Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Review of recent events/article

Article Review: Racial Discrimination Racial discrimination is the ion of an individual to any kind of victimization or discrimination due to the race they belong to or the one they are perceived to belong to. However, a male co-worker in the newsroom on knowing that Rebecca wants to meet the black actor, uses it to β†’

Cryogenic system, gas separation and liquifaction

The increased use of the inert gases necessitates the use of the cryogenic process. Cryogenic systems are closed cycle systems comprised of the compressor, liquid containers, expander, and heat exchanger.

Joseph conrad’s the secret agent (1907) [answer 4 questions on certain chapters]

When Verloc and Inspector heat had first met on Verloc's shop, Heat had advised him to stay away from the police and not to retaliate against the police as Verloc had a positive image within the society. On the other hand, Inspector heat advised Verloc to stay away from the police as they were after β†’

Diaoyu islands problems

Primarily, this is evident from the Japanese regime deploying patrol boats in the waters close to the islands and interfering with fishing activities in the area. Judging from my opinion, the inception of DiaoYu Islands has led to the weakening of Japan-China trade ties.

Reflection paper on scenario 2-millie and maxmax

On scenario of Max I consider he is being considerate, putting the situation that he is ready to take full responsibility of Millie and the child. The couple can make arrangement and employ a nanny who can take care of the baby while Millie is in school.

Facts about homelessness

One of the critical challenges is trying to merge the author's point of view with a personal understanding of the text. To overcome the above challenges, it is important that one reads and understands the text before paraphrasing and citing the text.

Cathedral by raymond carver

The story focuses on the narrator's blinded ignorance and the blind man's openness to truth and to life. The blind man's lack of vision is instrumental for the narrator to step out from the borders of ignorance and begin to realize that " My eyes were still closed.

Just who is the starbucks customer

The same phenomenon applies to the customers and the products they buy. They cheapened the prices of the coffee and worked to improve the quality of their items so that they could again reach the hearts of their customers.

Getting to know the handbook

Page 481 of our handbook says that semicolons should not be used between dependent and independent clauses, so the sentence is correct.9. Page 480 of our handbook says that semicolons are used between two independent clauses, so the sentence is correct, and a semicolon should not be used before the word, however.10.

Greek philosophical thinking

One of the basic distinctions of Socrates from sophists consists of the fact that as a criterion at an estimation of people's acts for Socrates serves the question, by what motives is defined the decision made by an individual answering the question of what is useful and that is harmful. Under the theory of sophists β†’

The advancement of technology in the case of health care

This would result in more impulsive action and the outcome of such behavior would certainly be very disastrous. Thus when technology is shut, the physician loses the essence and could be equated to a licensed murderer.

Business memo

What to look for during the searches and why The search should look for factors that can make a candidate the best suited for the job or factors that can make him or her unsuitable. Secondly, candidates will not be required to give out their passwords and the information obtained from the searches will not β†’

Sensation and preception

The processes of sensation and perception are necessary in order to assure our survival. This phenomenon, referred to as subjective contours, is explained as the brain's tendency to detect a slight difference in the sensory stimuli, in this case the slight color variation, and to over-extend that variation, therefore registering a pattern that does not β†’

Sam 386 unit 6

This makes the prosecution of defamation of a public figures much harder to proof for the plaintiff in a court of law. For a public figure it is important to recognize these differences in the treatment of defamation cases.

