Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Performance management

The next step would be to call all the managers for a meeting and have a brainstorming session on how best to deal with the unwanted behavior. I would make a schedule that would require the managers to have a meeting which would focus on any new developments that would be noted regarding employee unwanted β†’

Learning team discussion

It also helps to build strong leadership in the organization to cope up with the change. It works well to keep people involved and motivated to grow and reach a higher level in the organization.


In summary, the company is on the positive trend of improvement in both investment and membership across the globe. Question Two As LinkedIn CEO, some of the strategic decisions make to facilitate company's future expansion include taking advantage of the social media platform to increase membership and revenue from the membership subscription. Additionally, the β†’

Managing people and organizations

I am acquainted with the undertaking and duties of an assistant manager, and understand that the job requires responsibility and great leadership skills. I have the capability of having many ideas in terms of creation of things and also in business.

Difference between leaders and managers

This is normal, as leaders do not expect workers to go with the same wage despite the increase in the cost of living, among other changes resulting from economic growth. Following these theories in leadership, leaders should depict voluntary action; this is the difference between leaders and managers. Through this kind of initiatives, business leaders β†’

Inf336: project procurement management wk1

It has come to most people's realization that the upcoming risks that normally come along with vulnerabilities often are better addressed adequately at the management level. As a manager of such projects to be able to adequately respond to the risks I would carefully consider the operating models in my organization in an attempt to β†’

Organization change

A way for the workers to get involved in the change process is through the implementation of a feedback system. A third business concept that allows the employees to become a part of the change is empowerment.

Visual aid construction

A column of uniform width is then drawn with its base corresponding to the day and the height corresponding to the number of customers recorded for the particular day. A sample column chart of this type can easily be created from Microsoft Excel. With this chart, the client can easily recognize the difference in the β†’

Memo report(wage negotiations incident decision)

The union is negotiating a new bargaining agreement that provides the employees with a $600 increase in wages." Negotiation is the process of making decisions when the parties involved have different preferences" (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, pg.388). The claim of the union is that the productivity of the company has increased since the last labor contract.

Clinical decision support system

In any advanced DSS model, data and knowledge are complementary; both are useful to take an appropriate decision in a complex domain like medicine. Due to heavy investment in IT infrastructure and expensive maintenance/update of software, the cost of implementing a CDSS may be substantial. In addition, many of the systems need to be integrated β†’

Methods of integration as leadership tools

There are three types of integration namely: forward/downstream vertical integration, backward/upstream vertical integration, and balanced vertical integration which incorporates upstream and downstream integration. The focus of the paper will be on upstream and downstream vertical integration. Vertical integration is a situation whereby a company dominates a market by controlling the steps in the production.

Health finance 2

It is not recognised as a primary case and hence treatment costs for such patients are not provided by the healthcare system. The revenue in such practices and clinics is usually received after the service is delivered and after a treatment session is over. Chiropractors are not eligible for any of the managed care system β†’

Leaders and leadership

Running Head: LEADERS AND LEADERSHIP Leaders and Leadership Leadership has been explained as a process of influence by Blanchard and Hodges who have also stated that leading like Jesus is a transformational journey. The idea is that such a leadership begins with personal leadership and then a transformational cycle would begin for the followers.

Netflix strategic analysis

Smart televisions are getting better and every TV will eventually have Wi-Fi and applications, and will eventually be cheaper. Netflix continuously increases its global internet network as a result of the growth in technology. Considering these initiative, the company's position in the next five years will be able to increase its market share because it β†’

Ethics and legal considerations in strategic management

Clinging to the old technology has begun to impact the functioning of the company. Our goal is to provide the best in the realm of service to our clients.

