Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

External analysis of the automotive industry

On the other hand, the greatest opportunity for Toyota Motor Corporation is in hybrid vehicles such as the Prius. The big opportunity for Toyota is to capitalize on its excellent goodwill and customer loyalty with the production of reliable automotive vehicles.

Music lessons enhance iq

So it helps in enhancing both the recognition and reputation of the individual and the organization as well. Moreover, it also helps in improving the verbal skills so as to amplify the reasoning abilities of the individual.


Writing on the ways in which multiculturalism impacts the workforce of global organizations, Weeks noted that it is virtually impossible to go global when the workforce cannot be one that can also be described to be global. Meanwhile, Christensen emphasized that practicing multiculturalism opens organizations up to have a workforce that is made up of β†’

Analyze of southern cross healthcare accounts

The Group manage to increase the bed capacity by 25% during the year. The revenue for the Group in the year 2009 increase by 14.

Business continuity planning

Non profit, charity and government organizations may survive on their own resources during any crisis due to their inherent support or backup, but the private and corporate players have to indulge in pre planned strategies in order to keep their business in a continuous state of activity and delivery in order to survive in the β†’


Proponents of euthanasia believe that church and state have no right to interfere with a person's right to die. Since the disease is known not to be curable, it would have been better if he was euthanized to reduce the burden of the heavy hospital bill that he left for his family.

Pivotal decades

The most common and influential was the development of mobile telephony, which made communication easier. The period between 1900 and 1920 were of immense significance to the future of America.

Job selection

People are key in any organization's success and as such, selection method at FEMA is designed to identify which among the prospecitve applicants has the necessary skill, ability and attitude that could best fulfill the requirements of an Information Technology Specialist and the general objectives of FEMA as an organization. Application screening The job requires β†’

Concept of surface area of a cube

To account for the thickness of the sheets and allow the seams of edges to be made, four of these parts will have shorter dimensions than the 3 ft.x 3 ft.dimensions of the first two parts. Also, it will be necessary to remind the students that all 6 faces of the cube are of equal β†’

Music and movement (one full page reflection)

To improve the music and movement experiences in the classroom, one class of music and dance must be included in the daily schedule. The math and music in movement.

Book report two old women

The timing of the novel was very crucial and the author did an exceptional job in the timing of her book. It is the olden times of the novel that gave the tale logic in terms of few and scattered communities of people.

Carnival corp

The case suggests that CEO and the firm have basically failed to come up with the right strategy to deal with the public anger in the wake of the disaster which happened with one of the company's cruise ships on the coast of Italy. The overall problem lies in how the leadership of the firm β†’

Mental illness and violence

Mental Illness and Violence Summary The article, Mental Illness and Violence, by Donna Sabella was published in the American Journal of Nursing on January 2014. The author highlights that the public links mental illness to increased acts of violence in the society.

Acting as if you are hypnotized, spanos, n.p. (1982)

Spanos explains that it is because the person enters the hypnosis with the intention to be controlled by the hypnotist's suggestions. In conclusion, Spanos' arguments point out that hypnosis is not really a process that puts an individual in a state where he is helpless and subject to the influence of the hypnotist.

Case problem

In this essay, the aim is to argue that in the case of Isabella vs. The background of this case is that Cato promised Isabella $40, 000 upon enrolment and subsequent graduation from college to which the latter successfully does.

Peter’s declaration to alexei

Thus, this was a cause of great frustration to Peter and in the end he imprisoned his son who died there only. Peter's own son, however, failed in this area and it was his decision to disinherit him as he is of no use to the kingdom he would be getting after Peter I.

Deaf infants and development

The children with hearing defects should take part in the process of communication of full value. Among the different factors that impact the child's speech we can outline: the degree of the hearing reduce the worse a child hears, the worse he/she speaks; age of the speech breach the earlier it happens the more difficult β†’

The white progressives in the 20th century

Early 20th Century white progressives favored policies rooted in racist and imperialist ideas The white progressives of the early twentieth century fought for solutions to the many social and economic problems that bedeviled the country. White progressives' support for policies rooted in racist ideas One of the things that can account for the fact that β†’

The four noble truths of buddha

The First Noble Truth is Existence of Suffering: Dukkha is termed as ' sufferings' in English and refers to anything which is temporary, conditional, compounded or other things. The Fourth Noble Truth is The Path Leading to the Cession of Sufferings: Buddha gave us the path to cease the suffering.

Compare professional and non-professional correspondence

Additionally, a sergeant or sheriff is a figure of authority and deserves the same level of communication as a sign of respect. The process and effects of communication.

