Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Scan of emerson, american scholar and factory life as it is

In order to safeguard the fundamental freedoms of the minority, Winthrop opposed the federal ratification of the constitution. Question 3: Ramsay Vs Winthrop With respect to the principle of representation, David Ramsay favors proportional representation of citizens in deliberation assemblies.

Slave revolts

The movie Amistad epitomizes the harsh treatment and mindset of society on servitude, the struggles of African slaves to regain personal liberty and the sudden change of these views as the country move forward to the new era. Set in 1839, Amistad reveals the story of a group of recently captured West African slaves aboard β†’

Assignment example

The program aims at increasing the number of novel cases of breast cancer, which have been diagnosed through the increase in screening via an account of the statistics in Denver and Pueblo Counties. Between the year 2000 and 2009, the number of breast cancer occurrences is 53, 000 in Denver County and, 47, 000 for β†’

The connection with customer

I told Mark that I was going to take my jacket with me, because I was going to buy it, and that I wanted to do this while looking at chinos. Mark was more interested in what I could not do and kept saying " no" to me.

Graph theory

Theoretical concepts of graph theory are widely used in the field of operations research. ConclusionConcisely, it is not possible to estimate the necessity of concepts of graph theory in contemporary Mathematics.

How the life and personal qualities of harry bridges can inspire us to achieve our goals today

The founder of the International Longshoremens and Warehousemens Union may be credited with several pioneering tactics, which were responsible for the emergence of the labor movement from the clutches of the company owners and the labor unions which they controlled. Bridge's life and achievements are a living testament to the power of one man to β†’

Business plan, goals and objectives

My action plan therefore is to complete a degree in healthcare administration, a completion of a state training program and to pass the licensure exams in the short term. Eventually, I plan to pursue a master degree in healthcare administration to continually hone my knowledge, skills and abilities to assume higher level positions and be β†’

Human resource (management)

Therefore, to bind them uniformly it has been made imperative by the organizations for their employees to follow the strict dress code that would benefit the organization to eliminate the discriminatory factor among them. Dress code policy revolves around each and every single item that counts in shaping one's personality such as shoes, dresses, jewelry, β†’

Job security pros and cons

It is the assurance that the employee would not lose the job and would be a able to continue the job. Job security gives a level of satisfaction to the employees and gives them a sense of belonging in the organization.

The problems of philosophy

In The Problems of Philosophy Chapter XV: The Value of Philosophy, Bertrand Russell implies that philosophy may be difficult to understand in the material world. For Ayer the purpose of philosophy was to analyze language and to verify the truths of it by a verification principle.

Youth gangs and proliferation of small arms

In the United States alone, young people align themselves in the order of the side of the city they live in, the side of the street they live in, they side football teams, they cheer politically - in fact, they manifest our quest for sharing and caring and relate to the identity crises. In advanced β†’

To drink or not to drink

Where a person is informed about the consequences of taking alcohol and weighs them against their need to feel peer and general social acceptance, they are in a position to make autonomous decisions. If the individual is to make their choice based on peer or social pressure, this is the environment they will be in β†’


Epilepsy Epilepsy " Epilepsy is a brain disorder in which a person has repeated seizures over time. Even though the exact reason for epilepsy is still unknown, it is generally accepted that epilepsy occurs because of the changes in brain tissues and the subsequent excitation or wrong functioning of brain.

National institute of justice

This expose elucidates the role of NIJ in the program, and the importance of the program to help reduce crime and improve public safety. According to NIJ, the role of NIJ in the MAPS program is to support research, which is important to help security agencies to enhance public safety.

Action plan

Exposure to verbal presentations in front of a group can help me improve my communication skills. Improving my leadership and communication skills will enable me to become a successful manager in the future.

Humanities modern movements

The specific issue of gender, according to the authors, has begun to give new and added focus on the role of women. In the case of prostitution, the autonomy of women, specifically with respect to sexuality, is severely hampered in direct proportion to the imposition and use of State power.

