Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Brand identity/advertising

I start my mood board with the company logo because it the company name meant a fruit but consumers associate it with the most desired phone in the market which is iPhone as well as its other products that includes iPad, iPod and Mac computers. I seconded it with a product concept of a computer's β†’

Event planning in sports management

Specific questions that define the objective of the event will aid in finding out the priorities and goals of the meeting. As the meeting ponders the answers to these questions, the potential of the event will be determined.

Doctrines of god and angels

In is integral to know that demons really exist, the New Testament Scripture throws light upon the demons over one-hundred times except in the book of Hebrews. Demons work in conjunction with Satan to oppose the purposes of God in this world.

Reading response of the two readings

February 5, For the Love of Luxury Goods: Money and War in Colonial Trade In " Brewing Up a Storm," Kenneth Pomeranz and Steven Topik assert that the British became fonder of tea in the eighteenth century because of the availability of cheep sweetener, sugar, and changes in social and economic structures and practices. 3 β†’

Security in an organization

The analysis of security is done to recognize the exposure of security in a systematic way. Conclusion: Security is very essential for the proper functioning of an organization.

The invention of morel

The fugitive is presented as both the main character and the narrator of the events in the text. From the introduction of the topic of the novel, the reader does not expect such an invention in the plot of the novel.

Language and educational system of brazil

The Education System in Brazil. Retrieved June 19, 2009, from ITA Web site: UIS Statistics in Brief.

President bush faces his own storm

He not only predicted " one of the largest reconstruction efforts the world has ever seen" in the wake of Katrina. We need to face these disasters and its aftermaths and have our share in rebuilding the lives of our unfortunate countrymen.

Artistic technique of mark twain in american literature

Artistic Technique of Mark Twain in American Literature Born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Mark Twain employed the technique of humour in most of his literary works. In most of Twain's books such as The Innocent broad, Following the Equator, The adventures of Tom Sawyer, A Tramp Abroad, Roughing It, and The Adventures of Huckleberry, some of β†’

Alexander hamiltons vision for the us was superior to that of thomas jeffersons

The paper " Alexander Hamilton's Vision for the US was Superior to that of Thomas Jefferson's" is a wonderful example of a history essay. Notwithstanding the diatribes of Jefferson against Hamilton's economic policies; the fact remains that the latter's initiatives saved the US, which was on the brink of economic disaster, and ensured a strong, β†’

Palestinian vs. israeli debate

Israeli Debate What is indeed admirable is the ability of the Israeli side to always resort to the right type of classification, to use just the right verbal tags and to unleash the right type of propaganda while explaining the Palestinian side of the conflict. The very act on the part of the state of β†’

Figurative speech

Figurative Speech You fit into me like a thread fits into a needle eye.2. Soldiers kill enemies in a joyful mood, With guns blazing like trumpets.9.


In the current Paralympics games, the disabled people are exhibiting a number of potential skills and capabilities. This is an indication that ableism is just a traditional notion that despises the competencies and capabilities of disable-bodied people.

Hinduism & jainism

It is the yoga of self control and meditation. Describe the Goals Its goal is to become aware of the eternal self and break the bondage to the material world.

Drugs and crime

Drugs and Crime: The Relationship between Drugs and Crime in the United s There appears to be a significant link between drugs and crime in theUnited States. The research question proposed is: What is the relationship between drugs and crime in the United States The purpose of the research question is to determine how drugs β†’

Champagne letter

It will allow me to study without a preoccupation of where I will obtain my tuition fees and ancillary materials, since I have a $0 Expected Family Contribution. This scholarship will allow me to prepare myself and obtain a job in my area of specialization.

Case study (business research methods)

Defining the research objectives is the first step of Joe's research. Sampling can be done in the process of the research, when a certain number of customers is questioned or interviewed.

Measuring economic health memo

GDP is about the borders of the nation, GNP about the national ownership. Thus, it is hard to use the GDP to predict the business cycle, and economists are looking for a better indicator of economic health.

