Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Research topics with explanations

The Transport Safety Authority carries out extensive surveillance on the roads with the view to observing the patterns of road accidents and key among their findings is the relationship between the uses of mobile phones while using the roads. As such, the research investigates the nature of the regulations in various states and analyzing the β†’

Negative messages & collaborative writing

These questions relate to our target audience for the message we intend to create as well as our expectations and the audience's expectations and a host of many other guidelines. Section 1: Planning - The main aim of creating this message is to correct the misconceptions that might have been caused by the appearance of β†’


To the audience, the topic of the story revolves around an undisclosed major issue being compared to the hills which look like white elephants. As organisms of interdependent existence the answer to questions regarding choices versus fate can be affected by the views of the people of close interaction. In the story, the two main β†’

E-bay as my favourite website

E-bay was created in 1995, with a different name, AuctionWeb, the website's name was changed to E-bay in 1997 (E-bay, corporate website, history); in just one year since its creation, in 1996, the registered users of the website reached the 41, 000 (E-bay, corporate website, history). The financial performance of the website has been really β†’

Observation about coffe shops

It is a place where the focus is on two things only; the subject of the talk and the taste of coffee. Compared to food places, people have their mouths full, that is why they do not talk much, and when they do, it is at a loud volume and people sitting nearby can easily β†’

Journal 16

Characterize the past and present living conditions of Tito's wife, Haydee, and his children, Ines and Jaime. Previously, Tito lived a life of misery and difficulty. Characterize Tito's past and present relationships with his wife and children Tito's life is limited within the confines of making profit from everyone.

Climate change

As of today, global warming is the greatest problem facing planet earth and is in fact the temperature increase of the earth's neon surface air on top of being the most current and widely discussed factors concerning climate. Global warming has a far reaching impact on the bio-diversity and earth's climate conditions; it is clearly β†’

Meanings of black holes

The definition on office meaning of black holes In a physical or scientific usage, the term black hole is defined as " the invisible remains of a collapsed star, with an intense gravitational field from which neither light nor matter can escape". However, a white commissioner was reported to describe the Dallas city council as β†’

Ripe figs

Although she had to wait only for a few months, she would go into the garden to see how ripe the figs were, to know how much time was left for her to go down the Bayou-Lafourche. Her impatience had made her feel that she had waited very long for the figs to get ripened.

Cause and effects of alcohol

Cause and effects of alcohol Alcohol forms part of the culture of many people in different parts of the world. People often drink alcohol for the love of it, to relax as well as to socialize with others.

On literature review

Literature Review The internet has contributed greatly to information literacy and the use of the library. The paper reviews the literature on the topic of the impacts of internet on information literacy and library skills. The use of the internet has led to increased skills in the use of the library.

Why me

It follows that the market is huge due to the sheer quantity of operations that is made anywhere in the world of which is its use and market. So why me? I did a comprehensive study on the market and discovered that there is an actual and unrealized need for the product that I will β†’

What you learned in this class

The outline of the research with the thesis statement is included in the paper. Formatting the paper is important in business letter writing, research paper writing and establishing a movie review.

Experience being given a gold award in class for academic excellence

I knew I was one of the candidates but I was not sure whether I could make it to the top three. I was hoping that my name will be called but I felt sad when the name of the bronze medalist was not mine.

Report plan

Report Plan for Social Welfare Improvement Introduction Following the continuous complaints from American citizens about the social welfare of members of the working class, I set out to investigate the issue of concern. The renewed act is the Personal Responsibility act of 1996 based on work opportunity reconciliation. Rationale The report focuses on effecting β†’

Journal 14

Leckler as a ' large-souled creature with hunger for unlimited counsel.' This is a figurative language which creates an image in the mind of the readers and appeals to the senses of sight and sound. By saying, '...from the surcharged clouds a flash of lightning broke; and there was the thunder of cannon and the β†’

Discuss the metaphors in your ad

Second is the word " trickle-down effect which is a metaphor of letting the gain of the economy benefit every American. Balancing the budget is also a metaphor of equal spending but she did not elaborate much.

