Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Answer the question

The teachers are given instructions on the contents to teach, and the approach to use. The main purpose of the curriculum entails standardizing the students to be in line with the main curriculum.

Philosophy of teaching paper

Oppositely, I constantly reveal the strong and the weak sides of every classical concept I am talking about, and in this way with my own example, I impose the tradition of a critical thinking among student. Thus, I encourage students to make connections between a topic and their day-to-day life experiences and " take advantages β†’

Implanting artificial limb in the body

Osseo-integrated implants attach directly to the vacant part of the bone with a cylinder to persuade the bone to fuse with the metal. Technology as Human Creativity We often regard technology as the brain-child of science, and we assume that science juxtaposed to art.

End-stage renal disease

One of these facilities is the dialysis facility which deals with removing the metabolic and water from the patient's kidney through diffusion and passing it through the dialysis machine. The other is the home dialysis training and support services where the nurses and doctors perform the treatment at home of the patient instead of the β†’

Politics in turkey

The Politics of Turkey. Democratisation in Turkey: The Role of Political Parties.

Reaction paper

The Untold Story: The Jews, World War and World War 2 When history mentions of the Jews and their part in the World Wars, especially in World War 2, it is always taught that the Jews were one of the greatest victims of these wars: that their race was a subject of brutal extermination by β†’

Antislavery marriages in nineteenth-century america

In fact, in the speech, the woman enumerated the chores that a woman is capable with or without the help of the men. Women have limited freedom and were often manipulated by their superiors and the society as a whole much more if a woman belongs to the black community.

Follow up to s6w4dq

In addition, he was quick to warn that U.S.must be more prescriptive in the manner it deploys its military force on foreign missions. Obama insisted on the need of concentrate " on alliances and relationships" in order to assist the foreign partners to improve their ability to defend themselves.

News clippings or other media representations about a group of migrants in hk

African and Asian refugees in Hong Kong Number African and Asian refugees in Hong Kong People from Africa and Asia have been flocking to Hong Kong to seek refuge. Due to the high number of the people displaced by hostilities, those standing in the line for case evaluation are normally had to grapple with the β†’

Gun control

Gun Control Background The plea for firmer gun control guidelines is a necessity in our civilization today. Gun Control in the United States: A Reference Handbook.

Collision regulations: english channel

The significant factor to take into regard when contemplating risks and collisions attributed to the advent of an 80 know ferry in the English Channel should encompass: Manageability of the vessel Lookout at 80 Vessel speed and speed encounter Detection by radar Stand on / give-way vessels Lights and visibility The operator of the vessel β†’

What role does illness play in the novel the apprenticeship of duddy kravitz

Introduction With the mention of the word illness one's first reaction is about physical illness and disabilities. The author further explains this condition, " But the most noticeable and unexplained change was in the flesh of his face".

Death of a salesman: american society and values

Ben, Willy's brother who is a success story in the diamond mining industry, also comes in the story along with Charles, a family friend, and Bernard, a relative. Another aspect of American society that is highlighted in the story is that of the status of women in society.

Visual material techniques

Argumentative essays set out to make and prove a point or opinion through the use of evidence other supporting arguments, as well as a counterargument so that the reader may understand what the argument consists of. As aforementioned, images have the possibility of increasing the purpose or the points of written text, though when it β†’

Final project

After the World War II ended the Cold War started which played its part in shaping the world, developed the economy of the world and also to resolve conflicts and bring cooperation on a universal scale. The document which according to me has the most important effect on the people and moreover the world is β†’

Orientalism: the intricacies in the field of art history

Orientalism is a classification based on the dominance of the West over the East and the exotic treatment of the former over the latter. In the field of art, the aforementioned conditions that highlight the superiority of the West over the East are clearly implied through the manner of representation done by the artists in β†’

The influence of marxian economics

What is the real purpose of the war in Iraq Is it actually to bring democracy there, or is it an attempt to create a new market for global conglomerates like Microsoft and McDonald's Before this class I naturally divided economics and politics into different spheres that obviously blended together at times. The legal system β†’

South africa vs venezuela

The graph below shows the changes in the exchange rate between the US$ and the South African Rand and the Venezuelan VER from 2006 to 2010. 42 to US$1 in the case of the South African currency and in the case of the Venezuelan Bolivar from a low of VER 2.