Final personal journal

The course has given me a chance to think in line with coming up with a small business in the hospitality industry and try to implement all that I acquired during the period that I took to complete my hospitality studies. My attitudes and opinions towards life in general have had a positive enhancement this β†’

Parent interview with the mother of three school aged children

Parental involvement is key, and there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer, either in the classroom or with the school council, and the kids are involved in so many things that they present throughout the year for the parents. Children can act differently in different situations, so seeing them and how they react around the β†’

The idea of a network for communication

The social and economic condition of the mass American society had undergone a tremendous change in the latter half in the nineteenth century because the earlier inventions had helped the rise in industrial activity and geographical migration of the masses. That is the main reason, for the motion picture industry and marketing to complement each β†’

Strategically addressing a hostile audience: advocation of the drug cocaine

Number Strategically addressing a hostile audience The speech is about the advocation of the drug cocaine, its signs and its effect on the individual as well as on the society. The audience would be compelled to think about the seriousness of the issue as they already know it is quite harmful but if a cure β†’

The role of media during wartime

In times of war, the media criticism of government action does comfort the enemies of the nation. However, there need to be certain curbs which must be in place so as to avoid criticism for the sake of destabilizing the nation on the part of the media.

Experiential family therapy

Suppression and denial of emotions lead to withdrawal and even the development of antisocial behaviors that may spill to affect the nature of the relationship with a family. The approach can be effective in treating a family with a depressed and withdrawn adolescent daughter who is experiencing first menstrual circle but fears to tell parents β†’

Conitive dissonance

It was a reflection of the state of my mind that I took a long time in deciding what to wear to the Prom. I also acknowledged my responsibilities as a member of the Court and promised to give it all.


International relation is a study necessary to enable proper implementation of international trade policies, and define the requirements and limitations to cross border trade. Finally, international relations play a greater role in promoting culture, than the usual facilitations of goods and services exchange between countries.

The buffalo soldiers: triumph of the human spirit

The dark skin and bristly hair of the black troops reminded the Indians of the free-roaming bison and gave the soldiers their name. The Buffalo soldiers were up against fierce fighting in the West in a harsh and hostile environment.

Case brief

The mother was suing the school administration including the counselor for negligence, emotional distress and wrongful death.3. Telling the parents every detail is important for a school counselor.

Cj403 wk2

This is one scenario that is common in most people who commit white collar crimes, they are in good high paying jobs and most of the time they are least likely to be suspected on any involvement in crimes. This is despite the fact that most white collar crime is actually planned and involve a β†’

Unit 6 big ideas in science seminar

In the air, carbon is found as carbon dioxide, which is available for plants during the process of photosynthesis. This nitrogen gas is converted to ammonia gas through the process of nitrogen fixation, and the ammonia is converted to nitrites then oxidized to nitrates through the process of nitrification.

Assignment 4-2

Decision Making and Problem Solving The process of decision making for solving a problem involves initially identifying exactly what the problem is; identifying and evaluating the alternative solution paths, and seclecting a particular solution path that seems to have the maximum chance of success. It seemed that the behaviour that caused most concern to the β†’

Data collection

It puts light on the productive side as well as the detrimental side of this data collection; how the data provided by ChoicePoint can facilitate the running of many government and private organizations, how can it combat frauds and how can it help to cease criminal actions but in addition to that how can the β†’

Asphalt superpave

5658 For specimen d A = Mass of dry specimen in air = 4976 B = Mass of SSD specimen in air, g = 4984 C = Weight of specimen in water, g = 3050 Gmb = 4976/ 4976/1934 = 2. Calculate the Percent Compaction and Percent Air Voids for each sample Percent Compaction = β†’

Price quotes and pricing decisions applied problems

Though the price is lower that the value of the product, it will draw in new customers to try the products The products that the " Honest Company" deals in are in a growing market as the population is more demanding and knowledgeable requiring more quality cleaning items, more nutritious food stuffs etc.hence penetration pricing β†’

Film and television worksheet

What is the primary emphasis of the film or show? What is the source of conflict in the narrative of the film or show?

