Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

The place of african traditional religion in contemporary africa

African Traditional Religion in Contemporary Africa African Traditional Religion in Contemporary Africa The sacrilege of Africa in earlier days by the Western European powers totally and undesirably affected the customary cultures of the native African people to the level that many traditional principles, customs, social values, and rituals were either entirely destroyed or overlooked. Sangos β†’


Inclusivism is the act of accepting the fact that one set of beliefs is entirely true, but the rest are only partially true. Pluralism, in regards to religion, is the act of accepting that all religious paths are true, or, at least, not accepting that only one religion is the true one.

Employment and society

Gender equality in the workplace has been an issue for so long ever since women have penetrated the working Assumptions that work against women have always been the perpetuator behind the glass ceiling that prevents women to gain financial benefits and employment or advancement opportunities. Although there are women being promoted to the next level, β†’

Student’s post 4

I also concur with your recommendation of a motivational leadership approach because of the organization's competitive environment that requires empowerment and influence towards competitive advantage. I also think that your post on the organization's leadership, human resource management, and culture are more descriptive than analytical.

Individual theories

As a result, people who commit crimes are aware of their actions' legal consequences, or ought to have been aware, and this awareness forms the basis of understanding the reasons why some adolescents are still motivated to committing crimes while others are not. Some adolescents are therefore motivated to commit crimes because of their compromised β†’

Diversity in my daily life

When I leave the house, diversity is more pronounced in the streets through the different people I get to see and encounter: people from different cultures, ethnic and racial orientation, demographic profile, points of origin and destination, to name a few. I learned to embrace diversity as a positive part of one's daily life through β†’

The hotel industry

The Hotel Industry The Hotel Industry Hotel industry provides lodging services paid on a short-term basis. R, & Walker, J.T.

Sherlock holmes and the police

Sherlock Holmes and the Police Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective used in publications from 19th and 20th century. The investigation Sherlock Holmes unearths, he brings to the police and he finds fun in baffling the police inspectors with his detective deductions.

African american culture reflection response

African American society is considered to be indigenous to the relations in the U.S.of the Middle Passage' survivors. African American culture considers names to be regularly have some connection with the same dialect group as other mainstream names found in American culture.

Paper 2

The bank showed profit in the last four figures is a testimony to the successful strategic actions taken by the management. Pandit in an address to the company employees listed the following objectives to spearhead the bank to old glories.1.

History j3

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, gives a first-hand account of the capture of Africans, their shipment across the Atlantic and their transformation into slaves in America. Olaudah Equiano gives a vivid description of the Middle Passage which demonstrates the terror of the prisoners, the abject conditions on board and the attitude β†’

Type of conflict

There was prevailing miscommunication among the cities and municipalities as to the level of participation of each and this includes the extent of responsibility of each. This was the main reason why it became evident after the incident involving the death of a person due to the group's negligence that each became quick to wash β†’

Communication report (reflection paper)

For instance, I wanted to obtain deeper understanding on the relationship of communication and human beings, I wanted to get knowledge on various theories of communication, origin and their proponents, get knowledge of different contexts of communication of human beings and how they are contrasted from others such as small groups, interpersonal and intercultural, develop β†’

Level of accomplishment in writing

Prior to taking the course, I can consider my way of writing to be less focused based on the fact that I write in a manner that somewhat disregards any form of attachment to either personal emotions or that of the audience. Upon examining my progress through the course, I have come to a conclusion β†’

Reasons for choosing uc san diego

The area around the university has many entrepreneurial communities who have good relationships with the university. The University of San Diego.


Some of these may compriseof the facilities present in the learning institutions, the resources that the students are in access to, as well as the professionalism of their tutors among other things. In connection to the above, it is also important to note that the academic success of students may also rely on some of β†’

The state of connecticut vs arnold bell – the difference between the spirit and the letter of the law

So, the trial court heard the case for the second charge " whether the history of Bell conducted was of nature that he should be kept behind bars for an extended period". The court agreed to Bell's claim that it was indeed unconstitutional and remanded the second part of the case for a new hearing.

Analysis of an artwork

The " Bronze Statuette of a Veiled and Masked Dancer" falls under the latter subject matter which as the name imparts is a representation of a dancer whose face is concealed in the folds of her veil. The said statuette is displayed at the Greek section of the Metropolitan Museum of the Art.*please put detailed β†’

Detail the basic features of government in the american colonies. what were the major similarities and differences between the government of the mother country and that of the colonies

While many Americans believe in the doctrine of American exceptionalism, the United States is influenced to a great part by the systems of the England particularly in government. The Court of the Governor was supposed to be the principal arm that advised the governor of a colony.