International business

IKEA has built a strong relationship with their suppliers that has allowed them to become the cost leader in the furniture industry who also have a strong social and environmental policy. Moreover, the company has been able to establish a market brand name and a goodwill that is essentially instrumental to the performance of the β†’

Two behavioural finance problem sets related to temporal discounting and bayesian learning vs reinforcement learning in financial decision making

Question 2 This implies For the second period Plugging into the 244CHF, we will have The third period will be Question 3 In period 1, the consumer would have 100 18. Spout will be indifferent between investing in stock A or in Stock B.

Different types of business in the uk

A company which requires no registration other than the notification of company's local tax office, but it is also open to the elements to the greatest personal risk: as a sole trader, the owner is responsible for all characteristic of the company, and has unlimited liability to all legal actions and debts. With the potential β†’

Development in sub-saharan africa

Indeed, the actual cause of this ethnic turmoil was the unilateral and open support to Hutu civilians by the Rwandan military, political groups, police, and entrepreneurs that were strictly against the presence of Tutsis across Rwanda. According to some estimates in 2010, the number of refugees and internally displaced people from these conflicts have increased β†’

Assignment example

Transaction #1: Jivraj believes that the gain from the sale is to be recorded whereas Juma believes that he would not have to record the difference from the sale price and the actual price since the value is not accrued, and the fact that Jivraj forgets to account for the depreciation of the computers purchased β†’

Online poker

Hence, based on the above facts it can be deduced that reversing of events that occurred on the Black Friday of the poker world signifying the regulatory shut down of online poker on April 15, 2011, those working around the law would drop their clandestine businesses drawing millions of Americans conveniently disposed to playing online β†’

Financial ratio analysis

The higher the ratio, the lower the administrative expenses of the company. Concerning Qatar Navigation and Gulf warehousing, the EPS in 2013 is QR 8.

Capital asset pricing model

The components that determine in entirety the individual stock and hence the CAPM they include the risk free rate in the CAPM, the Beta of the security, the expected market return and the equity market premium. Principles of the Capital Asset Pricing Model and the Importance in Firm Valuation.

The great encounter of china and the west by d. e. mungello

For a great span of history, the myth prevailed that China was passive in terms of setting the dialogue or initiating the contact between China and the western civilisation. The book, " The Encounter of China and The West" breaks this myth and finds out the ways and possibilities based on which conclusion can be β†’

Diary of lady murasaki – the autobiography of the authoress shikibu murasaki

" The Diary of Lady Murasaki" is the autobiography of the life of the ess Shikibu Murasaki, the of the Tale of Genji. The time frame of autumn of 1008 when Empress Akiko was preparing to produce the New Year's festivities of the year 1010 is captured in the enlightened pages of this collection of β†’

Journal week 3

Though there can be some themes that are not appropriate in the show, other themes are very fundamental for the development of a teenager and I would not deter my child from watching the show. Though there are some themes that are no appropriate for the growth and development of a child due to the β†’

Theo 3

Essex, in an article " The Abrahamic Covenant" that " the redemptive grace of the unfolding of the Abrahamic covenant". King James Version of the Holy Bible.Web.

Data examination

5 1 5. 4 2 5.

Asian american immigrants

Among the fundamental concepts that I learnt in the course included, the fact that The Asian Americans faced numerous challenges as the immigrated into the United States and became naturalized citizens. The immigration and settlement of Asian Americans in the country validated the formulation of numerous legislations and court rulings both of which sought to β†’

The world and humanity in 100 years

If as early as the current generation, people have been exposed to seeing how a 3-D work, it is quite possible that even a decade from now they would be made to feel or touch a 3-D creation which makes possible the first step or initial stage of teleportation, very much like the scenarios in β†’

Quick lube corporation

In order to pay said debts, Herget was forced to sell parts of the company to Huston Oil. Critical issues in the Quick Lube Corporation led to the company's financial bailout but Huston Oil.


Organization's stakeholders must adhere to the organizational rules and regulations as well as code of conduct and behavior the guide the working process and organization of the company. Conclusion In conclusion, therefore, workplace ethical behavior is crucial for the profitability and performance of an organization.

Essentials of contemporary communication

The three skills most in demand are the ability for versatile teamwork, problem-solving, and communication. Written: a lot of documentation, reporting, correspondence and filling up of forms is involved in usual work.

Apa 360 iii

Using something called " memory confusion protocol", scientists were able to determine that race perception is not something that is done automatically by a person because the first image that a person has of the person before him does not leave a truly remarkable impression. That is why skin color cannot be used to determine β†’

When healing becomes a crime

Personally, I think that the basic point of the poem is that every person has various alternatives in life and that the choice of one's path in life is actually the most important task we all have before us. The realization of the importance of this task by itself demands maturity and a good deal β†’

Business law in the usa

In this case, I do not think that the Pasquantinos and the Hilts would not be able to succeed in their legal argument, given that the nature of the law was against smuggling, the very crime that the Pasquantinos and the Hilts committed. Although it may be argued that he may have not participated directly β†’

Listning quiz- english

My total score shows that I need to work more in order to improve my listening skills and it can only happen if I pay full attention towards the speaker. So, these were some of the points which I need to consider in order to improve my listening skills.