Appeal the requirement to do course 123

I was surprised to learn that I needed to do a course that is similar to another one that I had completed and passed at my previous university, and believe that my results in the previous course should rather be transferred. Consequently, I strongly feel that the university should allow the transfer of Course 123 β†’

Judy baca

A Probe in the Mastery of Arts of Judy Baca Judy Baca, a renowned visual artist and one who believed she is a " political landscape artist" had completed several masteries of arts done mostly in murals as the medium of her work. The mural is a combined effort of the community and several artists β†’

Finding a suitable topic

Yet the one thing the textbook and Jack London speak about is the perseverance involved in writing a good work. F is for Fit and one has to ask whether every word and every sentence is part of the theme, or is it just filler?

The tragedy of hamlet, prince of denmark

Since hamlet is contemplative and thoughtful by nature, he doubts that the ghost he had spoken with is really his father or he even doubts that the ghost is real. What will happen to him in the afterlife Hamlet decides that the afterlife is uncertain, that is why, people doubts of committing suicide.

African slaves trade

The African rulers and businessmen to a large extent were responsible for the exile and misery of Africans. Middle passage was a part of the slave trade across the Atlantic in which hundreds of thousands of Africans were taken from Africa to the New World.

The urgent need to act against climate change

Dowdeswell is correct that world leaders could not craft anti-climate change measures because they guard national interests and they recognize the value of the fossil fuel industry to the economies of their countries. I also see that it is natural for leaders to allow the fossil fuel industry to pollute their countries and worsen climate β†’

Interview with someone who works with the victims of demestic violence

An interview with Jennifer Hall, Domestic Abuse Counsellor and Life Coach Q Being a person professionally counseling women who are victims of domestic violence, that too for the last 10 years, what do you think is the basic cause of domestic violence? A. It is basically the patriarchal structure of our society that gives birth β†’

Discussion questions: module 2 – organizational behavior

For this purpose our organization has approved of incentives for the employees so that they can work harder to achieve their goals. These appraisals involve the encouragement of employees to actively take part in the discussions and decisions of the company.

Sar and uti and serodiagnosis

Community-acquired UTIs account for 70% of overall infections and is linked to Escherichia coli from the bowels of the patients. The collection of acute and convalescent serum specimens for serologic diagnosis of infection differs in amount and period with respect to the infection under scrutiny.

The violet poem – victorian poetry

The emergence of ' violet' poems, during the reign of Queen Victoria, somehow functions as a collective endeavor to neutralize the various shapes and subjects of poetry, equally drawn from either positive or negative influence of the British society." Violet Poems" by Christina Rossetti, an Anglican poet of the Victorian era, manifest the impact of β†’

Children’s development in education

Early experiences can also enhance or diminish the innate potential of the child and so this would provide educators with a platform upon which to further the child's development and learning in the classroom. In my class, first, I would ask the children to give an analysis of the character of a particular book they β†’

Real estate law week 9 individual work

A lessor is the person who conveys the property, while a lessee is the person to whom the property is conveyed to. The following are the needed elements of a lease, description of the property, duration of the lease, terms of the renewal, rent and security payments, use and occupancy agreements, the lessor's right of β†’

Study skills checklist

Ensuring that concepts taught in class are reviewed as soon as possible from the time of teaching helps in comprehending the ideas and ensuring a regular review of the concepts is necessary. Since ideas have not been comprehended and easily recalled, there is a challenge in writing papers and tasks, with the flow of ideas β†’

Understanding organisation theory and practice

The environment that these firms operate having factors that comprises of the immediate environment of the firm and affect the performance of the firm. The theory becomes relevant in addressing the concerns of the companies and comparing their operations of Holden and Ford.