National association of school psychologist

All of the relevant information is buried at the left side of the page. I find it interesting that the first things that catch the eye on this site are the advertisements to join the organization and to register for the annual convention.

World mythology

The creation myths of the Zulu in Southern Africa and the Inca in South America hold true to these two themes. In the Inca creation myth, the god of the sun orchestrates the creation of the earth and all that is in it.

Discuss three obstacles to your education

There is also an obstacle in the form of balancing my studies with my work which becomes a difficult thing at the end of the day. I need to manage my time better in the coming days and for this, I have already chalked out a plan so that there are no shortcomings and frustrations β†’

Hardened/open border paradox forum 3 hlss311

The outcome leaves the United State of America in a position in which they bear a huge percentage of terrorism.n nOvertime and other industrial economies have incentives to stop pay riding in the United States of America and adopt tighter security measures. An attempt to minimize the cost of hardened borders will result to a β†’

Critical issues

Schetchikova seems to have presented the idea well, but there is a lack of evidence to support that ADHD is a disorder. According to the facts presented, ADHD is not a disorder.

Challenges facing the refugee students in ontario canada

Challenges Facing the Refugee in Ontario Canada Affiliation Challenges facing the Refugee in Ontario Canada The increased immigration to Canada is increasing pressure on the education system as the students have challenges in getting used to a new system away from their countries of origin. The English Literacy Development Program can offer a solution to β†’

Article summary

Ultimately, Julius told Chesnutt the tale of how the former plantation owner had had so much of his revenue lost to many blacks coming and eating the scuppernong grapes prior to harvest and unlawfully that the owner set out to hire an enchanter to curse the vines and thereby save his profits from being eaten. β†’

Teaching in multilingual classrooms

The school also provided similar conditions for me to work with more proficient peers in the classroom and I know that this interaction helped me in first learning and then acquiring my second language. I also did not know that my knowledge of and ability in my first language helped me to work and think β†’

Part of the marketing plan (marketing objectives & issues)

Opportunities: Mobil Gym has the opportunity to tap into a latent market segment of individuals who have the desire to join a gym but lack the time and motivation to travel out to one. It has a unique concept and the opportunity to tap into market segments not yet accessed, and it needs to be β†’

Literary criticism analysis papr

The older waiter, who has also passed the age, when he can look forward to going home to a wife and family, watches the interaction between the impatience of youth, and the hopelessness of old age. The old man is at the end of his life and has nothing to look forward to.

Check and balance

The world knows him as the CEO of Apple Inc, as the holder of more than 230 patents worldwide, as the largest individual shareholder at Walt Disney, and as the person who turned around Apple to make it what it is today. This paper is an attempt to look at the personality of Apple's CEO, β†’

Response to progress report

Due to the importance of the impending event, there are some instructions, which I want you to follow. In addition, I would like to get some recommendations from you, suggesting how to solve the problem of decline in charitable donations.

How imagery is used in emily dickinson’s because i could not stop for death

Full and number of The Use of Imagery in Dickinson: " Because I could not stop for Death" Patterson in her seminal work, Emily Dickinson's Imagery, " formally presents her major argument that the poets recurrent imagery of major themes [including death] is a symbolic expression of her unconscious erotic feelings". It is here that β†’

Sociology reflection

Conflict theories revolve around the concept that how social order is controlled and maintained by the authoritative figures with greater share in political, social and economic resources and how they dominate the lives of weaker groups. A culture is the basic element that is required to form a structure of a society and it gives β†’

Week 2 – leadership

Because they are self-aware and focused, they can be relied upon by the top management to spearhead to the prosperity of the organization in which they are entrusted with leadership. Thins, can in turn, be a better way of restoring the confidence of the followers and motivating them to dedicate their time for the service β†’

Take home exam

They face the dilemma of stealing as the rest of the street children or working for their survival. This results in the death of their sister due to a fever, since they were not able to purchase medicine.

The gulf war

CNN covered the Gulf War very well, the two countries involved in the war used CNN to let the world know of what was happening and what were the two countries trying to do." The real war, fought in the two first months of 1991, also used the media. The role of CNN in Gulf β†’


It is important to me to learn as much as I can from the course material, my professor, and my fellow classmates. I want to work and earn a good income in order to financially support my family and provide them with the best quality of living possible.

