not the wealth of these countries.

Two is somewhat similar to one in that it requires you to synthesize ideas from two sources to support your ideas; however it requires a more comprehensive argument in that you will also need to refute the points from the two sources you use t

If the cultural background of the learner is poor and education is not valuable, the learner develops a poor attitude towards learning. If the information given is inaccurate, the learner fails to apply it and lacks the drive to keep learning. In a bid to eliminate this, the government has an order that all learners β†’

A lust for rebellion: sexual attraction and non-conformity in john updikes a & p

The short story A&P by John Updike lucidly delineates as to how a teenager, stimulated by the sexual vigor unleashed by a group of girls in bathing suits, turns rebellious towards the prevailing social norms, to search for an identity that is more personal and original. Right from the very start of the narrative, Sammy, β†’

Apa assignment

The article by Dwyer gives an account of how American voters took issues with negative ads that Obama and Romney traded three months to the elections. In his article, Dwyer is for the idea that during campaigns in the United States "...there's no shortage of high-minded talk on the campaign trail". The campaigns β†’

How can high schools better educate students imaginations

Learning works better when students cultivate a candid interest of the environment and its components thus introducing a pet in the English or art class enhances the overall experience. The idea of class pet provides a wide platform for educating students' imagination inside and outside the classroom. For instance, the teacher can ask the students β†’

Environment does/does not make people who they are

One of the articles read to inform this particular piece of research was that of Gloria Steinam's piece entitled " A Balance Between Nature and Nurture". Within this piece of research, Steinam denotes the fact that both nature and nurture play a powerful and definitive role in defining the individual and their life experience/world view.

American me

The governments of the different states are given power by its people during elections to run the states for a number of years. America is known for its prowess in war and international relationships. Being the tourists that we are I have visited a lot of places and different states, and interacted with different people. β†’

Annotated bibliography explanation and assignment

Presented with thorough documentation, the book opened more than a few eyes about the dangers of the modern world and stands today as a landmark work. Albers, Jan. Print. Kim Heacox explores the development of America's consciousness to the environment.

A review of ligeia and william wilson stories by edgar allan poe

The story of Ligeia is not a true classic as it represents some aspects of life that are not real. A timely story is relevant to the age period in which it is told.

Violent video games effects on children and teenager

It is argued that the content and plot of games is often not appropriate for the young and not mature individuals as far as it is focused on aggression and killing. As a whole, there is substantial ground to believe that violent games teach children to response to situations in a violent way, acting like β†’

How do you view the unification of women on campus, and how would you improve it

Hence, it is essential for women to come together on campus and address the issues that are affecting them both in the school and the outside world. This paper will assess the issue of women coming together on campus, illustrating its benefits and ways of improving this unification. As mentioned above, the unification of women β†’

In a grove

In this process, since the accounts delivered by the woodcutter, the travelling Buddhist priest, the policeman, and the old woman all bear equivalent amount of semblances and contradictions with each other, then for the moment there emerges no single account that can be fully trusted until sufficient logic sheds light to draw reliable evidences from β†’

Shakespeare’s richard iii

Richard III In the play by Shakespeare, Richard III, the audience manages to see how the duke of Gloucester, Richard rises to power in a deceitful way to become King Richard III. Richard became ruthless and feared in England by the common people due to his treacherous acts of murder.

Digital nation

The second section contends that the internet fosters personalization or the introduction of " Daily Me," which digital technology empowers from a positive perspective. The internet is similarly an instrument of regular manipulation and exploitation, which is a negative perspective. Seventh, PBS' Frontline believes the internet is a tool that can help educate, which is β†’


This leadership is especially shown on the individual level as he has proven to be a very caring individual. We understand that these schools provide challenging academic environments. We feel that this student must be recommended to one of these schools because this is where he can realize his full potential.

The benefit consuming organic and whole foods

Benefits of Organic and Whole Foods Whole food is foods close to their natural In other words, these foods are unrefined or unprocessed. It is healthy to eat both organic and whole food since there are a couple of benefits associated with the foods. Processing food results to loss of minerals, vitamins, fiber, as well β†’

Hate running the mile in pe

HATE RUNNING THE MILE IN PE Nursing As My Professional Career Nursing career is a profession that is quite challenging to achieve, yet the most demanded in the current world. In order to accomplish my goal, I intend to enroll in the University of Phoenix and complete both bachelors and master's degree in the nursing β†’

Global language

Ability to communicate in French along with English will help an individual in accessing employment opportunities in areas where French and English is used professionally to communicate. An individual who has the ability to communicate in French along with English can gain access to the top universities throughout the world. An individual can gain access β†’

Classic and non classic analysis in likelife

ic and non ic analysis in ' Likelife' ic style is identified by a collection of techniques which are used by the writer rather than the attitude depicted towards writing.' Likelife' presents a mixture of classical and non classical forms of writing in literature as the writer uses these styles to explain the events that β†’


This will aid the two of them to understand the need to help each other understand their differences, in the process generating a close band and augmenting their friendships. Meg will be very instrumental in teaching the narrator the ways and practices in America while the narrator will be responsible to relate the cultures and β†’

Powerpoint presentation example

I am also sure that we do not want to waste our parent's money sitting around wasting time and doing nothing.(make it fun by like asking question or asking another student the same question.(MAYBE, Jimmy, do you think it is good to waste time in school?) SLIDE 2(MAJOR TOPICS IN TIME MANAGEMENT) I am going β†’

Language of argument in the real world

In fact, this particular healthcare reform would only benefit a small group of individuals such as the large-scale health insurance companies like Aetna and Cigna at the expense of the general public and the private sectors. Regardless of whether or not each person can receive an employer-sponsored healthcare plan, Galewitz mentioned that part β†’

Preliminary outline and draft

Research based trends of biodiesel use ii. Benefits of Biodiesel as a fuel i.