Highest and best use analysis of two properties

After analyzing the results of the four tests of the highest and best use on both the properties, it can be concluded that there is no doubt about the fact that the supermarket is currently at its highest and best use. Since the building residents are planning renovation work in the near future, it is β†’


One sense of exile is historical, that of the mass deportation of the Jews from Jerusalem in 597 BC, by the Chaldeans, which precipitated an intense period of psychological and spiritual reorientation and soul-searching on the part of the Jews. The Holocaust can be construed as generating the same kind of spiritual and psychological upheaval β†’

Pathogencity and immuneology host resistence and the immune response

Pathogeni and Immunology Pathogeni and Immunology; Host resistance and the immune response Staphylococcus epidermidis This strain of bacteria belongs to the genus staphylococcus and is a part of the normal human flora. The bacterium normally lives in the human body and does not cause any pathology in its ecological niche until the immunity of the β†’

What distinguishes philosophy from religion and science

Science relies on the analysis of facts and purports that natural causes dictates happening of events and processes as opposed to the divine intervention posited by religion. However, science relishes on the combination of machines and waves to impart change in the physical realm.

Risky factor affecting people

The projected reason for excessive consumption is stress and pressure of this period related to work, trying to establish intimacy according to Erik Erikson, failure to this leads to risk of isolation. The stress of trying to achieve and settle down at work leads to them to seeking anti-depressants to get temporary relief and this β†’

Art and surreal

Jackson Pollock and Joan Miro i Ferra: A Comparative Analysis The Museum of Modern Art in New York showcased a collection of art through abstract expressionism manifested through the works of Jackson Pollock, One: Number 31, a 1950 creation and that of Joan Miro i Ferra's diverse and enumerable number of paintings, of which The β†’

Relationship between work patterns and family patterns of asian americans

This means that both parents often have to work in order for them to meet the financial obligations of the family. In future the children are expected to work and take care of their parents needs in old age.

Personal experience last mistake

I was given a chance to explain what happened at the party, and I was questioned by my lawyer and the opposing lawyer. These are just a few of the facts that I have learned about alcohol and drinking and driving.


Narcolepsy Narcolepsy A brief of the topic Narcolepsy refers to the condition that involves a person's inability to control their sleep cycles. As seen in the research conducted by Burrow, et al, the management of the condition is a major issue as well, since the patients in question have to learn how to control the β†’

Higher education administration

To become a good higher education administrator, I am sure you should be an enthusiastic person and know the purpose of what you are doing. I am sure that higher education can change the face of the modern world, and I am ready to put all the needed efforts to make the future of my β†’

Business manangement

In the case of " Who To Lay Off?" a questions approach can be employed according to Robbins, Coulter, and Vohra to identify ethical considerations. International Management Styles The ethnocentric attitude towards management is a preference of the home country's management style and an aversion to the host country's methods.

Why are there so many nursing organizations is the large number of nursing assocations a value or a hindrance to the profession

These associations professionalize the standards expected of nursing and regulate the quality of health care to be adhered to under ethical and moral codes. Further, young graduates fresh from nursing associations were deemed lacking in health care experience and in the required high quality of patient care.

American civil war

Although there is a tremendous amount of data and information regarding the said war, the main classifications are the effects of the war in the home front specifically the life of civilians and the technology that had been used at war.1. During the war, the women in the families took the role of the man β†’

Negative communication letter

Brady: Thank you for the support you have accorded the school through attendance of the meetings concerning the character and behavior of your son Brett. Our recent encounters with Brett show that he constantly deviates from the norms and values of the school making his peers and teachers threatened and uncomfortable all the time.

As i lay dying

The Bundrens live in Faulkner's illusory community of Yoknapatawpha County, a setting used in several of his novels, and they are among the poorest characters in all of Faulkner's work. Since Faulkner does not interpose his own views, the reader is merely subjected to the opinions of the characters concerning themselves and each other.

