Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Reading reviews

More often than not, professionals and writers in the field of networking and accountability choose to evaluate one particular aspect of the discussed dilemma. A belief persists that accountability in public networks is not important, due to the absence of profitability incentives and competition.

2 films

The decisions made by the principal are for the good running of the school and for the students some are just there to pass the time till they can attain legal age to go do their own things away from school without the risk of being taken to reform school. The movie dwells on the β†’

Historic accuracy of the movie 300

In the movie, Spartan Queen Gorgo {played by Lena Headey} says these words to her husband King Leonidas {played by Gerard Butler} as he prepares to lead his 300 Spartans to war against the Persians The first historical inaccuracy in the movie concerns the size of the Persian army lined up against the Spartans in β†’

Comparison of eastern religion

Eastern religions The eastern religions consist of Taoism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Shinto. The idea of harmonious existence is evident in Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism religions.


Response to Article 1 The cornerstone of Japan's culture was Zen Buddhism that focused and emphasized in the reality of existence. As Benedict recounts, it was virtually difficult to understand the real nature of the Japanese culture.

Case study

In most cases of encephalitis, there is stiffness of the neck and the back in adults and stiffness if the whole body in babies. Encephalitis which is an infection of the brain might have caused infections in the cerebrospinal system.

Framework of ethics

This essay focuses on the Six Sigma model and Triple Bottom Line model, and how a company can use these to enhance ethics and business performance. It is the role of the relevant managers in the company to integrate this model into the company's ethics program.

1c: case analysis

In relation to the post death attestation, which is one of the issues in the case under study, the CA statute can be considered as ambiguous based on the fact that the language in section 6110 which is the main basis of the ruling contain no clear inclusion regarding an additional witness. The vagueness lies β†’

Law enforcement

To prevent and apprehend the new nature of crime, local and state enforcement agencies must co-operate and act together as the hubs of a much bigger nationwide intelligence system, co-operating with other intelligence networks and international law enforcement agencies.2. The best way that they can operate is in conjunction with specific anti-terrorist groups, with a β†’

Examples that relate to mistaken signs for another person’s truthfulness include

In other instances where one would use the tick sign, some people may interpret that sign to mean getting a go ahead to do something while others may interpret the same to mean being sent away or being reprimanded in one way or another. In this case, the mother uses expressions that explain to the β†’

Alcohol abuse

Alcohol Abuse Introduction Alcohol abuse is not always characterized with the pattern of heavy drinking; instead, it is defined in terms of the adverse consequences. The paper also explores whether current behavior of alcohol abuse has any relation to the past.

Criminal activity

Judicial discretion is defined as " the exercise of judgment by a judge or court based on what is fair under the circumstances and guided by the rules and principles of law". The efficiency in the operation of courts is not only affected, but impacts as well on the judgment of a court administrator's discharge β†’

Management info systems class disscussion wk10

This would be a challenge in the design phase. A new model to ensure security in cloud computing services.


Nature al Affiliation Nature The male friend interviewed for this paper d that in nature, his favorite activity is riding a bicycle in the park, either by himself or in the company of friends. He likes the cooling effect of onrushing air and the silence on the trails the green cover, especially in the spring β†’

Political science

Thank You For Smoking Thank you for smoking remains as a satirical movie produced based on a novel written by Christopher Buckley entitled Thank you for smoking. His role mainly is to convenience the public to continue smoking as part of his job duties despite the many allegation of smoking having many harmful effects to β†’

The use of the culture in the expression of customs of a society

Reflection The research concerning the development patterns in Classical and Hellenistic Greek has helped me in understanding that culture plays a vital role in the expression of customs of a society. The lifestyle of the Greeks was marginally changed as well.

Coca-cola company on the international market

In the US, Coca-Cola is the leading company in the production and distribution of soft drinks. The Coca-Cola Company is keen about the two models of international trade and marketing.

Teaching learning

In the Kindergarten classroom, the teacher strives all the prevailing familiar methods and corresponding strategies, but still encounters a lot of difficulties since the students do not fully adhere to the underlying classroom's regulations. Nevertheless, prior to the start of the class, the teacher ought to clearly and directly tell the students concerning the new β†’

Science tells us the truth about reality

Therefore, it is apparent that the contribution of science in the way we live is immense. In the old times, the scientific truth about the shape of the earth was that it was flat.

Informal care providers

To solve the problem of care, the evaluation of the needs of each patient is dependent on the status of the family in terms of finance and preparedness. The Role of Informal Carers in Community Care".2011.


