Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples


Jerusalem Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem is a trivial matter for debate because everyone knows that this Holy has been the capital of Jews and the place of Jewish worship since the early history of Judaism. The Prime Minister Benchamin Netanyahu expressed the Israel policy on this issue in his address on the occasion of Jerusalem β†’

Product costing – traditional methods and activity based

One of the reasons for this is that the base prices of their laptops and other products are practically the same across continents. The first level of product cost brainstorming is between the marketing, sales and engineers at the R&D.

Woodrow wilson wouldnt yield

The story of America's rejection of the League of Nations revolves largely around the personality and character of Thomas Woodrow Wilson. Holding aloft the torch of idealism in one hand and the flaming sword of righteousness in the other, he aroused the masses to a holy crusade.

How 9/11 changed our military

Similarly, the main body of the research will encompass a literature review of the operations of the US military across the world including the change in policies. The conclusion will be drawn from the literature review and the body of the research paper.

Cultural environment of international business

Cultural Environment of International Business When working in a global business environment, knowledge of the influence of cultural differences is one of the keys to international business success. The global managers working for international organizations are required to show skills in adopting new contexts and excelling in the norms of diverse cultures.

I need me summary of psychological artilce

The results for association between hyperactivity and academic achievement showed that problems of hyperactivity were strongly associated to academic achievement than the regular cognitive behavior. W, & DeFries, J.C.

A summary of death of the duopoly

Summary of " Death of the Duopoly" Nick Gillepsie and Matt Welch divulge into the concept that the duopoly of the Republican and Democratic parties are gradually meeting their end as people revolt more openly and find new means to work the government to their benefit. Unfortunately, Kodak and Fujifilm began to drop and fell β†’

The expansion of virtual classroom learning

Virtual classroom learning can never replace the traditional classroom setting but it can certainly help several students, it also makes the job of teachers much easier, for instance a teacher who decides to give an assignment to students can easily display the same on the class website on the bulletin board, e-mails with the details β†’

Memo to the board

A zero coupon bond is bough or issued at the price lower than the face value and the actual face value of the bond is paid at the maturity of the bond. The overall proceeds received from the zero coupon bonds therefore are less than the total face value of the bond and the interest β†’

Corporate social responsibility is likely to gain growing importance for business, discuss this statement and relate your answer to environment

In the past, corporations had assumed the unique functional role of agents of economic growth since they were the sole providers of goods and services, and creating jobs which of course were felt by all in the society. Definition This paper defines as " the commitment of business to contribute to sustainable economic development, working β†’

Synopsis of the last supper accounts

October 6, Synoptic of the Last Supper Accounts The last supper refers to the last meal that Jesus shared with His disciples on the night of his betrayal. Description of the Last Supper Notably, Jesus sent two of his disciples to prepare for the Passover meal, on the first day of the Unleavened Bread.

Discuss how starbucks downsizing in the usa impacts their global growth strategy

Indeed, the company has been adversely impacted from financial crunch and economic turmoil in USA and other developed economies that in turn compelled the retailer to close its more than 600 stores and retrench over 12, 000 workers that were around 7% of its total employed workforce. It is worthwhile to mention that Starbucks considers β†’

Comparison with the declaration of independence

Essay Three Table of Contents On the Constitution of the PRC, Comparison with the Declaration of Independence 3 Works Cited 5 On the Constitutionof the PRC, Comparison with the Declaration of Independence The Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China, which came into effect in 1982, is made up of a preamble, four chapters containing β†’

The strategy of unrelated diversification on the example of xerox

It was founded in 1906 and produced the first plain paper photocopier and became one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of document management products and services. It has acquired a business which operates into outsourcing and service provider of document management services.

Managing a daily teaching schedule

By listing out the things, the tasks will be prepared before hand and the time that is required in listing tasks will be saved in school. Also the lesson plan can be modified for future and notes can be made on the system of which tasks need to be done at a priority level.