Romanticism and its effects

Client's 20 July Romanticism and its Effects Romanticism was a movement which swept the world in the 19th century, the movement has very little to do with romance as its name suggests. Several incredible developments were also witnessed in the field of music, Beethoven and Chopin were some of the most famous musicians of the β†’

The vietnam war

The writer did an excellent job of combining the use of phrases throughout the novel with the points that they were trying to get through to the reader. The writer used articles that dealt with the specific points that the writer makes throughout the course of their essay.

The supreme court of the united states – business decisions

For those types of restraints, the court does not have to go any further in its analysis than to recognize the type of restraint, and the plaintiff does not have to show anything other than that the restraint occurred. Three elements must be alleged to sustain a cause of action under section 1 of the β†’

Unit and lesson planning for udl and the common core state curriculum

ASSIGNMENT 3: UNIT AND LESSON PLANNING FOR UDL AND THE COMMON CORE CURRICULUM THESIS MENT The assignment evaluates about the aspects and objectives of unit and lesson planning essential for universal design for learning and common core state curriculum. Appropriate and necessary materials as well as contents are to be adhered in the unit and β†’

Female genital multilation

The second type is the excision which is the " partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora ". The third type is the infibulations which is " the narrowing of the vaginal opening through the creation of a covering seal.

Business ethics

The company will benefit from the profit drawn by the product in the market and the society will be adversely and positively affected by the benefits or drawbacks of the product. The last alternative could be to stop the production of the product citing it unsafe for the consumers.

The corporate american working environment for women

In case of training and career development opportunities in the company, there is significant discrimination in gender consideration; women are denied the chance to these opportunities. The company guidelines and practices affect the way women are treatment and form barriers for their advancement in the business line.

Life as the ultimate gift

In today's reality, it is very hard to establish a common goal and further, fight for it; as people also consider the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is believed that it is the direct killing of an innocent child, and by the term, it is also a kind of " murder" β†’

Trailing in pennsylvania

In the article, media consultant Neil Oxman estimates that Obama is outspending Clinton by a ratio of two-to-one on television advertisements in the Keystone state as Obama hopes to convince voters that he is the best Democratic candidate. Obama argues that he is the best candidate to take on McCain in the general election and β†’

Seigel v. merrill lynch analysis

It was a mistake on the part of Merrill Lynch to pass the checks after having received instructions from their client, Seigel, to stop making payments against these checks. In fact, Merrill Lynch did stop payments against many checks issued to the casinos by Seigel.

Product placement in british television shows

If we analyze the efficacy of product placement using the tools of brand recognition and recall research indicates that brand recall and recognition were significantly improved with product placement activity. Another interesting analysis of product placement indicates that it may be more effective than advertising because the consumers are not expecting this kind of stimuli β†’

The reason of iraq war

Iraq war a protection of Israel The US-Iraq war that started in 2003, saw the rise to many assumptionsas to the causes of the war. The invasion of Iraq was a plan that the Israel Government had in place for a long time.

Inter-organizational trust for business-to-business e-commerce

The vehicles are sold in almost 180 countries and the Company has manufacturing operations 50 countries and more. One of the key reasons for this company's success is the implementation of General Motors Trade Xchange.

History of film: post-1940

Until the 1980's the sequel-itis did not form an enormous part of Hollywood because the filmmakers were interested to create their own films and even if they recycled the old films, still they mentioned their names and years fully. In the 1980's, there was much experimentation in the field of filmmaking due to which, the β†’

Toyota’s growth: slow and steady

Indeed, Toyota is excellent since it has a right perspective in the conduct of its business. A good example of this is Toyota's Quality Teams in its manufacturing plant in Kentucky which is annually evaluated and given awards.