In the case of this narrative, The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife, the Doctor does not " steal" the wood because he logically reasoned out the possibility of a claim against those of the wood rotting. The representation of the self is a significant characteristic of modernism literature.

American dietary guidelines

The guidelines emphasize on the element of calories balancing as the key to managing one's weight. With the knowledge of what to eat, what not to eat, and how to balance one's weight through calories, the guidelines also provides information on how to define a healthy eating pattern in order to minimize their nutrient requirements β†’

Organizing framework education

In addition, the organization should be made up of qualified people who should have lateral and vertical relationships within the hierarchy, and with well-defined duties and responsibilities to be performed within the bounds of a set of policies and procedures aimed at allowing the entire company to perform according to strategic plans for the attainment β†’

Not finishing well

In the spiritual world, the light-bringer is the Prophet. We are reaching a new era in the history of mankind.

Wk 2 discussion 2

Hodges is apprehensive about Ernest being in her classroom because, as indicated in the article, " Ms. Hodges has never had students with mild intellectual disabilities in her class and is apprehensive that she will not be able to meet Ernest's needs".

Perception and learning – dissertation example

In this type of perceptual problem people have a wrong judgement over the qualities of others or a whole group set and they always take others in their own way of working and behaviour and believe that to be the right characteristics others should possess. Gilman should have identified the social identity of his employees β†’

What was the historical significance of the great railroad strike of 1877

The Importance of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 The great railroad strike of 1877 was the first major strike by an integral industry in the US. Streets, Railroads, and the Great Strike of 1877.

Article review

The Purpose of the Study The primary objective of the study was to assess the effect of practice on concurrent driving and phone conversation. In real world scenario, the impact of cell phone conversation on driving performance was highly significant.


Genetic Experiments Genetic Experiments Understanding the genetic make-up of every individual is essential from the earlier stagesof life since a great number of human diseases are as a result of genetic disorders ranging from inheritance to acquired types. When conducting genetic experiments, ethical norms and principals should not be violated and opposed as in the β†’

Medicare and medicaid module 4 ( case)

Over the years, Medicare has undergone remarkable changes in terms of changing economics, demographic, health care system and technologies in an effort to meet the needs of the dynamic society. This has made the United States to be regarded as the nation that spends the most on health care than any other country in the β†’

Marijuana use in students

However, since it is not as safe as it is believed to be, as per the results of the latest research, consumption of marijuana leads the smokers to a range of other addictive substances. Such a mindset makes the idea of using marijuana quite appealing for the students, especially because of the traditional perception that β†’

American muslims after september 11

However, the involvement of the Muslim-aligned terror group escalated the experience of the American Muslims. The worst part is the experience of the 9-year old daughter whose classmates and teachers associate with the terror group and a source of suffering to the American community.

Art-opinion paper

Robischon Gallery in the Denver art galleries, Colorado illustrates the importance of an art gallery to the progress of its culture. The Robischon Gallery in the Denver art galleries, Colorado is an awesome gallery to visit and there is a significant collection of the major artworks that belong to the contemporary as well as traditional β†’

Political and economic transition

They are usually granted by the government to the maker of a product and the government thereby, promises the company to restrict others to use the same process or produce the same product. There is a lot of information available on the internet that can easily be downloaded, copied and shared.

The importance of consderation

Analyze the Process a Couple Goes Through When Getting Engaged By the Terms Used For Contracting Institution Consideration Consideration is a vital element in the construction of a contract. Consideration is essential because the offer and acceptance of a promise unites the parties.


The company posted a 4% year-over-year increase in organic sales in the competitive markets and an 8% organic sales growth in emerging markets in the year 2014. Despite the poor performance, 25% of the company's revenue is generated from beauty products sales that has brought forth highly innovative product under the leadership of A.G.

Evaluation measures

Association of Fundraising Professionals Introduction The Association of Fundraising Professionals deals with communityempowerment through the support of its members, and their main aim is to promote professional services in philanthropy and fundraising. The alignment of products and services with a mission enables the association to launch different strategies and services to ensure that the satisfaction β†’

Analysis of the legal freedom rights enjoyed by the educators with examples of special scenario

Running Header: ANALYSIS OF THE LEGAL FREEDOM RIGHTS OF EDUCATORS Analysis of the Legal Freedom Rights Enjoyed by the Educators with Examples of Special Scenarios First Name Last Name University Name Class Professor Date The United States courts lay strong emphasis on the importance of the protection of the freedom rights granted to an educator. β†’

Describe three important reforms that occurred during the progressive era in american history. describe what each one of them was, and why each one was an important reform

Reforms in Progressive Era The progressive movement was one of the reform periods in the history of America. Another first reform was the abolitionism; a movement gained the strength during the first half of the nineteenth century.