Online personality tests

10 November, Test Analysis This is my reflection on the " Short Personality Test" from "" the link to which I have mentioned in the end of this paper. Test 2; Analysis This is my reflection on " The Big Five Personality Test" the link to which is mentioned in the end of this β†’

Privilege operating

PRIVILEGE A privilege is a benefit or a right to do something given to some people and not to the other people. Our social class is a privilege in that, we are able to have some things that the less privileged lack such as expensive lifestyles.

The drug fighting aids

I have set up my research as follows: Research Hypothesis: To conduct testing to determine if there is a significant level of difference in the study population given the new drug when compared to a control group given a placebo. The independent variable will be the use of the new drug, and the dependent variable β†’

Irish catholic church

Discussion: The waning influence of the Irish Catholic Church over the Irish Republic was reflected in the changes that were seen in the alterations that were brought about in Irish law in relation to the influence of the Roman Catholic doctrine that started in the 1980s. The decline of the Irish Catholic Church in Ireland β†’

Topic proposal on should testimonies of lay witnesses be allowed in court

Methodology This research would identify the response to the question; whether testimonies of lay witnesses should be allowed in court or not. Answer to this question would be obtained from different categories of people involved in cases that include but are not limited to lawyers, judges, lay witnesses, and the plaintiffs.

Art histort 300-2

In American Pop art, some of the famous proponents were Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol. During the middle of the 1950s, some artists diverged from Abstract Expressionism and used non-traditional art materials to emphasize the popular culture of their times.

Statistics for managers class discussion wk5

The sample accuracy was reflected on the data weight influence due to sampling error, wording of the questions or survey conducting challenges; this reduces the biasness and error in findings of the public opinion. Most drug and pharmaceuticals company test their drugs on a certain focus group to test the curative and side effects of β†’

Scurity policy framework outline

This is the first of five Security Policies inside the ASWERA Security Policy Framework; delineating the obligatory security necessities and organizational provisions and measures to which all Branches and Agencies ought to adhere to. The efficient use embracing the sharing and security of intelligence is a fundamental significance for Management.

Note cards

Use as support in Main Idea 3 lowering of quality Shaw, A. Use as support in Main Idea 3 lowering of quality Tanner, M.


The objective of this research piece will be to first break down a the topic into a number of different sub categories such as people studying to be social workers, people who were recently hired as government social workers, people who have been working as a government social worker for a long time etc. In β†’

Group therapy techniques

Running Head: Group Therapy Group Therapy Techniques of the of the For a group leader, one the most valuable skills is the proper knowledge of Ethical and Profession Guidelines as it is through the guidance of the leader that a group thrives. Group leaders are required to be highly observant, if a member is blocking β†’

Effects of fast foods on health

This study shows that a large number of people are affected by obesity but at a low extent. The reason behind this is the intake of a very small amount of vegetables and fruits per week as compared to heavy intakes of fast food which increase the levels of cholesterol and fats in human body.


The second is Dharma which is the sum total of Buddhist teachings on how to view the world. In the Buddhist teachings are the three marks of reality which are constant change, lack of permanent identity, and the existence of suffering.

Interpret the law of secured transactions

According to the case, the first party to present the financing statement has priority to the collateral. The creditor who acquired the security interest later also has a valid claim towards the collateral.

Identify and give the significance of the east asia history words

He was born in yotsuya district in in Tokyo japan, his father was azusa hiraoka. Tanaka Kakuei was born on 4 may 1918 and died on 16 december 1993.he was a Japanese politician and became the prime minister of japan.


By carefully studying the arrangement and also the rearrangement of the basic elements, the visible world can be illustrated without admitting changes of the real level. The atoms are tiny and also indivisible particles.

Examining emotions, attitudes, and job satisfaction

This means that the workers can share their experience with the client to influence them to buy the product. To summarise this section, the chain store is able to show the significance of each role in the management cycle since each of the workers take part in the management cycle and they know their own β†’


The concept of the neighborhood store format goes against Wal-Mart's strategy of standardizing its stores in the United States. Another major challenge that Wal-Mart faces in its international expansion plans is adapting to the culture of other countries.

Methods of analysis

Therefore, the procedure seeks to identify the cheapest way of the shipping of the goods and is done repeatedly until the best results are obtained. Cost Benefit Analysis is a methodical manner that involves the calculations and comparison of the various benefits and the costs of any planning process.