Response writing to a chart

From the chart provided it is clear that female in Canada are underrepresented in the sciences with over 4000 male against 2000 female ones, mathematics with 3100 male students against around 2900 female ones. In legal studies, the numbers are almost even with the female students having a small lead over their male counterparts; however, β†’


Since, most of the tissue paper use is at home, then, it is possible to regulate the amount of tissue paper that we consume Tree made tissue papers are a threat to the environment." Worldwide, the equivalent of almost 270, 000 trees is either flushed or dumped in landfills every day and roughly 10 β†’

Summary of pontoon a novel of lake wobegon

Summary of Pontoon: A Novel of Lake Wobegon Summary of Pontoon: A Novel of Lake Wobegon The novel by Keillor is a fictitious story about a community full of immigrants. This summary assists the author bring out his intention to the reader about how to live and enjoy life. It was after the death of β†’

Finding bias

The commercial uses a celebrity, Jeff Gordon, to market its product that is dressed like an ordinary person. The Volkswagen commercial aims at ensuring that the audience believes in the appealing aspect of the vehicle brand. 23th Jan.2014. Volkswagen." The Force: Volkswagen Commercial".

How does generation gap affect the society in the united states

The American society has developed a controversial yet rave generational gap that has altered the societal co-existence, bringing about certain impacts to the overall progressive development of the society. Isolation of the younger generation from societal activities is a major impact of the generational gap in the U.S.the current century has changed the ideologies of β†’

Technical definition and description

The composition of steel depends on the quantity of elements in the alloy. There is an addition of 70 tonnes of molten iron from the vanadium recovery process in the The Klockner Oxygen Blown Maxhutte.

Post-watching discussion

Cite specific examples. Upon watching the videos, the keys or tips noted that could raise suspicion about the validity of arguments include the need to consider soundness of the any one of the premises used; as well as avoiding fallacious statements that do not provide logical contentions to effectively support a valid argument. β†’

Alexander the great

Alexander the Great This is a study about Alexander the Great and his contributions to the Hellenistic thought. Thus, Alexander the Great paved way for the spreading of Hellenistic thought and ideas. As a way of thinking, Hellenism has some merits and demerits.

A business e-mail being sent to a ceo and cfo of a company

It is also imperative to note that employees who deal with clients should always make efforts of knowing and remembering the clients' names (Dale Carnegie training programs). When handling clients, it is necessary that our employees listen to them instead of the employees doing the talking.

Extended definition or technical description (topic is job opportunities for international students)

But, unfortunately very few of them can actually fulfill their dream of prosperity in the life because, these students often come from a market, which is under developed as compared to that of US or other advanced nation. Therefore, they cannot find jobs according to their qualification and end up underemployed at best. At the β†’

Allegory 3

He was very poor, but he had a happy family because his wife loved him and she took good care of him and their five young children. He worked since the day he could walk, selling food and anything else he could at the market.

Response paper: paid parenting and parental leave

In the society we live in today, human health is considered the most important of man's concerns and anything that would appear to deprive anyone of the proper healthcare would be subjected to serious discussion. Alexandra says that Mashenka is expecting a baby who is to become an Heir to the family. The benefits of β†’


In the case of abortion, abortion is an epidemic that is of highest concerns to the entire society. If abortion is made legal, the entire society will suffer more losses as compared to benefits. These figures clearly show that teenagers are getting involved in unhealthy sexual activity at the time when they should be focusing β†’

Outline mp4

The major points in each body in this essay with Also, mention which way you use in each body the ) Point 1: Exhaustive research and a series of scientific inquiries have not been able to substantiate such a claim that video games of a violent nature correspond to violent behavior on the β†’

A visit to the museum

In some family programs for both parents and children was combined and they learn and get entertained together. Some of the activities are accessed through the gallery tours while others are accessible online while still in the museum. All the museums have research centers and programs which most favors teachers.