Failed purchase

Having already spent a total of $706 on repairs, I feel that the machine I was given was defective from the very start and should be replaced at no cost to me by the company. I am looking forward to hearing from the person in charge of this problem at the soonest possible time.

Aggregate planning in manufacturing and aggregate planning in services

Aggregate Planning YourFirst YourLast Major differences between aggregate planning in manufacturing and aggregate planning in services Introduction Aggregate planning is the process of strategizing, analyzing and sustaining the operational program of a business company. Manufacturing Aggregate planning in the manufacturing processes entails optimum allocation of a companys resources for all manufacturing processes to reduce the β†’

Ethical code for financial management

Ethical for Financial Management Affiliation Ethical for Financial Management From the Eli Lilly and Company ethical codes, the provisions are comprehensive and accurate to attain the required and appropriate ethical operating standards. The ethical codes cover personal responsibilities of the employees in the organization, to superiors and the community.

Tribal gaming

In the absence of tribal gaming, reservations can still be effective in terms of reducing the rate of poverty, decreasing the rate of unemployment, and increasing the tribal's income. To ensure that tribal communities are able to maintain their cultural values and practices despite the process of economic modernization, most of the tribal governments are β†’

Distribution channel

Role of advertising in the marketing process Advertising is basically a marketing communication channel through which a product is communicated to the target consumers. In my opinion, pioneer advertising is all about conveying the benefits of the product and communicating the right message to the customer.

The transitional aid research project

In view of the above, policymakers have identified the advantages of providing professional and vocational training to inmates in correctional centers. Secondly, by providing training to inmates in the correctional centers a step to reduce the probability of them returning to commit crimes after they are released.

The psychology of human in a streetcar named desire by tennessee williams

Stanley has the psychology of an ancient man; it is represented well through the performances he performs in the play, particularly his actions towards Blanche. Again because of the social force that surrounds Stanley, he is being forced to be cruel.


Regardless of how one comes to own a property, the issue of the law comes in after the ownership, not the process of owning it. I did not get why the judge awarded the defendants the whale, the harpoons and the line and the plaintiffs awarded the boat only.

Look at ginsberg’s howl. how would you characterize the world that ginsberg describes is he being accurate or is he using hyp

How does he demonstrate the postmodern beliefs of combining fiction and non-fiction, multiculturalism, and the experimentation of new forms? This is a Judeo-Christian concept, and it contrasts with other multi-cultural references such as " negro streets at dawn", " Mohammedan angels", " the Chinaman of Oklahoma".

Education as initiation

In his book, he describes the teacher as an initiator of education and the students as aspirants. There are a number of questions that relate to understanding the theme of education as initiation: 1.

Individualism and collectivism

In the United States, individualism and collectivism can be seen in many ways. The totality of the votes cast in the college showed the collectivism of the people in the election of the president.

Mcdonalds ad

These advertisements generally display new deals and discounts that are available in the local McDonald's food chains. The McDonald's pricing model shows consistency with market integration and hence it can be said that there is market integration.

Nutrition screening heart diseases in prevention

Nutrition screening can benefit the prevention of heart diseases by identifying the nutritional characteristics related to heart diseases. Studies have indicated that one of the key prevention measures to reduce the alarming rate of mortality due to heart diseases is through good understanding of the right diet for the body.

Ground stabilizations of all the codes and procedures of the civil engineering

There are very many fundamental requirements of the satisfaction of all the codes and procedures of the civil engineering based ground stabilizations of these sites. More important is the design, construction and weather performance of these roofs of the superstructures.

A reflection paper or psychology of film

It is intriguing that by the lack of blood vessels, it is still extremely sensitive to pain. Each layer might be extremely small and thin but it is capable of protecting the cornea from injuries and infections.

Intro to business

Success of Patagonia during the Latest Recession Patagonia is a high-end outdoor clothier and gear maker which survived the effects of the latest economic recession. In addition, the company's strategy to engage in the production of outdoor goods, led to its success during the last recession.

