Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

What was highly controversial about lessing’s text the education of the human race

In as much as this is true, the controversy comes from the fact that Lessings alludes that there is an element of divine intervention in the process of development of a human being. In summary, it is still very controversial to imply that there is a divine intervention in the process of human development.

English 103 – the respendent quetzal by margaret atwood

Essay: English 103 Topic: The Resplendent Quetzal by Margaret Atwood- the portrayal of North American tourists in Mexico The locale described in the story " The Resplendent Quetzal". The symbolic object of Mayan ruins becomes the destination of the couple and they hope the vacation in Mexico will restore the lost cheer back to their β†’

Family science and human development

Overview of Research s Overview of Research Introduction The relative integration of Family Science and Human Development theory and methodology has necessitated human investigators in these fields to focus on the major agenda of research that have recently pervaded research in social sciences. In areas of therapy, human development and family researchers have covered less β†’

Final exam

Since the better part of the war took place in the southern states, they suffered the larger loss. Reconstruction of the South In the political realm, southern leaders came back to the Washington capital and the federal government controlled each of the southern sates one by one.

Business ethics and organizational culture slp

The essay intends to evaluate a scholarly article that is titled, ' The Movement for Reforming American Business Ethics: A Twenty Year Perspective.' The essay will first summarize the article and then critically evaluate the relevance of the article to business ethics, that is, why the article matters. Pertaining to the movement of moral genesis β†’

Current even paper

Two of the key issues of supply chain management are being able to manage customer relationships and bring new products and services to the market. One of the key issues supply chain management attempts to address is the quality of products and services.

Fire protection hydraulics and water supply

Conversely, the elevation pressure must be decreased in order to maintain the level of the forward pressure. In a Fire protection system, the backpressure and the forward pressure must be properly controlled in order to maintain a particular quantity of fluid that passes through the nozzle.

Solution-focused therapy

The Solution Focused therapy developed by Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg, and their team in the mid-1980s is a short-term and a goal-focused therapy which helps in bringing about a change in the client by building solutions and not by concentrating on the problem. Thus this therapy looks at the problem in a positive β†’

Case study: bribery

S Foreign Corrupt Practices Act provides for certain policies to fight corruption in the form of bribery in the business. The act has made making payments in form of bribery to the officials working for a public body as illegal.

Conflict theory and functionalism

The thing that underpins the functionalist view of religion as a contributing factor of the continuation and health of the society is that fact that it views it as one of the major components that make up the society besides family, school, education, mass media, economy, and polity. Functionalism is the theory that best describes β†’

Functionalism and social conflict theories

Functionalism and Social Conflict Theories The functionalism theory views society as operating because of the interaction of each of its' parts to promote a stable society, whereas the social conflict theory looks at society as a conflict between the interests of the relatively few who own the means of production and the majority who must β†’

The annual report

In addition to giving information about the company's performance, annual reports also highlights the projections of the company for the coming year. The other audiences who are likely to be interested in the annual report of the company are the suppliers.

The brain all you areis here

The different readings assigned revealed significant findings about the functions of the brain, potential of the brain to develop as people gain experience, injuries and their effect on certain parts of the brain, as well the " self" within the brain. The article titled " corina's brain" is about a sensitive brain tumor operation that β†’

Response week 9 m

Burton also had a lot of knowledge when it came to understanding and explaining other things, all these being the characteristics that made him a cosmopolitan The contamination of cosmopolitanism came from the homogeneity from globalization, it is however important to understand that even homogeneity can affect globalization equally in the view using Kumasi, homogeneity β†’

Current or historical event analysis & human resource management

The life of the workers and employees are much faster in the present days and it has affected the elements of the motivation of the employees. The Issue In order to ensure efficient performance of the team and that of the overall organization, it is really crucial that the team leaders or the project managers β†’

Incentory valuation

Inventory Valuation Palermo Wine Company The Chief Financial Officer 1st June The Auditors Dear Sirs, Re: Inventory Valuation This letter serves to justify the position of Palermo Wine Company to maintain the value of its inventory in its account at 31st May 2010. On that date, approximately one third of the company's inventory, which consisted β†’

Discussion question response

In your outline, the four basic developmental stages include: End-user development, agile development, component-based, and the object oriented development. I therefore agree that mode of formality is the difference between other modes and system development life cycle.