Lab 1

In the first condition, subjects were to use the "" keys, as well as the " m" and "/" keys to expand the dynamic circle until it had twice the diameter of the static circle. In the second treatment, the same process occurred except that the subjects had to make the right circle cover twice β†’

Aging,adult development,and work motivation

Aging, Adult Development, and Work Motivation Loss: This is mostly attributed to the decline in fluid intellectual abilities with age and the increased cognitive " cost" " of exerting the same quantity of cognitive resources. On the other hand, as a consulting associate grows older there is less motivation in encountering novel challenges and moving β†’

Sexual exploitation by child molesters

Sexual Exploitation by Child Molesters Affiliation with more information about affiliation, research grants, conflict of interest and how to contact Sexual Exploitation by Child Molesters Intervention Efforts Directed at Parents of Child Sex Victims: Sexual abuse of children mostly occurs because parents are not able to identify potential perpetrators and, therefore, there exists a need β†’

The difference and the disadvantage of the windows platform and linux

Windows 2000, OSX and Linux are all related to the popular UNIX operating system: the former and the OSX trace their roots on the OS while the latter is one of its clones. The difference and to the disadvantage of the Windows platform is in regard to the security issues.

Education high school

As a result what happens is that gifted students are all placed in an accelerated program and the other students do not have the opportunity of learning from their peers. In the class that I am looking at, there are all types of students.

Self-improvement project

STAGES OF CHANGE I have been aware of my need to change something in the way I eat and consume food and drinks, because of the many inputs I have been getting from family, friends and my own readings regarding the ill effects of some of the processed food I am taking in. The chart β†’

Hurricane katrina in louusianas economy was there a peak/ boom , contaction, depresion/recession. before and after the hurric

Even though, the market is gradually stabilizing and the number of private insurance companies has increased, the competition is stopping them from offering better policies and prices. However, the quality of insurance companies in Louisiana has decreased and has not picked up much since the hurricane.

Legal studies

When the appellee trespassed on the uninhabited house to steal old bottles and fruit jars, which cost less than $20, gives the implication that the owner of the said house has the right to impose self defense for their property against him and his companion. One of the requisites of self-defense is the " reasonable β†’

Housing developments

The new standard of living has also opened up new advancements in the living and safety of all people. This makes it so criminals can not come up to the sky city, and have no way of leaving their impermeable cell walls.

Principels of management ; discssion board 4

Leadership styles Participative Leadership under this style aims at involving every group in the organization in the decision making process to ensure effectiveness in understanding of issues especially to those who are supposed to carry out the decisions. Having employees as participants in the decision-making process does not improve production quality if the leader is β†’

Oedipus the king

Oedipus the King Aristotle insisted the key ingredients of tragedy include a character with a fatal flaw, the character's realization of their flaw and their final reversal of fortune. This is evidenced by his tendency to pronounce his greatness to the people, as if finding it necessary to remind them of his importance and β†’

Holocaust and the vision of international security

The concept which is provided will allow situations such as the Holocaust to never get to the point of violence and in humanitarian acts while providing new approaches to overcoming political opposition between the people and government. With the use of social entrepreneurs, there is the ability to begin transforming the problems that are currently β†’

Locating resources

Locating Resources on Responsible Alcohol Use At present, most of the publications regarding the use of alcohol and the effects of excessiveuse of it are mostly written by people from the medical community. The website of ICAP shows that manufacturers reconcile their views with the responsible use of alcohol, guides in creating feasible interventions in β†’

The pool section of the river

The amount of in-stream cover type present, in the river, poses a threat to the survival of most of the organisms present in the river. The third metric was the Channel morphology that measures the quality of the stream channel that is responsible for the stability and creation of the in-stream habitat.

Application of accounting concepts

The accrual concept ensures that the profit or loss shown is on the basis of full facts relating to all expenses and income. CONSISTENCY The basic aim of the doctrine of consistency is to preserve the comparability and reliability of financial statements.

Sand creek massacre

The Sand Creek Massacre: A Ruthless Slaughter of the Cheyenne and Arapaho People On November 29, 1864, possessed by the belief that Native Americans were horrid, distrustful creatures, an attack was led at dawn on Cheyenne and Arapaho lodges encamped at Sand Creek in Colorado Territory, approximately forty miles from the army post of Fort β†’

Barriers to care

First, there is too much pressure in the military service and this subjects workers to stress and depression. Nations must invest in machinery and human insurance services to make sure people are safe from mental illness.

