Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you

Even though I was ignorant to what exactly the " jerk" component to the chicken was, I still wanted some to ease my demanding stomach. I moved down to the beach from our cottage, letting my legs transport me to the transient line between the wet and the dry sands.


The United States changed its system of government and abolished the monarchy and put into effect one of the most powerful systems of democracy in the world; Canada kept a lot of the British traditions and stayed pretty quiet. In the end I think we can say that the two countries are very similar but β†’

4 discussion

This conscience, the one intellect of man and that is aided by goodwill, by the use of the emotions, by practical experience of living can be develop on moral grounds wherein the involvement and formation of a consistent value system is administered to and this forms the base on which decisions concerning behavior is based β†’


Application Essay When I came from Indonesia to the United s, my aim was to become a graduate in business studies in order to work in an international firm. So, the next stage in my plan is to reach a top business school where I will be able to get the very best and the β†’


From the picture, it seems that the owner of the house is not around, and the dog probably fell hungry or bored and slept off, as it waited for its owner. The author also uses a round line to create a movement in the viewer's eye, and this increases the focus on the sleeping dog.

Does the adversarial naturei.e. that two opposing sides participatedof the witness testimony and reports from the joint select committee to inquire into the conditions of affairs in the late insurrection states make it easier or more difficult for histo

Does the adversarial nature i.e.that two opposing sides participated of the witness testimony and reports from the Joint Select Committee to Inquire into the Conditions of Affairs in the Late Insurrection States make it easier or more difficult for historians to understand what actually happened on the ground during Ku Klux Klan racial and political β†’

Marketing management class discussion wk4

In their teen and college life, baby boomers formed the characteristic counterculture of 1960s but as time went by, by became increasingly conservative and they eventually birthed Generation X and Generation Y.most scholars use 1946 and 1964 as the generation's cutoff. Generation X Also known as the 13th Generation, these followed the baby boomers and β†’

Applying for the position of finance manager – resume/cv example

I have gained the ability to carry out successful planning, implementation, maintenance, and management of financial tools and processes, which includes the processes of efficient training and integration of the systems in an organization. Participated in the consolidation of the organization's monthly and annual financial reports.


7 years, 29 women and 20 men, range 34 to 87 years, 40 patients underwent all 4 tests 80% Jaundice, evidence of cholestasis such as itching, no pain, no evidence of parenchymal liver disease; no pain or symptoms suggestive of gallbladder disease, previous surgery, fever, malignancy. 48 patients, 2 were excluded due to claustrophobia 96% β†’

Computer physician order entry

Computerized Physician Order Entry Computerized Physician Order Entry Computerized physician order entry system is one the promising Information Technology solutions to challenges such as medication errors and staff shortages, which are facing the current health sector. The capability of CPOE to significantly change the ordering procedures could substantially reduce misuse, underuse and overuse of the β†’

Electronic and social media

I personally use social media so as to connect with both friends and family around the world, social media provides me with a cheap avenue through which I can be able to cheaply and easily connect with my friends in real-time, however, after reading the article posted on Medscape about nurses and the use of β†’

Court , newcastle upon tyne

INTRODUCTION The Crown Court of England and Wales represents one of the constituent parts of the Supreme Court of Judicature in England and Wales. The role of the Crown Court is to deal with the most serious criminal matters.which include cases which are sent to the Crown Court from magistrates courts or youth courts due β†’

Environmental law process

The company needs treating the waste to make it less harmful to the environment and this also come with additional work for the organization. This, therefore, means in case of discharge to the natural water, the company with have additional work of waste treatment and have to strictly release waste which is considered environmental friendly.

Week 7 myreligionlab assignment 5

The Religion Identify a religion that you believe has the most in common with the teachings of Christianity. Differences The Roman Catholic religion has a centralized form of leadership in which the Pope is at the highest rank while the Pentecostalism church leadership is led by a Reverend.

Compensation decision making analysis

After addressing the main needs inside the organization, it is necessary to look outside the organization and to define the scope of the organizations that should be included in the survey. In the situation where an organization has more than one pay structure, it is important that questions of fairness are addressed.