The virtual world has led to the creation of a same group hating community where the form of bullying is against a specific group of people and it is so powerful that there have been many times people have actually committed suicide and other harmful acts because of it. The form of cyber bullying has β†’

See below

In the closing paragraph, an appreciation and a positive expectation of a future was stated to the customer. Fitness Equipment Store 4309 S Morgan Street, Chicago, IL, 60609, United States January 21, 2012 Mr. If you want to have the newest model of treadmills, Fitness Equipment Store will provide a generous assistance β†’

Politics of english as a world language

Finally, they allow interpretation of government proceedings for LOTEs to enhance understanding among the population. In what kinds of contexts is it valued and encouraged? In NYC, dissimilar departments value and encourage the use of LOTEs. For example, they speak LOTEs in their homes, in business activities, churches, during marriage ceremonies and government proceedings.

Respond: what is the american dream

The American Dream The American Dream...this issue seems vulnerable for many citizens of America. The author of the article states that the people's perception of American Dream did not only change their life for better but on the contrary caused more problems.

Table for oneon eating alone

The Americans apparently got bored of the practice of eating alone and they devised a plan that required everyone to pay their own bill whereas, the group can have a meal together and in this way, the requirement of socialization is fulfilled without overburdening anyone. The practice of joint meals with disjointed payments got popular β†’

Comparison and critique of two english article

The command and usage of language is highly proficient for the content of the article, which creates a strong impression of knowledge of the issue at hand. It is in relation to the command that ethos are applied to make the article appealing to the audience and the reader because, projects valid arguments backed by β†’

The company man

THE COMPANY MAN By Location of the The Company Man " The Company Man," is one of Ellen Goodman's writing that clearly shows the picture of the corporate America. At his funeral, the company president describes Phil as hardworking and a difficult man to replace.

The main reason cause global warming

This is normally done in order to protect the public from involuntary smoking because public smoking often exposes them to the effects of second-hand smoking which includes increased risk of emphysema, cancer, heart diseases and other illnesses. The regulation of smoking is important to the economy because public smoking presents a lot of dangers to β†’

Thomas jefferson

Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson, third president of the united of America, was a farmer, a scientist, an aesthete and a violinist. However, not everyone saw this side of Jefferson, such as Ellis, who disagreed with the ideologies of Thomas Jefferson in his article " American Sphinx: The Contradictions of Thomas Jefferson".

Good news message

Ryder: After spending enough time on your request for scholarship, the scholarship committee has decided to award with the $5000 scholarship for the semester that will start during March 2015. Over 1000 applications for the scholarship were under the scrutiny of the committee for the scholarship of the period of 2015 and we are quite β†’

Prompt. bridging the gap

Margarita Pochtovaya Catherine Shelton ENC 1101 January 18, Bridging the Gap: Faith and Diplomacy From the article written by Madeleine Albright entitled " Faith and Diplomacy" and published in The Review of Faith & International Affairs in 2006, the author proffered pertinent issues concerning the role that religion plays in foreign politics and governance. Indeed, β†’

Topic proposal

Running head: TOPIC PROPOSAL Topic Proposal; The effects of implicit and explicit language instruction on students' ability to learn English grammar Research proposal on the effects of implicit and explicit language instruction on students' ability to learn English grammar Introduction In the recent past, there has been a high interest to β†’

Rhetorical problem solving

My solution to this problem is to make Doakes assume Mason's responsibilities, leave Mason's salary as it is today and raise Doakes' salary. One of the quickest solutions to this problem would be to retire him against his wishes, but this would be unfair to Mason because he has been of great service to the β†’

Significance of the paper

Through the use of paper, his ideas which used to be foreign to others can now be documented and communicated and thus the learning exchange began for ideas not only to spread but also to grow. Through the use of paper, these differences and nuances that led to so many conflicts had been documented for β†’

Annabel lee

Literary Analysis of " Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe As Edgar Allan Poe substantiates his creation of " Annabel Lee" with thethematic details pertaining to the demise of his love, he utilizes rich imagery through the ' kingdom by the sea', the sea itself, highborn kinsman, sepulchre, angels and seraphs, as well as moon β†’

Gis project management

To start with, GIS project management encompasses many and different tools and techniques that influence the effectiveness and efficiency of project managers. The idea is to promote leadership and management in equal measure as far as project management is concerned.

When stories shape lives

Shiniang was prepared to challenge society and to marry the man she loved, even when he was poor and black. Shiniang was fourteen years old when she met Carson Gueye, the first time her mother allowed her to go the market alone, and love blossomed since then, though they knew it was doomed love. Shiniang β†’