Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Ethical issues in business

It is important to note that the issue of environmental responsibility and sustainability should not be compromised on the basis of financial gains. In all the companies as well as organizations, it is of crucial significance to note that all operations and practices should always conform to environmental considerations relevant to conservation and sustainability.

Reading response to summer by edith wharton

From the quiet and reserved girl at the start of the novel, Rachel develops to the point whereby she is sexually awakened and is conscious about all the happenings surrounding her. Therefore, the author has developed charity from the shy and reserved girl in the local setting to a mature girl who is aware of β†’

The dcmt long spine board immobilization standard

The procedure in this video consisted of the EMT keeping the spine and the head aligned while the medical student conducted the protocol for checking vital signs. The assistant EMT controlled the head and the cervical spine while the student had to move the patient to the device.

Statement of purpose

In this scenario, I am confident that my pursuit of Psychology and Economics will equip me to meld my interest in people, and in the economy, into a set of skills which will enable me to contribute my own share towards the betterment of society. Seoul National University's direct international exchange program is the perfect β†’

Dieting through operant conditioning

Since the program would need to be in a span of 1 month, it is important to write the amount and types of food he is eating and the liquid he is drinking in the week before that. In the first week, one snack of junk food should be eliminated and as a reward he β†’

Hospitals in chicago

A governmental hospital in Chicago is the Alton Mental Health Center which is fully funded by government agencies. This is a psychiatric treatment hospital in which patients are residents.

My qualities at work

Due to the fact that people contributed extensively to my lifestyle as a result I have developed a rich bi-cultural background. During my short professional life I have succeeded by being a responsible worker that pays attention to detail and that treats customers with the respect they deserve.

Introduction to emergency planning and operations

The Concept of Operations to be followed in case of a fire emergency is as follows; the first step is to evacuate everyone from the building and from the vicinity, gather them at fire assembly points and account for everyone, meanwhile, the fire brigade should be called; if it is safe, put out the fire β†’

Beer licenses

Job Job April 19, Necessary Permits to Sell Beer to the Public in Davidson County It is imperative that when opening an establishment to sell alcohol to in the metropolitan Nashville-Davidson County area to know the laws that are in place in order to obtain the appropriate licenses. The information required as set by the β†’

Cooperate power

The World Trade Organization and other trade agreements offer its members trade devoid of favoritism which the corporations use to further their interests. In addition, World Trade Organization and trade agreements reduce the costs of production which may trigger increased profits for the corporations thus furthering their interests.

Article responses – adorno

A basic summary of the main points can be seen in the first paragraph, which is a quote by the author, and it states, " The history of philosophy viewed as the science of origins is that process which, from opposing extremes, and from the apparent excesses of development, permits the emergence of the configuration β†’

Kobe bryant

In this case, one of the reasons that Katelyn Faber been persistent in suing Bryant is because of Bryant status as an NBA player who has a celebrity status that earns tons of money. Political/economic power It cannot be discounted that one of the major motivation why the case has been pursued and then later β†’

Flawed identifications are responsible for many wrongful convictions. why what should be done

Following the above observations, it is worth acknowledging the efforts exerted by organizations like the Innocence Project and the Innocence Commission of Florida that review convictions to ensure rightful castigation of the real suspects while freeing the innocent groups. The value of such like compensations depends on the damage caused to the innocent convict and β†’

Analyze the short story

The Black Cat tells the story of the desires that consume human, about the bad effects of alcohol and how it consumes the individual and the person loses sense of what's right and what's wrong and if it's not alcohol, then it's anger, anything that does not allow a person to have self-control and to β†’

Goal setting and team development

According to Morgeson, DeRue & Karam setting goals and objectives helps in accomplishing the team's task. According to Morgeson et al, research on the subject of team leadership offers compelling evidence to suggest that setting clear goals and objectives is one of the most valuable leadership functions for promoting effective performance of teams.

