Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

People v. lavalle (nys dealth penalty)

Lavalle The deathpenalty was being imposed in New York State till the year 2004 when the New York Court of Appeals gave a ruling in the case titled People of New York v. LaValle was convicted of rape and murder and sentenced to death but he filed an appeal before the New York Court of β†’

Adam smith and karl polanyi

Question four Karl Polanyi denounced the " economist prejudice" found in both the market liberalism of Ludwig von Mises and the communism of Karl Marx, Polanyi and Karl. Such a dichotomy is, in effect, merely the restatement, from the point of view of society as a whole, of the existence of a self-regulating market, Polanyi β†’

Business letter

Tech-shield is a wonderful company, and the great success has always been a result of dedicated employees and teamwork and I believe that your expertise will propel the company to much greater success heights. Some of the challenges the employees are facing include working for long hours and working over the weekends.

The 13th bracey report on the condition of public education (phi delta kappan oct2003, vol. 85, issue 2, p148164, 17p

Focusing on the controversial No Child Left Behind' policy, The 13th Bracey Report on the Condition of Public Education determines that the former to be a source of additional educational problems rather than a set of solutions for existent ones. The implication here is that the absence of a single, agreed-upon definition for proficiency leads β†’

Pocahontas 3

Synopsis on Pocahontas; the Documentary The synopsis is about Pocahontas the 1995 documentary about the Native American princess who married an Englishman by the name John Rolfe and was later renamed as Rebecca. The central argument is how she promoted peace and mutual understanding between the Englishmen and the native Indians of Virginia.

Why i am passionate about leadership

Hence, for me, leadership is about the ability to interpret events and concepts in a way that allows for individual views while making way for a sense of commonality and a shared sense of purpose. To be a leader is a person who ushers in an atmosphere of cooperation and trust by the dint of β†’

Pm company (international business practices)

PM Company What is PM Company's optimal organizational structure Taking into account the nature of business, products, area and functional dimensions of the organization, it is possible to say that a balance between decentralization and centralization is the best structure which meets the needs of PM Company and its strategic goals. The balance between two β†’

Current events in business research

Also the stakeholders behind this energy drink were brought on to a single platform so that their concerns and related feedback was taken beforehand. The research behind this proved that it was always good to know about the market and the consumers so that the product can be designed in a better way.

5th amendment

The rule could also be taken as to follow the Fifth Amendment's self incriminating command that " no person will be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, and that no person will be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. If the Miranda rule is modified β†’

Electoral college

The US presidential election is always determined by the 538 members of the Electoral College. The Electoral College really favours the states, since it ensures there is more attention to the less populous states which would otherwise be at the risk of being sidelined and ignored by the presidential candidates.

Ethics in criminal justice

Section/# Ethics in Criminal Justice: A Brief Exploration of the Role of Key Figures within the Criminal Justice System Although the roles of the defense and prosecuting attorney are often idealized and misunderstood in terms of how our media represents these actors, they retain distinct ethical and moral obligations that are engendered in the jobs β†’


Description and analysis: wartime experiences of the Revolution and the effects on women, slaves, and natives The wartime experiences of the American Revolution are closely related to the direct combat between the revolutionaries and the colonizers. In short, the wartime experiences helped the people in the colonies to realize the importance of social and political β†’

Communicates the culture

Topic: Ethnocentrism s Lecturer's Culture communicates the way of life of a given society, which in most situations differs from that of other societies. The slavery period is a good example of prejudice in ethnocentrism where, whites believed they and their culture was better than that of blacks.

Philosophers united: three quotes

The quotes were used in order to see that a life of a philosopher is not that easy. The central idea of the three was that being a philosopher or a teacher of philosophy partake you to express ideas that are different from the norms and orthodox and that it is not easy.

Only daughter by sandra cisneros

The parent contributes greatly to the success of a person; this is because the parent is able to teach one the virtues in life and what to do or to avoid for one to succeed. The education knowledge acquired once put into practice leads to the success of a person as is seen in the β†’

Principles of instructional leadership

In the article, May examines one of the modern forms of educational leadership, namely instructional leadership. The description of the characteristics and analysis of the advantages of instructional leadership make the reading of the article rather informative.