Real world experience #2

Though the quality of the clothes and the work was same but problem was with the number of dresses. I announced that the bonus which was given annually to the employees is now attached with the monthly performance of the employees.

Discussion on digestive problems

Whereas laxatives are used as a remedy for constipation, continued use is not advised. Home remedies for constipation include taking a lot of water, and roughages as well as doing exercise.

An awkward event

He asked me why I was in a hurry to pick up my plates all by myself and go in the kitchen when the kitchen helper was kept primarily for this duty. When I recall this incident, all I can think of was that very awkward moment when I wrongly decided to pick up my β†’

Bhs 400 stress management (module 5 cbt)

I found the internet source " Stress Management Health Center by WebMD" useful to learn about health effects of stress and stress management strategies. Emotion-based strategies are the most commonly recommended strategies to deal with stress.

Week 13

The monk does not respect the teachings of how he should relate to the world but instead moves around the world to see and compare what is outside the church. From all this, it is evident to say that Geoffrey is indeed against the church, especially because of the church leaders and how they behave β†’

Refer to document

Response Paper Response on the aspects of behavioral finance that are present in today's stock market Even though this student thinks uncertainty and panic are among the big threats manifested in today's stock market, he thinks that some investors go ahead to trust in the investment opportunities that they find worth. Retrieved October 28, 2014, β†’

Eating disorder

Therefore, he started dieting and doing a lot of physical exercises due to which his body weight became less than the weight of a healthy person. Response to Second Discussion This discussion is also more on explaining the symptoms of and complications of both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

Discussion question response

The tool allows the importation of videos, slides, and tables to make a show. The tool has a web-built presentation that offers dynamic transitions and non-linear presenting.

Social change questions

The emergence of the social movement had resulted from the prevalent disagreement by the Indian natives on the new treatise imposed by the territorial legislature. The identification of roles is determined by the Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7 that details and executes the functions or responsibilities of each level of the government.5.

Texting while driving

Specifically, I seek to learn more on influences of texting while driving, how texting causes distraction to driving, and other communication alternatives that can be used instead of texting while driving. I have undertaken an initiative to switch off the phone while driving to avoid the temptation of communicating through texting.

Juvenile delinquency

And with the change in the family values in the modern world the pressure exerted on the juveniles according to the nature of their families has increased. Divorce is an important aspect which can lead to a distortion in the behavior of parents which can further lead the children to go into a state of β†’

The evolution of us gaap

The companies wanted to disclose it in the Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity. The law was enacted but according to the Act, the applicability was only in the case of options issued to the CEOs and the four most highly paid executives.

Eco mod 2 ca

8 IBM 10, 418 12, 334 13, 425 BAE 922 1, 768 Source: Annual Reports of Sulzer, IBM and BAE Sulzer: The net income of the company increased in 2008 by 14% however it declined in 2009 by 15.8%. 630 Source: Annual Reports of Sulzer, IBM and BAE Sulzer: The net operating cash flow of β†’

Colgate-palmolive company

1 Of Total Net Sales, in $ millions 74% 7, 802.9 2. 2 2, 374.1 U.S.

Request for college transfer

Over the time, I have managed to assist many of the students in realizing their dream in the field of music and personally helping them to acquire some basic skills needed to become successful in music. I have great communication skills that have helped me to advance in this field as that forms one of β†’

Sonnys blues the troubled elder brother

From the first lines of the story the reader gets the impression that Sonny's brother tries to block out, ignore the truth about his brother and his troubles. Thus inability to understand Sonny's lifestyle and desire to be a musician is due to the fact that the narrator sees Sonny as his little brother, a β†’

Five aspects of language knowledge

For example, it is necessary to be aware of the fact that there are five essential aspects of language knowledge to consider while learning a language. There is also the list of vocabulary that is applied to communicate by means of a certain language.

The city of frisco

This has brought increased revenue to the cities and attracted increased numbers of people searching for jobs in the area. For example, the population of Frisco has tripled in the 1990s and continues to grow drastically in the 21st century.