Individualism in the extreme

When the interests and related actions and behaviors of the individual directly infringe, damage, or endanger the life, property, or rights of another person or people in society, there is an obligation to restrict individual rights in the interest of the larger population. Similarly, action or a lack of action by an individual in society β†’

Managerial roles and responsibilities

Technological advancement has widened the scope of responsibilities of a CIO in the healthcare system considerably. A healthcare CIO has the responsibility to oversee the handling of all the data in the healthcare delivery system.

A personal view of happiness

I hated the car, but loved the experience and the thoughtfulness of my dad in making sure I was comfortable and safe. Trips may seem to be another category full of materialistic aims, but again, my memories are associated more with the way they made me feel about myself and the pleasure I had in β†’

Stub shaft manufacturing

The hardness testing on the job-piece will be conducted; this exercise will determine the strength of the material. The machining of the job piece will be conducted on lathe machine.

Reaction paper

Expo: Magic of the White Reaction Paper Supervisor: Assignment Due Expo: Magic of the White One ofthe first things that struck me about Expo: Magic of the White City was that it was such a different time than the one we live in today. The size of the exposition and the amount that there was β†’

W5d 590 colin powell

Colin Powell While it is considered that a success of any business depends on the quality of internal dialogue of its member, there is always a leader on the top, whose inspirational activities and honest communication make the whole process to be done perfectly. Thus, according to Powell, the role of the leader is to β†’

Bus 401 slp mod 3

Microsoft Corporation rose to the peak of software world with the development of MS-DOS in the mid 1980's. The Microsoft makes necessary alterations on their product and services in order to fit with the interests of the host country where they wish to commence business.


What is the age limit for children for children to stop napping at your institution 9. In your opinion what are the benefits of napping to children? 12.

How to manage cashflow

The primary essential stride in keeping up positive cash flow is putting a financial plan set up. One of the ways of controlling income is by getting ready and keeping up a capital forecast.


The main speaker of the meeting was Matt Marriott, Director, and Regional Services Executive for the West region and Vice President, Services IBM. Creative selection of workers who can think horizontally and solve complex problems in a global scope has seen the company shift form one level to the next.

A couple inerview

Joseph is the head of this family and is responsible for paying the mortgage, children's school fees, medical insurance, automobile fuel bill, and electricity, water, and gas bills. This might be because she spends most of the time with the entire family and has a close relationship with everyone in the family.

The global shift against the death penalty

It is the nature of human mankind that whenever there is an effort rose for the saving of their kind or even if of nature's they all stand up and say " yes it should be implemented and deaths or any other harms should be banned", without fore sighting the consequences and the backgrounds of β†’

Art, psychology & religious practices

Art, Psychology, and Religious Practices The Mandala in Tibetan Buddhism is a tool used to guide individuals on the path to the deities, who are housed in the middle of the Mandala. The Mandala is primarily made of sand and allows individuals to become enlightened to the messages of the deities and to develop enlightened β†’

Self-regulation and time management

Planning on what I intend to study on the internet can also be an important way of managing my time. Additionally, I can schedule my time in such a way that I identify a particular time of the day when I work best and allocate my most complex studies to this time.

Discussion 5

The first step involved analysis of the given terms for meaning, and identification of the middle term which would indicate some relationship between the major and minor terms. The truth of the premises was checked.

Q and answers

Fill in the missing words: When a protein that is to be targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum is synthesised, as the signal sequence emerges from the ribosome is will be bound by a __signal__ recognition _particle_that will stop _translation_and, more importantly, locate the complex to the _endoplasmic__ __reticulum___by binding to a _receptor_ on the surface.Q4. β†’

Winston churchill

However, he still remains one of the most memorable orators of the time: " The content of his speeches held a nation together during extreme peril and mobilised it for years of sacrifice and danger. Winning a struggle with his own speaking drawbacks, Winston Churchill is remembered as one of the most outstanding orators in β†’

Employment law

Employment Law Yes, the employee has a legal and a moral obligation and a right over the claim of quid pro quo sexual harassment against the employerfor creating an environment of sexual harassment by the employer towards the employee. The employer has tried to create a sexual environment favouring his sexual needs and desires against β†’