Global branding in the 21st century

Running head: GLOBAL BRANDING IN THE 21ST CENTURY Global Branding In The 21st Century of Global BrandingIn The 21st Century The conference global branding in the new millennium is very important for marketing executives since it covers the following concepts. In looking at a huge number of websites that have all of a sudden surfaced β†’

Organizational design

Organizational Design Orlando Health is a network of privately run, non-profit community and specialty hospitals, located in Orlando, Florida. The network consists of eight health care institutions, and the one which is the focus of this brief report is Orlando Regional Medical Center, which is the only level one trauma center in Central Florida and β†’

Case study example

Julie and Susan have a conflict in the case because of their varying work styles, work environment and approach to life. Going by the events in the case, Julie seems to be happy with her work environment and compensation.

Sports in society

Sports in Sociology to insert Unit of Affiliation Due Sports in Sociology In the world of sport, man has internalized the concept of supernatural intervention as the basis of success. Man has always believed in existence of supernatural power and established religion to practice the art of worship of the supernatural being.

Objective summary

He is of the view that the availability of torture has given rise to unauthorised tortures. There is a resolution to this problem - the obtainment of warrants for authorising torture of suspects.

Criminal justice class: [class title] terrorism & homeland security–assignment: defining terrorism

The target of the attack was the plane in which the attacker was travelling in and this could have been caused by a drive to instigate fear on the American population and invite the attention of both the media and the government. The second criterion is the concealing of the explosive to ensure that it β†’

Analysis on jones and shepard accountants

Being a hierarchical organization in nature, it was hard for it to focus on the running of projects in the organization. The lack of people in command to govern the running of the projects in the organization often pushes the customers' needs and wants to the backburner.

Safety plan for dealing with intimate partner violence

Safety plan for intimate partner violence may also include provisions to engage with community, religious or local government leaders to help in establishing frameworks for providing safety for victims of abuse, and offenders in case of vulnerability to community attack. In extreme cases of abuse, a safety plan for intimate partner violence include the possibility β†’

The mass media in a democratic society: keeping a promise

This is in their mind a way to get the popular vote when it comes down to the election. It does not seem practical to me that journalists are covering the political ads to look for news but this is what the authors tell us in this chapter.

What is the relation between reason and ethics

The question that has been posed to explain the relationship between the two is whether reason contributes to ethical behavior. This is the reason why Plato highlighted that one must use the power of reason I order to exhibit ethical behavior.

Self-evaluation of life

Self Reflection In the context of this paper, reflection is going to be used to define the act of self-evaluation with respect to the things in one's life that represent or have a significant bearing in their life. This created a conflict of interest on my part because I wanted to maintain the integrity of β†’

Physical privacy

Normally, the first argument that comes into play is the fact that administering drug tests to employees is related to the job functions, and secondly, the safety of other employees, the employer, as well as the general public. Several groups of individuals argue that employers violate the privacy rights of employees of when they request, β†’

Teaching english in china

Having finished the online I feel more secure and ready to start the teaching career I have been thinking about when decided to take the course. Now when I am prepared and aware of the peculiarities of teaching English to ESL/EFL students, my wife and I are going to move to our house in China.

Changes in the banking industry

The number of institutions reporting to the FDIC has decreased from 8833 institutions in the year 2005 to 7760 institutions in 2010. The number of failed institutions has also increased to 127 institutions in 2010 from just 3 institutions in the year 2007.

Culture of consumption during eisenhower administration

A CULTURE OF CONSUMPTION DURING THE EISENHOWER ADMINISTRATION ID Number: of of School Word Count: 322 Date of Submission: September 09, 2011 The Eisenhower administration covered the years 1953-1961 and he was the first president subject to the term limits imposed by the 22nd amendment. When people have faith in the future, they tend to β†’

It is up to you

Moral Relativism Relativism is the concept that all opinions or points of view are equally valid and is a to one's perception and consideration. Cultural relativism and moral relativism share a lot of similarities and it is widely believed that after World War II, following the popularization of the principle of cultural relativism, the term β†’

A goodman is hard to find

The most complex character in the narrative is the Misfit, the leader of the convict gang. The Misfit pointed the toe of his shoe into the ground and made a little hole and then covered it up again." I would hate to have to," he said".

Statistics for managers individual work wk12

Statistics For Managers Section Number Affiliation Statistics For Managers Question Quality control refers to a word used to define the useful steps undertaken to make sure that mistakes in the analytic data are of magnitudes suitable for the usage to which the data would be put. Data Modeling Data modeling refers to the process utilized β†’

Technology description

The control panel of the microwave oven is located at the font of the machine. The microwave's front panel Your microwave's front panel is located on the front of the microwave, on the right hand side of the device.