Answer questions

The Black Death had direct effect on the socializing of the Europeans because it lead to persecutions of the Jews and the leapers due to the accusation that they had poisoned waters and air leading to the deaths and ill health conditions of the people. It, therefore, had positive addition to civilization in Europe, hence, β†’

Meso-american civilization

Meso American civilization Meso American civilization is the term used to refer to the early American civilizations that developed around 1200 the coastal regions south of the Gulf of Mexico referred to as the Olmec civilization. Early Indian civilization was highly developed as evidenced through the civilizations of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa that develop β†’

The brain all you areis here

The Broca's and Wernicke's areas are situated on the left frontal lobe of the brain, and are associated with language. OIS and fMRI record cognitive activity in the brain by observing the increases in blood flow as a gauge to indirectly measure the cognitive activity.

Korean war

Korean War At the beginning of the 19th century, Korea was under the influence of Japan, and the Japanese hadforced Korea to engage in international trade starting in 1876. North Korean in contrast to its neighbor South Korea remains to be among the poorest and least developed countries in the world.

Choose a topic for the paper

For example, the idea of a minimum wage comes from the aftermath of the great depression and the benefits to the southern half of the American states were immense since the economic focus shifted from agriculture to industrialization and services. His New Deal worked for a lot of the people and was seen as the β†’

The rights to language as a civil right

Critical Response: Rights to Language as a Civil Right Introduction Civil rights refer to a set of unquestionable rights that ensure the protection of the freedoms of all individuals from being violated by their governments and other private institutions. According to Article 26 contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, " all people have β†’

Response paper

here) dropping the assignment) History and PoliticalScience Q2 The international cooperation related to the environment has not been successful because the arrangements that are made to curb the climate change are not acceptable for each and every nation involved. The US and European countries, on the other hand, can afford to invest in the development β†’

The cycle of a relationship

The relationship between a girl and a boy is often defined to be a more intimate relationship and they undergo several changes while talking this relationship forward. The relationship starts with a formal conversation and this stage is referred to as initiation where the exchange of information is limited.

Conflict/negotiation resolution problem solving scenario

The purpose of the inquiry is to learn the roots of the problem from the perspective of each of the three workers. My second action following the individual interviews is to meet with the rest of the employees of the department as a group without the presence of the three employees involved in the conflict.

Global warming

The NCSE also points out that the society has changed negatively in regards to the effects of climate change. Comparing the modern society to the society in the 18th century one realizes the fact that global warming due to climate change has created a less desirable society.

Karims attitude and behavior towards education

The mother's constant visit to Mark and the students' relationship with Karim bring more problems to the situation. The best solution, I think, is to bring Karim to a child psychologist.

Public administration in america

In their pursuit of power, bureaucratic agencies seek assistance from interest groups. In order to maintain a power base within the government, administrative agencies must be able to maintain fundamental sources of bureaucratic power.

Capital investment decision making

At the decision making process, there is a likelihood of several challenges. Moreover, availability of the required information for evaluation of alternatives will determine the pace of the decision-making process.

Studies on rhetoric

The most important thing to be remembered according to Aristotle is that when using this form of rhetoric the speaker musk keep the opinions of the audience in mind as they currently exist towards the subject of praise or criticism. Quintilian believed that the five parts of a speech were the exordium, the narratio, the β†’

Response paper one

Critical Thinking This essay aims to address the learning style memorization used of critical thinking in learning nursing concepts. Furthermore, the essay incorporates and answers the following questions: Does this mean that nurse educators should not require learners to memorize information such as the classifications of medications or normal blood values; Does the emphasis on β†’


War of 1812 The War of 1812 involved a military conflict between the British Empire and the forces from the United s. The War of 1812.

Current event paper

In an article by Kana Inagaki appearing in the Wall Street Journal, the author reports of how Daiichi Sankyo has taken steps to improve the quality of its products from Ranbaxy Laboratories. In the above article, Daiichi Sankyo is taking steps to ensure that the quality of the products from its Ranbaxy plants meets the β†’

Advantages of studying abroad and being bilingual person

This is owing to the resources and high quality of tutors in the schools. Similarly, people that are educated abroad have a higher chance of getting well-paying jobs in the world.

School district new leaders

The primary stage will be implemented in the immediate, as I will prepare a formal questionnaire for each team member to accomplish. This baseline data will also enable me to determine where each member of the proposed team is positioned in accord with the short and long range objectives.