Unreliability of eyewitness testimonies

From the first image taken from the recordings of a closed circuit television at a crime scene, I was confident that I could identify the culprit from the list of photos provided. This needed to be performed early enough in the trial of the suspect.

Megacities in asia – tokyo

The policies that prompted economic development in Japan as the central theme of the government enhanced the need for changeup in Tokyo to align it as a global city. Though this was faced with frequent cases on sunshine rights, the government was able to move the communities out of the city to suburbs by buying β†’

Business ethics

Business Ethics Business ethics refer to how people should behave in the world of buying and selling. If the above are not considered as business ethics the the business institutions may suffer loss or may earn the business bad reputation.

Sociology of education response paper

Institutional Hierarchy in the US Higher Education System Although currently there are dire warnings that America is falling behind the rest of the world, especially emerging powers such as India and China, in educational achievement endangering its superpower status, in at least one respect it is still on top of the world. This author credits β†’

Critical analysis of a poem

William Wordsworth has highlighted the strong bond between the nature and the mankind in a very poetic manner which represents the importance of nature in a human setting. In the first of the poem; the poet has metaphorically compared himself as a cloud by saying, " I wandered lonely as a cloud".

Outbreak at watersedge

In investigating the park, another mapping was conducted to determine the exact place in the park where most of the cases occurred, and the statements showed that the patients drank water from the water fountains in the park and drank the punches at the concession. The three water sources at the park, the two fountains β†’

Growing up in my family

All in all, the essay is a story of the relationship of a daughter towards each of the parents and did not dwell much on the relationship of her parents to each other or the three of them as a family. The stage of her childhood and her experiences in coping with having a broken β†’

Issue about global business

of the Business of the Concerned 12 June Outsourcing- A Blight on the American Ingenuity and Entrepreneurship Thereis no denying the fact that outsourcing is depriving millions of Americans of jobs and livelihood. Under such circumstances, outsourcing the manufacturing operations to the emerging economies is bound to take a toll of the American moral.

Policy issue paper

The energy security is a very vital issue and deserving of its inclusion in the State of the Union address because it is concerned with the most valuable component of American life, - the energy which fuels the entire US nation, from the west to the east coast, to life. Oil is the chief energy β†’

Recommendations on how to help eliminate stateless income in the united states

Changing From less Income Tax System to Territorial System less income tax planning in the context of American's Ersatz Territorial Tax system asserts that the lockout effect contemporarily operates in America. Moving to a Territorial System and Reforming the Corporate Tax.

Elements of control theory

Application of Elements of Control Theory A master degree student in a psychology class has various ways of applying the control theory elements towards achieving their goals of the course. The students has a behavior of achieving research goals of psychology course, motivation, therefore, comes to help in influencing interpretation of student during research Involvement β†’

Individual project 5

The relevance of ethnic diversity at workplace is as important as the gender diversity. Ethnic diversity in workplace: the business benefits.

Change at dupont

In addition, the research paved the way for identifying and understanding the stock-car racing metaphor that the people used to explain their idea of teamwork and how they worked together. The evidence is that since these approaches are applied, the management and the people were made aware of the people's strengths and how they can β†’

Advanced accounting

College: Scenario covering the topic of consoli d financial ments When consoli d ments are prepared, the account balances are taken from the separate books of the parent and each subsidiary and placed in the consolidation work paper The consolidated statements are prepared, after adjustments and eliminations, from the amounts in the work paper Eliminating β†’

Charming but alarming

He clearly knew what the woman was all after and the thought of it terrified him to his bones. After a while, they chatted about all sorts of things and the relationship between them started to blossom gradually.

Peer review journal article

DETERRENCE THEORY Prevention strategy This study will focus on the deterrent theory on how it can be used to deter people from committing crime and try to study major causes of the crime in the united state of America. He or she must calculate and weigh carefully the option or cost of doing a crime β†’

Rollo may-existential analytic theory

His major publications include Existential Psychology, Psychology and the Human Dilemma, The Courage to Create, Freedom and Destiny and Cry for the Myth. There are many dynamic models of personality structure; to differentiate them, we consider the content of internal, conscious and unconscious struggles, and the motives, forces, and fears that conflict with each other β†’

Interview paper

Campbell and Federal bureau of intelligence agent and current director of Criminal investigation division within the department. In addition, I learnt that a criminal justice professional should learn to maintain confidence and remain informed of pertinent criminal activities within the society.