The most important causes of the protestant reformation

The most important causes of the Protestant Reformation At the beginning of the XVI century the biggest crisis of the Roman Catholic Church came. By this they meant renunciation of the church on the secular authority, the observance of ecclesiastical laws, restricting of the clergy discipline, improving morality, renunciation of scholasticism frills, destroying indulgences, β†’

Honest tea: is it a good business opportunity

The case study aims to analyze the factors that must be considered when assessing a small business opportunity, by specifically responding to the following concerns: what are the competitive advantages of Honest Tea? Is it a Good Business Opportunity Honest Tea is indeed a good business opportunity in terms of its ability to offer high β†’

World civilizations

THE CHANGES IN AFRICAN REGIONS BASED ON FOREIGN CONTACT WITH CULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY The changes brought about by foreign culture and technology in African societies can be traced back from the historical Westernization that the continent had experienced from the Europeans. Among the three regions, it appears that South Africa, labeled as the most developed β†’

Adr clause for learning team charter paper

Melvin This is the first provision as both of the parties must be mutual in this regard. The flexibility of drafting according to the author of ADR is the fact that even if a project is a continuous process that is tied to a contract, parties can utilize ADR to resolve complex issues.

Absolute and constitutional monarchy

Absolute and Constitutional Monarchy Introduction The distinction between absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy is that, absolute monarchy allows the sovereign to have absolute or supreme authority. Distinctions between an absolute monarchy and a constitutional monarchy arose in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries when a large number of European nations were experimenting with constitutional monarchies β†’

In what manner (if any) does stonewall jackson illuminate the ideas and concepts put forth by the classical theorists (sun tzu,

In his work, " Summary of the Art of War," he explains that " rapid movement" and " striking in the most decisive direction" is one of the most important factors in the outcome of a battle. Sun Tzu's work, " The Art of War," deals heavily with the importance that terrain plays in the β†’

Newly compelling or reexamining judicial construction of juries

The court was of the opinion that the equal protection clause does not prohibit the use of race in admission decisions to obtain education benefits from diversity. The appellate court held that the " use of race was narrowly tailored because the race was merely a potential plus factor" and the policy was consistent with β†’

Week 7

The war adventure certainly does not live up to his expectations, as he is wounded on his leg and just when he recovers, he is attacked by a bout of jaundice, that spoils his vacation plans. The author attempts to convey the fact that for a soldier, after a point of time, the value for β†’

Frankenstein and percy shelleys moral science

In the subdivision ' Moral Science Consists in Considering the Difference, not the Resemblance, of Persons.' of the heading Speculations on Morals, Shelley expounds his concept of moral science by pointing out the fact that despite the deliberate uniformity of human actions for the purpose of attaining stability of human society, a closer scrutiny of β†’

Health insurance portability and accountability act’s ethics

The policy safeguards and protects the health information of patients from unauthorized person without legal permission from the patient. Although HIPAA safeguards and protects the health information of a person, it is harmful in some ways.

Criminal justice

The movie shows the dangers that justice faces if the people who are supposed to enforce it are involved in the activities of crime without any regard for the duties that they are supposed to discharge. The infiltration of law enforcement agencies by officers who are not ready to protect and serve is one that β†’

Case study example

From these considerations, it is possible to determine that she meets the criteria for admission based on the severity of her illness, since she experiences an acute loss of the ability to move a body part as set out in the hospital's admission criteria. This factor meets the intensity of service requirements outlined in the β†’

Investment goals

25 October Investment Goals My short term goals are, saving money, saving time valueof money, having a risk free means to save money, saving somewhere where I can retrieve the money when I want to, and increasing my money. All of my long term goals reflect all the stages of the financial life cycle.

Womens rights/ gender equality

Qualified women are characteristically denied top level jobs in corporate institutions, but instead of terming it what it is, sexism and discrimination, this form of unequal treatment is referred to as the ' glass ceiling' effect. Modifying social attitudes concerning the separation of duties at work and at home is essential if women are to β†’

Visual literacy in business

Visual Literacy in Business al Affiliation) Question One According to Brian Kennedy, the concept of visual literacy pertains to the ability of people to develop and construct the meaning of ideas, concepts and processes with images, a concept that is widely applied in businesses today. According to Howells, visual literacy is more concerned with the β†’

Income statement

00 Cost of goods sold $ 260, 000. 00 Income statement of the organization presents the profitability of the organization and it explains the revenues that the company has generated and the costs it has incurred.