Chose an interesting topic

Writing is a way to communicate our thoughts and ideas to a specific audience, with a focus and purpose that we determine and make known to our readers. As David Crystal alludes to, however, the very essence of the way we write as a form of language is threatened. The writer gets to β†’

The outline of the term paper

This has greatly reduced the control of fashion houses and magazines , which coupled with a consumer generational shift that has seen a shift in the labour market has greatly increased the influence of fashion Bloggers. II. Although, the focus of the blogs is on the featured fashion products, the bloggers are able to β†’

Week 2 1.2 submission

So it behooves us to remind our employees of their responsibilities pertaining to the secure use of the company email and messaging systems. In order to ensure the continued security of our company servers, please take note of the following while using our company email and messaging services: Email Privacy Policy: Any employees of this β†’

We wear the mask by paul laurence dunbar

We Wear the Mask Upon the first reading of " We Wear the Mask," one is immediately convinced of the universality with which Paul Laurence Dunbar speaks of peoples' hypocrisies. This broaches the thesis that " We Wear the Mask" is not only a poem that employs a metaphor, but is itself a metaphor, disguising β†’

Great ideas

What was said in detail, and how? Using the allegory of the cave, Plato sets out to explain a kind of ascent into knowledge, where an individual enters and emerges from the lowest and illusory grade of knowledge, and climbs to the level of the best knowledge of understanding reality. What of it? Ascending into β†’

Responses to this week questions (2)

It is imperative for such people to first understand how certain things work as opposed to making uniformed decisions that results into ignorance. It is less likely for an individual that is able to understand and explain certain issues to resort to ignorance.

Answer 3 questions after reading the article

The information is meant to guarantee the audience of high quality medical standards of the product and the company that produces it. It is important for each paragraph to be designed that way as it improves readability and understanding of the reader.


Young Money: Financial Post Retrieved From This article seeks to define the extent in which the high cost of education in Canada is affecting the lives and families of those involved in the system. The author is against the move to pass the high cost of education system to the parents and students as this β†’

Summary and response

College students are well aware of the financial implications their loans will have on their lives later on in life. In the article ' Two Years Are Better Than Four', there are believers who say that college education does not matter. The author strongly believes in the value of college education and says that his β†’

8 week forum

Sex education is more likely to reduce the cases of STDs among young adults and teenagers. Each paragraph starts with an essay statement and hence I managed to accomplish one of the key skills in writing the body of an essay.

Why was the german panther tank the most influential weapon of world war ii

The Soviet tactics during the war concerning armored warfare was simple the enemy was to be overwhelmed using numbers even if the quality of the armor was compromising. London: History Press, 2008.

Fallacious reasoning

In the ad hominem fallacy, the reasoning attacks the person rather than the issue at hand while in the appeal to emotions, the reasoning manipulates the emotions of the listeners in order to get their emotions.. Consider an advertisement during the Super Bowl Commercials 2012 in which David Beckham advertises H & M's underwear. The β†’

Principal components and changes to peasant and tribal life

Principal components and Changes to peasant and tribal life in the Arab countryside during Ottoman rule The situation in the Arab peasantry during the nineteenth century, the Ottoman government is seen to have the result to the oppression and exploitation of the rural peasants by the local elites. During the time when the β†’

One of the stories’s title

The grant in this case is meant to ensure Jonathan regain his social status. The passage is a link between war period and the post war era. In the end of the story, Jonathan looses this money.

Eng315 week5

Describe what you could to do overcome this. => I would feel most comfortable in extemporaneous speeches, because it will give me more leeway to add more ideas according to the current situation or audience, and at the same time will give me the structure of the best organization of ideas to present. Another skill I β†’

Main themes

The substance of this prose will focus primarily on the themes presented in the first and second chapter of the book, which discusses the origins of the civilization and then its fall following an invasion from Spain, respectively. The most important theme of Acuna's book is to view the Mexican history in complete isolation and β†’


A Longitudinal Study by Gass, Jenkins and Dunn who look deeper into relationships between children and their siblings. Researchers confirm protective effect of positive relationships between children and their siblings as a result of their longitudinal study.

Globalization and states sovereignty

The emergence of globalization has led to the inception of controversy that increased globalization is fading away the role, authority, and sovereignty of state. First, the impact of increased globalization on sovereignty of states is discussed and second, the future prospect of state's sovereignty due to upsurge in globalization will be mentioned.