Harlem hellfighters

The inclusion of the 369th would see to a positive change in how African-Americans were treated in the United States. For the black people in Harlem, 369th was not only fighting for the honor of their country, but also for that of the black people in America.

New small business competes with google, bing and yahoo

Gabriel Weinberg's search engine proves to be a long time competitor to Google and other search engine. It is evident that this search engine will last and still be a long term foe to bigger search engines.

Facts that make a class productive and enjoyable

The first step that needs to be observed by teachers is; teaching the right things. Rather than judging the teachers on whether they met the objectives of the teaching, the focus should be on whether those teachers got the objectives right in the first place.

Distinguishing terrorism from other forms of crime

Distinguishing Terrorism from other Forms of Crime Introduction A common misconception in society is that terrorism and other forms of violent are the same thing. While the assumption is valid, terrorism, displays unique characteristics that distinguishes it from other forms of violent crimes.


Egyptomania mainly covers Egypt's history, its race, state of arts, and the ancient commodities that were dealt in ancient Egypt. Appropriation in Contemporary Art in the Modern Culture Appropriation is the act of borrowing and reusing ancient Egypt's art in modern culture either to pay tribute or to remember the past.

Theories of adolescence

The core concept that is seen to be presented by Erikson's theory is that the most essential characteristic of adolescence in humans is the undergoing of an identity crisis and the subsequent acquisition of an ego identity. At first, it was difficult for me to advance and move from one social group to the other β†’

Research questions & hypotheses

The crux of a qualitative research lies in the socially-developed reality and the research problem is situation-bound. Evidently, the first and foremost objective of a student joining a University is to persuade a higher quality of education.

Organizational theory

Every strategy that is designed by managers within the organization is based on the changes and demands of the outside environment. On the other hand, when a strategy is designed without any involvement of factors from the external environment, we refer to it as a closed strategy.

Seminar option 2

One of the certifying organizations in the United States is the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Some of the certifications available include the Fitness-Instructor Certification, Personal Fitness Certification and Fitness-Trainer Certification.

Puerto rico history

By the end of 19th century, the continually fought Spanish-American wars concluded with Americans claiming the control of Puerto Rico. The control of Puerto Rico by Americans started bringing considerable changes to the socio-economic and political conditions of Puerto Ricans. This led to the incident called ' Ponce Massacre', that became the most violent chapter β†’


Author indicated that 18th century witnessed development of wild romanticism in art and literature that enabled appreciation of a significant aesthetic notion, ' Sublimity.' In addition, Burke showed closer connection of sublimity with pain, rather than pleasure due to consideration of horrific and gloomy representations by artists In the year 1959, Frank Sibley proposed β†’

Handwriting a letter versus sending an e-mail message

Or one has to specially start the computer and draw the concerned individual to the screen, for perusing the contents of the mail. For official dealings, e-mail communications are the best and one can not think of applying the handwritten letter procedure in this area.

Environmental economics

Also, the genetic or other differences between individuals imply that the hazard may be a stronger threat to a certain part of the human population thereby reducing the possibility of effective generalization of the results. Exposure Assessment attempts to identify the extent of human exposure to the substance given particular locations, lifestyles etc to quantify β†’

Case: shouldice hospital: a cut above

As an advisor to the hospital management, I find it clear in my opinion that both the two choices are good for the hospital depending on whether the hospital would like to consider the option under the short run or the long run plan. In case the hospital needs to make adjustments to meet immediate β†’

Ameresco inc.(amrc)

This figure is the same, compared to that of Ameresco, and it is an indication that the company does not rely on debt to finance its operations. For instance, the leverage ratio of Ameresco indicates that it does not rely on debts, to finance its activities.