The influence of active learning on the college student departure process

The recommendation given was that common ground should be found that permits some information to be made public yet allows privacy on certain occasions. Trustees should be informed of important decisions before the information is made available to the public.

One-two-state solution

The theory will be used in portraying the sufferings of the Palestinians in the Israel-Palestine conflict, and calling for a moral judgment in international law. Research design The research objective is investigating the possible solution to the Israeli- Palestine conflict and the challenges that would be faced in the process.

How bingeing became the new college sport

The topic of the article is the heavy drinking of students at college, especially with regard to students below the age of twenty one. The author's point of view is that this excessive drinking stems from the legal position, where students below the age of 21 cannot legally buy or consume alcohol, and it is β†’

5b: leases e-mail memo

Cash Decrease Debt Increase How is the balance sheet affected by the entry to record a lease that is classified as a capital lease? Cash Increase Debt Decrease How is the balance sheet affected by the entry to record a lease that is classified as a capital lease?

Eating disorder

The two articles address different audiences the article by Fisher and various others is meant, for a specialist audience, this is evident in the medical terms that are used and the paper's formatting and style of writing. The purpose of the two articles is to communicate the effects and the causes of eating disorders, and β†’

Discuss the importance of emptiness in swordsmanship

A concept that is central to kendo is Mushin, which is an awareness state that is attained in combat with the aim of producing thoughts which are fluid in nature. It is a force that is boundless and forms the mind facet that is central to the practitioner of kendo, and which the practitioner will β†’

Legal unit2

This is only possible in the event that such voluntary leaving of employment was prompted by their being pregnant or experiencing terminated pregnancy, or due to suffering domestic abuse. The other exception to the statute stands in the event that the quitting of employment by an individual is motivated by the relocation of a spouse β†’

Contract between standard storage company and tri-county investment corporation

Accordingly, the legal course of law on negotiations and contract discloses that " a contract is legally binding only if its terms are sufficiently definite to enable a court to understand the parties' obligations... Restatement of Contracts 33 if an alleged agreement is so indefinite as to make it impossible for a court to fix β†’

Qualities of a great leader

Effective leadership techniques can be learned but this discussion will focus on three differing personality traits in an effort to explore which may best affect the development and outcome of leadership proficiency. Though a steady, predictable personality is cooperative, adds a calming influence within a group and is loyal and helpful, this type is not β†’

Case studies of organizational learning in terrorist groups

Presently, sub-groups emerge in different areas of the world with affiliations to a bigger group. The function of the herald group is to supply money and ammunitions to the smaller groups, which are crucial for engaging in terrorist activities.

The jungle novel from marxism theory and freud theory

In this paper, we will apply both Marxist and Freud's theory on The Jungle novel, and we find that the Marxist theory is more useful in interpreting the plights of the immigrants. As the story ends, Jurgis realizes the reality of capitalism and misery of immigrants.


The author talks about the origin of human development and he mainly bases his argument in favor of the theory of " Out of Africa" which presents the fact that the present human generation has mainly evolved from Africa and this evolution actually took place 100000 to 200000 years back.2. Answer: The strengths of the β†’

Management analysis

Management Analysis MEMO June 18, MANAGEMENTS DISCUSSIONS AND ANALYSIS Management discussion and analysis are prompted by the necessity to ensure government financial reporting. The three major components of national financial reporting are management discussions and analysis, basic financial statements and required supplementary information.

Financial market and institutions ( )

The transparent analysis of the Fisher effects is that if the expected inflation rises by 5% and above, the expected return on interest rate falls as a result of fall in the demand for the bond. The demand curve shifts to the right and the equilibrium bond price rises and the interest rate falls.