I became forced to cut short my call and apologize to the whole bus if I was a bother. I request for a compensation of 10, 000 US dollars since after the embarrassing act, I became forced to live with it day in day out.

Discuss the causes and the effects of cancer to what extent is cancer prevention the individuals responsibility

Running Head: CANCER Discuss the causes and the effects of cancer To what extent is cancer prevention the individual's responsibility? of the Writer] [Name of the Institution] Causes of Cancer and its prevention as an individual responsibility Introduction Cancer is a disease that takes place at the cellular level; it is caused by the uncontrolled β†’

Personal identity. you are the same person now as you were ten years ago

Therefore, as I am in the same body as I was ten years ago, I am the same person. However, there is opposition to the view that our identity refers only to our physical body as our bodies are constantly regenerating so how much of our body must stay the same in order for us β†’

How to do well on a job interview

This makes it important for an interviewee to ensure that he is able to convince the interviewer that he is the best person for the job at hand. The interviewee should be able to use them to ensure that he impresses the interviewer in a professional way to increase his chances to acquire the job.

Question answer

However, the failing heart cannot pump the required oxygen to the rest of the body. b. The entry of Na+ is partly due to the inactive re-entry of sodium inside the cell while the efflux of K+ is passive to the outside of the cell. 2.

Nursing related

The APN is highly learned compared to other nurses such as the RNs and hence they deserve some privileges in the institution that are almost similar to those accorded to the rest of the physicians (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy and OGrady, 2014). This component will be met through establishing good relationship with the credentialing members and β†’

Professional moral compass

Using the reading and the questionnaire ' My Nursing Ethic," the author's professional moral compass will be discussed together with the personal, cultural, and spiritual values of worldview and philosophy of nursing, values, morals, and ethics in the context of obligation to nursing practice, and own personal thoughts of morals and ethical dilemmas the author β†’

Fundamental duties of nurses

Fundamental Duties of Nurses Fundamental Duties of Nurses Nurses are charged with the duty of assisting the physician to ensure that the welfare of all patients are well taken care of and maintained in the right manner. To be able to execute their duties as expected, nurses are required to swear a Hippocratic Oath; the β†’

Response 1

Youhave rightly emphasized upon the importance and usefulness of health informatics technology in improving the quality of interaction between the nurses and the patients and improving the quality of care in particular. Health informatics technology is particularly important in reducing the time it takes to draw accurate information from the patients and consequently, making the β†’

Position paper (health law m7)

A Position Paper on Resolving the Balance between Patient Rights and Practical Needs of the Medical Community Striking a balance between patients' rights and the practical needs of the medical community presents one major challenge for practitioners. As such the phrase " human rights in patient care" has been coined in response and is increasingly β†’

Coad (coronary obstructive airway disease)

Be keen on noting the characteristics of the cough and the sputum produced. An oximeter is sometimes used to assess the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the patient's blood.

Health care provider

He is always patient and kind, and explains things well. He also always pulls my patient record whenever I come in, and makes sure that he has the most up to date files on me.

Emergency nursing and educational goals

Besides being able to sustain life in general as part of my job of being a firefighter, paramedic and a nurse at the same time, I see this as a crucial and serious task that must be continuously practiced and developed to uphold the effectiveness of the delivery of service. To be able to learn β†’

Literature search

1001/jama.281.2.163. This is a qualitative study describing the quality of end of life care from the perspective of the patient. Music Therapy in Hospice and Palliative Care: a Review of the Empirical Data; Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; 2005 print This qualitative study focuses on the effectiveness of music therapy in alleviating palliative associated β†’

Why legal knowledge is important for nurses

" Nurses are expected to function within the legislation, legal policies, statutes relevant to the profession and practice setting, and professional standards. Nurses are now being, and will continue to be given increased responsibility, thereby increasing their exposure to lawsuits".(Why Legal Knowledge is Important for Nurses) Therefore, in my nursing practice, I will be greatly β†’

Communicable disease

The human body responds or reacts in different ways as a sign of its immune system fighting off the infection and this can either be through the inflammation of various body parts which is followed by a great ability of adaptive response. Chain of infections and its factors A chain of infections is usually β†’

Critical thinking

Canadian health Act requires the federal government to administer the national health care system through fiscal allocation and delivery free health care services all citizens in the society. Majority of the Medicare members suffer from diet-related diseases and terminal illness thus it is the responsibility of the Medicare to cover all the prescribed conditions.