Behaviorism, constructivism, and socratic pedagogy

Secondly, it has been proved by many scientists that availability and abundance of information, such as personal incentive that encourages the student to enroll in a course, the main goal of the lectures, student's preferences regarding offered activities, and learner's psychological reactions along with age, sex, and social background, play an extremely urgent role in β†’

Communicating at work

When there is no communication between the supervisor and the subordinate, the former becomes oblivious to the latter's needs and demands thus putting the latter under job stress which increases his dissatisfaction. All this adds to the organization's integrity and rapport which pays off in the long run in the form of employee and customer β†’


Geography According to the Webster Dictionary, a gradient actually means " change in the value of a quantity with change in a given variable and especially per unit distance in a specified direction". Meanwhile, a secular government is a kind of government wherein separation of the church and the state is recognized, and that the β†’

A mainstream story and non-mainstream story about the events of the rodney king verdict

The mainstream story primarily attributed the violent uprising with this incident and the announcement of the verdict in which the police officers involved were all acquitted. For instance, the article relative to the LA riots in Wikipedia cited that the plummeting employment rate within the local population in the South Central region of LA, which β†’

Emotions in conflict

Thus, it is important for the conflicting parties and also for the mediator to control their emotions. It is a misconception that emotions makes the parties understand each other.

Mgt 511 session long project module 4 employee and industrial relations (walmart)

The company has a number of lawsuits against them in court and most of these are for the discrimination against employees and also incorrect time cutting from the charts of the employees. The employees of the company are mostly focused and committed and the quality of the employees is also high.

Writer’s memo for the final draft (letter)

I changed the tone of the letter from being too assertive and maybe, aggressive to a morenuanced view of the topic at hand. Hence, it can be said that I took a nuanced view of the topic and the shift was subtle from the point of being belligerent to being assertive.

The world trade organization

The World Trade Organization is meeting its goals and objectives which it has set for the nations, however, the same can easily be said for the nations which are influential and which have an important role in the global fraternity. The negative aspect of the World Trade Organization is that the not so rich countries β†’

Writing assignment

The interviewer was inquiring as to the trouble of instituting democracy in the Middle East and in so doing referred to a traditional concept that the individuals there are simply not capable of democratic order. Instead, Scheuer remarks that the United States has increasingly engaged in covert actions as a means of accomplishing goals.

Cold knowledge by jacob bronwski

He then called for medical help and asked the rest of them to mark exactly where they had stood during the exposure so as to be able to pinpoint the amount of radioactivity in those areas and hence the possible damage. This is evident right there in the last paragraph of the text; Bronowski felt β†’

International service

This particular analysis will focus upon the issue of credit rating and represent the reader with a discussion of some of the pros and cons of credit rating, how they operate, and the means by which they impact upon society. Firstly, in seeking to analyze the benefits of credit rating system, it should be noted β†’

U.s. involvement in iraq

It must share due responsibility for the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives during the period it supported the Saddam Hussein regime and also after the invasion of that country in 2003. The hypocrisy of US was exposed when it declared war on Iraq in 2003 on the pretext that the Saddam regime had β†’

Climate change proposal

Geological Survey entitled " Climate Variability and Change" on potential effects of climate change on the global sea level, it was revealed that " The Coxe Glacier in Harriman Fjord, Prince William Sound, Alaska, has been retreating for more than 100 years... An Investigation of Sea-Level Rise in a Changing Climate.


The primary function of the union is to engage in actions that better the situations of the employees. However, the control gap by the unions is the difference between the managerial control in union and non-union workplaces; it is more important than the wage gap, which is the difference between the wages of union and β†’

Head and shoulders shampoo innovations

On a study conducted by Procter and Gamble laboratory, the respondents of 500 people are divided into the user of Head and Shoulders Aloe Vera X and the other half into the user of both shampoo and conditioner separately. The study concludes that using Head and Shoulders Aloe Vera X and a separate shampoo and β†’

Jewish museum

Jewish Museum in Dallas, Texas is such a kind, and it has played a big role in bringing history to the people, especially of the first and WW2 It was established in the year 1967 and named the Museum of Biblical Art recently in the year 1999. Given the museums link to the Jewish culture, β†’

Background about littel red riding hood books

Finally, Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm, popularly known as the Brothers Grimm, in the 19th century, printed a version of this story that was based on folklore and was quite similar to the tale published by Perrault. Later on, there were many other versions printed, in a bid to perhaps decrease the violence and make β†’

Conduct of monetary policy in kuwait

In order to accomplish these broad goals, CBK has been adept at controlling the level of the domestic money supply and different interest rates. In general, this is to enhance the competitiveness and attractiveness of Kuwaiti dinar relative to foreign currencies.