Case of jerome

Case of Jerome Case of Jerome Analysis of Jerome Case Jerome is a young African Americanmale suffering from a psychological disorder called as delusion of grandiosity. Likewise, it is noticed in the case of Jerome that he always claims that he has modeling gigs or he is recording when, in fact, he is not.

Child care

Child Care There are several advantages of a family day care center over in-home care. Furthermore, day care centers offers opportunity for the child to learn and play with children of the same age unlike in-home care where the child only interacts with the nanny or caregiver.

Writing assignment – model in action

The ethical decision making process involved in the scenario was the analysis of the alternatives proposed to solve the problem. The hype in the number of beneficiaries was found to be miniscule in comparison with the total achievement and the total cost involved.

Bus com wk3

They discussed various types of the emotional and the social problems faced by the children after the divorce of their parents in the article. In the book an argument is also presented by the authors against the viewpoint of many people who says that divorce is not the actual factor that impacts the mentality of β†’

Locus of control :

Internal control is the term used to describe the conviction that control of future outcomes exist in mainly in self while external control refers to the probability that control is outside of oneself, either in the hands of outside forces like other people or due to destiny/chance. Those with a high internal locus of control β†’

Career goal statement for nursing program

Career Goal ment in Nursing Who am I and what I would like to achieve in life I am a prospective intending tojoin the generic nursing program. Expectations to achieving from the nursing career in the long run I would like to hone my nursing skills and attain a top nurse status in the state.

The effects of step dance on physical self-perception

Thus, the research detailed in the article focuses on the psychological effect of exercise on male and female students. The effects of step dance on physical self-perception of female and male university students.

Marketing techniques

This suggests that of all the options which are available for the 15-inch LCD TV system, launching better advertising programs and sales promotions could work wonders for the company when it comes to exclusive sales for the 15-inch LCD TV system. This brings to light the aspect of understanding the potential which the 15-inch LCD β†’

Genetic disorder

Therefore, in the case of hemophilia, the gene that controls the making of substances that cause blood clotting has a defect. There are two types of Hemophilia namely; hemophilia A and hemophilia B, which is the most common and both types result from a faulty gene that impedes the production of the clotting factors that β†’

Resolving conflict

The first conflict that I witnessed during the present week took place between a male driver and a female driver. In response to this action, the male driver hit the car of the female driver and made sure that the bumper of her car was badly damaged.

Science is value neutral

The paper " The Nature and Place of Science in the World" is a great version of an essay on science. People have myriad ways of understanding and thinking about science: to some, it is a golden child which will bring truth and beauty into the world, to others, it creates devilish monstrosities which should β†’

Facilities for juvenile offenders

In 2000, it was expanded to a 60-bed capacity and renamed to the current Lancaster County Youth Services Center. This led to the redesigning and change of name to The New Beginnings Youth Development Center in 2009.

British literature; shakespeare’s sonnets

It is true that the theme of love is a significant aspect of most if not all of Shakespeare's sonnets. The aspect of love and vivid description of lovers in Shakespeare's sonnets keeps them alive and close to or at the reality of most of the people.

4 discussions week 4

This is certainly not to say that these types of experiences should not be utilized as I believe it would be a disservice to the overall educational experience if diversity were dismissed due to lack of creativity, ingenuity and ability to make such information relatable on the part of the teacher. While I understand the β†’

Peer review

As a piece of research, it should have clear headlines and subtopic and fluency to enable the learner identify the topic quickly. On a positive note though, the research brings out the gap that have been there and suggested a possible measure that can be used to put to an end the problem.

Experimental study

The study participants also completed the Patients' Evaluation of the Quality of Diabetes Care for their assessment about the quality of diabetes care they received over the past 12 months Type, Frequency and Duration of Follow-Up There were a total of 3 follow-ups during the duration of the study. In summary, periodic monitoring and discussion β†’

Rerum novarum, especially its treatment of socialism and capitalism

Treatment of Socialism and Capitalism The church has different ways through which it views the two ideologies of socialism andcapitalism. However, most of the tendencies are of socialism are not championed and agitated for by the church.

Why i want to attend orange coast college

The equal learning environment and the diversity of the courses on offer attract my admiration. The student population, student-teacher relationship and the serene environment at the college compliments my dreams of becoming a strategic thinker.