Sam 445 unit 1

Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting According to Weyandt, Kimmel, & Kieso , managerial accounting is a process that identifies measures, analyzes, interprets and communicates information that seeks the goals of an organization. These are decision-making, planning, directing operational activities, and controlling. Planning Planning as a managerial function in accounting perspective ensures efficient communication of the β†’

Week 5

Hence, it is first important to understand why the manager is avoiding conflict before confronting them. With the exception of the above two cases, an employee must confront the manager if a conflict is being avoided. It is only when an employee trusts the manger to act in the best interest of the employee that β†’

Apology and compensation for wrongly delivered order

Besides, due to the expenses incurred by the Club and resulted in unexpected inconveniences, the corporation's management has also decided to replace the poor growing grass patches. This is by planting the required course's grass coupled with ensuring it has grown to maturity and to the prior expectations of the Club's management.

Managing in sacred cows organization

This includes the process of change adoption and implementation. The overwhelming quest for a change in the organization, by James, has resulted in the attainment of conflict in the organization. Consequently, James has decided to engage all the stakeholders of Quart Limited into a forum, which will discuss the necessity of change in the organization β†’

Six blind men & elephant

With a balanced score card, management of the modern business becomes easier and takes shorter time. The customers, employees and manufacturers are all satisfied by how the balanced score card makes business relations easier than before.

Transformational leadership in sianguna highschool

Interviews contained in the report evidence that there are a lot of e-mails, messages, memos are passed prior to every meeting thus are just part of the additional costs that the school has to suffer. Thus by the time a decision is reached the same may be too late to pass upon urgent matters. The β†’

Organizational management

Below is ananalysis of the motivation theories that explain the behavior of employees of Perfect Pizzeria. The equity theory The equity theory makes a comparison between the reward potential to the effort that is expected from the employees. According to the equity theory, the employees consider their potential reward, in addition to, the reward β†’

1 scope & wbs

Instead, it should be open enough to promote security and protection among families within the neighborhood. LIMITS AND EXCLUSIONS The green space will be developed in accordance with the final specifications and design provided by the consulting company under the approval of the city authority. The project would be based on the original blueprint β†’

Unit 2 case management in human services

Her family is living in abject poverty and unfortunately she also grew up in a family that was made up of twenty two children. In the context of Tammy's situation, the micro-level system can be described as a family that faces malnutrition because the four children appear weak in health.

Knowledge management

Since KM concentrates on improving people's skills, knowledge, experience, wisdom and overall personal as well as professional quality, they are prompted to work better and thus helps the organization achieve high performance. As Noe defined, Knowledge Management focuses on creating knowledge and sharing or exchanging it for further use in the organization for β†’

Allocating merit raises

The four standards; Fails to meet, Meets, Exceeds and Far Exceeds will weigh 0, 1, 2 and 3 of the total merit cluster allocation respectively. 3. Personal raises per merit cluster will be computed from the total cluster funding. As such, computing the personal merit raise for each professor is easy.

Strategy forumlation

The retailer has to investigate on the market forces, resources required, amongst other aspects. The Scope of the Retail Strategy Retail strategy entails making a definite and clear outlined plan of the market, prepared by the retailer. Consequently, a situation analysis should be conducted, where the retailer, inwardly seeks to understand the strengths, as β†’

Week 1 discussion

The study of organisational behaviour therefore becomes very important in this respect. Leaders and managers are expected to be in a position to understand and predict the behaviour of the employees in the organisation. In any case, organisation behaviour deals with the impact of individuals, groups, and organisational structure on human character and behaviour within β†’


The execution of the strategy then becomes easier because it is well understood by the employees. How the factors listed above contributes to successful strategy execution within the corporate environment The factors listed above are important attributes of a successful strategy execution. The secrets to successful strategy execution.