Liquidity trap

The banking sector is affected negatively by the loss of value of property that is occasioned by the liquidity trap, which means that the value of the collateral the bank holds against the loans granted to firms and households deteriorates. Further, the uncertainty created by the liquidity trap concept regarding the stability of the economy β†’

Threat of economic development in ireland

Economics As It Comes to Government Throughout history, the financial capability of a country has played a direct role in the day-to-day operations of the country itself as it comes to both their national needs, as well as the international goals. As it pertains to Irish environment, it can be determined that first a sense β†’

News paper summary

The company hopes to appear in the US listings at the close of the month. HP Chairman Whitworth to step Down to Focus on Health The article, HP chairman Whitworth to Step Down to Focus on Health, is about HP management and in particular its chairman Mr.

A savage wisdom by norman german

Critical Analysis of " A Savage Wisdom" By Norman German German's eloquent portrayal of the real life crimes of Annie Beatrice McQuiston, utilizes historical facts regarding the aliases of McQuiston mixed with a romanticized, portrayal of her to deliver a compelling and rich tale of fact and fiction. German creates a backdrop of colorful Louisiana β†’

Short story ,open boat by stephen crane, answers of college quiz (5 question)

This is because the narrator assumes to know the entire situation, including the feelings and the thoughts of the characters in the story. This conveys the perception of loneliness coming from the understanding and believing that all the workings and struggles in the universe are insignificant to its functioning.

Implementation and evaluation of webbased technologies in teaching medical and engineering students

Research Proposal 5 December, 2005 Implementation and Evaluation of Web-Based technologies in teaching medical and engineering With the availability of the Internet and the of growing use of these technologies in education many universities are turning to the use of web-based instruction to provide on-line courses to standardize course content and provide distance learning for β†’

Short response # 5

03 November 2007 The Virgin Suicides The boys were amazed to hear the girls' stories and gossip about the neighbors." As the houses passed, they had something to say about the families in each one, which meant, they had been looking out at us as intensely as we had been looking in". In referring to β†’


This is the macro perspective which is embedded in its sociological genesis and refers to the fact that there can be considerable similarities in people's social attitude- a behavior that ignores the apparent differences among the individuals. This is the micro perspective which is embedded in its psychological genesis and emphasizes the fact that there β†’

Stress and the neuroendocrine response

The effect of short-term stress on the brain is the increased activity of the cells in the hippocampus, the region responsible for learning and memory. Hippocampus The brain is the central organ in the body and especially to stress and its adaptation.

Method and meditations on first philosophy

Descartes applies the concept of God to prove to show the existence of God in ontological and trademark opinions. The two versions of Descartes ontological argument for the existence of God are that; First, God is the most perfect; in fact he is the greatest being possible.

Foundations of literature

A good example of all of this is James Joyce's story " Araby" is similar to many of the other stories in the collection Dubliners in that romantic ardour or feeling is influenced by the profound Roman Catholicism, which is a staple of Irish life. In a very real sense, much of the narrator's feeling β†’

Working conditions in the 1900

Labor in the US and in many other developing nations in the early 1900 was steadily growing and hence; there was a need to maximize the utilities in the working areas and conditions that labors engaged into. The reconstruction period in the early 1900 undermined the working and living environments of the blacks.

Not sure

Islam and Confucianism are two such religions that are difficult to be syncretized together. Islam is a monotheist religion and it is a compulsion to pray five times a day to an Almighty God, who is the creator and maintainer of the universe.

Examining current reverse logistics trends

The topic of examining current reverse logistics helps us narrow down to the best practices in the field and to determine the factors that hinder implementation of good reverse logistics practices. A number of reverse logistics practices apply in most of the organizations.

Free black people in antebellum america between 1820-1861

These emerging movements gave direction and mold for the black culture in the 20the century and later propelled the impetus for abolitionist movements that eventually emancipated the blacks such as the Civil Rights Movements which removed the invisible shackles of the blacks and made them equal in law and opportunity. In 1855, of Frederick Douglass β†’

Linguistic analysis of wole soyinka’s poem the telephone conversation

Presented in a long single stanza, the poem makes use of the conversational free verse that reveals the thoughts and responses of the speaker to a landlady's silences and crisp queries. The focus is on the presentation of the event that leads the reader through seemingly simple conversations to the blunt, liberating end that shows β†’


The purpose of this study will be to collect data and analyze the methods used in previous studies on the effectiveness of training in the workplace. What are the variables that can be used to find the relationship between workplace training and improved performance? 3.

Week two questions

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the body and also a source of calories to help maintain the weight of the body. Carbohydrates are also influential in the development of the body organs and also the nerve cells, and also in the definition of individual's biological identity like their blood group.Q.2.