African americans: a concise history by darlene clark hine

The Declaration of Independence that proclaimed that all humans were equal in the new nation, became a motivation for the Black people to claim their equality. This response showed that Black people were gradually absorbing the enlightenment values and they saw the War and independence of the nation as the way ahead to attain equality β†’

Writing skills

The first essay is based on the comparison of Resumes and the second essay is an analysis on the media coverage of teenage pregnancies. Thus, the second essay is undoubtedly a better piece of writing.

Structure and function of cells and their organelles pbl

They will also be able to write down cellular functions of the body and functions of the organelles. PRODUCTS Gifted: Students will be able to explain cellular differentiation and state the functions of the differentiated cells.

Interview and interrogation in the investigation of crime

The interview is the process of meeting the culprit, witness or the victim by the investigating officer in an environment where the interviewee is more comfortable physically and mentally. Interrogation, on the other hand, is the questioning employed by the police or military personnel in order to find out the truth of a crime.

Differences among the famous sculptors

The attitude of This statue is one of complete indifference. It is the depiction of a warrior.

An adventure of mind and spirit

Such inspire an impetus for people to struggle in an unending quest for liberty at the cost of lives, of children, of women, of the aged, and of men who sacrificed their blood and strength to regain what they used or wanted to enjoy. Those people who belong to the past, who have left this β†’

Buyer vs. glory pieces

3) Whether or not the written acceptance received by the seller on the 17th is beyond the 15 day period for the buyer to accept the offer of the seller The law by practice considers the acceptance to have been made on the day that the letter is mailed, which in this case is then14th β†’

Euthanasia: the practice of ending a life

Euthanasia Outline Opening Meaning of euthanasia - refers to the practice of ending a life in a painless manner Brief informaiton on how it is carried out - pain medications, surgery, cutting of the Life Support Machine Brief information on where euthansia is practised - hospitals, etc End opening.E.g." Euthanasia has been conducted for several β†’

Answer the following questions in one paragraph each

Takahashi believes that the two bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was special and that the United States wanted to show their might over the Soviet Union in that only one atomic bomb could have caused Japan to surrender and advocate for respect of international law by all. According to " Morality Reduced to Numbers" by β†’

The uses of the university

The Uses of the University Clark in his article outlines the hard choices that the university fraternity has to make so as to remain competitive in terms of quality and the autonomy that the institution deserves. The College Movement The author introduces this article by outlining the difficulties that the founders of colleges faced while β†’

The orthodox jews total way of life

Topic 2 The Role of Taboos in Orthodox Judaism Taboos in Orthodox Judaism emanate from the Torah and the oral interpretation of the Torah and the codification of the Torah [the Talmud and Mishna]. These laws in the Torah became the total way of life for Orthodox Jews.

Libya’s war and its effect on us communities and social change

When I say economy, we all know that Libya is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and is one of the largest suppliers of oil in the world and in the U.S. The recent conflict that happened and is happening there and the growing efforts to overthrow the present government had only β†’

Response to tammys post

Interviews offer the researcher the opportunity to interact with the interested party and acquire information that is directly related to the research being conducted. This is particularly important since most secondary information that can be obtained does not relate to the topic of research and is therefore not of benefit.