Topic: mergers

Lastly, stiff competition in the market forces the management to adjust their approach to management in the competitive technological business. 2 The management at HP will utilize Palm Inc's innovative platform in enhancing their growth in the market. HP will use the guidelines established by Palm Inc in their management. 3 The similarities β†’

Principles of management

Dividing the work between managers and workers in such a manner that managers can plan and workers can actually execute such plans. Scientific management actually allowed the managers to view the work in a more rational manner and ensuring that work is completed in a professional manner. Scientific management is relevant to today's managers because β†’

Managing business ethics

This brings us to some very interesting questions such as how do ethics relate to the code of conduct and social responsibility. In today's world, a growing population of working-class Americans is taking a greater interest in ethics and values. It is from this code of conduct (that one's ethical values dictate) that the importance β†’

Online writing resources

User-centered writing, considers the writer, the user, and the consequences of acting upon the message. Tone in Business Writing The tone of writing depicts the writer's attitude towards the user and the subject. The subject of the email should be clear and meaningful.

Affects of revenue recognition

The revenue recognition under the Earnings Process Approach is visibly affecting the retailer and the business positively. The public companies' finances will be seen as the ones in the capital markets.

Culture unit 9 human resources

A corporate culture can help managers create a platform in which the quality versus cost debate is considered in the decision making process of the executives of the organization. A way to determine the needs of hospitals is by hiring a consultant to assess the business operations of a hospital.

Digital chocolate

Additionally, this script highlights some of the Organizational Behavior theories, exploited by the company in attaining its success. As the company performs its activities, the literature has it that it has faced hordes of challenges, some of which have resulted to filling of a court case. The close administration, the application of reward β†’

Optimization/ business management

If I failed or was late in turning in my school projects then I would not make it for graduation and if the work projects were late then I would miss out on future jobs. As a result the decision variables were the amount of time to spend on each project. The company has limited β†’

In past centuries work was often despised. why

In order to free themselves from the blame they put the blame on the employers. This theory has been explained by Douglas McGregor and is known as the theory X. According to this theory the managers assume that all the employers are lively, keen and interested in doing the work.

Shift manager report

The staff sector and the customer sector are the main. When the manager favors the staff, then the customer gets a negative opinion about the restaurant and leaves never to come back.

Reaction writing #1

She was critical of the style of over management that was represented in organizational theories such as Fredrick Taylor's ' Scientific Management', and instead suggested that what was more important was to boost the different kinds of interactions between the senior management and its workforce. Theory. In her understanding of human relations, Mary Parker Follet β†’

The purpose of managerial accounting

The management accounting is also purposeful for the external reporting of information to the shareholders, creditors, government, investors etc.several decisions related to the management only taken based on the managerial accounting tools like the ratio analysis, capital budgeting and so on. The managerial accountants also support the strategic decisions based on the analysis and the β†’

Mgt 601: week 2 dq 1

The accessibility of reliable information and sources is an important aspect of executive decision-making. Decision-making entails scanning, communication and monitoring of data. The whole process of decision-making depends on a mixture of; competent leadership and sound judgment, technology, high-quality data accessibility, trust and flexibility of the organizational structure. Relationship between the Tools and Managers' Tasks β†’


For our project we have focused on building a Smartphone App of Heart Rate Monitor for Android users. Scope Description The scope of our project management is to develop a software-based app for the Android which allows the users to measure their heart rate through their cameras. The objective of this specific project plan β†’

Theories on motivation in human resource management

Theories on Motivation in human resource management Motivation is the driving force that inspires every individual to accomplish their targeted goals. The theory flaws in the practical side as it is impossible to categorize employees based on their physiological and psychological requirements.

Critical review on the economist-a bigger world

The authors talk of the emerging markets that are capturing the world's economies by storm, and how they are affecting the economic trend in the varied jurisdictions in which they operate. The author of the article bring into account the nature of some of the expanding companies, especially from the developing regions, and explains β†’


Error t-Statistic Prob. C 0. 0000 TB6MS -0.

Active listening behaviors

People have been describing him as an effective listener, one who knows how to get the empathy of both parties in a case. He conveys his message to the parties in a very professional way and makes sure that he gets the correct information so as to give the best advice.

Changing the scene of the society

Women are now taking the roles of men and some men are becoming women in the way they act. It has been claimed that the women gender is endangered as women are now becoming brave and taking on the tasks that have been done by men in the past.