Roth response

The Human Stain: A Novel The Human Stain is the final novel of the trilogy written by Phillip Roth about the post World War II American life. The novel, The Human Stain, is narrated by Nathan Zuckerman who was a neighbor to Coleman Silk, the protagonist in the story.

Unified tobacco – business and ethics

Unified Tobacco - Business and Ethics Utilitarianism, being a classic example of Ethic of Duty, takes into consideration selfishness and greed to prove that the general good may be a product of an " ethical pursuit of selfish needs". And in Socialism, the ethic of virtue is expressed through the concept that the fulfillment β†’

Sony playstation data breach

The CIOs in many companies have to circumvent multiple layers of management to pass on information to the CEOs. Besides, CIOs can also contribute valuable inputs to the overall product strategy and planning of any information dependent company.

Iron curtain, marshall plan and berlin

The Iron Curtain speech was about the victory of America and the power they hold; he wanted peace and co operation with the United Nations. Marshall was not happy with the pace of the recovery of Europe post world war.

English literature

The reason for this dating is because the area of Staffordshire where the hoard was discovered is an area of the ancient Kingdom of Mercia between the 7th and the 8th centuries. A Gold Pommel is one of the objects found in the Anglo-Saxon hoard.

Occupational safety and health law handbook

It is where individual work hazards are identified and rectified through a mitigation plan for the safety of others. However after 2002, organizations were not only audited but were required by law to keep logs of information and history for the sake of safe for employees.

Democratic leadership

Democratic Leadership Democratic leadership, also known as participative leadership refers to a leadership style where a leader allows the members of the group to participate in the decision-making process. In conclusion, the democratic leadership style is one where a leader allows the members of the group to participate in the decision-making process.

Planning for a crisis

Planning for a Crisis Planning for a Crisis A crisis is defined as an upset of an individual's steady It refers to disruption or breakdown in a person's normal pattern of functioning. When planning for a crisis in school communication to staff, student and families should be addressed; this is necessary for conveying information on β†’

Why i want to gain education at monroe college

The field of interest that I would like to pursue is Information Technology. The certification examinations that the college of Information Technology can give me a head start once I pass them.

Strategic management

Your company's product is dry soup mixes and canned soups, and 3. For such products, transnational strategy is to be adopted to combine the elements of local and global efficiency.

North america immigration

The reason of migration was higher availability and opportunity of Job in USA than in Mexico. Mexican immigrants in USA registered and unregistered According to the 1990 census of United States of America the documented Mexican population was 4.

What is stroop effect all about

Stroop Effect The Stroop Effect, named after John Ridley Stroop, who originally discovered the effect, is the visual phenomenon that involves the name of a color being printed in a color that is not the same as the name indicated, therefore being more difficult to name the word that is written. The Stroop effect β†’

Leadership and persuasion

This is because of the of the many brutal actions associated with the sect. This brings terror to the group and its allies and consequently a suppression of the sect.

Impact of culture on globalization strategies

GLOBAL STANDARDIZATION FRAMEWORK Manrodt & Vitasek formulated a framework for standardizing global processes enumerating six critical steps, to wit: articulate a strategy; adopt a process review of logistics; identification of key segments, processes and process attributes; determination of impact to customers; selection of improvement of key segments; and identification and training of the global segment β†’

Time value of money

TIME VALUE OF MONEY Time value of money is a term that measures the increase or decrease in the value of money with respect to time. Leibowitz." The Time Value of Money".

Weight lifting

Strength Training: An Important Aspect of Any Balanced Fitness Regimen of the of the Concerned November 22, Strength Training: An Important Aspect of Any Balanced Fitness Regimen It is indeed true that strength training needs to be an important aspect of any holistic and well balanced fitness program. The fact is that strength training is β†’

Cold war

Causes and consequences of cold war Cold war was a silent war between the US and the Soviet Union. This distrust and suspicion was the basis of cold war and it led to worsening of economy in Europe and decline of Soviet Union, cutting of military spending, spending millions by the US, and depression among β†’

Nathaniel hawthornes the scarlet letter

The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne's " The Scarlet Letter" is a novel with a powerful symbolism of the human divergence between emotion and intellect. She sees removing the scarlet as a sign of acceptance of society's dominance over her character.