Existentialism — reading intrepretation of the stranger by albert camus

The peculiarity of Meursault's personality and behavior especially in the first part of the book defines a man who is disturbed by society. As the book ends, there is a new vision for Meursault in the context of self discovery and realization of life.

Kidney failure scenarios

Lack of insulin leads to the high sugar levels in the kidney and therefore, the body tries to balance such high levels of sugar by retaining large amounts of water in the body, hence the low output of urine. Hodges kidney is affecting the rest of his body because it is associated with heart failure.

Guillermo furniture store

As the company faced higher costs the revenues of the firm decreased simultaneously because the competition took a lot market share away from Guillermo Furniture Store. Guillermo Furniture Store decided to seek a different option that required a low investment, but enabled the company the ability to lower its cost of goods sold.


Bruce Katz of the Brookings Institute and David Brooks of The Weekly Standard both recognize the realities of exurban growth, but disagree on the real forces driving the migration. But it is Katz that identifies the taxes and planning processes that allow this sort of development to happen in the first place.

Health policy goals that can guide decision making by health advocate

Heath policy advocates should adapt cost-oriented measures that will work over a long time and should be guided by the following goals; encouraging more international competition to reduce treatment prices, reducing cost of malpractice coverage and the need for defensive medicine, ensuring treatment choices that are most effective and efficient, restoring more volunteerism to the β†’

Why can we only see one side of the moon

Additionally, as the moon rotates around the earth in its orbit, the earth exerts a torque on the rotating system of the moon. Miles, Kathy." Why Do We See Only One Side of the Moon?" Starryskies.Com.2008.Web.

Cartilage tear injury

Symptoms The major symptoms include mild to severe pain, swelling of the knee joint, audible click or pop in the knee, and at times knee lock occurs. First aid In case of a cartilage tear, the patient is first given a physiotherapy treatment to lessen the pain and inflammation or swelling of the joint.

Analysis of the poem acquainted with the night

He is familiar with the geography of the city; the second theme is loneliness; the third theme is the speaker's sadness. The overall tone of the poem is sad and apathetic." Acquainted with the Night," means he has come to terms with the night.

The change in young goodman brown

It is witnessing of the meeting between the woman and his companion who is presented as the devil, that first opens Young Goodman Brown's eyes to the idea that the people he has considered so good in his lifetime are as full of sin and corruption as anyone. Crying " my Faith is gone!", Goodman β†’

The name adithya

The name Adithya also has other meanings such as ' The First' or ' Lord of the sun.' The name " Adithya" originates from being a ' Descendant of Aditi' or ' Belonging to Aditi', who was the Hindu mother goddess of the sky and fertility. The name Adithya is quite popular and hence quite β†’

Study skills – methods of studing

For this assignment, there are three aims and objectives that I have set to insure that I do the assignment correctly, completely, and produce high quality work. Because of this, I feel that aims and objectives need to be set for all assignments, as they will aid in me having a fabulous academic career.

Entrepreneur report

Additionally, I also have strong self-believed in terms of evaluating my own strengths and weaknesses, which can also help me to play the role of an entrepreneur efficiently. In the context of the role as a risk taker, I should highly focus on strengthening my abilities to deal with different complexities and uncertainties that are β†’

Google talks with groupon are ended without deal

Google and Groupon Merger Analysis The issues The article discusses the issue of merger of Groupon with Google. As a part of compliance management, the company which has agreed to be sold is bound by the breakup fee agreement.

Multiculturalism integrated in physical education

With a firm understanding of teachers who teach multicultural education it helps to ensure that each and every student receives the same opportunity of learning in the classroom. In conclusion, for the implementation of multicultural education to be successful, educator must have the knowledge of embracing different beliefs, perceptions and also experiences.