Nonverbal communication response

Therefore, in order to become more aware of how we communicate, it is necessary to at least respect customs of others that may be treated as stupid and idiotic from the other side of nonverbal communication. Moreover, identifying the examples that are above, we could state that a person become more aware of cultural differences β†’

Federal reserve paper

The stated direction of the monetary policy in the United States is towards a monetary policy that will protect the country from inflation, increase the rate of employment, increase the nations GDP The Federal Reserve is important for the continued progress towards a maximum employment and stability of prices. Actions towards the outlined direction of β†’

Movie crash

In the early months of its existence, when it has not yet learned the art of speaking, it wants the parents to listen to it and understand the implications of its movements. The color of the skin has taken precedence on the existence of the human soul.

Reading this very post, we are using technology that is ever growing and improving at a rapid rate. with these improvements, consumers always crave for the latest and greatest technology available. the sale of personal computers has reached 1.5 billion

Developing nations in which the ewaste is dumped do not have the technological advancements to handle the waste. Thus, many of the ewaste are burned in an incinerator or out in the open.

Extra credit

In addition, the development would also inundate the state dedicated nature preserve along the river in the park. The Nature Conservancy Weighs in on Mounds Lake Reservoir.

Are online services responsible for an increase in bullying and harassment responses

Your opinion and rationale that online services is not responsible for increased bullying and harassment is however valid because people can avoid the online interactions and personality influences how people treat an individual. Statement on response 2 Your reason for selecting the better argument is strong, as it relates the audience to the subject. β†’

The definition of macroeconomics

The great depression in the 1930's has given a major boost for the study of the economics of a country and to frame policies which when faced with a crisis will provide sufficient inputs to successfully overcome the crisis. Macroeconomics also helps to understand the distribution of the national income among the different classes of β†’

Article review

This article is about an overview of the great depression that affected United States of America in the 20th century. He also focuses on failures of the economy, and factors that might have led to this failure.

Wgs 1

Womens Lives: Multicultural perspectives Women have been the most vulnerable gender because they are treated unequally compared to males who enjoy most of the privileges in the society. Hence, one can conclude that the position and perception of women have changed, and they are on the right path to acquiring equal status since they are β†’

The importance of currency devaluation and its effect on the economy

The Venezuela government ought to use their foreign currency reserves to purchase the bolivar for it to maintain its exchange rate. Finally, it leads to an upsurge of foreign currency reserve and the exports become more than the imports. 1) The gains made by the Venezuelan regime due to its repeated devaluation of its currency β†’

Fiscal policy and its implications in belgium

Fiscal Policy and Its Implications in Belgium Introduction A fiscal policy implies the spending of the that influences microeconomic activities of the nation. Briefly, Fiscal policy is a major driver of the nation's economic performance. Fiscal policy tools and Application Fiscal policy implies the use of government spending in taxation and transfer payments to β†’

Short answers

Unemployment according to classical is as a result of lack of utilization of all the resources in the economy. This is done through Central bank that ensures that there is more money in circulation. The classical would advocate that the Federal Government supply money so as to match the rate of unemployment growth.

Democratic consultation

The advertisement campaigns have done well to hit to focus on the achievements of the president during his term in office instead of slandering his opponent s this paints the candidate as a man of integrity in a field which is often referred to as a dirty game. The adverts attacking his opponent have also β†’

Economics of social issues

The opposite happens in an economic recession where taxation is generated from the rich to provide economic support for the unemployed. Question 2 The total budget deficit does not reflect the effect of all expenses and revenues of the federal government. The total budget deficit is the combined effect of the off-budget and on-budget β†’

Price mechanism in economics

Therefore, it is the price at which a certain quantity of goods is supplied and bought and where a market is working efficiently. An example of how a change in demand resulted in a change in price can be taken from the oil industry. For example, the high demand for a particular commodity will initiate β†’

Green tree city case study (question 3 only)

This paper mainly deals with the security concerns facing a storey-building owner as in the case study and a contrast with the concerns of the employees and the employer. The main security concern for the owner of a storey building to ensure user security is the need to ensure accessibility of the building. The erection β†’