The bright side of life

On the contrary, if one willingly chooses to observe life as a unity of the good and bad, manages to focus on the good and learn from the mistakes that represent the bad, he is on the right path to a full and rich life of personal satisfaction and gratification. In the end, it is β†’

Theory to practice

In the case of UCC, a contract between merchants is valid as long as it contains the quantity of the goods, the signature of the party who provides the enforcement as well as a language that would indicate that the words and meaning binds two or more parties in a reasonable contract. Basing on UCC, β†’

The path of the law and its influence

The Controversial Supreme Court Decision on Voter-ID law in Texas and its Critique The judiciary arm of government is one of the key areas that cannot be taken lightly in the governance of any country. In the study of law, every decision made by any court should evaluate the merits and demerits of the β†’

Readers response

To His Coy Mistress" presents the fictional thoughts of the poet through the eyes of an impatient young man. She seems to be somewhat unhappy and dejected by the fact that his key motivation behind his advances is not that of love but of lust or carnal desire and passion.

Significance of business training

The paper " Significance of Business Training" is an excellent example of a business essay. One must be aware of the latest trends and techniques of administration in order to operate a sustainable business.

Insights gained from the course

Insights Gained From the Insights on Organizational Behavior Organizational behavior is one of the most vital issues in business today as it revolves around the business environment and strategies that can help sustained performance of organizations in to the future. One of the most prominent insights from the course is the fact that organizational behavior β†’


For instance, in creating the universe out of nothing, the sovereignty of God over the cosmos is clearly underscored. Miracles also prove God's sovereignty over nature as is the case of the splitting of the Red Sea.

Home depot in chile

Elements that affected the performance of Home Depot in Chile There were social, cultural and other business related elements in the Chile, which affected the Home Depot's performance there. However, in the case of Home Depot, the flooring was made of cement and the stores were poorly lit.


The tradition of seeing this condition strictly as a part of sexual desire has linked those who are aroused by the sight of amputees, ' acrotomophiles' with those who are attracted to the idea of an amputee, ' apotemnophiles'. If apotemnophilia happens to be a sexual disorder similar to pedophilia or necromancy, it has to β†’

Sixth amendment

It argues that Chinese and American criminal proceedings differ, because of cultural differences and that each system has its own strengths that make them superior to each other; in particular, American proceedings are superior to the Chinese system, because it allows the masses to hear and to decide cases and it is less open to β†’

Discuss on modern england history

Discuss On Modern England History Henry VIII is often referred to as the monarch of England whodespised the Roman Church but was only inclined towards the Protestant doctrine in a partial way during the years of his supremacy from 1530 to 1547. Until the end of his life, he called himself a Catholic but he β†’

Warranties as contracts

If a warranty is breached the innocent party may claim damages but cannot end the contract" 2 Gaining an understanding from the above mentioned definition, a warranty is a contract for which the terms of the breach of the contract do not tantamount to the cancellation of the contract. A warranty is collateral which is β†’

Examples of two problems in the healthcare field that have mathematical solutions

While the matter is of extreme sensitivity for patients of all ages, it is particularly important to ensure that children are given the right amount of dosage as their immune system is relatively less strong than that of the adults. Rationale for the use of Young's Rule to determine dosage for children is that there β†’

Sustainability assessment

Marriott operates in the hotel and tourism industry and is also involved in environmental conservation as a corporate responsibility. In order to operate in the hotel industry efficiently and in a conducive environment, Marriott is involved in environmental conservation to enhance sustainability.