Assignment example

For example, if the school personnel surprise their friend who has an unstable heart condition and the person gets a heart attack, then the school personnel commits an intentional tort.b) Unintentional Torts: In instances where a person damages another person's property, this is usually noted as a civil wrong in the eyes of the law. β†’

The american west

The paper " The American West" is a wonderful example of a history assignment. Only a small part of the U.S.was frontier.

Religion and theology: lord krishna

Religion and Theology: Lord Krishna " To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium" Lord Krishna, in The Bhagwad Gita: Chapter 2, verse 47 Lord Krishna, is one of the most revered deities in Hinduism, and is regarded as β†’

Designing an havc system in a skyscraper’s project

The selection of equipment for heating, cooling and ventilating the school building is a complex design decision that must balance a great many factors, including heating and cooling needs, energy efficiency, humidity control, potential for natural ventilation, adherence to codes and standards, outdoor air quantity and quality, indoor air quality, and cost. Outdoor Air Quantity β†’

What is terrorism

The basic strategy of terrorism is to commit to those acts which come under the domains of violence and thus grab the attention and feedback of the population which is affected by the same. These are some of the basic reasons why terrorism is seen as something that is hard to define and describe because β†’

What advantages did the north and south have as the civil war began

Adding to this, the South prepared for the war much earlier than the north which gave and this gave them an advantage when it comes to preparedness for the fight.2. Because of this, the naval war between the Monitor and Virginia was dubbed as the " battle of the ironclads".

Gideon v. wainwright

Issue Whether the due process clause of the 14th Amendment imposes the obligation to appoint counsel defendants who are poor on the states? Analysis The 14th Amendment imposes the obligation upon the States to appoint counsel for poor defendants.

Of purpose for ma in criminal justice to loyola university of chicago,il

With this in thought and passion, I had managed to derive relevant law studies in approximately four years, being taught the core values of integrity and courage toward countrymen by the institution which, I could attest, had as well enhanced my competence in handling arguments besides properly dealing with other courses I barely coped with. β†’

Jews in hollywood

In the story of Russian migrants, Robinson also discusses the impact of such Soviet artists as Sergei Eisenstein and Sergei Prokofiev and their visits to Hollywood. He moved to America the next year to teach at Eastman School of Music and was involved in directing opera and theatre.


This interview will assess the ethics in Human Resource Administration by interviewing a Human Resource Manager on the ethical issues they deal with in their job, how they resolve these issues and their perception on fair handling of the cases. I asked Malcolm how he would handle contradictory values that exist in the employee handbook β†’

Osha standards

Running Head: HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD Hazard Communication Standard Module: Lecturer: According to Hazard Communication Standard an employee should be notified exhaustively on the various hazardous chemicals that can harm them during work. In case an employee is highly exposed to hazardous chemicals like lead, the employer should perform a medical check to ascertain the extent β†’

The sociology of management concept 2

According to the illustration, organization development is essential since it results to the success of a deteriorating company. In the book, Richard Daft focuses on the applicability of the concept and its implication for the boundaries of the firms.


Therefore, media can be considered as a booster of obesity in the public, and specially the youngsters. These are only some of the many ways in which media has ruined the society.

Social learning theory

11 March Social Learning Theory: Social Learning Theory is one of the numerous theories of learning and emphasizes upon the occurrence of learning in a social environment. Social Learning Theory and the Explanation of Crime.

Compare movie doubt with the novel doubt

Some of the general difference we find in ' A Parable' and ' Doubt' the movie is that the script of the play is more direct and more compact as when compared to the script of the movie Doubt. The scene involving the cat and the mouse was not part of the play but was β†’

High-stakes testing in schools

Such testing can provide useful information about the status of the student i.e.the strength and the weakness of an individual in regard to particular areas. Cons of High Stake Testing: Although the points mentioned above are valid these tests are not the only way to measure a student's level of learning and the creditability of β†’

Election and american history

The greatest departure from tradition was Roosevelt's proposal to allow the public to recall judicial decisions, in the wake of the defense of property rights by a pugnacious judiciary. He called for a referendum on court rulings, both state and federal, handing over power to the people " to amend their fundamental law so as β†’

White collar crimes

White-collar investigators need to possess the same critical thinking and analysis that all investigators of any type of crime must-have. They must be very detailed and must be able to easily detect unscrupulous activities that may signal the act of committing white-collar crimes.