Forensic pathology case study: the 13-year-old male

Forensic pathology case study: " the 13- year- old male" Before I open the head and body, based upon the historywe just heard, what is the most likely cause of this poor boy's death?" The most likely causes of the death of the 7Th grader based on the Deputy Coroner's embrace injury, disease, or combination β†’

Marketing assignment

Such, she should also target the environmentalist who are concerned with the use of poison in controlling the rodents as it contributes to global warming. For the marketing mix of introducing her product to its target market, Martha has Trap-Ease as a product.

Navy insurance

With the rise in piracy risks in the high seas, the emerging trend has been the insurance brokers offering marine insurance against piracy at very high premiums as compared to other risk premiums in the 21st century marine business. Insurance companies have developed varying policy frameworks to cover ships against the risks posed by piracy β†’


The city is free and generous to the public activities of the citizens and corresponding daily lives. Thucydides, Pericles, and the Idea of Athens in the Peloponnesian War.

Adventures of huckleberry finn

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain is a renowned American novelist, who is known for incorporating humor, realism and good dose of satirical elements in his works, and his novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is no exception to that trend. Thus, " Twain reminds us of the lurid and confined nature of society in β†’

Finance – personal financial planning

Question 1 3out of 3 points Which type of health insurance pays part of all of the surgeons fee for an operation Answer Selected Answer: expenses Question 2 3 out of 3 points Health insurance typically includes Answer Selected Answer: d.all of the above Question 3 3 out of 3 points Driver classification includes β†’

Law 5 formation of business entities;

From my professional experience, some of the advantages of a sole proprietorship include the ease of formation since only a business name and business license is needed to start the business. However, some disadvantages of a sole proprietorship business include the difficulties in securing expansion capital in the capital markets, the lack of continuity after β†’


Stakeholders: Other students in the school, other teachers, the parents of the other children, the parents of the child diagnosed with ADHD Ethical considerations: Considerations include I. The teacher of the younger students wishes to know what the issue is with the diagnosed student to be able to better handle the effects on his or β†’

Investment incentives

The sectorial incentives may also be offered by a country in order to encourage or promote development of various sectors of the economy that are very important for the development of the country as a whole. Incentives are also offered in form of export incentives in order to promote the markets of various products like β†’

Tort actions

I feel that in the case of the plaintiff Daniel Vs Malik, the courts would find in the defendants favor, stating it was comparative negligence and both parties had equal responsibility. In the case of Malik Vs Daniel, I feel the courts would find in the plaintiffs favor as he had a considerable amount more β†’

Forbes 500: steven spielberg

Spielberg's first claim to fame was a photography merit badge he won as a member of the Boy Scouts. During this period Spielberg had begun to intern at Universal Studios and soon the strength of his work was appreciated by those around him as he became the youngest director to be signed for a long-term β†’


Health Science and Medicine Trends in Health Status of Various Ethnic Groups In most cases, individual ethnic groups do not determine the health status. Health Status Indicators indicate that the trends in health status among various ethnic groups have improved over the years.

Emotional and physical symptoms of depression during pregnancy and different ways of treatment

Cases of pregnant mothers suffering from depression and stress are likely to reduce in the events of increased awareness of the contributing factors of stress and the necessary measures to curb them. Cases of pregnant mothers suffering from depression and stress are likely to reduce in the events of increased awareness on the contributing factors β†’

In general

6 May, Difference between originality and plagiarism: Originality, as the implies, is something that is real whereas plagiarism is the name of the act of copying someone else's writing without acknowledging or crediting the original author. The writer is responsible for the authenticity of information and is liable for consequences in case, the information is β†’

Answer the question

Thus, it can be said that the increasing absence of coral snakes causes increasing attacks on replicas as predicted in 3a.Q.5. Thus, it can be said that the increasing absence of coral snakes causes increasing attacks on replicas as predicted in 3b.Q.6.

Constitutional law: horton v. california

However, the officer came across weapons which were included in the police report in plain view and seized them, however, the officer was unable to find the proceeds of the robbery. In this case, the court came up with a plain view doctrine, which is under the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution.