Journal medical mission in dominican republic

Journal Medical Mission in Dominican Republic A Visit to Escuela Basica Alemana Every year I travel to the Dominican Republic, alongside other local university students and doctors to provide medical care to the rural communities. This gave them a sense of hope that some people cares about them, and they had to appreciate us for β†’

Comparison of us / other health system

Canada is also providing universal health care access for its citizen, and along with less GDP it is doing much better than US (Comparing the US and Canadian Health Systems, 2014) These both countries know less about each other's health care system. That is all because, Canada's health care system is publically funded, and the β†’

The community nursing practice model

The community nursing practice model Overview of the theory The community nursing practice model relies on the foundations of a number of a number of essential values. It emphasizes access to primary care, and ensures that the values of primary health care get to be met satisfactorily. This model can be utilized in actual practice β†’

Teaching in nursing

The questions you have raised shed are amazing because you bring out an aspect of research and teaching experience of the faculty that are existing which have not been discussed by others and none of the advertisements I have encountered mention any of that. I also think secondary research will provide some of that information. β†’

Retin a/ accutane (advanced pharmacology)

Retin A/ Accutane Retin A/ Accutane Retin A/ Accutane Retin A is a Tretinoin composed of Retinoic acid or Vitamin A acid and is available in the forms of creams, gels and liquids for topical administration. The use of Retin-A is contraindicated in eczema, sunburn, or if the β†’

Witting a letter

Richard Durbin, As a constituent and admirer of yours, I urge you to support the Registered Nurse Safe Staffing Act, which will optimize the well-being of the patients and the professional inputs of the nurses. The introduction of the Act to Congress in 2003 and the subsequent reintroductions have not yet progressed to the passing β†’

A of goals: msn clinical nurse leader to get admission in the master in msn clinical nursing program

I want to establish my career as a highly qualified healthcare professional, and that is only possible if I get an opportunity to get a master's degree in clinical nursing from one of the top universities in the world. After analysis, I have come to know that the University of San Francisco is the best β†’


According to this research, it was found that in the 799 hospitals researched, higher RN staffing was inversely proportional to the adverse patient outcome and vice versa. In addition, the probability of failure to rescue was higher in hospitals that had lower nurse staffing levels.

Clinical significance

There are a number of controversies around the clinical significance and statistical significance issue. There is a general agreement that statistical significance do not give information concerning clinical significance. Statistical significance is generally about the possibility of a chance finding that will not stay in the replications of the future.

Emergency room

Emergency Room Emergency Room Describe how the Nursing Process is used in the ER setting compared to In-Patient units. In the in-patient units, it is different since the nurse is not expected to make immediate decisions.

Evidence based practice

Describe the authors' conclusions. The authors concluded that the findings of the study conform to their previous theories about the improvement of the care for patients with AMI. That was because of recent changes in the patients' insurance and cardiologist. 9.

Article analysis

Beef: The " King" of the Big Water Footprints Summary The article attempts to analyze a ment by Prince Charles of Wales about the water footprint in beef production, in the United States. Beef: The King of the Big Water Footprints.

Carbon sequestraion and climate change lab

For the aquatic plants to be able to sequester the carbon, light is needed to facilitate the process of photosynthesis. Another limiting factor is the amount of aquatic plants in the water. Vehicle exhaust is not the only source of CO2 to the atmosphere.