The positive and negative effects of the media on society

One of the greatest, positive perks of the media is how quickly the information and news are able to spread. Media has the ability to influence the way that people think and it has the habit of providing viewers, especially impressionable children and teenagers, with facts and images that are misleading and sometimes dangerous.

Written statements of past activities

I was able to assess my personal strengths and weaknesses which helped me select the course and degree I plan to pursue in the university. I realized that the knowledge, abilities and skills learned in high school were stepping stones in preparation for university life.

The ancient mayan economics

Scholars have often used the economic laws of demand and supply to assess the ancient Mayan trade because of the vast availability of resources used by the Maya. The household economy of the ancient Maya was related to the subsistence economy.

Be aware of motorcycle riders

Be Aware of Motorcycle Riders Be Aware of Motorcycle Riders Over the years, there has been a growth in the salesand registration of motorcycles in the United States. I think that it should be the concern of every American, motorcycle rider or not, to be more cognizant of motorcycles on the road.

The true story of the americas after columbus

In fact, the country is recorded to have been wealthy and dominated by the Islamic culture at that time; in addition, the country also had large populations of the Jewish people that were prevalent in Europe. It is believed that during the reign of Charles I, America came to be conquered and colonized by Spain, β†’


The direct costs include the costs that are related to the project. The cost associated with the promotion and advertising will be indirect costs to the project.


of the World Literature of the Concerned 20 February Don Quixote Don Quixote as a character tends to evince multiple facets to his personality. Yet, it is a fact that as Rama in Ramayana is committed to a sacrosanct way of life or Dharma, Don Quixote in his own world is indeed committed to an β†’

Observing the nature of gender

With more and more women entering into the workforce and more men electing to stay at home with their children, the traditional roles of the genders would change their appearance, while not entirely, to some degree in comparison to how they were before. With the nation's economy facilitating the change, to whatever degree, in the β†’

Practicum objective evaluation report

Under the guidance of my preceptor, I did a drill with the nursing staff on the unit by using a training simulation scenario and an evaluation tool to help assess the skill and retention of the drill material and the information intended for the OB staff to learn from the drill. The goal of the β†’

Take home exam for a germany class

He believed that business should be in existence to serve and support the needs of the state, and not the other way around. As a matter of fact, he demonized the Jews and blamed them for many of the economic ills of Germany.

How business works

Preparation and filling of the Articles of Association with the secretary of state is the other requirement of registering a corporation. Creation of the corporation bylaws is the fourth procedure required in the formation of a corporation though no specific criteria is outlined for the corporations to follow.

Immigration controls

Immigration Controls The reading presents a global perspective on the issue of illegal immigrations in America and the quest for control that addressed cross-border movements in America. Indeed, the reading defines the meaning and purpose of the quest for control in America.

Useful links for international trade

The Language and Translations link is another important category used by companies wanting to go global to solicit relevant information on language to relay the appropriate message and information required for business transactions. Finally, the link on Trade Issues present issues such as globalization, trade barriers, and trade sanctions, which are all relevant for American β†’

Las vegas sands corporation

2d) Leverage Ratios: As for the solvency is concerned, the company has experienced a declining debt to equity ratio which implies that shareholder's still placing trust on the company and they hold great expectation from the company in the future. The interest coverage ratio shows that the number of times a company's EBIT can cover β†’

Duties and responsibilities of a firefighter

As a result, the managers undervalue the team which lowers the morale of all firefighters, and they are likely to perform even worse. Another big concern about the firefighting profession is that people think of firefighters as humans equipped with super-natural powers and any inconveniences are not acceptable to the public.