Baby boomer’s clinic

The medical benefits of the wellness program to the infant itself should be highlighted. A generic wellness program can be formulated and continuously improved so that it will be applicable to a wider cross section of the infant population.

Texas court system

The Supreme Court of Texas is the final appellate jurisdiction in civil and small cases that issues writs. The Court of Appeals in Texas have intermediate jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases in each geographic Courts of Appeal District in the state.

Case study: ready or not

As such, in order to minimize the effects of the pandemic, Wal-Mart would have to implement short term and long term plans. Even if the pandemic does not occur, these plans will be good for business as companies would have had strategies in place to deal with similar situations that may arise.

Dimensions of service quality of starbucks

With green buildings, comfortable stylish stores designed to reflect the neighborhood, responsiveness to customer preferences and a highly motivated team of employees the company is performing well generally. Chairs at the store are particularly comfortable and there is clear of message of environmental sustainability.

Film industry: post 1940

By the looks of it, cinema is headed in an open direction, one that can be questioned by some, yet accepted by many, as the new generation of filmmakers tests the boundaries and limits of Hollywood and potential audiences. Though, given the different tastes of the audience, who is to decide which direction media should β†’

Answer the question about a book

According to Lincoln, the struggle to preserve the union between the southern defiance and the northern triumphalism had to become a war as it was the only way for securing the freedom of former slaves. The key objective of Emancipation Cause was to restore Union control and peace during the Civil War.

Metaphorism in the thought fox by ted hughes

VOICE: The voice of the speaker is you, the poet, trying to turn thoughts into words and get them down on paper to make a poem. ENJAMBMENT: This is used to help the flow of words and ideas, as in "...hiding/On the edge".and ".swiftly slipping/Out of reach".and ".they hide and run/Away..".

Niccolo paganini

In 1805, he made a tour around the Europe and fascinated the world with his talent as a virtuoso violinist, particularly with his feat of performing unaccompanied on the fourth string. He became a legend for his unmatched mastery over the violin and conquered the hearts of people with his debut in Milan in 1813, β†’

Based on playing the sims 2: an exploration of gender differences in players motivation and pattern of play,

Online questionnaire Assignment The article by Joroen Jansz, Corinne Avis and Mirjam Vosmeer d Playing TheSims2: an exploration of gender differences in players' motivations and patterns of play highlights some of the advantages of administering an online questionnaire. In the article, the researchers were able to reach the participants through the website which the β†’

Communicating effectively with the chinese

Finally, someone came to the door and introduced herself to me in Chinese I nodded and I bowed slightly. She explained to me that when she introduces me to the mourners it is respectful to stand up, smile, and look at them with ease, and after the introduction; I could shake hands.

Economic race and gender

According to the writers, human capital is the most essential resource for the running of all organizations, institutions and offices thus the labor market. The title of the seventh chapter is captioned ' The Role of Labor Market Discrimination'.

The reactions of jesus and martin luther

Also, the concept of images being considered a form of idolatry in Protestantism would probably also have appealed to Martin Luther. 2 Finally, Martin Luther probably would not have liked the emphasis on spiritual formation because there would be, to him, a lack of forcefulness in or focus on Catholic preaching.

Managing & leading change: organizational change in the public sector

The objective of the assignment is to clearly define the theories and concepts that can act as a remedy to the problem of the organizational change. Scott provides insight view of the nature of organizational change, cause of change and the role of the leader in the change but the theory limits the down play β†’

Community organizing

First, an organizer integrates with the community and experiences the everyday life of the community members. This involves coming up with the means to carry out a project and the actual process of implementing the project.

Lin200 final

Localization is about the examination and study of various parts of the brain that carries out specialized functions in the learning and mastery of language. Linguistic Relativity: This is the view that the nature and structure of a given language defines the worldview of its speakers.