Are immigrants valuable contributors to life in california or are they not

Immigrants are valuable contributors to life in California Introduction The history of immigrants in California dates back to the Gold Rush era that saw influx of immigrants in San Francisco City. Immigrants are valuable contributors to life in California since they are vital in sustaining the economic prosperity of California through their labor supply and β†’

Accounting information system

As per the system, all the 30 transactions have been processed, starting from the Journal entries to adjustments, to trial balance, to profit and loss statement and finally the balance sheet, reflecting the effectiveness of the information processing system. The resulting net loss of the company is due to the expenses incurred by the company β†’

Module 4

High humor is another form of humor that depends on the use of words and wit to win over the audience. Humor is felt to be a form of catharsis that allows the audience or reader to vent their feelings.

Explain the federal government’s success in the civil war

The Federal Government's Success in the Civil War When it became apparent that there was going to be a civil war between the South and the North overthe issue of slavery, the South started out with numerous strikes against them while the North possessed several advantages. A great deal of the South's population was black β†’


Bargaining power of suppliers High In Netflix business, content is the main input. Intensity of rivalry High There are many players currently offering the same services offered by Netflix.

Setting up an organic farming business

If unique, high quality organic produce is put on the market the business will have a greater chance of being profitable and this will draw in investors; produce like rare Heritage strains of common vegetables would do well. By targeting the right sellers and customers the business will be able to sustain itself and expand; β†’

Macroeconomics annotation

A MACROECONOMIC ANNOTATION OF THE NEW YORK TIME'S ARTICLE " AS ECONOMY SLOWS, CHINA EASES MONETARY POLICY" [your teacher's of the course][date] In September 2008, the Politburo, China's highest-ranking decision-making body announces a change in the monetary policy in the economy. The monetary policy that the People's Bank of China employs is cutting down the β†’

Mergers and acquisitions

IT people-the integration of the employees of different IT department is a matter that is normally touched during the merging process. Information systems-merging process involves the integration of different information systems.

Julio cortazar

Comparison of Cortazar's Blow Up and Antonioni's Blow Up The extensive gap between the movie and the short story ranges from the theme, the setting, the protagonist's profession, to the message. Both Blow Up versions of Cortazar and Antonioni demonstrate collapse of reality which, in actuality, is what the viewers and the readers search for.

Recruitment and staff selection (moduel 3 case)

It is the responsibility of the Human Resource to monitor the hiring process and promulgate procedures which will be followed by the supervisor. This will ensure the hiring process is fair as the supervisor will be obliged to follow the appropriate process to ensure the right candidate fills the vacant position in the morning shift.

Children’s literature- focus on language and literacy

The choice of the setting for the novel is probably influenced by the fact that Mark Twain, the author, lived in the region. The society of Missouri was a peaceful society and that provides a great backdrop for the conflict that Twain draws in his novel between the adults and Tom Sawyer and his buddies β†’

Just assignment and current event

It is difficult to address the issue because of the different players, the public health community and industries that manufacture the product. Question Which measures can relevant authorities take to align dietary concerns with food production, manufacture, and marketing?" Intestinal bacteria can be used to classify effects of different diseases"" Intestinal bacteria can be used β†’

Terrorist finance tracking program

The Terrorist Finance Tracking Program was created in the United States in regards to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attack. Based upon the terms of the subpoenas the United States government is allowed to view this information only in regards to suspected terrorist investigations.

Mind over matter

As such, a defendant who pleads insanity at the time of committing the act is required to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he or she was suffering from mental disorder so severely that he or she could not know the quality and nature of the act committed at the time of insanity. Not guilty by β†’

Blue ocean strategy vs. michael porters five forces strategy

On the other hand, Porter's five forces strategy, often known as one of the red ocean strategies, determines the competitiveness and attractiveness of the market in order to know the opportunities and threats that exist for a company's products in the market. The business practices of a company, which are based on corporate social responsibility, β†’

Naplion invasion of egypt and its impact on mehmed ali

Napoleon Invasion of Egypt and its Impact on Mehmed Ali On the year 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte led a French invasion in Egypt that began with the capture of Alexandria. Napoleon in Egypt: Al Jabartis Chronicle of the French Occupation, 1798.