Week 5

According to research findings published in the Northwestern Journal of International Affairs reveal that terrorist organizations use a series of violent methods like hijacking, suicide bombing, kidnapping, threats, and massive killings to make their intentions clear. In their strategy laid down by a Latin American Revolutionary Carlos Marighela, the terrorist organization used bombing and widespread β†’

Behavior and communication paper

Behavior and Communication: Starbucks al Affiliation Behavior and Communication: Starbucks Describe the culture of the organization. The various awards and accolades received by the corporation attested to the exemplary commitment of the Starbucks to nurture the human spirit through the exemplary products being offered, as well as through serving the interests of its stakeholders.

The prince of los cocuyos by richard blanco

Richard Blanco, through the seven chapters of his book, The Prince of Los Cocuyos, focuses on specific memories to enable his audience to navigate briskly through time as sheer delight. All these personalities in real sense appeared to be part of me as a freshman.

An analysis of henry iv, part 1

The value of studying Shakespeare is immense in that all of his works calls desperately for the audience or reader to engage in critical thought. It is not a simple task to identify the appearance of anagnorisis in the play Henry IV.


Seasonal Production versus Level Production Seasonal production utilized man and machinery, as well as other resources of the organization in conjunction with the level of seasonal sales. In this regard, it would be a strategical decision for Toy World, employ a product type which incorporates both seasonal and level production to minimize the weakness β†’

Memo about (absolute zero – the conquest of cold )

Absolute Zero: The Conquest of Cold In the documentary film from YouTube about heat and cold, the narrator takes us through a series of developments and discovering pertaining hot and cold. It is a fact that the making of the first artificial refrigeration system took many decades before it came in place as it entailed β†’

O’brien v. ohio state university

To be absolved in the eyes of the law, University had to prove that O'Brien's actions, which were in violation of the contract, in fact, caused severe damage to the reputation of the University. In the case of Jim O'Brien against the Ohio State University the termination clause missed a phrase.

Research methods survey, naturalistic observation, case study

This method of research is very useful when a widespread or state-wide needs assessment is required, for example, The National Center for Education Statistics uses the survey method to study public and private education systems. While this method may allow us to get the opinion of a larger population the subjects who respond need not β†’

Women religion

Anne Hutchinson stood for the fact that a person had the capability of linking directly to God and they were not supposed to depend upon others for explaining religion to them. Despite of this, the gap had provided sufficient time for the women to get a clear picture of their religion and this raised their β†’

The treaty of versailles

However, after the German announcement of unrestricted submarine warfare and a subsequent sinking of ships with the Americans on board in 1917, the involved in the war. Fourteen Points - 2 American Interpretation Of The Fourteen Points: 405.

Way of thinking

Way of Thinking Reason or way of thinking is recognized as the most essential requirement of an individual at the time of investigation of any facts or information. So, way of thinking or explanation is considered to be the most trust-worthy phenomenon for any individual as compared to experience of the senses.

Analysis of the argumentative/persuasive effectineness of frederick douglass’ speech what to the slave is the 4th of july

In his speech " What to the Slave is the Fourth of July", abolitionist and freed slave Frederick Douglass articulates and reveals to a white audience some of the deep, underlying contradictions at work in the American political philosophy. The Fourth of July, as Douglass explains, demonstrates to the slave how unjust and cruel this β†’

Supplier and vendor selection process

Given the many suppliers interested in the contract, there is the need to develop selection criteria that will determine the best candidate for the contract. The first criterion to be used is the reliability of the vendor or supplier.