Media advertisements

Not only is the media establishing unrealistic standards of body and body images and portraying them as the norm but it is presenting women as little other than sexual objects. This sends a very negative message: not only are women objects but they are sexual objects which exist for the pleasure of the males.

Labor force effect on international business

With this, the labor market affects businesses in terms of the wages that employers have to pay. With the advent of globalization, labor becomes a central issue in light of prevailing wage and skill levels.

Sociology week 3nd wrk

Diversity training emphasizes on the need for a diverse workforce and the importance of establishing a diverse workplace culture. To establish diversity training that fosters mutual respect, the training should focus on teaching individuals respect and empathy for one another so as to create the sense of appreciation and togetherness.

Public administration

Public Administration Public Administration is a branch of political science which deals with those agencies that perform functions related to the government. Public Administration is the implementation of public law.

E-service web portal accounting software

Eservice Web Portal Accounting Software Selection of accounting software that meets the requirements of a government contracting company needs a careful process to ensure all the customization tools are flexible and can be integrated to the general functioning of the company particularly in the vertical market, which exhibits unpredictable trends. In conclusion, the eService β†’

Short stories by norton

In " The Yellow Wallpaper," there are lines that show how the narrator inconsistently describes her perception of the wallpaper in the room. In " A Jury of Her Peers," the men take in the detail of the messy housekeeping abilities of Mrs.

The importance of being earnest by oscar wilde

The play is very interesting to read as there are witty and paradoxical remarks passed by characters of the play such as Algernon, Lady Bracknell, and Jack. While reading the play, the absurdity of the situations is felt such as Gwendolen's promptness in accepting Jack's proposal, Cecily's falling in love with Algernon before his actual β†’


The Census, the Map, and the Museum offers the reader a reflection of what the colonizers thought to be of import in the new realms they acquired. With regards to the piece that centers around defining nationalism, the piece found that nationalism is a host of things; however, the most important definition concerning nationalism inferred β†’

The holy bible

In this context, the Jesus Christ that Christians recognize is not the same Jesus that the Mormons know of. In Mormonism, they have expressed the limitations of the Bible through the 8th article of faith from the Mormon Church states, " We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it β†’

A letter to the editor of wall street journal

Module A Letter to the Editor of Wall Street Journal I am writing this letter to respond to an article that was published by Janet Hook and Nick Timaros on the varying views between men and women on economic opportunity, the economy and how they influence the mid-term elections. Republicans have tried to come with β†’

Communication and conflict

Reno's approach to conflict shows that he regards conflict as inevitable, and a good way of ' bringing problems to the table'. Reno is interactive and flexible in his approach to conflict.

Social class in the us

Sawhill adds that as the gap widens among the income levels or groups, it has become harder for people to move up, as the topmost of the ladder becomes more and more solid and strong, accumulating more and more wealth. The US may be a land of opportunity to some, but definitely not for everyone.

Passage analysis

An understanding of the modes of production within a society is sought to be effected through such critiques. One may then conclude that this is a deliberate act of symbolism on the part of the author who may have sought to portray Bohe as a member of the working classes or the proletariat.

The isis and muslim nations

It is true that the chances of defeating ISIS could be achievable when other Muslim Nations see the threat it poses to their security and that of the world. Even if some Muslim countries are seen to offer relations and help to the group or even do not see the danger in the group, it β†’

Basic concepts of quantitative reasoning

The study was quantitative research made up of the use of a number of numeric indexes in the data collection and analysis processes. The organization of the study made it highly easier to follow and understand.

School lesson planning peculiarities

9: 10 - I will read the story, making the children tell me what is in the pictures 9: 25 - I will say 2 things in the classroom that start with the letter " B". 9: 40 - I will ask children to point to things in the room that start with the letter β†’

Type a brief (1 page) abstract of the article (summary), over view based on as much of the article as possible

Some researchers believe that only oral exercises can help, others believe that non-oral motor exercises can also be useful in assisting children to learn to speak. In order to know what is effective we need to be able to understand methodology and reproduce results.