My point of view on assisted suicide

This essay begins now with a concise introduction to euthanasia and the ethical, social and legal aspects of euthanasia in America. Jack Kevorkian and the UK's Alan Reyes, participating in an assisted suicide can carry harsh penalties and is a crime throughout much of the world.Dr.

Lateralization of the brain

Here Here Here Here Lateralization of the Brain A recent study by Marc Schmidt investigatesthe role of lateralization in the brain as it relates to information processing systems. The specialization of brain hemispheres occurs in many areas, showing that the brain is not just a combination of two redundant systems.

Analyze the following passage in terms of the nietzsche’s account of aesthetics in the birth of the tragedy

Analyse the following passage in terms of the Nietzsche's account of aesthetics in The Birthof Tragedy: Nietzsche's " The Birth of Tragedy" takes a somewhat different approach to the exemplification of the then " modern" art that was beginning to come to prominence in the world in which he lived. What is peculiar and interesting β†’

American and japanese motorcycles

American and Japanese Motorcycles Japanese Motorcycles Dream Machines In the 1950s Japanese motorcycles were being designed to be bigger and betterperformance motorcycles. To bikers around the world, Harley-Davidson is the motorcycle which has been around for a hundred years and can be claimed as the founder pf motorcycles.

Lived experiences of the time preceding burnout by ekstedt and fagerberg

The first reaction to the article when reading on the phenomenological study of pre-burnt experiences is that the article initiates the real experiences of those who are involved in the research design. This is because the research design enables the reader to examine situations and develop the relevant experiences from the study according to the β†’


This rapid division results in large accumulation of the organism within the intestinal tract of the hosts beginning with the ileum and followed by infection of the duodenum and the large intestine. The time taken for the oocytes to be shed in the feces is about 4 days and they can be shed in the β†’

Training and development

Within the needs assessment, the analysis of the organization is done so as to find out where the employees are lacking and what the organization can provide to them as a result of the same. Then after, the learning principles under the aegis of training and development are given out to the employees through the β†’

Candide by voltaire

Harris Kamran History and Political Science Analysis 8 April Candide by Voltaire It is evident after reading the novel " Candide" by Voltaire, written in 1759, that Voltaire denounces the established ideas and practices of the society, and dares to challenge the norms, to the extent of bordering on blasphemy. The writer has, through his β†’

Analysis a passage

Passage Analysis It is clear that the sets it as a fundamental point in the passage that association between people is their means of existence. To further support his claim, the author asserts that it is the presence of material gain that largely influences the association of people in the production endeavor.

Management information systems

However, the the system was up within minutes in the flash crash 2010, whereas, the Black Monday too much time to restore the system. Moreover, the information system in the case study experienced criticism from not only the teachers but also the parents of the students.

Strategic planning / issues

In the example of the food industry, failure to comply to such regulations and fulfill social responsibility causes a change from rules set by the industry to those set by the government that are clear and detailed. Aligning your strategic plan with the requirements of the society will successfully help the organization manage regulatory risk β†’


Debate about the Death penalty The right of death penalty for existence is one of the most controversial issues. If to listen to the proponents of the death penalty, it is not possible to consider them wrong.

Income inequality: natural but unfair

Many employers are conscious of the fact that income inequality might serve to demotivate the lesser paid employees, and thus try to minimize income inequality and possibly, avoid it altogether. Income is also used as a tool to enhance the performance of employees, and can be reduced as a liability for poor performance on the β†’

Human service assignment#6

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Introduction Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an international documentthat binds all nations under the United Nations and states on fundamental rights and freedoms that all human are entitled regardless of their social backgrounds. Relevance of Universal Declaration of Human Rights to human services professionals One of the fundamental roles β†’


In the essay " What's Black, Then White, and SaidAll Over?" Savan uses the phrase " paying the dues" when she talks about the use of the black language by the white people. Close reading of the text reveals that the term " paying the dues" refers to the recognition of the struggle and suffering β†’

Impact on others

It is therefore imperative that individual actions must be scrutinized in terms of the effect irrespective of the victims. It is therefore not acceptable for to justify a given action on the reason that it does not harm another person.