Motivation expectancy value theory

Vansteenkiste, Lens, Witte, and Feather in their journal wrote that expectancy value theory is a cognitive-motivational theory that relates to an individual's level or strength of motivation. Individual differences come up in the extent to which a student perceives the utility of schoolwork to being a channel that is used to enact, academic and the β†’

Comp set analysis

The five hotels among many others target the same market as Rodeway Inn SF Civic Center, a feature that requires the hotel to employ appropriate marketing strategies in order to enjoy sustained profitability and longevity. Among the factors that make the five major competitors for the hotel is the fact that they offer nearly the β†’

Master of information systems(personal statement)

Chess is a game supposedly for the nerds and I am proud to have won the seventh Place in National High School Chess Competition, out of a total of fifteen best players among 16 high schools in Jakarta, Indonesia. For more than three decades, the Kelley School of Business has presented its national, state and β†’

Law enforcement deviation

To be sure, it was convincing in the minds eye of the mayor and other city and police officials, and for sometime served as a mitigator for allegations of team members 2 misconduct, as all of the powers that be, developed a posture of " no see", " no talk", " no hear", when confronted β†’

Current event

Trayvon Martin Did Nothing Wrong Everyone in the U.S.along with most people in all parts of the internet connected world has heard of the Trayvon Martin killing in Florida and everyone has an opinion. The usual suspects representing the conservative side of the media have portrayed Martin's killer, George Zimmerman, as a man who " β†’


What is the healthiest way to lose the weight, and to help them maintain their weight after their goal is achieved? So it's not ONLY about the body rather a pure nourishment of soul and mind is also primarily important.

Macroeconomics ec 211

4 6, 244.4 2.7% 5. 7 6, 947.0 3.5% 5.

The self-efficiency module

Self efficacy Self efficacy refers to the measure of an individual's ability to accomplish goals and complete tasks in a given period of time under specific situations. The self concept theory This is also a vital theory that seeks to define self efficacy and its components.

Analysis of shall i compare thee to a summer’s day by shakespeare

This is reflected in the opening line of the sonnet that states " Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" In the course of the sonnet the speaker delves on this comparison although at the end there is a conclusion that the beloved is better than the summer's day. The sonnet is dominated by β†’

19th art history, urban

The constructed buildings paid respect to history in terms of designs and solutions to the longstanding tribulations posed by the patterns of climate and lighting. The bumbling constructions represent a rejection of the past and the future.

David cole interviews dr franciscek piper

If you cannot do that, then I will not believe that ever happened to you. I have read a lot on the subject, though, and based on other people's accounts I believe that there was a gas chamber.

Nosocomial infections

One of the challenges is the continued occurrence of the nosocomial infections also known as health care- associated infections. There are common types of these infections that occur in the care environment.

Crjs410 u5db

Unitas community needs to employ these strategies in order to assure the Muslim community of their security and to promote tolerance. Retrieved from The Huffington Post.U.S.

Why should we study business report writing

Writing is important to the business. Thus it is clear that report writing in business is important from both the business standpoint and personal point of view.Q12.

Media and culture in the arab society

In addition, the paper is going to discuss the mutual influence of culture and media as it manifests itself in the Arab society. In conclusion, Arab cultures have been able to tame the influence of media on its people unlike in America.

Informative coffee break

Therefore refraining from derogatory labeling the manager and analytically handling the situation will make it easier for George to avoid being upset with the manager. It will help me be able to view the workplace from his perspective and once I know what drives his way of thinking.

Modular notion of the brain

The notion of the mind on a particular event or object depending on the state of consciousness of the mind.what we perceive in a particular environment at a conscious state is different than in the same environment at the unconscious state. During hypnosis, a mind is at the subconscious state and unaware of external stimuli.

The right to assisted suicide

Insert His/her Insert Insert Insert The Right to Assist Suicide Introduction: Every individual of this world is born to live a life according to his own wishes. He is free to live the life the way he wants to as he is the only owner of his life.

Transformation of hospitality and tourism

The origin of tourism and hospitality were historically reserved for the upper class and the royalty. The changes in the economic and political spheres influence the attitude of tourists to travel to a given place.

American national government

Since cases began to be brought before the court in the 1970s concerning campaign financing, the Court has consistently refused any limitation on the right of candidates to spend money, but just as consistently allowed the strict limitation of direct political contributions. Meyers will direct his thousands of readers to crash the site and skew β†’

Sports lead and story-use of abuse and slur lead to the firing of coach

The type of feature-focused in the article is the Human interest story. The emotion created in the story is of remorse, derived from the way the coach relates with his team.

Canadian national health plan

According to August Comte, the French philosopher whose ideas form the basis of the approach, true knowledge can be obtained by experiment and observation and is based on experiences of the senses. Positivist thinkers use this research approach as a way of generating knowledge, so it has to be understood within the framework of the β†’

Art history

Art History: Sistine Chapel, Ghent Altarpiece and Madonna Enthroned The Sistine Chapel The Sistine Chapel is arguably the most famous building in the Vatican. On the ceiling, is one the greatest paintings in the history of art: Michelangelos portrayal of the Garden of Eden and the book of Genesis.