Inmate health care

It is worth mentioning that the data relating to the contributory factors and the problems, which generate severe problems in the smooth functioning of the Inmate Health Care approach, has been collected. The data, which has been gathered from the use of secondary sources, presented the contributory factors including the impact of economic recession and β†’

Severe acute respiratory syndrome

On 19th February 2003, an avian influenza A was isolated from a child in Hong Kong by researchers, which was found to be similar to the influenza virus-derived to be of avian origin, but since the bird 'flu' is of poultry origin hence the new name was provided to the virus as SARS. On 16th β†’


Similarly, in terms of political aspects, there are divisions found in societies because of a difference of opinion and support over a matter of support of political party and even on formats of governance. Social aspects such as the difference of interactions and sharing of opinions also cause cornering of families and selected people among β†’

Stock price movement of mcgraw-hill publishing inc

Profit/Loss after Investment On October 14, 2008, opening stock price of McGraw-Hill Publishing = $28. Again, on October 15, 2009, opening stock price of McGraw-Hill Publishing = $29.

Accounting calculations

00 783, 000.00 3. 00 234, 000.

Is education a privilege or a right

Education as a mandate is a privilege by default, once something is mandated or " enforced" then it is defined purely by the rules of the agency or government mandating it. This failure to fund the education system and the use of education as a prop in raising taxes could more than likely have additional β†’

The illiad and gilgamesh

The main similarity of friendship between Achilles and Patroclus vs Gilgamesh and Enkidu is that both partners are opposites. In contrast to Gilgamesh, Achilles is rude and ruthless; he acts on the basis of a personal code but does not take into account how his actions affect other people.

Doing gender

Sometimes these norms are extremely strictly defined, and hence men and women stick to their gender roles and cannot be free in switching from " traditionally female" occupations to the " traditionally male" ones and vice versa.E.g.little boys are still often told that they are not supposed to cry when something hurts them, either physically β†’

The worsening effects of stigma and discrimination on hiv/aid statistics in the us

Comparatively, I am now aware of the dynamics of the disease, and more than anything, has taken it upon myself to spread the knowledge acquired on the precautionary measures as well as advocacy for testing and a change of attitude on the disease and people living with it. The Washington Post/Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS: β†’

Issue analysis

The strengths of this argument are that women forced to leave the workforce are not really making a free choice but a forced choice due to the gender roles imposed by social expectations of women, inflexible working environments that expect the female worker as a " superwoman" capable of juggling family and career in a β†’

The crucible

The Crucible Arthur Miller's the Crucible is today recognized as one of the seminal American plays of the 20th century. Proctor's change, his central conflict, and what Arthur Miller intends the change to communicate to the reader are important considerations throughout the text.

The reasons for owning a franchise

One of the major reasons for owning a franchise is due to the fact that the business model is already proven to work and therefore has a higher probability to succeed even in an uncertain market just like the recent financial crisis. The supply chain is also tested in a franchise business model that can β†’

Environmental science lab

It is therefore important to make an evaluation of the processes and materials used to get the coffee on the table with an aim of determining with certainty the amount of environmental impact of these coffee shops. The coffee is obtained from all parts of the world.

Difference among brick and mortar businesses

Difference among Brick and Mortar Businesses Marketing Question 1: Difference among Brick and Mortar Businesses, Web Stores and Catalog Businesses The term brick and mortar business refers to an organization that possesses a store or building to carry out their operations. The name is a metonym taken from the traditional housing materials linked to β†’

Athletics and endorsments

Corporations believe that elite athletes have specific influence on the purchasing behavior of customers due to popular appeal, and name and face recognition, a substantial reason why they continue to employ cream of the crop sportspersons in endorsements. Furthermore, athlete's credentials in line with body image, beauty and health and fitness could speak for the β†’