English composition

My stomach extends out too far and doubles over in rolls of fat and my butt actually hangs down to touch the backs of my legs when I am standing unless I wear clothing designed to keep it all in place. What made this so nice is that I could do it right in my β†’

Critical thinking 2

Therefore, managing of earnings is totally unethical as it manipulates the information that the reports provides. Therefore, managing earnings needs to be regulated on the basis of ethics and moral values.

Psyc learning and cognition

I used to get downright nervous whenever presented with a science test in that time, because of the wrath of another teacher I had to face once as a child after failing in a simple science test, despite trying. In my case, he very carefully and subtly paired the stimulus of test with praiseworthy and β†’

Brief participant observation or ethnographic study

18 October My Visit to the Kumbh Mela at the River Ganges Last year, I happened to go to the River Ganges while I was travelling through India. The water is the fundamental source of the whole life-line in the vicinity of the river.

International studies in business

This is because the emphasis of such counter-arguments are mainly on the perception that certain laws, for instance the laws of physics, naturally exist and as such are to be adhered to. A weakness exists in the realist perception of constructivists when it comes to the reasons for, as well as the possibility of moral β†’

National science teacher association

It provides the teachers with the useful online resources, which facilitate them in the process of learning and teaching. These online resources are very useful for the teachers as they effectively fit to the needs and learning style of every science teacher.

Enrichment report ( marketing)

The Journal of Consumer Behavior published by John Wiley & Sons is an international academic journal having a basis in the social sciences. The aim of this journal is to support and assist in the understanding of consumer behavior for its readers and share the latest research and applications related to this field.

Henry david thoreau, where i lived and what i lived for

Where I Lived and What I Lived For Henry David Thoreau insists, in his chapter en d " Where I Lived and What I Lived For" in Walden, that the only way to live deliberately is to distance oneself completely from the rest of the world as a means of finding an internal alarm clock β†’

Participation or non-participation for a tennis professional

Participation or Non-Participation for a Tennis Professional As a professional tennis player with a significant stance against Religious Freedom Restoration Acts, I would choose to participate in the Indianapolis tennis tournament. It is preferable for professionals to choose participate in the event, and pass their stance in the course of participation.

My temperament style according to thomas & chess’ classifications

My Temperament Style according to Thomas & Chess ifications If the saying that no one knows a person better than him or her self remains true, then I would say that I have identified myself, according to the Thomas and Chess' classifications to be an easy or flexible person or to be of that temperament. β†’

Sheppard v. maxwell (384 u.s. 333) supreme court case

In the case of Sheppard v Maxwell, the trial court did not conduct a fair trial because of media interference that may have caused excitement and prejudice in the ruling of the case. The presence of media in the court proceedings influences the fairness of the court's ruling.

The 20th century

In 1900 there were no proper schools for children, the concept of kindergarten was quite old in the 1900s but only a limited children attended school and only the basics were taught to them. 1920 to 1939 was the period when schoolhouse received a lot of attention; according to Tyack and Cuban " the schoolhouse β†’

Integration and reflection

It is sufficiently clear to me that learning is a dynamic process; the more one applies this knowledge in personal and professional life the more favorable results are likely to be achieved. I know that it has more to do with economics rather than finances yet it appears to me that forecasting future interest rates β†’

Institutionalized juveniles and their rights

Right to Appointment of Guardian A juvenile offender has the right to be allocated a guardian. A considerable body of law ascertains the rights of incarcerated and detained juvenile offenders and safeguards their rights in confinement.

Tchaikovskys best creations

The music accompanied within this ballet is believed to be one of Tchaikovsky's best creations as it is a combination of Russian and western music influences, while the subject matter is that of poetry in motion. Tchaikovsky is one of the most treasured composers in history.