Learning principles

By being appreciated for conversing in a language that is not foul, Billy will be motivated to stop using the language. This will reduce the chances of Billy to use foul language.

A to explain the importance of the pacing guide

The Importance of the Pacing Guide Pacing guides are documents used by all teachers in school to provide them with outlines that they use to plan instructions. Some of the pacing guides also provide teachers with assessment calendar as well as enabling them to effectively outline the curriculum to be used to cover all the β†’

Unauthorized immigration to the united states

In the article entitled " Unauthorized Immigration to the United States" by Thomas Espenshade, it is brought to our attention the amount of illegal immigration taking place in the US and what are the affects of the formal on the US labor force and the US economy. The easiest point to argue is that it β†’

The battle of saratoga

Some amongst them were Indians while there were also a considerable number of Canadian and Brunswickers combatants in the British force. The American combatants were somewhere between 12000 and 14000 in number.

Runaway jury

The duty of Fitch is similar to the duty of a jury consultant who is hired as a consultant to develop a jury for a trial. This movie is a clear depiction of how jury tampering takes place which is considered a crime in United States.

My antonia

Shimerda, Antonia's mother and Emmaline Burden, Jim's grandmother are two of the most important characters of the play The Antonia. Shimerda and Emmaline Burden are on the two opposite ends of the scale of personality.Mrs.

Advantage of the powerful weakness

Getting to lead the youth in the church, in some of the activities, was an honor. However, problems came as a result of failure to understand many of the peers in the group.

Hugo boss

To do this the company needed to treat these products specially by skipping some steps in production so that the process becomes faster and shorter. It is the goal of any company to seek new customers and most of all maintain the existing ones.


Money in this business: In the broadcasting radio stations money is made mostly through advertisements, when the companies come to know that a certain radio station has a large number of listeners then the companies tend to advertise with the radio station, advertisements are charged by the radio stations and their aims are to encourage β†’

I have a dream arthin luther king

I have a dream Marthin Luther King The reasons that Martin Luther King gives during his metaphoric speech comprise of the struggle that the AfricanAmericans have to go through in order to reach their goals. I Have a Dream Speech by Martin Luther King Jr.


The conference provided comprehensive and interactive sessions whereby all the parties involved cultivated their cross-cultural, listening and communication skills and experiences and learns about diverse systems of education, education significance, and various ways of developing and implementing it. The conference was more educating and I learned different aspects of a leaders and the entire aspect β†’

Challenges faced by utah state university

Albrecht, President of Utah, towards his faculty members, students and other university colleagues in an attempt to review the grave financial challenges currently being faced by the University amid tough global economic conditions, to review the actions that had been taken so far to cope with those challenges, to take into consideration the upcoming fiscal β†’

Mythology: epic of gilgamesh

The other aspect that will be discussed in the paper is about the lesson to be learned by the audience from these results of the paper. The lesson to be learned is that it is a fallacy that there are some people who are viewed as perfect and divine in character.

Occupational safety and health review commission

The employer defended this fine by stating that this case was a case of employee misconduct and the employer was not to be held responsible. The second defense that can be established by an employer to counter a citation is that the nature of work is such that it can not comply with the standards β†’

Observation on 3-4 years old

In full view of the child, the water from one container was poured into a thinner and taller container. In full view of the child, one of the dough masses was rolled out on the surface of the table into what resembled a long snake.

Assignment 4: best pratices

The main underpinning issue of the Womankind Addiction Service was that it was one of the changing needs of the clients. The addiction service field of healthcare required more attention and hence orders were passed through to develop the regionalization and also the rationalization process in order to improve the service deliveries of addiction related β†’

W6d teams

Teams Affiliation Teams The increase of team- based structures in the management of the organizational projects has increased with time. In conclusion, teams are important to an organization as they help in the achievement of certain tasks.

Legal monopoly in the usa

A good example of a government monopoly is the Postal Service of the US. Larson defines a patent as an example of a limited monopoly, in which the holder of the patent is given an exclusive right to develop, sale, and use the patented invention for a particular period of time.

Rebuttal and/or counter argument

Technology Technology is the branch of knowledge that applies science, engineering and art to come up with tools thatare useful to the society. The discovery of electricity has increased the number of catastrophes such as fire outbreaks, pollution and electric shocks.

About the play our town

The inevitability of death and decay prevails over the whole play, but the readers, concurrently, are reminded of the fact that life, yet, flows away its own pace in the face of such eternal decay and inevitable end. But it is until Emily's spirit appears at the town with a view to revive her past; β†’