Human performance and spatial layout

In order for me to tell you where my alarm clock stays in my bedroom and how it is angled relative to my bed, I need to create a mental picture or visualization of my room.4. Since my friend's description of the " New Toyota Model" contradicted what you know about it or your " β†’

Health disparities

Jack Geiger, in his article " Racial and ethnic disparities in diagnosis and treatment: a review of the evidence and a consideration of causes," reviewed a number of researched works addressing health disparities issues in the United States. Racial and ethnic disparities in diagnosis and treatment: A review of the evidence and a consideration of β†’

Research paper example

Streitfeld, 2013, challenges readers of the article to realize that regardless of the standard of services offered by most corporations, most of them embraced the technique of positive reviews to increase clientele retention, at a fee. The article highlights challenges of a high demand for positive reviews by businesses and companies as a struggle of β†’

Principle of managment

The project entailed interviewing top L-Building Eatery's director concerning diverse and vital managerial functions applied in the completion of Food eatery project. This encompassed effective incorporation of both managerial roles and functions by the director to achieve the firm's target of completing Food Eatery project.

A discussion, comparison and contrasting of the poems grass and the mist by carl sandburg

A Discussion, Comparison and Contrasting of the Poems " Grass" and " The Mist" by Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg is an internationally acclaimed Americanpoet, who claims the rare honor of having been awarded with the Pulitzer Prize twice. Poetry can be perceived as an art form where the artist has the leeway to display various β†’

Still i rise by maya angelou

Trod is past tense for tread and should be corrected to read " tread"." Sassiness" in " Does my sassiness upset you" either is not in universal use, but " sassy" is." Does the sassy me upset you" would make a better line?" Did you want to see me broken Bowed head and lowered eyes" β†’

Midway, turning point in world war ii

" " " " " and number]" " in format: 12 May 2002]" Midway, Turning Point in World War II The single greatest thing accomplished by the Battle of Midway was the huge amount of damage that was done to the navy of Japan. If the American navy could be eliminated from the Pacific, Japan β†’

Factors affecting customer satisfaction

Cost, mode of payment and social networks will be the independent variable and will be bases for the decision on willingness to use the application. Cost, mode of payment and social networks will be the independent variable and will be bases for the decision on willingness to use the application.

Critical thinking questions

For instance, the places where family members of a particular family take their children for school, the places where they do their shopping and the restaurants they dine in, largely result from interaction of the above three variables. The family may choose to shop from a particular shop because the owner is from their race, β†’

Americans have cut way back on savings

The cultural trends and attitude of Americans are contributing to the lack of savings. Generally, when a person earns a bonus, he is more likely to think about how to spend it rather than thinking about how much they can earn in the future by savings and investments.

The diversified geographical distribution

This also depends upon the geographical distribution and climatic conditions and lately to the developmental aspects of the society. The cultural diversity is analogues with the biodiversity; it is vital for the long-term survival of life on earth and also imperative for the long term survival of humanity.

Building apartment issues

The plaintiff, in this case, is Allie and the defendant is Violet. The basic facts in the case are that Violet is a lessee of Allie's Apartment.

Atomic force microscope

The objective of the article was to examine the transmission of force from the cell membrane of the apical cell to the cell membrane of the basal cell. More disturbing to the authors was the experiment for ascertaining the change in the contact area and relaxation of the focal contact within the first five minutes β†’


Nonetheless, it is permissible to conduct research in the transition zone. In order to provide the ecosystem with complete security, a buffer zone is added.


This poses as a threat to the society because it influences the society to buy such items thus propelling the rate of obesity in the society. It is thus upon the society to be advised on the leading causes of obesity in order to limit the increasing trend of obesity in children and adults.

Review questions 2

On the other hand, sales is the processing of issuing a product to consumers in exchange for a monetary unit. Thus sales is the ultimate product of marketing.3.

Entering the out of home market

Perhaps what MagiqADs can do is to launch a test run of its product and evaluate the response of the 'spectators' of the advertising medium. The company can make use of their success in Asia for these companies as a boost to their credibility and capacity to deliver.