Importance of corporate social responsibility

They do this through bribing government officials in order to continue operating. Corporate social responsibility refers to a commitment, away from the one that is needed by the regulations as well as economics, for organizations to achieve their goals. Therefore, social responsibility is also concerned with how organizations manage their businesses in order to have β†’

Legal aspects of business decisions unit 2 db sa first week last submission

One of the problem as depicted in case one, is where, a USA business company or organization sells some of their militarily equipment's to one foreign country that the company has no branch there. Again every country has their own set military supply policies, most of this policy poses a serious problem to USA military β†’

Chapter 7: global issues

The third country with the highest penetration rate is the united state with a rate of 78.3%. The penetration rate in the Oceania/ Australia region is also high with countries like Australia leading in the region with a penetration rate of 89.8%. At the bottom of the list is Kosovo with a penetration rate of β†’

Managing high performance

One of the cons of teams in Japan is that teams seek the approval of upper management instead of making their own decisions. Cultural Aspects of Japan, the United States and Europe.

Service management: xpresso lube

Xpresso Lube's service package includes providing customers with a unique, pleasant and honest experience in having their vehicles' oil changed with the comforts of a large and comfortable waiting area with amenities such as different coffee varieties, stereo system, and current reading materials, among others. 2. Xpresso Lube could therefore be classified as the pioneer β†’

Why or why not a well-known leader (of your choice) is leading appropriately for the situation

Insert The path-goal theory is the theory that explains the role of a leader in assisting his followers to achieve their goals and to offer any needed direction or support, as a way of making sure that their goals are in line with the overall goals of the organization or group. One of the leaders β†’

Supervision today

Supervision Question 1 The supervisor should use group for decision making when the outcome of the decision is likely to affect the members of the group. The group members would help the supervisor understand how these people will receive the decision and important factors that should be incorporated in order for the β†’

Business ethic homework 2

Ethics In Business Three C's of doing business in an ethical manner includes compliance whichmeans that organizations need to accept and follow the rules of the region they are operating in, secondly organization needs to contribute heavily to the wellbeing and betterment of society and lastly the organizations should be aware of the impact of β†’

Effects of too many or too little expense allocation

Hence, we can reduce it to $5000 The cost for the professional meeting is an overhead and should be reduced to $7, 000 in the best case. Hence, this cost is not reduced. Custodial expenses can be controlled and reduced to $10, 000 in the best case. Security and consulting both are important and β†’

Organizational structure

On the other hand, the contemporary organization structure, different employees are specialists in the different roles they undertake within the organization. The flow and distribution of the information throughout the organization are made easier, and the functions of the different departments are performed effectively.

Comments to peer response dq1md and dq2 jb

The buyer and the seller have to make negotiations to a point where they mutually benefit from the transaction. This is reflected in the lower costs and higher service value. Public goods These are goods or services that can be used by numerous individuals concurrently without diminishing the value of consumption to any one β†’

Case study analysis

This is because in trying to please and satisfy the customer, they learnt how to expand and offer the best customer service and maintain their ethical conduct and also manage competition. What strategies / tactics do you feel have contributed the most to IKEA's success? One of the strategies was carrying out market research on β†’

Importance of path dependence in management. a case study of toyota production system

Case Study In a case study of Toyota production system , the perspective of change as a path dependence phenomenon promotes the importance of this concept in management. Analysis In analyzing the factors that surround the success of path dependence in the success of different businesses, it is imperative to undertake a careful appraisal β†’

Employee data collection training and six sigma quality process terms and concepts table

With the aim of increasing consumer and product value. Value chain It is a series of activities that are aimed to increase the total value of a final product Control chart It is a statistical tool for controlling qualities through analysis of the process variables as well as capabilities and monitoring the β†’

Negoiation in management

Negotiation in Management In the first scenario, when both stores remain closed for eleven weeks and stay open for the first week before negotiation, the store will incur a profit of two hundred and thirty thousand dollars after twelve weeks and the city will gain a levied fine of forty thousand dollars. In the fourth β†’

Social entrepreneurship

One of the main objectives of the social entrepreneurship company is to allocate funds and individuals to help improve the lives of the community. Social entrepreneurship centers on apportioning both time and resources to developing the community's social status. Social Entrepreneurship Company The Kickstart organization is a recognized successful social entrepreneurship company.