Insomnia as a health disorder

Insomnia INSOMNIA The human body functions in a manner that, after a long day of work, a night of sleep is essential. Finally, in order to avoid insomnia through sleep hygiene an individual will be required to avoid thinking about issues during the sleeping session, as this result in stress that interferes with sleep.


The size of the image depends upon the position of the focal point which can be altered by varying the voltage supplied to the electrostatic lenses. The closer the focal point the bigger is the size of the image.3.

Accounting problems

Question 7 Beta = /Variance of Market return.= 0. 5 Required return of portfolio A = 4 + 1.

A history of prussia

" It devolves on the state to provide food, work and wages for all who cannot support themselves and have no claim for the support on the lord or the community; they must be provided with work suited to their strength and capacity"' The state is bound to provide establishments for relieving the poor" " β†’

Resolving ethical business challenges

Therefore, individuals and the corporation should address the aforementioned unethical of dishonesty, poor customer service, and financial Scandals by ethical training individuals as this is an essential component for corporate to run an effective workplace. Therefore, moral philosophy such as normative ethics can be applied to avert the unethical practices in our business as it β†’

Ab volvo within the last three years (2014, 2013, and 2012)

The financial factors to consider in the analysis will determine the business's current net worth, its sales and expense trends and identify the company's strengths and weaknesses. This determines the company's competitiveness and its ability to remain profitable.

Male and female psychology ( similarities and differencess between them )

The similarities and differences between males and females offer an important area of study in psychology and the concepts of both male and female have similarities and differences between them. Male and female psychology can be differentiated on the basis of their emotional, biological, and social aspects, and the gender stereotypes are determined by these β†’

Will consumers choose electric cars over traditional petrol cars in the future

The main cars available in this segment are the electric cars and the cars running on bio-fuel. According to him the technology of the electric cars are yet to match the cost efficiency, speed and the comfort of the petrol cars.

Manifest destiny and the civil war

Manifest Destiny and the Civil War Manifest Destiny and the Civil War The ment, " Expansion brought sectional antagonism to a boiling point, split the Democratic Party in the late 1840s and set the nation on the path to civil war," is true. The notable opposition on the issue led to a division in the β†’

Child neglect: its cause and its role in delinquency

Physical neglect of the child could lead to malnutrition and a general failure to thrive, serious infectious diseases and potential harm to the child in the form of cuts, bruises or burns that may occur when there is lack of supervision. All the above forms of neglect could result in potentially harmful consequences for the β†’

Progress on flextime analytical formal report

Works Completed So far I have managed to formulate the problem statement, the research questions and objectives of the research. Work to be completed I have not yet interpreted the collected data on employees' performance in relation flextime.

Financing of the sunny river resort

If any customers would find out that I let an organization use the facilities free of charge it could cause major problems to our business model. If you need any help organizing the event I can provide you all the help you need from me and our staff free of charge.

Soc writing assignment five

The inclusion of the third party to the dyadic relationship disrupted the closeness as pointed out by Simmel. I remember Benjamin was a stranger to our group as he exhibited the qualities that Simmel describes.


Some of these drugs work on both the negative and positive symptoms of the disease as they work on the both the dopamine and serotonin receptors. People with antisocial personality disorder persistently disregard the law and therefore like to infringe on the rights of other people.

Identify the uk legislation that attempts to protect employees against discrimination and promotes equal opportunities in the uk

Legislations Against Employee Discrimination and which Promotes Equal Opportunities and Diversity in Tourism and Related Industries Legislations Against Employee Discrimination and which Promotes Equal Opportunities and Diversity in Tourism and Related Industries The sector of tourism is an industry that needs diverse employees since it caters to people from different nations and cultures that visit β†’

Discuss the proposition: “lazarillo had no choice but to become what he became”

Lazarillo felt a lot of pain from that incidence onwards the relationship between Lazarillo and his master became a battle of wits in which the blind man had emerged victorious to the final battle. Even if Lazarillo had suffered enough in the hands of the blind man, he was determined to move on and pay β†’

Creative thinking and enthusiasm in business school

I suppose that Business School will help me to master leadership and management knowledge and develop my personal skills. I am proud to become a student of Bentley became it is an ideal place to master new knowledge and skills and become an expert in the business world.