International law: the usa and uae

Some of the international laws formed in the Marines to the southeast of the Mediterranean had their goals. The UAE claimed the right of possession of the islands.ii.

The benefits and educational value in studying philosophy and logic

The philosophy books one may read such as The Republic or Plato's Apology might cost some money, however, the benefits and educational value of both philosophy and logic are priceless. The benefits and educational value of both philosophy and logic are manifold.

Responses dq1 assumption abot economic entity, and dq2 : internal control

The application of the going concern assumption is very important for the functionality of an accounting system. DQ2 Accounting is a profession that depends on the integrity of its members.

Error logging sentence corrections

Mother: My Most Valuable Role Through the ages, history of different cultures, religions and races in the world, women have always represented fertility, achievement and retention of humankind on the face of the globe. Woman defends the product of her tenderness and devotion for her children and others, and the sacrifices of women in life's β†’

Pazzi conspiracy consilium

Furthermore, it has to be clear if the pope has the capacity to carry out and order the kind of punishment that he did, that is, excommunicating and the interdiction of the whole of Florence, because of the death of the Archbishop Salviati. Print Pennington, K.

Wireless telephones

Nevertheless one of the advantages of this law is that it reduces the number of motor vehicle accidents resulting from the use of wireless telephones while driving. On the converse though, separation of subsections 2 and 3 imply that there is a difference between minors and adults and from their wording it appears that adults β†’


A critical analysis of the case under study which is based on employee perception of problems, it is evident that smoking is an aspect of challenges the organization and the employees grapple with. It is therefore important from some of the feedback that human resource management asses the emotional feelings of the workers.

Grandmothers victory: an insightful analysis

The story has been written by the author Maya who has rather acted as a protagonist of the story as well. Throughout the novel, it is much easier to note that Momma has tried her level best to ignore the discriminatory sentences spoken by the white girls.

Impact of video games on student gpa and study habits

The Topics The results of video games on learning behavior How video games affect GPA Are there differences in the learning results of video games across gender? Impacts and solutions to video gaming among school going children Review Methodology The researcher will conduct a survey on the impact of video games on GPA.

Paper 2 : vote smart

Likewise, with regards to a particular aspect of Inhofe's leadership and political views that this student does not espouse, this is with regards to the level and extent to which he does not believe that enemy combatants should be provided the same rights and privileges that prisoners of war are obligated to have as a β†’

Interventions for hiv / aids prevention education

According to the results from this research, it was identified that most of the respondents were adolescents whose ages are in the range of 14 and 15 years. There was also a control group that did not take part in any of the interventions.

Pandora is an interactive online free radio station that operates on a social media platform where registered users listen to new and old songs from a collection of the famous and unknown hits. The internet community has a common interest in music and comedy categorizing the website as a specified social media that β†’

The dead by james joyce

He tried to comfort her; this is a sign of his love, how understanding he is. The emotions he begins to feel work to alter his perceptions of his marriage, his wife, and his own life.

Discussion 4

and of article: Ellis Cose, " What's White Anyway?" Main ideas of article: The main ideas of the article are Immigration trends do not challenge existing ideas of America's White Identity because whiteness is a debatable concept and 2) The White Identity is no longer relevant in modern times. This means that immigration challenges the β†’

The scientific method use

The method includes five main steps that involve asking a question, performing background research on the topic, constructing a hypothesis, test the hypothesis with an experiment, and then to analyze the results and draw conclusions on the findings. The third step in the Scientific Method is to construct a hypothesis that is in-depth and accurate β†’

Guadalupe hidalgo paper

The cult of Our Lady of Guadalupe experienced a new flowering in the late 17th century, when the image was elevated to the status of the copy of the image of Virgin Mary seen and described by John the Evangelist4. Nowadays, the Our Lady of Guadalupe veneration has taken on new qualities.