Hermeneutics in leadership

The paper will discuss in depth the hermeneutical approach and explain why this approach demands the leaders to change their paradigm from a behavioral focus. Advantages of hermeneutical approach The approach will make the leaders resemble expressive acts. The approach will add more logic on the leaders' theoretical foundations. A leader is a person β†’

Dawm valley hospital : selecting quality measures for the hospital board

Dawn Valley Hospital Discuss the wisdom of the Board's request for an aggregated quality score monthly The Board requested for an aggregated quality score monthly because the monthly aggregated quality score was to include a representation of quality and safety at each of the facilities of Dawn Valley Hospital, as a whole. Farrington for the β†’

Group productivity

Being a part of Johnson & Johnson has given me a chance to closely investigate the group productivity and thereby identify the underlying influences. First of all, the company's ' Credo' contributes to the productivity of groups. These aspects lead to a climate of anti-trust and differences ultimately disturbs the group productivity. Thus, propagation of β†’

Case 1

With regard to training the employees, it uses both on-the-job and off-the-job training methods. On-the-job training involves employees working while undergoing training ensuring that then provided training is specific to the job.


Negotiation Negotiation Communication is important to negotiation and there are different features of communication factors that interplay to influence the outcome of the process of negotiation. Part 1 Rules of communication are an important features of communication and are important negotiation process. In formal negotiations, there are pre-set rules and procedures that determine the β†’

The role of organizational culture in knowledge management

In the end the literature review is summarized and the section is concluded with a succinct analysis of the various views researchers on the impact of organizational culture in knowledge management. Keywords: organizational culture, knowledge management, learning, openness Role of Organizational Culture in Knowledge Management Knowledge management is regarded as the collection, distribution and efficient β†’

Distributive bargaining

DISTRIBUTIVE BARGAINING al Affiliation Distributive bargaining The distributive bargaining negotiation skills are listed as 3 3.2, 3.3, 3. The purpose is to set parameters that determine the reservation price. The third skill set is Skill 3.

Federal contract acquisition

The higher the cost risk, the higher the cost of the contract. Contractor's efforts- This factor measures the complexity of the contract work. Contract cost should be high for any contract requiring a high degree of professionalism and managerial skills. From the contractor's standpoint, cost determination should be guided by the following: Profitability of the β†’

Meg whitman at ebay questions

E-bay's history reveals that the focus of their attention has been more about the people who are accommodative and flexible towards other cultures, other individuals and overall surroundings that make for the best company and brand supported by the organizational excellence in the performance and delivery of high end products to the customers. What are β†’

Workplace monitoring

It is hard to imagine that the workplace behavior and activities of senior management are monitored to the degree that their subordinates' are. In the wider scheme of things, I would argue that unless a company' s area of operations involves processes that are highly sensitive, then it is better to cultivate trust among employees β†’

Talent leadership

The team tends to have a positive atmosphere, effective methods of communications, good in making the decision, and leaders participate fully. The graph below represents the leadership performance on the y-axis and the leadership potential on the x-axis. In this model, it is a proper to state that, the level of talent leadership in the β†’

Demand and supply in organization success

Thus, any firm must understand and take into considerations the needs of the consumer as it forms the primary critical decision-making in the company (Kilger, Reuter, & Stadtler, 2015). Supply, on the other hand, is the quantity of the goods and services that a particular organization or a distributor can sell relatively to what it β†’

Six thinking hats

I fear it lacks neatness that any other bed should have. White hat Looking at the problem with the white hat, I realized the fact, that is; spreading my bed is a great disaster. They argue that my bed positioning is the worst. Black hat thinking Tackling the issue with the black hat β†’

Effective team

Some of the attributes of an effective team include; constant and optimal communication between members, the team has clear objectives and goals it wants to accomplish; there is positive and open criticism in the team and members feel free to air their concerns during team meetings. Other attributes include there is active participation of members, β†’

Advanced rail tracking and safety system (adratss): concept of operations

The preference of the mode of transportation is attributable to its vital nature to the economy and security of the nations. The system is to be developed with pertinent software's and hardware's with the capability of facilitating prompt detection of danger along the rail line and at the stations.