Talking bacteria

How might the knowledge of quorum sensing allow scientists to develop therapies for infectious disease? Quorum sensing describes the ways in which bacteria determine how many of them are in the vicinity. Scientists can exploit this ability of the bacteria to develop drugs against the toxin as they could understand, the formation of quorum is β†’

News article

According to the report by National Center for health Statistics and the newspaper, data indicates a 76% increase in the rate of twin births in the US. The article educates about the dangers of using fertility drugs. 2013. The art Vital Statistics Twin Births in the U.S., Like Never Before By NICHOLAS β†’

Functional biology of plants

In the G3P synthesis, various reactions cause the energy from adenosine triphosphate, ATP and NADPH to propagate the conversion of the six PGA molecules into six G3P molecules. The regenerated RuBP serves as an important ingredient for the repetition of the Calvin cycle, causing the release of the last G3P molecule. The energy from the β†’

Nutrition data and analysis

The main aim of the analysis is to establish whether he is eating a healthy diet and to what extend he is doing it. Nutritional Data Summary Sheet Using the graphs generated from the website, for each of the following " nutrients", place checkmarks in the table below. Nutrient OK High β†’

Analysis of using feedback loops to explain the circadian oscillator in drosophila paper

Of the five genes, per, tim and dClk are routinely expressed. The highest quantities of dClk mRNA are synthesized very late at night and also in the early hours of the morning, while the highest quantities of per and tim mRNA are synthesized in the early hours of the evening. This occurs along with the β†’

Dance 234

The image of the dancers during the climax of the performance stays with me because it showed creativity in the choreography. The dance is about the event that brought together various choreographers and performers who took part in the performance. The BoSoma2 created the choreography for the dance as created by the directors of the β†’

Worksheet 5 – nora eccles harrison museum of art

WALMART is one of the most valuable companies in the world, the leading retail company and the largest public company. WALMART Company being a business organization, there is need for human asset retention in the human resource sector. This makes the company lack skilled and experienced personnel. Cases of employee turnover are very rampart and β†’

The film gandhi

Gandhi achieved the motive by combining the common social and cultural factors among the citizens of the subcontinent and led to a non-violent liberal movement. Structural theory Structural theory focuses on source of the tensions which have occurred by the gaps between social and cultural goals and simultaneously it also explains the means which β†’

Race and gender roles

It's a perfect follow up to the independent attitude of B'Day and lays the groundwork for another exploration of what it means to be a woman in the world today. While, on the other hand, it portrays the role of a typical wife clearly taken with her husband and getting hurt and jealous in the β†’


Another key incident in the movie is the episode where her arrogant boss, Miranda, asks Andy to steal the manuscripts of Harry Potter, which is yet to be published. Andy is the protagonist, who plays a key role in the development of the plot.

The painter of light

ART2 The Painter of Light Looking at a variety of Rembrandt's canvases reproduced in books and on the internet, it is easy to see why he is knownas " The Painter of Light". As in Caravaggio, the painter uses light to enhance the drama of the moment captured on canvas: the lighting appears to come β†’

The movie: death and the maiden

Movie Review The Movie: Death and the Maiden The movie Death and the Maiden directed by Roman Polanski in 1994 has been made on the basis of the famous play by the same name written by Chilean playwright Ariel Dorfman in the year 1990. The theme of the movie reflects the trauma undergone by the β†’

Honeypots and firewalls

The source of the network ought to be linked to the heart of the grid by the use of an isolated router. Once an attack has been identified, the honeypot reacts by tricking and misleading the aggressor that the honeypot is a genuine or authentic grid.

Microsoft bsa

The MBSA checks the passwords keeping in view the characteristics of the weak passwords include: the blank passwords, simple or easy to crack passwords and the password that is the same as the username. Question # 2 Part b One of the main reasons for emphasizing the strong passwords is that despite the development β†’

Proposition 8

However, the data recorded as public information is inconvenient to access and possesses the risk of privacy breach (California Secretary of State Debra Bowen, 2008). In this regard, the assignment focuses on explaining the side effects of providing donors' information in accordance with Proposition 8. Side Effects of providing Donors' Information Publicly With the β†’

It infrastructure

Journal of Information Security Technical Report , 14 , 1-6. To incorporate cloud technology in a business model, there is the need to identify the type of cloud technology to be used. The reason behind this is because as a business, there are various problems that come with embracing the cloud, hence the needs to β†’