How the trp operon works

It acts as repressor in the transcription processes and greatly facilitates in the study of DNA and RNA. When it is liberated in the operator, the transcription is made possible and promotes genetic transfer of characteristics.

Strategic plan for robin hood and merry men and women

The primary and the most challenging issue that robin is facing is the management of the organization which is growing at an enormous pace. A financial order within the organization is the need of the hour for Robin and BMMMW.

Philsophical assignment number 3

His works present Logos as a part of the nature and arguethat Logos is everywhere and in everything. Logos that is common to all people can be also referred as the Universal Logos; it is the truth, the universal law and the power that governs all things.

Asset classes

The research delves on the Merrily Lynch Mutual fund investments. The company groups the total invested funds of all the investors and invests the cash inflows in several Class A Asset Class companies listed in the United States stock exchange.

Creative paper

Contrary to the arguments that the brain is logical, I would argue that the brain is emotional because the emotion of fear at least, does originate in the brain According to my research which builds upon the research of others, fear in particular, the human body begins to show the external physical signs of fear β†’

Watch america movie (1999)

In the beginning his intensions to make a movie called " NorthWestern" movie requires financial support and experience, so he changes his plan. He also seems to have a depth of field which is reflected in his ideas about the Northwestern movie.

Criminology 1 question dark figure of crime

Dark figure of crime Dark figure of crime Dark figure of crime is a criminology idiom in regards to crime statistics showing the number of unreported as well as undiscovered crimes within given governance. The FBI crime department in United States of America majorly uses the Uniform Crime Reports system of data collection of crime.

Nixons politics

He was one of the most popular presidents of the United States especially due to his foreign policies". Nixon was extremely concerned with preventing wars and his foreign policy was entirely different with the foreign policy of the Cold Wars.

United states postal service

of the of the Submitted The US Postal Service Case Study The Organization's Current Strategy The current strategy of USPS is to serve the customers to the best of their ability, using their strengths to deliver correspondence and packages to them on a consistent and timely basis so as to provide them opportunities for trade, β†’

Marginalization of native americans from the economic and social centers of the nation

The Marginalization of Native Americans From the Economic and Social Centers of the Nation and Its Consequences Word Count: 536 I. The marginalization of Native Americans from economic and social centers is detrimental to First Nation peoples, as well as having major social consequences due to both of these issues which is discussed in Louise β†’

Pepsi co bid for quaker oats

In 2000 Pepsi had a current ratio of 1. The return on assets of Quaker is much better than Pepsi.

Summa theologica

This will result in a chain of questioning the first cause, thus, the existence of God is the answer. Faith is the main evidence in the existence of God since he is the first mover, the first cause and the one who exists based on his own reason.

Descriptive analysis (compare/contrast) part-by part

For the large family, the car pool, or the long vacation this car is not ideal. For example, the favorite car of most kids is the BMW.

Current market conditions – toyota

The main competitors of Toyota in the market today are General motors and Honda. It has been analyzed due to increased demand for Toyota vehicles all over the world; Toyota has to boost up the supply of their vehicles in the market.

Brain imaging

Energy consumption of the brain in children is higher than that of adults because the brain gobbles more glucose when the body experiences slow growth. In which part of the brain has a stroke patient experienced a disruption of blood flow?