The major manifestation of it is the split of the company: it is quite possible that the original founders would not even think of it. In spite of the fact that one it used to be the leader of innovation, nowadays, HP is not known to have produced anything groundbreaking. The major problems that the β†’

Managing high performance

A research was carried out determine if the company should continue with carrying out the idea of adding up the layers of management. I carried out a research of the companies' situation on wanting to create additional layers of management to increase performance. It is necessary for the evaluation of leadership dynamics when it comes β†’

Successful career in an non-governmental organization

This will enhance my skill set and make me a better individual. Finding a suitable job takes a lot of research and commitment, a job is really easy to get but the difficult part is to find a suitable job. Facebook is a great platform to look for jobs, more and more organizations have started β†’

Plz put a good topic

He was not a bad leader; he was a good leader who ensured that the organization had attained the best human resources that can work in an effective and efficient manner towards the attainment of the goals of the organization. Furthermore he had not created goals for the organization and was instead operating to attain β†’

Project who moved my cheese

Underestimating the market leads to undermining the opportunities that are available in the market. As many opportunities are available, threats in the external environment need to be highlighted as well and dealt with resourcefully.

Riordan manufacturing

Riordan Manufacturers has to think of other ways to ensure that timely delivery or customer access is kept and goods delivered to the quantity set by the company. The company can also use wholesale agreements to ensure their customers are reached.

What do managers do

Every department of a company has managers and they supervise and monitor the activities of the employees under them. A manager need to consider the resources, capital and manpower of the company to set objective.


While I enjoy and like working on projects on my own, the buzz of working in a team as well motivates me as long as it leads to attaining a considerable progress and successful results at the end of it all. Compliments from a superior party give me a sense of accomplishment and makes me β†’


Security or data breach is a serious issue that compromises the normal operations of several agencies. Target Companies in the United States of America is one has been faced by security threats relevant to data breach in the last two years. In the year 2013, Target Company's data were hacked in its stores.

Mgt leadership and ethics unit 3 db sa second week

Mary Kay is passionate to the point of nurturing intra-organisational relations to achieve it, while Gates is passionate about having employees being results-oriented. How the Two Leaders Differ The leaders differ in that Gates is a low LPC, unlike Mary Kay. The latter believes that nurturing intra-organisational relations with and among employees is key β†’

Business communication and technology

In business, technology is used for various purposes such as the production process, performing transactions, making business projection and in business communication. This is evident in the way firms have been changing and upgrading their communication systems to conform to the nature of the modern-day world of business.

Types of precautionary statements: information on potential hazards

An example of a warning statement is, " This product contains royal jelly that has been reported to cause severe allergic reactions". Cautionary statements describe situations that may lead to minor injuries. An example of such a statement is, " Keep away from heat, ignition surfaces, sparks and open flames" or " Handle under inert β†’

Southwest airline

Moreover, the diversity of services and the experience of being in the industry for many years offers the company a platform for differentiation. In essence, the company has the necessary resources to establish the focus strategy and enjoy its enormous benefits.

Hazardous waste management

The natural environment remains protected from unmanaged hazardous wastes. Alongside hazardous waste utilization, the MTT method of hazardous waste management allows valuable materials to be recovered. In light of this and even more technological innovations relative to waste management, the underlying gap in the handling of hazardous wastes seems to be shrinking.

Continuous improvement on the free-throw line

The next phase of the cycle involves identification of the ideal outcome, which is the best possible outcome in the Free-throw case being 100% shots falling inside the rim to an exact position on the ground and rolling straight to the shooter. Implementing the alternatives in a real time situation and making comparison with expected β†’

The acronym posdcorb in management

This includes the task of making decisions and embodying them in specific and general orders and instructions and serving as the manager of the enterprise. v. This is the most important duty of interrelating the various parts of the work.

Bus 207

Everyone makes decisions but to make the right decisions at the right time is the crux of the matter. The people at the field could not provide satisfactory services to the customers because of lack of coordination with the warehouse and the office.