The foolishness of men in the short stories a&p by john updike and the man who was almost a man by richard wright

The Foolishness of Men Men in the short stories " A&P" by John Updike and " The Man who was Almost a Man" by Richard Wright are seen to undergo a major growth period within a short burst of time, illustrating the foolish ways they act in a moment of panic. He works at the β†’

But is it art-gender

Questions of Gender Question Gender, as the term is used throughout this chapter, seems to allude to the physical sex of the individual, whether they are male or female, as the author continues to refer to the gender of the artist as something different from their sexuality. This use of the term seems to be β†’

U.s. history. the steel strike of 1919

Read their views in " Woodrow Wilson, an Address to the Joint Session of Congress, 1917" and " George Norris, 'A Speech in the Senate,' 1917" in Chapter 22 of the Documents Collection. In the first case, the social justice of the steel workers was violated, and in the second case, the social justice of β†’

Punishment and learning

Those who support corporal punishment believe that it can effectively contribute to learning new knowledge or good behaviors through its solid, unpleasant, and quick nature, while those who are against corporal punishment assert that it is not effective in promoting learning because it promotes violence instead, it is ineffective because the conditions that can make β†’

Discussion questions 2

DISCUSSION The development of organizational strategy is a complex process, which consists of a numerous business approaches that if employed lead to the successful performance and growth of the business. Achieving of these targets and thus successful strategy creation can be done through utilizing a series of " hows" that enables the company to plan β†’

Probability games

The theoretical method is when one does not have to do the experiment, the probability is determined through computations. Through the games that one played, one learned that in determining probabilities, it is important that one knows what the likely outcomes of the experiment are.

Novels and god

The concept of God is one of the most pinnacle elements that are discussed in novels. In the novel, Lovely Bones, in which Susie is brutally raped and murdered- Susie's killer would often sit and stare at bracelet.

Sales and financial forecast

The strategy would be to use sales promotion campaigns and advertising through posters at least 5 hours per day to create awareness of the product in the upper market areas of New York. Below are a sales and expense forecast that would be expected to be incurred in selling a new cosmetic brand from a β†’


Answer: I enlisted for the army after the First World War whereby the army needed more personnel due to another world war. I maintained my position in the army and was later promoted to a senior Sergeant.

Two types of arguments

The argument begins with a premise and a thesis which supports the position being taken by the person making the argument. With the summation, the position argument ends with a reinforcement of the thesis and the premise of the argument.

Applied decision methods class; mod4; regression models discussion

In this scenario; Dependent variable: sales Independent variables: Advertising and Price The sales model will be; sales = b0 + b1 + b2 The estimated coefficients can then be interpreted and the sales correlation matrix for Advertising vs. For the model to be statistically valid and stable, the confidence intervals to be used should be β†’

Pre-writing/invention strategies

Pre-Writing/Invention Strategies of the Name of the Concerned Professor August 14, 2011 Pre-Writing/Invention Strategies After deciding to write an essay on the topic ' Health Reforms', I resorted to some pre-writing strategies like free writing, outline making and brainstorming. I decided to generate a lot of information about the topic by writing down all the β†’


The paper will be concluded with a summary, highlighting the importance of a marketing plan and its negative effects on the company if it does not have a robust support of a marketing plan.1. Component of Marketing Plan: Importance of Implementation and Controls As explained by Egan, in his book Marketing communications, promotional campaigns are β†’

Current defense policies

Introduction The essay is about the Implications of Bin Laden's Death on Al-Qaeda, on Pakistan, and on the United s. The article by James Forest is about the death of Bin Laden and the repercussions of the event on Al-Qaeda, on Pakistan, and on the future of terrorism in the United States.

Acctg discussion

Therefore Jill on his part should prepare the budget as expected of him by the headquarters of the company. The ethical issue for Jim is whether the increase that he is calling for is due to a specific and truly justifiable reason.

How to tame a wild tongue by gloria anzaldua

The choice to use plural first person, as oppossed of a singular first approach, divulges Anzaldua's belief that the dentist was the only one trying to control her tongue. Next, the move to the poetic language and structure broadens the narrator's ability to move between jerky discussions and forms of writing.

Ibsen, “an enemy of the people”

Stockmann is thinking of the community, and carries scientific test of the Municipal Baths initiative to establish the safety of the drinking water. The doctor takes the responsibility to inform the stakeholders that the water poses a great danger to the health of the community, and it is paramount to replace the pipe system.