Macro econ

The concept of scar is paramount in the study of economics, and it based on the idea that available resources are not sufficient to satisfy the needs of people. If the expenditures are more than the incomes, there is unfavorable balance of payments, and this implies that the economy is falling apart. The GDP deflator β†’

Advanced pricing techniques

Law of Demand and Supply or the graph shows that as the quantity of pounds rises in circulation the demand decreases leading to a decrease in price. the price of $2 for 1 in the figure above: B.the quantity of pounds supplied equals the quantity demanded. is the equilibrium point 3. Other β†’

Globalization and its emerging position in the modern society

Effective organizational leadership helps to exploit the competencies of the workforce for improved performance outcome. They are able to motivate the workforce by inculcating confidence and a strong sense of achievement that provides the impetus for higher goals leading to personal and professional success.

Journalistic interview paper

The high of being a part time is that one brings a real life experience to the classroom while the low side is that some students will complain that the part time lecture is not effective in the classroom. It is important for the journalist to have basic knowledge about the interviewee and the topic β†’

The united states department of energy: climate change

However, DOE plans to reduce global warming gases based on the agency's initiative to partner with volunteers, and the strategies formed to deal with the ecological problem. Plans such as these can be a good alternative to the Kyoto Protocol because they share the same goal to reduce GHG emissions. One suggestion that I can β†’

Carl sagan’s we are star stuff

Why we are " Star Stuff" The mysteries behind our origin and the secrets behind our life are still unknown to us. Carl Segan has made one such hypothesis that we are all star stuff. Even though many things are still unknown to us about the universe, we have already proved that the major constituents β†’


Improved communication has facilitated business and the economy. There is a slight difference between the communication systems between the USA and Brazil. Well developed communication system USA is cheaper compared to costs in Brazil, the high cost reduces the number of people with access to communication.

American economic association

The organization also advocates for perfect freedom of the economy (American Economic Association 1). It also sets the stage for growth, progress and revision of existing issues. Works Cited American Economic Association.

Global warming

Oxlade defines global warming as " increase in the temperature of the earth's atmosphere". Causes of Global Warming Global warming has been linked with natural and human causes. This means increased amount of carbon dioxide that escape into the atmosphere. Consequences of Global Warming The impacts of global warming are already β†’

Methods to access the canopy

Although relatively expensive, this device allowed access to any region of canopy beneath the crane arm without regard to the tree trunk. Methods are further expanded to using hot-air balloon and raft operation, called Radeau des Cimes (translation: raft on the rooftop of the world) which was designed by French botanist Francis Hall. The inflatable β†’

Assignment example

The number of years taken for the GDP to double= 70 divided by growth rate.If the growth rate of China is 8%, the GDP will double after years. In comparison to the world price, the price of steel in the Indian market will rise.

Standards for environmental parameters while construction of new buildings

Installation of solar panels on the roof of the apartment so that the natural energy is utilized efficiently. e. Rainwater harvesting on the roof and roof gardening with hydroponics technology would also help in mitigating the atmospheric pollution.

Week 4 journal

The first base of comparison between the two generations is on the basis of education and the provision of funds by the government. The second basis of comparison between the two generations remains the priorities that they set for themselves. Firstly, the generation debt was those people who had limited sources and were independent to β†’

Global economy midterm review questions

2 Race to the bottom is the phenomenon in which the business environment in a country is deregulated so as to attract investors, causing low wages, poor environmental protection and poor working conditions. In the context of globalization, the arms industry is escalating conflicts and the proliferation of arms has increased considerably. Q.