Complexity of human being and their moral actions

Discussion The complexity of human beings is evidenced in their moral actions since all moral actions are a product of moral and ethical reasoning. Kant uses reason as a faculty which he considers is the way that human complexity in terms of reasoning and decision-making can be reduced and evaluated.

It takes two to tango response

Here is to record what it is that is being supplied, the standards of the commodity, the quantity of the product, magnitudes of delay and failure to exceed or meet expected requirements. One should factor in the state of staff experience considering the expertise and knowledge in transportation and warehousing with the potential provider's management β†’

User generated content

The Impact of User Generated Content in the Hotel Industry User Generated Content of popularly known as UGC became popular in during the year 2008. The major impact in this case for the Hotel industry has been in the form of online reputation that is created by the reviews of the travelers across the world.

Hotel rwanda: a cruel historical event

Hotel Rwanda: A Cruel Historical Event Marking a sad event in the history of Rwandan people, " Hotel Rwanda" assumes an artistic approach to narrate a real life occasion that saw hundreds of thousands of adults and children lose their lives in the hands of merciless militia. The viewers are engraved in a piece β†’

Poetry comparison the poems of william blake

The language in each poem is kept deliberately simple and straightforward, eliminating the use of metaphors, similes and other such conventions in favor of the innocence and wonder of a newborn infant with few to no real world experiences upon which to base such language. Metrically speaking, each poem takes on the sing-song meter of β†’

W4 d566 sentiment & social analytics using text & web based mining

Sentiment and Social Analytics al Affiliation Sentiment and Social Analytics Define social analytics, social network, and social network analysis. Social analytics is defined as the " monitoring, analyzing, measuring and interpreting digital interactions and relationships of people, topics, ideas and content".


Question 3 The first choice that would need to be made in planning to collect observation data is the type of observation to employ. State the contents of the survey to be constructed, scope and the subject matter of the survey given the highlighted content and type of survey.

Oral questions

On the other hand, Aristotle claimed that recognizing the right thing was not enough, and one should act in a good manner so as to develop a routine of doing good. Platos Allegory of the Cave In the allegory of the cave, Plato likens individuals inexperienced in the form's theory to convicts in a cave, β†’

W8d 597 reflecting plans

Organization's Difficulties Reflecting on Plans al Affiliation Organization's Difficulties Reflecting on Plans The goals and purpose of a given organization are described in the strategic plan. The plans may be a getaway to success or will determine the manner in which a firm interacts with the internal and external environment.

How to escape from a bad date by piven et al (297-302)patterns 11th ed

The need to socialize with others becomes a particular recommendation on the ideal growth that a person needs to be socially absorbed in the community that they are living along with. The writers of the book were likely able to find better approaches to provide essential guidelines and points of important issues that need to β†’

Analyzing and identifying news paper articles

The author recognizes that America needs a well strategic defense plan that commensurate that of the Russian-along time political enemy that traces back to the onset of the cold war, with this, he is quick to note that is not in preparation to go to war with the communist republic but to ensure that the β†’

Interventions for the working stage

The abject power of psychological acceptance in a work group can impact the performance and stress levels of individuals, as Grinder and Bandler emphasized the degree of distortion each person are prone to develop, despite the level of control and efficiency they may project. To correct identified cognitive and psychosocial barriers in highly-functioning work groups, β†’

Randy pausch – the last lecture reprised

He addressed to his students for a different and a very clear picture of life, a picture that can lead any human being to the heights of humanity. He discussed the dreams of his childhood and stressed upon working hard and continous try to mold the dream into reality.

Key link to productivity

Supervision duties involve the management of people in order to realize the goals of the organization and therefore a good supervisor needs to be a good leader. Having helped in the establishment of the local union and teamsters demonstrate that he had good organizational skills.


The S&P 500 was, for the first time since early April, down for three succeeding sessions while the Dow Jones Industrial average encountered a loss of more than 100 units for the second day in a row. 73 while the S&P and the Nasdaq fell to a session low at 1, 925.

Choose one example of clearly propagandistic communication and analyze it in historical context using communication theories and tools to unpack its structure and meaning

The Propaganda During the intense battle of Germans and the Allied Forces in 1914, the British government published a written report about its accomplishments in the war. In some instances, the corollary effect of propaganda endures for a long time and is actually passed on from generation to generation.

Federal government support of health care /donabedian classification

Health Care al affiliation Health Care The United s of America has highest health care costs in the world. This boils down to the number of health care facilities a country has and the cost of health care.

Unit 6

Lastly, Rao, Rao & Sivaramakrishna indicate that developing plans to counter the warning signs if appropriate for contingency planning. If these steps are adhered to, it is expected that contingency planning will succeed and prove useful for the organization.