Truth and truth-telling

For instance, if truth-telling is good, or gives hope to a patient, then it is considered that a partial truth of a complete lie is ok. The author in this chapter emphasis that truth-telling is very important but many times people take the support of lying maybe for a good reason or to protect their β†’

Discussion posting

Setting of The Story of the Stone The Story of the Stone is an intriguing Chinese story ed by Cao Xueqin. The author gives the readers a glimpse into the ancestry of the family highlighting that the ancestors belong to the upper class in the society because of their outstanding favor of the emperor.

My academic goals

I have a passion to work in the field of emergency medicine as it nourishes my interest in making a difference in the lives of others. My contribution to the community so far is limited to my work as a 911 employee however I plan to contribute more in every way possible thus opting for β†’

Ancient dance references

The only evidences preserved for us to see in physical form the dances of ancient times are the drawings left by past civilizations like the ones engraved on the stones or woods found in Egypt and other pertinent places among which is India. In most history books and historical films, dance has a virtual importance β†’

The method of totalitarianism in different ways

Although the texts utilize the method of totalitarianism in different ways, the themes of these books are intertwined due to the fact that they both include controlling governments. With this notion, the reason that the texts are connected are so because the first text represents the danger of state control and the second text represents β†’

Johnny panic and the bible of dreams

What makes Sally, the narrator of the story, get lost in dreams and copy them out whenever she encounters people who come to the clinic for counseling and what does her lake dream signify? She actually tries to escape from harsh realities by creating an imaginary lake where she tries to find peace or perhaps β†’

Substance abuse treatment

Many of the counselors at GCASA revealed that they actually prefer to work with mandated clients because, even if they initially resent having to come to treatment, they eventually are more motivated to continue with treatment and get something positive from it.Dr. Likewise, the employee will feel more loyalty to the firm than the average β†’

Early-modern ethiopian migration to italy and the question of european racism

Early-Modern Ethiopian Migration to Italy and the Question of European Racism Before starting this paper, the research would like to mention the fact that many nations in Africa continent such as Somalia, Algeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Congo, Nigeria etc.have remained the focus of international community and political debates because of rising number of disputes and β†’

Socrates as one of the well-known philosophers

He pushed the youth to oppose the local government to a point that they had even lost trust in the local system and is one of the charges that he was set to face. He sought to show that the fact that he was the only person with the ability or rather the strength to β†’

Blueprints for native north america education

Western education, on the other hand, is more student-centered and focuses on class participation and interaction. Teacher-centered education gives high expectations and student-centered is more focused on the values that are imparted to its students.

Interpersonal communication and competency indicators

Spiritual The manner in which the brothers treated the abandoned children in the children's home made them able to express their values, which in this case is their love and affection to other people are going through a lot of pains in life, just as they were when they were young. Adaptability Living on the β†’

Read and respond

Need to give multiple forms of literacy an equal importance in the classroom, KEY: " This privileging elevates the importance and value of academic reading but tells teachers little about their students' everyday uses of language and literacy". Crucial for the teacher to understand the students' interests and needs in order to raise literacy achievement β†’

Parential role in children’s explosure to r-rated movies

A sense of respect and consideration for others should principally influence the parents' decisions irrespective of whether the law allows the parents to take children with them to see R-rated movies or not. The issue of whether or not to take the children to R-rated movies has less, if any, concern with the law.

Freud’s psycho sexual stages

The transition from stage to stage is not abrupt but gradual with the first stage being the Sensorimotor stage. In this stage, infants gain an understanding of the world through their senses and their object permanence is developed in which children realize that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight.

Multinational corporation

Recommendations for Applebee of Affiliation Recommendation for Applebee Guam, has the ability to reinvent itself, given the fact that it is strategically located and on a large piece of land, gives it the potential for future growth. To be able to understand the situation that needs improvement that are bound to generate revenues, one has β†’

Ukrainian cabinet endorses guam agreement

The success of the Agreement The agreement focused upon the international multimodal cargo transportation system among the member countries. These were implemented for the success of the GUAM Agreement.