An inconvenient truth

Former Vice President of the United States Al Gore, in the documentary film entitled An Inconvenient Truth, educates and informs us, citizens, about the different effects of global warming that is now happening all over the world. In the video, it shows how the world's temperature has skyrocketed in the last decade, 2005 being the β†’

Talking styles

Can these websites be a step of knowing a person's interpersonal skill just by the way they write? MATCHING WRITING STYLES AND INTERPERSONAL INTERACTIONS A person can be whoever one can be in written form. There can be similarities in one way or another however these similarities can only be for their writing skills β†’

Monetary and fiscal policies on recession

Monetary and Fiscal Policies on Recession Recession is a phase experienced by countries as a result of changes in the business cycle of the economy. The US government introduced combination of monetary and fiscal policies to solve the problems of decline in GPD, high rates of inflation and solving the problems of unemployment.

Unit 2 seminar big ideas in science

The usual known measurements such as barometers, thermometers and hygrometers are also used to measure the recent climate changes dating up to 200 years. 2. What are some of the challenges associated with collecting data over large periods of time ? It takes a lot of time and resources to collect the β†’

Explain economic protectionism by using real examples

The International Trade commission was under the purview that Chinese exports of tire have rocked the domestic industry of the U.S. The amount of tariff is equal to the amount of the price rise for small countries.

Construction management

The experts and scholars in construction industry give a lot of importance of practicing ethics and moral values in construction management to achieve high levels of productivity for all the parties involved in a construction project resulting in a good contractual partnership. All the major decisions both in design and construction should be taken in β†’

Sports economic about revenue variation of four major league

MACRO & MICRO ECONOMICS of the of the Sports Economic about Revenue Variation of Four Major Leagues One of the primarydeterminants of the on-field performances among teams in a given league is the revenue variation. In terms of the NHL, the NHL has the least along with the NBA.

We are made of star stuff

The ' past' possibly was associated with subsequent effects of the immense explosion of a huge star or ' the Big Bang.' According to his theory, all atoms were created at the interior of the giant star and were expelled into space. It might have led to the formation of the later stars and planets. β†’

Writing and reporting news, page 94, exercise 2

The society nowadays is commonly faced by issues of unwanted pregnancy and what to do with it. Poll: Same-sex marriage still divides GOP voters in Illinois In an article written in Chicago tribune on February 17th, 2014 by Michelle Manchir and Rick Pearson, it majorly based on same sex marriage as a current social β†’

The place of convection in a mass of gas or liquid

In the asthenosphere, the molten material rises in a convection current until it hits the bottom of the upper layer of Earth's interior consisting of the crust and the mantle. Within the Earth, irregular convection cells within the mantle transfer heat from the core to the surface of the planet.

The foundational pillar of adam smith

Soon after the official end of the Second World War, the world witnessed a radical confrontation of the previously held foundational theories of economic liberalism. To this end, towards the close of the 1980s, there was verifiable proof that the way out for developing countries can also be export-led growth.

John kerry on syria

Cases of Failed Deductive Logic in John Kerry's Speech " I am not asking you to take my word for it, read for yourself, everyone, those listening all of you, read for yourselves". The problem with this statement is based on the fact that John Kerry asserts that everyone should read the information related to β†’

Cultural factors db

In terms of government spending; in2011, the president signed a bipartisan compromise that was to reduce government spending by $1 trillion over the next decade. The US fiscal policy is expansionary in nature in that it focused in increasing the budget to stimulate the economy.

The smartphone market

In the highly competitive market of mobile devices, smartphones, with Wi-Fi technology, huge storage and features that can turn it into computer with the flick of fingers, have emerged as the latest craze amongst the young and the old professionals. Even the teenagers are trying to become the pride owners of smartphones to keep up β†’

Biodiversity and the ecological systems

They also offer gifts that are indirect through supporting the ecosystem through its services, and the services involve real security, the essential services in human life relations or even the respectable fitness."...biodiversity and the environmental schemes are very vital in the well-being of the individual's life as it plays a very crucial action of β†’

Seminar unit 6

A visionary leader has the aptitude of accessing and holding an idea yet to be manifested and have the familiarity of the inventive process, discipline, strength of will and enthusiasm to sustain that vision via the entire creative course and at the same time lead others into the materialization of that vision. Visionary leader is β†’