Anything in business

The Playbook will be half the size of the Ipad and weight about just the same. The cost of the tablet PC is undecided at the moment but it is said to start from around $499.

Intermodal transportation

Nijkamp, The future of intermodal freight transport; Operations, design and policy, Cheltenham. The future of intermodal freight transport: Operations, design and policy.

Adult educator interview and paper

Challenges and benefits of working with adults According to Rubenson, there are various advantages associated with training adults. Challenges associated with adult training include lack of time and frustrations to a lesser extent though.

Abolition movement

Before seizing control of the ship, the Africans, led by Single-Pi alias Cinque, killed the captain and the cook, while two crew members escaped on the ship's lifeboat. In the legal proceedings, which took place in New London, Ruiz and Montes requested that the schooner, its cargo, and the Africans be given to the Spanish β†’

White phosphorus.

Besides the above, the government can restrict the use of white phosphorus in many other ways; for instance, the government can limit the use of the material in military operations. In the same way, the use of white phosphorus in industrial production should be banned.

Obama being president-elect

The next thing you know, he is the President of one of the most powerful nations in the world. But when a young person joins the army, he is doing that to protect the country and defend its interests.

The good earth by pearl s bucks

When he takes the babys body and sees two " dark, bruised spots" on the neck of his daughter, he understands that his wife, driven by desperation of the poverty and want that his family were facing, actually killed her own daughter to spare her a life of starvation and slow, grinding death. During the β†’

Critical thinking scenario

Although he is aware that some of his complements are false and that some of the beauty products he sells do not usually live up to advertising claims, he feels he is doing a public service by making people to feel good about themselves. As a salesman, the cosmetologist is morally obligated to be absolutely β†’

Soldiers and politics-special projects profile of a third world country

The Sri Lankan government desecrated and occupied Hindu temples, and Hindu sacred places throughout the war, and afterward celebrated their military genocide of the Tamils by building Buddhist structures in the defeated Tamil areas, using barbed wire to block access to Tamil places of worship. Such are the political ironies and inconsistencies of soldier management β†’

Definition love

Love is something that makes us feel appreciated, helps develop character, and gives us a reason to live. Love is the greatest gift that we can give to someone because it is freely given and freely received.

Different values: catholics vs indians

The missionaries initially arrived in the land with the aim of converting the Indians into Catholicism, but their confession manuals fail to identify a true value of their judgment. The Confession Manuals depict lust as the most prevalent sin, above drunkenness, lying, murder or stealing and did not value the Indians' norms that governed the β†’

Ineffective communications and effective communicators

The manager's complaint was that the area was not cleaned to her liking in the allotted time. Ultimately, effective communicators must be effective listeners, as it's impossible to communicate without verifying that the message is being received as you intended.

The lottery by shirley jackson and war by luigi pirandello

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson and War by Luigi Pirandello At first reading, Shirley Jackson's " The Lottery," and Luigi Pirandello's " War," appear to be completely differing narratives in the context of theme and character." The Lottery" describes an ancient rite, culminating in the ritualistic stoning of woman in a small village, while β†’

Hazards, emergencies, disasters, and catastrophes

According to Pearce a hazard is the likelihood of a disaster. In conclusion, the terms hazard, emergency, disaster and catastrophe have a distinction in their meaning.