Response to progressive reforms

Response to Progressive Reforms and American Capitalism Drafts Response to Progressive Reforms and American Capitalism Drafts Rough draft 1 The writer of rough draft one notes from the beginning that progressive reform did not restrain the power of American capitalism, but the reform rather altered the strategies that the capitalists used against the Americans. In β†’

Module 3 cash flow estimation bhs427 health care finance (aug2014-1) (slp)

Cash Flow Estimation Cash Flow Estimation The concept of cash flow estimation revolves around the assessment of any and all kindsof investment decisions done in an organization. This is to allow the proper valuation of cash in and out of the organization.

Content review 3: learning and innovation skills

Content Review 3: Learning and Innovation Skills Content Review 3: Learning and Innovation Skills The 21st-century skills or soft skills are imperative in the contemporary learning. As a demonstration of these skills, the Monkey Project displays some of the ways in which the instructors can integrate them into the learning environment to improve the learning β†’

Childhood memory

Childhood Memory I surmise that the earliest recollection I have of my childhood was when I was about four years old. There I was in my crisp new uniform with a heavy bag loaded with books sheepishly creeping in the classroom accompanied by my mother.

Psychology of personal development

Chinese are very hard working and have a taste for the finer things in life. The environment to which we are born and grow up in also plays a significant role in shaping our personality.

Learning task

Democracy, which means the peoples power, is one of the significant contributions of Greece to the American society. The democratic culture in some of the major cities in Greece such as Athens inculcated the practice of equality and fair governance by the people.

Deconstruction applied

Binaries Found in Henry James Novel - The Turn of the Screw The Turn of the Screw by Henry James presents a lot of examples of liminality thus making it an excellent form of a meditation of binaries. Henry stresses the liminality quality of ghosts by making Miss Jessel and Quint reappear in locations related β†’

East asian langs & english

Also, when learning language, one must also learn to pronounce the dialect and tone of the English language properly and understandably, and only English native speakers can truly teach the learners how to do so. It is much more important for children to be healthy and well than them knowing English.

To what extent is the personal thinking more reliable than shared knowledge for decision making

However, the knowledge achieved or shown cannot be compared to the extend through which the situation could be if the knowledge was to be shared. Although there are others, basically, the knowledge of that single leader would determine the developments and guidance within the country.


Anderson and his co-workers demonstrated that violent video games develop the feelings of hostility. Conclusion: Psychologists unite about the effects of TV news while research in this are is quite difficult to measure.

5c: case analysis

Facts of the case: Arthur Modell, a majority shareholder of Cleveland Browns Football Co, Inc as well as the Cleveland Stadium Corporation along with James Bailey, the secretary and general council of CSC, as well as chief counsel of Cleveland Browns Football Co, Michael Poplar, the Chief Financial Officer of CSC, and James Berick, the β†’


Changes in the correctional facilities The roles of the correctional officer have changed significantly over the years. The role of managing a correctional facility has also changed to include the training and education of correctional officers.

Coming to conclution

A study by Beckett, McKeigue, and Taylor explored the ways that the decision about a childs future can be the victim of the need for immediacy and its impact upon the thoroughness of the evidence. The study focused on the care proceeding system in England and Wales where the care proceeding system generates a care β†’


Among the issues that molded modernism were the advancements of present industrial civilizations and the swift development of cities, trailed then by the fear of World War 1. Conferring to Antliff, a remarkable feature of modernism is self-consciousness and reflexivity, which frequently steered to tests with form, together with the applications of methods that drew β†’

Analysis of virgils aeneid prologue

In fact, the structure of Virgil's story is very similar to Homer's epics; the parallel with Homer's works can be found in Virgil's attempt to define the two parts of the story as an odyssey and a tale of war - though in reverse of Homer's story structure. Because of the widespread use of Latin, β†’

Green banana

The native pointed it out to the American, explaining that the rock is the center of the world. Reflecting upon this experience, the American experienced a sort of epiphany as he realized that there are " green bananas" everywhere, and that the " center of the world" is unique to everyone because it is a β†’

What role did jews play in the american civil rights movement

But in the 1960s, with the world watching on the evening news, many Jews traveled from northern cities to southern sites of marches, sit-ins, and rallies to support equal rights for African-Americans and to oppose those who would oppress them. Part of the success of the civil rights campaign can be attributed to the fact β†’

Bank first

Major elements of external environment and the most significant to Bancfirst Major elements of the company's external environment are regulatory factors and economic factors. The more significant of the two factors is the economic environment.