Charles darwin theory

EVOLUTION AND LOVE The world is so various a place that it is not possible to know everything about it. And this is the product of love.

Watch video, answer question

From Hunter-Gatherer to Farmer Question Domestication of the wolves to dogs marked the beginning of the human endeavor to control the nature. Vigne contends that the gradual collaboration between humans and the wolves during the hunting pursuits resulted in the incorporation of the wolves into the people's social life.

Vision change analysis

Application of vision concept to the strategic change initiatives is imperative because it helps to adopt proactive measure to meet the challenges of changing times. Application analysis The case study of Mentor Graphics Corporation clearly displays the need to adopt strategic change initiatives within the broader context of its vision.

Yo. man its yao ming: international services and the nba

This is a fact that many people have witnessed from the period Ming set foot in the basketball game. Over the past years, it is known that only the US or the EU states can produce international figures.

The apology by plato

Deductive or inductive The argument was inductive because the premise that Socrates is God given to the state as a godfly attempts to establish his conclusion that he be spared or not persecuted because the state cannot easily find another like him or that the state should find another like him to persecute him III. β†’

Necessities, comforts, and luxuries

Based on this definition of needs, and the manner that human beings understand their needs through time, one can have a proper understanding of what necessities, comforts, and luxuries are in life. In fact, as opposed to the concept of needs, luxuries are more related to the concept of wants and preferences, where upon satisfaction β†’


My parents expect have permitted me to have a car and expect me to take full responsibility for my car and to continue with my education. A scholarship would certainly reduce the parents' financial burdens and help them to allocate funds to assist JP with the expenses involved in maintaining a car leaving JP free β†’

Attachment theory

of the of the of the The Theory of Attachment The honor of discovering the theory of attachment goes to the British psychoanalyst John Bowlby. The principal postulate in the context of research on attachment in human infants is that an infant depicts secure attachment, only if its needs are responded to in a sensitive β†’

Db cultural studies

As a result of the appallingeffects of capitalism, particularly during the Industrial Revolution, social theorists sought alternative systems to protect every individual from the appalling outcomes of private company owners, which took the lives of many of its workers. In a communist system, they will be rewarded of the hard work that each one contributes β†’

Literary response #5

For her work, Brooks won the Pulitzer Prize in 1950 and garnered the attention of Richard Wright, who described the way she captured black urban life as, " the pathos of petty destinies, the whimper of the wounded, the tiny incidents that plague the lives of the desperately poor, and the problems of common prejudice". β†’

Research paper

Additionally, the workers that work for companies such as Nike, Puma, The Just Group, FILA, and Umbro tolerate low wages as well as long working hours. The wages of the workers in that factory was also very low; it is the Rana Plaza tragedy as well as the outcry that followed that resulted to 77% β†’


The reasons why people commit suicide can be many ranging from failure in a venture to potential bankruptcy and a general sense of feeling that life is not panning out as expected and hence committing suicide is the only way out. Usually when a person commits suicide, it is the people around him or her β†’

Professional or academic experience

The task was daunting; we were four of us, we had few resources and were expected to make a success of a venture the size of which was intimidating enough without the added burden of our regular school curriculum and teaching assignments. We roped in our art teachers to help with the designing of an β†’

Criminal law

Criminal Law Law: Criminal Law In any social context, there must be the existence of a legal framework on which the laws and rules of society are enforced. Criminal law is a structure that is present to enforce all legal acts by condemning the acts of criminal offenders for some time in a bid to β†’

Latin american history and politics

While the Haiti earthquake is a huge tragedy with all the loss to human lives and property, it was also a moment of inspiration as the world gathered together to help the country get its feet back immediately after the calamity. On the other hand, it exerted negative impact particularly with the nature and frequency β†’

Math – fractions

The teacher can bring pizza to class and show that 2/4 of a pizza is the same as of it. The class proper operates in a way that learning is active and is propelled by adult guidance and by social influences of group interaction and teamwork.