Compare tom’s narrative funtion in

In the beginning the Chorus portrays the horrors of the plague and tells of the message of the oracle of Delphi. On the other hand, Tom represents another form of narrative in " The Glass Menagerie" and he can be seen as narrating such that his inner thoughts and feelings are reflected along with the β†’

Life in the later years

The third subcategory of the programmed aging theory is the immunological theory, which states that aging is because of the decline in the immune system ability to protect the body against diseases. The second major category of aging theories is the error theory, which is represented by the phenomenon of wear and tear.

The jungle by upton sinclair

The major opinion of Upton Sinclair in his book The Jungle is that workers, especially immigrants, were exploited at the workplace by their employers. One of the values of the author is that he believes in socialism which creates fairness and equity.

Intentional and unintentional socialization

Reminding the child continuously on how to use the toilet for urination and defecation makes the child aware that there is a proper place to do it. Also, an adult reminding a child to brush his teeth three times a day gives the child the impression of the importance of oral hygiene.

Six functions of nonverbal communication (human relations)

Six Functions of Nonverbal Communication Six Functions of Nonverbal Communication Non verbal communication is an important aspect of human relations as at times an individual's body and actions are more expressive than his or her words. Accenting is a mode of non verbal communication which is utilized in emphasizing a certain part of verbal speech.

Leadership traits

The vision is my ultimate desired goal and I always work hard towards it. My passion is framed in such a way that it goes hand in hand with my vision so that I can be able to reach my set goals at the end of the day.

Financial and strategic planning m2c

00 Franklin Healthcare Income Statement for the year 2011 Revenue Patient Revenue $375, 000, 000. This signifies that Franklin Healthcare is charging higher prices to the existing patients despite to keep the revenue same in 2011 as that of 2010.

Reading response

The First Voyager and the American Conquest Summary The diary is about the first voyager, the contingent by Christopher Columbus. The desire to explore the eastern world led to the then British empire to send explorers to the east.

To be determined

She struggled from childhood to discover her real God, to find the equitable balance between moral duty and secular pleasures, between obligations to her spirit and to maintain the bodily requirements. She stakes her survival in the hands of God as for her health, poverty and through starving.

What is philosophy. how would you explain this to someone who hasn’t studied it

What is Philosophy Philosophy is a word of Greek origin which means ' love of wisdom'. It is through the application of philosophy that the human beings have been able to progress as the most sophisticated form of life on earth.

American presidency

American Presidency American Presidency and Executive Privilege The issue of the executive privilege of the president is one thathas caused increased controversy in the political high-ground of the United States of America. This leads to a paradox where the executive privilege of the presidency is needed abut at the same time is the risk that β†’


Wu utilized a mixed method in his research mainly because this mode of research ensures the researcher learn issues from a wider a scope. According to Wu, mixed method enables a research to shift from unclear state of data or study to usefulness" and " ease of use", which is essential in understanding varied aspects β†’

Comparing and contrast surface culture and deep culture

The paper " Comparing and Contrast Surface Culture and Deep Culture" is a worthy example of an assignment on culture. Surface culture includes all the visible manifestations of a foreign culture that are easy to notice for a newcomer.

Pmi analysis

The third positive thing about the presentation is the fact that powerful people seem not to be more assertive, but they are more confident and more optimistic. The speaker also brings it very interestingly that sometimes our non verbal requires us to fake it until we make it.

Total monetary sales

However, the higher prices have resulted in sales decline in terms of volume; therefore, the real sales have decreased as an outcome. In this way, the rationalization of market prices will help enhancing sales volume and consequently the market share.

Homelessness in united kingdom

The study traces causes of youth homelessness in the UK. It is a good material for the review of literature in my paper.

Vic muniz

It is difficult for people to catch the attention of the public using ordinary means because of the immense development of technology and science. Muniz has studied and utilized the human psychology of interest in making real things out of imaginary ones.


Only when given such a situation can a leader enjoy the full support of his followers; and the followers would freely give their support to their leader, knowing that he would not ask of them what he himself is not willing to do. The success of the group is often attributed to the qualities possessed β†’

College – math problem example

The derivative is P = 5 - 0. The derivative is P = 20 - 0.

Dis 5 pscy

In addition, descriptive statistics can be used as a basis for exploration of inferential statistics while inferential statistics cannot be a basis for developing descriptive statistics in a study. Test of hypothesis is an example of inferential statistics and I choose it because of its common application in testing significance of variables and associations for β†’