Why was the scopes trial important and what do you believe schools should teach today about the subject explain your reasoning

Why the scopes trial was important and what schools should teach today about the The Tennessee legislature made into law the Butler Act, which made it unlawful for teachers in public institutions of learning to present factually any theory of creation apart from the biblical account. In addition, the trial revealed the conflicting sides of β†’


MEMORANDUM White House Chief of Staff Preeti Raghunath, Policy Analyst RE: MEMO CONCERNING WORLD POLARITY AND THE UNITED S' POSITION DATE: OCTOBER 27, 2009 BACKGROUND In a world of technology and military might, the United States has wielded supreme power and authority, especially in the light of the Post-Cold War era. In addition to this, β†’

Pyschological and sociological theoretical explanations of suicide

Psychological and Sociological Theoretical Explanations of Suicide Sigmund Freud explained the psychological theories of suicide." To him, suicide was essentially within the mind". The hopelessness theory also well defines the psychological aspect of suicide which, according to Beck's concept of the cognitive triad, makes a person think negatively about himself, his future and the world β†’

The sarbanes-act of 2002 and its effects on businesses

The act increased the accountability and transparency of the financial information that public companies release. A great measure that the Sarbanes-Oxley mandated was the requirement of public companies to create internal control measures.

Cosmetic retailing project of shiseido

In the mid-1990s, the rise products showed that customers were willing to sacrifice service for the price. Akira Tsuruma, managing director of Shiseido, estimates that half of the company's sales will come from the serif category in the future.

Journal free writing

What I do like about reading is that it is a very soothing text. I think it is a key text to be read when one is depressed.

Case 12-1; litchfield corporation

However, the resale margins made by an exporter's UK subsidiary for instance; is not likely to be included in a US exporter's profits that the federal government charge income tax unless; The subsidiary allocates its resale margins to the parent company though a dividend The subsidiary in a foreign country is at least 10% owned β†’

Fetal tissue transplantation

The greatest challenge that confronts the medical fraternity in the present age is the unavailability of other options with regard to the treatment of Parkinson's disease. In conclusion, it must be realized that the concept of fetal tissue transplant is a very important realization in the medical fraternity.

Managing human resources

The HR team is considered to be the think tank of the organisation and the employees as the working body. The work of the HR team is to recruit qualified candidates for the company or any organisation.


of Affiliation What economic and technological factors shaped the development of cities and urban life in the late 19thand early 20th centuries? Also, availability of rail transport system and the demand of manpower to work in the factories that were being setup led to migration to regions with industries.

Women suffrage

Women's Suffrage Movement Women's suffrage movement started with the occurrence of the first women's rights convention in 1848, which was organized at Seneca Falls in New York." After 2 days of discussion and debate, 68 women and 32 men sign a Declaration of Sentiments, which outlines grievances and sets the agenda for the womens rights β†’

Questions for criminal justice class

In actual sensed, it is stated that the representative that should take care of the inmates are the ones that instigate these practice. First, there is the key element of friction between the police and the citizens.

Using technology with classroom instruction that works

The Professional Development Activity in Context Self-directed professional development model can be considered as one of the major learning models which ensure to acquire adequate learning process without any support from the peers and professors. Based on this context, the self-directed professional development model can be regarded as an imperative approach for the teachers in β†’

Evolution of the homeland security agency

The NIPRNet will basically be depending on the high speed of the UGVs for transportation of data records to the headquarters in order to allow faster relaying of data across the network. Therefore, the UGVs will be depended upon to transport manual files to the agency buildings for effective sharing of information across the network.

Chomsky’s linguistics

The paper " Chomsky's Linguistics, Popperian Way of Doing Science, and Kuhn's Ideas of the Paradigm Change" is an excellent example of a term paper on humanitarian. Kuhn's ideas of the paradigm change can be observed in many spheres of science, and linguistics is not an exception.

Academic writing task

According to Suhr, the shortage of nurses has led to increase the number of foreign skilled nurses in the workforce, whilst the nursing education rendered a significant number of male and advance in age new graduate nurses. 7% registered nurses in the workforce from minority backgrounds, a significant surge in the number of men in β†’

Post-racial society

The idea of post-racial society associated with Barack Obama's presidency in America was a dream, which shattered with the passage of time due to deliberate ignorance of Government on the problems faced by African Americans. In US today, 13% of the population represent black and over 1 million of the population suffer from HIV in β†’

Citizenship and naturalization

It is here that the role of tests comes underway as these immigrants have to undergo a test so that they can attain the citizenship of the country. He briefs that 38% of the citizens failed the test and 29% of these citizens did not even know the name of the vice president.