Answer the question below

He also accepts the theory of evolution as a practical explanation of the development of life on Earth. John Paul II's View of The Origins of the Human Soul He views that if the foundation of the human body is from living matter that was there before, then the creation of the soul is directly β†’

Experience-dependent plasticity

The effect of experience-dependent plasticity in speech perception is illustrated by how sounds in the infants are exposed to influence their ability to hear certain sounds when they are older as well as how their brain responds to these sounds. Infants in all cultures can tell the difference between sounds that create all of the β†’

Geological sciencesdinosaurs

Answers In the lab in order to complete the gaps in the sequence of the dinosaurs DNA, scientists used frog DNA and thus mutated the Dinosaur genetic code. 5 mt in size which is nearly close to what has been shown in the movie.

Reality check

Two authors Frank Kafka, Gabriel Garcia and poet Andre Breton set out to explore perceptions surrounding the world from early years all the way to the current generation. Thesis Statement The comparison of our current world based on Frank Kafka and Andre Briton, who expressed themselves through personal experiences about the social, economic and political β†’

Network security & applications

However, there are lots of security related issues in Web 2.0. 0 Security.2011.

Business plan; financial section

For the first year, the cost is approximated to add up to $1. The growth expenses are expected to increase as the business progresses.

Kurdistan workers party paper

Demands That the Swedish Chefs United is largely a proxy for Swedish interests in the Philippines. This duality of interests is at times confusing and reflects the complexities of the organization and its interests.

Various lit 2

The web article entitled Religion, Childrens Literature and Modernity in Europe gives a clear idea about the relevance of religion, the role played by it and the influence it exerted in children's literature. The Cat in the Hat is a novel of prose and poetry by Dr.

International management

The article explores the impact of different manifestations of regionalism taking place in the Southeast Asian region to the EU countries in terms of economic relations and linkages. The key opinion/position or argument of the author is that it is essential for EU to take advantage of the potential opportunities of the Southeast Asian region β†’

Exponential and logarithmic functions

The ical example for which exponential functions are utilized is to determine the population growth of a species. The logarithmic function happens to be the inverse function of the exponential function.

Recycled toothbrushes make sense

In the mean time Stonyfield, the partnership firm of Recycline is a yogurt making firm. The growing environmental concerns and obsession to green products or natural resources of the country have intensified consumer cooperation with the company.

Persuasive messaging

Research shows that after a person says yes to a seller it is easier for them to say yes to even bigger requests that ask more of the buyer in terms of time or money. The foot-in-the-door approach has been proven to be especially effective when the request has to do with a social cause β†’

The novels

Azuela attempts to scrutinize the traits of the revolution as a magnamous social event & an unstoppable force which is so strong that it drags all the folks around it within its gravitational order-defining the actions of each of the characters. The novel as per its subtitle represents a chronology of ' pictures of the β†’

Forward contracts

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Forward Contracts and Options to Hedge Foreign Exchange Risk Introduction Hedging is a term used in the financial markets to refer to managing foreign exchange risks to an extent that makes it more bearable. Advantages The first advantage of using forward contracts to hedge foreign exchange risks is that future β†’

Earth day

We know the heartache and hopelessness alcoholism and addiction has on the sufferer and their loved ones. We also know the peace and freedom of recovery.


The EFICAR Study Protocol: A Synopsis Quality of life is greatly considered in treating HF patients that, studies to improve this mark currentcardiology researches of which a significant finding is the efficacy of exercise. Whereas, the legitimacy of the evidence depends on who conducted the research, on the selection of the relevant studies to back-up β†’