Article reviews

Teacher 4 October Salem Witch Trials Article Review The article " New England Witchcraft," by John Neale was published in May of 1839 in Baltimore, Maryland and discusses a woman, Sarah Good, that was a victim of Salem Witch Trials. This article was written as a news story that appeared in the area newspaper in β†’

Team appraisal / team obstacles and success

The workplace wherein each members of the group is like a field of war, wherein the survival of each member and the fulfillment of the mission is dependent on how each constituent will serve their function and purpose for the group. Meaning, it is in the idea that a group will be stronger with members β†’

The cold war (1945 – 1991)

The activities of the " The cold war " prove the fact that literature overlaps with history and each is dependant of the other. This information is presented as it was during the cold war just like literature does.

Defining racism

The Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines it as a belief in the idea that race determines the traits of a person, as well as his capacities, and that difference in race produces inferiority or superiority of a racial group. The practice of racism only begets more racism and, as such, it is imperative that the cycle ends.

It security system

Therefore, Goodings Landscaping and Nursery Company incorporating the Information Technology in its security would help in the boosting the on-site security system. And how can use of IT improve the operations of the company's client and disrupt the operation of criminals and terrorists?

Stereotypes cognition and culture

As many minority groups in the society are fighting of equal presentation in the society the mentality in people may be difficult to change. For instance in the United States the African Americans and Hispanics face the most stereotyping.

Leading teams

Leading Teams Difference between a group and a team A group refers to a collection of people or individuals coordinating their own efforts. Strategies a leader should consider to influence a group or team According to Hughes, Ginnett, C, Curphy, & J, some of the strategies are: Logical/rational persuasion- presenting factual information and laying out β†’


One social aspect tackled in the film is the existence of mental institutions in the society. The fate of these unfortunate individuals lies in the mental institution.

The article my daughters have no mother by mutchnick

The author is not therefore reliably accurate and correct to state that these daughters do not have a mother. As such, it clearly and evidently proves that the author was erroneous in stating that his daughters have no mother.


Challenge One of the few complaints that have become too regular in the operations of Fresh Direct is the customer claim that products are not sufficiently fresh upon delivery. Online grocery services are still an extremely small market sector in comparison to the massive physical stores that dominate the industry, so it is vital that β†’

The real computer virus

TeacherFirst TeacherLast Number 9 May 2008 Hazards of Misinformation Cannon covered in detail the much-ignored ubiquitous nature of disinformation in his article in the backdrop of new fast paced communication technologies such as the Internet and email. He cited several examples such as the imagined fate of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence β†’

Strategies and resources for success

Some of the challenges that an online learners may anticipate may be like: how to build on the existing base of knowledge and how to evaluate the multifaceted online resources. Strategy and Resource Tools that Can Be Used To Ensure Successful Online Learning Development of a Good time Management Strategy One of the challenges that β†’

Molecular mechanisms of atrial fibrillation

Researches by Bhuiyan et al and Sumitomo et al have proven that certain molecular changes or mutation of the type R176Q cause an enhancement in the activity of these RyR2 channels where they fail to close completely thus leading to a leak of the Ca ions from sarcoplasmic reticulum which leads to AF conditions even β†’

Jp morgans financial risk management

Financial risk management at JP Morgan Chase The key failures of the JP Morgan Chases financial risk management process that resulted in the Whales $2 billion + trading losses in 2012 include: The internal audit procedures and processes established by the bank relating to the credit derivatives trading activities of the chief investment office were β†’

Introduction to the framers of the constitution

The constitution has been used to set forth the powers that the people give to the federal government. The constitution framers established the powers and rules that the people grant to the national government.

Sixth annual message of george washington

Furthermore, he supported his actions by informing the Congress that he entered into office to protect, defend, and preserve the United States constitution to the best of his ability. He ordered fifteen thousand men to suppress the riots and cited the following in suppressing the rebellion.

Customer service lapses

There was the lack of staff in the clinic for patient care. Check the time each patient has to wait in the clinic.

Article critiques on finance

The agricultural revolution pioneered by Norman Borlang in the 1970s, somehow failed to make an impact in Africa although it was a success in Asia, where it was an important social issue. Hence the renewed interest in Africa is welcome to ensure that the benefits of the green revolution succeed at least at the second β†’

A danger to fourth amendment rights

This was a serious blow to the Fourth Amendment because all these searches were based on less than a probable cause, while the amendment requires that all searches and seizures should have a probable cause. Additionally, the majority should have adopted Justice Douglas position because he disagrees with the court decision, and contends that the β†’