Drug store drugstore and pharmacy history

RUNNING HEADER: The Dangers of Patent Medicine The Dangers of Patent Medicine BY YOU YOUR SCHOOL INFO HERE HERE The Dangers of Patent Medicine During the 1800s, it was common for various elixirs, potions, and herbal remedies to be sold to mass market consumers which contained formulas and ingredients that posed significant long-term health risks. β†’

Forming researc questions

The variables under study are: The knowledge exhibited by the women from the Miami Beach area towards female condoms used as a means of prevention of STIs The likelihood of use of female condoms exhibited by the women from the Miami Beach area in an attempt to prevent STIs This research question will provide data β†’

Interrelatedness of everything in indigenous religions

Interrelatedness of Everything in Indigenous Religions Interrelatedness of Everything in Indigenous Religions To provide an effective response to these questions, one needs to qualify the meaning of indigenous religions. It was disclosed that " to maintain the natural balance of the circles of existence, most indigenous peoples have traditionally been taught that they must develop β†’

Program plan section 3 data management plan

Effort evaluation: The amount of the effort put by whole of participants for the STAR program is exactly called as effort evaluation. What is the number of people who found success with the program 5.

Module 7

398, Activities 2 As a marketing research manager of a local bank asked to assess the demand potential of a certain area it is essential to keep in mind that when a marketing problem or opportunity arises, it is imperative that a researcher begin by conducting a secondary research. As a group product manager it β†’

How can we fix k-12 education

Lastly, for K-12 education system to be successful, it must be incorporated in the school curriculum itself. Attracting Phds to K-12 Education: A Demonstration Program for Science, Mathematics, and Technology.

Do you think its ethical or even effective to sue ff industry or individual companies

The food culture of America is highly influenced by the advertisements of fast food chains which is responsible for the rise in the rate obesity among people and the resultant health cost and the reduction in the life span. Since the government has not made vital regulations to control the fast-food chains and the consumers β†’

Service delivery model

Since the present study has been focused on the services being offered by Baderman Island Resort to the wide range of its clients for event conducting, the following things are required from the event management organization: Adequate arrangement of nearly 750 rooms for the customers, and the spouses and children as well within the premises β†’

Discussion questions-z

The predisposition that the tourists previously held is eliminated through the social interactions that transpire between the locals and the tourists. The US tourists are portrayed as sociable and respectful of the natives.

How to drive defensively

Furthermore, when I would transition to driving the car, I would oftentimes forget that I was not still on the motorcycle and was able to still keep the invisibility frame of mind open with respect to driving the car. Being able to react quickly is but a small percentage of what defensive driving involves; the β†’

Body image

The notion of sexuality and looking or appearing like the models in the commercial is of a great significance to the adolescents. Retrieved from accountid= 45049 This article investigates the major challenges relating to body image that affects self-image of adolescent boys and girls.

Skin cancer

A culmination of factors have led to an increase in the prevalence of skin cancer and these include damage to the ozone layer by industrial activity and the new methods that have been created for tanning such as tan salons or even spending excessive amounts of time under the sun. Conclusion Skin cancer is a β†’

Marketing management project wk4

The importance of market segments to the business owners is that they assist in identifying how to distribute and present products or services to consumers, having in mind that each market segment is unique in its needs. 0 Situation Analysis To understand a market and the impact of a product or service on it, several β†’

Response paper to miner reading

Body Ritual among the Nacirema of the of the Body Ritual among the Nacirema The article that I have used for writingabout is entitled as " Body Ritual among the Nacirema" written by Horace Miner. However, the way of acceptance and indicating knowledge about the medicine is different and suits the people who believe in β†’


The main areas in my research paper will be why abortion should be illegal, the alternatives to abortion and the social and biblical approach when dealing with abortion. According to Naden it is against the society and biblical norms to carry out an abortion.