Comparing between

The CUMRC only linked alcohol, red meat, carbohydrates, and fried food as causal agents to diabetes but affirms that dairy food prevents type 2 diabetes risk. He has noted a lot of confidence in the CUMRC's findings and hence thumps up the position that saturated fat in dairy products protect against type 2 diabetes hence β†’

The observed experience of cultural difference

Because I was a Chinese, they never asked me about my views regarding the topic we were discussing and I realized it was in relation to the issues of power distance. However, I came to understand that it was not the Chinese culture that rooted in me, but my unwillingness to look outside my limitations β†’

Bowdoin college and the point of education

Bowdoin College's commitment to the common good is expressed in its mission, on the Academics Common Good page: " A commitment to the common good is not just about giving back. Not only are these programs excellent for the college to build its connection to the communities that it resides in, this is also β†’

Homeland security #5

Lecturer Emergency Response This paper outlines the development of a plan that will be used to implement and monitor response to anemergency. The teams should also be prepared to perform their functions and this will necessitate a range of training activities so as to give them the required levels of competencies.

Summary response

The emissions of these gases are due to the effects of the greenhouse. The author still says that the United Nation has been at the forefront in finding the solution to this situation.

Nuclear armageddon

Besides the surrendering of Japan, the use of the nuclear weapons opened another chapter marked by increased fear of such atomic weapons across the globe. The competition between the west ideologies and communism was one of the major events that sparked fears of atomic weapons between the Soviet Union and the US.

Prepare a two-page critique of ada and affirmative action

ADA and Affirmative Action" The present article is based on the critique for " Americans with Disabilities Act" and Affirmative Action. There is a discrimination in terms of opportunity to those who are not the inhabitants of the nation and thereby snatching away the prospects of the native population.

Predicting healthpromoting lifestyles in the workplace

Sur [Supervisor's Predicting Health-Promoting Lifestyles In The Workplace It is noticed that community health nurses are worried about health promotion in the course of the development of healthy styles of life. Pender's health promotion model has four magnitudes: clinical health, role performance health, adaptive health, and eudemonistic health.

Theoretical position paper

The theories of Freud, Jung and Adler: I. The theories of Freud, Jung and Adler: III.

Family therapy and methods

A therapist can use Narrative Therapy to initiate narration of stories that disclose a client's experiences and then introduce Experiential Approach to identify negative emotions and guide the client in reducing impacts of the emotions on the health of a family. The fact that Solution-Focused Family Therapy views family problems as results of failed and β†’

Power point presentation

In developing the theory, Piaget studied certain group of infants whom he observed to have greater desire to know the objects in the environment. I almost got irritated and demoralized, but with my understanding of cognitive development and information processing theory, I realized that the old man's memory had narrowed with age and therefore he β†’

Demonsrate the principle of war that most influenced the battle of paardeberg

The Principle of War That Most Influenced the Battle Of Paardebergrdeberg The battle of Paardeberg was fought betweenthe British and the Boers during the South African Second Boer War of 1900. In this case, the sole objective of the British army was to defeat the Boers and destroy their will or ability to continue fighting.

Activities problem(s) c16 2,7,14,and 21, c17 7 and 25

To raise the $30 million solely through equity, you will need to sell two-thirds of the firm. What is the ex-dividend price of a share in a perfect capital market?$250/$500 = $0.

See the description

Supply chain is the group of people, activities, technology and processes which allow the product to reach the customer from the supplier. It is through these processes that the supply chain gets completed and helps to meet the demand of the consumer.

Analyzing the poem the white mans burden by rudyard kipling

The poem considered imperialism as a thankless but noble enterprise as the US is encouraged to govern a wild country that is half devil and half child until it is finally ready to be a member of the global community. The audience of the poem, hence, was still characterized by prejudicial outlook, seeing imperialism as β†’

A career in administrative services management

In this respect, this research assignment will argue on behalf of my career path, discussing the benefits of the career to me as an individual both to my personal and also to my professional life. With reference to; communication and listening skills; and the business knowledge that will aid me in my pursuit of this β†’

Korean history

The ideological aspects should be clarified in the preface of the piece of work. Any written piece of work in history should be commission, sponsored and approved by the corresponding authorities.

Permissive parenting

Back in school, my grade one caregiver was more authoritative, she had rules for us to follow and breaking had consequences. Examples on how my father and caregiver affected my behavior The statements my dad always made towards me were very strict and I never had any option but to adhere.